Holy Trinity is one of the few Orthodox holidays, in which folk customs and church rules. Few people know what needs to be done on Trinity in order to spend Parents' Saturday, Trinity Sunday and Spiritual Day absolutely correctly from the point of view Orthodox faith. In the meantime, following simple rules can provide you with a complete house of happiness in accordance with folk traditions.

The Holy Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter

Let's tell you a little about the history of this truly very significant holiday. According to the Gospel of Luke, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, twelve of his disciples and his mother, the Virgin Mary, gathered in the same upper room to honor the memory of the son of God. And suddenly a strong noise was heard from the sky, and after it tongues of fire appeared, which stopped one by one over each of the apostles. This is how the Holy Spirit entered Christ’s disciples. Since then, Trinity has been considered the second most important holiday after Easter.

What, according to folk customs, should be done on Trinity

The traditions of celebrating the Holy Trinity are closely intertwined with pagan customs. This fact is not approved by the church, but the church was unable to prohibit people from celebrating this holiday the way it was customary even before the baptism of Rus'.

Holy Trinity, according to folk traditions, begins a week before its onset. This week is called Green.

On the second or third day of Green Week, girls weave wreaths of periwinkle, wormwood and lovage for all family members and bring them home. If the wreath does not wither by Sunday, it means the person will live long.

If a girl really wants to marry a rich man, during Green Week she needs to weave a wreath of lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots and cornflowers and throw it on a tree near a pond. If the mermaid likes the wreath, the girl will be married to a rich man.

But the most important thing to do on Trinity is to weave a wreath and float it on the water. If she drowns - there will be trouble, if she floats far - there will be a wedding, but if she remains near the shore - the girl will have to wait for her betrothed-mummer. It is very important to decorate the house with greenery before Trinity: the more simple, almost swamp greenery there is in the house on Trinity, the happier this house will be.

What to do on Holy Trinity according to church rules

Trinity (parents') Saturday is a very important day in Green Week. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery to visit the graves of loved ones. But keep in mind that drinking in the cemetery is strictly prohibited. According to church tradition, drinking alcohol at graves is blasphemy.

What to do on Trinity Sunday on Parents' Saturday

On Trinity Parent Saturday, suicides can be commemorated in church. Cathedral funeral prayer is a great help for them. But keep in mind that on this day no funeral services are held in the church after Vespers. In addition to suicides, we need to remember peacefully departed relatives on Mother’s Saturday at Trinity, asking the Lord for eternal rest for them during a church service.

What to do on Trinity

On this day, you need to dedicate very simple bouquets of marsh grass, wildflowers, etc. in the church. After the service in the church, you need to bring them home and decorate the house with them.

On Trinity Sunday, the church is generously decorated with greenery - even the floors are covered with field herbs. After the service, these herbs are not thrown away, but are carefully collected and used as remedy. In villages it is believed that it is very good to feed livestock with this grass so that they do not get sick for a whole year.

It is good to take a bunch of grass from the church on Trinity Sunday, dry it and protect it for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye of a random guest. Pious old women dry and pound flowers brought from the temple in a mortar and believe that it is enough to fumigate the sick person with the fragrant smoke of this powder and sacred color in time for the sick person to recover.

What to do on Trinity Sunday

This holiday has its roots in paganism. But the church, having failed to eradicate it, legalized it in the 5th century. From time immemorial it is believed that on this day all evil spirits come out into the white light. And first of all - mermaids, that is, the souls of girls who drowned because of unhappy love. On this day, it is considered a duty of honor for every mermaid to seduce a random passerby. And if this random passer-by persisted in his unwillingness to love the mermaid, they tickled him to death.

In order to scare the mermaids away from their suitors, to prevent them from mocking their dear ones, on Spiritual Day the village girls themselves pretended to be river deceivers. They stripped naked and put on masks and horsehair wigs so that local young people could not recognize them. Then they hid in the bushes near water bodies, waiting for passers-by. The guys didn't keep themselves waiting. They came in a crowd, lured the “mermaids” and chased them through the fields all day long until late at night.

On this day, a service is served in the church that incinerates all evil spirits. Therefore, on this day people bring children susceptible to the evil eye to church.

After you have done everything we wrote about above, you will want to relax. A laudable desire and not forbidden. It is best to give preference to a family trip to a restaurant rather than dancing in nightclubs. Sit at the table, talk with your family, this will only benefit your relationship. If we have convinced you, then a little hint - where to go?


