As a person who works with Runes, I am periodically asked the question of whether it is possible to make runic tattoos. I decided to write an article on this topic, and the last straw, what prompted me to poke these “multi-books”, lazy me, was a question from a friend: “here my friend got a tattoo with Runes, and now he’s asking what it means.”

For those who are just thinking about or planning to do something like this, I strongly advise you to abandon such an idea. Especially if you just decided that it’s beautiful and fashionable, but about the Runes themselves you only have an idea that these are some kind of icons that “will look great with this picture (or without it).”

However, for those who know the meanings of the Runes, the advice will remain the same - under no circumstances.

The consequences of such an act are impossible to predict. Any Rune can have a negative impact, since everyone’s relationship with the energy of Runes is very individual, and it is simply impossible to predict how the energy of individual Runes or their combination will affect your energy, and what impact this will have on you and your life .

So, after all, why shouldn’t you get a tattoo with Runes, and how can a runic tattoo be dangerous?

Almost every Rune carries two opposite meanings - upright and inverted. And if a person puts such a sign, say, on his hand, then the rune will constantly change its even the most good meaning. Yes, in the practice of using Runes there is an option for use - application to the body. Often - on the same hand. But! The Runes are applied for a short period of time with an easily washed off agent; when applying the Runes, a specific task is set and discussed, after which the Runes are erased from the body. And who knows how the Runes will distort your energy and destiny in the long term? For example, what if Inguz, whom men love to wear, decides to end something in your life that you didn’t plan to end at all?

Runes perform specific tasks well and for a specific period of time. But a person changes over time. His life tasks, spiritual, social, personal level change. And what previously protected and supported may subsequently begin to limit and restrain, hinder and destroy.

Any Runes or runic formulas trigger some kind of process. For example, you want to achieve something, and you choose a runic formula to achieve your goals. Thus, you launch a process of accomplishment that will help you take some actions to achieve what you want. So, when this desired goal is achieved, the runic formula must be deactivated. Because if you don’t do this, you will be rolled back to the beginning, as the formula will continue its work in the process of achievement. And you find yourself in the role of a “squirrel in a wheel”, because the process of achievement and possession are completely different things. But the possession and preservation of what has been achieved is not included in your formula.

And that's just one small example from an infinite space of options.

I repeat once again - each Rune has a certain period of time and a specific aspect of action. And is used in specific cases for specific tasks. To make it clearer to you, it’s like medicine. Or an injection. For treatment of a disease - it will help. But what are the consequences of continuing to take the medicine after recovery, when the body no longer needs it and has completed its task? To poisoning, or even death...

Often a tattoo with runes represents some kind of protective formula. Or a protective symbol. Why is this use of Runes in tattoos dangerous?

First, I’ll explain how any protective artifacts (amulets, amulets, etc.) work. And they work on the principle of a filter. In other words, collecting all the negativity directed at the bearer of the artifact. And the shelf life (action, work) of such artifacts can be quite short - the stronger the intensity of the negative impact, the less time the protective artifact lasts. Each of them has its own specific amount of charge, invested by the Master during manufacture, and when this volume is exhausted, the artifact is sent for scrap. Very often - on their own, that is, breaking down or simply getting lost. By the way, in my practice, the minimum lifespan of a protective amulet made for a client was 20 minutes. Yes, this happens too. Now let's get back to the protective formula tattoo.

What do you think will happen to the bearer of such a formula? Whatever! From a local disease of the area or limb on which the Runes are applied to the complete destruction and self-destruction of the wearer.

Another case from practice. I had the opportunity to communicate with a person who had a tattoo with a protective runic formula on her legs. She complained that very severe problems began, pain, swelling, swelling. I asked what to do in such a situation.

And the only way out is to remove the tattoo. Because even if you “fill in” the runescript with another design, the original tattoo will still remain, and then the energy matrix of the runescript will do its job. And if it is not yet possible to remove the drawing, then you need to deactivate it - by applying the Isa Rune, at least with a marker, over the tattoo. And update it constantly until you have the opportunity to remove the tattoo.

And if you really want to have Runes on you, it’s better

Rune tattoos and their meaning

People far from esotericism and history can say that runes are simply a means of transmitting thoughts, the language of the ancient Scandinavians and Slavs. However, the symbolism of these signs goes very far beyond the boundaries of the material and existing world. In ancient times, people believed that the universe was a collection of 9 worlds and writing extended not only to everyday surrounding objects and phenomena.

