There is a lot in the world around us that cannot be explained from the point of view of traditional science. In particular, such phenomena include magic. One can argue for a long time about whether all this really exists or is simply a figment of a person’s imagination, but the fact remains that the inexplicable happens. Moreover, such phenomena can be controlled. Spells for beginners will help you with this.

When starting to use them, remember that any action triggers a chain of consequences, so think about whether it’s worth interfering with the current order of things. Spells for beginners are not a toy.

What is needed in order to master the art of magic?

What are real spells for beginners? How do they work? It is often written that to master magic, all you need is imagination and self-confidence. There is no need to make an effort at all, it’s magic and miracles. Like, this is the magic for beginners. Spells, however, will not work on their own. And imagination is only enough for simple fantasizing. It is impossible to influence reality with its help. The component that is often forgotten is practice and iron willpower, the willingness to go to the line, and if necessary, then cross it. But in any case, you need to start with something simple and not requiring huge energy costs.

These are exactly the spells for beginners. Let's look at some of them below.

Wiccan spells for peace and tranquility for beginners - it's simple and clear

This ritual belongs to the Wiccan tradition and is used by witches to bring peace to the family. To complete the action you will need:

  • candle;
  • rose petals;
  • incense;
  • basin with water.

Light a candle. Ideally, it will be pink or white. Say: “There is calm all around.”

Then burn some incense, such as cinnamon or vanilla, and say, “Harmony is in the air.” Throw rose petals into the water with the words: “Peace on Earth.” Imagine how the planet is enveloped in the aroma of incense and soft pink light. Pour it all into water or onto the ground and end the ritual with the words: “So be it.” Spells for beginning witches in the Wiccan tradition are aimed specifically at learning to control both themselves and energy.

If you have just set out on the path of magic, it is better to use spells with a clear structure. They must contain a ritual part and lock words, for example: “so be it,” “commanded,” and the like. By doing this, you seal the ritual and increase the chance that the magic will work correctly. It is better to learn white magic spells for beginners first.

As a training exercise, you can try the following conspiracy, which is aimed at winning a person’s favor. This is not a love spell or a dry spell. By the way, if you have a negative attitude towards Slavic paganism, it is better not to use this spell at all, since the effect will be the opposite.

“As Yarilo loves all living things, as a mother pities her child, so I would not be hateful, but kind (full name of the person of interest). Let it be so". Say the spell 3 times, clearly keeping the image in your head the right person. The conspiracy helps in communicating with quarrelsome people, with bosses or teachers.

Magic for girls, and not only

The “Spells for Beginners” section also includes “Relieving Melancholy.” It is ideal for girls, because it allows you to stop worrying about unhappy love and also has both verbal and ritual parts. You will need:

  • a river or just a tap with running water;
  • glass of boiled water.

Light a candle and say the following words either to the water flowing from the tap or to the river: “As water flows without grieving for its banks, so I (name) would not grieve, I would not grieve for (name) - now and ever and ever. Amen". Next, say the text onto a glass of water and drink it. No matter how difficult it may be, this spell will help you stabilize your psychophysiological state. A ritual can only misfire if this person is your destiny, if you are connected with him, which will have to be untangled in this incarnation. By the way, men can also use this spell.


What other white magic spells are there for beginners? Of course, healing spells. They are best used only in extreme cases, since healing comes at the expense of your personal power. This means that the outflow of strength will continue until the person becomes healthy. In turn, this is dangerous due to overwork and depletion of personal reserve. The body's defenses are weakened, and there is a high chance that you will take on the patient's illness. Relatively harmless healing spells include a spell to stop bleeding. It has practically no ritual part. If a person cuts himself, imagine that you have a needle made of light in your hand and begin to sew up the wound with it, imagining how the blood stops. To enhance the effect, say or whisper: “Blood is not like water, so stop pouring.” All spells for beginners have a similar structure. Words are most often spoken in a half-whisper and in rhyme.

What should you not do?

Beginners are not recommended to experiment with so-called black magic, when forces from the Lower World are called upon to carry out their plans. These are not always devils, etc., but nevertheless, such experiments will not bring anything good. In addition, there is a great danger of not coping with what you call, and of becoming dependent on dark forces.

Protect yourself!

Be that as it may, protection spells for beginners should be known in any case and used whenever possible. In order not to remember complex texts for a long time, in a crisis situation it is enough to say through clenched teeth: “Behind me is a river of fire, ahead of me is an easy road. There is an iron tyn around me. Teeth, tongue, lock."

Or you can use another protective spell. It is more complicated, but also more effective. At midnight say: “I will go out, crossing myself, and blessing myself over the threshold, from door to door from I will go to Alatyr the stone. A grandfather sits on that stone, wearing a hundred iron shirts. Give me, grandfather, your shirt for protection, amulets from demons and demonesses, sorcerers and sorceresses, from the dashing, the crooked, the askew. Let it be so. Amen". Now you can go to bed with peace of mind.

Black magic

If you still feel a craving for darkness or you have strong sorcerers in your family, you can take a risk and try a simple ritual in order to take revenge on the offender. Despite its ease, it is very effective, since it is based precisely on the concentration of the will on one single goal. The very essence of the ritual is fasting. Every time you want to eat something, refuse the treat in favor of water, bread or an apple. You need to fast in this way for 2 weeks, starting from the new moon. The end of the fast should coincide with the 16th lunar day - the astronomical full moon. On this night, draw a circle around you, refuse to Once again from food and, leaving the circle and taking a sip of water, say “Damn you, (full name) of the offender.”

Black magic spells are one of the most dangerous and extreme types of witchcraft. Therefore, before everything that we were going to tell you, we consider it necessary to warn against using rituals “just like that,” “for fun,” or to take revenge on someone for some minor grievances.

Black magic spells can hit the magician himself. Especially if he is not very experienced in witchcraft matters. Readers may have a logical question: if it is so dangerous, why even turn to dark entities?

In fact, the black power of magic is a reliable means of protection from external negative energy influences. In other words, such rituals should be undertaken only for the purpose of self-defense and the protection of your loved ones. And only when other methods - including white magic - have already been exhausted.

We have already partially discussed this issue when we touched on the topic of self-defense. Of course, there are many more types of spells, and they are also used, but by more “advanced” magicians. For novice sorcerers who are not yet very skilled, we remind you: a ritual “black” action, even of an average level, can be dangerous.

Types of spells in black magic:

  1. "Fleeting Curses"
  2. Natural.
  3. Protective.
  4. Wellness.
  5. For wealth.
  6. Love ones.
  7. Lethal.

