Although immunity and the immune system are the result of evolution, they are constantly changing and adapting, effectively counteracting aggressive or unfavorable factors in a particular living environment that can cause deterioration in health. As a rule, strengthening the immune system takes into account the general condition of the body, the metabolic reactions occurring in it, as well as hereditary factors.

Organs immune system – this is the spleen, bone marrow, blood, thymus gland. This system is closely connected with other systems, for example, excretory, respiratory, endocrine, nervous, vascular. On the other hand, if there is a decrease in immunity or a malfunction in its functioning, the entire body suffers: the kidneys begin to purify the blood worse, the liver does not neutralize harmful substances well, the quality of gas exchange in the lungs deteriorates, and the balance of microflora in the intestines is disrupted.

Good immunity, especially if it is strengthened, does not allow you to get sick in case of contact with one or another infection, or to have a mild form of illness.

  • Innate immunity capable of fighting any pathogens, including those who have to deal with them for the first time, although they are recognized with much less accuracy than acquired immunity does.
  • Acquired immunity is the result of a fight against a specific pathogen that once took place. For example, suffered in childhood measles or chickenpox do not cause recurrent disease.
  • If a molecule is recognized as a foreign agent, it is called antigen. Interestingly, the antigen may be a molecule produced by the body itself. In this case there is autoimmune reaction, as a result of which healthy tissues are destroyed and inflammation appears. Example autoimmune disease is diabetes first type (insulin dependent).

Active immunity called protective forces, both innate and acquired. Passive immunity formed by vaccinations, taking special medications, folk remedies.

If an antigen appears in the body, it produces antigens to counteract and neutralize it. antibodies, which are complex proteins. As a rule, when vaccinations weakened or killed strains of microbes are introduced to create immunity to a specific disease.

How to strengthen weakened immunity - preventive measures

First, it is worth eliminating the factors and causes that cause its decrease or weakening: in order to fill a leaky barrel with water, you first need to eliminate the leak, since otherwise the efforts made will be a waste of effort, time and money.

Therefore, taking even the most effective vitamins may not be enough, as may periodic exercise. To “real” strengthen the immune system, and not constantly stimulate it by one means or another, it is necessary to approach this problem in a comprehensive manner.

The restoration of immunity must begin by normalizing the lifestyle, eliminating all kinds of leaks of protective forces resources. Perhaps, in order to strengthen it, you will have to reconsider your work and rest schedule:

  • It is necessary to exclude frequent nervous and mental stress. If you constantly experience stress and are in a depressed mood, this impairs your ability to effectively cope with various health threats.
  • Everyday work with full dedication and regular overwork cause chronic fatigue. As a rule, the defenses of a tired body are reduced.

You can improve your health by eliminating various disorders proper operation intestines:

Interestingly, the International Classification of Diseases does not mention dysbiosis. Specialists colon dysbiosis usually referred to as a chronic condition that is corrected by the “introduction” of certain microbes. Although the intestines are able to independently normalize the disturbed balance, as soon as the appropriate conditions are created for this.

Often, a decrease in immunity is caused by the habit of eliminating only the symptoms of a particular disease by carrying it on your feet. As a result, a focus of infection may remain. Resources begin to be spent on constantly fighting the infection, and they are no longer enough to stay healthy, for example, during.

Immunity is influenced by unfavorable ecology and the predominance of canned food in the diet, poor in vitamins and microelements. To improve your health, you need to switch to a high-quality diet, in which natural products predominate, and periodically take vitamins.

As a result of rapid mutations of viruses and bacteria caused by the active use of antibiotics and environmental degradation, the immune system does not always have time to adapt to a new type of virus. You get sick much more often. It turns out that the protective forces cope with their responsibilities worse, and therefore they say that the immune system is reduced and needs to be strengthened. In some cases, diseases caused by one or another mutation of the virus become chronic.

For what symptoms do you need to strengthen your immune system?

It is incorrect to talk about the need to restore immunity in cases where, for example, acute respiratory infections occur quite often - ten times a year, and it does not matter whether it occurs in an adult or a child. The most important indicator is the ability to recover independently and without significant effort. If this is the case, no medications are required to strengthen the body's defenses.

Symptoms of decreased immunity and the need to strengthen it are:

  • , lethargy, drowsiness, don’t want to do anything;
  • , aches in muscles and joints accompanied by lethargy and drowsiness;
  • , runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis that do not go away for a long time;
  • recurring purulent or fungal diseases of the mucous membranes ( candidiasis);
  • repetitive skin diseases– for example, recurrent shingles;
  • elevated temperature (37C).

