In all centuries, people have decorated their bodies with drawings. And in no era were images applied to the skin without sacred meaning. After all, as you know, an image can become a real talisman for the owner. This practice is still alive today. To attract luck into your life, just choose a tattoo according to your zodiac sign.

Ardent Aries

Don’t overdo it with fire, a large-scale tattoo makes Aries uncontrollable and reckless

Aries is a fiery and hot sign. This is lava, this is flame and a shock of sparks. The consciousness of Aries is always on fire - with ideas, plans, passion or... hatred.

He is assertive and confident, so the image of fire, a tongue of flame or another fiery element will be useful to him. Such a symbol will help the owner to be himself - strong and decisive.

Best tattoos for Aries:

  1. Arrow. Such a symbol will help a determined person not to go astray.
  2. Bee. It will help you stay productive and not give up halfway.
  3. Crown. A true master of life would not be bothered by such an attribute.

Bee - a symbol of courage and sociability Arrows are usually made by men Crown can symbolize the desire for power

Reserved Taurus

Sometimes Taurus needs a rest. As a reminder of this symbols on the hand

Taurus is the embodiment of beauty and grace. Both men and women of the sign have charm and attractiveness. And not in vain, because the patron of Taurus is Venus. Therefore, a Venusian symbol can be depicted as a body design.

The perseverance and hard work of Taurus is worthy of a separate book. But rest will be much more important for the tireless sign. To achieve the goal, the representative of this symbol is advised to prick himself with a small palm tree. A flock of birds flying to warmer climes would also look nice.

Best options for Taurus:

  1. Heart. It will emphasize the gentle soul of the sign and its reverent attitude towards feelings.
  2. Mountains. A cozy place where Taurus can indulge in reflection.
  3. Coin. Taurus has money on his side, so why not immortalize this friendship with a symbolic drawing?

Air Gemini

The lightness, weightlessness, even elusiveness of the sign can be emphasized with the help of this symbol

Gemini is a sign of air and movement. These are sociable and subtle natures. The element of this sign is information. That is why inscriptions made in the form of handwritten text are ideal for him.

Images of books, quills and scrolls are also suitable. The musical staff will reinforce the subtle nature of Gemini, treble clef or a palette with brushes.

Best tattoos:

  1. Butterfly. Geminis are ready to take off at any moment. Just like a moth from flower to flower.
  2. Paired items. Hearts, doves or swans. Any paired image will reflect the duality of the soul.
  3. Feather. Light and weightless, it resembles the airy soul of the sign, ready to instantly pick up any idea.

An interesting idea for extraordinary Geminis
Encrypt something of your own The lightness of the sign will be supported by the butterflies on the ankle

Cozy Cancer

The lunar symbol will remind Cancer that his mood sometimes changes not only at his suggestion

Cancer is a water symbol and a sensitive character. He is also a great mystic and science fiction writer. For these individuals, a tattoo with sacred symbols is suitable. Runes, hieroglyphs, dates and encrypted messages.

The anchor symbol will strengthen a vulnerable soul. This drawing will reinforce Cancer's confidence in the future. A stylized cardiogram will personify the suspiciousness of the sign. The rhythm of the heartbeat is what drives Cancer.

Best drawings:

  1. Moon. The patroness of the sign and its protector.
  2. Star. The symbol of mystery is suitable for this sign, because Cancers never fully reveal themselves to others.
  3. Kittens. It would be nice for the most caring horoscope sign to have an image of someone who needs care. Cute and fluffy faces will decorate both the body and soul of Cancer.

The Thurisaz rune corresponds to the zodiac sign of Cancer. The unknown is the eternal craving of Cancer.
Cancer can realize care and desire to help loved ones in such a non-trivial way

Noble Leo

You can choose a card according to your date of birth, since they are all different

Leo is the second fire sign and the king of beasts. This is pride, pride and honor rolled into one. Who better suited for royal symbols: a crown or a scepter.

The adventurous and fiery character will be displayed in the image playing cards or bones. Some Leos prefer to depict their elegance and splendor in the form of a chest brooch.

No matter how much the lion’s radiance burns with pride, there is always a place in his soul for loved ones. The baby's name is the perfect tattoo for this sign.