Let’s say right away that the classification is very arbitrary, and people interested in the topic have probably already come across many other classifications.

We have selected the most popular and frequently occurring definitions of types of spells. Some of the subparagraphs, so to speak, “interpenetrate” and complement each other.

Let's take a closer look at them.

"Fleeting Curses"

Let's start with the simplest type of magic - the so-called “fleeting curses”. These include “whispering” about a person or some thing belonging to a person.

The greater the degree of “kinship” with a thing, the stronger the effect. The most strong impact observed if a curse is whispered into the back of an enemy who has just passed by. There are many texts, we offer you one of the most popular in magic.

Text of the “fleeting curse”:
“Fly quickly and swiftly, the arrow of my hatred, through dark dense forests, through boggy endless rotten swamps, aim at my enemy (the name of the victim), and pierce not into his eye or eyebrow, but hit him straight into his heart. Cause terrible pain to him, if it is severe and tear him into pieces, destroy my enemy (the name of the victim) forever! Let it be so!"

Natural Spells in Black Magic

Natural curses are considered to be those in which the magician turns to natural elements for help - wind, earth, water, and so on. In this case, natural forces undertake to convey the curse to the addressee.

For example, you can “ask” for a favor the wind as the lightest, most agile and mobile entity. It is better not to use “heavier” substances at the initial stage of magic, but to gain at least some experience in witchcraft.

Text of the spell to the wind:
“Evil that harms and tears the soul, fly with the wind against the Servant of God (name of the victim). I am sending you to harm and pain. Enter with a strong wind and dark smoke into the soul of my enemy and never come back. I will let the words go with the wind and I will never return them back. Amen".

Protection Spells in Black Magic

This is a broad group of spells of varying urgency and focus. There is preliminary protection, there is operational protection, and so on.

Types of protective spells:

  • Comprehensive protection for yourself, your family and your home.
  • In a dangerous, incomprehensible situation (natural disaster, man-made
    catastrophe, etc.)
  • An operational shield when very little time is allotted for a spell.

The first type of comprehensive protection in magic should be installed as soon as you decide to take the “dark side” of magical forces. Moreover, this is a universal option that will protect the home and everyone who lives there from harmful influences.

This type of spell can to some extent be compared to installing an antivirus on a computer - without this, in general, you shouldn’t even go online.

How to install comprehensive protection:

  1. Stay home alone, close windows and doors.
  2. U front door place seven church candles on a fireproof stand.
  3. Light the candles.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. In the words “Like this candle is now in my hand,” take the candle in your hand or touch it.
  6. Leave the candles to burn out.
  7. Repeat the ritual at each window by placing candles on the windowsill.

Text of a complex spell to protect yourself, home, family:
“Now I am creating for my family a faithful and reliable stronghold, That is not a house, not a wall, but protective words. Whoever goes against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy will find his last refuge in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from the holy day is now in my hand, So it is true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God. Whoever touches us with evil and envy will get it back a hundredfold. Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us, Otherwise, so that he finds a grave for himself.

For now and forever, these words are a faithful shield and a wall. I speak, I reprimand, I affirm with a word, I speak. The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen".

There is a special spell that helps dangerous situation, which is unclear how it can end for you specifically (flood, earthquake, shelling, bombing, explosion at a chemical plant, and so on).

Text of a protective spell in a dangerous situation:
“Be known, servant of God (name), by the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross.

The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism.

The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

And there is, so to speak, an “operative” spell when danger threatens here, now and personally to you or your companion. For example, if they threaten to shoot you or rob you. It is possible (and God forbid) that you will never need it. But it's better to learn these few words in advance.

Text of the protective spell under time limit:
“Holy Sovereign Savior and holy Sovereign Archangel Michael, protect, O Lord, from the evil of man and adversary for every hour and for every time, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In addition, you can purchase a special protective amulet that will protect you constantly if you wear it on yourself/with you. A bear or wolf claw or agate stone are suitable.

Black magic: healing spells

Here the question may arise: how can such a good deed as an attempt to give health to a person be part of black magic?

It’s very simple: often, in order to give a person health, it is necessary to destroy what interferes with this (germs, viruses, someone else’s evil eye, and so on). And actions to destroy something belong to black magic.

How to perform a weight loss ritual:

  • On Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) during the waning moon, buy lard (don't take change!) and wrap it in natural fabric.
  • Before going to bed, rub the areas of your body most affected by fat with this lard, while reading the spell.
  • For sleeping, use a nightgown and a set of bed linen that you don’t mind throwing away.
  • In the morning, wrap the lard in the nightgown you slept in, tie it crosswise with black thread and bury it at a road intersection.
  • As a variant of magic, a package can be thrown under the door of an enemy’s home by casting an additional spell. Afterwards you need to spit at the enemy’s door three times. If the enemy lives in a separate house without video surveillance, you can throw him into the bushes near the fence and spit at the gate.

Weight loss spell text:
“Just as they removed the fat from a pig, so I remove the fat from myself. Just as a pig lost weight without lard, so I will lose weight without my lard. Just as lard will no longer grow on a pig, so my lard will not return to me. I skim off my own lard and put it into this piece. Let my lard remain in it and never return to me. Let it be so!"

Text of the spell to make your opponent fat:
“The lard disappeared from me, and my lard and the pig’s lard passed onto you (name). For me to lose weight, for you to become obese.”

Spells for wealth in black magic

Black magic can also be effective for attracting money. Why it’s black – I think it’s clear. If you have more money, it means there will be less of it somewhere.

For the ritual you need to stock up on holy water, two black candles and 10 coins of the highest denomination in your currency.

How to perform a ritual for wealth and money:

  1. Place a container with holy water.
  2. Place candles on the sides of the container on fireproof stands and light them.
  3. Place all 10 coins into the water one at a time, reading plot No. 1 for each (that is, there should be 10 readings in total).
  4. In the morning, place the coins in a row on the windowsill and let them lie there for three days.
  5. Next, transfer the coins to your wallet, but do not spend them.
  6. When you receive your next salary or other earned income, cast spell number 2.

Spell No. 1 (for wealth):
"I wish you health. I wish you success. I wish you happiness. I wish you wealth. I wish you gold. I wish you silver. I wish you abundance. I wish you help. I wish money to come into my life. I wish this, so be it.”

Spell No. 2 (on salary):
“In my wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

Black Magic Love Spells

Magic can also help in love, “giving” you a loved one. Naturally, for this it will have to be taken away from other contenders, so almost all love magic is black.

You will need a mirror, a glass with cold water, a large napkin or towel and about 10-15 minutes of time.