Do you need to know your immune status to strengthen your immune system?

It would seem that if certain symptoms of a decrease in protective forces are observed, before taking special drugs to strengthen them, it is necessary to examine the main indicators by constructing immunogram (immune status). It turns out that this research is useless in many cases, and it is not cheap.

As a rule, blood is taken from a finger or a vein for analysis. The material being tested can be saliva or mucus from the nasopharynx, if you want to learn more about the immunity of the mucous membranes. Cerebrospinal fluid can be taken for analysis if it is necessary to determine specific indicators nervous system.

The immunogram reflects various characteristics. It can be used to identify possible disorders and decide whether the patient needs to strengthen the immune system.

Knowing your immune status is really useful in a small number of cases:

  • at primary immunodeficiency, which manifests itself in early age and is associated with a genetic failure. It is treated with a bone marrow transplant or immunoglobulin administration.
  • when acquired (secondary) immunodeficiencies. These conditions arise as a result of taking drugs that suppress the immune system in the case of HIV infection, cancer, radiation sickness, and diseases of the immune system.
  • in case of suspected autoimmune disease.
  • if an organ transplant was performed.

In the vast majority of other cases, failures can be identified more in a simple way, such as general analysis blood. Therefore, before examining the immune status, a consultation with an immunologist is required. Moreover, in some cases in patients with good health There may be certain deviations in the immunogram, which only a specialist can correctly recognize.

Is it possible to strengthen the immune system by taking stimulants?

Immunostimulants, also called immunomodulators, perform a kind of training of the immune system without the risk of getting sick. As a rule, products of bacterial origin have such properties ( Broncho-munal, IRS-19, Imudon, Biostim, Ribomunil). If prescribed by a doctor, they are recommended to be taken during vaccinations, since the effectiveness of vaccination increases. Taking medications helps strengthen both local and general immunity; these drugs are usually used for acute respiratory infections and chronic ENT diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

The effect of immunostimulants obtained artificially ( Arbidol, Amiksin, Anaferon, Cycloferon), aimed at stimulating the production interferon– special proteins secreted by cells to counteract the virus. While taking artificial drugs and several months later, the activity of the immune system increases, and it can actually be strengthened. Then a decline occurs, during which the body is even less protected than before starting to take the drug. In addition, repeated courses of artificial immunomodulators may require increasing the dose. In some cases, after taking them, the immune system may refuse to fight antigens on its own.

It is necessary to take any immunostimulants only as prescribed by a doctor, and not for independent prevention of colds or viral diseases. Particular caution is required in children, since the child’s immune system completes its formation only by the age of 14. You also need to know that some diseases - for example, cancer or autoimmune diseases - do not require stimulation of the defenses, but, on the contrary, suppression. In this case, the doctor prescribes immunosuppressants.

Best proven for preventing colds Immunal, a drug to enhance immunity plant origin based Echinacea purpurea. The drug strengthens and protects against various infections.

How to strengthen a child’s immunity by hardening

After birth, the child has almost the same immunity as the mother. With natural feeding, this situation persists for several months. Afterwards you have to rely on your own defenses. To strengthen the immune system, you need to start hardening from the very early childhood.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, having taken away her son Paul from Catherine II, established emergency guardianship over him. Catherine II recalled:

He lay in an extremely hot room, in flannel diapers in a crib covered with black fox fur; he was covered with a blanket of satin piqué on cotton wool, and on top of this there was also a blanket of pink velvet, lined with the fur of black foxes... Sweat flowed from his face all over his body, as a result of which, when he grew up, he caught colds and fell ill from the slightest wind.

The future Alexander I, the son of Pavel Petrovich, was raised differently by Empress Catherine II:

Mr. Alexander's small bed, since he does not know either a cradle or rocking motion, is iron, without a canopy; he sleeps on a leather mattress covered with a sheet, he has a pillow and easy English blanket... From birth he was taught to take a bath every day if he is healthy; At first this water was warm, now it is cold, brought only the day before... He does not have a cold, he is fat, big, healthy and very cheerful, does not have a single tooth and almost never screams.

To strengthen your strength, you need to spend as much time as possible outside, three to four hours a day. In case of unfavorable weather conditionsstrong wind, frost below -15C – you still need to walk for at least half an hour a couple of times a day.

Many suspicious mothers are terrified of catching a cold and therefore wrap up their child excessively. This turns into the fact that after a while he begins to catch a cold, just by taking off his mittens outside or running on the cool floor at home without slippers. It is necessary to accustom him to coolness from early childhood and gradually harden him.

