When traveling to distant countries, not everyone thinks that it can be fraught with some health complications. Long airplane flights, sudden climate changes, unusual food and water, and a “different” sun with a new degree of ultraviolet radiation can have an adverse effect on the traveler’s body.

Changes in the state of the body due to a sharp change in climate and conditions environment usually called "acclimatization" , in which general health deteriorates. Typically, such changes are temporary while the body gradually adapts to new conditions.

Doctors consider several main factors of climate change that can affect the body:

  • air temperature;
  • humidity level;
  • oxygen level in the air;
  • length of daylight hours;
  • Timezone (coincidence/discrepancy with the usual belt);
  • weather;
  • new composition of drinking water;
  • new food products;
  • degree of ultraviolet radiation.

How does climate change affect the body?

A tourist who had to move to an area where weather and climatic conditions are very different from those familiar to his body runs the risk of encountering severe acclimatization. Experts believe that a difference of 10-15º C is significant, but the most dangerous thing is arriving in a country where the temperature level is much higher (or lower) than the temperature level to which the body is accustomed.

According to experts, acclimatization represents several adaptive states of the body:


Phase (first) orientation

Reactivity phase

Restructuring phase


  • Severe fatigue and weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Poor appetite
  • Feeling sleepy, but finding it difficult to fall asleep quickly
  • Excitation nervous system
  • Hyperactivity
  • Insomnia
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Decreased physiological stability of the body
  • Changes in physiological functions of the body
  • Decreased immunity
  • Increased body temperature

Phase time

1-2 days after arrival in another region.

2-4 days after arrival in another region.

4-10 days after arrival in another region.

It should be noted that the time of the phase, symptoms and other consequences of climate change are always individual. Most people easily tolerate acclimatization and do not experience any ailments.

Some may notice worsening general well-being during the first days after flying to another country, others suffer from acclimatization symptoms for more than one week. Doctors cannot answer with certainty why all people experience the body’s adaptation processes to new environmental conditions differently.

Perhaps an important role in this is played by:

  • age,
  • body endurance,
  • current health status,
  • having a problem with blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

How to avoid the consequences of climate change?

To better cope with sudden climate change and avoid feeling unwell when traveling to distant countries, you need to follow the recommendations.

Special "equipment"

If you are traveling to a region with a hot climate, provide yourself and your companions with the necessary equipment that will help avoid the effects of climate change and hot weather: be sure to take a hat, sunscreen, Panthenol ointment against burns, as well as a bottle or thermos with water.

To move to a cold climate (for example, Greenland, Iceland), also take care of warm clothes, spare woolen socks, hats and scarves that will save you from the wind and cold. A thermos for hot tea will also come in handy.

Quitting alcohol in the first days

Should not be consumed alcoholic drinks and try unusual exotic dishes and products in the very first days of your stay in a foreign country. Your body is going through a difficult period after a sharp climate change, so unusual food and alcohol will become an additional burden for it.

Always have a first aid kit with you

Not only in your suitcase, but also in the hand bag with which you will travel around the city, you should have everything you need medications and tools that can help unexpected situation outside the hotel. If you are planning a trip to rainforests, deserts or other excursions to wild places where there is no civilization nearby, it is important to familiarize yourself with possible risks and take with you everything that your guide or instructor advises.

When compiling a list for a “manual” first aid kit, it is also worth considering that in some countries a number of drugs may be prohibited for use without a doctor’s prescription. Familiarize yourself with the list of such medications before traveling abroad.

How to properly prepare for a sudden climate change?

Switch to a new time in advance, but gradually. If the time zone difference is only 3-5 hours, you can easily afford to change your sleep and wakefulness patterns long before your trip. But it's best to do it gradually. Set the alarm clock for a new time, go to bed earlier (or later), try to eat food in a new daily routine. This will allow the body to quickly switch to a new time zone.

5 minutes to read.

The female body is exposed to various external factors. The question often arises whether climate change affects ovulation. It is impossible to answer this unequivocally, because everyone has individual processes. However, there are scientifically proven facts about the impact of climate change on and directly. Let's try to figure out why this happens below.

Acclimatization: what happens to the body?

Acclimatization is the process of adapting the body and all organs to certain conditions.

The sharper the transition, the the percentage of development of various failures increases. In particular, menstrual irregularities often occur.

