Food substances and their meaning

The human body consists of proteins (19.6%), fats (14.7%), carbohydrates (1%), minerals (4.9%), water (58.8%). It constantly consumes these substances on the formation of the energy necessary for the functioning of internal organs, maintaining heat and the implementation of all life processes, including physical and mental work. At the same time, the restoration and creation of cells and tissues occur, of which the human body is constructed, the replenishment of the consumable energy due to substances coming from food. These substances include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water, etc., they are called food. Consequently, food for the body is a source of energy and plastic (construction) materials.


These are complex organic compounds of amino acids, which include carbon (50-55%), hydrogen (6-7%), oxygen (19-24%), nitrogen (15-19%), and may also include phosphorus, sulfur , iron and other elements.

Proteins are the most important biological substances of living organisms. They serve as the main plastic material from which cells, fabrics and human body organs are built. Proteins make up the basis of hormones, enzymes, antibodies and other formations performing complex functions in human life (digestion, growth, reproduction, immunity, etc.), contribute to the normal exchange in the body of vitamins and mineral salts. Proteins are involved in the formation of energy, especially during the period of large energy costs or in case of insufficient quantities in nutrition of carbohydrates and fats, covering 12% of the entire body's need for energy. The energy value of 1 g of protein is 4 kcal. With a lack of proteins in the body there are serious violations: the slowdown in the growth and development of children, changes in the liver of adults, activities of the domestic secretion glands, the composition of the blood, the weakening of mental activity, a decrease in performance and resistance to infectious diseases. The protein in the human body is formed continuously from amino acids entering cells as a result of digestion of food protein. For human protein synthesis, food protein is needed in a certain amount and a certain amino acid composition. Currently, more than 80 amino acids are known, of which 22 are most common in food. Amino acids on biological value are divided into indispensable and replaceable.

Indispensable Amino acids eight - lysine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine; For children, Gistidine is also needed. These amino acids in the body are not synthesized and must necessarily act with food in a certain relation, i.e. Balanced. Replaceable Amino acids (arginine, cystine, tyrosine, alanine, serine, etc.) can be synthesized in the human body from other amino acids.

The biological value of the protein depends on the content and balance of essential amino acids. The larger in it is an indispensable amino acids, the more valuable. Protein containing all eight essential amino acids call full. The source of full proteins are all animal products: dairy, meat, bird, fish, eggs.

The daily rate of protein intake for people of working age is only 58-117 g, depending on the floor, age and nature of human labor. Proteins of animal origin should be 55% of the daily norm.

The state of protein exchange in the body is judged by a nitrogenous balance, i.e. According to the equilibrium between the amount of nitrogen administered with food proteins and derived from the body. In healthy adults, a nitrogenous equilibrium is observed correctly. In growing children, young people, pregnant and nursing women have a positive nitrogen balance, because The food protein goes to the formation of new cells and the introduction of nitrogen with protein food prevails over the elimination of it from the body. With starvation, diseases, when food proteins are not enough, a negative balance is observed, i.e. Nitrogen is excreted more than introduced, the lack of food proteins leads to the decay of proteins of organs and tissues.


These are complex organic compounds consisting of glycerin and fatty acids, which contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. Fat belongs to basic foodstatons, they are a mandatory component in balanced nutrition.

The physiological value of fat is diverse. Fat is part of cells and tissues as plastic material, used by the body as a source of energy (30% of the whole need

organism in energy). The energy value of 1 g of fat is 9 kcal. Fats provide the body with vitamins A and D, biologically active substances (phospholipids, tocopherols, sterols), give food juiciness, taste, increase its nutritional, causing a sense of saturation in humans.

The balance of the incoming fat after coating the needs of the body is postponed in subcutaneous tissue in the form of a subcutaneous fat layer and in the connecting tissue surrounding internal organs. Both subcutaneous and internal fat are the main energy reserve (spare fat) and is used by the body with enhanced physical work. The subcutaneous fat layer protects the body from cooling, and the inner fat protects the internal organs from shocks, concussions and displacements. With a lack of fats in nutrition, a number of violations from the Central nervous system, the protective forces of the body weaken, the protein synthesis is reduced, the permeability of the capiles increases, growth slows down, etc.

Fat, peculiar to humans, is formed from glycerol and fatty acids that entered the lymph and blood from the intestine as a result of digestion of food fat. For the synthesis of this fat, food fats are needed containing a variety of fatty acids, which are currently known to 60. Fatty acids are divided into limiting or saturated (i.e., to limits saturated with hydrogen) and unsaturated or unsaturated.

Saturated Fatty acids (stearin, palmitic, kapron, oil, etc.) have low biological properties, easily synthesized in the body, adversely affect the fatty metabolism, the liver function, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, as the cholesterol content increases. These fatty acids are contained in large quantities in animal fats (ram, beef) and in some vegetable oils (coconut), causing their high melting point (40-50 ° C) and relatively low digestibility (86-88%).

Unsaturated Fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidone, etc.) are biologically active compounds capable of oxidation and addition of hydrogen and other substances. The most active are linoleic, linolen and arachidon, called polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to their biological properties, they are referred to vital substances and are called vitamin F. They take an active part in fat and cholesterol exchanges, increase elasticity and reduce the permeability of blood vessels, prevent the formation of thromboms. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the human body are not synthesized and must be introduced with food fats. They are contained in swine fat, sunflower and corn oil, fat fat. These fats have a low melting point and high digestibility (98%).

The biological value of fat also depends on the content of various fat-soluble vitamins A and d (fat fish, butter), vitamin E (vegetable oils) and leaf-like substances: phosphatides and sterols.

Phosphatide are the most biologically active substances. These include lecithin, kefalin, etc. They affect permeability cell membranes, on the exchange of substances, on the secretion of hormones, the process of blood coagulation. Phosphatides are contained in meat, yolk eggs, liver, in food fats, sour cream.

Sterina are an integral part of fats. In vegetable fats, they are presented in the form of beta-sterol, ergosterol affecting the prevention of atherosclerosis.

In animal fats, the steriles are contained in the form of cholesterol, which provides the normal state of the cells, is involved in the formation of genital cells, bile acids, vitamin D 3, etc.

Cholesterol, in addition, is formed in the human body. With normal cholesterol exchange, the amount of cholesterol coming from food and synthesized in the organism is equal to the number of cholesterol disintegrated and derived from the body. In old age, as well as during the overvoltage of the nervous system, overweight, with a sedentary lifestyle, cholesterol exchange is broken. In this case, incoming cholesterol enhances its content in the blood and leads to a change in blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.

The daily rate of fat consumption for the able-bodied population is only 60-154 g, depending on age, gender, the nature of the pile and climatic conditions locality; Of these, fats of animal origin should be 70%, and vegetable - 30%.


These are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, synthesized in plants from carbon dioxide and water under the action of solar energy.

Carbohydrates, possessing the ability to oxidize, serve as the main source of energy used in the process of human muscular activity. The energy value of 1 g of carbohydrates is 4 kcal. They cover 58% of the entire need of the body in energy. In addition, carbohydrates are included in the cells and tissues, are contained in the blood and in the form of glycogen (animal starch) in the liver. In the body of carbohydrates a little (up to 1% of the mass of the human body). Therefore, to cover the energy costs, they must come with food constantly.

In the event of a lack of carbohydrate nutrition at large physical exertion, the formation of energy from spare fat, and then the protein of the body occurs. With an excess of carbohydrates in nutrition, the fatter is replenished due to the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, which leads to an increase in human mass. The source of body supply is carbohydrates are plant products in which they are represented in the form of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Monosaccharides are the most simple carbohydrates, sweet taste soluble in water. These include glucose, fructose and galactose. They are quickly absorbed from the intestines into the blood and are used by the body as a source of energy, for the formation of glycogen in the liver, to power the brain tissues, muscles and maintain the required blood sugar level.

Disaccharides (sucrose, lactose and maltose) are carbohydrates, sweet to the taste soluble in water, split in the human body into two molecules of monosaccharides with the formation of sucrose - glucose and fructose, from lactose - glucose and galactose, from maltose - two glucose molecules .

Mono- and disaccharides are easily absorbed by the organism and quickly cover the energy costs of a person with enhanced physical exertion. Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates can lead to an increase in blood sugar content, therefore, to a negative effect on the pancreas function, to the development of atherosclerosis and obesity.

Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates consisting of many glucose molecules that are not soluble in water, have a fearless taste. These include starch, glycogen, fiber.

Starch In the human body, under the action of the enzymes of digestive juices, it is split to glucose, gradually satisfying the body's need for a long period. Thanks to the starch, many products containing it (bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes) cause a person a sense of saturation.

Glycogen It enters the human body in small doses, as it is contained in small quantities in the food of animal origin (liver, meat).

Cellulose The human body is not digested due to the lack of cellulose enzyme in the digestive juice, but, passing through the digestion organs, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, removes cholesterol from the body, creates conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria, thereby contributing to the best digestion and learning. The fiber is contained in all plant products (from 0.5 to 3%).

Pectinovy (carbohydrate) substances, falling into the human body with vegetables, fruit, stimulate the process of digestion and contribute to the elimination of harmful substances from the body. These include protopectin - is located in the cell membranes of fresh vegetables, fruits, giving them rigidity; Pectin is a jelly-forming substance of vegetable and fruits cell juice; Pectinic and patterns that give sour taste fruits and vegetables. Pectin substances are a lot in apples, plum, gooseberry, cranberries.

The daily rate of carbohydrate consumption for the working-age population is only 257-586 g, depending on the age, gender and the nature of labor.


These are low molecular weight organic substances of various chemical nature performing the role of biological regulators of vital processes in the human body.

Vitamins are involved in the normalization of metabolism, in the formation of enzymes, hormones, stimulate growth, development, recovery of the body.

They have great importance in the formation of bone tissue (WIT), skin cover (WIT. A), connective tissue (WIT), in the development of the fetus (WIT E), in the process of blood formation (WIT. IN | 2, B 9), etc. d.

For the first time, vitamins were found in food products in 1880. Russian scientists N.I. Lunin. Currently, more than 30 types of vitamins are open, each of which has a chemical name and many of them are the letter designation of the Latin alphabet (C - ascorbic acid, B, - thiamine, etc.). Some vitamins in the body are not synthesized and do not postpone into the margin, therefore, must be administered with food (C, B, P). Part of the vitamins can be synthesized in

the body (in 2, in 6, in 9, pp, k).

The absence of vitamins in nutrition causes a disease under the general name avitaminosis. With insufficient consumption of vitamins with food arise hypovitaminosis which are manifested in the form of irritability, insomnia, weakness, reduced disability and resistance to infectious diseases. Excessive consumption of vitamins A and D leads to the poisoning of the body, called hypervitaminosis.

Depending on solubility, all vitamins are divided into: 1) Water-soluble C, P, in 1, B 2, in 6, in 9, PP, etc.; 2) fat-soluble - a, d, e, k; 3) Vitamin-like substances - u, f, in 4 (choline), in 15 (pangamic acid), etc.

Vitamin C (ascorbic to and with l about Ta) plays a large role in the oxidative and reducing processes of the body, affects metabolism. The disadvantage of this vitamin reduces the organism resistance to various diseases. The absence of it leads to a disease of the Qing. Consumption rate per day vitamin C 70-100 mg. It is contained in all herbal products, especially it is a lot in rosehip, black currant, red pepper, parsley greenery, dill.

Vitamin P (bioflavonoid) strengthens the capillaries and reduces the permeability of the blood vessel. It is contained in the same products as Vitamin C. Daily rate Consumption 35-50 mg.

Vitamin B, (Tiamine) regulates the activity of the nervous system, participates in the metabolism, especially carbohydrate. In the event of a lack of this vitamin, the nervous system disorder is noted. The need for vitamin B is 1.1-2.1 mg per day. Contains vitamin in animal food and vegetable origin, especially in grain products, in yeast, liver, pork.

Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) participates in the exchange of substances, affects growth, vision. With a lack of vitamin, the function of the gastric secretion is reduced, vision, the condition of the skin is worse. Daily consumption rate of 1.3-2.4 mg. It contains vitamin in yeast, bread, buckwheat, milk, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits.

