Vasilisa Volodina is a person known to anyone who has a TV at home. One of the hosts of the “Let's Get Married” program, the author of best-selling books, she is, first and foremost, a professional astrologer. Therefore, Vasilisa is involved in the program as a “star specialist” and also writes books on this topic. Vasilisa Volodina’s husband, Sergei, is the director of his wife. But first things first.

The biography of the future TV star began in 1974 in Moscow. After birth, Vasilisa was given a different name, but the presenter carefully hides which one. Already from childhood, the girl became interested in reading, and her parents wondered why she was so smart? A little later, the girl became interested in the stars and how they can influence life path person. This interest grew into an occupation to which Vasilisa Volodina is devoted to this day. Making personal recommendations based on stars and numbers is Volodina’s favorite job.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband – photo

Until the age of 20, Vasilisa did not pay attention to men. According to her, there were always a lot of fans around her, however, she chose only one, and Vasilisa Volodina is still happy with her husband. His name is Sergei Volodin.

Vasilisa Volodina and her then-future husband met under very intriguing circumstances. They were unwittingly “brought together” by a mutual acquaintance. He asked to make an astrological forecast for his friend, a certain Sergei. While Vasilisa was doing this, she drew attention to the incredible compatibility of her own horoscope and Sergei’s horoscope. Later, a mutual acquaintance invited Sergei and Vasilisa to a party. The young people could not even think when they went to the holiday that they were going towards fate.

Seeing Sergei for the first time (and at that moment she did not imagine that in front of her was the same Sergei for whom she had drawn up the “star alignment”), Vasilisa thought in passing that she would marry such a person. And so it happened. Three years later, Sergei and Vasilisa tied the knot, without, however, arranging a magnificent celebration.

Even then, in the 90s, Vasilisa was actively involved in astrological practice, and she had more than enough work. Later, after coming to television (and Volodina got into the “Let’s Get Married” program after going through an extensive casting), her work became too busy, and Vasilisa Volodina and her husband decided that Sergei would quit his job and begin managing his wife’s affairs, organizing family business. Before this, Vasilisa’s husband worked in logistics. This measure helped optimize Vasilisa Volodina’s schedule, making it more rational and effective.

Personal life for spouses has never been on the sidelines. Vasilisa herself is a very prominent woman, an interesting blonde, pleasant to talk to. A photo of Vasilisa Volodina’s husband shows that her husband is a match for her: Sergei’s courageous but soft facial features make him look a little like British actor Ralph Fiennes, and the couple looks great. According to Vasilisa Volodina, her husband never reproached her for anything in her life, although there was reason for it. And for this she is very grateful to her husband.

The astrologer and her husband have two. Eldest daughter her name is Victoria, she will turn 18 in August 2019. The girl is surprisingly similar to her mother, except that Vika is a little larger and taller. Youngest child, son, name is Vyacheslav, he appeared in the life of the family at the beginning of 2015, now Slava is already 4 years old.

Vasilisa Volodina’s husband and children are happy to live together, as one family, and this is evidenced by numerous photographs that the astrologer regularly publishes on his Instagram. The smiles never leave the faces of the people depicted on them, members of Vasilisa’s family, which means they are doing well.

Perhaps interesting: Husband of Larisa Guzeeva, Husband of Rosa Syabitova.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries. In order to get an appointment with her, you should be patient, because queues form several months in advance. Hosting Volodina's TV program Let's Get Married created her reputation as an expert who knows how to give good advice during transmission or using social networks. An open soul and constant help to TV viewers is what Vasilisa Volodina gives people free of charge.

Our article will tell you further about how Vasilisa Volodina developed, her biography, the personal life of a celebrity, and how old the TV presenter is now.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina: from childhood to the present

Vasilisa Volodina’s date of birth is April 16, 1974. The nationality of the astrologer is Russian, the girl was born in Moscow.

The name we all know is a pseudonym for a media personality, which, according to her, suits her based on astrological forecasts. Vasilisa is silent about what the celebrity’s real name is, but the most acceptable option is Oksana. Maiden name astrologer - Naumov.

Brief celebrity summary.

  • Age – 42 years.
  • Zodiac sign – Aries.
  • Sign eastern horoscope- Tiger.
  • Weight – 56 kg.
  • Height – 170 cm.

The girl was brought up under strict discipline: this was facilitated by her father’s military education. From an early age, Vasilisa developed such qualities as hard work, diligence, and decency.

While studying at school, the child studied music and attended various clubs. Thanks to her upbringing, Vasilisa achieved great success in her studies. In addition, the girl managed to help her mother with household chores.

