Do you have trouble seeing at dusk and at night? Do you often suffer from infections and inflammations of the skin mucosa? It is possible that you simply do not have enough vitamin A. It is also called the regulator of life and death. Let's take a look at the effects of vitamin A on the human body together.

To understand why such pathetic words, let's figure out how the vitamin works. During the day, under the influence of the sun, free radicals attack all living things. These destroying substances try to oxidize, that is, burn the unprotected parts of the cells. But carotenes (fat-containing pigments from which vitamin A is formed) come to the defense. Without them, by 9 o'clock in the morning, all the lush vegetation on the planet would have turned into a withered brown mass. A person would burn out in a few minutes.

Free radicals are missing one electron. To take electrons from cells, these killer compounds enter our bodies. But they manage to kill (oxidize) only diseased cells, unprotected by carotenes. This burning-cleansing is necessary, because thanks to it, the worthless is replaced by a new, fresh one. If there were no free radicals, we would live forever.

The concentration of a person with the influence of vitamin A on the human body reaches a maximum only 10 days after the start of its intake. And in order for all the cells of the body to be saturated with vitamin A, it can take 5-6 weeks.

Carotenes give plants a bright color - red, orange, dark green. There are over 500 varieties. The more of these bright protectors we have, the longer we stay young. If your elderly friend looks forty years old, then she has an impeccable concentration of carotenes in her tissues.

What should a person do so that we have enough molecules of bright pigments? You need to eat food rich in them. These are spinach, broccoli, carrots, beets, pumpkin and apricots. There is a Hunza people in Pakistan, whose diet consists of a huge amount of apricots. They are long-lived and look great at the same time.

But many carotenes are only precursors of the effect of vitamin A on the human body. 40% of the carotenes eaten are not converted into vitamin A, they are simply excreted from the body. To prevent such waste, it is necessary to prepare vegetables containing a lot of ballast substances (carrots, beets) in a special way. By the way, it is better to eat food rich in carotenes a little 3 times a day. It is the fractional introduction of such food into the body that triples the concentration of carotenes in the blood.

Strong crushing and heating up to 100C with continuous stirring. Adding a small amount of fat to meals. Without it, the amount of carotene in the blood does not change at all, and with it increases by 2.5 times in 40 hours. But there is a subtlety here: unsaturated fatty acids (there are many of them, for example, in vegetable oil) destroy carotene if the food lacks ascorbic acid, vitamin E and selenium. Therefore, they should also be in abundance.

You lack vitamin A if you have brittle, slowly growing nails, dry split ends, like parchment, and even skin “decorated” with a rash, poor appetite, frequent infections, night blindness (twilight vision disorder), dysplasia, infertility, lack of sexual desire. A systematic deficiency of the most valuable substance leads to an effect on premature aging, cancer, heart disease, cataracts and mental disorders.

It will be about Vitamin A. This vitamin is also called retinol. First of all, you should remember Vitamin A is fat soluble, i.e. is absorbed by our body only when a sufficient amount of fat is supplied with the daily diet, somewhere from 0.5 to 1 gram per 1 kg of weight. It all depends on your individual characteristics, lifestyle, current state of the body and some other factors.

So many people, when adjusting their diet, devote a lot of time to the main components of nutrition, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, completely forgetting about vitamins and minerals. You can't do that!

Lack of Vitamin A in the human body

Since we are talking about Vitamin A, here is a small list of things that are possible with lack of this vitamin in the body:

  • Epithelial damage develops
Epithelium is a layer of cells lining the surface of the body cavity and mucous membranes internal organs, alimentary tract, respiratory system, genitourinary tract, in fact, this layer of cells is, as it were, protective, and as a result of a lack of Vitamin A, it can be destroyed.
  • Vision deteriorates as a result of impaired wetting of the cornea
  • Decreased immune function of the body
  • growth retardation

Therefore, be sure not to overlook Vitamin A. To get the required amount, well-chosen products will help you. To be honest, it’s very difficult to immediately give recommendations, since I don’t remember the entire chemical composition of the products, however, there are several products that immediately come to mind, for example, egg yolk! I think many people can easily add or maybe even already consume eggs along with the yolk. So, in 100 grams of eggs, and this is about 2 eggs, because each weighs approximately 50 grams, well, maybe a little less, within 40-50 grams, about 300 micrograms of Vitamin A.

