These 10 arguments will help you start running or at least motivate yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle. For those who want to change themselves, but don't know how to start.

The benefits and harms of running. 10 arguments “For” and “Cons”

It's no secret that running has a huge impact on the body. However, not everyone thinks that in addition to positive changes, running can be harmful. Before you start exercising, it is better to study this topic well and decide for yourself what running will bring to the body more: benefit or harm?

To understand this issue, you need to understand that each organism is individual and requires a personal approach. What is good for one may be disastrous for another. Therefore, in any case, it is better, before you start running, to consult a doctor so that he can give recommendations, and also conduct a series of studies, according to which you can establish the level of load required for compliance.

During any running workout, you must remember that this is done solely for the benefit of running. Therefore, it is better to monitor vital signs and keep them within acceptable limits so as not to harm the body. Fortunately, for these purposes there are now many devices that control all processes and prevent harm from running.

What are the benefits of running?

To motivate yourself to play sports, you need to know what the benefits of running are; 5 arguments will help you understand this issue.

1.Improving the body

It's no secret that people who run look much better than those who neglect this sport. The thing is that when running, the blood circulation process accelerates, and this in turn affects the condition of a person’s skin. After all, when blood begins to circulate intensively in the body, the metabolic process begins to work at an accelerated pace. Cleansing from unpleasant toxins and waste allows you not only to improve immunity, but also to maintain the body in constant tone. With regular jogging, the skin smooths out, rejuvenates, and becomes toned. At the same time, hormonal levels stabilize, which leads to a decrease in body fat.

The heart is the most trained muscle, and, nevertheless, even it needs loads in order to maintain the overall tone of the body. People who run are less susceptible to strokes, heart attacks and other heart-related diseases. Frequent training can not only develop endurance in a person, but also strengthen the health of blood vessels and the body as a whole.

2.Psychological relief

The benefits of running lie not only in its positive effect on the health of the body, but also in its effect on good spirits. Psychologists advise many patients to go for daily morning or evening jogging in order to get rid of depression, recover after a hard day at work, or simply clear their thoughts of everything unnecessary.

People who run have a desire to achieve their goals and never quit halfway, leaving them unfinished. This comes from the fact that running develops willpower, the desire to always be better, grow and develop. After all, at first a person faces many obstacles, for example, laziness, reluctance to do anything, or simply a lack of mood and a suitable attitude. Overcoming oneself over and over again, a person becomes stronger in spirit, self-confidence and self-confidence appears, and one wants to reach new heights.

Running is an excellent solution to relieve fatigue and stress. During the training process, endorphins are produced, which can not only lift your mood, but also improve your emotional condition a person in general. After each run, the runner feels euphoria from the physical work performed.

3.The benefits of running for women

In addition to the general positive trends in running training, it should be noted useful features for each gender separately. The female body is more complex than the male one, and therefore it should be given more attention and care. Its main function is reproduction, which means it is necessary to do everything in order to subsequently give birth to healthy offspring. Running is best for this. If a woman decides, then the best preparatory lesson In order for the birth to be successful, it is running. The body begins to tone up, blood circulation increases, all organs receive a sufficient amount of blood, and with it the necessary nutrients.

With regular jogging, you can forget about swelling and the so-called orange peel, from which all women suffer. The benefit of running is to correct the hormonal balance in the body, due to which the skin becomes smooth and toned, and excess fat disappears.

Running has an excellent effect on blood vessels, strengthening them. For modern women who constantly walk in heels, it is very useful to do daily jogging to circulate blood through the vessels, preventing the occurrence of diseases.


Running not only helps keep your body in good shape, but also gives it a special relief. Many men are accustomed to neglecting cardio training, citing the fact that they are afraid of losing the weight they have gained. muscle mass. In fact, after long strength training and weight gain, it is necessary to properly dry the body so that all the efforts spent are visible in the form of relief outlines on the body. Men can get such a pleasant bonus if they regularly do morning or evening jogging at a medium pace. The benefits of running are also visible with interval running with acceleration; it has a great effect on the beauty of the body.

Not only do women need to take care of their bodies before getting pregnant, but men also need to improve their reproductive function. This can be done through regular running training. Blood circulation during such activities increases, which means that blood flows in sufficient quantities to all organs in the human body. With daily training, a man is able to increase the level of potency, normalize the functioning of the urinary tract, and also protect against the occurrence of various diseases associated with sexual dysfunction.


