After 50 years, a person needs vitamins, just like in his youth. Older people need ascorbic acid even more than young people. But many elderly people, for various reasons, lack vitamins. This is a diet limited in nutrition and vitamins, and poor functioning of enzyme systems due to their deterioration, and hence the low absorption of nutrients from food. Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract and stress play a negative role in the acquisition of hypovitaminosis.

But “old age is not a risk factor as such,” emphasizes Helmut Hesecker, professor of nutrition and health at the University of Paderborn. Those who are fit both physically and mentally, and who have maintained their independence, rarely have a deficiency. This was demonstrated by a survey conducted by the University of Bonn, in which approximately 360 healthy, mobile elderly people from Euskirchen took part. Few of the average 75-year-old respondents said they suffered from age-related eating problems.

Resorption with age

Most were taken three times a day and their energy levels were within the recommended range. Vitamin and mineral requirements were also covered. Overall, the Bonn researchers conclude that healthy, mobile older people, regardless of their age, are similar to adults in professional life. In the case of older people who need help with Everyday life or in the case of tenants, shortages are often more frequent. However, taking into account the amount of food consumed is not enough to assess nutritional intake.

The benefits of certain vitamins for older people

Most often, older people lack ascorbic acid, which, along with some other antioxidants (E and A), serves as protection against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Ascorbic acid in the body it protects the lungs, normalizes metabolic processes and improves immunity. Older people need about 100 mg of acid per day and it is better to get it from natural products such as citrus fruits and sauerkraut.

Nutritional supplements may be helpful

Although significant deficits are rare, small deficits may contribute to the development of cognitive impairment, depression, or dementia. Because insufficient supply may lead to high level homocysteine, which apparently damages the brain and nerves. This is better, in contrast to the vitamin from the diet for atrophic gastritis, more suitable for use. Various studies suggest that a higher intake of more than 15 mcg may be appropriate for over 70 year olds. Today, every third to fifth senior takes vitamin and mineral supplements.

The participation of vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen, necessary for the construction of connective tissue of cartilage and tendons, with which older people often have problems, is invaluable.

Antioxidant vitamins A and E help the body fight free radicals, prevent heart and vascular diseases, the development of atherosclerosis and cataracts, and slow down cell aging.

But apparently the least place is on the nutrients they actually need. Critical, on the other hand, was a source of folate. Despite taking the drugs, only one third of women and less than half of men received the recommended daily dose. Often, older adults eat low amounts of nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, fruits, or vegetables. Whether it's because they can't chew it well, buying fresh food is difficult, or it just doesn't taste good. Partially the protein intake is too short. “People who consume less and less meat or other protein carriers such as dairy products increase muscle growth and the risk of falling, then it makes sense to add protein or drink food,” Dr. Ralf-Joachim Schulz, gastroenterologist and geriatrician at a hospital in Berlin .

After 55 years, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract also leaves much to be desired, so B vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B12) and PP become deficient. The lack of each of them leads to negative consequences for the body of an elderly person.

Thus, an insufficient amount of vitamin B2 has a bad effect on vision and leads to various skin diseases. With a deficiency of nicotinic acid (B3), headaches, insomnia, and severe cases dementia may develop.

This also applies if meat, sausage or cheese is no longer on the menu due to chewing problems. Modern research papers from Canada conclude that older people have a higher demand for proteins because their bodies use them less efficiently. While younger adults are recommended to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily, researchers suggest that older adults, especially frail older adults, should consume 1 to 1.3 grams of protein. Additionally, some research suggests that a protein-rich diet may reduce age-related muscle wasting.

Vitamins after 55 years must contain folic acid (B9) and cyanocobalamin (B12). Folic acid takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells and stimulates brain activity.

The body reacts to a lack of this substance with a state of depression and anxiety. A large number of folic acid contain green vegetables (broccoli, spinach), oranges, red tomatoes.

However, not only physical changes, but also drug use influence the number of older people and the extent to which nutrients are used. Sedatives taken by elders for sleep disorders often lead to lack of appetite, lack of appetite or constipation, explains the doctor. And the laxative damages the intestinal villi, so that fewer nutrients are absorbed. Antirheumatic drugs can lead to chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby significantly reducing appetite.

Finally, diuretic minerals are cleared from the body. The loss of magnesium and potassium, in turn, negatively affects appetite. The extent to which medications influence diet depends on the dosage and varies from person to person. Anyone who feels like they have an appetite or even lost weight should talk to their doctor. If you eat too little, it will inevitably lead to nutritional deficiencies. They are often overlooked by those affected themselves, relatives, nurses and doctors. With more than two-thirds of older adults in need of care living at home, malnutrition is not just a problem for the elderly and nursing homes.