The best tattoos for Leo:

  1. Sun. Patron sign Leo and his abode. Any image of the luminary will give the maned owner good luck.
  2. Flowers. There is no more sophisticated design than delicate petals. A hot Leo will need the lightness of a chamomile or the flawlessness of a rose.
  3. The Dragon. The strength of Leo's character can be emphasized by the image of a dragon. Especially if the year of birth of the owner coincides with an eastern symbol.

With the help of this tattoo, Leo attracts good luck into his life. The Sun is a symbol of the source of hidden knowledge. A tattoo with a dragon demonstrates the strength of its owner.

Thoughtful Virgo

Virgos usually choose small drawings

Virgo is the sign of the earth element. She is confident, reserved and unapproachable. She also loves precision and rules. The ideal tattoo for a Virgo would be a geometric pattern. It will be executed, without a doubt, flawlessly. Virgo will find the most skilled craftsman and only trust him with her canvas.

Girls of this sign, and to be honest, guys also just love to idealize relationships. That is why they most often ask for the name of their loved one. Astrologers are less romantic: they advise Virgos to resist such temptation.

Ideal tattoos:

  1. Miniature drawings. Whatever is depicted on the Virgo’s body, it must be tiny.
  2. Infinity sign. Earth signs are suitable for the symbolism of stability and eternity.
  3. Tree, fruits, plants. The Virgo element provides for productivity and fertility. These qualities can be strengthened with the help of plant patterns. Apple, olive branch or sprout.

For the Virgo who loves order, a geometric ornament - the best choice Ouroboros can also be a symbol of infinity: a snake biting its own tail. The earthly symbol requires solidity, the ability to stand firmly on the ground

Sophisticated Libra

Libras waste their time on trifles, forgetting about the transience of time. Let his symbol remind you that it is better to act here and now

Libra is another air sign and the pet of Venus. He often forgets that youth is not eternal. Best Image for Libra - a reminder of the transience of life. A stylized clock or number will come in handy for him.

A symbol of charm in the form of some kind of elegant ornament would also suit the sign. It is enough to depict the hem of a stocking or a tiny heart in the hollow between the collarbones.

It is advisable that the image be hidden from prying eyes. Libra needs a close partner, so let him alone know about the existence of the drawing.

Best tattoos:

  1. Duplicating the picture on the partner's body. Paired tattoos have found their fans in Libra. This is a dual sign. This is a soul created for love.
  2. Ant. Strengthens the diligence of the windy sign.
  3. Bold decisions. Libras are great originals. A pin that “pierces” the skin or a design in the form of a bracelet is suitable for them.

A tattoo with an ant adds endurance to the sign. Libra will choose paired tattoos carefully and for a very long time!
A pin tattoo can be used as a talisman against the evil eye.

Passionate Scorpio

The delicate strings of Scorpio's soul require an appropriate attitude

Scorpio is a raging sea and a wave of passion. This is the most sexy sign zodiac His love, his feelings and emotions are a storm. Therefore, such a sign is advised to decorate the most intimate places.

Scorpios are also loners. An image of a wolf or spider will suit them. This sign is also inextricably linked with mysticism. You can display the theme in sacred silhouettes or inscriptions in Latin.

Best tattoos:

  1. Chilli. Sharp, like Scorpio's temperament. The spice perfectly personifies the character of the sign.
  2. Spikes. Whether it's a rose with thorns or a pretty cactus, the symbol will guard Scorpio's feelings.
  3. Stringed musical instrument. The heart of a water sign is like a string. It responds to any touch. So why not display it as musical instrument? A violin, guitar or harp will do.

Thorns are also a warning about the hot temperament of the owner of the tattoo. A tattoo with a wolf can also symbolize self-sufficiency. The tattoo seems to warn: be careful, you can get burned!

Changeable Sagittarius

The rebellious soul of the eternal traveler can be supported by appropriate symbols

The life of a Sagittarius is full of changes. He cannot and does not want to sit in one place. After all, there is so much in the world that remains to be known.

Transport personifies the thirst for impressions and knowledge. The Sagittarius zodiac sign is advised to tattoo an image of a train, canoe or bicycle. A small travel suitcase or paddle echoes the love of travel.

