Natalya, which means “native” in Latin, is one of the most popular Russian names in Russia and in the world. For every girl, girl, woman bearing this name, the icon “Natalia” will become a guardian, protector and an amazing example of fidelity to her faith and her husband. Such an icon for newborn Natalya would be a wonderful gift. Why, after so many centuries, does this holy martyr continue to attract us?

The feat of Saint Natalia

Saint Natalia was not tortured, she was not executed, but her bloodless martyrdom makes one feel real admiration for this amazing woman. Her feat dates back to the time of Emperor Galerius (293-311). There were not many years left before the edict of Emperor Constantine the Great on religious tolerance, but under Galerius the persecution of Christians continued.

Arriving in Nicomedia, he demanded that Christians make sacrifices to the pagan gods, otherwise they would be doomed to death. Sacred books and Christian churches were burned, so it is not surprising that many Christians hid their religion. Natalia, the wife of a high-ranking Roman official Hadrian, did the same, without even opening up to her husband.

Adrian was amazed at the torment Christians were willing to go to for the sake of their Savior. He talked with them a lot and in the end he himself believed. Adrian did not hide his conversion, and was immediately thrown into prison. So from high-ranking official he instantly turned into a Christian doomed to torment.

When Natalya learned about her husband’s conversion to the True Faith, her soul was filled with jubilation. She immediately came to the dungeon and told Adrian that they were now of the same faith. After the torture, her husband was in terrible condition, with broken legs, and Natalya stayed to look after him. She also helped other fellow believers who endured inhuman torture, but remained steadfast in the faith, washing their wounds, bringing them food and praying with them.

It is difficult to imagine the mental state of this woman, who endured incredible pain, not just physical, but mental. When her husband's torment ended in execution, Natalya was very afraid that she might be forced to marry again, because she was not only young and beautiful, but also very rich.

There are two versions about how Saint Natalia died. According to one, she died at her husband's grave three days after the execution; according to another, she fled to Byzantium, where she soon died. Often these Nicomedia martyrs are depicted together in the icon of Hadrian and Natalia, and their joint celebration is established on the same day.

Description of the icon

When you look at Orthodox icon“Saint Natalia”, then she amazes with the tragic and, at the same time, unyielding gaze of the great martyr. She is usually depicted in a dark red robe, with a cross in her right hand and a scroll with a prayer in the left. Sometimes she holds a scarf in her left hand, symbolizing her devoted care for her husband.

The meaning of the icon of Saint Natalia

The meaning of the icon of the Great Martyr Natalia lies in the fact that it serves as an eternal reminder of fidelity - fidelity to one’s faith and one’s spouse. She was with him “in sorrow and in joy,” but even death could not separate them, because they were supported by faith in the One God, and only thanks to this faith was the great martyr able to endure mental torture when her husband endured physical torture.

The icon of Saint Natalia reminds us that marriage is not only a common bed and a common household, but also the deepest unity in faith, in thoughts and actions, supporting each other in the most hopeless situations.

What does the icon of St. Natalia help with?

Saint Natalia set an example of selfless marital devotion and devotion to the True Faith, therefore prayers are addressed to her for strength in faith, for perseverance in the face of unfair accusations. She helps young couples not only create a strong union, but also maintain family life mutual love, mutual understanding and fidelity. If on the way career growth obstacles arise, prayer to Saint Natalia can also help.

Prayer to the icon

Oh, holy servant of God Natalia, having fought a good deed on earth, you have received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him; In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Patron Saint of Women
bearing the name NATALIA -
Holy Martyr Natalia

The icon of Saint Natalia depicted the saint, whose martyrdom consisted in the fact that she endured great suffering, seeing the suffering of her husband, and was with him both physically and spiritually until his spirit passed on to another world. They pray to the Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia for happiness in marriage, for protection
family hearth. Those wives whose husbands are undergoing difficulties and hardships in a just cause can also pray to the saint.

