“She is his compass, he is her starting point. For many years they have loved each other and looked in the same direction, from now on - towards the Elysee Palace.

They believe in their star, they charm, and their 24-year age difference is intriguing..."

This is an annotation to the book “Macrons” by French journalists Caroline Derrien And Candice Nedelec​, which is dedicated to the winner of the first round presidential elections in France Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget. This unusual alliance is attracting more attention around the world than the new president's election platform.

On the stage of "Providence"

A romantic love story began 24 years ago in Amiens, small town in the north of France. Emmanuel Macron was at that time a 15-year-old student at the Jesuit lyceum with the self-explanatory name “Providence”. His parents, doctors, invested a lot in his education, and with his academic success he shows brilliant promise. Macron is the star of the class.

Brigitte Ozier (Bibi, as her family calls her) is an exemplary wife and mother of three children. She is 39 years old, she teaches French and Latin at Providence and, in order to somehow escape from the sweet but monotonous life of a provincial town, she runs a theater studio.

The paths of these two should not have intertwined. Contrary to the media version, she was not even his teacher.

“Mom, we have a crazy person in our class who seems to know everything and about everything...,” Bridget first heard about Macron from her daughter Laurence. Then there were other teachers who praised the super-capable student in every possible way. Madame Ozier became interested and invited Emmanuel to one of her productions. He agreed, although the first role - a garden scarecrow - was not very to his taste. And then something happened that turned their lives upside down. Hers - that's for sure.

They were discussing a new play to be staged. Bridget hesitated: there were too few roles for the theater troupe. “Madam, be more ambitious,” Macron urged the teacher. - If necessary, you and I will complete the play together! "She thought he was joking. But he wasn’t joking: the next day he stood on the threshold of her house. And so every day for two months. They worked a lot on the scenes, and Bridget was captivated by Macron’s intelligence and talent: “He was well read beyond his years, spoke with adults as equals and did not seem like a teenager at all.” Emmanuel also devoted himself to working together with youthful greed.

“We believed he was dating Laurens or Tifeng, one of her daughters,” the neighbors later recalled. “But then the girls had boyfriends, and it became clear that Macron was spending time with their mother!” »

“I will marry you! »

There was no romance then, as Bridget claims: “Yes, I felt that our relationship was moving from an intellectual connection to something more emotional. At some point, my heart told me: here he is, the man of my life. But his mind said that this was impossible, he was too young... There was nothing sinful in our relationship, we were afraid to talk about what was happening.”

After some time, Emmanuel could not stand it and was the first to confess his feelings to Bibi. Rumors about their romance grew more and more, her husband and his parents found out. One version says that it was they who insisted that their son go to finish his studies in Paris, away from his crazy love. Emmanuel initially resisted, then, succumbing to Bridget’s persuasion, he changed his mind. However, just before leaving, he couldn’t stand it, he came to his beloved and declared: “You won’t be able to get rid of me, I will come back and marry you!” “The separation was very difficult,” Bridget recalls. “We called each other all the time and talked for hours. For hours! Gradually he helped me overcome all my fears and doubts.”

When Emmanuel turned 18, Bridget divorced her husband, and the lovers began to live together. “How did people in Amiens feel about our history? - Bridget continues. - Badly. But no one told me openly. Only my brothers and sisters tried to dissuade me from this step. But at that moment I had already made my decision.”

Emmanuel Macron with his wife. Photo: Frame youtube.com

Life in Paris

After graduating from the prestigious Paris Lyceum, Macron entered the University of Paris X - Nanterre. After him, he studied at the Institute of Political Studies, while working as an assistant to the famous French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. In 2004, already with an eye on a career as a civil servant, he graduated from the National School of Administration and got a job as an inspector at the Ministry of Finance. Bridget was there and supported, but, according to her friends’ recollections, after difficult divorce Macron did not want to become an official wife with her husband. Emmanuel patiently and gradually, as at the very beginning of their romance, convinced her. It was important for him to show others the perseverance and strength of their love.

