Scorpio and Sagittarius lead different image life, treat each other with respect, but are in no hurry to get closer. The fewer factors that unite them, the greater the chances of their peaceful communication. Only in business sphere in life these people can really get along. The practicality of Scorpio and the activity of Sagittarius will certainly lead this couple to success, but personal communication with colleagues is unlikely to work out. According to Scorpio, Sagittarius is wasting his life, and the representative of the fire element sees Scorpio as a gloomy and overly serious person.


The Scorpio woman is one of the few who is not frightened or repelled by the straightforwardness of the Sagittarius. If she is interested in him as a man, or she sees her benefit in an alliance with him, then she will definitely find an approach to him. The rapprochement will not be simple and quick; the representative of the water sign acts carefully. Sagittarius is harsh and hot-tempered, but the Scorpio woman does not provoke him to show aggression, and if he does lose his temper, she will find a way to extinguish the outburst of his rage at the very beginning. The only question is how important this union is to her.

♐ + ♏: In love

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- Even if a Sagittarius guy is one hundred percent sure that he has won the heart of a Scorpio girl, it is unlikely that he was the initiator of the relationship. However, only his beloved can know what it cost her to attract his attention. It is important for Sagittarius to feel significant man, who chooses who he wants to be with, and he got that feeling.

This union cannot be called ideal, but it can be peaceful and exist for a long time. The girl in this pair has more flexibility, so it is she who will have to adapt to the mood and spontaneous actions of the Sagittarius. Of course, she is not happy about this, but she acts solely in her own interests. This can be either a strong love or other motives unknown to anyone.

The young man will never feel that he is under the influence. Scorpios do not act arrogantly, openly and rudely, they take on the role eminence grise. The Sagittarius guy only benefits from this connection. Representatives of other zodiac signs would constantly complain to him about his lack of restraint and impracticality. The Scorpio girl accepts him for who he is.

♐ + ♏: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— The relationship between Sagittarius and Scorpio after marriage does not change dramatically, but is slightly complicated by jealousy on the part of the wife. A Sagittarius man cannot imagine his life without flirting, so even after the wedding he continues to behave as he is used to. Since he is sociable, and most of his friends do not even know his more domestic wife, thoughts of possible betrayal come to her every now and then. She does not like open scenes of jealousy, preferring to act carefully. Most likely, she has everything under control, but her husband has no idea about it. If his wife regards one of his affairs as a threat to the marriage, his mistress will have a hard time. Most often, the women that a married Sagittarius is interested in simply disappear from his life one day, and he is at a loss, not understanding what is happening.

Despite the iron character of the wife, quarrels sometimes occur in this family. If this happens, it means her cup of patience has overflowed, and she either does not want to continue living like this or does not see the point. This can happen if the husband, spoiled by her care, completely relaxed, stopped working, or openly cheated. The Scorpio woman will very quickly remove it from her neck. She won’t disappear on her own, but ex-husband It will be difficult to meet such a patient woman.

♐ + ♏: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- in this case is problematic. A Sagittarius guy and a Scorpio girl may meet in a campaign of mutual friends, but their communication will be superficial. Interests are different common topics there is no room for conversation, there is no desire to get closer on both sides. IN love relationships the representative of a water sign turns a blind eye to the guy’s rudeness and tactlessness, but if he allows himself such behavior, not being her close person, she will deftly be able to knock the ground out from under his feet with just one phrase, after which the young man will not come close to her even at cannonball level. shot. In order not to spoil the relationship, this couple should adhere to neutrality and keep their distance.


The Scorpio man does not take the Sagittarius woman seriously, considering her eccentric and spontaneous. Even if these people work together, and she has managed to prove herself as an active and efficient employee, the representative of the water sign, fearing unexpected surprises, will look closely at her colleague for a long time. Working together can be productive, but the Sagittarius woman notices Scorpio’s distrust, although he doesn’t say so directly, so she has no desire to get close to him and prove something to him.