Daily rate

  • For men 900 mcg
  • For women 700 mcg

For example, I eat at least 4 whole eggs every day, i.e. it turns out that already from eggs enters the body about 600 mcg Vitamin A, and this does not include other foods that may also contain it. By the way, when living in a hot climate, the need for Vitamin A increases!

And yet, given vitamin happens different types , it is desirable to consume it from products of animal origin, but not forgetting of course about herbal products, for example, carrot. Everywhere they write about the liver, but personally I have a negative attitude towards the liver, I never want to eat it, so I look at other products that contain this vitamin, which is why I took eggs as an example!

Vitamin A overdose

I don’t know about you, but I have a question in my head right now, “ What if more is received than needed?". You can't have more than what you need! Possible in case of overdose:

  • stomach ache
  • delayed menstruation
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen
  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • hair loss
  • joint pain
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • small cracks on the lips and in the corners of the mouth

As you can see, the list is long, I think now you should understand one more such thing, vitamins, in comparison with the main components of nutrition, are much more important and serious. Therefore, approaching this issue, it is advisable to take it seriously! Everything is calculated to the smallest detail, otherwise undesirable consequences are possible.

Functions of Vitamin A in the human body

And now, finally, let's look at the functions and roles that Vitamin A performs:

Participates in redox processes:

  1. Regulates protein production. You know that our body can produce essential amino acids. This is exactly what Vitamin A does.
  2. Promotes normal metabolism
  3. Plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth in children
  4. Because it is an antioxidant, it slows down the aging process by protecting cells and is also essential for new cell growth.
  5. Has a positive effect on vision
  6. Improves immune system function and fights infection
  7. Maintains and restores epithelial tissues
  8. Necessary for normal embryonic development, nutrition of the fetus and reduces the risk of low birth weight
  9. Participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones

In truth, there are many more functions that I have not named, at least 3. I don’t want to fill your head with all the information, because there is so much of it, so just remember, Vitamin A is necessary, and adjust your diet so that it comes in the necessary quantity! And all will be well. Also, do not forget that this vitamin is absorbed only when consuming other vitamins and minerals. That is why complex nutrition rules and those who eat a limited amount of food quickly wither away.

Conclusions from what was written

  1. Vitamin A is needed in the amount of 900 mcg for men and 700 mcg for women
  2. Most must come from animal products, 20 % from plant foods, e.g. carrots
  3. Do not overdose, otherwise undesirable consequences are possible
  4. Vitamin A prolongs youth, being one of the antioxidants
  5. Has an effect on vision
  6. When living in a hot climate, the need increases
  7. Vitamin A is absorbed only with sufficient intake of fats, Vitamin E and zinc.
  • The functions of the vitamin and its role in the body
    • The need for retinol
    • What is retinol for?
  • Reception of pharmacy vitamin complexes
  • Side effects from taking drugs
  • Diet for hypovitaminosis A

A vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is very important that a person does not experience a deficiency of retinol, otherwise it can disrupt the functioning of the body's systems and lead to serious consequences. At the same time, its excess is also harmful, therefore it is necessary to actively replenish the content of retinol only after consulting a doctor and as directed by the latter.

The functions of the vitamin and its role in the body

A vitamin performs many functions in the human body. So, doctors point out the following functions of vitamin A:

  1. Antioxidant and antihypoxic. This implies that retinol performs a protective function of the body, protecting it from negative impact adverse factors, both external and internal.
  2. Normalization of metabolic processes. If there are any violations, retinol helps to eliminate them.
  3. Immunity boost. Retinol strengthens the body, making it less susceptible to viruses and bacteria.
  4. Formation of the skeletal system. Strong bones and healthy teeth are not only due to calcium, but also to retinol.
  5. Vision improvement. Retinol is often called a vitamin for the eyes, because it increases visual acuity, prevents the development of "night blindness". It moisturizes the eyes, protects the cornea from drying out and injury.
  6. Dermatoprotective action. Retinol changes the structure and texture of hair, promotes their growth and shine, strengthens nails, solves many dermatological problems, such as acne, comedones, pimples, as well as wrinkles, skin laxity, poor turgor.
  7. Adaptive-trophic action. Retinol strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep, makes a person more stress-resistant, and nourishes tissues.
  8. restorative action. Retinol improves tissue regeneration, therefore it is actively used in the treatment of burns.
  9. Rejuvenating action. Retinol promotes rejuvenation of the body, prevents premature aging.