How to perform a ritual for love:

  • look carefully at your reflection in the mirror;
  • rinse the mirror with water and dry with a towel;
  • look at the mirror again, trying to imagine your chosen one in as much detail as possible;
  • relax for a few minutes;
  • in a state of peace and relaxation, read the plot three times;
  • lubricate the mirror with water for about 5-7 minutes;
  • wipe dry with a towel.

Love spell text:
“You are a slave who will be given to me. You will always be with me, you are mine. I am a slave who will be given to you and we will be with you from now on and forever! Let it be so!"

Black magic - spells for death

And finally, the most dangerous “magic” segment is death rituals. Resorting to them is allowed only when it is impossible to protect yourself or loved ones from danger by other means. You just need to destroy the enemy.

How to perform a ritual for the death of an enemy:

  1. buy new needles, do not take change;
  2. when buying, whisper “I’m not taking it for myself, but for the death of my enemy”;
  3. at midnight go out onto the porch (balcony, terrace) and read the plot 13 times;
  4. insert a needle into the enemy's door unnoticed;
  5. if the needle is found, the spell will be transferred to the magician who made it.

Death spell text:
May the happiness, health, luck and joy of the slave (name of the enemy) be broken against this needle. Let the needle prick my enemy (name) day and night, and give him no peace, like a thorn in the body. Let the slave (name) be tormented, dry, aching, deprived of peace. My will is strong, words will not turn against me. Amen.

As you can see, black magic (spells and rituals) is not a safe activity at all. If you are determined to master the “magic of black color,” then we offer a short informational video that will allow you to get an idea of ​​this area of ​​knowledge as a whole.

Conspiracies and spells of black magic

We wish you success in all endeavors that can improve your life and the lives of your loved ones.

People turn to supernatural and higher powers to fulfill their desires, to improve their lives or improve their health, in which white magic spells are especially helpful. This mystical category covers prayers and conspiracies designed to straighten the path of fate, prevent troubles, or pull a lost soul out of the devil's arms. In this article we will look at the specifics of using such magical powers and provide effective recipes.

What is the essence of white magic

The results of these rituals turn out to be weaker than similar means from the category of black magic, so many people decide to use “black help” for themselves. But there is one important nuance: despite the lower strength of the effect, there are fewer negative side factors, or they may not exist at all.

Different people explain this in their own way: some believe that a person’s karmic history is not clogged when using white magic spells, others talk about the state subtle bodies, in which black entities do not settle, thereby polluting the aura and attracting troubles.

Such means cannot harm a person, that is, they cannot cause damage or force another to do what he does not want. These are not scary ones who use methods of influence that can disrupt the energy shell and damage mental health.

You can wait a long time for the results of using such rituals, and you will have to really try to speed up and improve the effect. Only the sincere good aspiration of the soul can help, and during all magical actions the caster must clearly concentrate on the object and on the desired result in order to, with the power of his attention, additionally “warm up” with energy the charge or request for help sent into the Universe. Especially it concerns .

If this is a ritual associated with attracting love, then you need to think about the person in a positive way, wishing him and yourself all the best. You should approach this process with an open soul and heart, understanding that two people can come together and live together happily ever after only if this is written in their destiny.

A word can become a serious weapon, capable of healing a person dear to the heart, or destroying an unwanted opponent who stands in the way.

Eat important rules, helping to achieve desired result when using spell words and white magic:

  • For Christian believers, there is one excellent piece of advice - before performing any of these techniques, you should read the “Our Father” in advance, putting your whole heart into the prayer. The same applies to followers of other religions.
  • It is important to retire to a pleasant place in order to properly tune in to a positive result.
  • All white magic word spells are read out loud or in a whisper, but it is important to pronounce and be aware of the spoken phrases.
  • A request to higher powers must be sincere in order to be heard and come to the rescue.

Before performing any such ritual, you need to clear your mind of all unnecessary negativity, doing this only in good mood. A person must understand that his thoughts are not aimed at destruction, but at creation.

Applied to love magic this means that rituals should not be performed if there is a grudge against a loved one, and if it is to attract money and wealth, then it is not recommended to do this when there is such an urgent need for funds that a person naturally experiences despair. It is better to wait for a change in mood, because this moment will definitely come.

An important component of white spells: they do not work without the consent of the target, and do not require a bribe (reward).

For example, if a long-sick person recovers through spells, no one around him gets sick instead of him.

IN Everyday life, a person often uses expressions that have an incantatory effect. We can complain about bad weather and say with a prayer: “Lord, if only there was sunshine tomorrow!” Someone goes to take an exam and says “I want the first ticket!”

Even without knowing that we have launched a spell (unconsciously said at the right time and in the right place), we rejoice at the result obtained.

In fact, any phrase voiced or repeated many times in thoughts can have the properties of a conspiracy. Weigh the words that are about to come out of your mouth, especially in bad mood when you are angry or angry. You will throw out your negativity, but how it will affect the person next to you is unknown.

White magic saves from various troubles, helping to joyfully overcome any trials of fate. It is recommended to read them at a time when everything is good, so that your thoughts and mood remain pure and positive. For this plot, you need to take a new scarf or towel, and before reading the words it is better to leave the house and go outside. You need to read these words by heart directly onto the fabric:

“Save me, Christ, with your shield!
Let a bright and clean road lie under my feet! Amen!"

It is best to carry out the ritual along the road near the house. After reading the plot several times, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe your face with this handkerchief.

If a person has suspicions that he is damaged, this can be corrected with the help of white magic. Another person may send such a threat unconsciously, without thinking about it. Sometimes, just during a conversation, he can say in anger that he wants to send damage, and then you need to immediately resort to an ancient white magic spell. You shouldn't get angry with a person, but you need to do it in calm state mind and in a good mood. First you need to cross yourself, and then say the following words:

“Everything has arrived, but is gone irrevocably. Go away, get lost, out of sight. Amen"

It is recommended to do this immediately after the conversation, and the interlocutor who uttered the careless phrase should not be present at the ritual. This way you can “dodge” negative energy and avoid related problems.

Many people try to use white magic for positive purposes to improve their own or others' health. The ritual below is performed during the waxing month, which is due to the complex approach of the spell: it helps to improve health in the long term, and this will affect the whole body, and not just one disease. Of all the necessary means, you will need a candle from the church, as well as just one glass of holy water, which should be placed directly in front of you at dawn, while lighting the candle. The following words must be read by heart, watching the fire, and original text This white magic spell is in Latin, but it can also be read in Russian:

"Two powerful forces: Fire and Water,
I address my words to you!
Save me from illness and disease,
Channel your strength and save from evil!
I pray for support,
I thank you with all my heart!”