As already mentioned, running has an excellent effect on reducing body weight, as well as strengthening the skin. Such regular training can significantly transform the body, making it sculpted and toned.

When jogging, all the most important muscles are involved: the abdominal cavity, lower legs, shoulders, hips, arms. This combination is rarely seen during other physical activities. The benefit of running for muscle tone here lies in the fact that there is a constant, continuous load on the main muscles, they are in intense work. In order to tighten top part body, you need to run quickly and at a rhythmic pace, maybe for short distances. To have slender and toned legs, it is better to run at an average pace, but the mileage should be greater.

People who run have very little body fat, which is why they always look slim and fit. On average, in 1 hour of training you can burn up to 800 kcal. Such an indicator can not be found often, unless they can compete. To effectively impact the entire body at once, so that relief contours appear as quickly as possible, you can combine physical exercise and alternate them. An excellent solution for this would be interval running along with jumping rope.

Before you find out what harm you can get from running, watch the video: “10 facts about the benefits of running”

What is the harm from running?

Running not only has a positive effect on the health of the whole body as a whole, it also puts a lot of stress on the joints. Of course, there is a possibility of harm from running; 5 arguments are worth considering in more detail, since many may encounter them.

1. Impact on joints

People who are overweight often decide to go jogging. However, you should approach such loads with caution if you have more than a couple of dozen extra pounds. Man with overweight The body, starting to run, puts a very large load on the bones and joints. This can lead to premature wear and pain after intense workouts. If the desire to run is strong, then you can start by walking at a brisk pace, gradually increasing the pace. Such a smooth transition will protect the body from shock loads.

2.Heart risk

Although running is an excellent cardio workout and can strengthen the heart muscle, it can also lead to dire consequences for this organ. For the heart, damage from running appears during sudden intense exercise. An untrained heart muscle does not have time to pump blood in sufficient quantities, which leads to severe shortness of breath and hypoxia occurs. You should start running at a slow pace, gradually increasing the load.

3. Jet lag

Running can cause harm when a person does not listen to the body’s sensations and does not follow the natural biorhythm. It is important to start training when the body feels as comfortable as possible. You should not force yourself to get up in the morning if it is very difficult and brings you alone. negative emotions. This is fraught with the fact that the entire process of training thoughts will only be occupied with when it’s all over. It is necessary to observe yourself and draw a conclusion when it is better to train: .

4.Effect on the female body

In the life of every woman there comes a period when all physiological processes in the body change, it is called menopause. The body begins to sag, an unnecessary tummy appears, and the hips increase in size. When a woman sees all these changes in her body, she decides to start actively playing sports. However, at this time you should especially carefully monitor your health and not subject your body to too intense stress. After all, bones become fragile, which means that the risk of getting harmed from running due to various types of injuries increases.

5.Chronic diseases

In this case, running may be absolutely contraindicated, so before you start training, you should consult your doctor. You should also be careful about intense exercise if you have diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. If you do the exercises incorrectly or do them without special equipment, you can get enormous harm from running.

Our conclusion:

In order for running to bring only benefits, you need to carefully study all the pros and cons. If there is a possibility that harm may be caused to the body, then intensive training should be avoided. Currently, there are many other alternative options to increase vitality and improve the health of body and spirit.

Without exaggeration, we can say that millions of people nowadays experience “muscular hunger.” And if appropriate measures are not taken, modern comfort slows down and begins to shorten a person’s life. Therefore, a person chooses running as the simplest and most accessible physical exercise.

There are a huge number of running enthusiasts in the world. All of them are deeply convinced that only running can help overcome all physical and mental ailments associated with age-related changes and emotional overload.

During relatively calm running, such as running, there is no release of steroid hormones, which are also responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels. This is primarily about the importance of which for men he talks about in his program

Although, if you run segments of 100-200 meters with maximum speed, then hormones will be released, since there is already short-term mental stress here. Conclusion - the release of hormones is important for the body, especially which is directly related to life expectancy in men. Testosterone deficiency shortens life.

Running for weight loss is running with maximum effort for short periods, up to 200 meters.

You cannot start running training while your body weight significantly exceeds 70-80 kg (weight = body length -100). In this case, you need to start with walking. Failure to comply with this rule leads to microtraumas in the knee, hip joints, and spine. In order to somehow reduce the load on the legs and joints, it is important to choose the right ones.

How many times should you do running training per week?