Outside the city, Vyshgorod district, village. Khotyanovka

In this heavenly place there is entertainment for every taste for everyone. Children's playground, swimming pool, baths, saunas, zoo, horseback riding, ATVs, catamarans - it's easier to say what's not here! The staff will be happy to show and tell you everything that will make your holiday unforgettable.

VD Restaurant Park

Kyiv, st. Mikhail Donets, 6

On Trinity Sunday you can take a walk in Otradny Park and immediately stop by VD Restaurant Park. You deserve to be treated like a king. And we know where you can get it - in this incredible establishment! Besides, the cuisine here is so delicious... You'll just lick your fingers!

Villa Vita

Outside the city, 8 km from the checkpoint of the Kyiv-Odessa highway

Especially for lovers of golf, sauna, billiards, delicious cuisine, attentive staff and fresh air - we recommend this establishment. And how beautiful it is here, no need to go abroad. For all of the above, it’s worth coming here at least once in your life!

Trypillian sun

Kiev region, Podgortsy village, highway 27 km Novoobukhovskaya highway 10 km from Kyiv

Why do we recommend coming here? Well, at least because this is where you can not just have a luxurious holiday with your whole family, but spend time usefully. See with your own eyes how our ancestors lived, learn everything about our culture and customs.


Bolshaya Okruzhnaya street, 19

Do you want to be in nature, but don’t have time? Relatives dream of relaxing in the fresh air, and children dream of running barefoot on the grass. So why not stop by this place? Your entire family will be absolutely happy - we guarantee! Here they know how to please everyone, regardless of age, gender and preferences.

Restaurant "Paprika"

Marina Raskova street, 11

People love to come here with children. There is very tasty pizza here for the guys! While the children are busy, parents can breathe out and be alone. Enjoy excellent cuisine and a rich wine list. What else is needed for happiness?

President Hotel

Hospitalnaya street, 12

Go for a weekend in a cozy hotel in historical center Kyiv on Trinity - it's a thrill! There are several restaurants with many rooms. M you can enjoy not only exquisite and incredible delicious cuisine, but also good music performed by a virtuoso pianist. IN warm time Every year there is a cozy summer terrace where you can relax on a hot day, quench your thirst with soft drinks and try light summer snacks, salads and desserts.

highway Kyiv-Odessa, 24th km of the highway Kyiv - Odessa

On Trinity Sunday in the restaurant you can try exclusive dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, prepared according to the old recipe of the Poplavsky family, exclusively from environmentally friendly, natural ingredients. The restaurant has its own agricultural production, from where fresh products are delivered especially for “Batkivska Khati”. Have a delicious holiday!

Hospitalnaya street, 4

Restaurant "Rus"- this is a whole complex consisting of several banquet halls with bars and lounges. This is a restaurant with ten years of tradition.

Myslivskiy dvir

Slavgorodskaya street, 49

Everything about this place is perfect: from the interior to the kitchen. Here they are proud of their meat dishes; they are prepared in tandoor ovens. But the main thing is that here you can get complete relaxation, no resorts are needed. SPA, baths, massage, jacuzzi - all this will remove negativity and improve the health of the body.

Wherever this day takes place, may it be warm, peaceful and eventful. With love, team

History of Trinity Day

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter and was established in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth. It symbolizes the unity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

According to biblical stories When Jesus Christ ascended into heaven to God the Father, he sent his disciples a comforter - the Holy Spirit. At this time, the apostles were in the Zion Upper Room, where the Lord celebrated the Last Supper. When the Holy Spirit descended on earth, they heard a noise and saw flames. And then “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

In memory of this event, the disciples of Christ established the Feast of the Holy Trinity, which is still celebrated by all Christians.

Traditions of Holy Trinity Day

On this day, one of the most beautiful services of the year is performed in churches. After the liturgy, Great Vespers takes place, at which stichera are sung, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the priest reads three special prayers: for the Church, for the salvation of all those who pray, and for the repose of the souls of all the departed.

While reading these prayers, everyone kneels. This ends the special period after Easter, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

According to tradition, the floor of the temple and houses on this day is covered with freshly cut grass. The icons are decorated with birch branches. The clergy wear green robes, which symbolize life-giving and renewing power.

What to do on Trinity Day

It is believed that on this day herbs are endowed with special powers, so on Trinity Sunday they usually collected medicinal plants for the whole year. The house was decorated with branches of birch, maple and rowan. They had to be burned seven days after the holiday.