What tattoos are suitable:

  1. Footprints. The paths taken or just the ones to come? This picture can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. Film. The perfect embodiment of curiosity. Several frames will serve as an amulet, standing guard over the new and unknown.
  3. Binoculars. Unusual solution for the sign seeking novelty.
  4. Treasure map. Original idea for the Sagittarius traveler.

Dedicated to the eternal adventurer. Each Sagittarius will put something of his own on the film footage.
What can you see with it? Search for the unknown - the path of Sagittarius

Conservative Capricorn

Only a few of this sign are chosen for large tattoos

Capricorns rarely get tattoos. Perhaps they don't have time to do this. Or maybe it’s difficult for them to decide on a design. In order not to rack your brains, you can depict your favorite quote on your body. Any plant motifs will do. An ornamental design with an intricacy of lines will also be advantageous.

  1. Steampunk. The gears and cogs supposedly peeking out from under Capricorn's skin personify his endurance and invincibility.
  2. Owl. Symbol of wisdom. The same wisdom is inherent in Capricorn - mature and judicious beyond his years.
  3. Scull. Capricorn is under the protection of Saturn - the symbol of death. This tattoo looks somewhat “classical”, but fits perfectly.
Steampunk skull - a bold decision

Revolutionary Aquarius

Lotus will help inquisitive Aquarius in spiritual development

Aquarians are made to break the rules. These are saboteurs and revolutionaries. To display a rebellious soul, it is advised to acquire an image of a lotus - the perfection of the world. Famous logos, played out in a new way, are also suitable.

The love of freedom is perfectly embodied in the image of an open birdcage. You can play with the theme of a free bird or in the form of a dove released into the wild.

Best pictures:

  1. Brush. An artistic tool will demonstrate Aquarius' desire to color the world.
  2. Wings. Symbol of freedom and flight. There is no sign that needs wings more than Aquarius.
  3. Angel. Describes Aquarius’s ideology and desire to help people. This is both friendliness and a trusting partnership.

A tattoo with an angel has a lot of meaning, most often individual for each wearer. Wings are not always a symbol of purity and angelic nature. They can also symbolize the desire for movement, dynamics. Tattoos with brushes are a symbol of the desire to decorate your life.

Dreamy Pisces

Tattoos with ships, especially sailing ships, help Pisces in finding themselves

Pisces are gentle and quivering. They also love to help everyone and always. These are servants and advisers, healers of souls and the best lovers. However, the Pisces zodiac sign often lacks self-confidence. Boosts his self-esteem gem, depicted on the skin. A diamond tattoo will decorate both a man's and a woman's shoulder.

Pisces love to dream. Why, they simply live in a fantasy world. The amulet for this universe will be a space theme. Stars, planets and comets - that's what Pisces needs.

Which tattoo to choose:

  1. Compass. It will help the sign navigate an unfamiliar and cold world.
  2. Trident. The weapon of Neptune, the patron saint of Pisces. Will give the sign confidence and the ability to fight for their desires.
  3. Ship. A symbol of uncharted lands and a way to achieve your dreams.

The diamond symbolizes the deep potential of Pisces, which needs to be revealed. A compass in the form of a tattoo helps you find your life path The trident can be a symbol of strength and power

Zodiac signs always have unique characters and morals. Everyone wants to choose an individual symbol. You can choose a tattoo based on your zodiac sign, but most of those who decide on body jewelry think about this as the last thing, choosing an image to their liking.

Tattoos of zodiac signs are very common among people who are interested in esotericism, as well as among those who believe in horoscopes. At correct selection and placing the sketch, the drawing can become a talisman and talisman, bringing good luck and the protection of higher powers to life. What factors should be taken into account to ensure that the image acquires powerful energy?

What you need to know about the zodiac

The classical zodiac system appeared in the middle of the 1st century BC. In ancient Babylon, the year was divided into 12 months, and the celestial circle into 360 angular shares. Each site was assigned a specific sign, which had its own unique features and characteristics. There is an opinion that the signs of the zodiac arose based on the myths and legends about Hercules, although this is just one of the versions.

The International Astronomical Union in 1922 approved clear boundaries of the constellations, which are still used in astrology and astronomy to this day. Today there are 12 zodiac signs, although some scientists are considering the option of a 13th symbol, which is called “Ophiuchus”. All of them correspond to the four elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth.