Lives of Saints Adrian and Natalia

During the reign of the cruel emperor Diocletian, when the persecution of Christians was already reaching its climax, in the lush and rich city of Nicomedia, which was located in the region of Bithynia in the north-west of Asia Minor on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara, a girl Natalia was born into a family of pious Christians - the future Saint Natalia. Ruled then - from 395 to 311 - was Diocletian's son-in-law and future heir to the throne, Maximian Galerius, whose cruelty was not inferior to the cruelty of his father-in-law.

The young beauty Natalia married the handsome and rich Adrian, the head of the court chamber, but he was a pagan, although he had a kind and compassionate heart. It so happened that twenty-three Christians were thrown into prison, and their trial took place before the eyes of Hadrian. The emperor demanded that the martyrs immediately renounce Christ's faith, threatening them with terrible torture. But the martyrs flatly refused. Maximian persistently, through cruel torture, forced Christians to renounce.

He asked them what blessings they expected from their God that they stood so stubbornly. And they answered that one who did not believe cannot comprehend this, and he is Maximian, even more so. Seeing this, hearing the answers of these people, young Adrian, whose soul, by the will of God, was already ready to accept the holy truth, approached the scribe and asked to write him down as a Christian. The emperor was shocked; it was even more unpleasant for him that everything was happening in public, and Adrian’s act could give strength to Christians and shake his other subjects in the pagan faith. He asked Adrian if he was mad, urged him to see what fate was in store for him, but Adrian was adamant. Then he was thrown into prison.

When the news of her husband’s captivity reached Saint Natalia, she at first, not knowing for what offense he was captured, tore her clothes in grief, as was customary. But, having learned why her husband was thrown into prison, she rejoiced that her husband had come to the true faith, put on her most elegant dress, ran to the prison to strengthen his spirit with words of consolation and encouragement, for she knew that he would not escape martyrdom. .

She told him those gospel truths that believers remember when they have to make a choice - to suffer for their faith, to lose for the sake of it some individual earthly blessings or all at once, perhaps even life. Saint Natalia encouraged her husband, urging him to imitate them, looking at how steadfastly the Christians who suffered with him endured torture, and how they turned to the Lord in prayer. And Saint Natalia also asked her husband not to succumb to the persuasion of his relatives, who, of course, would persuade him to renounce and return to the pagan faith, but he should not do this for the sake of the salvation of the soul given to him by God and the joy that he will experience upon meeting with the Almighty.

Hearing this, Saint Adrian felt even more steadfast than before, and told his wife to go home, and they would inform her about the day of execution. When the hour was appointed, with the guarantee of the other martyrs and with the consent of the emperor, as well as paying his jailers, Saint Adrian went home to notify his wife, Saint Natalia. The emperor, releasing his former subordinate, also hoped that, having stepped beyond the threshold of a rich, luxurious house, seeing his home, he would come to his senses and decide that it was better for him to abdicate.

But Saint Natalia, having learned that her husband was coming to the house, locked the door and, when he knocked, replied that she would not let him in, for he had renounced the true faith. Saint Adrian replied that this was not so, but she did not believe him and did not open the door. However, when Saint Adrian said that those martyrs with whom he was in prison together had vouched for him, and that if he did not return on time, the prison governors would punish them for their surety, Saint Natalia realized that her husband had not renounced. tells the truth, opened the door for him and hugged him with joy.

She followed him into prison and spent the seven days before his execution with him and the others condemned to sacrificial death, washing their wounds and comforting them with words. The emperor did not want to admit his spiritual defeat. He summoned Saint Adrian to him and urged him, again tortured, to renounce. The holy martyr was adamant. In prison, Saint Natalia now treated his wounds, consoling him with the fact that he too was worthy of the bliss of suffering for Christ, as He had once suffered for all humanity - then, and past, and future.

Maximian was informed that the wives of the martyrs came to prison in order to support them in the faith with words and care for their weak, exhausted husbands, and in order to increase the suffering, he forbade these visits. Then Saint Natalia cut off her hair as men wore then, dressed as a young man and secretly entered the prison to continue caring for the martyrs; other wives followed her example.