The reproductive system is considered one of the most vulnerable. A change in the comfortable parameters in which a person lives often provokes an exacerbation of various ailments.

Another reason for the untimely release of an egg is the stress that the body receives.

Initially, you should pay attention for a delay in menstruation. The course of each cycle is regulated by hormonal substances.

Even their slight deviation can advance the timing of the onset of blood secretion.

Acclimatization begins with a long hike, flight or long journey, which are stressful. It happens that key hormones are not produced or do not function fully. If we talk about influencing factors, they are the following:

  1. a sharp decrease or increase in temperature;
  2. change of time;
  3. humidity and atmospheric pressure change;
  4. possible radiation during the flight.

A delay in menstruation after a vacation is a completely natural phenomenon. Hormone deficiency occurs due to inaccurate levels of estrogen and FSH. However, if they do not occur for a long time, it is better to seek medical help.

Cycle disruption

A woman’s body quickly responds to various changes.

Does climate change affect periods? Doctors answer this question positively.

They note that the shift can be either minor (5-7 days) or long-term (up to 2 months). In the first case, the balance is adjusted on its own, but in the second, the patient will need treatment to normalize.

A girl who lives an open sexual life must do homework during pregnancy in order to exclude possible conception.

If it shows two stripes, then the reason for the non-occurrence of menstruation is clear.

In other cases, it is worth talking about hormonal imbalance.

Acclimatization is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. increased irritability;
  2. constant drowsiness;
  3. and depression.

How greater difference indicators of pressure, humidity and temperature of atmospheric air, the greater the likelihood of consequences occurring. Failure can manifest itself not only in the form of a delay, but also in the early onset of bleeding.

When a person rests without changing the climate zone, the flow is influenced by increased physical activity or summer heat. The manifestations are especially noticeable when in ordinary life a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, and on vacation she goes hiking.

The influence of climate change on ovulation and conception

Here it is worth touching on the impact of climate change on. Doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. They are convinced that acclimatization does not manifest itself in everyone.

There are situations when time for rest suddenly appears, but this period is in the planning stage. Some are of the opinion that vacation and relaxation only contribute to the conception of a baby, because a woman swims, eats fresh fruits and vegetables, with which she receives vitamins. However, here you should not forget about long-distance flights, which can negatively affect her condition.

Often a change of environment helps to conceive a child. If the problem is not physiological, then a vacation will be an excellent opportunity for planning.

There have been cases where menstruation occurred directly on vacation, even with a sharp change in climate. Therefore, it is impossible to answer the question posed unambiguously.


After a climate change, the body will need a maximum of two weeks to recover. If there are no additional ones, menstruation will come on its own. With their beginning, you need to count down the new menstrual cycle.

It is believed that irreversible processes cannot occur. It’s another matter if it is superimposed on the disease. Then you may need the help of a specialized specialist.

How to reduce the impact of climate change?

Since a sharp change in climate does not have the best effect on menstruation, we need to find a way to reduce the strong dependence of the reproductive system on external factors. Exist certain rules that must be observed:

  1. reception . You should start using them several weeks before the proposed trip. A balanced complex will help maintain immunity at a certain level. As a result, the likelihood of adverse consequences will decrease. What matters is vitamin E, which is responsible for the production of LH and FSH. Also, do not lose sight of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of infection and strengthens blood vessels;
  2. night sleep. If anxiety interferes with normal rest, moderate doses of sedatives are allowed. Adequate sleep will prevent overexcitation of the central nervous system, which is responsible for hormonal balance;
  3. use at least two liters liquids per day and proper nutrition. We are not talking about overeating, but you need to stick to the required diet;
  4. quitting tobacco and... These bad habits will make menstruation intolerable, as it will have an adverse effect on blood vessels and the brain;
  5. normal This means frequent walks in the fresh air, yoga, immune support;
  6. If a girl was taking medication before her vacation, the course cannot be interrupted.


We figured out whether climate change affects menstrual cycle in general and ovulation in particular. Some suffer from acclimatization side effects, but there are also those who manage to conceive a baby. All processes are individual, so nothing can be said about the exact influence of this factor on the body of a particular person. If your periods are delayed due to climate change, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Winter is traditionally long for Russia, a large number of cold days, in the absence sun rays, sooner or later makes any person dream of being transported from the harsh winter to the hot summer, to warm sea, hot sun and an abundance of fresh fruit. And all this is quite possible to achieve in our time, you just have to travel a few thousand kilometers by plane, and you will already find yourself in the desired hot, exotic country, leaving behind the frost, snow and wind. But not all travelers think about negative impact sudden climate change on health. It is about this minus of rest in winter time in hot countries, we will tell you in our article.

