An educational and entertaining test for geography lovers. Knowledge geographical map has always been necessary thing, even for those who don't like to travel. And if travel is a regular part of your life, then it’s a necessity. As in the cartoon “Deuce Again” - if you rely on a plane and a bus, you can go in a completely different direction than where you were going. Besides, it’s pretty awkward not being able to show on a map where you went on vacation, right? Check if you can navigate the world map well!

Russian is one of the most common languages ​​in the world (6th place) and the most difficult for foreigners to learn. Agree, even among native speakers there are not always literate people who write and speak accurately.

Do you remember Russian language lessons in high school?

All test questions are taken from the school curriculum, only the examples are compiled by the author, consisting of quotes from great classics and everyday common expressions.

Try to pass the test without errors and get your share of glory.

An educational and entertaining test for those interested handmade. Nowadays, many types of different handicrafts have appeared. And those that existed before are sometimes called all sorts of incomprehensible words. Have you ever seen trees dressed in knitted clothes? Of course, this can be considered just knitting, but this type of needlework has already acquired its name. Do you already know what doodling, felting, oshibana are? However, for some, the well-known tatting will be new. Check how well you navigate the world of modern creativity!

Past Simple - simple past tense
Past Simple(simple past) is one of the most common tenses in the English language. By using Past Simple we can convey events that happened in the past, and in some cases, events in the present. Therefore, at any level of proficiency English language you will learn something new about Past Simple.
How is the past simple formed?
In order to form Past Simple, we add the ending to the verb - ed, if the verb is correct ( work - worked, learn - learned, ask - asked). If the verb is irregular, then we look for the form for Past Simple in the second column of the table of irregular verbs. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you to immediately determine which verb is in front of you. You will find the irregular verb in the table. If it's not there, it's correct. Negation
IN negative sentence V Past Simple appears auxiliary did(second form of irregular verb do) and particle not. IN English sentence only one verb can be in the past tense, so as soon as it appears did, the main verb takes the form of the infinitive without a particle to (go, look, feel). IN colloquial speech did And not combine to form a shortened form didn't:

  • He didn't tell.
  • We didn't discuss.
To ask a question in Past Simple, we put it first did, followed by the subject, then the main verb. Verbto beVPast Simple
As you already know, to be- This irregular verb, so the past tense form must be remembered. But in the past tense it does not have one form, like all other verbs, but two: was(for singular nouns and pronouns) and were(for plural nouns and pronouns). In denial was (were) combines with not and forms the shortened form:
  • I wasn't at work.
  • They weren't happy.
Using the Past Simple
Let us immediately note that the main functions Past Simple And Present Simple match up. We only need to transfer the action from the present to the past.
  1. Past Simple shows a fact in the past or a single action that ended in the past.
Words that indicate the duration of the action are often used here: yesterday(yesterday), two weeks ago(two weeks ago), the other day(the other day), a long time ago(for a long time), last month(last month), in 2010 (in 2010), on Monday(on Monday), during my holidays(during the holidays), etc. These words must necessarily denote a completed period of time.
I saw him yesterday. - I saw his yesterday. (single action in the past, yesterday already ended)
The Titanic sank in 1912. - Titanic sank 1912. (fact)
He went to Italy last month. - He traveled to Italy last month. (single action in the past)
Words indicating the duration of the action may not be used in this feature.
She spoke to him in a low voice. - She's quiet spoke with him. (single action in the past)
Aivazovsky painted"The Ninth Wave". - Aivazovsky wrote painting "The Ninth Wave". (fact)
  1. Also Past Simple used to describe a condition in the past.
They were friends many years ago. - They were friends many years ago. (they are not friends now)
That museum had a great collection of paintings. - In that museum was huge collection paintings (currently the museum does not have a huge collection)
  1. We use Past Simple to talk about old habits and repetitive actions. These actions have occurred many times in the past, but are no longer being done. Such sentences may contain adverbs often(often), sometimes(Sometimes), always(always) etc.
We took evening courses two years ago. - We went for evening courses 2 years ago. (currently we do not take evening courses)
He always bought newspapers on Sunday. - He always bought newspapers on Sundays. (he doesn't do that now)
    • We can also use used to to talk about old habits.
  1. We use Past Simple when we tell a story or list several events that happened one after another in the past.
She came in, sat at the table, and started writing. - She came in, villages at the table and started write.
He entered the cafe, he ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake. - He has entered in the cafe, ordered a cup of tea and a piece of pie.
Where else is Past Simple found?
  1. We use Past Simple to tell the details of some news or some event that happened in our lives. We report the news itself in time Present Perfect . We can use other past tenses to give details, but Past Simple is used in these cases more often than others.
I've hurt my leg. I fell off a ladder when I was repairing the roof. My telephone rank unexpectedly. - I hurt my leg. I fell from the stairs when I was fixing the roof, because suddenly rang telephone.
I've got this job. It was a hard and exhausting interview, but it turned out that I was a perfect applicant. - I got this job. This was difficult, exhausting interview, but it turned out that I am the ideal candidate.
  1. Past Simple used in subordinate tenses after conjunctions after(after), before(before), when(When), until(not yet) as soon as(as soon as). In such a sentence Past Simple shows a completed action in the past.
As soon as she graduated from the university, she found a suitable job. - Howonly she graduated university, she found a suitable job.
He was astonished when I told him the news. - He was amazed When I reported him this news.