All runes, regardless of where they are distributed, have a very angular and simple shape. The design was for carving text on hard surfaces, so each rune consists of a set of simple straight lines. By the way, there were places where runes were used in writing until the 19th century. The word rune itself can be interpreted in different ways, but, most likely, the word originates from “run” (ancient Germanic language) - secret. The standard alphabet of Futhark runes includes 24 characters. However, over time, such writing spread and transformed depending on the area, so the rune alphabet has from 16 to 33 characters. There is an opinion that, unlike the Scandinavian runes, the Slavic ones had up to 144 symbols, however, most likely, these are all just variations of the standard 33 runes, for example, with a large number of stripes (branched).

The meaning of runes on the skin

Runic tattoos and their meaning are no different from runes on parchment or paper. It’s not even a matter of where to get such a tattoo. An important issue in stuffing runes is Scandinavian mythology.

“Song of the Knowledge of Runes” and its interpretation

The story is told from the perspective of the supreme god Odin himself. Odin nailed himself with a spear to the tree of life, oddly enough, in his own name. He wanted to find out the truth, and for this, wounded, without food and water, he hung for 9 days and nights. When he finally fell from the tree, the location of the nine worlds was revealed to Odin - one energy for each day. Afterwards he tried Beltor’s magic honey and really began to know the signs. At the end of the legend, Odin asks eight questions, six of which relate to writing and “communication” with runes, and two more concern sacrifices, considered in those days as payment for knowledge.

This story is somewhat reminiscent of Jesus’ self-torture in the desert. In this regard, runes are considered very corrosive signs, bestowing their wonderful properties due to the suffering of the supreme god.

It is important to understand that rune tattoos and their meaning are interpreted differently depending on the context. Anything can become an important factor: they turned the rune over, and instead of protection they received complete absence opportunities to face adversity and problems. If you believe in the power of signs, then you should not neglect them, especially when depicting them on the body. Having decided to really inscribe something sacred on yourself, it is worth spending the effort to find a person initiated into this subtle science. If you have not found such a person, then it is recommended to enter only one character. It's better not to tempt fate.

Differences between Slavic and Celtic runes

Rune tattoos and their meanings are very different, not only because they can be performed in different styles. An important factor is determining which culture a particular rune belongs to, or how it is interpreted.

The Scandinavian alphabet is divided into 3 ettir of 8 letters:

The “Turisaz” rune (third from left to right in the first row), for example, is one-on-one similar to the Slavic rune Dazhdbog. The meaning of Thurisaz is the gate in the fence between the real world and the other eight, which is guarded by a giant, alert and fair. Also, the famous hammer of Thor was originally associated with this symbol, which can destroy any barriers and evil thoughts of others. In turn, Dazhdbog is the deity of abundance and fertility, the source of limitless benefits in all manifestations. This rune attracts the privileges of the gods, their gifts and favor. She should be chosen as a talisman in any endeavor, be it new friendships or partnerships, or the completion of pressing activities (building a house or raising a whole horde of children well).

Bottom line: both options are positive. In any interpretation, they will bring you joy and happiness. And you can choose for yourself Slavic meaning whether she should wear it or not.

The Isa/Istok runes look the same. However, the meaning of the Slavic runes of the tattoo with the source and the Celtic ones with the Isa are almost identical. The meaning and appearance are almost completely repeated: firstly, they mean ice, the element of initial peace and concentration, and secondly, they personify immobility in the constant cycle of affairs, the constancy of events despite the development of the world around.

Bottom line: this rune is not recommended for tattoos, as it is considered to freeze events for “soul-searching” and decision-making. It can be depicted as a pendant and worn at times when the violent flow of life is already exhausting and you need peace.


There is very varied information on the Internet about the meaning of rune tattoos, photos are also often included. However, you should not focus specifically on the meaning of the tattoo; look for information about the rune itself. This is a delicate matter, so it is better to turn to trusted, authoritative sources.

Many people have heard about the Feng Shui system. Some may have used it on themselves. We arranged the furniture correctly, enriched the space with the necessary symbols and objects. But if the interior decoration can be removed. Furniture placed according to Feng Shui, but does not fit into the overall interior or layout, should be rearranged again. With signs applied to the body in the form of tattoos, things are much more serious.

Rune tattoos are increasingly gaining popularity. And such drawings on the body can be found not only among a certain circle of people united by common interests. More and more young girls and boys, mindlessly following fashion trends, apply runes to their bodies. As tattoo artists like to joke: we work with high quality, our tattoo will stay on your body for seven weeks after death. That is, it is forever. Before deciding on such an act, you need to thoroughly study the meaning of each rune.