One of the most popular tourist routes in the winter season are tours not on ski resorts, and rest in hot exotic countries Oh. Russians especially love to ride warm holiday V New Year holidays and on . Among many travelers, if they have not spent the winter season in or Thailand, it will be considered that there was no vacation at all. But you shouldn’t rush to lament this issue, because, most likely, you have preserved your health. Many tourists don’t even think about the fact that a sharp climate change can negatively affect health, reduce immunity and cause a lot of other problems. Particularly suffers human body, when, having escaped from forty-degree frosts, he suddenly finds himself in forty-degree heat. Such a temperature difference leads to a serious shock and undermines the body’s defenses, and this fact has long been proven by climatologists.

For a person to be able to acclimatize normally, he needs at least a week, in rare cases five days, and even then, provided he is in perfect health, but here in Russia, as we know healthy people no, there are only “under-examined” ones. Many people take winter trips to hot countries just for a week, that is, having arrived, our body works hard for all seven days to acclimatize from winter to summer, and as soon as it has done this, you again leave for cold Russia, and it again it is necessary to begin restructuring - reacclimatization. Thus, instead of rest and improved health, you get stress, breakdowns, illnesses due to a drop in immunity and a double negative load.

If you have already decided to go on vacation in winter in one of the southern exotic countries, then do it as correctly as possible. The most optimal range of rest, according to scientific research, is from twenty-one to twenty-four days. It is advisable that upon returning home, you do not immediately go to work, but have three or four more days in reserve, in order to have time to get into the climate norm and adapt without threatening your immunity.

There are a number of people who are generally not recommended to suddenly change the climate, this includes those who should not expose the body to unnecessary stress due to a disease suffered before the vacation, and this includes both the common cold and gastritis. In addition, a sharp change in climatic conditions is not recommended for people who have recently undergone any surgery, because their health will definitely deteriorate after the flight. You should not take it on vacation in the summer from cold winter children, since they the immune system very vulnerable. This is especially true for children who are not yet five years old. But it is not recommended for adults who are over forty-five years old to do this. Women during menopause should heed these recommendations. Persons suffering from any chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, allergic problems, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, or if there is a tendency to psycho-emotional disorders, should not fly from winter to summer. And since the age of the listed diseases has become “younger,” it is worth consulting a doctor before such a flight, even for tourists who are only twenty-five years old.

When planning your winter vacation and deciding to relax in a hot country, do not forget about the effects of jet lag on your body and health. Doctors say that even a change of one time zone has a bad effect on the body, and if it is a sudden change of several time zones, this is a guaranteed disruption of human biorhythms.

Today we talked about the dangers of sudden changes in climate and time zones for a tourist’s health, and about a way to reduce this bad influence on the body. But it’s, of course, up to you to decide whether it’s worth flying to a hot country on vacation in winter.

Most people, when they start families, live their lives in a permanent place, that is, in one city or country. The birth of a child already contributes to the adaptation of his body to others climatic conditions, be it Siberia or the sea coast.

During our lives, a small percentage of people care so much about their health that they are ready to change their place of residence. Or rather, not everyone knows this, but the influence of climate on human health does exist.

Alisov B.P. found that on Earth there are 4 main climatic zones- these are equatorial, tropical, temperate and polar, and three transitional - subequatorial, subtropical and subpolar. IN Russian Federation temperate, arctic, subarctic and subtropical dominate, which in turn also have divisions, we will look at them in this article and find out the impact of climate on public health.

Adaptation to one or another weather conditions determine the main cold and heat receptors of each organism, the central nervous system. The most pronounced and active influence is exerted by atmospheric temperature, pressure, solar radiation and humidity.

When the temperature rises, a person responds to it by a decline in the excitability of the nervous system, dilation of blood vessels, a decrease in pressure, the metabolic process decreases, i.e. the body “relaxes” in a way and gets used to constant exposure to it. The onset of cold temperatures is reflected in reverse reactions.