All the martyrs were brutally executed, and so that not even ashes remained from the ascetics, nothing would remind them of their perseverance and feat, the emperor ordered the bodies of those executed to be thrown into the oven. Saint Natalia also rushed after her husband’s body, but she was restrained. However, it was not possible to burn the remains - suddenly a terrible thunder sounded from the heavens, rain poured down, lightning flashed, striking many of the torturers who fled in fear from the place of execution, the fire in the furnace died out, and the bodies of the dead Christians were miraculously not touched by the fire. The remains were taken by the household, anointed with myrrh and kept as a shrine.

Later, one of the Christians who lived in Bethany began to ask Saint Natalia and others who kept the holy remains for permission to transport them by ship to Byzantium, where Saint Constantine the Great already ruled and Christians lived peacefully, and received consent. Only the hand of Saint Adrian Saint Natalia continued to keep secret from her family.
One successful military leader, seeing the beauty and wealth of a young woman, decided to marry her. The saint, not wanting such a marriage, which she would consider a disgrace for herself, did not know what to do and turned to God with a prayer to help him avoid this matchmaking. Then in a dream one of the martyrs, with whom her holy husband was in prison, appeared to her and said that she should, taking the holy remains of her husband, sail on a ship to where they all were now - that is, to Byzantium.

So she did. But the devil did not want to allow the ship on which the saint was sailing to reach the end of the journey; he pretended to be the helmsman of another ship, supposedly sailing towards them, and tried to shoot them down by indicating the wrong direction. However, at the same moment, in front of the bow of the ship on which Saint Natalia was, Saint Adrian appeared in a radiance, and his words sounded like thunder - he said that the helmsmen should not change course, for he is faithful. Then he turned and seemed to walk on the waters in front of the ship, and the vision of another deceptive ship immediately disappeared. When Saint Natalia arrived in Byzantium, she immediately went to the temple where the bodies of the martyrs were laid, kissed them with tears of joy and put her husband’s hand to his body.

That same night she had a dream in which Saint Adrian appeared to her and joyfully announced that her mission was completed and that the Lord was waiting for her in His Kingdom with a reward worthy of her feat. Waking up, she told her dream to the other Christians who arrived with her in Byzantium, asked them for prayer and fell asleep again. From this dream Saint Natalia no longer woke up; her spirit went to where her husband, Saint Adrian, and the other holy martyrs who were with him were staying. Her remains were added to their remains, and at first they rested in Byzantium, where St. Mitrophan built a church for their relics. Later, in the 7th century, Pope Honorius I built a temple in the former building of the Roman Senate, a temple where their holy remains were transferred and where they are kept to this day.

How an icon protects

Any icon is amazing because the saints depicted on it are the first helpers in our conversion to God. If our prayer is not strong, and we feel that we need prayer support and help, we turn to the icon, honoring it and praying to the saint imprinted on it. They also come to the icon of Saints Adrian and Natalia with prayer.

What does an icon help with?

Honoring the holy names of Adrian and Natalia, whose namesake is celebrated on August 26/September 8, as well as Peter and Fevronia of the Murom miracle workers, newlyweds and young people getting married offer prayers to them. They ask Saints Adrian and Natalia that this union be strong and happy, so that love, respect and mutual understanding are not lost until the end of their days. The icon of Saint Natalia depicted the saint, whose martyrdom consisted in the fact that she endured great suffering, seeing the suffering of her husband, and was with him both physically and spiritually until his spirit passed on to another world. Until his last breath, she was next to him and strengthened his spirit when a painful execution was carried out on him and other Christians who were with him. Therefore, those wives whose husbands are undergoing difficulties and hardships in a just cause can also pray to her.

How to pray in front of an icon

First prayer
About the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia! Hear us, servant of God (names), praying to you at this hour: pray for us to the Master Christ God, for you have naturally gained much boldness towards Him, sincere prayers for us exist. Pray to the Lord to forgive our sins and to grant us the Heavenly Kingdom, so that together with you we will glorify the magnificent name of the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Second prayer
Oh, holy servant of God Natalia, having fought a good deed on earth, you have received in heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him; In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayerful invocation of the saint whose name you bear

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Prayer for happiness in marriage to martyrs Adrian and Natalia

O sacred duo, holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and send down upon us all that is good for our souls and bodies, and pray to Christ God to have mercy on us and to deal with us in His mercy, so that we do not perish in our sins. Hey, holy martyrs! Accept the voice of our prayer, and deliver us with your prayers from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from sudden death and from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, so that we may be strengthened by your prayers and intercession. Let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

When is the holy day of remembrance
Remembrance day set Orthodox Church August 26/September 8.