Vitamin RR (Nicotinic to and C L O T A) is part of some enzymes, participates in metabolism. The disadvantage of this vitamin causes fatigue, weakness, irritability. With its absence, Pellagra disease arises ("rough skin"). Consumption rate per day 14-28 mg. This contains vitamin RR in many products of plant and animal origin, can be synthesized in the human body from the amino acid - tryptophan.

Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the metabolism. With the lack of this vitamin in food, disorders of the nervous system, changes in the condition of the skin, vessels are noted. The rate of consumption of vitamin B 6 is 1.8-2 mg per day. It is contained in many foods. With a balanced nutrition, the body receives a sufficient amount of this vitamin.

Vitamin B 9 (folic to and with l o t a) takes part in the blood formation and metabolism in the human body. With the lack of this vitamin, anemia develops. The norm of its consumption is 0.2 mg per day. It is contained in the leaves of lettuce, spinach, parsley, green onions.

Vitamin B 12 (k about b a l and m and n) is of great importance in the blood formation, metabolism. With the lack of this vitamin, people develop malignant anemia. The rate of its consumption is 0.003 mg per day. It is contained only in food of animal origin: meat, liver, milk, eggs.

Vitamin B 15 (pandgamic acid) has an action to work the cardiovascular system and oxidative processes in the body. Daily need for vitamin 2 mg. It is contained in yeast, liver, rice bran.

Xolin is involved in the exchange of proteins and fats in the body. No choline promotes kidney and liver. The rate of consumption of its 500 - 1000 mg per day. It is contained in the liver, meat, eggs, milk, grain.

Vitamin A (Retinol) contributes to the growth, the development of the skeleton, affects vision, skin and mucous membrane, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. With a lack of it, he is slowed down, weak vision, hair falls out. It is contained in animal products: fish oil, liver, eggs, milk, meat. In the vegetable products of yellow-orange-colored (carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin) there are provitamin A - Carotine, which in the human body turns into vitamin A in the presence of food.

Vitamin D (calciferol) takes part in the formation of bone tissue, stimulates

height. With the lack of this vitamin in children, Rahit is developing, and bone tissue changes in adults. Vitamin D is synthesized from provitamin existing in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. It is contained in fish, beef liver, butter, milk, eggs. Daily rate of consumption of vitamin 0.0025 mg.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) participates in the work glands of the internal secretion, affects the processes of breeding and the nervous system. Consumption rate of 8-10 mg per day. Much of it in vegetable oils and cereals. Vitmamine E protects vegetable oxidation fats.

Vitamin K (Fillaxinone) acts on blood clotting. The daily need of it is 0.2-0.3 mg. It is contained in green leaves of lettuce, spinach, nettle. This vitamin is synthesized in the intestine of a person.

Vitamin F (linoleic, linolenic, arhydonic fatty acids) participates in fat and cholesterol exchange. Consumption rate of 5-8 g per day. Contained in pork fat, vegetable oil.

Vitamin U acts on the function of the digestive glands, contributes to the healing of the ulcer of the stomach. It is contained in the juice of fresh cabbage.

Preservation of vitamins culinary processing. Some vitamins of storage and cooking food processing Some vitamins are destroyed, especially vitamin C. negative factors that reduce the C-vitamin activity of vegetables and fruits are: sunlight, air oxygen, high temperature, alkaline medium, increased humidity and water in which vitamin Well dissolves. Accelerate the process of its destruction enzymes contained in food products.

Vitamin C is strongly destroyed in the cooking process. vegetable puree., Cutlet, casserole, stewed dishes and slightly - with frying vegetables in fat. The secondary heating of vegetable dishes and contact them with oxidizing parts of technological equipment lead to the complete destruction of this vitamin. The vitamins of the group in with culinary processing of products are mainly saved. But it should be remembered that the alkaline environment destroys these vitamins, in connection with which it is impossible to add a drinking soda during boob cooking.

To improve carotene's digestibility, all orange-red vegetables (carrots, tomatoes) are used with fat (sour cream, vegetable oil, milk sauce), and in soups and other dishes to introduce them in a parsed form.

Vitaminization of food.

Recommendful time at catering enterprises is quite widely used by the method of artificial vitaminization of finished foods ..

Finished first and third dishes enriched ascorbic acid before distributing food. Ascorbic acid is introduced into dishes in the form of a powder or tablets, pre-dissolved in a small amount of food. Food enrichment with vitamins C, B, RR is organized in dining rooms for employees of some chemical enterprises in order to prevent diseases associated with the harmfulness of production. An aqueous solution of these 4 ml vitamins per serving is administered daily into finished food.

The food industry produces vitaminized products: milk and kefir, enriched with vitamin C; Margarine and children's flour, enriched with vitamins A and D, Creamy oil, enriched with carotine; Bread, top varieties of flour enriched with vitamins in P in 2, RR, etc.


Mineral, or inorganic, substances are among the indispensable, they participate in vital processes occurring in the human body: building bones, maintaining acid-alkaline equilibrium, blood composition, normalization of water and energy exchange, activity of the nervous system.

Depending on the content in the body, minerals are divided into:

    Macroelements Significant quantities (99% of the total amount of minerals contained in the body): Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur.

    Trace elements included in the body of a person in small doses: iodine, fluorine, copper, cobalt, manganese;

    Ultramic-elements, contained in the body in insignificant quantities: gold, mercury, radium, etc.

Calcium participates in the construction of bones, teeth, is necessary for normal nervous activity

systems, hearts, affects growth. Calcium salts are rich in dairy products, eggs, cabbage, beets. The daily need of the body in calcium 0.8 g

Phosphorus participates in the exchange of proteins and fats, in the formation of bone tissue, affects the central nervous system. It is contained in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, bread, legumes. The need for phosphorus is 1.2 g per day.

Magnesium affects nervous, muscle and cardiac activity, has a vasodilatory property. It is contained in bread, crumbs, legumes, nuts, cocoa powder. Daily rate of magnesium consumption 0.4 g

Iron normalizes the composition of the blood (entering hemoglobin) and is an active participant in the oxidative processes in the body. It is contained in the liver, kidneys, eggs, oatmeal and buckwheat, rzhan bread, apples. Daily need for iron 0,018

Potassium is involved in the water exchange of the human body, reinforcing the removal of the fluid and improving the work of the heart. It is contained in dry fruits (Kurage, Uryuk, Craneville, Izyum), Pea, Beans, Potatoes, Meat, Fish. For a day, a person needs to 3 g potassium.

Sodium along with potassium regulates the water exchange, delaying moisture in the body, maintains a normal osmotic pressure in the tissues. Sodium food is small in food, therefore it is introduced with a cook salt (NaCl). Daily need of 4-6 g sodium or 10-15 g of cook salt.

Chlorine is involved in the regulation of osmotic pressure in tissues and in the formation of hydrochloric acid (NS1) in the stomach. Chlorine is a disrupted salt. Daily need 5-7g.

Sulfur is part of some amino acids, vitamin B, insulin hormone. It is contained in peas, oatmeal, cheese, eggs, meat, fish. Daily need for 1 g.

Iodine is involved in the construction and work of the thyroid gland. Most iodine is concentrated in sea water, sea cabbage and sea fish. Daily need of 0.15 mg.

Fluoro takes part in the formation of teeth and bone skeleton, is contained in drinking water. Daily need of 0.7-1.2 mg.

Copper and cobalt participate in blood formation. Contained in small quantities in animal and vegetable food.

General daily need The organism of an adult in minerals is 20-25 g, while the balance of individual elements is important. Thus, the ratio of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in nutrition should be 1: 1.3: 0.5, which determines the level of absorption of these mineral substances in the body.

To maintain an acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body, it is necessary to properly combine in nutrition products containing alkaline mineral substances (CA, MG, K, NA), which are rich in milk, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, and acid action (P, S, which Contained in meat, fish, eggs, bread, cereals.


Water plays an important role in the vital activity of the human body. It is the most significant amount of component of all cells (2/3 of human body weight). Water is a medium in which cells exist and the link is maintained between them, it is the basis of all fluids in the body (blood, lymphs, digestive juices). With the participation of water, metabolism, thermoregulation and other biological processes occur. Every day, a person shares water from then (500 g), exhaled air (350 g), urine (1500 g) and feces (150 g), deriving from the body harmful products exchange To restore lost water, it must be introduced into the body. Depending on the age, physical exertion and climatic conditions, the daily need of a person in water is 2-2.5 liters, including the drinking 1 l, with a drink of 1.2 liters, is formed during the metabolism of 0.3 liters. In the hot season, when working in hot shops, with a tense physical exertion, large water losses in the body are observed from then, so consumption is increased to 5-6 liters per day. In these cases drinking water We are satisfied, since along with then many sodium salts are lost. Excessive water consumption is an additional load for the cardiovascular system and kidneys and causes damage to health. In case of violation of the intestinal function (diarrhea), the water is not absorbed into the blood, but is derived from the human body, which leads to its strong dehydration and is a threat to life. Without water, a person can live no more than 6 days.

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1. Food and livelihoods, metabolism and energy metabolism

2. The most important components of life

3. Where and how digested food

4. Power Physiology and Biochemistry

5. Basics of rational nutrition

6. Normal body weight. Obesity




Health is the greatest value of human life. All of the state depends on the state of health, which makes our life full and happy: quality of life, its duration, physical activity, etc. There is quite reasonable scientific opinion that with rational nutrition, the duration of human life can reach 120-100 years. Food provides the body with the energy required for movement and labor activity, serves as a source of "plastic" substances, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and mineral salts, thanks to which cells and tissues are updated. The production of hormones, enzymes and other regulators of metabolic processes in the body also occurs due to food products. The metabolism in the body, the functioning of organs and systems, tissues and cells depends on the nature and usefulness of nutrition. With proper nutrition, the internal environment of the human body is ensured, which is a pledge of health, physical activity And longevity. The full functioning of the immune system is ensured, the organism resistance increases, its ability to resist diseases. To maintain the normal course of energy, plastic and catalytic processes, the power must be full. A healthy person's nutrition must comply with its physiological needs depending on the floor, the region of residence, the nature of labor and other factors. Food should be diverse. In the diet should include all product groups needed to replenish the energy costs and the functioning of all organs and organism systems.

1. Food and livelihoods, metabolism and energy in Orgbutname

Food in the human body is performed as construction (plastic) and energy function.

In the process of digestion, the complex components of the food are split off and through the intestines walls are absorbed into the blood, blood delivers food to all organism cells.

As a result of complex changes occurring in cells, food substances are converted into parts of the cell itself. This process is called assimilation.

In the process of assimilation, the cells are enriched not only by building material, but also the energy consisting in it. Along with the process of assimilation in the body, the decay process (dissimilation) of organic substances continuously is continuously, as a result of which hidden energy is released, if necessary, turning into other types of energy: mechanical and thermal.

As man grow and develops, the need for nutrients increases. At the same time, the body can assimilate far from any food.

Food in terms of its quantity and quality must meet the features of the digestive tract, satisfy its need for plastic substances and energy (maintain in sufficient quantity needed man Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, water and vitamins).

The exchange of substances and energy is a combination of chemical and physical transformations occurring in a living organism and providing its livelihoods. Energy released in the process of metabolism is necessary for the work, growth and development of all cellular elements. This process performs two functions: providing energy cells; Providing cells by building material.

Human intersections are made up of the following factors:

The energy of the main exchange is the minimum human energy consumption in the position lying, on an empty stomach, at room temperature, muscular and emotional rest. This energy is spent on maintaining the main processes of vital activity and minimal muscle tone. It is dependencies on age, growth, body weight, gender.

The energy of a specific dynamic action of food is spent on the processes of digestion and converting food substances.

The energy of the working increase, spent on the activity (work by profession, homework, leisure, self-service, etc.), directly depends on the intensity and duration of work.

The magnitude of the energy spending of the body is relatively constant.

2. The most important components of life

Proteins - the main "building material" of our body. Especially it is necessary for protein food during the growth period of the body with power loads, when it is necessary to increase body weight due to muscle tissue.

Food proteins are divided into:

Full-fledged - contain indispensable amino acids that the body cannot synthesize from other products obtained with food. They are contained in animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products), which have a higher biological value compared to proteins of plant origin.

Incomprehensible - those in which there are not enough certain amino acids, and they are used inefficiently if used separately. However, if they are taken with a small amount of protein of animal origin, they become full. These are proteins contained in seeds, nuts, peas, bread cereals and beans.

