Alexander Lyubimov

Facial expressions, first of all, convey emotions. All these are annoyed, offended, excited, happy, joyful and surprised.

Emotions appeared a long time ago, all higher mammals have them: dolphins, cats, dogs, monkeys... We have a lot of common emotions with them: joy, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, grief, shame, interest, guilt, embarrassment. People have an order of magnitude more emotions, I won’t list them all - just a lot.

And facial expressions in monkeys (and in humans) developed precisely to demonstrate emotions - as a means of communication. So the story about facial expressions will be strongly connected to the story about emotions.

Illustration and reaction

Emotions can be divided into those that occur as reaction: They told him - he was upset. These messages are more “sincere”, but often less expressed. And there is emotions-illustrations: visual demonstrations of the condition. They are more deliberate and grotesque, but more understandable. “Incorrect” demonstration of them is like saying in a very slurred and unintelligible way: “I want to tell you something important.” It is very difficult to communicate with such a person: the “speech” is unintelligible, and it is not clear what he wants to say.

It’s clear: emotion-illustrations are more for communication

And if emotions-reactions it’s just more convenient to calibrate - they report a “sincere” assessment of the situation - then emotions-illustrations It’s worth learning to show it “correctly” (that is, the way it is customary to show it in a given culture) and decipher it correctly.
But, most importantly, practice distinguishing the first from the second. Emotional illustrations are of little use for obtaining information about a “sincere” reaction.

At the same time, emotional illustrations are by no means something “bad” - we use them all the time. That’s why they are “illustrations” - they help to better understand words, maintain attention, convey “intonation,” etc. “Correct” emotion-illustrations are one of the main tools of a speaker, politician, and actor. Yes and in Everyday life, when we tell something, we must correctly broadcast this very nonverbal information. And when we listen, we show that we hear and sympathize.
And one more important thing:

Most people show the same emotions in more or less the same way.

At least emotions-reactions. There are problems with illustration emotions, since not everyone understands how to demonstrate them correctly.


The same Paul Ekman, who is engaged in calibrating lies, talks about microexpressions - very quick facial demonstrations of emotions. People regularly try to control their own emotions. Or rather, their demonstration. But the unconscious is much faster than consciousness, and an emotion-reaction usually always manages to appear before a person decides to demonstrate something else instead.

Naturally, it is not at all necessary that a person will hide his emotions. But this happens quite often. Well, another emotion is expected or demanded from him, it is indecent in this society, its demonstration leads to unpleasant consequences, and the demonstration of a more appropriate one leads to correct ones.

True, these same microexpressions only work for strong “basic” emotions. And their Ekman stands out for only seven: contempt, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness, fear and sadness. And these emotions must really be strong.

In general, as many experts on emotions as there are, there are as many opinions as to what the basic emotions are.

What to look for

I’ll give you a picture again with demonstrations of “basic” emotions.

And, you can see that first of all you need to pay attention to just a few things:

lips, eyebrows, eyes.
That's what a woman gets painted - that's what we look at;).

Actually, emoticons, which are used specifically to indicate emotions, have only eyebrows, eyes and lips. And that's enough.

We are training

In everyday life, we don’t often come across creepy specialists in hiding emotions - most people demonstrate them quite clearly. You just need to learn how to calibrate them (and demonstrate them “correctly”). So let's train. Basic emotions: joy, happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, contempt, disgust, anger, indignation, dissatisfaction.

It is clear that there are many more emotions and they are often “mixed”. But we’ll talk about this in more detail when we look at meta messages.

Look at the picture and identify the “main” emotion. Let me remind you that we look first of all at: lips, eyebrows and eyes. Below the picture are conditionally correct answers.

Pictures from videos of the Canadian channel Just For Laughs Gags: they create various situations and film the reactions of random passers-by. So the emotions here are quite sincere, and not played by actors.