In personal relationships the situation is approximately the same. According to Scorpio, the representative of the Sagittarius sign does not live, but walks on the edge of a knife. He has no fear of getting into trouble thanks to his connection with her, but he does not respect this way of life.

♏ + ♐: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNIONlove affair Sagittarius and Scorpio are often based on passion. These people either did not have time to get to know each other properly, or deliberately ignore the obvious difference in characters and habits. In any case, this period will not last long.

Scorpio is possessive, so he treats easily accessible women without interest or respect. He will regard the sociability and coquetry of a Sagittarius girl as promiscuity. He will not be able to accept it, and his beloved will not want to change. Seeing how angry a guy is with her behavior, a representative of a fire sign can deliberately provoke him to jealousy, either in order to defend her right to freedom, or out of a desire to see his reaction. In any case, the idea is not only bad, but also dangerous. Scorpio will not allow anyone to get on their nerves, so they will simply end this relationship.

♏ + ♐: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Scorpio man treats creating a family with all responsibility. Before choosing the girl he loves, he gets to know her well, so as not to be disappointed later. If his bride turns out to be a Sagittarius girl, there are two options: either he is so in love that he does not notice anything around him, or there is a calculation on his part.

Home comfort is important for Scorpio family values and family ties. His wife spends free time with friends and girlfriends, considers everyday chores to be boring, communicates a lot with men, despite her husband’s disapproval. The Scorpio man does not believe that an adult woman can be changed, but her behavior infuriates him. If the spouses begin to quarrel, the series of conflicts will be protracted and are unlikely to end in a truce. If each of them lives his own life, then there are no quarrels, but there is also no spiritual closeness.

IN intimate life compatibility is very weak. Both are passionate, active and emotional, but in completely different ways. The husband is more sincere about intimacy with his wife, he loves to create a romantic atmosphere, and pays great attention to foreplay. The Sagittarius woman is spontaneous, sexual desire can overtake her anywhere, she loves extreme sports. The Scorpio man sees nothing but vulgarity in this. Marital unions of such couples, based on passion, fall apart almost immediately after the wedding.

♏ + ♐: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- These people are treated differently. There cannot be a trusting relationship between a Scorpio guy and a Sagittarius girl. While they are young, the representative of the fire sign considers the Scorpio lifestyle boring, and he does not understand her love for unjustified risks and the search for adventure. As they grow older, these people only move further away from each other. Scorpio perceives Sagittarius as a girl who has forever remained in adolescence, and she, feeling antipathy, tries to avoid any contact with Scorpio.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Astrology has clear answers to all questions. Choosing friends is no exception. Let's try to choose true friends based on the stars.

Aries. This sign gets along with Sagittarius and Leo. However, the friendship will last long if one of the signs is the follower and the other the leader. Aries will develop friendly relations with Gemini. They are united by a thirst for exploits and adventure. Friendly relationships can develop with Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. And Aries will not have friendly relations with Taurus, Virgo and Cancer, since these relationships will be destroyed by mutual claims and different interests.

Calf. The friends of this Zodiac Sign will be Capricorn, Virgo and another Taurus. They have a similar frequency of bioenergy, thanks to this they develop both strong friendships and lasting business relationship. Relationships with Cancer and Pisces can develop into true friendship over time. Adventure and courage await Taurus with Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra, but such relationships will not be strong and as a result there will be many reasons for serious quarrels. Taurus' plans will not be supported by Scorpios, Aquarius and Leos.

Twins.Leos, Libra, Aquarius, as well as other Geminis will be excellent friends for them. All these signs have a common quality - restlessness, so they will not be bored with each other. Warm but short-lived relationships will develop between Gemini and Sagittarius and Scorpio. Tired of each other, they will however disperse peacefully. Eternal showdowns and scandals await this sign with Pisces, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo.

Cancer. For him, Scorpios, Virgos, Pisces and Taurus will be his best friends. With their own kind, that is, Cancers, there will only be quarrels ending in reconciliation. A strong friendship can begin with Leo, but disagreements will arise out of jealousy towards a friend or friend of your significant other. Common interests can bring Cancer closer to Capricorn and Sagittarius. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius and Aries are not a match at all for Cancer.