The mixture of full and defective proteins is the most nutritious and useful. Well cooked rice with beans and cheese can be so It is nutritious as a beefstex and at the same time contain less fat and be cheaper.

Fats - have a very high energy value.

The so-called fat-soluble vitamins come with fats in the body. The easiest of all the vegetable fats are absorbed.

Despite the high energy value of fats, in the process of intensive sports sessions should not be fascinated by increased fatty food.

Fat has important For the body: It is a shock absorber of internal organs and also serves as a thermal barrier. It is necessary for the normal activity of the sebaceous glands. Fat - energy source and indispensable participant different processes vital activity.

Carbohydrates are the most important components of the edible diet. It is from carbohydrates that receives more than half of calories. These are vegetable and animal products. Along with proteins and fats, they are the most important component of the food of man and animals; Many of them are used as technical raw materials.

Carbohydrates are divided into:

Monosaccharides are a very important component in human nutrition. Monosaccharides are easily absorbed by the body, because for this you do not need to split them into the components. From the most common monosaccharides can be called fructose, glucose, ribosa and galactose.

Polysaccharides are complex compounds that consist of a variety of monosaccharides. In this case, polysaccharides can be digested, and maybe not. From the first you can call starch. The second most of the pectins, fiber and hemicellulose.

Oligosaccharides are consisting of the same monosaccharides, but the number of recent to create oligosaccharides does not exceed a dozen, and the monosaccharide molecule is included in the oligosaccharide in incomplete composition. From oligosaccharides in our diet there are sucrose, lactose and maltose.

Sweet are monosaccharides and oligosaccharides. This gives them a common name of sugars. Different types Sakharov have varying degrees of sweetness. The sweetest fructose, then comes sucrose and glucose. The remaining sugars are significantly inferior on this indicator.

Mineral substances - do not have an energy value as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, without them, human life is impossible. Minerals perform plastic function in human activity processes, participate in the exchange of substances of all human tissues, but their role in building bone tissue, where elements such as phosphorus and calcium are dominated. Minerals are involved in the most important metabolic processes of the body - water-salt, acid-alkaline, determine the state of the blood coagulation system, are involved in muscle contraction. Many enzymatic processes in the body are impossible without the participation of minerals.

Such in the gastrointestinal tract, minerals fall into the blood. Many of them are connected there with transport proteins and in the form of such complexes are transferred to the places of active exchange or accumulation. Mineral substances are derived from the body mostly with urine and then insoluble with the feces. The human body needs minerals, and in unequal quantities.

Vitamins - substances of protein origin, metabolic regulators involved in the complex biochemical processes of the human body.

With a lack of vitamins, the body's equipped activity is disturbed, efficiency decreases.

Water soluble vitamins.

Vitamin B (thiamine) is used in the disorders of the nervous system, the worsening of memory, insomnia, fast fatigue. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes acidity, activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Participates in carbohydrate exchange - and what more man Consumes carbohydrates, respectively, in more vitamin B needs its body. Vitamin B is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids that impede the formation of stones in the liver and bile bubble. Improves the work of the digestive system and fat exchange in the body. It is contained in legumes - beans, peas, as well as in unlocked rice, nuts, raisons, green peas, potatoes.

Without vitamin, the normal operation of the visual apparatus, the central and peripheral nervous system is impossible. He takes part in protein-fat exchange. The lack of vitamin B2 in the body causes light-free, dry nails and skin, cracks in the corners of the lips. Contained in green vegetables, spinach.

Vitamin B3 (Vitamin RR, Nicotinic Acid) is involved in the process of cellular respiration, regulates the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates in the body, normalizes the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the operation of the cardiovascular system. It contributes to the development of insulin, cortisone, thyroxine, reduces cholesterol levels. Used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poorly healing wounds and ulcers. It is contained in legumes - beans, peas, beans, as well as in green vegetables, peppers, mushrooms (champignons and white), asparagus, beets, caulifool.

Vitamin B4 contributes to the removal of toxins from the body, reduces cholesterol levels, participates in the transmission of nerve pulses, improves memory. Contained in green vegetables.

Vitamin B5 is one of the few vitamins synthesized by the human body. Regulates the condition of the central and peripheral nervous systems, the operation of the adrenal glands, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, antibodies. Warns fatigue, relieves stress. Contained in legumes and mushrooms.

Vitamin B plays an important role in the nitrogen exchange, ensures the normal absorption of proteins and fats, participates in the blood formation process. It is necessary at high fatigue, with anemia, dermatitis, eczema, neuritis and other diseases. With a lack, the functions of the nervous system of the brain, blood, the operation of blood vessels is disturbed. This may affect the development of various skin diseases. Contained in seedlings of grain, legumes, walnuts Both hazelnuts, carrots, salad, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, KO-11111 nai cabbage, cherry, strawberries, oranges and lemons.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) plays an important role in the exchange of amino acids, it is necessary for normal growth and tissue development. It is very important for the processes of blood formation and normal operation of the digestive tract. The lack of vitamin causes a special form of anemia, amazed digestive system. Vitamin B9 is contained in a salad, early cabbage, Luke, green parsley, spinach, green peas. In normal condition, the intestinal microflora organism can synthesize folic acid independently.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the body's resistance, stimulates the functions of the central nervous system and the activity of the endocrine glands, increases the permeability of capillaries, contributes to the absorption of the iron. Vitamin C prevents blood circulation disorders, the formation of carcinogens, is of great importance for the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The lack of vitamin C is manifested in rapid fatigue, a general decrease in immunity, gum bleeding. The long-lasting absence in food vitamin C leads to the development of cings, for which the breaking, swelling and bleeding of the gums and the loss of teeth, small subcutaneous hemorrhages are characteristic. Vitamin C in the body does not accumulate and is not synthesized, and all the necessary number of its number is obtained with food. Vitamin C, which is in vegetables, fruits and berries, is much better absorbed than synthetic.

Vitamin C is contained in a rosehip, citrus, black currant, dogwood, rowan, sea buckthorn, potatoes, cabbage, trouser, green onion, dill, red pepper, parsley, cress, horseradish, horseradish, in vegetable tops.

Vitamin C is very miseotted. It is quickly oxidized, destroys when exposed high temperatures. The vitamin content with quickly decreases when storing fruits, vegetables and berries with culinary processing. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that if when cooking vegetables, it is not low in cold, and in boiling water, it will give the opportunity to maintain vitamin - both in the vegetables themselves and in broth or brave. Vitamin C is well stored in fresh and sauerkraut.

Water is about 65% total weight human body. A special place for normal livelihoods and preservation of high performance has places in which the water supply is gradually consistently consumed. The main savings places-muscles, leather, liver, spleen.

Normally, water stands out through the kidneys, the skin, lungs. Carbohydrate food contributes to water delay, and milk-vegetable - elevated allocation.

For muscular work Water formation increases, but also increases its return. The amount of water that should flow into the human body per day depends on many factors: the level of exchange processes, the state of the nervous system, the amount and quality of pleasant food, the volume and intensity of the performance, temperature and humidity of the air.

The loss of water largely depends on the ability of the human body to sweating.

3. Where and how digested food

The process of digestion is to digest food in the mouth, stomach and intestines through mechanical, physical and chemical processing. As a result, the complex foodstuffs turn into a simpler and become available for suction in the intestine. By entering the lymph and blood, they are spreading throughout the body and absorbed from it by cells. Part of the food substances is not digested and not absorbed and excreted from the body with the feces. The amount of foodstuffs that have been in the body, expressed as a percentage in relation to the total number of food substances received in it, characterizes the digestibility of food. Vital activity organism nutrition biochemistry

The food diet should consist of easily digestible and digestible products that do not require the great work of digestive organs and providing more complete assimilation of food substances.

The digestibility of food depends on many factors, and above all of its origin. Animal food is digested and digested easier and better than plant, although there may be separate exceptions. Animal food is absorbed by an average of 95%, vegetable - 80%, mixed - by 82-90%.

A smaller existence of vegetable food depends on the presence of a large amount of fiber in some products, which makes it difficult to access digestive juices to foodstuffs, and also speeds up the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, due to a relatively large volume, vegetable food is worse in digestive juice.

From the meat of animals it is easier and better digested upper backs of the carcasses and located closer to the spine (little connective tissue), of which tear figs are made for cooking and other high-quality portion dishes. Friendly is a breast of chickens, it is difficult to digest oily pork, lamb, duck, goose. Fresh fishIf it is not fat, digested as good as meat. Eggs are absorbed easily in all kinds, but raw eggs It is not recommended to use due to the danger of infection.

4. Power Physiology and Biochemistry

The taste is not only a habit, addiction to something. This is also a complex reaction of one of the senses for food stimuli.

Language as an organ of digestive system is a highly organized indicator of flavoring and disadvantages of food. Its receiving and transmitting devices provide not only perception of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, but also perception of a set of flavoring features. And therefore so The traditional nutrition of various peoples turned out to be different.

Addiction to a particular food, like many other habits, often turns out to be a result of a certain upbringing and lifestyle.

Workout taste sensations Available almost to everyone. Especially if it is necessary to preserve health or for treating disease.

A tendency, a habit of food, moderately salted, non-abound sucrose, vinegar, fried dishes, smoked, while containing sufficient quantities of vegetable oil, dairy products, many vegetables, fruits, should be brought up from early childhood.

Appetite is a complex congenital reaction to the folding ratio of the energy, plastic resources of the human body and energy spent. However, appetite is a conditional reflex to a number external stimuli, Therefore, depends on the training of the edible center of the brain. Consequently, the feeling of satiety is determined not only by such an objective criterion as the presence of products in the blood of protein cleavage, fats, carbohydrates, but depends on signals from the stomach in the corresponding parts of the central nervous system. There is a general appetite - to any food - both specialized, or selective, appetite forms, reflecting the need of the body in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. Appetite contributes not only to regulate the consumption of certain food in the required amount of quantities, but also to digestion and assimilation, exciting the secretion of saliva and gastric juice. A good appetite testifies often about physical and mental well-being. Appetite disorders are the symptom of many diseases. Reducing the appetite, its painful gain is observed in brain tumors, many neuropsychiatric disorders, violation of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases. Normalization of appetite depends on both the treatment of the underlying disease and on compliance with the correct power mode.

The most frequent cause of causing appetite is a sharp fluctuation of blood sugar. These oscillations are provoked by the short-term and intensive absorption of sweet products inherent. modern people (Fast food, carbonated drinks, candy). In a short time, such a "snack" level of blood sugar increases by 2-3 times. The body regards it as an extremely dangerous situation and begins to quickly translate sugar into fat, getting rid of excess sugar. As a result, the sugar level decreases sharply, which provokes the brain to a powerful hunger signal - a decrease in blood sugar - a potential threat to life.

Thirst - direct attitudes and digestion as a whole has a naturally emerging desire to drink water. This, first of all, a signal about the overheating and dehydration of the body, which is also accompanied by a not one disease.

Animal body all the time continuously loses water with the surface of the skin, light and kidneys. These losses are particularly reinforced with dry warm air, with enhanced muscular or mental work and with the excited states of the body. These water loss require compensation. When the water content in the body falls below a certain level, then the need for water arises, the conscious expression of which is thirst. As hunger serves as a signal to eating, so thirst - to the reception of water. Both of these sensations can be, according to a noctogel, are highlighted in a special group of internal sensations, the so-called "nutritional", to which the sense of shortness of breath can also be attributed to the body's need for air oxygen.