All this must be read three times in a row, looking at the candle. After all the words, the fire will go out and after that you can remove the candle and leave the water to infuse at night on the windowsill. In the morning, taking small sips, you need to drink all the water.

It is important to understand that the ritual makes sense to perform only if the person is in good physical condition right now. If he is in pain, the spell is unlikely to take effect.

Another type of white magic rituals includes conspiracies that are aimed at improving relations between loving people. They also help you become more desirable in the eyes of your partner.

Before using this white magic spell for love, you need to clearly understand that this method will work within those couples who this moment don't experience any problems. The fact is that white magic can strengthen what is now, but it will not help force a once loved one to change his will and return after an abrupt departure.

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a simple dough that needs to be kneaded by adding powdered sugar, rose oil and honey, doing it all with these words:

“Dear mother Lada and beloved father Svarog,
Bind our pure souls forever,
Bring purity and peace into our hearts!”

You need to repeat this throughout the entire kneading of the dough, and after that you can make a delicious sweet dish out of it, which must be eaten together. It is not recommended to share treats with other strangers.

Many people want to become more beautiful and more interesting in the eyes of members of the other sex. This universal ritual was invented for them, suitable for both women and men. After the ceremony, a person will really look better, his soul will become purified, which will contribute to the future search for true love.

First, take a red candle, special essential oils, which will include rose, patchouli, and ylang-ylang, you will separately need rose petals and one glass of plain water. By turning on music for relaxation, you can complement the general atmosphere of the room where the spell will be performed.

The water is pre-prepared by infusing it near the window, starting on the night of the new moon and continuing to keep it under the light until the full moon. If a man is going to perform the spell, he will need to enrich the water with solar energy in the same way. The girl should hide the glass in a dark place in daytime days, and for men to shelter him from the moon and darkness at night.

After the water has been charged for several days, you need to prepare a bath for yourself, the water in which should be kept at a comfortable temperature level. Infused water is added to this bath, imagining how the entire bath is filled with silver (for girls) or bright sunlight (for men).

Next, they turn on the prepared music and take a bath to which essential oils and rose petals have been added. This is a pleasant white magic spell in which you need to achieve the effect of maximum relaxation by plunging into the bath.

You shouldn’t limit yourself in time, staying in the bath exactly as much as seems right. You should imagine how the skin throughout the body begins to create a beautiful and pleasant radiation, and for girls it should be silver, and for men it should be golden. While in the bath, you need to make a request to the Sun or the Moon to give beauty and help you find true love.

It helps to visualize yourself in an ideal environment and in a situation where a person can really use his new attractiveness.

Even ancient people wanted to know the future and tried to change it using higher powers. The Egyptians and Greeks were the first to begin to build the canons of white magic, understanding the forces of nature, creating legends, written treatises and magical monuments.

They served as the basis for the knowledge acquired by subsequent generations of sorcerers. You can read their ancient words in the oldest historical sources.

How can magic help?

White magic spells are a huge list magical rituals aimed at gaining information, connecting with nature, as well as finding harmony with the environment. White magic is famous for good deeds that benefit people. It is divided into several types:

  • Love - love spells and lapels;
  • Witchcraft - healing spells for physical and mental illnesses;
  • For business - attracting profit, clients, etc.;
  • Amulets - amulets and talismans, prayer shields;
  • Fortune telling and diagnosis - detection of medical and medically unknown diseases, knowledge of the future.

Today White magic plays a vital role. A huge number of people are looking for salvation from misfortune, relying on the magical powers of white magicians.

Particularly popular are conspiracies for good luck and love, knowledge of the future, and the treatment of various mental and physical illnesses.

A book in which you can read words that can influence your destiny will help you in studying ancient rituals. Many spell words are in Latin.

Learning white magic is easy!

White magic is the most accessible type of witchcraft. To create a real miracle, you don’t need strength magic wand or the magic of a black cat, it is also not at all necessary to know the language of Latin or turn to the knowledge of witches. White magic is a miraculous power that is inherent in every person by nature. You may only need to awaken this force using special words, forcing the energy to work for yourself.

With the help of White magic, it is possible to resolve various problems that arise in your life and those of your loved ones. You can also achieve unprecedented success with its help.

However, before you start creating and studying words, keep in mind that spells must be cast for the purpose of creation, excluding any destruction.

White magic should help, only the Black magic of witches destroys. Even love spells cast using white magic do not enslave a person’s will. By resorting to its power for such purposes, you will only “turn” an unmarried man who is not bound by any obligations or who does not yet have true love in his heart. But you still have to win a sincere feeling.

One of the most important sections of white magic is healing. With its help, it becomes possible to heal even the most hopeless diseases, as well as remove the evil eye and damage that are their cause.

A special force field spreads around the white magician performing the healing, helping the people in it gain strength to cope with the disease. A subsection of healing is herbalism. This type of magic implies not only knowledge of the healing properties of various herbs, but also the ability to release the energy embedded in them.

White magic also gives its adept the ability to make predictions. Of course, some believe that fortune telling is exclusively an attribute of witches, but such people do not distinguish fortune telling from divination.

A special book can help you to learn White magic. In such sources you can find many spells in Latin.

The Power of Visualization and Thought

Magicians who begin to practice white magic should be warned that there are several conditions for successful spells. For a spell to work, you must believe in it and visualize the result.

Experienced magicians may not pay much attention to the process of meditation. However, for beginners this is extremely important. During relaxation, any tension is relieved and “extra” thoughts are eliminated. It allows you to concentrate your own magical energy, without which it becomes impossible to cast spells.

To properly concentrate on meditation, many novice magicians practice the following:

  • Close their eyes;
  • Visualize a small ball of light wrapping around the body;
  • Imagine how light absorbs negativity and tension;
  • The ball should spin, starting from the feet and ending with the head;
  • Then they mentally “fly away” into space.

Concentration may need to be learned. Discard unnecessary thoughts and fully concentrate on your condition. Train daily to achieve results. Even an ordinary watch can help with the exercise - just watch the movement of the clock hand, not allowing extraneous thoughts into your head. Each time, the observation time must be increased.

Be sure to visualize the result, because thought is material.

Visualization can activate willpower, and it is this that allows you to achieve results. Many novice magicians use special objects to enhance concentration. Simply use any item that has natural energy. You will begin to draw energy from it, using it to perform visualization. Any item can become your assistant - just choose what you like.

The energy of nature is the main assistant

White magic makes it easy to achieve what you want using the energy of the light forces of nature. It is used by real healers, whose power is aimed at improving physical and mental health of people. Herbalism is considered a separate subsection of healing. It involves not just preparing various potions, but also releasing the energy of every blade of grass that grows on Earth.