In which churches is the icon located?

Perhaps the most famous temple where you can pray before the icon of the Holy Martyr Natalia is located in Moscow in Babushkino. It is dedicated to the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia. This temple was built in 1914–1916. The icon of the Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia is located between the main altar and the chapel of Unexpected Joy. Since 2004, a particle of the relics of St. Natalia has been kept in the icon.

Also in Moscow, in the Church of St. Zosima and Savvatius of Solovetsky Wonderworkers in Golyanov, there is a revered icon of Saints Adrian and Natalia, which is located in the chapel of the church named in their honor. Another revered icon can be seen in the Church of the Icon Mother of God"The Sign" in Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda.

In St. Petersburg in Staro-Panov there is a temple built in honor of Saints Adrian and Natalia. Every church named after a saint must have a temple icon. There are such temples in the village of Shemeti, in Odessa, Kazan, Kozelets, in Kyiv, in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the most ancient images of Saint Natalia, a fresco from the 11th century, can be seen in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

Meaning of the icon

An example of such self-denial for the sake of God and neighbors is shown in the Life of Saints Adrian and Natalia, and especially of Saint Natalia, when her husband left this world. Their story is also an example of the fact that family unity is strong primarily when its foundation is laid on the unity of spiritual values. And if one person in the family believes, then the other through his prayers is sanctified. Since ancient times it has been said: “A believing wife sanctifies an unbelieving husband,” which we read about in the Life of Saint Natalia and her husband, Saint Adrian.


The meaning of the name Natalya

Natalia - full name from Natasha, Nata,
The meaning of the name Natalya is “native”, “gifted”.
Origin: Latin

Horoscope named Natalya

*Zodiac sign - Virgo.
*Guardian planet - Mercury.
*Talisman stone - bloodstone.
*Talisman color - scarlet, blue,
matte beige, red.
*Talisman plant - valerian, azalea.
*Animal mascot - hedgehog, swimming beetle.
*The most successful day is Wednesday.
*Predisposition to traits such as -
energy, heightened self-esteem, strong will,
logical thinking, intuition, self-confidence,
calm goodwill,


Copy the prayer by hand and always carry it with you, it will be your protection, you can read it at any time when you have problems, and also do not forget to praise your protector - the Holy Martyr Natalia

The early Christian saint Natalia of Nicomedia is revered by the Orthodox as a symbol of marital love and fidelity. An icon with her image, with worthy and sincere prayer and faith, will help strengthen family relationships and protect your loved one from various harassment and troubles. The feast day of Saints Natalia and her husband Adrian is celebrated on September 8th. The saint’s relics are today kept in Milan, in the Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore.


The Holy Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia, together with her husband Adrian, lived at the beginning of the 4th century in Nicodemus, in Asia Minor. Hadrian was a pagan and served as an official for the emperor Maximian Galerius, who was a hated persecutor of Christians. This ruler especially cruelly punished those who hid Christians, and promised rewards and honors to those who informed on them. That's why endless denunciations began. One day, the wicked reported to the military commander that Christians were hiding in one of the caves and spending their nights singing prayers to their God.

Fearless Christians

The soldiers immediately caught all the Christians in it, who numbered twenty-three. They were put in iron shackles and sent for questioning to the emperor. Maximian ordered them to be mercilessly beaten with sticks, then on the mouth with stones. However, the executors did not so much strike Christians as they crushed themselves in the jaw. The saints told the lawless emperor that incomparably greater torments awaited him than them. And all because he obviously did not think that all people have the same bodies, with only one difference: his is unclean and nasty, and theirs is cleansed by Holy Baptism.