The dinner of the body of water leads sooner or later to the feeling of heat and dryness in the throat spreading on the whole mouth and lips. Mouth, tongue, lips are made dry. The mucous membrane is crushed, griste, may even crack; Salus is made thick, sticky, the movement of the language is hampered and he will stick to the nebu. As the thirst continues, the unpleasant feeling of strokes and the heat in the mouth of the mouth and lips also join the specified phenomena, and later participated pulse and breathing are joined by these local phenomena, a common feverish excited state with anxiety and nonsense and dry hot leather. This condition supported during the day or more, behaves inevitably to death; The picture of suffering at extreme degrees thirst, apparently, is more painful than that which is observed with the extreme degrees of the hunger alone. Thickening thirst is achieved, of course, differently, depending on whether the feeling of thirst has a local origin or general. Locally, it can arise after inhalation of dry hot air or with the contact of the neba, the groove, pharynx, etc. With different hygroscopic salts, passing from the mucous membranes of these places of water. In this case, for quenching thirst, there is enough local moistening of the oral cavity and the oz. When the thirst is due to the general depletion of the body with water, it is eliminated by the introduction of large mass of water or in the stomach, or directly into the blood. Dupyutrene managed to thicken a strong thirst for dogs by introducing water directly to Vienna. Introduction through the mouth of the water in the stomach quenches thirst also mainly because swallowed water comes from the digestive channel directly to the blood, and from it in the tissue. Claude Bernard showed on dogs with gastric fistula, in which swallowed water flowed out through the gastric fistula, which one moisturizing the mucous membranes of the pharynx and the stomach is not enough to eliminate thirst, and that water is required for this purpose. In addition, Ivanshin came in essence: he could not destroy himself strong feeling Thirst for continuous swallowing of small pieces of ice, although the latter should have been and moisturized, and cool the mucous membrane as a pharynx and the stomach. At the same time, thirst, thirst, has ceased to be thirst, but turned into another extremely unpleasant nervous state, accompanied by convulsive grip.

Hunger is the condition of the body caused by insufficient admission of substances necessary to maintain homeostasis. In the global sense, this is a social phenomenon defined by the absence or shortage of vital components in the diet, is one of global problems mankind. The process of thickening hunger for a person occurs fairly fast in comparison with other living organisms: Food quenches the feeling of hunger about 7 minutes after adoption.

Absolute hunger - otherwise it is called deficit and characterized by a disadvantage or complete absence minimum quantity Foods needed to maintain the life of the body.

Relative hunger - otherwise it is called hidden (or insufficient) and is characterized by chronic consumption of poor-quality foods with a low supply of nutrients and vitamins necessary to maintain the active life of the body, which causes numerous diseases and reduces middle duration Life.

In addition to somatic impact, hunger has a significant impact on the psyche and on human behavior. Feelings are dulled, the memory is reduced, slow down and violated thinking processesThe control of its own behavior is lost, the will of the will is suppressed, a variety of visual and auditory hallucinations arise, apathy is growing, alternating with short-term splashes of increased irritability and aggression.

The immediate cause of death during hunger can be both extremely exhaustion and the development of any disease caused by deficiency and decrease in immunity.

Food allergies are increased sensitivity to some products. The older man, the more clearly manifests itself to food allergens - especially to proteins or protein in the complex with carbohydrates.

The real food allergy is a serious state with unpleasant symptoms that arise instantly after taking adverse food. The reaction can manifest itself in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, swelling and rash. Most hard case - Anaphylactic shock: the patient starts wheezing, blood pressure drops sharply and even death is possible.

Nuts and oysters are considered the most common cause of anaphyactic shock.

Food allergies may arise as a thunder among the clear sky, after a person eating everything in a row and without any restrictions. Fortunately, such a sudden allergy is a rarity. Much more often, people suffer from intolerance of one or another food or from excessive sensitivity to it, but to recognize the causes of these varieties of allergies is much more difficult.

Symptoms that are supposed to be caused by sensitivity to thirtie or other products include headache, Pain in the stomach, migraine, pain in the joints and muscles, hay fever and irritability. Some practitioners consider increased sensitivity to products of one of the causes of weight gain, although a number of doctors are configured on this very skeptical. The problem is to determine which products are to blame for the disease, since the symptoms are not manifested immediately, but only a few days later.

The usual way to determine the "culprit" of allergies is to organize a strict diet, during which you can have a small amount of harmless food, and then gradually enter other products until you have painful symptoms again. Most often cause the wheat allergic reaction and dairy products.

However, be careful: excluding whole groups of products from the diet, you will make your diet unbalanced, and this will lead to a shortage of vital nutrients for the body. Women should particularly beware of the complete exclusion of dairy products, and if without it it is not necessary, they need to make the firming bone of calcium.

Most the best way Avoid food allergies - eat and drink any food and drinks, but moderately. Abuse of a certain product can prevent the development of a sufficient number of enzymes in the body that helps to digest food correctly. Studies have shown that even those people who have increased sensitivity to milk can drink it in small portions - on a glass per day without any symptoms of allergies.

5. Basics of rational nutrition

The rational nutrition should be considered as one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, as one of the factors for the extension of the active period of vital activity.

The human body obeys the laws of thermodynamics. In accordance with them, we formulate the first principle of rational nutrition: its energy value must comply with the energy costs of the body. Unfortunately, in practice, this principle is often disturbed. Due to the redundant consumption of energy-intensive products (bread, potatoes, animal fats, sugar, etc.) The energy value of daily rations often exceeds the energy costs. With increasing age, accumulation occurs overweight Bodies and development of obesity, accelerating the emergence of many chronic degenerative diseases.

The second principle of rational nutrition is the compliance of the chemical composition of the nutritional substances by the physiological needs of the body. About 70 ingredients should come daily in a certain amount and ratio into the body, many of which are not synthesized in the body and therefore are vital. The optimal supply of the organism by these foodsties is possible only with diverse nutrition. The maximum diversity of nutrition determines the third principle of rational nutrition.

Finally, the observance of the optimal nutritional mode defines the fourth principle of rational nutrition. Under the power mode, it is implied by regularity, multiplicity and alternation of food intake. Food mode, as well as the need for foods and energy varies depending on age, physical activity. Compliance with these basic principles of rational food makes it full.

And if you think that, choose a set of products for calories, fat content, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. Your body will get a full, rational food, you are deeply mistaken. The product layout should enter into the main end principle, turn selected products to useful, useful food, which will not harm the body.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to consider:

The quality and energy value of the products used, in addition, an important value has a storage condition;

The method of cooking, which should provide both taste and nutritional properties of dishes, as well as their energy value;

Conditions, multiplicity and time of feeding;

The number and calirage of food used per day - changes in the power mode during the period of intensive loads.

6. Normal body weight. Obesity

Body Mass Indicator - Highly sensitive indicator of nutritional nutritional needs of the body. In the absence of such compliance due to excess or insufficient food intake, obesity or exhaustion occurs, which in both cases is a serious health disorder. The same effect is possible with low or increased physical activity without appropriate changes in the energy potential of the diet. In such situations, the normal nutrition becomes or redundant, or insufficient with all the consequences arising from this.

In this regard, each person is predisposed to obesity or not, should systematically control his body weight, to know its optimal indicators. Weighing need in the morning, after visiting the toilet, on an empty stomach, without clothes or in the same easy clothing. For this purpose, outdoor scales are comfortable. The weighing results are compared with the recommended ideal or extremely valid norm. The ideal norm is human weight in 25-30 years. In these years ends physical developmentAnd if by this time there were no disorders in nutrition or serious diseases, the mass of human body is the most appropriate standard for comparisons in the subsequent. The most authoritative scholars in the field of nutrition are believed that with a healthy lifestyle, the mass may (or rather, should) be maintained up to 60 years unchanged. The recommended body weight for men and women aged 25-30 years is shown in Table No. 1. There are also a number simple ways self-corrective. The specified brocade formula was obtained the greatest recognition and distribution, according to which it is calculated normal weight Bodies at a normostic chest:

M \u003d growth - 100 with growth up to 165 cm

M \u003d growth-105 with growth 166-175 cm

M \u003d Growth - 110 with growth more than 175 cm

In a narrow chest (asthenic type of physique), the rate obtained thus obtained is considered to 10%, with a wide (hyperstole) - corresponding to its increase (but not more than 10%). The use of such a recommendation allows some deviations from the values \u200b\u200bof the perfect body weight.

For example, with a height of 175 cm for normosts, it will be 175-105 \u003d 70 kg, for asthenics - 63 kg (- 10%), and for hyperstenists, 77 kg (+ 10%). The same values \u200b\u200bdefined in Table 1 are 71.7 kg (difference by +1.7 kg), for asthenics 65.3 (the difference is +2.3 kg), for hyperstenists, 77.8 kg (the difference on +0.8 kg).

wide chest (hyper-ramp)

narrow chest (asthenics)

normal chest (NORMO - SHENT)

wide chest (hyper - lumps)

mass (kg) men

mass (kg) women

Body mass control. To estimate the body weight, growth is necessary (in cm) divided by weight (in kg). The indices in the range of 2.3-2.8 correspond to the normal mass of the body, 2.5-2.6 is ideal (regardless of age).

With higher or lower indicators there is an increase in the risk of diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, etc.) and the earlier attack of the organism.


Proper nutrition and healthy image Life is inseparable. We accept food ensures the constant update, the development of cells and tissues of the body, is the source of energy. Food - these are sources of substances from which hormones, enzymes and other control processes are synthesized. The metabolism is completely dependent on the nature of nutrition. The composition of food, its number and properties determine physical development and growth, incidence, disability, lifespan and nervous mental state. With food in our body should be sufficient, but not excessive, the number of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, trace elements, vitamins and minerals in the correct proportions. All theories healthy nutrition Trying to solve this problem.


1. Dunaevsky G.A. Vegetables and fruits in nutrition of a healthy and sick person / G.A. Dunaevsky. - K.: Health, 1990.

2. Cooper K. Aerobics for good well-being / K. Cooper. - M.: FIS, 1989.

3. Smolnikov P.N. Confession of a former fat man / P.N. Smolnikov. - M.: FIS, 1989.

4. ChURPOV A. Run from fat / A. ChURPOV. - M.: FIS, 2002

5. Smolyar P.V. Rational nutrition / P.V. Smolyar. - M.: FIS, 1991.

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Power supply provides the most important function of the human body, delivering it the energy necessary to cover the cost of life processes. The updating of cells and tissues also occurs due to admission to the body with food "plastic" substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. Finally, food is a source of formation of enzymes, hormones and other metabolic regulators in the body. To support the normal course of energy, plastic and catalytic processes, the body requires a certain amount of diverse nutrients. On the nature of nutrition, the metabolism in the body, the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs depends. Proper nutrition, taking into account the living conditions, labor and life, ensures the constancy of the inner environment of the human body, the activities of various organs and systems and, thus, is an indispensable condition good health, harmonic development, high performance. It is correct that the nutrition is considered correct, which provides the normal life of the body a high level of performance and resistance to adverse factors ambient, maximum duration of active life. The biological value of food is determined by the content in it the necessary organism of essential foods - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts.

Foods and their meaning in human nutrition

The value of nutrients in the vital activity of the body is characterized by I.M. Schechenov, who believed that "... to trace the fate of nutrients in the body, it means to know the essence of life processes in their entirety."

All foodstuffs in their intended purpose can be divided into plastic, energy and regulatory. Among plastic substances, the main importance belongs to proteins, although minerals and fats also take a certain participation in plastic processes.

Carbohydrates are the main energy source. Due to carbohydrates, the need for muscular labor and physical work is satisfied. To some extent, fats and proteins can serve as a source of this energy.

Regulators are mainly vitamins and minerals whose functions are to regulate and analyze exchange processes.


Proteins relate to vital foodstuffs, without which life, growth and development of the body are impossible. A sufficient amount of proteins in nutrition and their high quality allows you to create optimal conditions of the internal environment for the normal life of the body, its development and high performance. Proteins should be the main component of the diet, determine the nature of the entire nutrition. Against the background of a sufficient level of proteins, the most complete manifestation in the body of biological properties and other nutrition components is noted.

Proteins are the main component of the protoplasm of cells, are included in the kernel and intercellular substances, therefore are used to build new cells and restoring dead. Specific proteins are particularly important, which are part of enzymes, hormones, antibodies and other formations performing in the body a particularly important, complex and thin function. Such proteins include globin, which is part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes and performs the most important function of breathing, supplying tissue with oxygen. Mozin and Aktin - provide muscle contractions. Gamma-globulins - form antibodies that protect against infections.

Proteins are used in the body mainly as plastic material. Along with this, proteins participate in the energy balance of the body, during periods of large energy costs or when food contains an insufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats.

Protein deficiency in the body causes severe exchange disorders, the appearance of edema, liver obesity and a number of other difficult changes. Diseases of protein failure include a special disease that received the name of Kvashioror. Quashiorekor develops as a result of predominantly carbohydrate nutrition with insufficient use of sources of full proteins.

The disease is characterized by clinical manifestations peculiar to the alimentary dystrophy - the height delay, weight and development of children, the change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes, diarrhea, swelling, etc.