Girls who want to find love often resort to the services of White magic. They may not worry about possible consequences, if they are not going to take the husband away from the family or the father away from the children.

Even successful businessmen believed in the effectiveness of White magic, using it to make a profit, sign a successful agreement or contract.

White magic can be applied in all areas of life that are not associated with harming a living being. By letting goodness into your heart, you can also find what you want - the main thing is to believe.

Video: White magic spells

From this article you will learn:

    What is white magic

    How does white magic differ from black and gray magic?

    Is it possible to learn white magic?

    What are the conspiracies for money, love and beauty of white magic?

    What tools will you need for this?

People are always attracted to magic. One of its most accessible types is white magic for good luck. Real miracles can happen without a magic wand. It is enough to awaken the power of positive energy within yourself and learn how to manage it correctly. White magic will help you find the strength to solve all the pressing problems of your personal life, mental and financial well-being. With its help, any obstacles can be overcome and truly great successes can be achieved.

What is white magic

Several centuries ago, humanity chose the path of technological development. Thanks to rapid industrialization, the emergence the latest cars and technologies, scientific and technological revolutions and revolutions, as well as the formation of scientific materialist philosophy, the educated part of society completely lost interest in strong white magic, leaving only small fragments. Ancient knowledge partially surfaces in witchcraft and home or village magic. Three centuries of persecution took their toll, because the most gifted were forced to hide all their skills and not develop them in any way. The small number of scientists who tried to study this phenomenon were ridiculed and not taken seriously.

Modern science distinguishes the concepts of “occultism” and “occult sciences”. They denote secret knowledge, accessible only to a few who understand that in every person and in everything that surrounds him, there are unknown forces that are not subject to the control of the uninitiated. But in all centuries there have been people who are keen on esoteric knowledge and its practical expressions - white magic, witchcraft, fortune telling, shamanism, necromancy.

White magic is practical actions, directing the supernatural forces of the surrounding world to achieve the desired result. A person possessing secret knowledge and skills attracts these forces, controls them, and with the help of them influences material world, To obtain the right thing or event.

The term “magic” itself originated in Persia, where it was the name given to priests who possessed secret knowledge and skills. From there he came to Greece and then to other countries.

Magic is a fairly broad concept that is usually classified. The most famous division is white, black and gray magic. White and gray magic are usually called sorcery, and black magic is called witchcraft.

Very few researchers have seriously studied such a supernatural phenomenon, and they have come to the conclusion that magic can happen:

    malicious (black);



    medicine man;

    hunting (shamanic);


Magical practices, in turn, are divided into:



  • necromancy;


    ceremonial magic;

    sorcery, shamanism.

It should be especially noted that all religions have an extremely negative attitude towards magical practices. The times of the Inquisition are known, when people were executed and burned at the stake for such actions. This can also be interpreted as the eradication of dissent in society.

Black and white magic: what is the difference

For the common man, at first glance, there is no particular difference. But in fact, these are three completely different directions, three different types of energy.

  1. White magic.

White magic is considered to be the purest. Combining a huge number of directions, it instills in souls a feeling of love and kindness. A person is pleased with everything living and inanimate, plants, souls, people. Followers of white magic feed their powers with the energy of the four elements.

Understanding the purpose of such magic implies sending a request for help, and not ordering the Universe to produce an instant result. There's no need to choose specific person, asking the Universe to send love, because you have no right to force him into a relationship. White magic serves fair forces, which, although not in a direct way, will lead a person to love and happiness.

The action of white magic will always help a truly needy person who is making ends meet to feed his children and give them the bare minimum. It gives a chance, and it is important not to miss the moment. A person can find coins or get help, win a lottery or successfully find a job.

Obtaining money dishonestly by taking it from another person is contrary to the essence of white magic. For these dark thoughts and deeds, good forces will turn away, and justice will demand severe punishment for you. Don't ask for more than necessary.

White magicians often turn to their assistants - Angels, Spirits of Light, fueled by the energy of natural elements. All these are light forces that can protect, help in the correct conduct of the ritual and provide incredible energy.

In white magic, an indispensable condition for any spell or ritual is that the fulfillment of what is desired does not cause harm to anyone. White magic does not allow submission or imposition of one's will on another person.

  1. Black magic.

Known since ancient times great power black magic. But there is also a huge price to pay. Having obtained what he wants using this method, a person loses much more. Why look for love if you can force a person to be near you with a love spell. And it’s okay that he’s unhappy, and that’s not the kind of love you wanted. The result has been achieved.

Black magicians can force you to change your fate and even kill you. They guard their knowledge well and do not share it. Black sorcerers, who have a deep knowledge of divination, know very well the value of their deeds. This is a secret for ignorant people, because they can harm themselves with their ignorance. You cannot use black witchcraft thoughtlessly; this can lead to irreparable consequences, including illness, loss or death. You need to understand how to protect yourself from your actions. Notice how black magicians are hung with runes, amulets and protective stones that take away all the negativity. In addition, they cast special spells that protect them from harm.

Black magic is essentially violence against nature or the will of man. If the purpose of a ritual or spell is to cause harm, to force a person to act contrary to his will or interests, such witchcraft can be called black.

If you easily obtain power or money using this method, you will definitely pay a high price, making a “sacrifice on the altar of divination.” Any action of a sorcerer requires an equal return. By forcibly changing your destiny, by introducing yourself into the course of planned events, you must be ready to compensate for everything.

Sorcerers call on demons, devils, demons, and various entities of the lower world for help. These are messengers from hell. Working with them requires special care, thinking about every word, so as not to become a slave to their darkest desires. Is unwanted love or money worth such sacrifices? Think about it.

White magic and its consequences

You can’t just interfere in the sphere of Higher powers. Our heavenly patrons It is important that each of us fulfill our mission, and not meddle in the affairs of others. Therefore, carrying out any ritual or ceremony is always a risky business, because the magician, whether white or black, tries to redirect energy without asking permission. Errors are always pointed out. For the Universe this is a loyal approach, but for humans this is aggressively perceived as undeserved punishment. The most negative consequences of white magic can be expressed:

    in minor diseases;

    in unexpected material losses;

    and other lessons from life.

Not all of these problems are catastrophic. White magic and spells will help change the course of events in your favor, if such punishments are not taken into account. In this case, the love spell is removed, the energy auras of its participants are cleansed and, if necessary, a completely different ritual is performed.