1. The upper lip is tense and raised, the eyebrows are lowered, the fold between the eyebrows, the cheeks are raised: disgust.
2. Facial muscles are relaxed, lips are relaxed, mouth is slightly open, eyes are wide open: surprise.
3. Symmetrical relaxed smile, eyebrows relaxed, muscles in the corners of the eyes tense: joy.
4. Facial muscles are tense, eyes are wide open, eyebrows are raised: fear.
5. The lower eyelids are relaxed, the upper eyelids are slightly lowered, the lips are relaxed, the corners of the lips are down, the eyebrows are raised: sadness.
6. Symmetrical smile, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, relaxed eyebrows: joy.
7. Lips are tense, the upper lip presses the lower lip, the corners of the lips are down, the eyebrows are tense: dissatisfaction.
8. Eyebrows are lowered and tense (fold between the eyebrows), lips are tense, the corners of the lips are down, cheeks are tense, eyes are open: anger, indignation.
9. Eyebrows drawn together and lowered, lips tense, corners of lips downward: dissatisfaction.
10. Eyebrows drawn together, nose wrinkled, upper lip raised, corners of lips downward: disgust.
11. Face relaxed, lips relaxed, eyebrows raised: surprise.
12. Symmetrical smiles, lips relaxed, eyebrows relaxed: joy.

The meaning of emotions

One of the functions of emotions is informational: they tell us about the assessment of the situation. And to others, about our attitude (toward ourselves, information or the listener).

Emotions are so-called meta-states: they are evaluative states “about”. That is, emotions don’t happen “just like that” - there is always an event about which this assessment is made.

The situation itself can be in the past, in the future, and occur in the present - emotions are always now. So they convey to us our unconscious assessment of the situations to which they relate. And how do illustrations communicate our attitude?
Joy: some value is satisfied.
Fear: it will be strong unpleasant event. (Fear always refers to events in the future.)
Astonishment: an event occurred that greatly violated expectations.
Discontent: some values ​​are violated.
Happiness: Core values ​​are satisfied. (Happiness, in fact, is not a very long-term experience - it arises only when we begin to evaluate the situation).
Sadness: there were pleasant events in the past that will not happen again, missed opportunities.
Grief: loss of something important.
Irritation: serious violation of expectations.
Excitement: there is a possibility of satisfying important values ​​(gains).
Disgust: The person's behavior or event is unacceptable.
Contempt: feeling of superiority.
Delight: expectations were more than met.

Facial expressions (from the Greek imitator) - expressive movements of a person’s face, leading to contraction of the facial muscles, occur in accordance with certain mental states of a person, forming what is called facial expressions or facial expressions. From an artistic and theatrical point of view, this is the skill or ability to voluntarily use such muscle movements, which can be called “the art of expressing feelings and mood.

YouTube video

Communication is a central aspect of everyday life, which is reflected in the wide variety of ways in which people exchange information. And this happens not only with the help of words, but also with the help of facial expressions and body movements. A facial expression can tell a lot. A nod means understanding, a frown might say, “I don’t understand! Please explain more!”
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, have discovered that we can classify facial expressions much better when they move naturally rather than when they are frozen in a photograph. In order for the advantage of dynamic information to manifest itself, we must see changing facial expressions for at least 100 milliseconds. If the video is shorter, our brain is unable to interpret facial expressions correctly. Some expressions involve changes in head orientation, such as nodding or shaking the head. Others are based on complex facial deformities. For example, the wrinkles of our nose signal disgust or that a person is frowning.

Not only emotions can cause involuntary facial expressions, but facial expressions can also cause emotions. This is a kind of feedback. A person who tries to portray an emotion on his face sooner or later begins to experience it. Try to smile right now and think about something bad at the same time. It is unlikely that you will succeed, and if you do, it will be difficult. This experience can be used vice versa.