On October 20, 2007, at a respectable resort in northern France, in the city of Touquet, Emmanuel and Bridget, in the presence of relatives and friends, became husband and wife. At the wedding, he thanked the guests for accepting and loving their unusual couple for who they are. And he expressed special gratitude to Bridget’s children.

After this long-awaited event, Emmanuel Macron's career rapidly took off. In 2008, he was invited to work at the Rothschild bank, where he gained a reputation as a successful investment banker. In 2012, while a member Socialist Party, received an invitation to become a deputy Secretary General under President Hollande. And in August 2014, he became the youngest Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs in the country’s history.

Three children and seven grandchildren

At the beginning of 2016, Macron left his post as minister. And a few months later, at a meeting with like-minded people, he announced the creation of his own movement “Forward!” Bridget sat in the front row at this meeting and looked at her husband, who confidently held the attention of the audience of thousands. Macron owes much of his success to his wife. Bridget directs his performances and attends with him business meetings. At a rally in Paris this spring, Macron admitted: “She helped me become who I am.”

A couple of them even after 10 years happy marriage continue to be tested for strength. Either they will start a rumor that Emmanuel has a non-traditional sexual orientation, or they will attack him with questions about the impossibility of having his own children. Macron answers all these challenges openly. He stated that he does not lead a double life and spends all his days and nights with his beloved Bridget. What about children? “Yes, it was our choice: not to have a child together,” says Macron. “But the fact that I don’t have biological children does not stop me from loving and caring for Bridget’s three children and seven grandchildren. This is my family".

There are legends about Emmanuel Macron, the French Ministry of Finance: he is handsome, smart, married, and most importantly, he has every chance of becoming the next President of the Republic. We talk about how the sexiest French politician won over his audience, why he babysits other people's grandchildren on weekends, and, most importantly, why, having a whole fan club at his side, he still married his school teacher.

The French are passionate about all kinds of gossip, especially gossip at the political level. Just remember the current President Francois Hollande, whom at first the whole country greeted with delight, a little later became disappointed, and after a while the whole people, led by journalists, were discussing the ill-fated trip of the head of state on a moped to his mistress, as well as his awkward costumes.

Yes, the French are eager to talk. At the end of 2015, France was shocked by a new scandal, the main characters of which were Finance Minister Emmanuel Macron and his wife Bridget. Emmanuel Macron attracts public attention for several reasons. Firstly, the Frenchman became almost the youngest politician in the history of France recent years, who was able to rise to a high position: Emmanuel was only 36 when he took the place of Minister of Finance. And secondly, he is incredibly handsome - tall, stately, smart and, unlike Hollande, disarmingly charming. “He is young, handsome and talented,” the French media write enthusiastically about Macron, calling him either an “alien” or a “prodigy.” In short, the Ministry of Finance has that set of qualities that no self-respecting woman, no matter what age, can resist. By the way, it’s all about age - the main reason for gossip was the difference with his wife (Bridget is almost a quarter of a century older than her husband) and Monsieur Macron’s unexpected desire to become the next president of the republic. The Ministry of Finance even created its own party - such rapidity is discouraging, just as it confuses the transparency of the PR campaign, which nevertheless works!

It must be said that the story of the marriage began a long time ago, it’s just that the Macron couple were in the shadows for some time, trying not to advertise the details of their personal life, and now Madame Macron unexpectedly decided to reveal the whole truth to the world. The French, of course, realized that such frankness was not without reason, but they still fell for the hook and have been selflessly discussing the strange couple for several weeks now. They discuss and... for the most part - admire.

Agree, with such tenacity you can move mountains, what about Hollande, who has lost popularity... While her husband is enthusiastically building his political career, (Macron started with philosophy and working in a bank, and then unexpectedly, apparently as a reward for perseverance, ended up in the Elysee Palace ) Madame Macron does not strive for power at all and continues to do the same thing as before - she teaches at a religious school, albeit in Paris. The happy lovers do not have their own children, which is understandable - giving birth at Bridget’s age is risky, but Mr. Macron happily babysits his wife’s grandchildren and quite sincerely considers them his own too. Emmanuel also found a common language with Bridget's three children from his first marriage - after all, they are the same age, so the whole family (with the exception of Madame Macron's first husband, who was once abandoned) has a great time, constantly goes to the countryside for picnics and is not at all embarrassed by some of their non-standardism .