In this test, we selected the most outstanding people who changed the world and its history for the better. There are scientists and artists, politicians and engineers, physicists and artists here. If you recognize all these famous personalities, then your level of education and erudition can be envied. Test your knowledge. Go!

Many of us remember life in the USSR with nostalgia and warmth. Soviet people were lucky to live in the era of the first scientific discoveries, the first flight into space, in an era when life was accessible, education and medicine were free, an era of kind people and natural products. In this test we have prepared questions for people born in the USSR. If you can answer everything, then you are a Soviet person!

Idioms Some of our favorite films have already become an integral part of our lives. Instead of a dozen words, it’s enough to express yourself in one popular phrase, and everything will become clear. If you are confident in your abilities and consider yourself an expert in Soviet cinema, then our test is definitely for you! Let's check it out!?

The average US resident is not as erudite as the average Russian. The reason is simple - different education systems. If in our country teachers cram everything into their students’ heads, then in America they teach what will be useful to a person in his future career. Let's check who knows more - you or the American.

Human erudition is a huge store of knowledge and its competent use in life. How smart and educated are you for your age? Do you have enough knowledge to answer all the questions without turning to the Internet for help? If you high level knowledge, then you will cope with this test quickly and easily, but if not, then the encyclopedia will help you! Go!

Today our country is a great and powerful state with rich history. Behind the formation of this country there are many great victories and defeats, many iconic names, including: artists, military men, scientists, politicians and ordinary Russian people. All these events and people played key roles in the history of Russia. What do you know about this? Test your knowledge of history by answering all the questions in this quiz.

Have you already forgotten how many years ago you graduated from school? Or are you still looking forward last call? It doesn't matter who you are or how old you are! After all, today we have selected questions exclusively on school curriculum. However, let's say right away: we will not ask how much 2+2*2 is - this is baby talk. Only the most interesting and necessary things during the difficult years of study!

Have you noticed for a long time that you are smarter than many of your colleagues? Or just tired of your friends' illiteracy? Today we will give you food for thought! This test will definitely be able to evaluate you at your true worth. I'm already wondering what's there? Then let's not waste time on empty talk! Forward!

Knowledge of geography reveals such human qualities as: erudition, general cultural level, amazing memory and excellent traveler skills. If you have information about geography, then you know, understand and imagine the planet on which you live. Today we will test your memory and knowledge. Go!

Many people know the history of their country in general outline, but few people remember exact dates, names, events and accomplishments that preceded the formation of a great state. But every decent citizen of Russia should have this information. If you are an erudite, educated and well-read person, then you will pass the test in one go. Test your strength and knowledge. Go!

Each person is individual not only in the type of appearance, but also in the level of mental development. Typically, intelligence is developed in a child, and a number of factors influence how smart and erudite he will be - heredity, individual characteristics body, temperament, family relationships. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple test online.

Brain Development Tests

Do you think that you have sufficient mental development, do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? This means that you have the right to call yourself a comprehensively developed person, but is this really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by taking a simple online test.

General development test

Some people who think they have enough intellectual development exaggerate their capabilities. Special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help determine the ability of the brain to perceive and retain information well.

Want to determine your IQ? We present to your attention interesting test, which will help anyone who wants to analyze their IQ level. You not only have to answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught at school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make basic mistakes? Test your level of Russian language knowledge with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

Sometimes adults cannot correctly answer basic questions and riddles that any competent student can solve. Do you think that you have a sufficient level of knowledge to call yourself an erudite person? You can check this right now using a test. Good luck!