Under the influence of the feelings experienced by the individual,coordinated contractions and relaxations of various facialstructures that determine facial expression, which perfectly reflectsexperienced emotions. Since the condition of the facial muscles is not difficultlearn to control, displaying emotions on the face is often trieddisguise, or even imitate.
The sincerity of human emotion is usually indicated by symmetry indisplay of feelings on the face, while the stronger the falsehood, the moreHis right and left halves differ in facial expressions.Even easily recognizable facial expressions are sometimes very short-lived(fractions of a second...) and often goes unnoticed; to be able tointercepting it requires considerable practice or special training.At the same time, positive emotions (joy, pleasure...) are recognizedeasier than negative ones (sadness, shame, disgust...).
Human lips are particularly emotional,which are not at all difficult to read (increased facial expressions of the mouth or bitinglips, for example, indicate anxiety, but a curledone side of the mouth - about skepticism or ridicule...).A smile on the face usually shows friendliness orneed for approval. A smile for a man is a good opportunityshow that he is in control of himself in every situation. Woman smilemuch more truthful and more often in line with her actual mood

Since smiles often display different motives, it is advisable notrely too much on their standard interpretation:

Excessive smiling - the need for approval;
- a crooked smile is a sign of controlled nervousness;
- a smile with raised eyebrows - readiness to obey;
- smiling with lowered eyebrows - showing superiority;
- a smile without lifting the lower eyelids is insincerity;
- a smile with constant widening of the eyes without closing them - threat.

Typical facial expressions that convey emotions areare:

- *joy*: roughly twisted and their corners pulled back, aroundfine wrinkles have formed in the eyes;
- *interest*: the eyebrows are slightly raised or lowered, while the eyelidsslightly widened or narrowed;
- *happiness*: the outer corners of the lips are raised and usually retractedback, eyes calm;
- *surprise*: raised eyebrows form wrinkles on the forehead, eyes withthis is expanded, and the slightly open mouth has a rounded shape;
- *disgust*: eyebrows lowered, nose wrinkled, lower lip protrudedor raised and closed with the upper lip, the eyes seem to be squinting; Humanas if choking or spitting;
- *contempt*, eyebrow raised, face elongated, head raised,as if a person is looking down at someone; he seems to be moving away from the interlocutor;
- *fear*: eyebrows are slightly raised, but have a straight shape, theirthe inner corners are shifted and horizontal wrinkles run across the forehead,the eyes are dilated, with the lower eyelid tense and the upper eyelid slightlyraised, the mouth can be open, and its corners are pulled back,stretching and straightening the lips over the teeth (the latter just speaks of
intensity of emotion...); when only the mentioned provision is availableeyebrows, then this is controlled fear;
- *anger*: the forehead muscles are moved inward and downward, organizinga threatening or frowning expression in the eyes, flared nostrils and wingsthe nose is raised, the lips are either tightly compressed or pulled back, acceptingrectangular in shape and revealing clenched teeth, the face often turns red;
- *shame*: head lowered, face averted, gaze averted, eyesare directed downwards or “run” from side to side, the eyelids are closed, andsometimes closed; the face is quite flushed, the pulse is rapid,breathing intermittently;
- *sorrow*: eyebrows are drawn together, eyes are dull, and the outer corners of the lips are differentseveral times omitted

Facial expression is a classic area of ​​study for the physiognomist. Not knowing her data means being subject to serious physiognomic errors. Often we happened to change, using the data of facial expressions, the diagnosis made by studying the forms.

Facial expressions are the main indicator of the speaker’s feelings.

Facial expressions help you better understand the person with whom you are communicating. Facial expressions are also very important in relationships, as they allow you to understand what feelings people experience towards each other. For example, raised eyebrows, wide open eyes, downturned lips are signs of surprise; drooping eyebrows, curved wrinkles on the forehead, narrowed eyes, closed lips and clenched teeth indicate anger.

Closed eyebrows, dull eyes, slightly lowered corners of the lips speak of sadness, calm eyes and raised outer corners of the lips speak of happiness and contentment.

