What is a totem animal? In ancient times, our ancestors noticed an invisible energetic connection between man and animal. This is how the cult of totemism arose. It is believed that each person is protected by a certain type of animal, which protects and protects him from evil. How about your zodiac sign and date of birth? Is it possible to establish a connection and call upon your patron spirit? Let's look at the question in the article.

Historical roots of totemism

A totem is a symbol of an animal depicted on any material medium. Ancient people believed that the strength and courage of any animal could help them cope with the hardships of life. Totemism is the very first religion in the world. People chose their patron from the animal world, dedicated rituals to him, paid honor and asked for protection. Indeed, every animal differs from humans in a set of qualities that are superior to human ones:

  • The eagle has sharper eyes;
  • the lynx has the ability to move silently;
  • the bear is endowed with incredible strength;
  • There is no one more fearless than a wolf.

The animal world has more developed organs of perception that are inaccessible to humans. Animals see perfectly in the dark, can sense the approach of an earthquake, and their sense of smell is many times greater than that of humans. Therefore, ancient people sought to learn their abilities from animals and sincerely believed that the spirit of an animal could protect them from the vicissitudes of fate.

The totem animal symbolizes power that man himself does not possess. Shamans call it the animal of power.

In the modern understanding, totemism has acquired new forms, and now the patron animal can be determined by the zodiac sign and date of birth.

Totem animal by zodiac sign

Determining your totem by your zodiac sign is very simple. To do this, refer to the following table:

Aries patronizes the bull. It is this animal that reflects the essence of the stubborn, hot-tempered and eccentric representatives of this sign.

Taurus patronized by the bear. This strong animal best characterizes the qualities of Taurus - justice, rationality, strength, protection of one's hearth and calmness.

Gemini patronized by two animals - the wolf and the field mouse. Both are inherently loyal to their soulmate. The field mouse symbolizes thriftiness and well-being.

Cancer patronized by the snake and the beaver. Both animals are distinguished by their patience, ability to wait and adapt to new living conditions.

Leos patronized by lions and crows. Both totems are distinguished by wisdom, endurance, calmness and self-esteem. Also, these animals belong to the class of predators, which is also present in the qualities of a person under the sign of Leo.

Virgos patronized by the dog. Those born under the sign of Virgo are characterized by devotion and fidelity, the ability to feel the thoughts and moods of people, and the desire to come to the rescue in difficult times.

Libra patronized by the wolf and the bee. These animals are united by a sense of unity - they exist in a pack. Libras also feel best when supported by the people around them.

Scorpios patronized by the cat. This cunning, intelligent and independent animal best suits the qualities of people under the sign of Scorpio.

Sagittarius patronizes the elk. This is a symbol of wisdom, patronage and power over the situation. The second totem animal is the owl, which also symbolizes wisdom.

Capricorns patronizes the antelope and the fox. These animals are distinguished by caution, cunning and energy, which fully corresponds to the qualities of Capricorns.

Aquarius patronizes the horse, which is a symbol of help and friendship. The horse has been an indispensable assistant to humans since ancient times, which fully corresponds to the qualities of Aquarius to help others.

Pisces patronizes the snail. These inconspicuous animals are characterized by their absolute harmlessness, which is fully consistent with the character of Pisces. Friendliness and calm calm - distinctive features representatives of this Sign and the totem that protects them.

How to Summon a Spirit Animal

After identifying your totem, you need to establish a connection with it. Meditation can help with this. Many people are familiar with meditation and know how to do it correctly. The best time for meditation is that period of the day or night when no one can disturb you. Next you need to follow the meditation plan:

  1. Imagine a hollow in a tree or the entrance to a cave through which you can get to a flowering meadow.
  2. Look around - what do you see? After some time, the animal that is your patron will approach you.
  3. Talk to him, determine his distinctive qualities - these are signs of your magical power.
  4. Thank the animal and say goodbye to it.
  5. Return to reality the same way you left it - find a hollow or exit from the cave.
  6. Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.

What should happen after this? You will definitely receive a sign that the animal of power has begun to help you in life. Buy an animal figurine and place it in your room. You can print the picture, laminate it and hang it on the wall. If you know how to carve wood, cut out the figure with your own hands and varnish it. You can also sculpt an animal from clay and fire it.

Did you know that each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain animal, which is somewhat similar to it and even shares common features character and behavior. Test yourself and tell me how much you agree with this?

1. Aries - Tiger

Aries is a person who lives with his heart. He enjoys life and manages it quite confidently. This sign is very kind and gentle to everyone he loves, and fiercely dangerous to those who dare to challenge him and pose a threat.

2. Taurus – Wolf

Taurus is an extremely stubborn person who lives life only on his own terms. He is very attached to individuals and will do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones at any cost. Taurus lives by adhering to the laws of society, but in his soul he often feels like a loner.