It is customary to cover the Trinity festive table and treat your family with fresh baked goods.

On this day you can pray for the missing and for the repose of the souls of those who died an unnatural death.

What not to do on Trinity Day

You can't have a wedding. It is believed that this will bring bad luck to the couple in their future marriage.

As on any major church holiday, on Trinity Day it is forbidden to sew, clean, wash, work at the stove or in the garden.

On this day it is forbidden to talk about bad things, quarrel, get angry, be offended, or envy.

You should also not swim in bodies of water: there is a belief that on Trinity Sunday mermaids come ashore and pull people to the bottom.

Let us remind you that on the eve of the Holy Trinity Day takes place. On this day it is customary to remember all deceased Christians.

Orthodox holidays, traditions, rituals

Trinity - Sunday , the fiftieth day after Easter, a holiday in honor of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Its other names are Trinity Day, Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost.
By church calendar. The Day of the Holy Trinity is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.
Pentecost is the second of the three great holidays of the ancient Jews, established in memory of the giving of the Law to the people at Mount Sinai.
According to legend, on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the apostles. Jesus' disciples then all gathered together. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky, as if from strong wind. At that moment tongues appeared and descended on each of the disciples. And they began to speak different languages. Multilingualism was revealed so that they could preach Christian teaching among different nations. The Jewish holiday of Pentecost passed into the Christian church.

Trinity: what to sanctify in the church

Bouquets of herbs and tree branches are traditionally blessed on Trinity Sunday. Collect a bouquet of branches of birch, linden, maple, oak, and viburnum. Add wild flowers and herbs - calamus, mint, lovage.

Dedicate this bouquet in church on Sunday, and when you come home, lightly beat all your relatives with the bouquet so that they will be healthy all year round. And keep this bouquet all year, it will bring joy and happiness to your home.

Trinity, what can you do?

When we talk about what you should not do on the Holy Days of Christian holidays, we are not saying that it is good or bad, we are talking about the fact that a day such as Trinity, for example, should be dedicated to your soul, your thoughts. You need to go to church, listen to sacred chants, stand for the service if possible, light a candle and give in to your thoughts. Maybe this will come to the aid of some, as if pacifying their actions and actions, or maybe it will help someone to concentrate on something more important. Whatever our thoughts and deeds, we must rejoice at this day. Bring twigs of linden, maple, and birch home and decorate your windows and doors with them. You can also put on dining table wild flowers.

The Day of the Holy Trinity exists for this reason, so that we can reconcile with everyone, find peace of mind and comfort.

What should you not do during the Trinity festivities?

On the Great Holiday of Trinity, you cannot engage in any physical or mental labor. The only exception is labor associated with servicing the farm: livestock, poultry, dogs, cats. Moreover, you can only give animals food and drink. It is forbidden to clean the pus or scratch it.

Since ancient times, on this day it was forbidden to work in gardens, to do housework, that is, to wash floors, do laundry, vacuum cleaner, and also not to swim, especially in rivers, lakes and ponds. Also, on Trinity Day you cannot cut your hair, wash your hair, dye your hair, sew anything (according to some beliefs, you cannot sew on any Sunday of the year, and even more so on Holy Days), and make repairs in houses and apartments.

On this holiday, as well as throughout the holiday week, the church does not hold weddings. On Trinity you cannot swim for three days, you cannot swim in any body of water: river, lake, sea and even at home. The week before Trinity is considered green week or mermaid week. It is believed that those who go swimming will be jumped by mermaids and the person will drown
There is even popular belief that the Trinity is not complete without the drowned man. And what’s abnormal is that, knowing this, people still go into the water, as if they want to test this terrible rule for themselves.

People who swam in rivers during the week either died or remained alive, but then they were considered witches and sorcerers. Since only sorcerers are able to save themselves from mermaids, who, according to legend, swarm in rivers and lakes in order to take the bodies of the naive and non-believers.

On the holiday of Trinity, you cannot go into the forest on your own - they say that the forest mackerel monkeys living in the forest will be tickled to death there. Also, on the holiday of Trinity, you cannot go to the field - the field maws will tickle you there. On Trinity Sunday it is forbidden to dance in circles with girls, because there is a significant possibility that they are mermaids.
There is a reliable salvation from mawoks and mermaids - this is pectoral cross. Since the cross is worn on the chest, the crafty Mavkas and mermaids approached their victim from behind.