The optimal load in running training is 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes, running intensity - heart rate = 100-140 beats/min. If the load is exceeded, it is possible to deplete the glands of the endocrine system, reduce immunity, and overtrain, which, of course, is unacceptable in health-improving training.

Here's what Professor Seluyanov writes about the use of aerobic exercise, which includes slow running.

In training normal person aerobic exercises can be used: - as a means of warming up (increasing body temperature) in a warm-up, - as a means of increasing the metabolic rate, oxidation of carbohydrates or fats in muscle fibers, - as a means of reducing body weight, since to compensate for the fats and carbohydrates can consume subcutaneous fat reserves.

It should be borne in mind that after training a person experiences strong feeling hunger, so usually there is a meal containing carbohydrates and fats. Next, the pancreas releases insulin into the blood, and this hormone stimulates the synthesis of fat and glycogen in muscle fibers and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Therefore, weight loss should not be expected.

Only those who follow a diet will be able to lose weight, namely, after training, they will eat low-calorie foods (vegetables, mineral water) within 10-24 hours. With such a diet, you can expect a decrease in muscle mass.

The health-improving effect of aerobic training is very low, but if you give up running and choose walking, cycling or swimming as a means, then well-trained athletes can afford to perform training exercises 3 times a week lasting 2-4 hours. The fact is that as fatigue develops, mental tension increases, and therefore the release of hormones into the blood.

Consequently, preparing amateurs to participate in marathon competitions can have a health-improving effect, you just need to follow following rules:

- running cannot be used as a means of preparing for a marathon distance, as this leads to significant damage to joints, ligaments and muscles. Instead of running, you should use fast walking or cycling, or skiing or roller skiing; - It is not recommended to use long-term training - more than 2 hours, more than 3 times a week.

Thus, aerobic exercise is a low-effective remedy health training and can be used as additional remedy when doing health-improving physical education.

We probably won’t surprise you by saying that movement is life. But sitting on a soft sofa coupled with a lot of fatty foods is a bad way. However, some details in healthy way life needs clarification. Or at least remind you of them again.

Best of all pills

Nothing compares to the effectiveness of jogging in the park or at the stadium. It is even more great for a woman who carries two or even three loads daily.

At the moment when the legs are actively moving, blood rushes strongly to the heart. It also begins to pump her back faster. strengthens. And this is good. The “motor” of the body should always be in excellent condition.

Are you all on edge? Stress - big and small? But there is an antidote, and a very effective one. The benefit of running for women is that it reduces all such troubles to zero. The level of serotonin increases in the body, which smoothes out depression, nervous breakdowns, state of anxiety.

Evenly repeated movements of the arms and legs generally have a calming effect on a person. And it is far from a fiction that while jogging in the air a person finds a solution to his various problems. Including those that caused his depressed mood.

No terrible diseases

Doctors have concluded that the benefit of running for women is that the risk of breast, lung, colon and endometrial cancer (the lining of the uterus) is greatly reduced. After such words, I think everyone will understand how important it is for her to take care of her body and prevent pathologies.

Here are the latest data from British scientists. Very active people the chance to have a quarter less than that of passive ones. And those who are passionate about running have a 30 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer compared to couch potatoes.

Making circles around the stadium leads to a slender figure. Everyone knows about this. After all, an incredibly fast speed is activated. Much more of them are consumed per minute than with any other physical exercise. The effect can only be compared with skiing.

If you want to get your body into the desired shape, run. This is more effective than diets, pills and potions. The weight will remain consistently the same. The benefits of running for a woman’s body are obvious. Of course, if you are happy with the result, you don’t give up training and switch to eating cakes and other sweets.

Centenarians love running

In the USA there is a school of medicine at Stanford University. In the late 80s, they began a study of those who run and those who do not. All subjects were over 50 years old. They were seen by doctors every year. Finally, many years later (the experiments ended in 2005), researchers reported that there were much fewer disabled people in the group of runners than in the group where they were lazy and did not go to parks and stadiums. And by the end of the experiment, 85 percent of the sports-minded old people were alive, and among the “lazy” there were only 66.

Regular running slows down the wear and tear of the body by 10-20 years. Impressive? Then remember how great the benefits of running are for a woman.

It's really not a sin to laugh

You know, This is a positively colored emotion. It feels like a sudden, huge feeling of delight, happiness.