Mortality of untreated heavy quashiorer can reach 90%. At the opening, the obesity of the liver, intestinal atrophy and the pancreas is found. In the case of moderate severity, irreversible changes may remain - insufficient development and reduced resistance to adverse factors.

In case of insufficient admission of proteins with food in the body, there is a violation of the process of deamination, reaminting and synthesis, which is due to the destruction of the corresponding enzyme systems due to the insufficiency of specific proteins that are included in their composition.

Protein deficiency affects the immunobiological properties of the organism, on reactivity and susceptibility to various diseases.

Against the background of insufficient protein nutrition, there may be widespread flash of many infectious diseases. The outbreaks of dysentery and suction typhus, which have been particularly widespread among the starving contingents are known.

Significant disorders under the influence of protein failure occur in the glands of internal secretion. The total quantitative failure of proteins and high-quality inferiority them lead to significant changes in endocrine glands (genital, pituitary gland, adrenal glands) and a decrease in their functional abilities.

The formation in the liver of choline is disturbed, which is the consequence of the fatty infiltration of the liver. Increased fat formation in the liver is associated with deficiency of proteins containing methionine.

The lack of proteins in the diet entails the weakening of conditionaloreflex activity and internal braking processes. In protein insufficiency, changes in the chemical composition and morphological structure of the bones occur when the protein content is reduced in the diet to 3.5-1.7%, the growth of bones is stopped, the number of calcium is sharply reduced in them and the amount of magnesium increases. As a result, the normal ratio of SA and P is disturbed, the excretion of the CA is increasing.

Thus, changes arising in the body under the influence of protein deficiency are very diverse and covered, apparently, all its systems. The lack of protein in nutrition negatively affects the growth of children, the function of the cerebral cortex, leads to a decrease in the formation of antibodies, hemoglobin, hormones, enzymes.

Nutritional value Different food proteins are different and depends on their digestibility (digestibility and absorption) and amino acid composition. The amino acid composition determines the degree of use of the bibles of the body of the organism.

Some amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body and must come ready for food proteins - indispensable amino acids. These amino acids are of particular value, because Used for synthesis and education in the body of specific proteins, secrets and hormones. These include methionine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, Valin.

For children, independent amino acids are Arginine and Gistidin.

Proteins are full, if all independent amino acids are safely balanced. The complete exception of one of the independent amino acids leads to a violation of protein equilibrium and limited use of the whole complex of amino acids.

The value of essential amino acids is not limited to their participation in the synthesis of tissue proteins. Each of them, in addition, performs important and complex functions in the body. In experiments not animals, the role of individual amino acids was studied, and interesting data were obtained for clinicians.

Lysine, tryptophan, argipines are rising factors and are necessary for growth. With a lack of cystine in food, other amino acids are designed worse, hair growth is delayed, the formation of insulin in the body is developing, leukopenia develops. With excessive cystine content, leukocytosis is observed, degenerative changes in the kidneys occur. These changes can be prevented by enriching food thiamine and holielic acid.

Phenylalanine, leucine and isoleucine play an important role in the function of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Arginine is associated with the function of the genual glands. Some amino acids are associated with blood formation. So, the lack of lysine blood leads to hematopois disorders, the number of erythrocytes and the content of hemoglobin in it is reduced. A great influence and synthesis of hemoglobin has tryptophan and histidine. Lack of valine leads to a violation of coordination of movements.

Methionine - used in the organism for the synthesis of choline, has an impact on the exchange of fats and phosphatides in the liver, normalizing its condition. For high level methionine most fully manifests the biological effect of vitamin B 12 and folic acid. Metionine plays as an important role in adrenal function and is necessary for adrenaline synthesis. There are data on the prevention value of methionine during radial lesions and poisoning by some industrial poisons.

The unsurpassed source of methionine is cottage cheese, who widely entered the practice of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. Studies have shown that adding 400 gr in diet. Fresh cottage cheese quite positively affected the timing of recovery of patients with dysentery, especially in chronic forms of diseases. Many methionine is contained in eggs, perch, crab, cod, catfish, celosine, herring, sorry, lamb. Lack of lysine causes a height delay, circulatory disorders, bone calcination, reduced hemoglobin in the blood.

The sources of phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine are soy and pea flour, meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs. Leucine and isoleucine is also rich in corn flour.

With an increase in the histidine in the food in the tissues of the body, the activity of the enzymes, called histidase, increases the content of red blood cells, blood leukocytes, carnostine in muscles and histigine in tissues, is somewhat reduced by blood pressure. Under the influence of excess histidine, resistance to ionizing irradiation increases: leukopenia develops slower, the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen is preserved. Gistidine is rich in soy and pea flour, cottage cheese, meat.

The study of the role of individual amino acids in nutrition made it possible to make a number of important general conclusions. It was found that the nature of the influence of the diet on the body depends not only on the absolute number of individual amino acids available in it, but also on the relationship between individual amino acids, as well as other foodstuffs. Insufficient or excessive content of individual amino acids in food, as well as a violation of optimal relations between individual amino acids and other substances, leads to a violation of metabolism and is the cause of the disease.

An important indicator of the quality of the food protein can also serve as a degree of its digestibility, which reflects proteolysis in the gastrointestinal tract and after the divergent absorption of amino acids. By digestion by proteolytic enzymes, food proteins can be positioned in the following sequence: fish, dairy, meat proteins, bread proteins and croup.

The greatest number Protein is contained in animal products: various varieties of meat, fish, birds, sausages., Curd, cheese, eggs. The protein of these products has a high biological value. Many biologically valuable protein is contained in such products of plant origin as soy, peas, beans, other legumes. The content of protein in milk is relatively low, however, due to the high biological value and a significant level of consumption, this product should also be attributed to the number of important sources of protein.

Bread and bakery products, cereals and pasta contain 5-12% protein. However, protein bakery products And the croup is deficient for a number of amino acids, primarily on the lens.

The protein condition in the body depends on a variety of conditions. It is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats to the body, which prevents the use of proteins to meet the body's energy spending. It is important sufficient admission to the body of vitamins, preventing enhanced cleavage of proteins.

A significant predominance of plant food over the animal, and even more so vegetarian food, is one of the reasons for reducing the degree of use of proteins introduced with food.

The excess amount of fiber leads to a decrease in protein digestibility, because Accelerates the evacuation of food from the small intestine and amino acids, not so much to be absorbed, are outward. In addition, the loose mass of fiber adsorbs a large amount of amino acids. It also prevents their suction.

The fiber adsorbates and enzymes, lowering the intensity of the splitting of peptides, which in unreserved form are derived from the body.

The use of proteins decreases and in cases where a large amount of food is introduced. Not all intimidated food has time to fulfill.

It cannot be considered rational to introduce a significant excess of proteins. Excessive administration of proteins overloads the operation of the digestive apparatus, increases the amount of protein cleavage products and grinding microorganisms, causes an excessive deposition of fat in the liver, lowers the excitability of the nervous system, especially the cortex of the brain, violating the activities of the internal secretion glands.

The need for protein depends on age, gender, the nature of labor activity, climatic and national characteristics.

The physiological standards adopted in our country are recommended that in the food diet of an adult due to the protein it was provided on average 11-13% of the total energy value (Table 3).

The overall need for protein in children is:

Aged 1 to 3 years - 4 g / kg of body per day;

From 3 to 7 years - 3.5-4 g / kg

From 8 to 10 years - 3.0 g / kg

From 11 and older - 2.5 - 2.0 g / kg

In the first year of life 2.0 - 2.5 g / kg body weight with natural feeding and 4 g / kg of mass - with artificial feeding.

It is very important to provide a child with a sufficient number of full-fledged animal protein, because It contains essential amino acids necessary for the correct development.

Thus, animal proteins in relation to the total number of proteins in the daily diet of the child of the first half of life should be 90 - 99%, by year - 80%, aged 1.5 - 2 years - 75%, 3-4 years - 70%, 5 -7 years - 65%.


Fat belongs to basic foodstuffs and are a mandatory component in balanced nutrition.

The physiological value of fat is very diverse. Fats are a source of energy superior to the energy of all other foodstuffs. When combining 1G fat, 37.7 kJ (9.3 kcal) is formed, while when combustion of one gram of carbohydrates is 16.7 kJ (4,1kkal). Fats are involved in plastic processes, being part of the cells and their membrane systems.

Fats are solvents of Vitamins A. E, and contribute to their assimilation. A series of biological valuables comes with fats: phosphatides (lycitin), polyunsaturated fatty acids, sterols, tocoperons and other substances with biological activity. Fat improves the taste quality of food, increases its nutritionality, contributes to the digestibility of carbohydrates.

Insufficient feed intake can lead to a violation of the central nervous system, the weakening of immunobiological mechanisms, a change in the skin, kidneys, organs of vision, etc. In animals who received a life-free diet, less endurance was noted and the life expectancy was reduced.

As part of the fat, essential, vital essential components, including lipotropic anti-seaterosclerotic effects (polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, vitamins A, E, etc.) If there is insufficiency of fat in nutrition, degenerative changes in the liver, kidneys, brain and other systems of the body occur . In the experiments, it is shown that, with the exclusion of fat feed, the development of growing animals occurs, the occurrence of disorders in the basic life-supporting systems of the body and the subsequent death of animals, only the amount of fat corresponding to 10% of the total energy value of the diet, ensures the preservation of animal life and can be considered as minimal Maximum allowable fat rate, providing the survival of most animals. There are data on the contributing role of fat insufficiency in the formation of an alimentary dystrophy and other food deficiency diseases. It has long been a look at fats, as a powerful energy substance and a pronounced protein savings factor. First world War Among the persons whose soldering was contained only 10 g of fat, there were cases of an alimentary dystrophy. Studying the question of the fat factor made it possible to nominate the provision on the "biological fat minimum" and substantiate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of fat, as a significant factor that affects the function of cell function, the permeability of cell membranes and the state of intracellular elements.

As a confirmation above the above, the fact that persons received 6276.0 kJ (1500 kcal) and 60 g of protein in a daily food diet with an extremely low fat content were sick of "alimentary dystrophy" (edema disease). After they began to give 100 g of pork sala on the day, they quickly recovered; Edems have completely disappeared.

The intensity and nature of many processes occurring in the body associated with the exchange and transformation, as well as the absorption of food substances, depends on the level of fat balance with other edible substances.

By chemical composition Fats are complex complexes of organic compounds, the main structural components of which are glycerin and fatty acids. The proportion of glycerol in fat is insignificant (10%). The main value that determines the properties of fats is fatty acids. The latter are divided into limiting

(Saturated) and unsaturated (unsaturated) fatty acids.

An indispensable nutrition factors include polyunsaturated fatty acids. For humans, essential fatty acids are linoleic and linolenic acid Linoleic acid turns into an organism in arachidone, and Linolenic - to eikapentainenenu. Arachidon and eico-seated acids can also enter the body in small quantities in the composition of food products: the first - with meat products, the second - with fish.

The minimum daily human need in linoleic acid is 2-6 g. This amount is contained in 10-15 g of vegetable oil (sunflower, cotton, corn). To create some excess of an indispensable linoleic acid, it is recommended to introduce into a daily diet of 20-25 g of vegetable oil, which is approximately 1 \\ 3 from the total amount of fat in the diet. The content of lynolenic acid is currently not normalized. It is believed that it should flow in quantities that make up at least 10% of the amount of linoleic acid.

An increase in the amount of fat in the diet reduces the possibility of the development of linoleic acid deficiency.

Insufficient amount of admission to lynoleic acid causes a violation of the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid in large quantities into its structural lipids, as well as prostaglandins. Arachidonic acid is 20-25% of all fatty acid phospholipids of cell and subcellular biomembranes.

To ensure the necessary fatty acid composition of a healthy person's diet, it is necessary to withstand the ratio of 1 \\ 3 of vegetable oils and 2 \\ 3 animal fats, using vegetable oils rich in linolenic acid (sunflower, cotton, corn soybean). Vegetable oils containing linoleic acid (linen, hemp), rationally use in smaller amounts, introducing large quantities of vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid. The source of the PPGC of the Linolen family is also fats of marine (but not freshwater) fish (herring, cambals, mackerel, halotus, etc.) The inclusion in the diet of sea fish dishes provides the body with fatty acids of this family. Rapeseed and mustard oils with lower nutritional value should not be used as a single source of vegetable fat in the diet: small quantities should be combined with full oils, for example, with sunflower, corn.