Cyanocobalamin is absolutely necessary for maintaining good memory at any age. However, assimilating it intestinal tract decreases significantly with age, which can lead to anemia and diseases of the nervous system. To improve the absorption process of this vitamin, it is necessary to stimulate the formation in the stomach of hydrochloric acid, so it is useful to eat sour berries and apple cider vinegar.

Almost ten percent of older people living in their own homes are underweight, a Paderborn study found. Early signs include impotence, weakness or loss of vitality. Thus, it is wise to weigh the most nourishing and needy on a regular basis. Malnutrition usually has several causes. Organic changes, such as delayed gastric distension, prolonged action of saturation hormones, or decreased taste sensations and odors can limit the amount of food.

In addition to major life events such as serious illness, death of a partner, or entering into an old house- Chewing and difficulty swallowing can also make eating difficult. Many older adults suffer from ill-fitting dentures, toothaches, dry mouth, or decreased saliva production. Often the sufferers' eating simply makes less or only attacks food that is too soft. Vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains and meats, are less likely to be found on the diet, meaning energy and nutrients are compromised.

The main sources of vitamin B12 are beef liver, seafood, yeast, carrots, radishes.

Vitamin D (calciferol) occupies a very important place in the set of vitamins for older people over 50 and 60 years old, and especially over 70 years old. It performs a huge number of functions: regulates the composition of calcium and phosphorus in the body for the health of the skeletal system, helps prevent osteoporosis, plays a role in regulating blood pressure, maintains blood sugar balance, and eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome. Calciferol deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure, decreased immunity, bone pain, and muscle weakness.

The consequences of nutrient deficiencies range from decreased muscle strength and increased susceptibility to infections, heart failure, and neurological disorders. Mouth drowsiness, difficulty swallowing, or dementia also make drinking alcohol difficult. Fear of incontinence or prostate discomfort also causes older adults to not absorb enough fluids. In addition, thirst decreases because hormonal regulation gets out of balance. A survey in retired Paderborn showed that only 50% of residents drink the recommended amount of 1.5 to 2 liters.

Foods containing Vitamin D include fatty foods deep sea fish(salmon, mackerel, sardines), shrimp, milk, cheese, cod liver. One of the most important ways to obtain calciferol is its synthesis in the skin under the influence of sun rays.

Some names of vitamins for older people

Not everyone can afford to be in the sun often, or eat necessary products. Therefore, there are special complexes for the elderly that can satisfy the need for essential vitamins and minerals. The following can be used:

However, fluid deficiency significantly limits physical and mental performance. Drying of the skin and mucous membranes, circulation problems and kidney failure may occur. Confusion is also often due to lack of fluid. To prevent him from going that far, drinks should always be in sight. Special drinking vessels, such as double-handled cups, and a drinking protocol may be helpful.

Quality of life: Old not the same age

Regardless of age, the physical and mental condition of the elderly decide how well the elderly are supplied with energy and nutrients. Anyone who is different in age can avoid deficiency. Individual eating difficulties should be addressed and, where possible, addressed. Along with movement, social contact and balance, a healthy diet ensures optimal quality of life at every age.

  • Undevit complex containing everything you need for improvement metabolic processes and slowing down the aging of the body.
  • Bions Senior - Chewable tablets with lactic acid bacteria for the intestines and lutein and blueberries for improved vision.
  • Alphabet 50+ – improves the quality of life for people over 50 years old. Helps in the treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

More information can be found here. Samples from many patients in inpatient and outpatient care were found to be malnourished. Old people often eat one-sided and nutritionally poor: instead of fruits and vegetables often White bread and pudding.

Hands shake, swallowing is difficult, and often ill-fitting dentures cause a buzzing sound of agony. Some older people are particularly vulnerable. When strength diminishes and the joy of life disappears, the appetite for cooking and eating often disappears. At the initial stage, vitamin deficiency often goes undetected, since fat soluble vitamins are still stored in the body. However, in the long term, serious health consequences can occur, according to a brochure from the League of German Pensioners.

In old age, people's metabolic processes occur more slowly.

Necessary macroelements and vitamins, when consumed with food, are not absorbed as well as in young people.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of low-quality food, a pensioner’s body does not receive enough of the necessary daily elements.

Weakening the body's immune defenses

If, for example, pet food is rarely eaten because meat is difficult to chew, the body is not adequately supplied with the proteins needed to maintain bone mass. In addition, important microelements such as zinc and iron are missing from metabolism. Iron deficiency reduces the transport of oxygen in red blood cells and causes a constant feeling of tiredness and tiredness.

To maintain bone mass, the body primarily needs calcium, which is found in dairy products and some vegetable varieties. They support metabolism in this task. As a result, the body's immune defenses are weakened and the heart and lungs are no longer supplied with nutrients. Additionally, the risk of mental confusion increases significantly.

This affects poor health and decreased immunity. Their deficiency is especially visible in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and due to the use of antibiotics.