Have you not realized yourself as such a free, joyful person for a long time? Buy a fashionable tracksuit and get to the stadium as soon as possible! While running, our body produces endorphins. They create good mood, gaiety. Please note: everyone who is passionate about jogging is vigorous and cheerful. And don't consider them some kind of fools. Like, everyone has so many problems in their lives today, but they don’t give a damn. No, they know their difficulties very well. They just treat them differently and solve them easier. Endorphins trigger such a powerful mechanism that any depression disappears without a trace.

Beauty + youth

You run, and at this moment a fuller flow of blood rushes to the brain, which receives more oxygen and nutrients. And you... are getting smarter. Seriously! After all, the productivity of gray matter becomes higher. This means that a person has become more capable of learning and remembering various information.

Don't forget that as you age, your brain also ages. And running slows down these processes.

Have you been suffering from insomnia for a long time? Have you tried herbal infusions and tablets - but still can’t sleep? And he will not come as a full-fledged, giving good vacation throughout the body. We need to run!

Are you having skin problems? Do you want it to be smooth, toned, without blemishes and pimples? The benefits of running for a woman also affect her appearance. After all, in this case, more oxygen is pumped into the blood, and the supply of nutrients to the skin increases significantly. And this improves her general condition.

There are also disadvantages

Some skeptical lady will say: “We know all this! What about injuries? Any other troubles? Of course, this activity is not without pitfalls. But let’s not doubt that the benefits and harms of running for women are unequal. Of course, in life in general it’s like this: where there is “good”, there is also “bad”. The main thing is what outweighs.

Here, for example, is the tempo. It shouldn't be tense. And the speed is not such that it even hurts your side. You need to choose parameters that will make this activity enjoyable. If it’s the other way around, reduce the intensity and volume. The body is strengthened by reasonable loads, not overload.

Some people begin to choke. This is out of habit. You should breathe evenly - both at the start, and in the middle, and at the finish. Start from your individual capabilities. But the recommended duration is at least twenty minutes. Then running will be beneficial for a woman.

Choose a flat path, without depressions or slides. Do not tilt your head down - it will be more difficult to breathe and your body will tilt. But don’t throw it too far back.

Don't raise your knees high. Don't shuffle your feet. For women with more weight, it is better to place their feet on the ground this way - from heel to foot.

In the morning or after work?

Each girl or woman decides this for herself - as is more convenient for her. Many people prefer early hours. Especially the early risers. Moreover, the benefits of running in the morning for women are obvious. You get a boost of energy and a good mood. And pride from the fact that you have overcome your laziness.

However, experts insist that the benefits of running for women in the evenings are much greater.

At the beginning of the day, the body is not ready to run. The transition from sleep to wakefulness causes increased stress on the heart, nervous system and blood vessels of the brain. And then there’s running... As night approaches, the body is relaxed, and all the stress goes to the muscle mass.

There is no point in putting more strain on the liver and kidneys in the morning. There will be no effect. And from 18 to 20 hours, cell regeneration and organ cleansing occur best. at sunset it is also more effective for vessels.

Admiration Stage: Running from a Heart Attack

If we talk about the benefits of jogging, then older generation easy to remember common in last decades last century, the slogan “run from a heart attack” - morning jogging was considered a means of preventing atherosclerosis and chronic pulmonary diseases and. It must be said that no one disputes this truth today.

In addition, jogging has a number of other positive aspects. First of all, it should be noted its natural nature: for our distant ancestors, this kind of training was the norm and a necessity of life, which cannot be said, for example, about most other exercises, which it is advisable to carry out under the supervision of a specialist. Jogging in the fresh air is especially useful, as it brings people even closer to nature.

The next positive point is the complex effect on the body. Running simultaneously trains the muscles of the legs and back, strengthens the heart, blood vessels and lungs, and affects the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck.

But that is not all! Running has an unusually beneficial effect on higher nervous activity: it has been noted that morning jogging helps cope with many bad habits such as overeating, smoking, tea and coffee abuse.

And finally, the last point due to which running has gained particular popularity is physical, social and economic accessibility. Yes, for example, swimming in an outdoor pool has a stronger therapeutic and prophylactic effect, but in order to change running to swimming, a number of conditions are necessary (the ability to swim, proximity to outdoor pool and the availability of funds to pay for a subscription) – while running is available to everyone, always and everywhere.

However, as often happens, at the peak of popularity morning jogging Many factors were discovered that changed the attitude towards running to the exact opposite.