Children need to be dressed taking into account the fact that they are in constant motion. Physical activity causes a natural strengthening of the immune system. Moreover, a child outside is often hot, not cold. Overheating is as harmful to health as hypothermia.

To improve your health, it is useful to harden yourself with water procedures. You can take a contrast shower daily for the whole body or just for the feet. At first, the temperature range may be small, from 36-38C to 23-25C. Then you need to gradually reduce the lower limit. You need to finish the procedure with warm water.

A simple way of hardening, so that you don’t have to afterwards, is to regularly gargle with cool water in the morning and evening. You need to start with room temperature water, then gradually lower it.

In addition, frequent illnesses in children can be associated with the presence of worms, chronic adenoids, sinusitis, tonsillitis and even bad teeth. By identifying and eliminating the source of chronic infection, it is possible to both increase immunity, strengthening it, and spend less time on sick leave.

How to strengthen the immunity of adults and children with folk remedies

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Since childhood, we know that we need vitamins. What if a person is deficient in vitamin C, develops scurvy. If there is not enough vitamin A, then a person suffers from “night blindness”; if there is a lack of vitamin B1, then the person suffers from “beriberi” disease, and if there is a lack of vitamin D, then children develop rickets, and adults develop osteoporosis. And these are private, most famous examples.

But somehow the understanding that a lack of any vitamin leads, first of all, to a weakening of the human immune barrier, and consequently to diseases, has faded into the background. This happens because all vitamins are absorbed in a complex, and with a deficiency or excess of any vitamin from the complex, the absorption of all the others is disrupted. The harmony is broken - and here you have a weakened immune system with a bunch of various diseases.

The main ways to strengthen the immune system - hardening, maintaining healthy image life, regular physical exercise and, of course, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements (vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh herbs) or taking vitamins (in winter and spring).

Which vitamins are important for strengthening the immune system?

There is an opinion that vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system. However, in reality this is not entirely true. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, normal functioning of the liver, kidneys and other organs, but does not directly affect the immune system. Vitamin C will help you cope with some cold symptoms if you are sick. That's all. Likewise with faith in miraculous properties Zinc: Zinc also strengthens the immune system and is not nearly as effective as many would like to think.

Preference should be given to another well-known vitamin - vitamin D. This is the most important vitamin necessary to strengthen the immune system of both adults and children.

Manifestations of vitamin D deficiency in the body: rickets in children, various dental diseases, the development of osteoporosis in adults, and most importantly, in everyone - decreased immunity.

"Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for strengthening the immune system"

If the body contains vitamin D in sufficient quantities, this prevents the leaching of other vitamins from the body, which also has a positive effect on the state of the human immune barrier. In addition, vitamin D activates the formation of antibodies in the body, which destroy pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses - sources of various diseases. Therefore, when choosing a particular complex of vitamins to maintain or strengthen the immune system, first of all, pay attention to the content of vitamin D in its composition.

The second most important vitamin for immunity is vitamin A. It is responsible for the production of immunoglobulin A on the mucous membranes, increasing their resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses, and is also involved in the process of producing antibodies.

Vitamin A is found in animal products. The first place in vitamin A content is occupied by fish fat, 100 g of cod fat contains up to 20.0 mg of vitamin A, and a very large amount of vitamin A is also found in the liver: 100 g of beef liver contains 15 mg, and 100 g of pork liver contains 6.0 mg of vitamin A.

In green parts of plants, as well as in fruits and vegetables of red or orange color It does not contain vitamin A in its pure form, but provitamin A - carotene and carotenoids, which in the human body are metabolized into vitamin A. There is a lot of carotene, of course, in carrots. There is also a lot in sea buckthorn berries, rose hips, rowan berries, green onions, sorrel, parsley, lettuce, and red sweet pepper.

Another well-known vitamin is vitamin E. It is called the women's vitamin, as it is beneficial for women's beauty and health. But in addition, it helps to increase the resistance of red blood cells to the action of toxins, viruses and carcinogens, as well as their excretion from the body harmful products metabolism of substances secreted by the blood and liver.

Vitamin F is not so widely known, but it also plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. It activates metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the process of absorption of vitamins E and A, which leads to an increase in nonspecific immunity, increasing the body’s protective reaction.

Vitamin P in combination with vitamin C allows you to optimize intracellular metabolism, increasing the body's protective functions at the cellular level, but carefully, strictly according to the norm, since an overdose of these vitamins will have the opposite effect - the development of vascular fragility, weakening the immune system. Vitamin P is found in black currants, chokeberry, tea leaves, rose hips, lemons, etc.