Please note that runes have different strength impact. And if you choose a strong enough, powerful rune for your body decoration, then be prepared for any changes in fate. And don’t expect that your life will improve, that wealth and fame will fall on your head, that you will meet the love you dreamed of, and so on. The power hidden in these ancient signs can trigger programs that were previously dormant in your subconscious. Reprove some internal energy processes, or slow down current ones. And who knows what your subconscious is hiding.

In the Universe, everything happens according to certain laws. And no one has canceled the law of pairing or interchangeability. If you are trying to activate energy processes, then you will have to give something in return. And no one can predict the result of such barter with the Universe. Moreover, you can get the result of your rash action or wrong choice of rune many years after you get a tattoo. By then you may have forgotten about its existence or its sacred, true meaning. And it’s good if you meet a person with fairly strong abilities. Who can find the cause of your troubles. But by and large, various sorcerers and psychics, the maximum that they can see is a terrible evil eye, damage or curse. And you will get rid of it, trying to return the curse to yourself. And wonder why the situation did not improve, but got even worse.

You can stop the influence of a rune on you only by removing it completely or blocking more strong sign. Since tattoo removal is very expensive. And not all such body decorations can be removed; you will have to look for a symbol more powerful in its energy. And it's not that simple. Therefore, think carefully before getting a rune tattoo.

Rune Fehu. Tattoos and rune meanings

Rune tattoos are a very popular topic. Runes are applied to the body one at a time, highlighting the general meaning of the symbol, or they compose a runescript that encodes entire sentences. Learn more about the meaning of runes, and in this article we’ll talk about the Fehu rune.

FE, FEHU or FEOH: Originally "cattle" Fief, possession. Money. Wealth, prosperity.

The meaning of the Fehu rune

The Fehu rune is associated with the concepts of “possession”, “property”, “livestock” (in the traditional interpretation). It poses a problem to a person: to have or to be, that is, to imitate life or to really live; if you like - the problem of external or genuine being, ostentatious social behavior or true spiritual culture. Property, possession, ownership is a very complex, purely spiritual problem. Modern people consider property as a justification for their own existence, as a continuation of a person, as something that really belongs to him. This problem faces almost every person, because we're talking about not about quantity, but about the quality of acquisition, about the mechanism of the acquisition process itself or, more importantly, the mechanism of spending.

Images of the Fehu rune:

The cattle breeder buys new calves.
A farmer buys seeds for planting.
The carpenter buys the necessary tools.
Businessman hires workers.
A man buys food.
The child receives clothes from his parents.
Gold miners find a vein.
The lamb receives milk from the ewe.
The plant gets water from the ground.
Cells receive nutrients from blood.
The plowed field receives seeds from the sowers.
The fire receives wood from the fire pit.
The puddle receives moisture from the clouds.
The plant receives electricity from a power plant.
The living room receives heat from the radiator.
Women's hair gets its color when dyed.
The army receives soldiers through conscription.
The planet receives light from the star.

Application of the Fehu rune

The magical use of the rune is very wide and is associated mainly with material values. Inscribed on a ring or bracelet, it can help you get out of poverty by pushing you towards certain situations and pointing out opportunities. Protects against mistakes when purchasing real estate and helps to preserve and improve it. The same talisman can protect against troubles when transporting valuable cargo. It is necessary to take into account that, although this rune helps to maintain well-being, including financial well-being, it is not directly connected with money and is unlikely to help in speculation and usury. In addition, there is an opinion that the Fehu rune is capable of providing some help in relationships between a man and a woman.

Magical meaning : growth of well-being, increase in property, strengthening of relationships, their transition to new level. Friendship and love. A new acquaintance or renewal of an old friendship.

This rune is approached mainly by those in need of material wealth or those who have them and are concerned about their safety. It promotes the receipt of money, the acquisition of goods (mainly “durables”, as well as real estate) and protects property, promptly indicating to a person the opportunities opening before him or the danger that arises. However, money and other benefits should serve something, and not be an end in themselves. (If you put the F rune as a “goal”, for example, on your wallet, then you will not receive anything except money, and happiness, as you know, does not lie in it. And you may not receive it if you do not have a higher goal.)

Rune shouldn't cut
Someone who doesn't understand them.
In strange signs
Anyone can go astray.
(Egil's Saga)

  • Ornaments and runes for real Vikings:…

Popularity of tattoos in last decades partly connected with something secret and mysterious. Externally, it is a beautiful illustration, symbols or random lines that perform an aesthetic function. But very often, under the body design there is a deep, sometimes even sacred meaning.

