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Typhon (Tythoei, Typhaon), Greek - a giant with a hundred dragon heads and the voice of a man, a dog and a bull.

Ancient artists depicted Typhon less often than other monsters, and they solved the technical difficulties that arose by reducing the number of heads. On vases and figurines it sometimes looks completely single-headed, but with wings. Sometimes Typhon is considered a three-headed demon from the pediment of the archaic temple of Athena on the Acropolis (c. 570 BC). The terracotta “Typhon from Capua” dates back to approximately the same time. The "Tomb of Typhon" in Etruscan Tarquinia (c. 80 BC) takes its name from the image of Typhon in the fresco painting of the tomb.

Illustration: "Typhon and Zeus", amphora painting, 550 BC

The name Typhon actually means “whirlwind”, “tornado”. From English form This Greek word gave rise to the word “typhoon”, which has taken root in many languages ​​(actually, complete nonsense as performed by a Czech journalist: in fact, “typhoon” comes from the Chinese “tyfen” - “strong wind”).

On the screen: Typhon with “guards” in computer game Titan Quest.


Typhon- a powerful monster generated by Gaia; the personification of the fiery forces of the earth and its vapors, with their destructive actions.

According to one version of the myth, Typhon was born of Gaia and Tartarus, according to another, the goddess Hera gave birth to him by hitting the ground with her hand. She did this in revenge against Zeus, who himself gave birth to Athena. Typhon was raised by Python - huge snake, born of the earth goddess Gaia. Typhon is presented in legends as a creature with a hundred dragon heads, a human-like body covered with feathers, and instead of legs the monster had snake rings. Some sources report that Typhon's heads are similar to those of humans, but he can reproduce the cries of animals.

The Iliad mentions the struggle of Typhon with Zeus and his stay in the underground depths, in the country of the Arima or under Mount Arima (in Asia Minor); later, when the volcanic properties of the Cumae coast in Italy, the Aeolian Islands and Sicily became known to the Greeks, the monstrous giant Typhon was transferred to these areas.

Typhon and Echidna gave birth to many terrible creatures: the Chimera, the Lernaean Hydra, the dogs Orphus and Cerberus. This creature, born of chaos, carried within itself a huge destructive force. The word “typhoon” comes from his name. Typhon, crossing the Aegean Sea, scattered the islands of the Cyclades, which had previously been closely located. The fiery breath of the monster reached the island of Fer and destroyed its entire western half, and turned the rest into a scorched desert. The island has since taken on a crescent shape. Giant waves raised by Typhon reached the island of Crete and destroyed the kingdom of Minos.

Olympian gods, frightened by the monster, fled from their monastery. Zeus alone, the bravest of the young gods, decided to fight Typhon. The duel lasted a long time; in the heat of battle, the opponents moved from Greece to Syria. Here Typhon plowed the earth with his gigantic body; subsequently, these traces of the battle filled with water and became rivers. Zeus pushed Typhon north and threw him into the Ionian Sea, near the Italian coast. The Thunderer incinerated the monster with lightning and cast him into Tartarus.

According to another legend, Typhon first defeated Zeus. He entangled the god with his legs, like snake coils, and cut and pulled out all the tendons. Typhon then threw Zeus into the Corycian cave in Cilicia and placed the dragon Delphine to guard him. Zeus was imprisoned until Hermes and Aegipan stole the god's sinews from Typhon and returned them to the Thunderer. Then the enraged god attacked the monster again, and the battle continued.

Zeus was helped by the Moirai, who advised Typhon to eat the fruits of a poisonous ephemera to increase his strength. Following this advice, Typhon completely lost his strength, and Zeus crushed the monster with a huge boulder. Volcano Etna was formed at this place. Legends say that sometimes Typhon, remembering his defeat, spews smoke and flame from the crater of the volcano. Later Typhon was identified with the Egyptian Set, the god of Sirocco, death, devastation, solar and lunar eclipse and other misfortunes.

Typhon was raised by Python, a huge serpent born by the earth goddess Gaia. Some sources report that Typhon's heads are similar to those of humans, but he can reproduce the cries of animals. Typhon is presented in legends as a creature with a hundred dragon heads, a human-like body covered with feathers, and instead of legs the monster had snake rings.

The Iliad mentions the struggle of Typhon with Zeus and his stay in the underground depths, in the country of the Arima or under Mount Arima (in Asia Minor); later, when the volcanic properties of the Cumae coast in Italy, the Aeolian Islands and Sicily became known to the Greeks, the monstrous giant Typhon was transferred to these areas.