Vitamins A have a positive effect on all body systems. Them beneficial features hard to overestimate.

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The need for retinol

The body of an adult on average requires approximately 3300 IU A of the vitamin. In some cases, the body's need for it increases, up to 10,000 IU per day. It is especially necessary in the following cases:

  • hypo- or beriberi, that is, retinol deficiency;
  • hot climate;
  • active exposure to the sun;
  • x-ray radiation.

In such cases, it is necessary to increase the dosage of retinol by adjusting the diet and taking pharmaceutical preparations. But it is necessary to start vitamin therapy only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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What is retinol for?

In addition to the main functions, this substance has an additional effect on the state of vital organs. Here's what else you need vitamin A for:

  1. Improving the functioning of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the effect of retinol on the mucous membranes and epithelial cells. It improves lung function, promotes healing of ulcers, and cures colitis.
  2. Influence on intrauterine development. Therefore, it is necessary to use vitamin A, it ensures the normal development of the embryo, its nutrition, and prevents pregnancy pathologies.
  3. Influence on the work of the thyroid and sex glands. It's about that vitamin A is responsible for the synthesis of progesterone and other steroid hormones, improves the process of spermatogenesis and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  4. Oncology prevention. Due to its antioxidant action, the substance prevents the development of tumors and their recurrence. Vitamin A is needed: its benefits have also been proven in the treatment of cancer patients.
  5. Free radical protection. Retinol protects the brain from radicals, neutralizing the most dangerous of them.
  6. Strengthening the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to use vitamin to prevent the development of angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, etc.

Retinol has a wide range of effects on the body.

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For exact definition deficiency of the vitamin, it is necessary to conduct appropriate blood tests. But according to some signs, you can suspect its lack in the body:

  1. From the side of the skin. Premature aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, a decrease in turgor, peeling, acne, dermatitis, and seborrhea are noted. It can even develop skin cancer.
  2. From the side of the hair. The hair becomes brittle, dry, the scalp lacks moisture, dandruff and itching appear.
  3. From the side of the teeth. Tooth enamel becomes extremely sensitive.
  4. From the organs of vision. The eyes are watery, mucus or crusts accumulate in their corners, uncomfortable sensations appear such as dryness, cramps, a feeling of sand in the eyes, visual acuity decreases at dusk, the cornea becomes cloudy.
  5. From the genital organs and the genitourinary system. In men, erection worsens, ejaculation accelerates, urinary incontinence appears, libido decreases.
  6. From the reproductive system. Women experience cervical erosion, mastopathy, malignant tumors of the mammary glands, polyps, etc.
  7. From the gastrointestinal tract. Atrophic-type gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, cyst-like formations in the liver, and a malignant tumor of the pancreas may develop.
  8. From the side of the respiratory system. Exposure to infectious and viral diseases (pneumonia, sinusitis, colds, bronchitis, respiratory diseases). The development of lung cancer is also possible.
  9. From the side of blood. Often hypovitaminosis is accompanied by anemia.
  10. From the side nervous system. Sleep disturbance, nervous exhaustion.

If a child suffers from hypovitaminosis, this affects the development and growth process: children are mentally and physical development, usually smaller and lower than their healthy peers.

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Doctors point to the following factors that can lead to a lack of retinol:

  • poor diet, especially in winter and early spring;
  • deficiency of protein foods, without which the absorption of retinol is reduced;
  • deficiency of fats in which vitamin A dissolves;
  • chronic diseases, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas and biliary tract;
  • deficiency of tocopherol, which does not allow retinol to be oxidized;
  • rigid diets.

If the tests showed a lack of vitamin A, the doctor may prescribe a prescription for retinol pharmaceutical preparations. So, doctors point to such diseases that are an indication for prescribing drugs:

  • dermatological diseases, for example, seborrhea, allergic skin reactions;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes (candidiasis, conjunctivitis, keratitis);
  • injuries as a result of trauma (bone fractures, wounds), burns (damage to the skin);
  • chronic diseases, in particular, pneumonia, dysfunction of the liver, biliary tract;
  • iron deficiency anemia.