For elderly, as well as with an elevated cholesterol content in serum, the ratio of vegetable oil and animal fats in the diet should be 1: 1, i.e. Half of the fat component must be introduced in the form of vegetable oil, subject to a decrease in the total amount of fat.

Fish fats also have a hypotensive effect.

Great facilities for rationalizing fat nutrition has margarine products. Margarine is a mixture of vegetable and animal fats in natural and hydrogenated form with the addition of skimmed milk, egg yolks, vitamins and various flavor components.

Vitamins, sterols, phospholipids contained in fat products also play a significant role in the metabolic processes of the body.

Fat products make a significant contribution to providing the body with vitamins A and E.

Phospholipids are a mandatory component of both animal and unrefined vegetable fat products. They contribute to the micelle formation of fat in the digestive tract. This process is necessary for splitting and suction of food triglycerides. Phospholipids have a lipotropic effect, contributing to the transport of neutral fats from the liver. They are important and as stabilizing lipoprotein components. Phospholipids are also used as stabilizers in fatty pulses for parenteral nutrition. Unconditional preference should be given to the use of fatty products containing natural phospholipids.

However, some oils (corn, cotton) must be subjected to mandatory refining that promotes phosphatide removal. One of the undesirable moments in the production of margarines is the loss of phosphatides contained in the source oils.

Series are idroaromatic sterols of complex buildings. In fat fat contains zoo, in vegetable - phytosterols. Wheat germs (13-17 g / 100g product), corn oil (6-7 g / 100g of the product) differs in the high content of sterols.

Phytosterns have biological activity and play an important role in the normalization of fat and cholesterol exchanges. From phytosterols, gamma phytitosterine has the most biological activity, which is used in atherosclerosis with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes (it is contained in aghydon, sunflower, soybean, cotton, corn, olive oil). From the zoosterines is the main importance of cholesterol, which plays an important physiological role.

The average physiological need for a healthy person is about 30% of common calorie diet. With severe physical work and, accordingly, high calorie content of rationab providing this level of energy costs, the share of fat in the diet may be somewhat higher - 35% of the total energy value. The normal approximation of fat consumption is approximately 1-1.5 g / kg, i.e. 70 \u003d 105 g per day for a person with a body weight of 70 kg. The calculation takes all fat contained in the diet (both in the composition of fatty products and hidden fat of all products)

The need for fats varies depending on age.

In the first half of life, the child needs 6.5 - 6.0 g fat / kg

In the second half of life - from 6 to 5.5 g / kg.

By the year of life - 5 g / kg

In children over 1, the need for fats is approaching the need for proteins and is 4 g / kg body weight.

In old age, it is rational to reduce the share of fat to 25% of the total energy value of the diet and increase the share of vegetable fat to 80% of the total.

The need for fat varies depending on climatic conditions. In north climatic zone It is determined in the amount of 38-40% of the total energy value of the diet, in the middle zone - 33% and in the southern zone - 27-28%.


The physiological value of carbohydrates is mainly determined by their energy properties. Each gram of carbohydrates provides an admission of 4 kcal. The value of carbohydrates (y) as a source of energy is determined by their ability to oxidize in the body both aerobic and anaerobic path. They are part of the cells and tissues and partially participate in plastic processes. Some carbohydrates have biological activity, performing specialized functions in the body (heparin - preventing blood coagulation in vessels, hyaluronic acid that prevents the penetration of bacteria through the cellular shell, etc.) carbohydrates and their metabolites play an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids, aminoakislot, mucopolysaccharides , Coenzymes, etc. In the body, carbohydrates are deposited limited, the reserves of small carbohydrates are closely associated with measuring fat. Carbohydrates are the main part of the food diet. Due to them, about ½ daily energy values \u200b\u200bof the edible diet are ensured. Consumption of carbohydrates is 400-500 g.

The satisfaction of carbohydrate needs can be carried out at the expense of plant sources. In them (cereals, etc.) carbohydrates are at least 75% dry matter. The need for carbohydrates can be satisfied due to sugar, which is a pure carbohydrate. The digestibility of carbohydrates is high enough: depending on the food product and the nature of the carbohydrate, it ranges from 85% to 98%. Thus, the coefficient of digestibility of hydrogen and cereal carbohydrates is 94-96, vegetables - 85, potatoes - 95, fruit - 90, confectionery - 95, sugar-99, milk - 98. The value of animal products as a source of carbohydrates is small. The main carbohydrate of animal origin is glycogen, which has the property of starch contained in animal fabrics in a small amount. Another carbohydrate - lactose (milk sugar) - in milk (5 g per 100 product).

Depending on the complexity of the structure, solubility, the speed of assimilation of carbohydrates can be presented:

Simple carbohydrates (sugar) - monosaccharides: glucose, fructose, galactose; Disaccharides: sucrose, lactose, maltose.

Complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, pectin substances of fiber.

Simple carbohydrates: they all easily dissolve in water, quickly absorbed.

Monosaccharides: glucose is quickly and easily used in the body for the formation of glycogen, for the nutrition of brain tissues, working muscles, to maintain the required level of blood sugar and creating the glycogen reserves of the liver. Glucose is used as a source of energy. Fructose has those properties as glucose, and can be considered as valuable, easily friendly sugar. However, it is slower digested in the intestine and, entering the blood quickly leaves the bloodstream. It is delayed in the liver (up to 70-80%) and does not cause blood suspension with sugar, it is easily involved in metabolic processes, it has low resistance, it is 2 times sweeter than sucrose, 3 times the glucose.

It has been established that in the excessive flow of sugar, the transformation into fatty food substances is enhanced. Thus, the number of incoming sugar can serve as a factor in a certain extent regulating the fat exchange. Excess sugar adversely affects the state and function of intestinal microflora.

Galactose - not found in free form in food. It is a product of cleavage of the main carbohydrate of milk lactose (milk sugar). Glucose and fructose are widely represented in bee honey. In watermelons, the entire sugar is represented by fructose, the amount of which is 8%. Glucose and fructose are contained in fruits and berries. In grapes and persimmon, all sugar is represented by glucose and fructose. Apples, pears, currants contain a significant amount of fructose.

Disaccharides: In the nutrition of a person from disaccharides, sucrose is the main meaning. In the hydrolysis of sugar decomposes on 2 molecules of monosaccharides - glucose and fructose. According to the properties, it is close to monosaccharides. Another important disaccharide - lactose (milk sugar) is present only in milk and dairy products.

Sakharoza - source is cane and beet sugar.

Lactose: It is contained only in milk. The hydrolysis of lactose in the intestines proceeds slowly, in connection with which the fermentation processes in the intestine are limited and the vital activity of the useful intestinal microflora is normalized. The receipt of lactose contributes to the development of lactic acid bacteria, overwhelming the development of grinding microorganisms. Source - milk and dairy products. The content of lactose in milk is 4-6%.


Starch: High starch content is largely due to the nutritional value of grain products, legumes, potatoes. Starch has only colloidal solubility. It contains 2 fractions of polysaccharides - amyloza and aminolactin. Amilose in Krachmale 15-25%, amylopectin - 75-85%. Under the influence of enzymes and starch acids is subjected to hydrolysis with the formation of dextrins. The final transformation of dextrins is the formation of maltose, which under the influence of enzymes turns into glucose, and it is used for the needs of the body.

Glycogen - contains significant quantities in the liver. The body uses for nutrition of working muscles, organs and systems as an energy material.

Pectic substances: in its chemical structure, can be attributed to hemicellulosam - colloidal polysaccharides or glucopolisaccharides. Distinguish two main types:

· Propectures - belong to natural native plant pectins in water. They are contained in the cell walls of fruits, forming an intercellular layer in their tissues and being binding and fastening material between individual cells.

· Pectines - belong to soluble substancesdigested in the body. The main property of pectin substances is the ability to convert in an aqueous solution in the presence of acids and sugar in the jelly-like colloidal mass. With the fiber of fruits and berries, pectin substances form a useful biological complex that improves the processes of digestion. Under the influence of pectin substances, the intestinal microflora changes, in the direction of its normalization, decreases rotten processes, the intestinal peristalsis is improved.

The detoxifying properties of pectin during lead poisoning are noted. In this regard, the inclusion of working lead in the diet may have preventive value.

For a long time known the therapeutic effect of pectin substances in the treatment of diarrhea of \u200b\u200bvarious etiology in adults and children.

Some researchers explain these properties of the high adsorptional ability of pectin, the other - its medium, as well as the formation of metal ions in the digestive tract, which are included in pectin and having high catalytic activity. In addition, the ability of pectin is established to bind a number of substances in our body, including radioactive - strontium and cobalt.

The source of the pectin-fiber complex is fruits, berries, some root. They are rich in oranges, cherry, apples, plums, gooseberries, black currant. Many pectin contains radishes, beets, carrots.

Food pectin is obtained from apples waste, as well as from sunflower. Pregnancy preparations of pectin. Specially designed for therapeutic purposes (Swiss preparation "Diarks").

Cellulose (fiber) - in the intestine of a person, a hardware device does not produce enzymes that split cellulose and, thus, unable to digest it. However, some intestinal bacteria produce enzymes that split cellulose. The lower the tissue, the more fully it is split. The high content of fiber is characterized by grain. Less rough, gentle fiber is well cleaved in the intestine and is better absorbed (fiber of potatoes, vegetables). The fiber stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, contributing to the excavation of cholesterol, normalizes the useful intestinal microflora.

The need for carbohydrates is determined by the value of energy consumption. The average need for carbohydrate persons who are not engaged in severe physical labor is determined in the amount of 400-500 g / day, including starch 350-400. Monosaccharides- 50-100 g, dietary fiber (fiber, pectin) - 25 g. Carbohydrates can be produced according to the energy value of the daily food diet. 137 g of carbohydrates are provided for each megaclorine.

Balanced nutrition.

Balanced nutrition involves the optimal human ratio in the daily diet of proteins, amino acids, fats, fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins.

According to a balanced nutrition formula (Pokrovsky A.A., 1977), the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be average 1: 1: 4 (Table 5). In the current recommendations, a ratio of 1: 1.2: 4.6 is adopted. The number of proteins in the composition of the diet is 11-13% of daily energy consumption, fats - an average of 33% (for southern Districtions - 27-28%, for the northern - 38-48%), carbohydrates - about 55%. Balance of animal proteins 60% of the total protein. The balance of essential amino acids is important, especially tryptophan, methionine and lysine. The largest amount of lysine is contained in meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs; Methionine - in cottage cheese, chicken meat, peas, beans, and cereal products.

In order for the body to be provided with polyunsaturated fatty acids, about 30% of fats should flow into it in the form of vegetable oils. Thus, 10% of the total fats in the diet of nutrition should be polyunsaturated fatty acids contained mainly in plant products; 30% - saturated fatty acids and 60% are monounsaturated acids.

Of the total amount of carbohydrates, 745% is discharged into polysaccharides, in particular, starch, 20% - on mono- and disaccharides, 3% - for pectin substances and 2% - for food fibers.

The need for vitamin balance is determined by the need of an organism in energy. So on the amount of food having an energy value of 4187 kJ (1000 kcal) required ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 25mg; thiamine (vitamin B 1) - 0.6 mg; Riboflavina (vitamin B 2) - 0.7 mg; niacin (vitamin PP) - 6.7 mg; pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) - 0.7 mg; etc. The vitamin security of the body is achieved by the receipt of these substances with food products of both plant origin and animal origin.

The optimal calcium ratios (Ca), phosphorus (P) and magnesium (MG) are established for the body. In a balanced nutrition of an adult, the ratio of sa: p \u003d 1: 1.5; Sa: Mg \u003d 1: 0.5.


In order to properly organize its nutrition, and when the diet is selected, do not cause negative consequences for the body, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main nutrients from which the daily diet should be.