Tattoos of zodiac signs, apparently, were applied back in ancient times in order to enlist the support of higher powers and protect oneself from negative influence. Being overly superstitious, people were confident in the power of the images of spirits to whom they turned for help. They believed that in this way it was possible to adopt the qualities inherent in the zodiac figure.

The meaning of tattoos

Tattoos of zodiac signs in modern art body painting They are also a talisman for their owner. To give a tattoo magical power, it should be applied to a closed area of ​​the body that can be easily hidden under clothing. It is also undesirable to openly display the drawing to others, otherwise it may lose unique properties. To enhance creative energy, you can add an appropriate inscription in Sanskrit to the composition.

Tattoos of zodiac signs can serve as extravagant decoration. In this way, a person strives to emphasize his nature, stand out from the crowd and show individuality. In addition, such a drawing will never lose its relevance and will not tire of its owner. It is believed that special astral protection a tattoo is obtained when the sketch combines a zodiac symbol with the corresponding natural element, plant or animal.

Performance technique

Constellations can be represented either by schematic symbols or by realistic photos. It is always better to complement tattoo sketches with elements corresponding to the chosen constellation. For example, the zodiac sign Leo corresponds to the element of Fire, so you should choose red and orange shades. If a person's horoscope is Pisces, he should pay attention to sketches of blue and turquoise flowers. The element of Water can be emphasized with waves or splashes.

Tattoos made using 3D technique look very impressive, as they amaze with their realism. As a basis, you can take the image of a creature that symbolizes a particular constellation. Such work will look beautiful on the arm, back or leg. For lovers of simplicity and conciseness, instead of a symbol in the style of minimalism (see photo). In this case, the tattoo will satisfy any request. A clear and elegant sign will become an adornment and amulet for both men and women.

Beautiful tattoos, depending on the astrological sign, will not only be a decoration, but also a talisman. Let's find out which tattoos to choose depending on your zodiac sign.

A tattoo is considered a very significant design. What a person depicts on his body largely determines his future well-being, and sometimes his fate itself. All the more powerful, influencing the path of life, is a tattoo that is astrologically tied to its owner.

Astrological tattoos: what designs can be applied and where, taking into account your zodiac sign?

Such drawings are varied. This can be a stylization made in the form of images of zodiac symbols, a symbol of the year or element in which a man is born, related drawings, etc.

In any case, such a tattoo is not just a drawing, it serves the function of a talisman, a talisman that resists evil. True, in order for the protection to work, it is necessary to take into account the location of the tattoo, which largely determines whether it will carry a “plus” or “minus” sign, because each zodiac sign has its own sacred places.

Astrological tattoos for Aries

This is a sign of Fire, so one of the themes of the design can be everything related to fire, but when applying such a tattoo, put something creative into it, not destructive force. Naturally, images that speak of perseverance, endurance, and strength will be successful for Aries, because it is not for nothing that we associate this sign with a bull.

Therefore, any image of artiodactyls will bring good luck, as, indeed, will the depicted mythical heroes, many of whom are simply a standard of perseverance in achieving a goal. Such an astrological tattoo, in addition to its protective function, also contributes to the development of intuition, magical and extrasensory abilities.

The zodiac tattoo partially restrains the stubbornness and unbridled nature of Aries and directs them to good deeds. Especially if applied in the right place: on the left collarbone or on the neck.

Astrological tattoos Taurus

His element is Earth. Hence, it will be very appropriate to depict everything that grows on it - flowers and trees, any mountain or lowland landscape, etc. Such a harmonious unity with nature will give confidence in one’s abilities, the desire to achieve one’s goals, help maintain mental comfort, clearly define tasks, and focus on the main points.

An astrological tattoo will gain all these properties to the maximum if it is applied in a certain place. For Taurus, such a place is left shoulder.

Astrological tattoos for Gemini

The light, agile, dual natures of Gemini are typical representatives air element who simply need something to restrain this frivolous fluttering through life and fickleness. An astrological tattoo can become just such a deterrent, which will merge their activity and mobility into a harmonious unity with everything that surrounds them.