Men can change their destiny and bring good luck into life with the help of tattoos depicting runic symbols

This is especially true for Scandinavian, Slavic and Gothic runes. These ancient signs allow you to attract good luck, protect against evil intentions, and even gain strength before important events In human life. In addition, there are runes that are best used by only one gender - men.

What runes can be applied to the body?

Each rune has its own energy. Some of them are considered positive, others - negative.

All symbols that indicate destruction, aggression or increased physical strength are not recommended to be applied to your own body.

The energy of such runes is strong and unpredictable. Therefore, positive runes are the best for tattoos. A lot of them. In Scandinavian runic symbolism, the most favorable signs to be applied to the body are those used to increase vital energy, improve health and protect against malicious intent. These are: “Laguz”, “Tour”, “Thorn”, etc.

In addition, some runes have strong, masculine energy. Such symbols are not suitable for women. Their effect on the fair sex can negatively affect their lives, making them masculine. In relationships, such girls will be too harsh and aggressive. Therefore, if you decide to get a Scandinavian tattoo, you should carefully study all the symbols and determine their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, for women there is also a separate list of permitted runes that are not suitable for men.

Runes for men

Scandinavian runic symbols have a close energetic connection with humans. The desire for self-development, for knowledge of the world around us and communication with it, makes sense only with appropriate symbolism and faith in its magical effect.

For tattoos, men's runes are chosen in order to obtain the desired effect regarding health, success, endurance, strength, etc. The most powerful are:

  1. Turiaz.
  2. Ansuz.
  3. Teyvaz.
  4. Uruz.

"Uruz" is one of the most powerful male runic symbols

These 5 signs have powerful energy that allows you to always think soberly and not succumb to the tricks of others. Good luck in business, the desire to always be first in everything, as well as personal growth can be the goal of every healthy man.

Runes help bring the desired closer, helping with their energy to achieve more and more successes, without making serious mistakes and blunders along the way.

Many centuries ago, runes, which were applied to the skin or used for amulets and amulets, protected the warriors of death and helped them get rid of enemies. In the era of wars, such a purpose for runes was not uncommon. Now, they are used for more peaceful purposes.

A person also needs protection and help, as before, but at the present time the original purpose is irrelevant. In addition, not all troubles from wars in peaceful life have their own difficulties.

Interpretation of male runes

The most popular symbol is associated with the physical and sexual strength of a man. It is called "Uruz". In addition, the use of such a rune makes sense not only for the purpose of recovery from fatigue. Very often it is used after serious illnesses and operations. The rune of male power, Uruz, allows you to restore normal functioning under any circumstances.

The Ansuz symbol has no less powerful energy. Its purpose is more narrow. It holds potential for insecure men. Anyone who applies it to the body will quickly be saved from his deficiency. When communicating with such a person, those around him will recognize him as the most best sides. In addition, physical condition and endurance can also be improved.

If the main goal of a person is to achieve some success in work, study or some important events, best choice for him there will be Teyvaz. This symbol has a militant energy that helps to overcome any difficulties on the path to success. The Thurisaz rune also has a similar meaning. It will help all started projects come to a favorable end.

The Thurisaz rune helps to successfully complete all started tasks

General rules for applying runic tattoos

Male runes are applied according to certain rules, which not only give the drawing an aesthetic appearance, but also contribute to the magical effect of the symbols. These include:

  1. Color design. Runes are depicted in black or gray ink. Use bright colors Not recommended.
  2. Dimensions and location. Most often they are made small, and the location chosen is the wrist, forearm, neck and legs. Sometimes they are stuffed on the back.
  3. The presence of additional patterns and lines. They are only aesthetic in nature.

Some magicians are skeptical about applying Scandinavian runes to the body. They think that stuffing characters for life is bad. After all, this sets magical influence on the individual until her death. If you get a tattoo, it is temporary.

Moreover, if a man has a desire to achieve only one goal, which has no further prospects, it is better to refuse a tattoo. You can use complex bets and single symbols in another way. To apply them, choose plain paper, photography, money, etc.

We must not forget that no one is immune from mistakes. Any human error when choosing a tattoo, or an error in applying the mark itself can be unpredictable.

Very often, such oversights lead to serious problems with health, psychological stability and even well-being. Therefore, before getting a tattoo, you need to make sure of its true meaning and its impact on the person himself.