Everything that has just been told does not mean that the use of magic is impossible due to subsequent punishment and that a person cannot be helped in any way without loss and suffering. Everything is possible, and white magic helps, but you just need to follow one of its most important rules: the basis of any ritual or rite should be bright feelings. If the rule is followed, and the result goes towards creation, without affecting the will and desires of other people, then there is no need to be afraid of anything terrible. At home white love spell It is also done with consideration of your fate from the outside, with wishes of happiness to the one you bewitch. One must refuse to fulfill the desire in any case if it does not bring happiness to both parties involved. It may not be easy to do this at a particular moment, but it is always better than paying for what you did later. Over time, feelings may cool down, the desire will no longer be so relevant or may not live up to the imagined hopes, because reality is always harsher than dreams.

White magic - conspiracies, spells, healing

  1. Spells and rituals.

Speaking about white magic, first of all, it must be emphasized that all conspiracies and rituals that are used in it are aimed only at positive creation. Destructive force disgusts white magic. All laws and rules turn to the forces of light for help to a person or his family.

As for the love spell, it is designed to create a new feeling, a new relationship. It is unacceptable for the desire of one person to enslave the will of another and go against his dreams. The forces of light are not capable of making a person unhappy to please someone’s whim.

Simply put, you can make a person interested in you with the help of white magic, but to take him away from the family, causing pain to his wife and children - no, this is black magic.

  1. Healing.

Healing is considered a special branch of white magic. Rituals and conspiracies aimed at healing even the most hopeless diseases help people gain faith in their abilities. Healers remove damage or the evil eye, which is often the cause of various ailments.

The healer becomes the center of accumulation of positive energy, thereby helping a person get rid of illness or negativity.

An entire subsection in healing is devoted to medicinal herbs, the power of which has been known since ancient times. An herbalist knows not only which herbs will help in a given situation, but also when and how they should be collected in order to properly release their magical properties.

The planet generously gives us tools that help make our lives healthier and happier, and healers know how to use them.

Those who practice healing magic need to master both protective magic and self-purification practices, since when working with illness or injury there is a risk of taking on bad energy and illness.

Removing damage and negativity

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  1. Predictions.

White magic also includes predictions. It should be emphasized that fortune telling and prediction are not divination, capable of creating both good and evil.

There are many conspiracies for all occasions. All of them are designed for a positive result, but are read on the waning or waxing Moon, depending on the goal. For example, if a person is sick, then all efforts should be directed towards destroying the disease, reducing it and defeating it. Such conspiracies are usually read on the waning moon. If a person needs help to feed his family, get a job or find love, then the growing Moon will help.

Both black and white magicians understand and have access to the rites and rituals of the opposing schools. At the same time, a white magician will never agree to perform a black ritual. A black magician can use white spells, at least to remove his own spell.

Is white magic possible at home?

Is it possible to carry out rituals and conspiracies? to an ordinary person? Is it possible to learn this on your own? Is it possible to perform white magic spells at home? It should be understood that, like any abilities, the abilities of a magician can be innate, or they can become the result of hard work. Conspiracies are also inherited or come from above, and can also be the result of the creativity of the magician himself.

Definitely gifted magical abilities a person, especially if they are inherent in the family, has much more opportunities and strength than a mere mortal. It often happens that having a gift, a person does not know how to use it or does everything badly, turning his power into harm. An ordinary person with diligence, hard work, perseverance and desire will always achieve highest peaks in white magic.

White magic reveals its secrets gradually. Any person who decides to learn the basics of white magic and continue to improve must understand that everyone has a chance to reach heights, regardless of their innate talent. It is important that a person has the most developed willpower, the power of thought, the power of emotions, the desire for improvement and the constant development of the main quality for white magic - love for people.

In the first steps of comprehending white magic, you need to get rid of your vices, negative habits, and undergo procedures of spiritual and physical cleansing.

Remember that black and white magic are serious acts. Don't underestimate their strength and capabilities. Having started classes in white magic and planning to devote yourself to it, know that you may feel the need to help people. Do not be afraid of responsibility, because with it it will come to you Magic force, and the satisfaction of helping people find joy and happiness.

Read also: How to make a Voodoo doll and a love spell on it

What tools does white magic use at home?

White magic performed at home involves availability of the following tools:

    fortune telling cards;

    special ritual knife;

    prayer book or book of spells;

    a pendulum that helps you get answers;

  • crystals, minerals, stones.

This short list the most necessary things used by white magicians. Gaining experience, each of them supplements this list with their own attributes, which work more simply and accurately.

White magic for love

We have already mentioned more than once that a correctly executed white magic love spell is practically harmless. It does not go against a person’s desires, but only enhances the attractiveness of the one who asks for it. Unlike black magic, here all requests are directed to the forces of light that do not accept violence. White magic helps to find the right path to love, strengthen relationships, avert separation from the family in any form, and attract the attention of a specific person.

Conspiracy to strengthen relationships

White magic is always on guard family relations. It helps strengthen them even if you have been married for a long time and do not experience such passionate feelings as before. A love spell will help you regain your former attraction. Knead the dough, adding a small amount of honey, powdered sugar and a few drops of rose oil, and then say:

Lada, bright Mother, Svarog, great Father, you have bound our souls forever, you have bound us together.<

Use this dough to make your favorite pastries. Here you can change the recipe with a recipe. Add berries, cream, jam, jam, make a cake or pie. Eat this dish only together with your spouse. Do not treat strangers. This meal will strengthen your relationship, making your family happy.

A conspiracy to bring back passion in a relationship

There are many conspiracies to ignite passion and return old feelings. The most famous of them is on the water. Perform the ritual only on the waxing Moon. To carry out the ritual, you need to collect running water early in the morning, during sunrise. It is better to take water from a well or spring. You will need a full cup.

A bowl filled with running water must be hidden from prying eyes in the house until the evening. As soon as the sun sets and it begins to get dark, take the cup with both hands and say the following spell into it three times:

A bird cannot live without a clear sky,
A wild beast - without meadows and forests,
(name) – without me, (your name).
He's bored and grieving,
Cries and suffers
He doesn't know anything good.

Make sure that no one is near you while reading the plot; you don’t need anyone to hear you. Sprinkle the infused water on your bed where you sleep with your husband. If you sleep separately, then you need to sprinkle his things, clothes, etc. Pour the remaining water out the window.

A conspiracy to return your wife's love

There are families in which the husband loves his wife very much, but she is already bored with the relationship and begins to be interested in other men. A simple white magic conspiracy will help you regain your wife’s favor and become the most important person for her. To do everything absolutely correctly, perform the ceremony exactly on the full moon. Take water and pour it into a clean bowl. Hide it from prying eyes in the house until the evening.