It is categorically unacceptable to independently prescribe treatment for yourself, set the dosage and duration of a course of vitamin therapy.

The treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the patient's age, the root cause of hypovitaminosis and other factors.

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Reception of pharmacy vitamin complexes

In pharmacies, drugs are presented in the form of capsules, tablets, ampoules with an oily solution. The most popular are the following:

  1. Fish fat. The most famous natural source of retinol. It is produced in the form of capsules, so a person does not experience discomfort when taking them. Contains maximum amount vitamin and omega-3. Indications - prevention of thrombosis, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, disorders of the heart, rehabilitation therapy after a heart attack, as an additional therapy for oncological diseases (in particular, of the breast and colon).
  2. Retinol acetate. This is an oil solution of a vitamin. It can be used internally, externally and as a skin, hair and nail care.
  3. Retinol palmitate. It is also an oil solution that compensates for vitamin A deficiency. It is intended for oral administration.
  4. Aevit. This is a complex preparation that contains vitamins A and E. It has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect. It has a complex effect on the organs of vision, the reproductive system, blood circulation and other processes.
  5. Aekol. Contains vitamins A, E, K and carotene. Indications - violations of the liver, rehabilitation therapy after burns and injuries.
  6. Three-vee plus. Combined drug, which contains vitamins A, E, C, enriched with beta-carotene, zinc, copper and selenium. Indications - maintenance therapy in old age and after therapy of malignant tumors (radiation and chemotherapy), prevention of complications of stress, chronic overwork, strengthening of immunity.

How to take vitamin A is written in the instructions for each drug. Usually you need to strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. The doctor may prescribe the dosage depending on the condition of the patient.

Vitamins are nature's greatest gift to us. None can exist without them. creature whether human or animal. The word "vitamin" in Latin "vita" means life. According to the chemical structure, their molecules are very small, but the positive effect on all metabolic processes is enormous. There are two groups of vitamins: fat-soluble and water-soluble. One of the most important fat soluble vitamins is vitamin A. Therefore, let's look at how vitamin A affects the human body.

Vitamin A or retinol occupies a leading position in the list of all vitamins. It is necessary for basic metabolic processes. Vitamin A is needed to maintain and improve vision. If it is not enough, then the so-called "night blindness" develops - a violation of night vision a person "goes blind" with the onset of twilight.

Women's health can be improved with vitamin A. It affects the reproductive function, improving it. Helps to normalize the production of female and male sex hormones. Reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, menopausal hot flashes.

There are changes in the skin, with a lack of vitamin A. It loses its elasticity, shine begins to peel off, become dry, and the heels crack, wounds heal poorly. The mucous membranes of blood vessels, internal organs, bile ducts and urinary tract are listened to, become more vulnerable. The property of retinol to influence the regeneration of the skin is successfully used by cosmetologists. There is not a single cosmetic product that does not include this miracle vitamin.

With a lack of vitamin A, children lag behind in physical development, gain weight poorly, and often get sick. The risk of having children with low weight is reduced if a woman takes vitamin A during pregnancy. However, its excess can provoke a miscarriage. Given the effect of vitamin A on pregnancy, take it as directed and only on the advice of your doctor.

Signs of excess vitamin A in the human body: lethargy, drowsiness, redness of the face, headache, vomiting, nausea, gait disturbance, irritability.

For those who are interested in how to remove vitamin A from the body, I will say that it is destroyed by alcohol, high temperatures, light, in the air. Breathe deeply, go to the bath more often ... Take polysorb, activated charcoal, enteresgel, polyfepam.

Many scientists consider retinol to be the "front line" of defense against all ailments, due to the fact that it improves immunity, increases the resistance of the human body to many infections.

The most important advantage of vitamin A is that it is a powerful antioxidant, it successfully fights free radicals. To understand the essence of the process, I will say a few words about the free radicals themselves. These are aggressive oxygen molecules “harmful” to the human body, they live for several seconds, but their destructive effect is colossal.