3. Gemini - Panther

Geminis are very mysterious and enigmatic personalities. When people try to understand them and already believe that they have learned Gemini well, this sign immediately changes its appearance and becomes the absolute opposite.

4. Cancer – Dog

Cancers are loyal, devoted and trusting. In addition, they highly value honesty in any relationship, and they will invariably be there when someone needs them. It can be difficult sometimes with Cancer, but, without a doubt, these are the people you can always rely on.

5. Leo - Peacock

Leo is independent by nature and incredibly confident in his talents and abilities. He knows his goals very well and loves himself very much, so Leo never minds showing off in front of others.

6. Virgo – Eagle

Virgos are observant, wary and extremely intelligent people. In principle, these are free individuals who build a world around themselves based on order and organization. Virgos strive to rise to the top high altitudes, inaccessible to ordinary people.

7. Libra - Panda

Libra people are sweet, warm and good-natured. They are fun-loving, peaceful, easy-going, positive, and generally have a relaxed attitude towards life, making them great companions and amazing friends.

8. Scorpio - Leo

This is perhaps one of the strangest and most secretive zodiac signs. Scorpios are extraordinary and fearless souls who listen only to their hearts and their minds. Basically, they are tough and straightforward people. Most of all they value their sense of freedom.

9. Sagittarius - Cat

Sagittarius is not as simple as it seems. He is gentle and sociable, but prefers to always remain on his guard. All Sagittarians are excellent at adapting to any situation, and they are also very pragmatic and inventive.

10. Capricorn – Horse

These are very free and “wild” people who love to live on their own terms (in this aspect they are very similar to Taurus). In addition, they perceive themselves as independent individuals and do exactly what they consider necessary, without really listening to other people’s opinions.

11. Aquarius – Bear

Aquarius is very attentive to close people, but he cannot stand human stupidity and ignorance. He can be competitive if circumstances require it, and does become dangerous when someone encroaches on his territory.

12. Pisces – Fox

Pisces are very quiet and sensitive people who like to keep their distance from everyone. They live in their own world and act as they themselves want. But when they need to, they can instantly turn from affectionate creatures into insidious, cunning and extremely insightful creatures.

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Each zodiac representative corresponds to a specific totem animal, with which he can share common character traits and even behavior.

You have probably noticed more than once that the character and habits of animals are somewhat reminiscent of humans. Some people, by their nature, resemble domestic and affectionate cats. Others are characterized by the loyalty and friendliness of dogs. More vibrant personalities are comparable to predators and exotic representatives of the animal world. According to these comparisons, we can conclude that people and animals still have common character traits. To determine which animal matches your character, you need to turn to astrology for help.

Aries - tiger

It is not surprising that a representative of the fire element has much in common with such a dangerous predator. Most people think that tigers are just dangerous animals, a collision with which will not lead to pleasant consequences. Despite this, the tiger has such amazing qualities as grace and grandeur, in which Aries are very similar to them. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign know how to enjoy life and are ready to take on any opportunity that will help them achieve their cherished goals.

Like tigers, Aries care about those they love. They will never offend their loved ones and certainly will not tolerate if someone wants to harm those around them. Do not forget that the Tiger is one of the predators, and anyone who wants to challenge him will not go unpunished.

Taurus is a bear

On the one hand, bears are dangerous predators and the owners of the forest, on the other hand, they are quite cute animals and lovers of honey. It is difficult to say what a bear really is, this is where Taurus are very similar to them. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign love solitude and tranquility. They like to spend time with their family or alone, doing what they love. They do not like fuss at all and try to spend as little time as possible in noisy companies.

Bears do not like it when strangers invade their privacy, and are ready to tear to pieces anyone who violates their personal space. Like Taurus, they are always ready to protect their family from ill-wishers, and if their enemies try to harm their loved ones, then trouble will inevitably follow.

Gemini - Panther

At first glance, these representatives of the zodiac circle seem too mysterious and unpredictable. When people think they have solved all their mysteries inner world, Gemini immediately changes appearance and becomes unrecognizable. In this, Geminis are like mysterious panthers. You can expect anything from this predator. They are so elusive that sometimes victims cannot predict when and where danger awaits them. Despite its menacing appearance, it is quite difficult not to notice the grace inherent in this animal.

In addition, Gemini managed to adopt a special quality from panthers - courage. Like panthers, this Zodiac Sign is not afraid of enemies, and is always ready to fight back anyone who poses a serious threat to him.

Cancer is a dog

This representative of the zodiac circle is one of the most loyal and friendly. Their love for loved ones is difficult to describe in words, because for the sake of family and friends they are ready to sacrifice even the most precious things. We can say that Cancers and dogs have many similarities in character. When we hear the word “devotion,” we immediately remember the one we call “ best friend person." Unlike other animals, a dog is always loyal to its owner. Like Cancer, she is always ready to protect her family, but quickly forgives insults to loved ones.