For any participant in communication, the ability to decipher the facial expressions of the interlocutor is very important. But at the same time, no less important is the ability to master facial expressions yourself, to make them more expressive, so that the interlocutor better understands the intentions and motives. This skill is especially necessary in the practice of business interaction.

While the morphological type is created by investigation, facial expressions are the result of education. If the Jupiterian in our example had spent his childhood in an environment where he was taught to want to express himself, he would not have become a neuropath and his facial expressions would have expressed a strong nature. This statement is a powerful support for those who observe signs of moral weakness in themselves. By improving our mental culture, we improve our nature, and this is a worthy goal.

People who are not subject to strong passions have calm facial expressions.

On the faces of always trembling people, as well as on the faces of always busy people, wrinkles often appear already in youth. How deeper wrinkles, the more they emphasize the ideas they represent.

“The depth of the fold of any material indicates its frequent and daily use,” noted Delestre.

Of course, you need to be able to distinguish mental wrinkles from those that appear from rapid weight gain.

The movements of the forehead are closely related to the movements of the eyebrows.

“The forehead of a good man,” says Delestre, “bears the clarity of his conscience.” If the forehead is without wrinkles, it is the forehead of weak-willed, indecisive people. The forehead rises above their light brown arched eyebrows, which are usually thin and emphasize the simplicity of their owner and the lack of reactions on the part of their passions.

Neuropaths have horizontal wrinkles on the forehead that are the result of frequent raising of the eyebrows - a well-known gesture of constant surprise. The smallest work causes them to wrinkle their foreheads.

Balanced natures have the smallest number of horizontal wrinkles on their foreheads, because they do not wrinkle in surprise: their foreheads are wrinkled vertically in the area where intense, volitional attention is expressed, that is, between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. So, vertical wrinkles go hand in hand with horizontal and thick eyebrows. The depth of the vertical wrinkle and wrinkles generally determines the size of mental control.

If the vertical wrinkle about which we're talking about, is very deep, it means a capricious and even violent will. In this case, it is accompanied by thick and unruly eyebrows. This type of forehead and eyebrows is found in people who are not amenable to any discipline. Delestre saw many such faces in prisons.

Darina Kataeva

Who hasn’t had the desire to understand what his interlocutor is thinking? Is he deceiving you? How does he really feel about your opinion? How we would like to find answers to these questions, because then we would know in advance whether we should trust this person and what to expect from him. However, everyone has such an amazing opportunity if you know the secrets of microfacial expressions. With its help you will understand how to learn to read people's thoughts in their faces!

Secrets of facial microfacial expressions

Different facial expressions on a girl

To learn how to read people's thoughts from their faces, you need to understand how a person's facial expressions and his consciousness are connected. Micromimicry is a person’s emotional reaction, which finds its manifestation in the slightest movements of our face. Nonverbal psychology studies this relationship. According to her theory, there is verbal communication, that is, real, and there is nonverbal communication - without using language, but with the help of facial expressions, gestures and voice intonation.

A person’s thoughts and his facial expressions are inextricably linked; moreover, contraction of the facial muscles occurs both voluntarily and involuntarily, so sometimes we are not able to fully control our emotions, which are clearly visible on the face. Your ability to read the thoughts and feelings of your interlocutor and the effectiveness of your communication depend on good knowledge and practice. You should be especially careful when facial expressions do not correspond to a person’s words, because this already indicates the slightest manifestation of a lie.

There is nothing supernatural or psychic about understanding a person's thoughts. The muscles around the eyes, cheeks, wrinkles near the nose, lips - these are clues through which you can understand the true attitude of another person to current events. With the help of such facial cues, we recognize 7 main types of emotions.


A person experiencing joy and satisfaction will not hide his feelings. Facial language indicates his feelings. The corners of the mouth rise, the nasolabial folds stretch towards the cheeks, and wrinkles form. It’s easy to recognize this human emotion, but sometimes doubts arise if a person’s eyes say the opposite.