And since the end of 2015, Mr. Macron has somehow become too much in both newspapers and magazines. Touching photographs of the Ministry of Finance tenderly holding his wife’s hand, even more touching photos of the Ministry of Finance bottle-feeding his grandchildren (although he is not obliged, not him...). The wife of the Ministry of Finance gives a detailed interview to the most popular weekly magazine Paris Match - and everything is only about her husband, about what a wonderful person he is. And when a certain young lady tried to take him away from Bridget, the Ministry of Finance pointedly sued her for harassment. “I love my wife,” he said then in front of journalists, and the entire female audience answered him “Ah!” It was then that it became obvious to others, including Hollande: Mr. Macron was aiming to become the next president of France. Why not? The French are somewhat tired of politicians who seem to be more busy with their personal lives than with the country, but here he looks like an exemplary family man and a tough nut to crack. At a minimum, he won over the female part of the electorate without any problems.

Further - more, in April 2016, Macron also had his own party, and on November 16 last year he voiced out loud what was already obvious to everyone: the former Ministry of Finance is running in the presidential elections as an independent centrist candidate. Few doubted that the charming and cunning Emmanuel Macron had every chance of winning the presidential election in 2017. The results of the vote on May 7, 2017 are just the logical finale of a brilliant plan to conquer the Republic. Congratulations, Mr. President-Elect!

The evening after the elections, May 7, 2017: Brigitte Macron emotionally kisses the hand of her triumphant husband.

The election race in France is coming to a close - the second and final stage of the presidential election will be held here on May 7. Presidential candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen are practicing their eloquence, and Internet users and the French media are discussing perhaps the most mysterious couple that may appear in the country as the “number one tandem.” He fell in love with her at the age of 15, she is 24 years older and she is his school teacher. The teenager's parents were against this connection, but... these two are still together. It would seem, what does politics have to do with it? And despite the fact that our heroes are the possible future president of the country, 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron, and his 64-year-old wife. HELLO.RU collected 10 interesting facts about five minutes to the first lady of France, Brigitte Tronier.

Brigitte was born on April 13, 1953 in the small town of Amiens in northern France in the family of the famous chocolatier Jean Trogneux. Confectionery factory, founded in 1872, is famous for its cookies - the business still brings the family an income of 4 million euros a year. The family is large, Bridget was the sixth and youngest child.
Brigitte Tronier (center) while working at the school where Macron studied

Bridget did not want to continue her father's work and became a teacher French and Latin. Brigitte Tronier

At the age of 21, on June 22, 1974, Bridget married banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently gave birth to three children: son Sebastian and daughters Laurence and Tiffany.

In 1993, 39-year-old Bridget worked as a teacher and led a theater group in private school La providence in her native Amiens, where 15-year-old schoolboy Emmanuel Macron fell in love with her. He confessed his feelings to her at the end school year. As Bridget herself told the Daily Mail years later, Emmanuel was special:

I never considered him my student. Emmanuel was not like his peers.
Emmanuel during his studies

According to the book by the French writer Anne Feld “The Ideal Young Man” (“Un jeune homme si parfait”), Emmanuel’s father Jean-Michel Macron forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. Since then, Macron was two hours away from Bridget, but love, as they say, is not subject to either time or distance - for several years, Emmanuel and Bridget communicated through letters. In 2007, Bridget filed for divorce from her first husband and came to Macron in Paris, where they got married. Bridget's daughters Laurence and Tiffany were at the wedding. Laurence had known Emmanuel for a long time; according to some information, they former classmates.
Bridget with her daughters
Emmanuel and Bridget during a rehearsal for a school play

Currently, Bridget is a happy grandmother. The heirs have already given her 7 grandchildren, whom Emmanuel Macron looks after as his own children. According to Heavy, youngest daughter Bridget, 30-year-old Tiffany, works as a lawyer for Macron's campaign.