On Trinity Sunday, dew was collected and used as a potent medicine for ailments and for sowing vegetable seeds.

By folk calendar Trinity Day can rightfully be called green Christmastide. On this day, parishioners held masses in churches with bouquets of meadow flowers or tree branches, and houses were decorated with birch trees. Wildflowers that had been in the church were dried and stored behind the icons for various needs: they were placed under fresh hay and in the granary to prevent mice, in holes in the ridges from shrews and in the attic to eliminate fire.
Trees were transported to village streets in whole cartloads and decorated with them not only doors, but also window jambs, and especially the church, the floor of which was strewn with fresh grass (everyone, leaving the church, tried to grab it from under their feet in order to mix it with the hay, boil it with water and drink as healing). Some people made wreaths from the leaves of the trees that stood in the church and placed them in pots when growing cabbage seedlings.
Sunday was spent in the forest, around a birch tree.

After mass, the girls changed their outfit, put fresh birch wreaths intertwined with flowers on their heads, and in this attire they went into the forest to develop a birch tree. Having arrived there, they stood in a circle near a curled birch tree, and one of them cut it down and placed it in the middle of the circle. All the girls approached the birch tree and decorated it with ribbons and flowers. Then a triumphal procession opened: the girls walked in pairs, in front of everyone one of them carried a birch tree. In this way they surrounded the birch tree around the entire village. On one of the streets they stuck a birch tree into the ground and began to dance around it. Guys joined them. By evening, they removed the ribbons from the tree, broke off one twig at a time, and then tore the tree out of the ground and dragged it to the river to drown. “Drown, Semik, drown angry husbands!” - and the unfortunate birch tree floated to where the current of water carried it (Vladimir province).
On this day, the girls parted with the wreath woven in Semik. They threw him into the water and watched. It was bad if the wreath sank: you won’t get married today, and maybe you’ll even die. If the wreath stuck to the other shore, the girl’s love will take root and stick to the heart of any guy.
The youth of the Novgorod region performed a ritual adapted specifically to the Trinity, called “shaking gunpowder.” During a walk in the meadow, among round dances and games of ogaryshi (burners), one of the men would tear off the cap from the young spouse, shake it over his head and shout loudly: “Gunpowder on the tube, the wife doesn’t love her husband.” The young woman quickly responded to this cry, stood in front of her husband, bowed to him at the waist, took off the cap that was placed on his head at the moment of her appearance, took her husband by the ears, kissed him three times and bowed to him again in all four directions. At the same time, the villagers aloud assessed her qualities and made various jokes about her. The young women were usually shy and said: “When they shake gunpowder, it would be better to fall through the ground.”

IN pagan tradition holiday The Trinity is associated with the cult of dead ancestors - protectors of the clan, who these days were especially revered, catered to, treated to and commemorated. On Trinity Sunday, the ritual of remembrance of the dead was performed. Only on Trinity Sunday were funerals held for the dead who had not been buried during the year. Thus, in times of war, plague, and famine, the dead were usually dumped in common pit. During Trinity-Semitic week, the bodies of the dead were sewn into matting, coffins were made and buried.

On the eve of Trinity, Parents' Saturday- the only day of the year when you can remember suicides.


On Trinity, rain means a lot of mushrooms.
From Trinity to Dormition there are no round dances.


The birch tree became a symbol of the holiday, probably because it was one of the first to dress in bright, elegant greenery. It is no coincidence that there was a belief that the birch tree has a special growth power and that this power must be used. They decorated windows, houses, courtyards, gates with birch branches; they stood with birch branches at church services, believing that they possessed healing power. On Trinity Sunday, the birch tree was destroyed - “buried”, drowned in water or taken out into a grain field, thereby trying to beg from higher powers for the fertility of the earth.
Curling a birch tree is a ritual from ancient times. The girls believed that they would tie their thoughts tightly with the guy they loved.
Or, curling the branches of a birch tree, they wished their mother a speedy recovery.
Birch branches were filled with healing power on these days. An infusion of birch leaves was also considered healing. Our ancestors also used birch branches as a talisman against all unclean spirits. Until now, peasants stick birch branches into the grooves of the corners of a house in the Vologda region so that purity and healing spirit are transferred to the walls.

We wish you to gain all the blessings of the world. Happy Trinity Day!