Sincere surprise is expressed in the involuntary raising of the eyebrows, widening of the eyes and opening of the mouth, while the lips form an oval. Surprise is the easiest emotion to fake. However, there are secrets with which you will understand how new and amazing the thought you uttered is. Notice the wrinkles on the forehead and the appearance of shine around the pupil of the eyes. They indicate the sincerity of the interlocutor.


One of the most unpleasant emotions that people find most difficult to hide. The main indicators of anger are folds between the eyebrows, wide nostrils, raised extreme corners of the eyebrows, narrowing and straining of the eyes. Special attention pay attention to the mouth: it is either tightly closed, as if constrained, or open, but the lips are square and the jaw is pushed forward.


If the interlocutor or the situation itself, this will be evidenced by his narrowed eyes, raised cheeks, flared nostrils and wrinkled nose. The upper lip will involuntarily rise up, as if curled. Eyebrows droop down in disgust.


The manifestation of even the slightest fear is indicated by eyebrows that are raised, but not arched. They are rather in a horizontal position. The eyes open wider than usual, but there is no shine in them, unlike surprise. Additional clues to the presence of fear are flared nostrils and a slightly open mouth.


When a person is upset, his eyebrows remain flat, but at the same time they move down along with the skin above the eyes. The lips are compressed, the corners of the mouth move down, the lower lip moves forward and puffs out.


Contempt is indicated either by a gaze or from top to bottom. The mouth and lips are in the same position, they are constrained, but at the same time a half-smile appears. Eyebrows, eyes and wrinkles do not change position.

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions?

Scientists have proven that there are two neural connections in the brain that are responsible for microfacial expressions. When these connections begin to “fight”, as a result, different interpretations of emotions appear. The connection between gestures and facial expressions plays a special role in detecting deception.

  • Looking to the side. Averting one's eyes indicates a person's lack of interest in the events around him or the desire to hide information. Sometimes the opposite reaction appears - a gaze into the eyes. This reaction occurs when a person knows that it is not recommended to look away when being deceived.
  • Nervous lip biting. Such a movement indicates the interlocutor’s anxiety or desire to lie.
  • Frequent blinking. This reaction is a consequence unexpected question or stressful situation, from which there is only one way out - to get out and lie.
  • Instant nose touches. Scientists say that when lying, the nose begins to itch, so the deceiver wipes it with a sharp movement.

How to apply knowledge about microfacial expressions?

Given that each emotion manifests itself differently, remembering all the features is not so easy. Practice and patience play a big role. Remember the expressions of one emotion, and look for its manifestations in the eyes of your interlocutor. To understand this science, you can even practice on a close friend or loved one. Watching him, draw a conclusion, and then ask whether you were right in your judgments.

If you want to understand a person's thoughts, start with the elementary: look into his eyes! It is this part of our face that is the mirror of the soul. It is almost impossible to fake the sparkle in the eyes, so they testify to a person’s attitude towards the events around him.

Don't forget about the connection that a person shows. The presence of sincere emotion is manifested in the complete harmony of these non-verbal signs. If an imbalance occurs, this indicates the manifestation of lies.

Possible mistakes:

  • The idea that you can understand the emotions of any person. There are people who know how to control themselves and their every move. Often these are “gamblers” or chess players, whose success directly depends on restraint and self-control.
  • Generalization. Do not forget about the mentality, culture and nationality of a person. It is difficult to make a German smile, but this does not indicate insincerity, while Americans cannot calmly react to a “stony expression” on their face.
  • Jumping to conclusions based on just one emotion. Each person is individual, so it is recommended to get to know the person better before drawing conclusions.
  • Recognition of a person’s thoughts is used when communicating with a stranger, a teenage child, a boss or subordinates, and with the opposite sex. In these situations, it is extremely important to know what the other person is thinking!
December 29, 2013

How to learn to understand people based on their gestures and facial expressions? The psychology of facial expressions and gestures provides the answer to this question. By studying and understanding this topic, you can ensure that there are no secrets and hidden meanings in conversations with others and learn to read people like an open book. Do you agree that this ability is very useful?