Having applied it to the most suitable place for this sign - wrist- a tattoo emphasizing duality (the astrological symbol of Gemini or, say, the sign Yin Yang), you can balance this throwing “in all directions”, characteristic of Geminis.

Astrological Tattoos for Cancer

Cancer represents the element of Water. His nervousness, impetuosity, and excitability can be stopped precisely by astrological tattoos depicting celestial symbols. Cancers are very sensitive, prone to changes in emotions and moods. You can resist such a manifestation of nature by applying the astrological symbol of your sign to your chest.


In general, the choice of design for a tattoo for Cancers is not limited; the only requirement is that it must have an unambiguous interpretation, without any subtexts or ambiguities.

Astrological tattoos for Leo

Fire is the element of Leo, like Aries, therefore, the tattoo applied will work in the same direction. The image for the king of beasts should also be chosen regal, perhaps it will be crown, lily or other symbols of royal power. The lion and all its relatives from the cat family are no less a good choice. And if you enclose the drawing in a ring of fire, it will work one hundred percent.

The best place to decorate yourself, for Leo is at the top part of the back or on the left shoulder blade.

Astrological tattoos for Virgo

Astrological tattoos of the Virgin are often chosen as a symbol of chastity and purity; by the way, very often they depict the image of the Virgin Mary herself. Hence the image of flowers or ornamental plants is also relevant. The classic version is the symbol of the Virgo sign, and it can be made as an independent design or be a part of a complex pattern, ornament or design. An Earth sign, Virgo can also decorate itself with inscriptions that express the desire for freedom.

Astrological tattoos for Libra

The scales sliding in the air always strive for balance. Unlike another air sign - Gemini - they are more harmonious and balanced, but still soaring in the clouds is inherent in them.

Libras should balance themselves by getting a tattoo on their lower back or back, capturing their astrological sign. In addition, anything that strives to fly would also be suitable images: birds, butterflies, leaves, weightless dandelion parachutes, etc.

Astrological tattoos for Scorpio

Scorpio is a water sign, quite strong and superior to many in agility and unpredictability. Therefore, an astrological tattoo for them should reflect their domineering and rather dangerous disposition: the image of the scorpion itself is perfect, and preferably done in black or red.

The water element can also be reflected by any aquatic inhabitants or seascapes. And, of course, the astrological symbol of this sign - both as a separate picture, and an element woven into the overall picture, or even in the form of a signature under it. It is best to decorate the lower abdomen with such a tattoo.

Astrological Tattoos for Sagittarius

Ambition and determination are the distinctive qualities of fiery Sagittarius. A centaur or a drawn bow is a symbol of this sign, it expresses their essence very well and is the personification of the inherent Sagittarius readiness to learn new things, wisdom and at the same time adventurism. They are ready to hit the road at any time, so wings and all creatures that have them are suitable for them.

Even simple emoticons will emphasize such a quality as cheerfulness. In addition, like other signs of the element of Fire, Sagittarius suitable for tattoo with the image of a flame. The best place for a tattoo is the outer thigh

Astrological tattoos for Capricorn

The earth element sign Capricorn refers to quite serious and very hardworking people. Their design is, of course, first of all, their symbol is the goat or the horns and hooves hinting at it. The reliefs of our planet or the globe itself will reflect its elemental affiliation, and you can also pay tribute to the planet Saturn, which rules this sign, by depicting its famous rings.

The seriousness of their intentions can be reflected in their words. For example, you can write on your body, namely in the lower parts of your legs, such life values like success, professionalism, ambition, etc.

Astrological tattoos for Aquarius

One of the most interesting signs, which is under the auspices of the element of air, but is depicted as a man pouring water. Therefore, airy Aquarius is best suited for themes related to water: jugs and waterfalls, dolphins and just drops of water. An image of your own symbol in the form of waves, made with blue paint, would always be appropriate.

Aquarians are by nature pioneers, seekers, so it is quite appropriate to depict a road stretching into the distance or a contemplator of the starry sky. These tattoos are applied to the thighs.

Astrological Tattoos for Pisces

Very romantic natures, representatives water element Pisces are prone to idealization, hence their preferences in tattoos: Cupid's arrows, intertwined hearts, the name of a loved one. To “cool down” their romanticism a little, an astrological tattoo in the form of a motto calling for action, the need to be strong, would not hurt. The astrological symbol of this sign is Pisces, swimming in different sides. There are many options for depicting them: from sharks and whales to aquarium beauties, depending on the character of the owner of the tattoo.