Everyone has heard that vitamins improve immunity and help avoid diseases, especially during epidemics. Through the smart and rational use of multivitamins, this becomes a reality. Strengthening the immune system in adults is a whole complex of measures; one of the components of therapy is taking vitamins and minerals as part of complex preparations.

What is immunity

How and with what to strengthen the immune system: first, a few words about the immune system. These are a number of body systems, as well as special blood cells that perform the function of protecting the body not only from pathogens, but also from newly formed tumor cells that appear when there are disturbances during cell division. By taking vitamins, you can strengthen the immune system and speed up the body's recovery process after illness.

Vitamins and minerals for immunity have their effect primarily on the bone marrow. New immune cells of the body are formed in the bone marrow. In most cases, decreased immunity is associated with a reduced number of such cells in the blood. This process is called leukopenia. There are situations when the number of immunocompetent cells remains within normal limits, but still a person often suffers from colds and other infectious diseases, memory deterioration occurs. This is due to the reduced activity of these cells, coupled with a decrease in their enzymatic activity. Pathogenic agents are captured but not digested. This is associated with the long-term course of a number of colds and infectious diseases.

Promotion protective properties body and occurs with the participation of vitamins such as:

  • Retinol – helps neutralize cancer cells that form in the breast and prostate. The optimal concentration of this vitamin in the blood is a preventive method of combating cancer. Retinol also helps improve the functional state of the cardiovascular system.
  • Ascorbic acid is a powerful stimulator of antibody formation (humoral immunity), and also activates phagocytes - cells that digest pathogenic microbes. Considering these properties, ascorbic acid is included in the complex prevention of viral respiratory diseases - during seasonal epidemics, children are necessarily prescribed medications with vitamin C.
  • Tocopherol is a recognized antioxidant, exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, stimulates the resorption of blood clots formed in the lumen of the vessel, and has a positive effect on vascular microcirculation.
  • Vitamin P exhibits antitumor activity and also increases genetic resistance under radiation conditions.
  • Folic acid is a necessary component for normal bone marrow function. Thanks to this substance, protective blood cells of leukocytes are produced, their concentration increases in the peripheral bloodstream, where they perform their main functions.

Popular complexes

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces various forms of vitamins for the immune system of adults, both chewable and tablets. The first ones, of course, are more pleasant to the taste, and therefore are more popular.

The main types of vitamin complexes for strengthening the immune system and strengthening memory are:

Multi-Tabs Immuno-plus

This, made in Denmark, contains everything necessary for the immune system useful substances, and is also enriched with microelements (selenium, chromium, iodine, zinc and iron). The drug is taken once throughout the day, preferably after the first meal. Taking the drug should continue for at least one month, otherwise the positive effect will be weakly expressed.


In addition to vitamins, the drug also contains minerals such as chromium, potassium, copper,. Centrum multivitamins must be taken for one month, then a break is taken, after which the intake is resumed again. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the occurrence of possible allergic reactions, in the presence of which the drug should be stopped and a doctor’s consultation is required. The company also produces a special complex for children over 2 years old to improve immunity and strengthen memory.


It contains only two vitamins: retinol and tocopherol. Capsules are taken three times a day, one or two, and always with fat, since these vitamins are fat-soluble. Just one small sandwich with butter is enough for absorption.

Also read:

For memory

Weak immunity also means memory problems. Therefore, multivitamins aimed at strengthening memory will help normalize not only the functioning of the nervous system, but also the functioning of the immune system. As a result, resistance to various infections increases significantly.

Which vitamins for adults best restore memory: the most important ones aimed at strengthening memory are the following:


in this case, it exhibits antioxidant activity, which protects brain cells and neurons from the damaging effects of free radicals. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the formation of the sheath that envelops the nerve fiber and improves the conduction of nerve impulses. Tocopherol is especially active in elderly patients.


Improves the course of metabolic processes in nervous tissue and in the body as a whole. Latest experimental studies have proven that the optimal content of pyridoxine in the body significantly improves memory.


Designed not only to strengthen the body's defenses, but also useful for nervous tissue, as well as for the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to every cell of the human body.

Folic acid

Together with cyanocobalamin, it participates in the formation of red blood cells, preventing the development of anemia, and is always included in multivitamins for immunity and memory.

Ascorbic acid

Together with tocopherol, it is an active antioxidant in the body. Its optimal content is the key to the normal functioning of not only the immune and nervous systems, but also the entire organism as a whole.


Scientific studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency leads to disruption of the analytical and synthetic activity of the brain and short-term memory. In addition, its deficiency accelerates the aging process in the body.