Saint Adrian

Then the king ordered the prisoners to be shackled in iron chains and sent to prison. Their names and speeches were to be recorded in court books. When they were brought into the courtroom, one of the noble men (Adrian), who observed the terrible torment of Christians, asked them what reward they expected to receive from their God for such torment? They answered him with words from Holy Scripture, where it is said that the eye did not see, the ear did not hear, and the heart did not come to man what the Lord had prepared for those who love Him. When Adrian heard such words, he went out to the scribes and told them to write down his name next to the names of these martyrs and for Christ he was ready to die with them.

The king heard about this, became angry and wanted him to immediately repent. But Adrian said that he would repent before the true God for the sins he had committed when he was a pagan. Then Adrian was shackled in iron chains and sent to prison among those martyrs.

To my husband in prison

When his wife Natalya was told about what had happened, she tore her clothes. But when she learned that he had become a Christian, she rejoiced in spirit. Natalia of Nicomedia had long been a Christian, like her holy parents, but the girl kept this secret, and now she firmly decided to declare it. She put on her best clothes and went to her husband in prison. There the wife fell at Adrian’s feet, began to kiss his chains and beg him not to be afraid of torment, for everything will soon end, and he will receive an eternal reward from Christ in Heaven.

Saint Natalia of Nicomedia

She went to her home, and a few days later Adrian asked to go home to call his Natalya to execution. Seeing Adrian in the courtyard of Adrian’s house, Natalya closed all the doors and sobbed bitterly. She thought that he had become an atheist and renounced the faith of Christ, and therefore he was released.

Adrian reassured her and said that he had come to say goodbye to her, that the saints in prison had vouched for him, and now he needed to return quickly. Hearing such speeches, she opened the doors and hugged her husband. And then they went to prison together. There Natalia of Nicomedia began to kiss the shackles of the martyrs, whose wounds festered and worms fell from them. Then she sent for a maid to bring linens for bandages.


Adrian was still strong, and he was the first to be led to execution. Natalia of Nicomedia encouraged him in every possible way. Maximian demanded that a sacrifice be made to the pagan gods. And then they began to beat the martyr in the stomach, so hard that his insides began to fall out. Adrian was young, he was only 28 years old, after torture he was again sent to prison. Natalya was always there, encouraging her husband, wiping off his blood and wounds. There were other wives with her, who looked after the holy martyrs and applied healing herbs to their wounds. Having learned about this, the authorities forbade women from entering the prison. Then Natalia shaved her head, put on a man's dress and continued to care for the saints and her husband, whom she prayed to intercede when he appeared before God about her chaste and imminent death. Pious women also took Natalia’s example, shaved, changed into and looked after the martyrs.

Holy Martyrs

The wicked king, having learned about this, ordered the martyrs' legs and arms to be broken. They immediately proceeded to Adrian. Natalya was afraid that Adrian wouldn’t stand it, she was there and calmed him down, and then she lifted his legs and arms and put him on the anvil. Adrian could not stand such suffering and gave up his soul to the Lord. Other prisoners were also brutally tortured, then their bodies were thrown into the oven. Natalya also wanted to rush into it after her husband, but lightning flashed, it started to rain, and the stove went out, and many of the tormentors fell dead. The fire did not take the bodies of the martyrs. One pious husband and wife took the bodies of the saints onto a ship to take them to Byzantium.

Rescue ship

Natalya remained to live with herself, she kept the hand of her holy husband, anointed it with myrrh and wrapped it in purple. Soon the chief of a thousand began to woo her, since she was still young and beautiful. Natalya asked for three days, during which time she could escape to Byzantium. One day she tearfully prayed to the Lord and, exhausted, dozed off. In a dream, Natalya saw one of the holy martyrs. He ordered her to immediately board the ship and sail to where their relics were located - there the Lord would appear to her and lead her to them. At this time, the devil was sailing on a ship, wanting to lead them astray and destroy them. Many ships died because of him, but the ship with Natalya remained unharmed, since Saint Andrian appeared in shining robes and warned them of the dangers.