With the onset of darkness, in the evening, but before midnight, you should take the bowl in your left hand and stand near the open window. Stand so that the full moon is visible in the sky. Point its light directly at the water and read the plot:

Just as flowers bloom under the clear sun, so let my wife bloom and shine with love from me.
Just as the heat in her ignites and sinks down to her bosom, so my wife will come to me and keep smiling.
At night she keeps caressing me, and during the day she cries and kills herself without me.
Key. Lock. Language.

Exactly 12 drops of this water should be added to a non-hot drink and served to your wife. Offer her a glass of compote, water, juice, etc. When she drinks, sprinkle the remaining water on her clothes, personal belongings and bed.

Conspiracy if the husband does not want a wife

What to do if intimate desires have completely disappeared, but you love your husband and want to be with him? White magic will help you and rekindle your passion. Draw one liter of water from the spring at dawn. No other water is suitable. You should not take mineral water without gas. It may be from a source, but the time of its collection is unknown.

You should prepare a new nightgown and a large basin in advance. Make sure that it is not Sunday and there are no church holidays on this day. The ritual should be performed only on the waxing Moon.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual completely alone, at midnight, wearing a new shirt. The basin should be placed next to the table, and a container with water collected at dawn should be placed on the table. Say the following spell into the water 12 times:

I was born a red girl, I was baptized as a red girl, I will always be just as sweet and red. I, (your name), will never forget the male blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet.

Stand in the basin and pour all the spoken water over yourself. Remove the wet shirt and dry it without washing. Wear this shirt when you go to bed with your husband and enjoy your intimate life.

Conspiracy against cheating husband

How much grief and pain betrayal brings to women. White magic on your husband will not only stop them, but will also prevent them in the future forever. You will need one liter of water. Conspiracies against betrayal are read on the waning Moon, as we want to destroy this process. Read the text you have learned in advance immediately after the full moon.

You need to wake up before sunrise, remain completely alone in the room, pick up a bowl filled with one liter of water and, looking at the bottom, sincerely wishing for your wish to come true, read the magic spell 10 times:

A brownie cannot leave the hut, nor can he come to someone else’s doorstep.
So I can’t change my dear one, neither with the pockmarked nor with the good one.
According to my words, everything will be fine, my beloved will never forget me.
Key. Lock. Language.

After reading to the end, walk around the entire house clockwise with the bowl in your hands. Sprinkle water in every corner of your home, and add the remaining water to your husband’s cold drinks in the morning, 10 drops each time.

White magic for money

Magic for money at the spring equinox

White magic rituals have existed for a long time. One of the most ancient is a money conspiracy that helps increase family income and is carried out on March 21, at the time of the spring equinox. The best time to spend it is at sunrise. You should turn your face to the east while performing the ritual.

To carry out the ritual, stock up on a fresh chicken egg, preferably from a domestic chicken, a candle bought in a church, and a small stick or wood chips. You need to carefully make holes in the egg on both sides and, separating the white from the yolk, pour the entire contents into two saucers.

The next step is to light a candle and, having crossed yourself and the eggshell, say a magic spell for money:

By the grace of God, and with the help of the Almighty.

Now with a prepared wooden stick dipped in yolk, you need to write your initials on the egg shell. Move each letter three times. Then blow on the shell three times and extinguish the candle with your hands, without using water or air.

As soon as you put out the candle, immediately count all the money you have, including your wallet and pockets, as well as all bank accounts, remembering the exact amount of funds in them. Write down the amount of all your savings on the smallest paper bill.

Prepare a small amount of dough to coat the eggshells by mixing only water and flour. Immediately coat the eggshell and glue a bill to it, on which is written the total of the funds you have calculated. Sincerely wanting to achieve a positive result, read the plot:

The egg is white, you spin and spin,
Turn around like a clear sun.
I conjure with the nightingale's song,
I bless you with a clear day and a dark night,
Singing copper, flowing water,
With burning fire and flying wind.
From this day forward my wealth will increase,
And (your name) will forget about sorrows forever!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever!

Plant the shells using flower pots and soil for this purpose. Water it from time to time, especially during the waxing moon. When watering, imagine how your wealth, profit and prosperity are growing.

Wealth plot

Prosperity and wealth are a topic that interests everyone without exception. Everyone wants to have money, but not everyone succeeds. Wealth can break the soul and make a person vicious.

Some want to give happiness to their family, take care of children and their future, help the weaker and disadvantaged by giving them money or participating in charity events. Others want only a luxurious life for themselves, imaginary happiness and the same love.

Fate gives everyone a chance when they can fully show themselves, using money as a test. If, having received a profit, you are drawn to goodness, then it will give you everything. But if you only have your own wealth in your head, then you will lose yourself in it.

  • Take a handful of coins, read the plot on them and always carry with you:

Hello king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue.

  • Three beautiful red apples They will bring wealth and money to your home, you just have to say the following plot on them three times:

Remember my poverty for peace, and wealth and health are always with me.

Magic apples must be taken to the cemetery and placed on an old unmarked grave.

  • Will help attract wealth and money to your home fresh gingerbread. Buy it and place it on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Make a spell on the full moon, at night from Wednesday to Thursday, clearly pronouncing the following words:

I’ll give the marten sweet porridge, I’ll sweeten it with honey gingerbread. The marten will bring me monetary wealth, fertile lands, tall houses, jewelry, and gold coins. If a black raven takes away the gingerbread from the marten, I (name) will drive it away from the marten with a stick. If the bear begins to take that gingerbread, I will chase him away and scold him. And in return I will receive wealth from the marten, monetary grace.

Early in the morning, divide the gingerbread among all the people living in the house. Everyone should definitely get a piece. This will bring prosperity to the house, relieve the family of debts and allow you not to live from hand to mouth, but to calmly acquire everything you need.

Conspiracy to find a high-paying job

White magic is an excellent assistant in getting a well-paid job. To perform the ritual, you should purchase six large candles and also collect water. At home, add a clay mug or cup or any other clay container that can hold water.

For maximum effect, perform the ritual between sunrise and noon.

You need to place the 2 purchased candles on the table and light them. Pour water into a clay bowl and place it in front of the candles.

Immediately take three sips of the magic water and put the cup back in place. Do not touch, leaving it in the same place until the evening, and wash your face with this water right before going to bed. Let the candles burn out completely.

Repeat the entire ritual for three days, lighting new candles each time. There will be six of them in total. After three days, you can begin your job search using all possible methods. Be confident of success!

White magic spells for beauty

  1. Weight loss conspiracy.

White magic conspiracies can help a person in all his desires. Especially if it is the pursuit of perfection. A conspiracy pushes a person’s energy in the right direction, restructuring the body’s work to achieve the set goal. Of course, a lot depends on the will of a person and his perseverance.