A lion. Friendship awaits Leo with Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini. Friendly relationships with Capricorns and Pisces. In the name of a great goal, Leo can be friends with Scorpio, but Scorpio can become bored with friendship with Leo. Then he will bite the king of beasts, and Leo will not be able to forgive this. Leo's sworn enemies are Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius.

Virgo.It is easiest for this Zodiac Sign to build a friendship with Taurus, since they are on the same wavelength and will not conflict over trifles. Virgo will develop strong friendships with Scorpio and Capricorn. But this relationship will not stand the test of time and will fizzle out. Virgo has a soul kinship with Cancer and with another Virgo, however, for each other they will be more like psychotherapists than friends. Open struggle is possible for Virgo with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Leo.

Scales. Libra's bosom friends are Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini and Aries. They have similar goals and worldviews, and this is the basis of a harmonious relationship that is unlikely to be destroyed by conflicts and minor troubles. Friendships can also arise with Libra, Aquarius and Cancer, but most often these are friendships in school or student years, which has a certain framework and atmosphere. Libra will have an even relationship with Capricorns. Libra will be suppressed and humiliated by Virgos, Pisces and Taurus, who do not like the independence and love of freedom of Libra.

Scorpion. Friendships with Capricorn, Virgo and Cancer will develop immediately, since these signs have similar temperaments and principles of thinking. A strong friendship, but not immediately, will arise between Scorpio and Pisces, who are ready to follow a leader who is confident and strong. Common hobbies and interests will lead to strong friendships between Scorpio and Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, but this friendship will soon end. Scorpio will never be able to make friends with Sagittarius, Taurus and Aries, because they will share power and openly quarrel with each other.

Sagittarius. A strong friendship will develop with Aries and Leo. Real adventures await Sagittarius with another Sagittarius. The Sagittarius and Aquarius couple are adventurers who fool everyone, benefiting from these actions. A good relationship, but without strong friendship they will form with Libra and Cancer. Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces will tire Sagittarius, and Scorpios and Virgos will drive Sagittarius crazy.

Capricorn.Pisces, Virgo and Taurus will be good friends for this sign, since they are suitable for each other in almost everything. Such friendship can develop into family relationships. Skirmishes and quick reconciliations await Capricorn with Aquarius and Scorpio. Most likely, friendship will not work out with Aries, Gemini and Libra, because this is very different signs by it's nature. Friendship with Cancer and another Capricorn will turn into a routine. This will lead to a break. Capricorn should stay away from Leo and Sagittarius, as these signs will introduce vanity and chaos into a measured life.

Aquarius. Aquarius will develop strong friendships with Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini, as these signs remain faithful to each other. The friendship of Aquarius with Virgo, Cancer and Taurus will be dreary and dull. Capricorns and Sagittarius are also not attractive as friends. And being friends with Leo, Pisces and other Aquarius is simply prohibited.

Fish. Great friends for Pisces will be Capricorns, Scorpios, Cancers and Taurus. Friendly relationships will be very sincere, since these signs feel each other on an energetic level. In terms of friendly relations, Pisces may not succeed with Libra, Aries and Gemini. They are destined to be only good friends. True friendship It won’t work with Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius. This sign will not last long with other Pisces, with whom there will be no big scandals, but they both need not a pleasant interlocutor, but a leader.

Zodiac neighbors - Sagittarius and Scorpio. Their compatibility is quite high, but

provided that both are working on the relationship. Both signs demonstrate two extremes in relationships. Scorpios take everything very seriously, while Sagittarius are quite flighty.