Parents raised Vasilisa’s personality with high moral principles, which became the basis for the rigid working pace of life of the future astrologer. The passion for astrology began to appear in school years : the girl constantly watched paranormal programs, absorbing all the information she heard. As Vasilisa herself says, she could devote entire evenings to observing the stars through her father’s binoculars. Even though she didn’t find a UFO there, she remembered the location of the stars.

An ardent passion for astrology led to reading the first specialized books. They influenced the young astrologer so much that the knowledge about the ability of stars to predict the future was formed clearly and forever. She began learning palmistry back in adolescence, when the girl first saw her future fame and popularity in the palm of her hand.

Graduating from school with honors brought the girl to the Academy of Management named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where she studied economics. The qualities instilled by her parents molded Vasilisa into a diligent student, but she understood that with a diploma in economics and cybernetics she was not on her way. Because in free time she gained knowledge about unknown astrology. The acquired information gave the student the opportunity to conduct consultations for ordinary people, and then for businessmen. The relevance of astrology in the early 90s was increased.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000

Formation of professional activity of an astrologer

Vasilisa Vladimirovna achieved success in astrology at the beginning of 2000. No matter how strange it may sound, her naive youthful predictions began to come true. Thanks to the accurate business horoscopes compiled, the Moscow elite accepted her into their circle, which made the girl popular.

Since 2006, Vasilisa has worked with the following programs on Russian television:

  • « Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina";
  • "Capital";
  • "Let's get married".

The latest TV show brought Vasilisa popularity throughout the country. According to many TV viewers, Vasilisa is the most charming host of the program.

Meeting my husband. Family

Vasilisa Volodina and her husband met back in the dashing 90s. Then a friend came to an as yet unknown astrological expert with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his colleague. The unknown colleague turned out to be Sergei Volodin. It was then that she first learned about the incredible compatibility of their souls, but did not attach any importance to it. As fate would have it, the meeting of future lovers happened by chance at a party. The feelings flared up spontaneously and have not subsided to this day.

After living for several years in civil marriage, the couple gave birth to their first child, Victoria. After the birth of their daughter (2001), the lovers decided to get married without fuss and unnecessary social events. Vasilisa’s official husband left his own career as a logistician for her sake, taking up the task of drawing up his wife’s business schedule.

Vasilisa decided to give birth to her second child only after thorough study my own horoscope, where I clearly saw the appearance of my son at the age of 40. And, as expected, it was at this time that Vasilisa Volodina’s son was born. The baby's birthday was on January 3, 2015. The parents' choice fell on the name Vyacheslav.

Children in the life of an astrologer did not interfere with the development of a leading career. So, she was on maternity leave for some time, and appeared on television again in 2015.

According to Volodina, the quick return was influenced by the desire to help and answer letters from viewers.

Media life is not the only area of ​​Vasilisa’s development. The leading astrological expert also publishes books and articles. Its famous publications are:

  • “Astrology of Seduction,” which provides recommendations for women who want to attract the attention of men;
  • “Love astrological forecast for 2015”, where any zodiac sign can find a private forecast and learn about all the necessary astrological information.

Vasilisa Volodina tries to help all people, doing this in different forms. So, you can find her personal blog, where she gives advice regarding all areas of life. Popularity of the site in Once again proves the sincerity and purity of the presenter’s soul. With the help of stars, Vasilisa solves not only the problems of her family, which she openly shares with fans, but also answers the troubling questions of Russians.

We hope that the personality of Vasilisa Volodina, the biography of the TV presenter became for you interesting information. And, if you have any questions, and you know for sure that she can help you, why not try your luck and try to make an appointment with her.

Popularity always comes with increased attention from people around you. Professional astronomer Vasilisa Volodina is no exception. Some facts of her biography are available to everyone, but the TV presenter prefers to remain silent about certain moments of her life. For example, no one knows her real name for sure. But most of all, fans are interested in the question of how old Vasilisa Volodina is and how her personal life is shaping up.

The famous astronomer was born in 1974 in the month of April. How old is Vasilisa Volodina now is not difficult to calculate. This year the charming astronomer celebrated her 40th birthday. The TV presenter admits that she has had a passion for astrology and esotericism since childhood. Like many girls, at school she was fond of fortune telling with cards. But unlike her peers, Vasilisa dreamed of connecting her future life with astrology. And she managed to make her dream come true. Vasilisa graduated from school with excellent marks and immediately entered 2 universities: the Moscow Academy of Management and the Academy of Astrology. A few years later, the woman became the owner of two diplomas at once. Now she could work as an economist and astronomer. In 1992, astronomer Vasilisa Volodina began her professional career.