Disillusionment Stage: Running towards Disability

Quite unexpectedly, it turned out that jogging can cause significant damage to health. This is especially true (parks, forests, abandoned alleys - and other places that are so attractive for lovers of morning jogging) and running on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete).

What are the harms of jogging? The point is that the foot modern man has an extremely weakened spring function. As a result, the shocks generated during running are transmitted upward to the joints of the lower extremities, spine and pelvic organs, causing a traumatic effect.

Thus, jogging can provoke early development spinal column with the formation and/or occurrence of deforming large joints of the lower extremities (hip, knee and ankle).

Therefore, many doctors advised patients at increased risk of developing osteochondrosis and deforming osteoarthritis to give up morning jogging:

· hereditary predisposition (or arthrosis in close relatives);

· congenital or acquired pathology of the foot, which negatively affects the spring function (, etc.);

· ;

· transferred;

· occupational hazards that negatively affect the condition of the spine and joints of the lower extremities (including “sedentary” work, which contributes to the development of osteochondrosis);

· ;

Congenital or acquired pathologies of the joints of the lower extremities;

· suffered severe leg injuries.

Are the symptoms familiar?

In addition, the micro-shocks that occur during jogging have an extremely adverse effect on the condition. internal organs small pelvis. Therefore, doctors often categorically do not recommend jogging to patients with such fairly common diseases as:

· chronic pelvic pain syndrome;

· ;

· chronic prostatitis in men;

· ;

· pathology of the terminal part of the large intestine (proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, sigmoiditis).

It should be noted that any therapeutic or preventive technique, as a rule, goes through three stages of perception. The same applies to the healing effects of jogging. At first, everyone unconditionally perceived it as a panacea for all illnesses, then they began to reject it with indignation.

There have been debates about the benefits and harms of running long time. Today, the prevailing opinion among medical specialists is that running is certainly a useful preventive procedure, which should be abandoned only if there are serious contraindications.

I must say that modern medicine does not stand still, so today the harm of jogging can be significantly reduced. Modern ones have excellent shock-absorbing properties and therefore are able to reliably protect the spine, joints and internal organs from traumatic shocks and shocks that occur during running.

With sportswear FormTotics orthopedic insoles have a number of advantages:

· are made in a few minutes directly on the patient’s leg;

· a unique manufacturing method allows for optimal compliance of the insole with the patient’s foot not only at rest, but also during movement;

· the widest range of blanks;

· strength and durability;

· statistically confirmed indicators of reducing injuries and increasing the effectiveness of training in athletes

So today the list of contraindications to jogging has been significantly reduced. However, jogging must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, following all his recommendations.

If you are at risk of developing pathologies of the spine, joints and arch of the foot, or you have chronic diseases of blood vessels and internal organs, then before jogging you should consult a specialist. To find out whether it is possible to run in your particular case, ask a question in our groups on social media. networks

Running from illnesses excess weight and old age! This is the motto of all joggers. But at the same time, this type of training has many opponents. Let’s find out how undeniable the health benefits of running are.

Jogging, or jogging, is one of the simplest, most effective and available ways keep fit for men and women. It does not require any special premises, additional equipment or complex equipment. In addition, if you approach training wisely, jogging can benefit people at any age and with the most different levels physical training.

But a reservation should be made: we're talking about about the so-called health jogging - jogging at a low heart rate for relatively short distances. What benefits can you really get from running?

1. The effect of running on the cardiovascular system

The health benefits of running lie, first of all, in the fact that this type of physical activity- excellent workout for the heart and blood vessels. According to experts, it helps prevent atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

“Running at a low heart rate is useful for the cardiovascular system - 120-135 beats per minute,” says Vlad Melkov, master of sports in athletics, founder and coach of the running and functional training school Run studio. - In the absence of a heart rate monitor, a low heart rate can be checked by being able to talk without being out of breath while jogging. There is no need to constantly check yourself. It is enough to do this after 3 minutes of running, in the middle and at the end of the intended distance.”

The benefits of running for men and women who already have certain heart problems cannot be ruled out. But you should consult a cardiologist and start training with walking or alternating walking and running.

2. The effect of running on the respiratory system

Proper breathing during jogging trains the lungs, increases their volume, greatly increases the supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues, and therefore increases the benefits of running for women and men. And although there are many breathing techniques when running, the general rule is that you need to breathe easily, naturally and freely.