On May 27, Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate one of the greatest holidays - Holy Trinity Day.

Another name for Trinity is Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and always falls on a Sunday.

This is one of the so-called twelve feasts of the church.

According to one of the books of the New Testament - the Acts of the Apostles - 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and 10 days after his ascension into heaven, 11 apostles and the mother of Jesus Mary gathered together in one of the houses of Jerusalem.

And suddenly “a sound came from heaven” and “filled the whole house,” and then “tongues of fire descended on all those present and rested, one on each of them.” This is how the descent of the Holy Spirit took place.

The apostles instantly began to speak in different languages, “which they had not known before.” So their teacher, Christ, fulfilled the promise given during earthly life: to give the disciples the “Comforter,” the “Spirit of truth,” “whom I will send to you from the Father, who proceeds from the Father.”

Knowledge of languages ​​was necessary for the apostles to preach the teachings of Christ different peoples. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you,” Jesus told them on the eve of his ascension into heaven.

There are two types icons of the Holy Trinity- Old Testament and New Testament.

The Old Testament icon of the Trinity depicts three angels who appeared to Abraham. They are mentioned in the 18th chapter of the book of Genesis. The most famous image of these angels belongs to the brush of the 15th century Russian icon painter Andrei Rublev.

The New Testament icon of the Trinity depicts God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from heaven.

In Western Christianity, in particular in the Roman Catholic Church, the holidays of Pentecost and Trinity are separated in time. First, the church remembers the events of the descent of the Holy Spirit (in 2018 - May 20), and a week later - the Trinity itself (May 27, 2018).

Celebration traditions

On the evening before Trinity, all churches hold one of the most beautiful evening services of the year. All fragments of the Bible that are heard this evening are in one way or another connected with the Holy Spirit.

Special prayers are read addressed to the Holy Spirit, with a request to descend on those present at the service, as well as on all deceased Christians.

Today, the Trinity in Ukraine is often called “Green Holy”, although this name has pre-Christian roots. This is what the Slavs called the festive period associated with the onset of summer.

On Saturday before Trinity, it was customary to cover the floor of the house, windows, walls, roof and even fences with fragrant herbs - calamus, mint, tansy, sedge, lovage, as well as branches of blossoming trees. The greenery of herbs and foliage symbolizes life.

Churches are also decorated with greenery on Trinity Day.

In cities, on this day, bunches of sedge are most often used - they are taken to the temple for worship, and then to the house, where they act as a talisman.

On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to organize large celebrations in nature, with round dances and bonfires. Girls and boys chose their mates.

The girls wove wreaths of wildflowers and put them on the heads of the guys they wanted to marry. This ritual was analogous to an engagement.

What to do on this day

The Church calls on all believers to be sure to attend the all-night service, as well as to attend the service directly on Trinity Day.

You need to spend this day with your family, relatives, loved ones and friends to share with them the joy of the great holiday.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, abiding everywhere and filling everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

What not to do on this day

Trinity is one of the largest church holidays, therefore, today it is highly not recommended to engage in heavy work in the house, in the country, in the garden. Washing, cleaning, and sewing are also not welcome. Only tasks that cannot be done without are allowed - for example, cooking.

Alcohol and sex are prohibited.

Gluttony is also not welcome on this day. Of course, a holiday is not complete without a feast, but try to eat in moderation and remember the deep spiritual significance of the event.

On this holiday you cannot experience and manifest negative emotions. Try to refrain from quarrels, conflicts, claims, envy, resentment and other things.

Signs for Trinity

It was believed that on Trinity it was forbidden to cut down trees or chop wood.

Rain on this day was considered a good omen - it promised a good harvest.

The heat on Trinity foreshadowed a dry summer.

The Slavs believed that Mavkas and mermaids woke up on Trinity Sunday, so it was highly discouraged to go to the forest or river alone.

For the same reason, it was forbidden to take livestock into the forest or river.

On Trinity Sunday it was forbidden to swim in the river, as it was believed that you could drown.

The Slavs performed fortune telling on Trinity Sunday. Unmarried girls wove wreaths and floated them down the river. Whose wreath lasts on the water longer than the rest, that girl will get married earlier.

On Trinity Sunday it was customary to gather medicinal herbs– it was believed that on this day they have special power.

On the 50th day after Easter (Pentecost). The holiday falls on Sunday, so the day off will be moved to Monday, May 28. That is: May 26, 27 and 28, 2018.