Typhon and Zeus, amphora painting, 550 BC

Typhon and Echidna gave birth to many terrible creatures: the Chimera, the Lernaean Hydra, the dogs Orphus and Cerberus. This creature, born of chaos, carried enormous destructive power. The word "typhoon" comes from his name. Typhon, crossing the Aegean Sea, scattered the islands of the Cyclades, which had previously been closely located. The fiery breath of the monster reached the island of Fer and destroyed its entire western half, and turned the rest into a scorched desert. The island has since taken on a crescent shape. Giant waves raised by Typhon reached the island of Crete and destroyed the kingdom of Minos.

The Olympian gods, frightened by the monster, fled from their monastery. Zeus alone, the bravest of the young gods, decided to fight Typhon. The duel lasted a long time; in the heat of battle, the opponents moved from Greece to Syria. Here Typhon plowed the earth with his gigantic body; subsequently, these traces of the battle filled with water and became rivers. Zeus pushed Typhon north and threw him into the Ionian Sea, near the Italian coast. The Thunderer incinerated the monster with lightning and cast him into Tartarus.

According to another legend, Typhon first defeated Zeus. He entangled the god with his legs, like snake coils, and cut and pulled out all the tendons. Typhon then threw Zeus into the Corycian cave in Cilicia and placed the dragon Delphine to guard him. Zeus was imprisoned until Hermes and Aegipan stole the god's sinews from Typhon and returned them to the Thunderer. Then the enraged god attacked the monster again, and the battle continued. Zeus was helped by the Moirai, who advised Typhon to eat the fruits of a poisonous ephemera to increase his strength. Following this advice, Typhon completely lost his strength, and Zeus crushed the monster with a huge boulder.

At the place where the monster was defeated, the Etna volcano was formed. Legends say that sometimes Typhon, remembering his defeat, spews smoke and flame from the crater of the volcano.
Later, Typhon was identified with the Egyptian Set, the god of Sirocco, death, devastation, solar and lunar eclipses and other misfortunes.

Ipi Typheus 1)(Typhon, Τυφω̃ν). A monster, the personification of a hot destructive whirlwind; from him Echidna gave birth to Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra. Typhon fought with Zeus for possession of the world and was overthrown by the lightning of Zeus into Tartarus, under Mount Etna. 2)(Tithonus,… … Encyclopedia of Mythology

Typhon- Typhon. Terracotta. OK. 500 BC Villa Giulia Museum. Rome. Typhon. Terracotta. OK. 500 BC Villa Giulia Museum. Rome. Typhon in the myths of the ancient Greeks is the monstrous son of the land of Gaia and Tartarus. Typhon is a wild teratomorphic creature, he has a hundred dragons... ... encyclopedic Dictionary"The World History"

Typhon- a, m. typhon m. obsolete. Typhoon, tornado. Typhon, a gusty hurricane in the Indian Sea. Korenblit 1934 3 2188. What I took yesterday and described to my wife as a cloud of a special type and property was a real thrombus (according to naval officers), typhon. We knit... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Typhon- in the myths of the ancient Greeks, the monstrous son of the land of Gaia and Tartarus. Typhon is a wild teratomorphic creature, he has a hundred dragon heads, each of which produces the wild voices of bulls, lions, and dogs. He is bearded and hairy, and instead of legs he has writhing rings... ... Historical Dictionary

Typhon- typhoon, windbreak, monster, tornado, hurricane, installation Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Typhon see tornado Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

Typhon- Typhon. Terracotta. OK. 500 BC Villa Giulia Museum. Rome. TYPHON, a monstrous serpent in Greek mythology. Zeus, having defeated Typhon, piled on him the bulk of Mount Etna, from the top of which Typhon’s breath erupts in a stream of fire, stones and smoke. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

TYPHON- (French Typhon;) the hero of the travesty poem by P. Scarron “Typhon, or Guy Gantomachy” (1644). In Greek cosmogony T. younger son Gaia and Tartarus, a chthonic monster with a hundred snake heads spitting fire. A fierce battle between the sons of the Earth and the gods... ... Literary heroes

TYPHON- the same as Smerch (see). Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M.L.: State Naval Publishing House NKVMF USSR, 1941 Typhon See Typhon ... Marine Dictionary

TYPHON- TYPHON, in Greek mythology a monstrous serpent. Zeus, having defeated Typhon, piled on him the bulk of Mount Etna, from the top of which Typhon’s breath erupts in a stream of fire, stones and smoke... Modern encyclopedia

TYPHON- in Greek mythology, a hundred-headed fire-breathing monster; Zeus, having defeated Typhon, piled on him the bulk of Mount Etna, from the top of which Typhon’s breath erupts in a stream of fire, stones and smoke... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TYPHON- male, Greek whirlwind, whirlpool, cruel wind, columnar storm, wind whirlpool; kicking up dust, earth, and water in a column, it turns into a tornado and destroys everything in its path. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


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