“During running, the body’s need for oxygen increases significantly, and your task is to saturate your lungs with air as much as possible,” says Vlad Melkov. - You can do this by inhaling through your mouth. This method of breathing increases the supply of oxygen to the body, fills it with energy, and therefore increases the benefits of running for men and women. Breathing should be comfortable, without shortness of breath. If shortness of breath is present even during easy running, practice breathing exercises combined with walking."

3. Running for weight loss

Jogging is deservedly one of the most popular ways to keep fit for both men and women. The benefits of running for your figure are manifested in the fact that health running affects several causes of excess weight at once: metabolism accelerates, average daily calorie consumption increases, muscles become stronger, and the feeling of hunger decreases.

But in order not to be disappointed with the results of your training, you need to follow a number of rules:

At heavy weight, as well as problems with the heart, joints or spine, you should start training not with running, but with a brisk walk lasting at least 1 hour.

Running will only benefit your figure if the duration of the runs is at least 40 minutes. In the first half hour, the body uses glycogen reserves from the liver as an energy source and only then begins to use fats.

You should start with a distance of 1-2 km, then, when the body adapts, increase it to 3-4 km.

To lose weight you need to run at least 2 times a week.

If you're in a good place physical fitness, you can try running at speed - this will make the calorie burning more intense. “Try to alternate between walking, jogging and fast running at full speed at equal distances for half an hour,” advises Vlad Melkov.

4. The influence of running on musculoskeletal system

Perhaps the main stumbling block regarding the benefits of running for the body is its effect on the musculoskeletal system. Indeed, running is harmful and may include problems with joints, ligaments, and the spine, but only if you use the wrong technique. If you approach the matter correctly, the benefits of running in the mornings and evenings will be obvious - jogging will help strengthen joints and ligaments and keep them in a “young” state longer. Ideally, of course, running technique should be developed under the guidance of an experienced trainer, since only he can take everything into account individual characteristics and correct mistakes so that the benefits of running for the body are fully realized. However, there are a number general rules, which will help minimize the impact load on joints and ligaments and reduce the likelihood of harm from running:

Correct foot placement: when running, you should land not on your heel, but on your entire foot or on its toe. The so-called “locking” heel strike actually contributes to the detriment of running and is the most common cause of knee and ankle injuries in runners.

Correct spinal position: keep your back straight and make sure your abdominal muscles are tight. This will prevent damage to the spine.

Do not neglect the warm-up: before jogging, do several squats, bends and swings with your legs and arms, stretch your ankles, lunges and raise your knees. Then walk at a fast pace for 100-200 meters. This warming up will help avoid possible harm both for joints and muscles, and for the heart and lungs.

Comfortable shoes: What good is running without good running shoes? If you decide to go jogging, don't skimp on shoes - shock-absorbing pads in the heel and toe area will help you avoid injuries and enjoy your jogging.

Suitable surface: experts advise choosing not asphalt for running, but softer and more elastic surfaces, such as soil, grass, or a treadmill.

Gradually increase the load: To strengthen your joints and ligaments, increase the duration of your runs gradually.

6. The effect of running on the digestive system

The benefits of running are also evident in the area digestive system: this type of physical activity improves intestinal motility, increases blood flow to gastrointestinal tract, increases the tone of all internal organs.

“To avoid stomach problems while jogging, it is important to combine running with proper nutrition. Take this into account if you want to really benefit from running in the evenings and mornings, adds Vlad Melkov. - The consumption of spicy, deep-fried, fatty foods should be excluded from the diet or significantly reduced.

The last meal should be at least 1.5 hours before training. However, running on an empty stomach is also harmful. This can negatively affect blood pressure, as well as the condition of the liver, spleen, and pancreas.”

7. The effect of running on the skin

Regular jogging - great way tighten and rejuvenate the skin. And not only due to improved blood circulation. The benefits of running for women and men are also manifested in increasing the tone of the muscles of the face and body, as a result of which the skin becomes noticeably more elastic.

8. Running and mental health

The benefits of running in the mornings and evenings will also manifest themselves as a psychotherapeutic effect. Jogging will be an excellent antidepressant; it will make you more energetic, cheerful, and even relieve insomnia (only you don’t need to exercise right before bed). And the benefits of running in the evenings and mornings will invariably manifest themselves in intellectual terms - improved blood circulation during jogging will have a beneficial effect on mental abilities!

So, if you follow simple rules, the benefits of running for you will be undeniable, and daily jogging will be the key to feeling great and mood and will prolong the youth of the body for a long time. So run for your health!