When performing a strong ritual aimed at fulfilling your dream of losing weight, you should take into account some features of its implementation:

    read the plot on the waning Moon, before sunrise or after sunset;

    perform the ceremony alone and in complete silence;

    perform all steps of the magical ritual aimed at losing weight exclusively on an empty stomach;

    pronounce all the words of the magical spell clearly, distinctly, without stuttering;

    You shouldn’t let anyone in on your plans; keep the ceremony secret.

Do not try to find complex conspiracies and rituals for weight loss. The same effect will come from simple but miraculous words spoken before eating. What is important is the attitude and faith that everything will work out.

As you begin your meal, say in a whisper:

How can I, (proper name) resist grabbing the biggest piece and stuffing it into my mouth. Save and help!

A weight loss ritual performed with enchanted honey has long been known for its effectiveness. Magicians are confident that this completely eliminates the process of re-gaining weight. You should prepare a jar of natural honey. On Monday, at dawn, with a kind heart, read the plot:

May I, (proper name) be a beautiful girl, slender and stately! I command with a magic word: get rid of all unnecessary fats from me, get rid of all unnecessary fats from me! Don’t make me (proper name) fatter, don’t live with excess weight. The fat will go away, run away from me and never come back!

May I, (proper name) be slim and graceful forever and ever! Like a thin and graceful birch tree, like a fragile and delicate aspen tree, like a graceful and sweet swan, I will be slender and dear to everyone. I will speak with magic words, I will bewitch you with magic phrases, with enchanted and healing honey, I will treat myself. My will is strong and my desire is strong, I seal what was said with magical words. It will only be this way and no other way!

Every morning, dissolve a teaspoon of magic honey in a glass of cold water and drink. Thanks to this drink, not only does your appetite decrease and weight disappears quickly enough, but the entire body also heals by stabilizing metabolic processes.

Within 10-15 days, the results of white magic will be clearly noticeable. In a month of systematic use, a fairly large number of kilograms are lost without any harm to the body.

  1. Attractiveness spell.

White magic can help in any matter. For example, increase your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. This is an almost universal method, suitable for both men and women, with the exception of some nuances. The ritual will not only make you more beautiful and interesting; by performing such a ritual, it will be much easier for you to meet your love.

You need to prepare for the ritual and stock up on a red candle, a glass of water, a mixture of essential oils for bathing (rose, patchouli and ylang-ylang oils), several handfuls of rose petals of any color. It is necessary to choose relaxing music associated with romance, relaxation and tenderness.

The ritual is performed on the night of the new moon, when new dreams, desires and relationships are born. Place a full glass of water on the windowsill so that the moonlight reflects in the water. Leave it until the full moon. This is how the women's ritual begins. Men who want to quickly meet the girl of their dreams need to saturate the water with the sun's rays, not the moonlight. Women need to put the glass away in a dark place at dawn, and men - at sunset.

The next step is to draw a bath; you should be comfortable in it. Pour water infused with moonlight or sunlight into it. Try to imagine how the water in the bath shines silver for a woman, and gold for a man. Visualize this radiance.

Turn on the prepared music, add rose petals to the bath. Take your time, take each ritual step with tenderness. Add a mixture of essential oils to a small amount of milk (you can also add a few drops to sea salt) and add to your prepared bath. Take a relaxing bath for as long as you feel comfortable. Imagine that your skin is filled with the glow of water and begins to glow. Ask the Moon or Sun for attractiveness and love, imagining yourself in an ideal image.

Protective white magic

The protective power of white magic is enormous. Special spells can forever protect against curses and damage, an influx of problems and lack of money, negative energy and the machinations of enemies, the evil eye and evil spirits. You can protect yourself and your family by knowing just a couple of spells.

  1. Protecting and cleansing the home with herbs.

To protect your home from negative energy and ill-wishers, you can use both spells and herbs. There is a simple ritual that helps to rid and protect your home from the evil eye, damage, evil spirits, etc. It must be carried out monthly, during the waning moon.

You should prepare a strong infusion of thistle and dill. Such herbs can be found in fields and vegetable gardens. You can use both fresh and dried herbs. Wormwood is also perfect; it has long been used as a protective agent.

Tie white, speckled and black chicken feathers into a small broom. Dip a broom into the herbal infusion and use it to sprinkle the entire home, moving clockwise. Pay more attention to the front door, windows and window sills. Don't forget about the bathroom, storage room, balcony, etc.

  1. Protective spell against problems.

White magic will help you protect yourself from negativity and obstacles outside the home by placing a spell on a scarf or towel. Read the following just before leaving home:

The shield is my guarantee and my protection.
I walk and everywhere there is a path and a bright road for me.

After reading, wipe your face with this scarf or towel. Luck will accompany you.

  1. Protection from negative energy.

It happens that after an unpleasant meeting or conversation, a person is drawn into negativity, instilling irritation in him and taking away positive energy. An ordinary black thread, equal in length to the distance from the hand to the elbow, and a wax candle will help to get rid of this condition. It is believed that it is best to use black candles for negativity, but you can choose any, especially if black ones remind you of the dark powers of magic. Remove all other lighting, just candles.

While winding the thread around the index finger of your right hand, read the following seven times:

You go, the pain is angry from me to Ivan, and from Ivan to Pakhom, from Pakhom to Nikitka, and from Nikitka to this thread. She will be there forever, and I (name) will live in peace. Word. Key. Language. Lock.

Pull the thread from your index finger as if it were a ring and, without unwinding, burn it with the flame of a burning candle. After the candle burns out completely, throw the ashes from the thread outside your home.

  1. A conspiracy before a long journey.

It has long been considered a good sign to take a handful of native soil with you in a bag when going on a long journey. It is difficult to overestimate the power of this most powerful amulet of white magic, capable of saving a traveler’s life on a long journey. You need to put some earth taken from your home in a canvas bag with the words:

Save your father’s house and mother earth and protect (name) from evil on his way.

Tie the bag and put it in a suitcase or pocket of the clothes in which you plan to travel. It is better to do this ritual immediately before departure or early in the morning. You can take care of all family members by making amulets for them.

  1. Protection from damage.

White magic has the strongest protective effect. When you hear any curses or threats directed at you, stop listening to the words and try to mentally abstract yourself from them. Cross yourself and say:

Everything has reached you, it’s passed on to you. Perish, disappear, go away.

If the conversation is on the phone, then speak without hanging up. It doesn’t matter at all whether the interlocutor heard you or not. The only thing that matters is that you directed all the negativity back.