To improve appetite

Vitamins for appetite for adults are another way to boost human immunity. It is well known that food is the main source of nutrients in the body. Therefore, with a decrease in appetite, it develops different kinds hypovitaminosis, which predisposes to frequent colds.

To cope with poor appetite, you can use specially adapted vitamins. Ascorbic acid and cyanocobalamin are especially active in this regard. The intake of iron into the body is also very important. These important substances stabilize the biological activity of the hunger center and the satiety center.

If there is a lack of ascorbic acid and cobalamin, the functioning of the nervous system becomes unbalanced, a person does not feel full or hungry, and an appetite disorder develops. Against the background of nutritional disorders, a lack of a number of vitamins and microelements in the body develops. This closes a vicious circle. In order to open it, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes enriched with iron,

The birth of a baby is the most joyful event in the life of every parent.

From the first day, mothers and fathers try to create the most Better conditions for its growth and development. One of most important tasks Parents’ goal is to strengthen the baby’s immunity, because at the very beginning of life, his body is only at the development stage.

For the normal functioning of all systems and organs, the baby requires vitamins and microelements. And if these beneficial substances do not enter the baby’s body in the required quantities, then this threatens to reduce the protective functions.

As a result, the baby will become susceptible to various types of bacteria and infections that lead to numerous diseases.

Let's figure out whether and what pharmacy vitamins are best given to a child to maintain immunity.

When the need arises

Immunity is the body's ability to resist pathogens and viruses. When the protective system functions, antibodies are formed that resist the entry and proliferation of bacteria.

The stability of the immune system is formed in childhood, which is why it is so important to carefully monitor the health of the baby during this period.

It's worth saying that The formation of protective functions in a baby occurs in the womb. In this case, the influence is exerted by the mother’s diet during pregnancy, lifestyle, stress, etc.

After birth, the immune system is strengthened by breast milk , which contains immunoglobulins and antitoxins. This process lasts until the first half of life.

It is worth noting that own immunoglobulins begin to form in the child’s body by the age of 6-7 years.

When does your baby need extra micronutrients?:

  • poor quality and unbalanced nutrition;
  • the baby lives in places with unfavorable ecology;
  • taking antibiotic drugs;
  • excessive psychological, mental and physical stress;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • lack of minerals and trace elements and minerals in the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of daily routine.

A lack of nutritional components can also negatively affect the development of the body's protective functions.

How to find out if your baby has problems with the immune system:

If your baby has these signs, there is no reason to worry.. The first step is to contact an immunologist who will prescribe effective vitamins for children to boost immunity, which can strengthen the body’s resistance to viral infections.

It's worth saying that It is not recommended to independently select drugs that improve immune functions.

What does a child's body need?

During an epidemic, with poor nutrition, temporary decrease in immune functions your child needs additional vitamins and minerals.

Which of them can help the body recover and improve resistance to disease? What vitamins are best to give to children to boost immunity?

Vitamin D. Important for formation bone tissue. Participates in the process of blood clotting and strengthening the immune system.

WITH. Belongs to the fat-soluble category. Able to strengthen and enhance the body's protective functions.

Vitamin C helps the baby with the development of viral infections. With sufficient intake into the body, vulnerability to allergens is reduced, wound healing is accelerated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, tissue regeneration is improved, and resistance to cold is increased.

Retinol. Is an antioxidant. Retinol can directly protect the immune system and help strengthen it. In addition, with its help, material metabolism is restored in the child’s body.

However, vitamin A in excess amounts is quite dangerous, so it is contraindicated to prescribe it to a child on your own.

E (tocopherol). It is an antioxidant (a substance that inhibits oxidation) and helps cope with multiple adverse processes in the body.

Contributes to normal structure maintenance cell membrane and the absorption of vitamin A. It takes part in protein synthesis and is the main substance that helps strengthen children's immunity.

AT 2. It is an essential participant in the chemical processes occurring in cells. Vitamin B2 enhances the process of tissue regeneration and restores liver function.

R. Its main task is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help vitamin C in all reactions.

AT 12. Normalizes liver function, restores the functions of the nervous system, and prevents oxygen starvation of the brain.

AT 5. Participates in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism necessary for the synthesis of amino acids.

AT 6. Takes part in the formation of antibodies that resist infections.

In addition to this, you need:

  • iron– participates in the production of hemoglobin;
  • selenium– supports the functioning of the immune system;
  • zinc– improves the process of tissue regeneration, has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • magnesium– participates in the biochemical reactions necessary for the child’s body;
  • omega 3– improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain, reduces vulnerability to viral infections;
  • probiotics– contribute to the protection of intestinal microflora;
  • calcium– participates in the formation of bone tissue, activates the work of enzymes.