What vitamins are important in old age?

When reaching retirement age, the human body is practically worn out. Hypovitaminosis occurs in 4 out of 5 people.

Vitamins B - for the stomach, carotene - for the eyes

The older a person is, the more important it is to have well-functioning body protection. However, a study from the UK found that many older people suffer from vitamin deficiency without realizing it. However, since the body needs support, especially in old age, healthy image life for the elderly - The best way avoid illness.

Vitamins are important helpers of the body

The human body is like a power plant: energy is burned, heat is produced, and, of course, there is excess waste. Especially the so-called free radicals- remnants of energy production - attack our body cells. The body protects itself by intercepting free radicals as quickly as possible and rendering them harmless. They act as an auxiliary sheriff in the body's cells: they capture free radicals and protect us from disease.

To slow down the aging of the body you need to take vitamin complexes.

  • Vitamin A helps regulate fat metabolism, strengthens nails and hair, and supports vision. Daily norm is about 800 mcg. It is found in greens, spinach, and pumpkin. Its deficiency in the body leads to rapid fatigue and respiratory diseases;
  • Vitamin E can be obtained by eating liver, butter, and yolks. Its deficiency affects vision deterioration and sudden changes in mood. Helps strengthen muscles, increase endurance, reduces the possibility of blood clots;
  • Vitamin B increases the immunity of an elderly person and helps the body cope with viral infections. A deficiency of B vitamins leads to the development of anemia. B1 improves the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. It is found in sufficient quantities in milk, grains and legumes. By consuming 1.5 mg B2, digestive function is normalized and the nervous system, vision will not deteriorate. The required amount is found in meat, nuts, and dairy products. With a deficiency of vitamin B6, radiculitis, dermatitis, and conjunctivitis may occur. The required daily dose of 3 mcg of B12 will protect the duodenum from ulcers and reduce the development of anemia;

Without vitamins, diseases have an easy game

Vitamins are also important agents against external attacks: they strengthen immune system and help the body recover after infection. Especially older people often suffer from vitamin deficiency without knowing it. As a result, the body has weaker defenses and can withstand attacks from pollutants and pathogens.

Alcohol, cigarettes and poor diet: there is a pre-programmed vitamin deficiency

To stay healthy as you age, you must pay attention to an adequate supply of vitamins. Unfortunately, however, older adults are often reluctant to change their dietary habits. This can be problematic because traditional German foods such as ice cream and butter pie are not good suppliers of vitamins.

  • required quantity Vitamin D can be obtained in the spring and summer when a person is exposed to sunlight. But prolonged exposure to the sun after 60 years is not safe; it can provoke various diseases. If there is insufficient amount of it in the body, an elderly person experiences dry skin, progressive osteoporosis, cramps, and muscle pain in the extremities. His daily consumption 2 mcg. Found in large quantities in various varieties oily fish, milk, oranges, eggs;
  • Vitamin C is one of the main elements that protect the body. Improves metabolism, increases the body's resistance to viral diseases, restores collagen, strengthens vascular walls. Its daily intake should not exceed 60 mg, otherwise pancreatic disease may develop. Contained in parsley and rose hips.


Every year a person’s need for minerals decreases. For example, calcium salts accumulate and are deposited in cartilage, on the walls of blood vessels, and joints.

You need to be careful when taking minerals and take them only as prescribed by a specialist.

Taking iodine-containing medications normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Iodine is found in sea ​​fish, shrimp, you can use iodized sea salt when eating, but only add it to prepared dishes.

Iron deficiency interferes with oxygen saturation of cells. Be sure to eat meat, fruits, fish and berries.

Magnesium helps lower cholesterol and has a vasodilating effect. An insufficient amount of it leads to an increase in calcium on the walls of blood vessels.

Description of some vitamin complexes

Before using any vitamin complex for the elderly, you need to consult a specialist.

Intended for people over 50 years of age. Its use is a prevention of various cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.

Available in tablets. Contains the main groups of vitamins and minerals. The course is 30 days, take 1 tablet before meals.

Useful vitamins for older people. Suitable for people over 60 years old. The course of admission is 3 or 4 months.

Suitable during treatment, prevention, recovery after surgery.

The best vitamins for older people. They are a food additive.

They should be taken if there is pain in the joints, age-related changes in the skin, or impaired joint mobility.

Doppelhertz Active

Helps with stress and fatigue, unbalanced diet, atherosclerosis. The course of treatment is 2 months.


Suitable for pensioners with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as a prevention of vitamin deficiency. The course of admission is 30 days.


Taking vitamin complexes for the elderly will help reduce the development of various diseases and have a preventive effect.

You can take the medications regardless of the time of year; the interval between doses should be at least 2 weeks and only after consulting a doctor.

Video: Vitamins for the elderly