They swam safely to the place. Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia came to the temple to the bodies of the martyrs, knelt down, put the hand of Saint Andrian to his body and prayed for a long time. Tired from the road, she fell asleep and had a dream in which her master Saint Andrian appeared to her and warned her of an imminent reward. Natalia woke up and told her dream to the Christians who were nearby and asked them to pray for her. And then she fell asleep again and never woke up. A little later she was found dead. Thus, Saint Natalia of Nicomedia completed her martyrdom without shedding blood and appeared before Christ as martyrs.

Icon of Saint Natalia

The holy image of the martyr Natalia is found in almost every house where a woman of the same name lives. Servants of the Orthodox christian church claim that the icon of St. Natalia is a bright patroness of the family hearth, as a result of which many Christians believe that this image or list, is a talisman of family happiness and is aimed mainly at protecting the family hearth.

Description of the icon of Saint Natalia

This Orthodox Christian image represents a certain young girl who is holding an Orthodox Christian cross in her hands. The left hand is often turned with the palm towards the person who is serving a prayer service in front of the Holy Image, or on some lists you can see that in her left hand the Holy Martyr is holding a scroll with a certain prayer. The name Natalya translates as Rozhdestvenskaya. The holy image of the Great Martyr Natalia can be found in many Christian churches and churches.

History of the icon of Saint Natalia

Behind this miraculous face lies the unique story of Saint Natalia’s loyalty to her beloved husband Adrian. The history of this Holy image begins in the city of Nicomedia. At that time, a couple lived in this city loving people One of the historical facts is that Orthodox Christian believers were subjected to various persecutions by the rulers of the Roman Empire.

It is believed that the Holy image represents a kind of spiritual connection between husband and wife. The sacrifices of the Holy Martyrs were necessary in order to establish faith in the Almighty throughout the world. It is indisputable that after many centuries and centuries, Orthodox Christian believers remember all the martyrs who contributed to the strengthening of the Orthodox Christian faith.

The meaning of the Natalia icon

This shrine differs from many other icons in that the Holy Martyr Natalia is depicted in full height.

Temple servants claim that Martyr Natalia during the period own life was able to endure a huge variety of mental suffering and experiences. On one of the lists, a woman is depicted in a white robe, which is a kind of robe, which speaks of martyrdom. The cross she holds in her hands can also symbolize minor sacrifice. In some lists you can find an image of the Holy Great Martyr Natalia, who holds a scroll in her hand instead of a cross. It denotes sacrifice and torment for the sake of the people and complete obedience and worship of the Lord. The red color on the icon of Saint Natalia denotes great faith in the Almighty.

Priests in temples and churches claim that married couples often turn to the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Natalia for help and support. This is due to historical information that is known to almost the whole world about how a woman suffered a huge amount of torment, but at the same time did not leave her husband until his soul ascended to the Almighty.

What do they pray for in front of the holy image of the martyr Natalia?

Many Orthodox believers turn to this Holy image for help and support and often ask near it:
- happiness in marriage;
- well-being in the family;
- protection for their spouses;
- mercy for all relatives and friends.

That is why this Holy image is found in almost every church or monastery. So that every woman, man or married couple can come and ask for help, support, protection and mercy from the great martyr Natalia.

The power of the icon of the martyr Natalia

At that moment, when the Saint’s husband named Adrian was arrested, the woman did not leave him, but helped not only him, but other arrested Orthodox Christians. Natalya visited them almost every day and offered prayers of praise directed to the Lord with them. Often, Natalya and other prisoners, as well as her husband, asked the Almighty not for protection, but for strength and courage in order to accept their own life with dignity. painful death at the hands of the pagans. Adrian's wife Natalia was sentenced to death, and at that moment his wife did not leave him. Initially, the executioner cut off the man’s lower limbs, and then the upper one, but Natalya took the hand and hid it, it was for this and for her faith in the Almighty, as well as by the power of her own spirit, that she was subsequently depicted as a Saint in the icon. After a while, the bodies of all the prisoners were taken and transported to the city in order to save them from burning. Adrian's wife came to this city and at will joined her hand with her husband's. On the same day, when the woman was sleeping, she had a dream in which she saw her own husband, who said that in the near future her soul would be reunited again. And so it happened, the day after his execution, the woman Natalya rested on the body of her own husband.