Free radicals are the result of the vital activity of our body or they come from outside with polluted air, food, water. In a small amount, they affect the launch of normal physiological processes, but if there are more of them, then this already causes great harm to the tissues. This happens due to the fact that free radicals lack one molecule and they "steal" it from normal cells, damaging their membrane, so a chain reaction is started. Free radicals are the cause of all diseases, the development of tumor diseases, and the aging of the human body. It turns out that vitamin A is simply not needed to treat any disease. But consume it in moderation, because you know how vitamin A affects the human body.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Many studies have shown that a sufficient content of vitamin A in the daily diet has a positive effect on the metabolism of the human body, prevents the development of many serious diseases. Retinol in its pure form is found in the following products of animal origin: beef, pork, veal liver, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, herring.

Speaking of natural sources vitamin A cannot be ignored carotenoids. They are provitamins A, once in the human body are converted into retinol, which is involved in all metabolic processes. There are about 600 types of caratonoids, but the ones we need are found in some vegetables, red or red fruits. orange color, legumes. I will list the main ones: parsley, red mountain ash, pumpkin, tomatoes, apricots, green beans in pods, peas, spinach, persimmons. You need to consume all these products fractionally during the day, then they will be better absorbed.

If a person is sick, then the intake of vitamin A from food alone is not enough. In such cases, retinol is prescribed in the dosage form. It is better to combine it with vitamin E, selenium, ascorbic acid.

After the start of vitamin A intake, its maximum concentration in tissues is noted after 5-6 weeks. Only then does its positive effect on the human body begin.

On a note: Retinol protects only healthy cells from destruction and does not restore damaged ones! Hence the conclusion suggests itself - eat balanced, lead healthy lifestyle life.


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Vitamin A is called the capital letter of the alphabet for a reason. The fact is that scientists found vitamin a first and in connection with this he received the name of the first letter of the Latin alphabet. The main and main feature of this vitamin is that it is not water-soluble, which means that fats, proteins and minerals are required for its full absorption by the body.

The role of vitamin A

Vitamin A in itself is a powerful antioxidant. But besides that, it has a lot of other functions. This vitamin is responsible for:

  • complete metabolism in the body;
  • protein synthesis;
  • health of all body cells;
  • strong teeth;
  • strong bones;
  • proper distribution of fat in the body;
  • skin youth;
  • cell growth and division;
  • visual acuity;
  • immune system and more.

Vitamin A and vision

Even ancient scientists noticed that certain foods help to cure vision problems. For example, with a disease called "Night blindness", ancient healers advised to eat more animal liver (fried, boiled, raw). Indeed, in this product, the level of vitamin A is almost off scale, and it is he who is responsible for full-fledged photoreception (perception of light exposure to the retina of the eye).

Vitamin A and immunity

Immunity is the most important function of the human body, because it is thanks to strong immunity that the body copes with various diseases. And it is precisely in the full-fledged work of its protective function that vitamin a plays an important role. He is responsible for:

  • resistance of mucous membranes to viral attacks (thus protecting against viral infections);
  • activity of leukocytes;
  • respiratory protection;
  • reproductive system;
  • urinary system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine system.

If there is a lack of vitamin A in the body, the immune system weakens and the body becomes more vulnerable to disease, especially viral infections and sexually transmitted infections.

By the way, scientists have found out very interesting fact: it turns out that if vitamin a is present in the body of an AIDS patient in the full (required) amount, the life expectancy of such a patient increases significantly.

Vitamin A and skin

An indispensable vitamin and also there for the beauty and health of the skin. Today, almost all creams, masks, lotions and other skin care products, especially anti-aging, contain vitamin a. Recently, skin treatment with vitamin A injections has become popular, with its help they eliminate such problems as:

  • juvenile acne;
  • acne
  • early skin aging;
  • psoriasis.

Very often, in medical and cosmetic centers, vitamin a is used as a drug for skin healing, because it does an excellent job with both incised and burn wounds. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the qualitative synthesis of collagen and promotes rapid skin regeneration. This vitamin is useful during pregnancy, as it is responsible for the proper development of the fetus in the womb. In the event that a pregnant woman has experienced, the baby may be born with a lack of weight.

Vitamin A and cancer

This extraordinary miracle vitamin has found its application even in the treatment cancer. The fact is that vitamin a has the ability to protect cell membranes from the effects of free radicals on them, that is, in other words, it protects cells from radiation. This vitamin is especially effective in the postoperative period, as it prevents a possible recurrence of the disease.