Proteins - complex organic compounds consisting of amino acids (more than 80), of which 22 are most common in food. Proteins perform many vital functions in the human body: serve material for the construction of cells, tissues and organs, the formation of enzymes and most hormones, hemoglobin and other compounds; form compounds providing immunity to infections;

Participate in the process of assimilation of fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Unlike fats and carbohydrates, proteins do not accumulate in reserve and are not formed from other food substances, being an indispensable part of food. With the lack of proteins, there are more serious violations of the work glands of the internal secretion, the composition of the blood, the weakening of mental activity, the slowdown in the growth and development of children, reducing resilience to infections. As a source of energy proteins are secondary importance, since they can be replaced by fats and carbohydrates. In the human body, proteins are formed continuously from amino acids coming from food. Two groups of amino acids are distinguished:

An indispensable amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine) in the body are not synthesized and must deal with food with food. They are mainly contained in animal products; Replaceable amino acids (arginine, cystine, tyrosine, alanine and others), which are synthesized in the human body from other amino acids. Depending on the amino acid composition, complete (containing all 8 irreplaceable amino acids) and defective proteins are highlighted. The source of the first is meat, fish, bird, eggs and dairy products. Vegetable food contains mainly defective proteins. When organizing food, it should be borne in mind that more than 90% of amino acids are absorbed from the proteins of animal products in the intestine, 60-80 from vegetable. The proteins of dairy products and fish are most quickly digested, then meat (beef faster than pork and lamb), then bread and croup, and faster - wheat bread proteins from the flour of higher grades and semolina. The latter is of great importance for therapeutic diets, but not for the nutrition of a healthy person. Rational diet involves a combination of animal and plant products that improve the balance of amino acids.

A long excess of protein in nutrition is harmful, leading to the overload of the liver and kidney products of its decay, overvoltage of the secretory function of the digestive apparatus, enhancing the reinforcement processes in the intestine, accumulating the products of nitrogen exchange with the shear of the acid-base state of the body into the acidic direction. Therefore, in case of lack of kidneys and liver, gout and some other diseases, protein consumption is limited or even temporarily excluded.

Fat. - These are complex organic compounds consisting of glycerol and fatty acids. In addition to self-fat (neutral fats), zero-like substances (phospholipids, sterols) are of great importance in nutrition.

Fats have the highest energy value and provide an average of 30% of the daily energy need, part of the cells and cellular structures (Plastic value), participate in metabolic processes. With fats in the body, the substances needed for vital activity: vitamins A, D, E, essential fatty acids, lecithin. Fats provide suction from the intestine of a number of mineral substances and fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat fabrics - active reserve of power material. Fats improve the taste of food and cause a feeling of satiety. They can be formed from carbohydrates and proteins, but they are not fully replaced by them. The content of fats in the main food products is presented in the fatty acid table, which are included in the fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated. Saturated acids (stearin, palmitic, kapron, oil and others) are easily synthesized in the body, have a low biological value and adversely affect the fat exchange, the liver work, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In large quantities, this type of acid is contained in animals (ram, beef) and some vegetable fats (coconut). Unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic, arachidonovaya) - biologically active compounds that take an active part in fat and cholesterol exchanges increase elasticity and reduce the permeability of blood vessels, prevent the formation of thromboms. These acids, especially polyunsaturated (linoleic, linolen and arachidon), are not synthesized in the body and must come with food. They are contained in swine fat, sunflower and corn oil, fish oil.

Zeper-like substances - Stearins and phosphatides - participate in the secretion of hormones, blood coagulation process, the formation of cell membranes. The most famous of stearins is cholesterol, in large quantities contained in animal products. In large quantities, cholesterol leads to a change in blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. To reduce its level, it is required to limit the products rich in cholesterol ( butter, fatty meat, cheese), and consume more products containing lecithin and choline (vegetables, milk, sour cream). For orientation in choosing products, use Table 3, reflecting the amount of cholesterol in various products.

Excess fat in food worsens the absorption of proteins, calcium, magnesium, increases the need for vitamins providing a fat exchange. Abundant consumption of fat inhibits the secretion of the stomach and retains the evacuation of food from it, causes the overturning of the functions of other digestive organs. Disorders of digestion arise, especially in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and biliary tract. In rational nutrition, the consumption of fats should be limited, especially biologically less valuable.

Carbohydrates - Organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are synthesized in plants from water and carbon dioxide under the action of sunlight. Food comes with simple and complex, digestible and unsuccessful carbohydrates. The main simple carbohydrates are glucose, galactose and fructose (monosaccharides), sucrose, lactose and maltose (disaccharides). Keeping carbohydrates (polysaccharides) include starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin, hemicellulose.

Carbohydrates are necessary for the normal exchange of proteins and fats. In a complex with proteins, they form some hormones and enzymes, secrets of saliva and other forming mucus of glands, as well as other important compounds. Special importance are of fiber, pectins, hemiecellum, which are only partially digested in the intestines and are a minor energy source. However, these polysaccharides form the basis of dietary fibers and play an important role in nutrition. It contains carbohydrates mainly in vegetable products. Glucose is the main energy supplier for the brain. It is contained in fruits and berries and is necessary for the supply of energy and formation in the liver of glycogen. Fructose almost does not require insulin hormone for his assimilation, which makes it possible to recommend its sources in diabetes mellitus, but in limited quantities. The main suppliers of sucrose are sugar, confectionery, jam, ice cream, sweet drinks, as well as some vegetables and fruits: beets, carrots, apricots, peaches, sweet plum and others. In the intestine of sucrose, glucose and fructose is split.

Lactose Contained in dairy products. With congenital or acquired (most often as a result of intestinal diseases), lactase enzyme lactase disappears for glucose and galactose lactose and intolerance dairy products. In dairy products, lactose is less than in milk, since milk acid is formed when driving milk from lactose. Maltose (malt sugar) is an intermediate product cleavage of starch with digestive enzymes and enzymes of sprouted grain (malt). The formed maltose disintegrates to glucose. In the free form of maltose is contained in honey, malt extract (maltose otoko]), beer.

Starch It is 80% or more of all carbohydrates in human nutrition. Its sources are flour, cereals, pasta, bread, legumes and potatoes. Starch is relatively slowly digested, splitting to glucose. It is easier and faster digests the storms of rice and semolina, than from the millet, buckwheat, pearl and bark, from potatoes and bread. _ The carbohydrate is not a purerexy in the estuary of a person, but stimulates the intestinal work, creates conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria. In food, it must be present (contained in vegetables, fruits, wheat bran). Pectins stimulate digestion K contribute to harmful substances. Especially many of them in apples, plum, gooseberry, cranberries.

The lack of carbohydrate leads to a violation of the exchange of fats and proteins, the flow rate of food and tissue proteins. In the blood, harmful products of incomplete oxidation of fatty acids and some amino acids are accumulated, the acid-base state of the body is shifted into the acidic side. With a strong shortage of carbohydrates, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, feeling of hunger, nausea, sweating, trembling in their hands. These phenomena quickly pass after taking sugar. With long-term restriction of carbohydrates in the diet, their number still should not be below 100 g.

Excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity. Systematic excessive consumption of sugar and other easily-friendly carbohydrates contributes to the manifestation of hidden diabetes due to overload, and then the depletion of pancreatic cells producing the insulin-needed glucose. But the sugar itself and its products contain do not cause diabetes mellitus, but can only be the risk factors for the development of an already arisen.

Vitamins are not formed in the human body or are formed in insufficient quantities., Therefore, should come from the outside. Vitamins are active in very small quantities in certain vitamins expressed in milligrams or their thousandth fractions - micrograms (μg). The lack of vitamins causes severe disorders in the human body. Water soluble is isolated (C, BL9 B2, B6, RR, B12 and B5) and fat-soluble (A, B, E and K) Vitamins and vitaminas (choline, bioflavonoids (vitamin P), pangam, orothic and lipoic acid and others).

Vitamin C is involved in many exchange processes. It increases the body's stability to external influences and infections, maintains the strength of blood vessels, has a positive effect on the functions of nervous and endocrine systems, regulates the exchange of cholesterol, contributes to the absorption of iron and normal blood formation. Vitamin C should come daily, its reserves in the body are small, and the flow rate is unlimited. Maximum amount Vitamin C is contained in richness, sweet pepper, black currant, parsley, cabbage, sorrel, citrus, rowan.

Vitamin C is easily destroyed when heated, the effects of air and sunlight, long-term storage. Accelerates vitamin losses with storage of vegetables, fruits and berries in warm and light. It is better preserved in citrus fruits.

The lack of vitamin C leads to a decrease in resistance to various infections, and its absence is to the development of zing. The view that large doses of vitamin C treat colds did not find confirmation - only at the very beginning, such doses can contribute to the removal of cold symptoms.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) regulates the oxidation of carbohydrate exchange products, is involved in the exchange of amino acids and fatty acids, the versatile affects the functions of cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, central and peripheral nervous systems. The lack of vitamin often leads to nervous disorders.

The sources of vitamin are pork, oatmeal cereals, buckwheat, millet, legumes, liver, bread from the flour of the 2nd grade, barley croup.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is part of enzymes governing the most important stages of metabolism. It improves visual sharpness and color, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, the skin and mucous membranes, the function of the liver, blood formation. Basic sources of vitamin - beef liver, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fish (cod, herring), green peas, spinach.

Niacin (Vitamin RR) is part of the most important enzymes involved in cellular respiration, the separation of energy from carbohydrates, the exchange of proteins and cholesterol. It regulates the highest nervous activity, the functions of the digestive organs, the cardiovascular system, in particular, expands small vessels.

The best sources of niacin - meat products. Much niacin in grain products, but of them he is poorly absorbed.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the exchange of proteins, fats, cholesterol. It is necessary for assimilation by the organism of amino acids and essential fatty acids, participates in the regulation of fat metabolism in the liver and the formation of hemoglobin.

The large content of vitamin B6 is characteristic of meat of animals and birds, buckwheat, pearl and bark, millet, peas, beans, bread from the flour of the 2nd grade, potatoes. Vitamin B12 is necessary for normal blood formation. It plays an important role in using the organism of amino acids and participates in cellular division inherent in each living cell. The source of vitamin B12 is animals products, in plant products and yeast it is absent. Especially rich in vitamin B12 liver. Much of it in the meat of animals, in most varieties of fish, cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk, in smaller quantity Vitamin B12 is contained in milk, fermented milk drinks, sour cream, egg protein.

Vitamin A regulates metabolic processes, in particular in the skin, mucous membranes of eyes, respiratory, digestive and urinary tract; increases the body's resistance to infections; Provides acts of twilight and sensation of color. It affects the condition of cell membranes, tissue breathing, the formation of protein compounds, the functions of the endocrine glands. Vitamin A falls into the body in the form of vitamin A (retinoid) and beta-carotene and other carotenoids, which in the liver turn into Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is connected only in animal products, beta-carotene - mainly in plant products, as well as in dairy. With culinary processing of food, up to 40% of Vitamin A. Varka and root with closed lid (without oxygen access) contributes to the preservation of vitamin A. The absorption of carotene depends on the method of culinary processing. Grinding products, their cooking, cooking puree with the addition of fat increases the absorption of carotene. Thus, 5% of carotene is absorbed from large-chopped carrots, from the melted-catering - 20, and when adding to the last vegetable oil or sour cream - about 50; From carrot puree with milk - 60.

Vitamin D regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus, contributing to their suction from the intestine and sediments in the bones. Vitamin D is formed from provitamin in the skin under action sun ray And comes with animal products: fish liver, fatty varieties Fish (herring, ket, mackerel and others), caviar, eggs, dairy fats.

Vitamin E is involved in the processes of tissue respiration, protects the oxidation and destruction of fatty acids of the cell membranes (antioxidant action), contributes to the absorption of proteins and fats, affects the function of genital and other endocrine glands. Vitamin E is the most in vegetable oils. It is resistant to culinary processing, but it is destroyed when the fats are destroyed and under the action of sunlight, which should be taken into account when storing vegetable oils. Vitamin K is necessary to develop in the liver Prothrombin and other substances involved in blood coagulation. It is formed in small quantities of intestinal microflora. Vitamin to rich cabbage, pumpkin, spinach, sorrel, liver.

Choline - Vitamin-like substance. It participates in the main exchange processes, especially in the exchange of fats, and helps to remove fat from the liver. Holine is formed from the amino acid of methionine, but in insufficient for the body an amount and therefore should come with food. It is contained in eggs, meat, oatmeal.