Location at the relics of Natalia of Nicomedia

I would like to note that the Most Holy One is the most famous bloodless martyr. In other words, we can say that she died with an abundance of blood, not under torture and execution, but from internal emotional experiences and heartache. It is important to know that at the moment when the woman died, her body was buried near the Holy Great Martyrs.

Around the 4th century, a certain Saint Mitrofan, who at that time was the bishop of Byzantium, erected a Temple, which was named after Natalia and Adrian. Since then, after the construction of the temple, the relics of both martyrs were located and kept there.

After some time, the relics were transported from Constantinople to Rome. A little earlier, Pope Honorius 1 erected a temple near the Senate building, which was also where the Holy Names and relics were kept there. Some historians and other experts claim that it is in Rome that the relics of the great couple Adrian and Natalia are kept to this day.

Day of Remembrance

The day of remembrance of Saint Natalia of Nicomedia, who is depicted on the miraculous icon of the martyr, is considered September 8th. On this very day a large number of Orthodox Christian believers go to a temple or church in order to offer prayers for protection and mercy directed to this Great Martyr.

Priests claim that very often young married couples or people who are just about to enter into legal sacred bonds turn to this holy image. They ask the Great Martyr for the protection of their family hearth, as well as help in difficult life family troubles.

Servants of the temple, churches and monasteries recommend that every Christian turn to the icon of St. Natalia for help with a pure heart and soul, so that prayers are heard in short term. Of course, in addition to the prayer service, you can read an akathist or offer another prayer.

There are known cases when the miraculous holy face helped a man in severe life situation, this happened due to the fact that his wife at that moment prayed to the Great Martyr Natalia for mercy, protection and help. This is exactly how it has been done since time immemorial: in order to maintain harmony in the family, you need to pray before the icon of Natalia. This is also why in every home iconostasis there is an image of the Holy Great Martyr Natalia of Nicomedia.

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The Holy Martyr Natalya, whose image is depicted on the miraculous icon, lived during the time of persecution of Christians. She herself was a Christian, but kept her faith secret. Although Natalya was a rich city dweller, she helped the poor and never refused to help the suffering, for which she was loved and revered. Natalya is called a saint and a martyr not because she herself was subjected to painful torture, but because of the torment that she experienced seeing her husband and other martyrs suffer.

Icon of Saints Natalia and Adrian

The name of the holy martyr Natalia, depicted on the icon, is inextricably linked with the name of her husband Adrian, who was the head of the court chamber. They had been married for just over one year when 23 Christians were arrested and subjected to terrible torture. To find out why they did not renounce their God, I talked with each of them, and since he was an intelligent and kind man, God’s grace descended on his soul, he believed in true God and ordered his name to be entered on the list of those arrested, after which he was taken to prison.

The power of Natalia icon

When Adrian was arrested, Saint Natalia supported him and other arrested Christians, constantly visiting them and reading prayers together, turning to God with a prayer to give strength and courage to accept a painful death. Adrian was sentenced to execution, and during the execution Natalya was next to him. When the executioner broke Adrian’s legs, Saint Natalya supported her husband, holding his hand. After this, the executioner cut off Adrian’s hand and his soul went to the abode of the Lord. Natalya took her husband’s hand and hid it. For her faith in God and strength of spirit, an image was inscribed on the holy icon. A righteous man named Eusebius took the bodies of all the Christians executed that day and transported them to another city to save the bodies of the martyrs from burning. Saint Natalia arrived there and connected her hand with her husband’s body. That night Adrian appeared to her in a dream and said that their souls would soon be reunited and the next day she rested on her husband’s body.

The miraculous power of the icon of Saint Natalia

Pray to the holy icon of the martyr Natalia for happiness in marriage, for the protection of the family hearth. I recommend buying miraculous icon Natalya, embroidered with beads, for women bearing this name, since the holy saint Natalya is their heavenly patroness and will help in any way difficult situation or in a moment of confusion. Newlyweds who are about to get married, as well as wives whose husbands are undergoing difficulties in a just cause, turn to the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Natalia.