Sagittarius in love

If we talk about these “neighbors,” the situation is extremely ambiguous. You need to understand that the compatibility of a Sagittarius girl and a Scorpio guy is very conditional. This man will never give his soul to someone who does not fall into the category of his ideals: a wonderful housewife, an excellent lover, He craves perfection! The Sagittarius woman is frank and independent. Love comes knocking for her only after friendship, when she has already gotten to know the person deeply enough. He is attracted by the strength and integrity of his personality, but admiration fades when a man begins to make too many claims and demands. Finding a compromise will be very difficult: Scorpio is too proud and secretive, and Sagittarius is ready to talk about anything, beat around the bush, but not discuss the problem. And if a freedom-loving girl feels restricted and

Lack of attention, the relationship will be doomed.

Emotionally, these signs can be quite close, but when it comes to the bedroom... Sagittarius is seduced by the passion of Scorpio, and the latter, being in fact a very passionate nature, is offended if the partner agrees to only one night and refuses to extend intimate relationships. The Fire representative responds with playfulness, he looks for ways to satisfy his partner's passion, but in the end he remains disappointed: they desire a more powerful and even dominant partner.

Sagittarius and Scorpio, friendship compatibility

Indeed, this is the very area in which the signs will find complete mutual understanding with each other. Friendship is built on reasonable commitment and the absence of any demands on each other. So they can become good friends, but this relationship will also take time to become truly strong. The Sagittarius-Scorpio zodiac in this aspect is determined by the patience of both. Scorpio becomes less secretive, gradually revealing his soul, and Sagittarius learns to think before speaking, thereby controlling his words and not offending his comrade. It is possible to say that the friendship has become real and strong only when the distrustful Scorpio is finally able to tell all his secrets without fear of being misunderstood.

Here they are, representatives of the elements of Fire and Water, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Compatible in different areas life, like many signs, is determined for the most part personal characteristics and can lead to very strong relationships. The differences between them can be a good complement to each other. And when such a magical feeling as love arises, the main thing is not to frighten it away, then it will become truly indestructible.

The horoscope of this couple speaks of great opportunities. However, the love compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpio is at risk due to the contradictory leadership position. But this does not mean that the signs have received a sentence, and they are not destined to be together. On the contrary, their relationships are enriched with a colossal amount of energy and drive, and often turn out to be very productive and successful.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man

The story of the relationship between a Sagittarius girl and a Scorpio guy is a story about a carefree butterfly who fell into the web of an insidious and cunning spider. Scorpios have a particularly reverent attitude towards sex. They are interested precisely in the physical side, romance and poems under the moon - this is not about them.

The Sagittarius woman attracts Scorpios with her beauty and vibrant sexuality. But here they are faced with embarrassment. Intuitively, the girl reads the emotional heaviness of the Scorpio man and begins to avoid him. To conquer it, you have to wage a long siege.

And here Scorpio comes across - it is impossible to resist the charm of Sagittarius. Now sex alone is not enough for him. Unnoticed, the heart is completely captured by fragile but tenacious fingers, and the hunter turns into prey.

Thus, these signs can play with each other endlessly. This is the beauty of their uneasy union.

They manipulate, strategize, gather armies and strike back. In a word, their love is not boring. Moreover, Scorpio shares Sagittarius’ penchant for adventure and travel.

In family matters, the signs have harmony, as far as possible in this case. They are equal partners and prefer to be friends, and sort things out with the help of behind-the-scenes games. Therefore, they always have wealth in their home, their children are well-educated and well-groomed, and the careers of both are steadily rising.

What difficulties may arise and how to avoid them?

Sagittarius and Scorpio are looking for slightly different things in love. The Sagittarius girl, according to the horoscope, has an irrepressibly romantic nature. She needs delight, flowers and compliments. And the partner sincerely does not understand why all this. He simply doesn't pay attention to "that kind of nonsense."

True, this does not always happen. Proper education can teach Scorpio the necessary signs of attention. And if he understands that with the help of cute gifts you can click on the right points...

In marriage, it is important for signs to agree on leadership at the very beginning. Scorpios are very powerful men.

At the level of reflexes, they achieve complete submission from their wife, but this does not work with Sagittarius.