Christians believe that the Feast of the Holy Trinity was established by the Apostles in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on them. They, as the Church teaches, left the tradition of remembering this every day every year.

How to spend this day, what you can do and what is prohibited, as well as the history and traditions of the Trinity holiday, the website Segodnya.Lifestyle writes.

Folk signs for May 27

  • Cold weather on this day - summer will also be cold.
  • The swifts have arrived, which means warm days are ahead.
  • Warm weather - cucumbers will grow well.
  • The swallows have arrived early - there will be a good harvest.
  • Cloudy weather on May 27 - there will be no harvest.
  • Cold weather on May 27 - summer will also be cold.
  • The cuckoo crows is a sign that it is time to sow flax.

Trinity 2018: what a holiday

Trinity is one of the main Christian holidays. Orthodox Church celebrates it on the 50th day after Easter (taking into account that Easter is the first day), and Western Christians - on the 57th day.

On Trinity Sunday, Orthodox Christians remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which, according to the teachings of the Church, Jesus promised them before his ascension. The descent indicated the trinity of God. It was at this moment that the Universal Apostolic Church was founded.

On the icons this event is depicted with the presence of the Mother of God. The New Testament does not specify whether the Mother of God was really with the disciples of Christ at the moment when the Holy Spirit descended on them. However, the Acts of the Apostles says that after the ascension, the apostles came in prayer “with certain women and Mary, the Mother of Christ...”

On Trinity Orthodox churches Holiday services will be held throughout Ukraine. And the day before, on Saturday evening, an all-night vigil will be held. Starting from this day, the prayer “To the Heavenly King” is read first in churches. Orthodox Christians also begin their home prayers with it.

In addition, according to old beliefs, mermaids emerge from the water at this time. In the old days, girls wove wreaths for themselves after the service and lowered them into the water. As a sign of love, some gave wreaths to the guys. Herbs cut on Trinity Day were dried and decorated at home. It was believed that this would protect the building from thunderstorms.

The Church condemns any fortune-telling, but this did not stop Ukrainian women from “fortune-telling their betrothed” on Trinity Sunday. A wreath woven with one's own hands was lowered into the river - in which direction it floats, from there wait for the groom. If the wreath remains on the shore, marriage is not coming soon, and if it drowns, there will be trouble.

On Trinity Sunday, not only houses, but also churches are decorated with flowers and herbs.

Traditions and signs of the Trinity holiday 2018

Housewives prepare very carefully for Trinity: they clean the house, decorate the home with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs, which symbolizes prosperity and a new life cycle.

The Saturday before the holiday is a memorial day. People in churches light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died a premature death, considering them victims of treacherous mermaids.

For the holiday, women bake pies, prepare meat and fish snacks. In some regions, eggs are painted green on this day.

The first day - Green Sunday - is popularly considered a day of activity and deceit by mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. The greenery that decorates houses is protection and amulet against them. In the morning of this day, festive services are held in churches. Then people visit each other. Mass celebrations and fairs begin.

Trinity has always been considered a girl's holiday. They weave wreaths, lowering them into the river for fortune telling. Then they went into the forest for a walk. For this day they baked a loaf of bread and distributed it in the forest unmarried girls. These pieces were dried and stored until the wedding, then kneading crackers into dough for the wedding loaf. They believed that they would bring them new family well-being and love. Then a picnic was organized under the birch tree - a festive meal. In the evening, the people were entertained by mummers.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechal Monday. After the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

Dew that falls on Trinity is considered very beneficial for health. Girls are advised to wash their face with it to preserve youth and beauty.

What not to do on Trinity

  • Christians are not advised to work or clean the house on Trinity Sunday.
  • You cannot cut your hair, weave, knit, or embroider.
  • It is forbidden to swim in rivers and lakes; according to legend, a mermaid can come to land and take a person with her to the bottom of the reservoir.
  • It is considered a bad omen to have a wedding on the 50th day after Easter, but it is good to get married.
  • People believed that people come to Trinity mythical creatures- Mavkas and mermaids, so it is not advisable to go alone into the forest or field
  • On this holiday, you should not experience or show negative emotions. Try to refrain from quarrels, conflicts, claims, envy, resentment and other things.

What to do on this day

The Church calls on all believers to be sure to attend the all-night service, as well as to attend the service directly on Trinity Day.

You need to spend this day with your family, relatives, loved ones and friends to share with them the joy of the great holiday.

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