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures. What it is?

Facial expressions and gestures play a huge role in communicating with others. They help to strengthen and fully reveal feelings. With the help of facial expressions we express emotions that we do not talk about. Our body is very insidious; we may not notice how we say one thing, but our body language shows something completely different.

Without noticing it ourselves, we give away our hidden intentions and unspoken words. Our body is more eloquent than any speeches and tirades.

It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out where and how his interlocutor lied. But those who are familiar with the topic of facial expressions and gestures are provided with an understanding of the situation and the opportunity to take control of it.

Facial expressions and gestures are very intertwined with each other, so they are always considered in one bundle.

He who lies in the language of words betrays himself in the language of gestures, to which he does not pay attention.

Oswald Spengler

We will do the same and in this article we will answer the most common questions on the topic of facial expressions and gestures.

Human facial expressions and gestures, psychology of influence! Read it, it will be interesting 😉

Terms and concepts of the section on facial expressions and gestures

Gesticulation refrain, dictionary of symbols of psychoanatomy, ergonomics of gestures. What it is?

These phrases are difficult to understand for people who are encountering the topic of gestures and facial expressions for the first time. Simply put, these are the components of this branch of psychology, which allow us to understand facial expressions and gestures at a more detailed level than “his ears are burning, which means he’s lying.” Everything is much deeper and more serious than it might seem at first glance.

Gestural refrain it is a repeated gesture that always has the same meaning.

Here's an example. Crossed arms. If the right one lies on top of the left one, it means resentment. If it’s the other way around, it’s a defensive position.

Dictionary of symbolism of psychoanatomy - This is a kind of decoding of sign language. Based on it, you can find out what certain gestures mean in the current situation. This section is considered purely on specific examples, since in different situations, the same gesture can be interpreted differently.
Ergonomics of facial expressions and gestures – this is the section that describes the ability to adapt body language to solve specific tasks. For example, influence the human psyche with the help of positive beliefs transmitted through gestures.

Learning gesture ergonomics is a great way to learn how to communicate more productively and effectively. It makes it possible to influence a person with gestures and facial expressions, which subconsciously evoke positive emotions in that person.

Fraudsters take advantage of this. For example, in order to win a person’s favor, a fraudster can touch his hand while telling an anecdote or some pleasant and funny story. Thus, the human brain begins to react positively to this gesture.

Then, when it comes to “turning off” the scam itself, the scammer accidentally touches the person’s hand again, awakening relaxation and positivity in his mind. This makes it easier to commit fraud, because a relaxed person will not begin to suspect something. His brain is deceived by psychology.

What does understanding facial expressions and gestures provide?

A short list of benefits:

  • Active brain function.

You need to remember a bunch of gestures and movements that indicate a specific meaning. For example, if during a dialogue the interlocutor scratches the back of his head, this means that he is not confident in your words and is questioning them. There are many such examples that can be given, and most of them need to be kept in mind at all times.

  • Ability to adapt and change the situation.

When you know more than you are told, you can find more often right decisions in various situations, to lead the interlocutor to something or to receive answers where he does not even say them.

  • Understanding a person's negative motivations.

Knowledge of this topic will give you the opportunity to protect yourself from lies, envy, unfriendliness, etc.

We cannot boast of the wisdom of our eyes and skillful gestures of our hands...

Victor Tsoi

The correct interpretation of facial expressions and gestures not only makes it possible to look into the soul, finding out all the secrets of the interlocutor, but also to understand that he needs help, even though he is trying to hide it. In this case, you can try to find the right words and try to figure out the problem together.

  • Developing the ability to notice the smallest details.