Promotes the proper formation of immune functions not only correct and balanced diet, but also the child’s lifestyle - hardening, moderate exercise stress, frequent walks in the air, absence emotional stress etc.

  • in food products – vegetables, fruits, cereals, fermented milk products, meat and fish;
  • in vitamin complexes of homeopathic origin;
  • in artificial preparations – tablets, capsules, syrups;
  • in injections – groups B and C.

All vitamin complexes are divided into preparations:

  • first generation– products containing one component;
  • second generation– drugs that contain several components;
  • third generation- a complex that can be combined with additional components.

Today, effective vitamins for boosting immunity for children are available in abundance on the pharmaceutical market, but we will consider only the best (judging by the reviews).

Before purchasing, you should consult your pediatrician, since some drugs have their own contraindications and side effects.

Review of the best products with brief instructions for use

Children's complexes should be purchased depending on age, since at different periods of life it is required different quantities minerals and trace elements.

Which good vitamins for immunity for children should I choose and how to drink them? Let's look at the instructions for the following complexes:

  • "Pikovit";
  • "Immuno Kids";
  • "Vitamishka";
  • "Alphabet";
  • "Multitabs";
  • "Vitrum baby";
  • "Kinder-Biovital" gel;
  • "Supradin Kids"


The drug is prescribed for:

  • increased fatigue;
  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • with increased physical activity;
  • in the absence of appetite;
  • after prolonged use of antibiotic drugs;
  • during the recovery period to strengthen the body's immune functions.

The drug contains the following components:

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, D3, C, P, PP;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • calcium.

Available in tablet and syrup form.

Tablets are taken from 4 to 6 years of age every 4-5 hours, from 7 to 14 - every 3-4 hours. The drug is completely absorbed.

The course of treatment is 20-30 days. If you have no appetite, Pikovit is taken for 2 months.

The syrup is intended for children from 1 to 3 years old. The product is taken 2 times a day in an amount of 5 ml. From 4 to 6 years – 3 times a day, from 7 to 14 – 4-5 times a day.

The syrup is given from a spoon. If necessary, it is allowed to add to water, juice, puree.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity, glucose and fructose intolerance, hypervitaminosis. Among the side effects, in rare cases a reaction in the form of an allergy is observed.

While taking Pikovit, your urine may turn yellow. It is not recommended to take the drug at the same time with other vitamin complexes.

"Immuno kids"

  • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, N, K, C, P, RR;
  • iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, chromium.

Shown for:

  • maintaining the functioning of intestinal microflora;
  • prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies;
  • prevention of the development of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improved adaptation;
  • recovery in the period after illness.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components of “Imuno Kids”. TO side effects- possible allergic reactions.


The vitamin complex includes:

  • retinol, B1, B6, B12, C, D;
  • folic and pantothenic acids;
  • choline, inositol, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium;
  • natural fruit juice.


  • strengthening the body's immune functions;
  • enrichment of the child's body necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • relieving feelings of fatigue;
  • strengthening bones and teeth;
  • intellectual development;
  • reducing the risk of developing acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improving attention and memory.

These vitamins, which enhance immunity, are produced in the form of bear-shaped lozenges that are attractive to children. It is recommended that children aged 3 to 7 years take 1 chewing stick 2 times a day.


The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, K1, C, RR;
  • molybdenum, ferrum, biotin, calcium, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium;


  • mental and physical stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • protection during periods of increased morbidity;
  • irrational and unhealthy diet;
  • deficiency of minerals and trace elements.

The drug is produced in powder form for children from 1 to 3 years old, in the form of colored chewing candies - from 3 to 7 years old and schoolchildren.

In the first case, take one sachet once a day. The powder is diluted with water.

Vitacomplex "Alphabet" is not allowed in case of excess in the body of vitamins and hypersensitivity.

Among the side effects observed in isolated cases allergic reaction. In case of overdose, signs of poisoning are observed.


The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, E, D3, C;
  • nicotinamide;
  • selenium, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, chromium;
  • folic and pantothenic acids.

Indications for use:

  • the period of recovery process after illness;
  • with increased mental, psychological and physical stress;
  • with improper and unbalanced nutrition;
  • if you need vitamins and minerals.

Children aged 1 to 4 years should take the tablets with plenty of water, once a day with meals. The tablets are allowed to be crushed and added to food.

"Multitabs" is produced in the form of chewable tablets.

Not allowed for use when hypervitaminosis and hypersensitivity. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is rarely observed.