Cancers are very honest and trusting, and sometimes these character traits play against them. Even if they face betrayal, they will try to forget about it as soon as possible. Sometimes relationships with this zodiac sign can be very difficult, but, in any case, this is a person you can always rely on.

Leo - peacock

It would seem that it is impossible to compare Leo with someone else. However, his pride and desire to be the center of attention makes us compare them with one of the most unusual and colorful birds. Like peacocks, representatives of this Zodiac Sign love to feel the admiring glances of other people, which is why Leo will never miss the opportunity to show off in front of others. To many, their behavior may seem strange and even arrogant. However, Leo is not at all interested in the opinions of other people.

Of course, in some ways the behavior of this Zodiac Sign is very similar to peacocks. However, we should not forget that Leo is a predator and the king of beasts. This is why they have unique qualities and talents that you are unlikely to notice in other Signs.

Virgo - eagle

Virgos have a unique mind, worldview and observation, which is why they are in many ways similar to Eagles. Like majestic birds, they try to reach heights that are inaccessible to other individuals. Thanks to their determination, they are able to get whatever they want, regardless of obstacles. Like Eagles, they build a world around themselves based on order. However, anyone who decides to get in their way will see Virgo as a real dangerous predator.

Sometimes Virgos are too organized and want to see order around them. They strive for an ideal life in which there is no place for chaos. Life “like everyone else” is not for them. That is why they strive so much for heights where they can get the best.

Libra - panda

Good-natured and funny pandas are in many ways reminiscent of peace-loving and cheerful Libra. Being in the company of this Zodiac Sign is difficult to get bored. They will always find a way to cheer up their loved ones, without making much effort. Communication with them evokes extremely positive emotions in people. Even if they have Bad mood, they will never share their problems with others, believing that it is just a waste of time.

Unlike other representatives of the zodiac circle, Libra has a calm attitude towards life, so momentary difficulties are unlikely to make them disappointed and depressed. If they have problems, they are more likely to perceive them as a temporary test that simply needs to be overcome.

Scorpio - Leo

Being close to the fearless and mysterious Scorpios, you will understand that you can expect anything from them. Like lions, they will not immediately attack their prey, but will first study its weaknesses and strengths. They never listen to the advice and opinions of others, as they are used to trusting only themselves. They rarely let other people into their lives, but when this happens, they protect their family as only they can.

Like Leos, Scorpios value a sense of their own freedom. It is important for them that only the most devoted and faithful people are next to them. Having caught loved one in betrayal, Scorpio will not forgive such an insult, and no one would want to make an enemy in the person of such a secretive and fearless person.

Sagittarius - cat

Sometimes it may seem that the main objective Sagittarius - achieve career heights. However, those who happen to meet this Zodiac Sign know that they have a gentle character and value home comfort most of all. That is why their character is somewhat similar to that of a cat. This Zodiac Sign can adapt to any situation and will always find a solution to even the most difficult problem. When Sagittarians want to get what they want, they are ready to use any trick, and even resort to open flattery.

However, we must remember that all felines are predators. This means that Sagittarius should also be expected to behave like a predator. Sometimes they can be affectionate, kind and soft, but when they sense danger, they will immediately show how sharp their claws can be.

Aquarius - honey badger

The honey badger appears to be a cute and calm animal. However, at any moment he can cause a commotion, especially when you do not expect it. This is exactly what Aquarians are. As a representative air element, this Zodiac Sign has a calm, even flexible character. However, this may not last long. The general quality of Aquarius and honey badgers is suddenness, which can sometimes shock others. When they get impatient, don't try to stop them, as any attempt you make will be in vain.

Even though honey badgers are small and seemingly harmless animals, at any moment they can easily attack a victim twice their strength, and they will do it quite quickly and successfully. In what ways they are also similar to Aquarius.

Pisces - fox

Since ancient times, the Fox has symbolized cunning and deceit. The external beauty and mystery of foxes can distract the attention of others from the mysteries of their inner world, in which they are similar to Pisces. This Zodiac Sign has a secretive and even mysterious nature. In addition, people born under this Sign are very mysterious, intelligent and even insidious. They try to live in a world that they create for themselves, and in which they find a place only for themselves.

The zodiac horoscope came to us from time immemorial as the cultural heritage of our ancestors. However, despite all the achievements recent years, man has always experienced an irresistible desire to know himself as a person, to lift the veil of times, to understand his purpose and further path of development. People have always wanted to know the meaning of their existence in this world, looking for answers to questions that traditional science was not able to answer.

Women are often compared to predators. Let's try to figure out which predator women of different zodiac signs can be compared with.

