Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and various minerals are certainly necessary for humans, but there is another group of useful substances without which no living organism can exist - vitamins. We consume most of them through food of plant and animal origin.

In order to fully satisfy daily requirement If your body needs essential B vitamins (B1 B6 B12), you will need to eat a whole loaf of black or bran bread. Therefore, people began to synthesize vitamins and produce them in the form of dietary supplements, tablets that must be taken regularly, and injections. Today we will talk about injections, find out how to take vitamins B1 B6 B12 and which of them are compatible with each other.

Tablets or injections: which is better?

This group (B1, B6, B12) combines several vitamins, which together are responsible for following functions in organism:

  • energy metabolism;
  • stability of the nervous system;
  • cell growth and regeneration;
  • immune system.

In order to receive everything in full essential vitamins our daily diet should be 5-6 thousand kcal. Today, the daily norm of the average person is 2-2.5 thousand kcal, so each of us is experiencing a deficiency of a number of important substances. Correctly replenish their deficiency, realistically, by using synthetic vitamins group B (B1 B6 B12), which can be drunk (capsules, tablets) or injected (drugs in injection ampoules).

Most often, to saturate the body with vitamins, people resort to consuming them orally, however, before they enter the bloodstream, vitamins must travel a long way through the food system. The oral cavity, here they are influenced by salivary enzymes, the esophagus, the stomach with its acid, then the bile environment of the intestines, and if you drink vitamins in capsules, then in the end our body gets only a small part of this useful substance. Therefore, you have to take vitamin capsules over a long course of about 2 months.

For a faster effect (especially with vitamin deficiency), doctors recommend injecting B vitamins (B1 B6 B12), which will allow them to be almost instantly and fully absorbed by the body.

You can and even need to inject vitamins for the following diseases:

  • rehabilitation period, for example, after surgery;
  • restoration of the body after suffering stress;
  • various types of neuralgic problems, neuritis.

However, before you start injecting, you should mandatory Consult a doctor; self-medication may have the opposite effect.

How to prick correctly

Having visited the doctor and established a diagnosis that requires injection of B vitamins, you should decide how to inject the vitamins yourself or use the services of doctors.

If you decide to give yourself injections yourself, you need to know in what cases to inject B vitamins (B1 B6 B12), how and when to do it and take into account the fact that the procedure is quite painful, but there is nothing difficult about it.

The injection can be administered intramuscularly into top part thighs or buttocks (if done independently, it is more convenient to inject into the thigh). With clean hands disinfect the injection site by soaking a cotton swab in alcohol. Having opened the ampoule with the drug, put the needle on the syringe and release the air from it, then draw the required amount of the substance. Next, press the plunger so that a drop of the collected drug emerges from the tip of the needle - we made sure that before injecting, for example, vitamin B6 (and others too), all the air came out of the syringe. Now we directly inject and slowly inject the drug, after which we again treat the area with alcohol.

In addition to the fact that we now know how to properly inject vitamins B1 B6 B12, we should take into account one more fact - their compatibility with each other.

Compatibility of B vitamins with each other

Representatives of this group do not get along well even with each other, not to mention other vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it would be appropriate to know which B vitamins can be injected together and which ones should not be taken.

Vitamin B6 is never combined with ascorbic acid, since they neutralize each other and will not bring any benefit to the body. Vitamin B6 is also incompatible with B1. B6 inhibits B1, making it absolutely useless, but it is “friendly” with B2; it can also be combined with magnesium, zinc, and calcium. If you do not want to take vitamin B6 in tablets, you can inject yourself with it.

Despite the fact that some vitamin preparations They are well compatible with each other; they are never mixed in one syringe. The best option There will be an alternation - today an injection of one drug, and the next day an injection of another.

So, for example, doctors prescribe a course of injections consisting of two vitamins: B6 and B12, since they get along well with each other, but, despite the compatibility, it is necessary to inject vitamins B6 and B12 every other day for better absorption. In addition, you can combine vitamins B2, B6, B9, as well as B2, B5, B9.