Bridget dedicated herself political career husband, she often helps him compose speeches for his political speeches. However, Bridget herself has no intention of becoming a politician. According to Madame Tronier, she just wants to “be close.”

Emmanuel is called "the dream of French women" - he is young for a politician and very handsome. However, it is not only his appearance that attracts voters, but also political program- he proposes to reduce taxes, fight unemployment, invest in education and strengthen security in the country. His wife Bridget is not far behind in terms of attractiveness - at least, the French magazine Paris Match called her a “style icon”, a tanned blonde with a fit figure, whose age only adds piquancy to her.
Emmanuel sings the French anthem

Brigitte and Emmanuel on the cover of Paris Match

Emmanuel and Bridget do not have children together. In an interview with BMFTV, Emmanuel admitted that he and his wife decided not to have children together.

“I don’t need biological children and grandchildren,” he said.

Madame Tronier follows fashion and loves branded items. She is a big fan of two major French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton. Such habits are understandable: Bridget grew up in a wealthy family, and her current husband is a successful banker and politician who is always happy to give his beloved “cute little things.”

Who is she, the new first lady of France? 64-year-old Brigitte Tronier is older than her husband, elected president Emannuel Macron, for 25 years. They say that this is a woman with a strong character who has a great influence on her husband. Perhaps a woman won the French elections after all...

Brigitte Tronier. Photo: Benoit Tessier/Reuters

What is known about the wife of the new French president? She was 40 and he was 15 when they met. Brigitte Trognier led a theater group at the Catholic school where Emannuel Macron studied. In his senior year, he said that he would definitely marry Brigitte when he made a career, and he kept his promise. The love story of the elected President of the Fifth Republic and his wife is somewhat romanticized, but true. Now he is 39, and she is 64 years old. What is she like, the First Lady of France?

Andrey Zhvirblis Business FM columnist who worked in France for many years“That she was his teacher is not entirely true. They met at the theater courses where she taught, although she herself is a teacher of French and Latin. But she was not directly a teacher in Emmanuel Macron’s class, that is, there is some kind of theatrical story here, but their romance as such began a year later. This became known very quickly and, of course, became a huge scandal. Firstly, her husband, with whom she lived for 20 years and with whom she gave birth to three children, left her. Secondly, Macron’s family was completely shocked, and he was hastily sent from the city of Amiens to Paris to finish his studies at the Lyceum of Henry IV. She is truly rated as a good psychologist and coach. Maybe it is so. But, in any case, all these insinuations about the fact that this is some kind of fictitious marriage, and in general it is very strange, it is absolutely untrue. Well, there was this love story, and there was this whirlwind romance when she came to see him in Paris. Her parents were famous chocolatiers in the city of Amiens, and the funny thing is that they were famous for the production of these pastries, which are called macarons. You can laugh at Macron-macaron, but in any case, it was a shock. This, of course, went beyond the bounds of decency in such a generally decent family. She herself is a teacher, not in a public school. She taught at a private Catholic Jesuit college. Macron also studied at a Catholic college, that is, these families are quite traditional, and suddenly such a turn. You can imagine what would happen, for example, in the USA. She would probably just be put in prison. And this story dragged on for quite a long time, until 2006, when Brigitte’s husband gave her a divorce, and soon, a year later, they got married in 2007. Macron himself was already an inspector of finance at that time, that is, although he was already a young, but quite an accomplished man. Now in France there may be a first lady because this phrase was used. But when we say “first lady”, what do we see first? Jacqueline Kennedy is such an image of representation for us, that is, this is a certain woman who takes on quite an active political role, being not in the shadow of her husband, but with him in harmony and somehow engaged in political life and social life. Perhaps this is so, given that Macron generally has a very American style for this campaign. The first performance before the general public also had such signs of a show. At first he performed himself, but then Brigitte came out, they kissed, and then the whole family came out. A lot of people came out, I don’t know, several dozen people. Brigitte herself, I must say, has three grown-up children and seven grandchildren, and a host of other relatives. All the relatives came on stage. And together they sang La Marseillaise, so perhaps in the future she will play the role of just such a first lady in a somewhat American, mediatic style.”