Capricorn - dog

Dogs are not friends at all, but patrons of humans. These amazing predators have helped and supported us since ancient times. Although now many people perceive them as a devoted pet. However, the dog still remains a helper and protector of man: it is the only animal that is ready to sacrifice its life and health to help its owner. It’s like it’s in her blood - the duty to help, sacrifice, protect under any conditions. So for the Capricorn woman, the main word is duty. Many people think that she is very responsible and always does only what is necessary. But in fact, the main thing in her life - love. She always takes care of those she loves. And if you want to find out what she’s like when she’s angry, try teasing the chained Alabai, for example. If you survive, you will find out.

Aquarius - ferret

The ferret is a very cute animal that can create an incredible commotion in a second. The Aquarius young lady is the same. Don’t be surprised that, against the backdrop of complete peace, it suddenly explodes like a pocket atomic bomb. Since the main qualities of both are surprise and swiftness, do not try to predict or stop the attack of your chosen one. She will always hunt her prey very quickly and almost always successfully. It's better to pretend that nothing happened. In relationships with Aquarius, this tactic is most useful. And it's safe for you.

Pisces - red fox

The fox is a red-haired beauty, a symbol of cunning and deceit. They are outrageously beautiful, but no less dangerous. Do you want to tame a fox? You will have to try hard. It's the same with Pisces. They are very attractive, sweet and know how to present themselves, but they are also cunning, smart and even insidious. Pisces women are born actresses. If she gets into your home, be prepared that from now on your whole life will be subordinated exclusively to the desires of this sweet and cunning predator. Suck it up or run away.

Aries - raccoon

Are these really predators? They're so cute! Yes. In the pictures. In fact, raccoons are real fighters who are not afraid of anyone or anything. Just like Aries women, who, of course, are also very sweet. Until the hunt begins. Do you know why raccoons like to rinse their food? Not because they like to eat clean products, but because the victim in the water will stop fluttering faster if he is drowned. This is such a small warning. Remember that the Aries woman does not like it when someone flutters around for no particular reason. In general, raccoons and Aries are the cutest creatures. Unless, of course, you like it when someone stages a coup in the house and climbs on your head, because it’s more convenient to steal cookies.

Did you know that each zodiac sign corresponds to a specific animal, which is somewhat similar to it and even shares common character traits and behavior. Test yourself and tell me how much you agree with this?

1. Aries - Tiger

Aries is a person who lives with his heart. He enjoys life and manages it quite confidently. This sign is very kind and gentle to everyone he loves, and fiercely dangerous to those who dare to challenge him and pose a threat.

2. Taurus – Wolf

Taurus is an extremely stubborn person who lives life only on his own terms. He is very attached to individuals and will do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones at any cost. Taurus lives by adhering to the laws of society, but in his soul he often feels like a loner.

3. Gemini - Panther

Geminis are very mysterious and enigmatic personalities. When people try to understand them and already believe that they have learned Gemini well, this sign immediately changes its appearance and becomes the absolute opposite.

4. Cancer – Dog

Cancers are loyal, devoted and trusting. In addition, they highly value honesty in any relationship, and they will invariably be there when someone needs them. It can be difficult sometimes with Cancer, but, without a doubt, these are the people you can always rely on.

5. Leo - Peacock

Leo is independent by nature and incredibly confident in his talents and abilities. He knows his goals very well and loves himself very much, so Leo never minds showing off in front of others.

6. Virgo – Eagle

Virgos are observant, wary and extremely intelligent people. In principle, these are free individuals who build a world around themselves based on order and organization. Virgos strive to rise to great heights that are inaccessible to ordinary people.

7. Libra - Panda

Libra people are sweet, warm and good-natured. They are fun-loving, peaceful, easy-going, positive, and generally have a relaxed attitude towards life, making them great companions and amazing friends.

8. Scorpio - Leo

This is perhaps one of the strangest and most secretive zodiac signs. Scorpios are extraordinary and fearless souls who listen only to their hearts and their minds. Basically, they are tough and straightforward people. Most of all they value their sense of freedom.

9. Sagittarius - Cat

Sagittarius is not as simple as it seems. He is gentle and sociable, but prefers to always remain on his guard. All Sagittarians are excellent at adapting to any situation, and they are also very pragmatic and inventive.

10. Capricorn – Horse

These are very free and “wild” people who love to live on their own terms (in this aspect they are very similar to Taurus). In addition, they perceive themselves as independent individuals and do exactly what they consider necessary, without really listening to other people’s opinions.

11. Aquarius – Bear

Aquarius is very attentive to close people, but he cannot stand human stupidity and ignorance. He can be competitive if circumstances require it, and does become dangerous when someone encroaches on his territory.

12. Pisces – Fox

Pisces are very quiet and sensitive people who like to keep their distance from everyone. They live in their own world and act as they themselves want. But when they need to, they can instantly turn from affectionate creatures into insidious, cunning and extremely insightful creatures.