For every person, the sun is a landmark in space, a source of natural, irreplaceable energy; it enriches and nourishes the brain, affects the functioning of all organs and is responsible for some reactions. A lot of sunlight is especially necessary for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, and rickets.

The influence of climate on human health also has Atmosphere pressure, which especially manifests itself in mountains and settlements located above 200-800 meters above sea level. Its increase acts on the body as an accelerator, i.e. metabolism improves, hemoglobin levels increase, blood circulation accelerates, the lungs are cleaned at high speed, and antibodies fight much faster existing illness. But there are people who cannot adapt to the mountain climate and their condition is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, loss of consciousness, and depression.

The presence of moderate amounts of precipitation creates humidity, which is responsible for heat transfer from the body, which determines thermoregulation in the body. Again, its increase in combination with high air temperature leads to a slowdown and relaxation of the functioning of the internal organs, and a lack of it leads to some acceleration.

In Russia, for example, the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Siberia and all adjacent islands, in addition Western Siberia and the East European Plain, temper the human body with low air temperatures, which in summer do not exceed 0-4 ° C, and in winter drops to -20 ° C - -40°C. Although cold speeds up metabolism and activates nerve impulses in the body due to increased heat generation, such low levels are unnatural for humans.

Moreover, for about 179 days a year in the Arctic and subarctic zones, the Sun does not appear at all, depriving the population of ultraviolet “feeding”, atmospheric pressure rises, winds decrease and the polar night sets in, which often causes irritation, apathy, neurosis, and other mental disorders, disturbs sleep, even wounds can take a very long time to heal.

However, this effect of climate on human health can also be positive for people who have problems with metabolism, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Short, wet and cool summer during the polar day, it activates physiological processes in older people.

Considering climate ( read about) and health of people living in temperate zone Russia, there is a clear change of seasons, a lot of heat and solar radiation in summer, moderate rainfall and cold snowy winter. This helps to balance both the nervous system of the body and its overall activity, i.e. it does not experience sudden temperature changes, ultraviolet starvation and actively conducts its vital processes.

Undoubtedly, everyone knows how connected the maritime climate and human health are. Every year in summer season Masses of people come to the coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas for the purpose of healing. The totality of the sun's rays sea ​​water and air, hot sand and pebbles, warm wind truly have a positive effect on almost every person, especially those with health problems.

You will be interested to know about the effect of cold on the human body.

I'm not the only one who misses the hot sun. According to statistics from the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, during the winter holidays most Russians prefer to fly from winter to summer: to Thailand, Egypt, the UAE, the Dominican Republic... On average, for 10 days. And this time is enough to get a tan, but not so that, having changed the climate, you can relax without any harm to your health.

The influence of acclimatization on human health

“Our bodies are naturally programmed for seasonality,” says Dmitry Erzin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, CEO Doctor Bio LLC. — And during the cold season, sub-zero temperatures are natural for us, but not +30. A sharp change in climate in winter is stressful for the body.”

It's good to fly in winter warm countries needed for at least three weeks. “The body adapts to the heat for at least three days, and completely adapts to the new climate in 7-8 days, and only if you follow all safety rules,” says Dmitry Erzin. - Therefore, if you fly to Egypt for a week, you will really start to relax only when it’s time for you to go home. But with a two-week vacation, you will have at least 6-7 days without acclimatization.”

If you cannot afford a vacation of the required duration, it is better to choose a country with a climate closer to ours for your trip. For one week it is better to go, for example, to the Czech Republic or the Baltic states, and not to the Dominican Republic.

Acclimatization rules

If you do fly from winter to summer, when the climate changes, you need to remember that acclimatization is not just a process in which the body itself adapts to new conditions. He needs to be helped in this by observing the following rules.

1. Pack your suitcase putting the right things in it. If you are going into real heat, clothes should be made of natural absorbent fabrics, spacious and light so that you do not overheat. Shoes should be such that your feet do not get tired or swell in them. The best option, especially for overweight people, - sandals without heels with orthopedic soles.

2. Don't forget about the first aid kit. A person with a chronic illness does not need to be reminded of this. However, against the backdrop of a stressful climate change, something can go wrong even in a practically healthy body. Due to the heat, blood pressure may rise, and allergies may appear due to unusual foods. So, just in case, collect all the essentials: analgesics, antispasmodics, remedies for indigestion, personal hygiene products, hand sanitizer... For children - all the same medications in child dosages.