Without this ability, it is impossible to interpret the current picture from facial expressions and gestures. One unnoticed gesture can radically change the entire meaning of the signals given by the body. Therefore, if we want to correctly interpret another person's body language, we need to be more attentive and sensitive to little things.

  • Self-development.

Self-development is an additional bonus when studying the psychology of facial expressions and gestures. A person learns to know both himself and those around him, learns something deep, and draws something useful for himself.

The language of facial expressions and gestures. Where to start learning?

Let's consider all sources of knowledge on the psychology of facial expressions and gestures:

  • Literature.

The first assistant in studying this topic. In addition to printed books, many specialists in this section of psychology publish magazines, open websites and maintain blogs on the Internet.

  • Courses on studying the psychology of facial expressions and gestures.

A person who understands the topic will be able to personally show and explain how everything works and how to apply the acquired knowledge in life.

Great article about the fear of communicating with people! 23 ways to get away from her:

Oddly enough, a very large amount of information can be gleaned from there. Plus, everything is shown in practice, which makes it much easier to understand and learn the “lessons” in your head.

  • Practice.

Gestures and facial expressions. Their meaning with specific examples

Theoretical knowledge must be examined in specific, simulated situations. This is the only way Right understand what the interlocutor is “silent” about. Let's figure out how the interlocutor's feelings are connected with movements various parts his body.


Most often, self-confidence is associated with lip mobility.

Example 1.

The interlocutor, leaning his elbow on the armrest of the chair, rubs his lips with his index finger, without making a single sound.

This means that the person is confused and does not know what decision to make. The interlocutor thinks that they are trying to manipulate him, and his gesture is tantamount to uncertainty. This example is not frequent, but very eloquent.

Example 2.

The interlocutor’s tightly pressed lips ceased to be visible at all.

There are two options here:

  • This shows the person as virtuous, quite experienced, wise.
  • Disgust. Moreover, it is close to complete rejection. This is a more common option.

In this case, the context of the conversation is important. If during a conversation you mentioned something unpleasant or touched on some topic that was painful for the interlocutor, then this can be seen in his pursed lips. In this case, it is worth taking the conversation aside and changing the topic to a neutral one.

Example 3.

The interlocutor bites his upper or lower lip.

This means a person's dissatisfaction. Perhaps your interlocutor is exhausted and emotionally overloaded. If a woman bites her upper lip, she is usually afraid of something.

Also, this gesture can be considered as seduction, then it indicates amorous excitement.


The back is the center of sensuality, also responsible for the ability to put maximum effort into something.

Example 1.

The interlocutor gave his friend a friendly slap on the back.

This is a direct expression of sympathy or just a good mood. They say it's a shortened version of hugging.

It is worth noting that this gesture does not always mean something good. Read part of the article about the ergonomics of gestures.

Example 2.

The interlocutor communicates with you with his back turned.

If men take this position, it indicates their inability to make decisions. This also indicates the absence leadership qualities, because the one to whom they are inherent will openly meet any turn of the situation and resolve issues while facing the interlocutors.


The hands are the most active and mobile part of the body; they can tell a lot.

Example 1.

If your interlocutor holds his hands in a “prayer” pose, then this means an irreconcilable gesture rather than a condescending one. You should be prepared for the fact that your interlocutor will object to what you said.

Example 2.

The interlocutor closes his hand, as if holding something small in it.

This gesture means that the person is only taking, not giving. This is a symbol of selfishness.


The jaw is associated with anger in all its negative manifestations.

Example 1.

Does it happen that a person starts grinding his teeth in the middle of the night? So, this is not a habit or a feature of the body at all, it is nothing more than anger. Most often, a person who has experienced a very angry and dark situation during the day involuntarily manifests this at night through a dream.

Example 2.

The interlocutor's jaws are constantly in a hidden chewing process. This indicates a very changeable personality.

Example 3.