Unequal marriage is perceived in two ways in French society. Opinions are divided - some are on the side of Brigitte Macron, others are categorically against her.

Anna Labruer resident of Paris“I would say 50/50. There are those who simply hate this character, and there are those who, on the contrary, are proud that french woman much older than her husband, tries to be in shape, fashionable. There are people who very much condemn this and do not believe in this marriage, in their love. Some people say that Macron is gay. Brigitte - enough Strong woman, which has a great influence on Emmanuel. I know that she wears luxury brands. LVMH sponsors her entire wardrobe. She is now also a style icon. He is very close friends with Bernard Arnault's daughter. This CEO LVMH. This is a large group of luxury brands, which includes Louis Vuitton, Dior and many other brands. Somehow they don’t even mention that she is from a fairly wealthy bourgeois family. Probably due to the fact that Emmanuel Macron is originally a socialist.”

People who have worked with Macron say Brigitte is one of the few people he trusts. Alexis Kohler, who headed Macron’s cabinet when he was economics minister, recalls her influence on her husband: “Brigitte attended business meetings with him. This is a woman who is involved in her husband’s life.” When Macron was asked about his wife’s presence at one of the meetings, he replied: “Her opinion is important to me.” Brigitte, in turn, calls herself the “leader of the fan club” of Macron.

According to the head of state, his wife Brigitte loves him for who he is.

Let us note that Brigitte Macron has been one of the most discussed personalities in France since Emmanuel Macron assumed the post of president of the country. At the same time, the first lady evokes very contradictory feelings among citizens. In particular, Brigitte's revealing outfits often become the subject of discussion.

Brigitte Macron is not like everyone else! And her outfits are appropriate - bright and eye-catching. The First Lady does not look her age at all, and there is nothing to say about her behavior - she is light and impetuous, like a young girl. One can only envy Macron; not every wife is so filled with energy that infects everyone around her!

Macron admitted that he really appreciates his wife because he is important to her, and not that tall man social status which he occupies. “We've been together for decades. It is very important for me. She is my support,” the president admitted in an interview with CNN.

Macron also emphasized that over the many years of living together, he had actually merged with Brigitte into a single whole. “She is part of me,” the head of state admitted.

At 64, Bridget Macron dresses much more boldly than first ladies from other countries. So, she is not at all afraid to show off her slender legs and knees. On the contrary, judging by the latest appearances of the “atypical first lady,” she is even proud of them and rightly so!

Also French leader emphasized that it is very important for him to have a soul mate. “It’s important to have someone at home who tells you the truth. Because access to the truth is a serious challenge,” Macron said.

Note that 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron has been married to 64-year-old Brigitte since 2007. The large age difference between the spouses immediately became the main topic of discussion in the media after Macron assumed the presidency. In addition, the attention of journalists was attracted by the piquant fact that Brigitte was school teacher future husband.

The couple first met when the first lady was 39 years old, and Macron was only 15 years old. However, then there could be no question of a sexual relationship between the couple, despite the fact that the future president was hopelessly in love with his teacher.

The wife loves to surprise her husband and others. Perhaps this is the secret of their happy marriage. Thus, recently French President Emmanuel Macron flew to Austria for a three-day working visit. Of course, as in most cases, he was accompanied by his wife. And so she gets off the plane and it turns out... that for a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern and his wife Eveline Steinberger-Kern, the 64-year-old French woman chose a short red dress with a zipper from Louis Vuitton.

And it fits the first lady amazingly, perfectly emphasizing her chiseled figure and thin waist. By the way. This is the style of dress that Bridget likes most; she has several other similar models in her wardrobe, unfortunately, in softer pastel shades.

The second first lady, Evelyn, who by the way is 19 years younger than Bridget, wore a modest outfit in black shades. Which, as you yourself have already noticed, was undoubtedly inferior to the bright dress of the “atypical first lady.” Brigitte Macron's fans agreed - she looks confident in a bright red outfit. What do you think? Share your opinion in the comments.