Vioflavonoids (vitamin P) - vitamin-like substances. They have antioxidant properties (warning oxidation of fatty acids), stimulate tissue breathing, together with vitamin C increase the strength of blood vessels. The source of bioflavonoids are fruits, berries, vegetables, especially blackfold Rowan., black currant, oranges, lemons, tea, especially green, coffee, red wine.

Mineral substances, depending on the content in the body and food, are divided into macro and trace elements. Macroelements include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Of the many trace elements that are contained in the body and products in very small quantities, especially necessary for vital activity of iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chrome, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, strontium, silicon, selenium, boron.

Calcium Forms bone fabric, participates in the processes of excitability of the nervous tissue, the reduction of muscle and blood coagulation, reduces the permeability of the vessels. It is a necessary component of the nucleus and membrane cells, cellular and tissue liquids, affects the acid-base state of the body, activates a number of enzymes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the phenomena of allergies.

The main sources of calcium are milk and dairy products, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal, peas, green onions, carrots, stavride, herring, sazan, caviar.

Phosphorus And its compounds take part in all processes of vital activity, but they have special importance in the exchange of substances and the function of nervous and brain tissue, muscles, liver, kidneys, in the formation of bones and teeth (they contain 85% of the organism phosphorus), as well as enzymes, hormones . The best sources of phosphorus are all animal products, although a lot of phosphorus is contained in grain and legumes (it is digested worse). Phosphorus in food is distributed so much that it is very rarely found if only a person is powered only by fruits and berries.

Magnesium - A participant in more than 300 metabolic reactions, as well as costhics, energy generation, glucose exchange, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins of V. Group. It normalizes the activity of the nervous system and heart, has an antispatic and vasodilating effect, stimulates the motor function of the intestine and bore. Magnesium is rich in vegetable products (bran, dried fruits, oatmeal, millet, nuts, peas).

Potassium Plays a large role in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, osmotic pressure, the acid-base state of the body. It is necessary for normal muscle activities, in particular the heart, contributes to the removal of water and sodium from the body. Most potassium enters the body with vegetable products (potatoes, apples, ranks with fresh and dried apricots).

Sodium And chlorine enroll into the body mainly in the form of sodium chloride (sodium salt). Sodium is of great importance in intracellular and interstitial metabolism, regulation of acid-base condition and osmotic pressure in cells, tissues and blood. It contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body, activates the passing enzymes. Chlorine is involved in the regulation of osmotic pressure and water exchange, education of hydrochloric acid Gastric juice.

Iron It is necessary for normal blood formation and tissue breathing. It is part of the hemoglobin of erythrocyte, delivering oxygen to organs and tissues, myoglobin muscles, enzymes that ensure cell diving processes. Basic iron sources - liver, nights, animal language, buckwheat, beans, peas, blueberries, chocolate, millet, apples, pears, quince, figs, dogwood, spinach, nuts.

Iodine Participates in the formation of thyroid hormones. In areas where there is a lack of iodine in the soil, food products and water, yododemetic diseases arise, among which endemic and zoo prevail. Iodom is especially rich in sea fish and sea products (shrimps, mussels, sea cabbage and others).

FTPIR along with Calcium and Phosphorus participates in building Cupie and teeth and ensures their hardness and fortress. The lack of fluorine in water and food products contributes to the development of caries of teeth and reduce the strength of the bones. Fluorine Many B. sea fish and the products of the sea, as well as in tea.

Zinc enters more than 200 enzymes and participates in the most various reactions metabolism, including alcohol oxidation. Zinc is necessary for the normal function of the genital glands, blood formation, costh formation. Well digestible zinc is rich in meat and internal organs of animals, eggs, fish. Fruits, berries and vegetables poor zinc.

Copper Participates in blood formation and tissue breathing. Good copper sources are meat, fish, sea products, buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl cereals, nuts, potatoes, apricots, pears, gooseberries.

SeleniumAlong with the vitamins E and C, as well as carotenins, is an antioxidant warning re-oxidation of fats and cell damage. Selenium has a positive effect on the immune system. Many selenium is found in sea fish and sea products (crabs, shrimps and others), liver and meat, eggs, yeast. In the fruits and vegetables Selena little.

Chromium Together with Hormone insulin regulates glucose exchange. With severe chromium failure, the endurance of the body is reduced to glucose with the development of a diabetes-like state, especially during pregnancy. Chrome deficiency is adversely affected by the exchange of cholesterol. Good sources of chromium - beer yeast, sprouted grain, bread from coarse grinding flour, bean, liver, meat, cheese. In the fruit and vegetables chromium little. Excessive sugar consumption increases the need for chrome.

The most important foodsties include proteins. They constitute the basis of all living cells, every living organism. Science has proven that the lack of proteins is harmful to the state of health and working capacity not only children and adolescents, but also adults.
Proteins are complex chemical substanceswhich, under the action of digestive juices, disintegrate in the intestine on their components - chemical compounds soluble in water or in the juice of the digestive channel. These protein cleavage products, the so-called amino acids are absorbed through the intestinal walls in the blood; Of these, proteins in the human body are created.

Depending on the amino acid composition, proteins can be full and defective. If the proteins are contained by the necessary amino acids and in the necessary ratios, they relate to full.
The most valuable are proteins of milk, meat, fish, eggs, i.e., proteins contained in animal products. Proteins contained in products of plant origin, in general, in general, inferior to animal proteins. However, potato proteins, cabbage and some other vegetables can be attributed to full.

The proteins contained in the grain products are lower in quality, but if they are combined with other proteins, especially with animals, their value rises. For example, buckwheat cereals contains a protein in which there are few of some important amino acids for the body, but with the use of buckwheat cereal with milk this deficiency is replenished. Even less of the necessary amino acids in the proteins of the millet. But when products like meat, potatoes, etc. are used together with products from the milf, then a set of amino acids that satisfy the needs of the body is obtained.

Hence the conclusion: the more diverse the composition of the products included in the food diet, the greater the opportunity to get high-quality proteins from food. There is a prerequisite for the presence of a sufficient number of animal proteins in food.
In the body of man and animals there is a continuous oxidation of substances, or, as they say, burning. It is necessary to maintain life and performance, for the work of the heart, liver, stomach and other internal organs.
The amount of heat that is allocated in the body during the combustion of food substances is expressed in calories. When combustion, 1 g of proteins, as well as 1 g of carbohydrates, 4.1 large calories are distinguished.


Of all food substances, fats are the most concentrated source of energy. When combustion of each gram of fat, 9.3 large calories are distinguished, i.e. in two excess times More than when combustion of proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, they give more feeling saturation. Being the necessary part of the food, fats improve its taste, increase the digestibility, and due to its high calorie content, make it possible to reduce food. However, in large numbers, fats are hardly digested and poorly absorbed by the human body.

Fats are divided into animals and vegetable. The most valued fat, watering in milk, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese and animal oil. Fat of these products is easily absorbed and contains a number necessary vitamins (A and B). From other animal fats, the best digestibility and taste is different with pork fat and poultry fat. Beef and Baimier Salo is digested worse than other fats.
Vegetable fats and margarine, although inferior in their taste and the absence of vitamins with milk fat, but are of great importance in nutrition and well absorbed. Vitaminating these fats with vitamins A and even more increases their nutritional value.


The source of carbohydrates in nutrition is vegetable products, i.e. bread, flour, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries. From animal products, carbohydrates in the form of milk sugar are contained in milk. Since plant products are in most cases cheaper than animals, then carbohydrates are the cheapest source of energy.

In various products, carbohydrates are presented in the form of starch, sugars and fiber. Sugar and starch are well absorbed. At the same time, sugar due to good solubility quickly go into the blood, starchy, exposed to digestive juices, pre-decays to simpler substances - sugars, which are then gradually absorbed and transfers to blood. This helps maintain a certain level of blood sugar and gradually delivery to its tissues. Therefore, it is advisable that most of the carbohydrates enter the body in the form of starch.

The fiber varies little in the human digestive channel and is poorly absorbed. It is contained in significant quantities in rzhan Bread, in some croups - oatmeal, swallow, born, in a number of vegetables. However, it would be wrong to conclude that the fiber is not needed. Some quantity is necessary for proper work gastrointestinal tract.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are often referred to as the basic foodstuffs that provide the body the necessary amount of energy and reimburse him the waste of substances in the process of life. However, science is proven that the human health is absolutely necessary in order for its food, in addition, mineral salts and vitamins.

Mineral salts.

Of these salts, the effect on the body of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, chlorine, sodium is most studied.

Calcium and phosphorus - the main component of the bones. Therefore, their content in food is especially important for the body. Calcium, moreover, is necessary for normal heart activities; Phosphorus is part of the nervous tissue of the human body.
Iron is necessary for the formation of blood hemoglobin.
Magnesium affects the work of the heart, as well as on the state of the bone system.

Sodium chloride, i.e., the usual salt, is of great importance for the body. Both disadvantage and excess it is harmful to human health. In conventional temperature conditions for adults, 12-15 g of this salt per day.
Not all sources of minerals are equal. It is best absorbed by calcium of milk and dairy products, and calcium contained in bread products, especially in a rough rzhan and wheat bread, is absorbed much worse.
Phosphorus is contained in significant quantities in bread products, potatoes, milk, meat, eggs. It is well absorbed, but it should be noted that phosphorus contained in animal products is more favorable on the nervous system than phosphorus included in the composition of plant products.

Iron is contained in bakery, fresh greenery, meat. Milk and products of its processing are poor iron.


These substances are extremely important for human health. The absence and even the lack of them leads to a number of diseases and is negatively affected by health.

All known vitamins are divided into two groups: vitamins, soluble in water, and vitamins soluble in fats. Of the most important vitamins, the first group includes vitamins C and group B, and to the second group - Vitamins A and D.
Vitamin C is of great importance for the body, since it protects against the appearance of cings, improves human well-being and helps increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

This vitamin is contained almost exclusively (if not considered fresh milk) In plant products, mainly in vegetables and fruits. The main sources of it in nutrition are fresh potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, green onions, salad and other greens. A large amount of this vitamin is contained in black currant, lemons, tangerines, some types of apples (Antonovka, Anis, etc.). Dried vegetables, fruits and berries, with the exception of rosehip, almost do not contain vitamin C. Do not contain vitamin C and grain products.

Vitamins in 1 V 2 and PP, related to the Vitamins of the B Group, are most studied.
Vitamin B 1 is of great importance for the nervous system. With the lack of this-vitamin, a person appears fast fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, pain in the joints and muscles. Complete absence Vitamin B 1 in food leads to severe diseases.
In large quantities, vitamin B 1 is contained in the grain shell, especially wheat. Therefore, the most important source of it in nutrition is wheat bread from low varieties of flour. On the contrary, wheat bread from the 1st and highest varieties of flour, semolina and rice is poor with these vitamins. A significant amount is contained in legumes, oaturasia, etc.

Vitamin B 2 contributes to the best digestibility of food. It is necessary for normal growth and development of the body.
In significant quantities, vitamin B 2 is contained in milk, in some sub-products - liver, heart; Vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, etc., as well as in legumes.

Vitamin RR, otherwise called nicotine acid, protects the human body from the disease of the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract.
A significant amount of this vitamin is contained in meat, in milk, in wheat bread from wobble flour and from the flour of the 2nd grade, in legumes. The richer yeast and some other products are richer.

Vitamin A playing the greatest role Among fat-soluble vitamins. It is of great importance for normal operation of the organs of vision, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
This vitamin is contained in some animal products - milk, butter, creamy and fed oil, cheese, bold cottage cheese and sour cream, eggs, liver. In addition, carotene is the most important source of this vitamin in nutrition - the substance from which Vitamin A. is formed in the body (in the liver)
Rich carotine carrots, green onions, tomatoes, salad and other greens, and from fruit - apricots. Carotine is best absorbed by the body in the case when it is dissolved in fat. Therefore, carrots, for example, it is recommended to use in nutrition in a fried form.

For all vitamins, but to varying degrees, the presence of significant losses during storage and especially with culinary processing of products. Most of all the distems of vitamin C. It dissolves with long-term storage of products in water and is rapidly destroyed when air is heated in the presence of air oxygen. Therefore, peeled potatoes and vegetables are not recommended in water for a long time in water, they should only be laid in boiling water, cook with weak boiling in a closed dish so that they are less in contact with air.

It should be remembered that all heating significantly reduces the content in the product of vitamin C.