From fish there is a direct path to any images of the water element, right up to the trident of Neptune, which precisely rules this sign. Symbols related to art or mystical themes are also a win-win for Pisces, since it falls within the scope of their hobbies. Inflicted on the wrist, such drawings will reveal the essence of this sign in its entirety.

Deciding to get a tattoo, as we see, is not everything. You need to choose exactly the image that matches your character, aspirations and, of course, your zodiac sign. Now you know how to navigate this diversity. May your tattoo bring you good luck!

Video: Zodiac sign tattoo

Choosing a design to apply to any part of the body is a very responsible task, because it will be with you all your life. Of course, salons offer services for removing pigment from the skin, but then why get a tattoo if you have to part with it later? So as not to have to worry about searching suitable image, use the recommendations knowledgeable people. For example, the same astrologers who can advise the best option, fully revealing your character.

Body painting for Aries

What to start from?

By the grace of the constellations, you are a purposeful person who not only easily overcomes any obstacles, but generally does not notice them on your path, walking ahead. You love to be the center of attention and are easily remembered even after the first meeting. Fruitless dreams are not for you, because you persistently translate all ideas into reality, no matter what the cost.

What to choose?

Pay attention to the image of the crown - it means that you are in complete control own life without allowing others (events, people, emotions) to seize power over oneself. A tattoo with an arrow is also suitable as a symbol of development and movement forward.

Body painting for Taurus

What to start from?

You are a real dreamer, running away from what is happening into your little world in your head, much more comfortable and cozy than life. And although this may make you considered a little strange, it is precisely this personality trait that usually fascinates people in Taurus.

What to choose?

To express the romanticism of your own nature, give preference to something close to nature. For example, drawings with birds “scattered” over the body, associated with numerous winged dreams. Or an image of mountains piercing the clouds with their peaks.

Body painting for Gemini

What to start from?

There are always two opposing sides in you. This is especially noticeable when you need to make an important decision: you begin to doubt and hesitate, experiencing constant mood changes from good to bad and vice versa. The expressiveness of Geminis has an incredible influence on those around them, which is why they are compared to puppeteers, because it is not difficult for them to control their loved ones.

What to choose?

The first option is a butterfly that flies from flower to flower as enthusiastically as you walk through life. The second is waves, symbolizing impermanence and majesty.

Body painting for Cancer

What to start from?

You always have big plans for the future: from visiting exotic lands, meeting predatory animals, making a parachute jump and ending with getting the same tattoo. In general, you are interested in all the most exciting things and it obsessively torments you for the rest of your life or until you do it.

What to choose?

An image of scissors that seems to cut obstacles on the way will suit you. Well, or any beautiful patterns on the hands.

Body painting for Leo

What to start from?

Superiority over friends and colleagues, the ability to quickly solve professional and everyday problems, the ability to easily make profitable acquaintances - all these words can describe you. In general, you find success in all aspects of life.

What to choose?

Most often, Leos themselves are inclined to depict the animal that gave its name to their zodiac symbol. Astrologers support this trend, because the king of beasts has the same majestic disposition. In addition, they recommend tattoos with dice expressing adventurism.

Body painting for Virgo

What to start from?

As a feeling nature, you remember many sensations and things for almost your entire life. At the same time, representatives of your sign perceive love as the meaning of existence and often try to display it in the form of a pattern on the skin.

What to choose?

Although astrologers recommend refraining from typing the name of your significant other, you can express your feelings differently: for example, stop at a picture with a heart or an infinity sign.

Body painting for Libra

What to start from?

For you, the word “I can’t” does not exist, because you successfully complete everything you undertake. Therefore, your zodiac symbol is associated with wisdom, thoughtful decision making.

What to choose?

Get a tattoo of an anchor that signifies firmness in dealing with everyday issues, or use any “smart” quote from your favorite book.

Body painting for Scorpio

What to start from?

Just by your appearance, you arouse envy and irritation in others, because you have inner strength and a captivating appearance. So you are no stranger to fighting back everyone who tries to offend you.