Is there a norm of vitamin A for the body

For all its effectiveness and usefulness, vitamin a still has some limitations for the body. For example, pregnant women need more of this vitamin, and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor should also increase their intake. But for those who, in principle, do not have physical activity or lead a sedentary lifestyle, this vitamin does not require so much (the body simply does not consume it). So, consider who and what is required for a full life:

  1. Middle-aged men - about 1000 mcg.
  2. Women - about 800 mcg.
  3. Pregnant and lactating - 1200 mcg.
  4. Adolescents - 800-900 mcg.
  5. Children - 400 mcg.

But still in certain cases(for example, in diseases) doctors can generally increase daily allowance of this vitamin to 3000 mcg.

How does the level of vitamin A in the body decrease?

To sharp decline levels of this vitamin in the body lead to disease. But the following can also lower your vitamin A levels:

  • stress;
  • fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • heavy physical exercise;
  • frequent exposure to the hot scorching sun;
  • x-ray radiation.

How does vitamin A deficiency manifest itself in the body?

The very first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency in the body will be vision problems, then - in the general condition of the skin: it becomes dry, peeling, redness, irritation appears, a person feels constant tightness of the skin. Outwardly, this manifests itself as a yellow or grayish, unpleasant skin tone, sharp deep wrinkles appear on it. Very badly, the lack of this vitamin also affects the condition of the hair: they lose elasticity, become dry and stiff, hair loss and dandruff can occur. No less a lack of vitamin A affects the condition of the teeth: the enamel is depleted, weakens, and when a person drinks a hot or cold drink, he begins to feel sharp pain in the teeth, as if all the teeth ached at once. In children, the lack of this vitamin is manifested in poor growth, they lag behind in development. Basically, children with a lack of vitamin A are not active, they have pale skin, fatigue is observed, they often cry.

Foods containing vitamin A

The lion's share of vitamin A is found in fish oil, but it is also present in the liver of animals, and in carrots (it is good for vision precisely thanks to high level vitamin A). Green vegetables and fruits, as well as yellow vegetables, can be good. In order not to lack this vitamin, it is advisable to include in your daily diet:

  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy;
  • oil;
  • margarine;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • animal liver, cod;
  • meat.

It often happens that a person seems to be eating normally, but he still has symptoms of a decrease in the level of vitamin A in the body. Then you need to analyze the entire diet and lifestyle. After all, if a person has a very nervous work or he has a habit of abusing alcohol or drugs, then the reason for the lack of this vitamin lies precisely in these problems.

It should be remembered: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, constant stress, physical activity, strict diets and nervous strain are the main enemies of vitamin A, they practically burn it out in the body.

Age category Vitamin dose per day Vitamin deficiency: manifestations An excess of vitamin: manifestations
Infants under one year old 400-500 mcg Dry skin, the appearance of pustules and rashes that are difficult to treat, dryness of the membranes of the mouth and nose Fontanelle protrusion, hydrocephalus
Children from 1 to 8 years old 300-400 mcg "night blindness", dry skin, roughness of the skin on the knees and elbows, frequent pneumonia with severe complications, up to death, psoriasis, eczema Anxiety, loss of appetite, weight loss, growth retardation, bone thickening, liver enlargement
Women from 9 to 70 years old 600-700 mcg Anemia, mastopathy, leukoplakia, cervical erosion, seborrhea, acne, endocervicitis, vision problems Brittle nails, hair loss, dry skin, irregular or complete absence menstruation, dizziness, loss of appetite, pain in lumps and bones
Men from 9 to 70 years old 600-900 mcg Blurred vision, acne, dandruff, urinary incontinence, decreased or absent erection and libido Gastrointestinal problems - diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, osteoporosis, seizures, confusion, dry lips
Pregnant women aged 19 to 50 750-770 mcg Dry skin, night blindness, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thinning of tooth enamel, there is a risk of infection of the pregnant woman and the fetus Nausea, drowsiness, disorders of the nervous system and kidneys, pathologies in the fetus
Breastfeeding women aged 19 to 50 1200-1300 mcg Dry skin, acne, mastitis Visual disturbances, infertility, pruritus, dry mucous membranes, nervous irritability