"Vitrum baby"

The drug contains the following components::

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, E, D3, K1, C;
  • nicotinamide, betacarotene, biotin;
  • pantothenic folic acid;
  • zinc, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, chromium, selenium, iodine, copper.


  • increased resistance to disease;
  • period of growth and development;
  • prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis;
  • during the period of recovery after illness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
  • adaptation to mental and physical stress.

The drug is available in the form of a gel and tasty chewable lozenges.. Contains the following components:

  • retinol, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, E, C;
  • niacin, iodine, lecithin, iron, zinc, choline, magnesium, copper, chromium, biotin, selenium;
  • pantothenic and folic acids.


  • psychological, physical, mental stress;
  • lack of minerals and trace elements;
  • strengthening immune functions;
  • protection during epidemics;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • improper and irrational nutrition;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Chewable lozenges should be taken by children whose ages range from 5-11 years 1 tablet per day.

Those, older people take 2 tablets 2 times a day. The drug is recommended to be taken with meals.

Should be taken with caution at diabetes mellitus and hypervitaminosis.

Cold seasons bring with them inevitable colds and epidemics of viral infections. Everyone wants to avoid infection and protect children from it. The best way to do this is to activate the immune system. There are many methods, but the simplest and most accessible is fortification. What vitamins do adults and children need in the first place to strengthen the immune system? What is the best way to obtain the “substances of life”: from food or special preparations?

Immunity and vitamins

The most important factor in increasing immunity is proper nutrition and saturation of the diet with vitamins. Unfortunately, modern people eat little fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods that keep you healthy. Many people naively believe that by eating one orange or grapefruit a day, they will save themselves from the flu and ARVI. Others prepare food incorrectly - canning, pickling, smoking, destroying all the beneficial substances. In addition, many vitamins are destroyed very quickly in the body, so you need to take them every day. What are the main vitamins to boost immunity? Here's a short list:

  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B12 (zincobalamin);
  • Folic acid;
  • B15 (calcium pangamate);
  • C (ascorbic acid);

To help your immune system competently, you need to know the basic characteristics of vitamins, how to use them, as well as the differences in needs between adults and children.

This is one of the most important substances that increases the body's resistance to infections. With a lack of retinol, a person not only often suffers from infectious diseases, but also suffers from inflammation internal organs, dry hair, skin diseases, decreased visual acuity. Retinol is able to protect the body from dysentery, measles, gastritis, and colitis. It is found only in animal foods. Grandparents remember being forced to drink disgusting fish oil as children. It was an excellent immunity booster. Cod liver oil contains huge amounts of vitamin A.

Modern people can saturate their menu with retinol by consuming beef liver, natural dairy products, butter, eggs. Plant food lovers and vegetarians get carotene from carrots, pumpkin, red paprika, tomatoes, dill, sorrel, spinach, green onions, red and yellow berries and fruits. In the intestines, carotene is converted into retinol. And in order for absorption to go better, it is necessary to refuel with plant foods olive oil, sour cream, yogurt. For feeling normal a person needs 1.5 mg of retinol per day.

They regulate metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal state of the nervous system, liver, and heart. Newly discovered B17 prevents development cancerous tumors. People can get B vitamins from bread, organ meats, oatmeal and buckwheat, nuts, milk, fish, eggs, and rice bran.

Folic acid (B9) is especially worth highlighting. This substance can be obtained by eating fresh tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, celery, parsley leaves, as well as liver, kidneys, and animal brains. It is important that vegetables exposed to heat lose 90% folic acid. The lack of this substance is especially dangerous when treated with antibiotics. Medicines block the formation of folic acid in the intestines, causing dysbiosis and diarrhea. For normal level immunity, a person needs 0.2 - 0.3 mg of folic acid daily.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

All other vitamins for strengthening the immune system cannot compare in the potency of ascorbic acid. In addition to the absorption of iron, strengthening blood vessels and participating in protein synthesis, “ascorbic acid” disinfects the poisons of microbes, pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, and dysentery.

Incorrect cooking temperatures destroy ascorbic acid. Therefore, most of the products that a person receives with food should be fresh. These are: rose hips, parsley, kiwi, Walnut, sea ​​buckthorn, Bell pepper, currants, barberries, dill, horseradish, strawberries, lemon, gooseberries, apples, spinach, radishes, raspberries, radishes, sorrel, watermelon, pear, apricot, blueberries. Quite a lot of the “elixir of life” is contained in potatoes and sauerkraut.

An adult's need for ascorbic acid– 70-100 mg per day. People engaged in heavy physical labor and pregnant women need to consume double the norm. The same applies to older people, since immunity weakens with age.

Vitamin P is similar in composition and action. It is found in the same foods as ascorbic acid.