What to choose?

An excellent option is an image of a rose, because this delightful flower, covered with thorns, is somewhat similar to you. A picture with a dagger, personifying dangerous passion, is also suitable.

Body painting for Sagittarius

What to start from?

What to choose?

Astrologers advise Sagittarians to use their favorite movie or cartoon characters for tattoos. It could be something fairy tale hero or someone from the tape that influenced important decisions.

Body painting for Capricorn

What to start from?

Your main character traits: the ability to take the right steps and constant confidence in any situation. Moreover, you like people with similar qualities, because they are motivation for new exploits.

What to choose?

In this situation, the image of the Moon and the Sun is suitable - they create harmony and complement each other. A tree striving for development will also work.

Body painting for Aquarius

What to start from?

You are recognized as a dreamer who refuses to perceive the existing reality as it really is. You have a good memory for significant events, you love stories with good ending, you become so attached to animals, objects and loved ones that it hurts you to part with them.

What to choose?

Aquarians often make drawings with their tamed pets. In addition, tattoos with dream catchers that drive away negative thoughts will suit you.

Body painting for Pisces

What to start from?

Despite your inherent kindness and gentleness, you show great perseverance in critical situations, you can prove your right to be where you consider it necessary, and defend your own rightness. In general, you are eager to stand up for yourself if the occasion forces you.

What to choose?

Although you are usually considered a phlegmatic person, representatives of your zodiac sign often get provocative tattoos, which surprises others a lot. About yours inner world The sword depicted on the body will tell you a lot. This is a symbol of struggle and confrontation. You can also choose a design with stars, but not just any stars, but very bright ones - they will be evidence that you do not want to give in to anyone and intend to always be on top.

Getting a tattoo is a great way to stand out from the gray mass of people and emphasize your individuality. The choice of images on the body must be approached with the utmost seriousness, because any symbol applied to the skin can have a significant impact on the entire subsequent life of a person.

Choosing a zodiac sign for a tattoo

Decorating your body is a responsible matter; accordingly, you need to delve deeply into the essence of astrological symbolism before getting any marks on your body, just like tattoos of zodiac signs. Most people make their choice simply: they take their solar zodiac sign as a basis, that is, they focus on their date of birth. On the one hand, this is the right approach. However, what to do if you don’t feel a connection between the characteristics of your solar zodiac sign and your inner qualities?

The fact is that astrology is much more complex than it seems. If at the time of a person’s birth several planets were in the sign of Aries, then he can perceive himself as a representative of this sign, even if according to the horoscope he is considered a Pisces. There can be many nuances, but if a person knows his strengths, then he can easily choose the right tattoo for himself. You can choose zodiac signs that correspond to your own perception of the world, life aspirations and goals.

How to choose the right zodiac sign?

Tattoos depicting Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are an excellent solution for bright, ambitious and driven individuals who adore sports, striving for achievements and expanding personal horizons.

A tattoo depicting the signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn is what practical, business-minded, responsible people who are committed to career success and financial well-being need.

A tattoo with the zodiac sign Gemini, Libra and Aquarius should be chosen by a person who is sociable, active, erudite, diplomatic and intellectually gifted.

A tattoo depicting the signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces is an excellent choice for romantic, caring, homely people who value family, coziness and comfort and who know how to protect their personal space.

In order not to be mistaken in your preferences, you need to ask the salon for a catalog of tattoos (zodiac signs), photos will help you with your choice. When an image for a tattoo has been chosen, it remains to decide on a good color, because not every shade can be in harmony with each specific zodiac sign.

For example, bright and colorful shades are more suitable for the fire signs of the zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. For tattoos with Water signs, you need to give preference to delicate colors. For Cancer and Pisces, these can be soft blue, greenish, silver or warm yellow shades, for Scorpio - brown, muted colors. For air signs, which include Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, light lilac, silver-gray, sky blue or pink tones are perfect. But for images of the Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, it is worth choosing rich dark colors - red, blue and green.

By taking the choice of a tattoo (zodiac signs) and its color design seriously, any person gets a favorable opportunity not only to emphasize his bright and unusual appearance, but also to acquire a powerful amulet that can attract good luck, success, prosperity and the protection of higher powers.