The same games and manipulations can save the situation, when a woman in some situations pretends that she is submissive, and the man does not seem to notice her willfulness. It is important that the signs are generally unanimous. Then there will be much less reasons for conflicts in marriage.

In love relationships, difficulties sometimes arise in intimate life due to differences in zodiac sexual temperaments. The Scorpio man is a more passionate sign than his companion. A tender attitude and romance will help strengthen the love compatibility and ardor of the Sagittarius woman.

Relationship between Scorpio woman and Sagittarius man

Here astrologers do not have a common opinion. Some argue that the compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpio in this version is much higher, others believe that there are much more problems. Probably, it all depends on the desire of the signs to be together. Then everything will be fine in marriage and in love relationships.

The Scorpio girl easily gets along with Sagittarians of the opposite sex. They feel good and have fun together. Leadership problems are easily solved: Scorpio rules the house, and Sagittarius determines the life strategy.

A charismatic wife becomes a reliable support for a slightly flighty and addicted husband. Together they make a great family team.

In the marriage of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman, friendship and trust reign.

An intellectually developed husband, however, appreciates his wife’s wisdom and does not hesitate to consult with her.

Financially, the couple is usually successful. Perhaps Sagittarius would squander some of his earnings, but a strict and demanding wife awaits him at home. She will not let you down, and the money will always be allocated correctly.

What can prevent you from building a successful union?

The couple has countless difficulties. But there are enough resources to overcome them. It is difficult for them to coexist in the same space due to the same leadership positions. Therefore, these two first fight, and then wear a mask all their lives to maintain good relations.

They have to change a lot and give in to each other. What would seem impossible in other zodiac combinations is normal here. The Scorpio woman calmly submits, and the Sagittarius man exchanges freedom for family peace.

But this couple will not have a simple life. At first glance, they are very similar, but differ significantly in the depth of perception and attitude towards the same things. However, this also benefits them. The Scorpio wife also comes out to people through her easy-to-communicate husband. She learns to make connections and finds a taste for social life.

But Scorpios do not know how to properly express their dissatisfaction. Especially women.

They accumulate grievances for a long time, and then break out into a huge scandal. Sagittarius is shocked by this.

Thus, the horoscope predicts a rather interesting life together for the Sagittarius-Scorpio couple. Filled with intrigue, games, manipulation and struggle for leadership, she nevertheless has a good chance of compatibility in a love relationship.

  • a shared love of adventure and adventure;
  • an equally strong desire for achievement and success;
  • friendship and mutual understanding;
  • characters of equal strength.

Can interfere:

  • struggle for leadership;
  • refusal to make concessions;
  • difference in sexual temperaments.

Compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius in friendship can be good, because they complement each other. If Scorpio is open and constant, then Sagittarius, on the contrary, loves change and is happy to change. Impulsiveness in friendship can lead friends into a dead end, from which only the two of them will have to get out, and not alone.

Scorpio Man and Sagittarius Woman

These people have different attitudes towards friendship between men and women. There cannot be a trusting relationship between a Scorpio guy and a Sagittarius girl. While they are young, the representative of the fire sign considers the Scorpio lifestyle boring, and he does not understand her love for unjustified risks and the search for adventure. As they grow older, these people only move further away from each other. Scorpio perceives Sagittarius as a girl who has forever remained in adolescence, and she, feeling antipathy, tries to avoid any contact with Scorpio.

But it is the difficult moments in friendship that will help make it stronger. If Scorpio decides to make friends with Sagittarius, he will not regret it at all. After all, he has every chance to find not only a lot of impressions, but also new friends. The main thing is that there is no loss of mutual respect between them.

This Zodiac combination is not very promising in terms of joint friendship. Sagittarius and Scorpio are too different to become friends. They often avoid each other and even dislike each other. Scorpios do not like it when people try to dictate something to them; they do not tolerate Sagittarius’ penchant for pathos and their tactlessness. Sagittarians are dissatisfied with the isolation of Scorpios, often seeing them as secretive hypocrites.