The veins seem to be pulsating under the skin, and tears are about to flow from the eyes. This is a sign that the interlocutor is clearly losing his composure, he is greatly shocked by something and is keeping his emotions to himself with all his might.

In the article we consider only basic examples; in addition to them, the psychology of facial expressions and gestures examines many situations and contexts.

Thanks to this knowledge, everyone has the opportunity to feel the essence of their interlocutor’s behavior, to understand what they are actually experiencing and feeling.

It’s unfortunate, but people tend to lie, hide something, or omit something. The psychology of facial expressions and gestures will help shed light and clarity on many situations; such serious knowledge can save you from trouble.

How to use knowledge about facial expressions and gestures?

You can use such knowledge very actively.

  • If it was noticed by certain gestures or facial expressions that the interlocutor does not want to continue the conversation, you can tactfully end the conversation and leave.
  • Watching how a new acquaintance is disingenuous or hiding the truth, you can remove such a person from your social circle, depriving yourself of eternal secrets and omissions.
  • You can save yourself from deceivers.

Professional liars and manipulators are well versed in psychology. In order to hide secret manifestations of facial expressions or gestures, they learn to control the smallest movements.
They're hard, but that's it It’s possible to figure it out. It is enough to observe their behavior for some time, somewhere their body will malfunction and then everything will become clear.

Advice : If you are not sure of the veracity of a person's speech, ask him more questions and observe his body movements.

Such deep knowledge makes it possible to see true face of people. Not everyone is who they say they are. So why not “split” a person before he could do something not very pleasant in your direction.

  • On the positive side, the ability to use gestures and facial expressions can subconsciously endear a person to you, relax him and make him very accommodating.

You will be able to positively influence him, his well-being. So why not endow a person’s emotions with positivity using facial expressions and gestures?

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures in society

Knowledge of facial expressions and gestures is widely used in investigations and investigations.

When interrogating a suspect or witness, a specialist can track certain facial characteristics that can easily be used to determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth. Our body will not allow itself to be deceived. A person can, without knowing it, give himself away through gestures and facial expressions.

Also, the psychology of facial expressions and gestures finds its application in politics. It is known that almost all politicians do not say something. Find out what exactly this section of psychology will help you with.

Interesting Facts

  • Eat interesting way To find out if a person is lying: you need to shake his hand. If she lies, she will be cold, because when a person lies, the body understands this and takes action. The blood goes down to the legs, so that if something happens, you can run as fast as you can.
  • A sincere smile lasts no more than four seconds. Moreover, an additional factor of sincerity are wrinkles around the eyes. If a person “pulls up” a smile, then the facial expressions of the eyes will not be affected.

  • If a man turns his toe towards her while talking to a woman, this means that he feels sympathy. This great way for girls to check young men for interest in them.
  • Itching. Oddly enough, itching can tell you a lot, you just have to pay attention to where it occurs. Is the back of your head itchy? This indicates lack of self-confidence. If it is the chin, then the subconscious pushes the person to challenge. If the itching begins in the area of ​​the back of the left hand, you need to “close yourself.” Right hand (also the back side) - the subconscious says that you need to cheat.

  • In some cases, facial expressions and gestures of men have a completely different meaning than the same facial expressions and gestures of women.

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures. conclusion

The psychology of facial expressions and gestures is not an easy topic to study and master. But how interesting and exciting it is! Just think, the interpretation of simple elements of behavior helps to literally read a person like a book. This is a very valuable ability.

First of all, she comes with the ability to observe. It is not necessary to be a certified specialist or have extensive work experience in this field. It’s enough just to learn to see, notice all the little things and analyze them, scroll through the facts in your head, compare information and draw conclusions.

The psychology of facial expressions and gestures can teach you to see right through people. This is a real superpower that can only be possessed by a person with great perseverance and a desire to understand the secrets of human psychology.

At the end - Top video: psychology of facial expressions and gestures! Let's see;)