Vitamins D, K and E

They help the body resist viruses, especially in autumn and winter. Group D substances are found in fish oil, butter, egg yolk, dairy products. You can satisfy your body's need for vitamin E by using vegetable oil, eggs, legumes, rye and wheat, rose hips. “Keeper of blood”, K, is found in leafy vegetables, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, rowan berries. K and E are remarkable in that they do not collapse when heated.

These vitamins, which boost immunity, are also excellent antioxidants that protect against premature aging.

Vitamin preparations

Proper nutrition - natural way enriching the body with vitamins. But life modern man often prevents him from preparing fresh food every day. People eat at work or in a cafe, replace a full lunch with sandwiches, and freshly squeezed juice with strong coffee. As a result, the immune system suffers and cannot fully protect the body from infections and diseases.

The optimal solution is to take synthetic vitamins. They are in many ways more convenient than natural ones found in food. After all, one tablet can replace several kilograms of vegetables and fruits. The tablets are easy to carry. They do not spoil as quickly as food.

What are the best vitamins for immunity?

The most popular drugs:

  • Vitrum;
  • Multitabs;
  • Complivtt;
  • Alphabet.

Each of the listed products is a complex, that is, it contains several vitamins, biological additives, and minerals. Some of these medicinal products are supplemented with lactobacilli. Can be purchased vitamin complex in the form of chewable tablets or drops.

According to consumer reviews, the best vitamins for immunity are Centrum. The preparation contains 24 vitamins and has antioxidant properties. Several options are available for different age groups, for pregnant women and children.

Activation of the immune system in children

A person has an immune system already in the womb. When a child is born, his body can immediately resist microorganisms and viruses. But the older the baby gets, the weaker the immune protection received from nature becomes. Immunity needs to be constantly increased, especially since children are more susceptible to infections than adults. The child's menu should include a lot of raw and steamed vegetables and fresh fruits. Homemade freshly squeezed juices should be preferred to store-bought ones.

Children enjoy eating salads made from cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with sour cream or olive oil, sauerkraut. It's not so easy with fresh fruit in winter. It is better to prefer frozen berries and dried fruits from grandma's garden to canned compotes and jams.

Not all parents have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to preparing fortified meals every day. The guys themselves are also busy, especially school age. Establishing a proper diet is difficult. They come to the rescue vitamin preparations. In autumn and winter, parents begin to look for vitamins for children in pharmacies to boost immunity.

If a child becomes drowsy, distracted, often suffers from respiratory diseases, or has stomach problems, helper medications are necessary. Vitamins for immunity are also prescribed to children when the child first comes to the children's group - in kindergarten or school after a long holiday. This helps to get rid of the problem of frequent illness, absence from classes, and transmission of infection to the family.

Range medicines very wide these days. These can be capsules, gel, syrup. In any case, medications must be taken strictly according to the instructions. Overdose leads to diathesis and even poisoning.

Medicinal vitamin preparations are most often presented as complexes of several useful substances. Well-proven children's vitamins for immunity are “Pikovit”, “Alphabet”, “Vitamishki”, “Vitrum Kids” and many others. Fish oil in capsules will be a good help for a growing body. The pharmaceutical industry offers new developments in this area every year. It’s easy to find out an unbiased opinion; just type in any Internet search engine: “vitamins for immunity, reviews.”

Tablets for chewing and swallowing help fill the gaps of poor nutrition, relieve the effects of educational overload, and increase resistance to respiratory infections during the cold periods of the year.

Home Remedies to Boost Immunity

Vitamins that strengthen the immune system are found in everyday foods. Folk wisdom stores many recipes that can replace expensive pharmacy syrups and tablets.

Real " vitamin bomb» - juice from carrots, beets, pomegranate and lemon. Experienced housewives It is advised to take a kilogram of carrots and beets and 800 grams of pomegranates and lemons. Squeeze juice from vegetables and fruits, add 800 grams of honey. One tablespoon of this miracle mixture is equal to an expensive vitamin tablet.

Grind several large ginger roots in a meat grinder with three large lemons, add 300 grams of honey. The mixture can be added to tea or spread on bread like jam. In addition to stimulating the immune system, the composition has bactericidal properties.

Vitamin cocktail - mince 300 grams of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, walnuts and honey along with a large lemon. The resulting sweet and sour mass is eaten every day, with tea or spread on Rye bread. Children can add it to porridge.

Strengthening the immune system is a top priority for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. Get vitamins with proper nutrition or from synthetic products - a matter of personal preference. The main thing is to do this regularly, based on the advice of a doctor.