Purposeful Aries

Vasilisa Volodina’s date of birth is 04/16/1974, therefore, her zodiac symbol is Aries. As is clear, Aries are characterized by determination, assertiveness, energy, activity, and optimism. Probably, thanks to all the qualities listed above, the talented woman was able to make a successful career in a few years, becoming a real professional in her field. In addition, astronomer Vasilisa Volodina was born in the year of the Tiger (according to eastern calendar). Tiger people are distinguished by perseverance, hard work, insight, and enthusiasm. It is safe to say that in Vasilisa all these properties were fully manifested, allowing her to reach professional heights. Purposefulness, perseverance, and enthusiasm help to achieve colossal success. Vasilisa Volodina shows this by her example. A photo of the charming astronomer is presented below.

Vasilisa does not hide her huge income

How many years did it take Vasilisa Volodina to become a highly paid astronomer? A little. A few years after receiving her diploma, Vasilisa began drawing up personal horoscopes, receiving a decent reward for them. Volodina began her professional activity in 1992. Her 22 years of experience in the field of astrology is respectable. The astronomer gained the greatest popularity thanks to the programs “Let's Get Married” and “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina.” Vasilisa admits that she gets a decent wages in the TV program “Let's Get Married.” But the astronomer’s main income comes from personal consultations and drawing up personal horoscopes. A consultation with Volodina costs about 1,000 euros. In addition to making personal forecasts, Vasilisa is engaged in business consulting. The astronomer admits that he takes his work very seriously. professional activity and does not allow negligence in work.

Mystical story of marriage

Her fans are interested not only in the question of how old Vasilisa Volodina is. Many people want to know the details of her personal life. The moment Vasilisa met her future husband can truly be called mystical. The woman researched the fate of her future husband “in absentia.” The whole point is that Volodina’s acquaintance asked him to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei. Vasilisa readily agreed. And then a friend invited her to his birthday, where the astronomer met her client. From that day on, Vasilisa and Sergei did not part.

Vasilisa’s work takes a lot of effort and time, especially filming the television program “Let’s Get Married.” For this reason, the astronomer began to devote less time to her family. But Vasilisa’s husband decided to support his wife. He quit his main job and became director of Volodina. Now Vasilisa and Sergey are not only loving spouses, but also successful business partners.

Faithful wife and zealous mother

In life, Vasilisa is a cheerful and peace-loving person. Despite her crazy fame and popularity, she manages to combine the role of a wonderful mother, a good housewife, loving wife. Vasilisa has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she is “hopelessly married,” but is very happy in her marriage. Now the Volodins are not only happy spouses, but also business partners. The astronomer’s husband works in his wife’s company, manages her finances, and Vasilisa herself takes part in television programs, makes forecasts and conducts personal consultations. At home, the spouses also support each other. Vasilisa admits that only she is involved in culinary matters, and her husband and daughter help in cleaning the house. The name of Vasilisa Volodin has become a kind of brand and property mark. The contribution of a professional astronomer to the field of esotericism is very significant.

Vasilisa Volodina is an astrologer, astropsychologist, palmist, TV presenter of the First Channel program “Let’s Get Married.”

Astropsychologist Vasilisa Volodina, or Oksana Vladimirovna Naumova - this is the real name of this popular woman - was born in the capital in April 1974.

As a teenager, Oksana began to become interested in the mysterious world of esotericism, card fortune telling and palmistry. Later came an interest in astrology. Dad Vladimir Naumov was a military man. One day, the daughter took her father’s binoculars and looked at the sky for the first time. This happened on the balcony of a family apartment in Odintsovo.

Since then, the starry sky began to interest Vasilisa Volodina more than anything else. At first, the girl looked out for UFOs in the sky (in the 80s they started talking about aliens). The curious schoolgirl never saw the humanoids on the “plate,” but she studied the location and names of the stars.

Then a number of books on astrology fell into the hands of Vasilisa Volodina, which revealed a lot of interesting things to the girl.

After graduating from school, Volodina went to receive higher education. Vasilisa entered a prestigious university in the capital, choosing the Faculty of Economics. But Vasilisa did not like the prospect of becoming a cybernetic economist. The girl entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology, where she studied with a popular Russian specialist in this industry.

Astrology and television

Vasilisa Volodina began making her first forecasts at the age of 20. At first, the girl’s clients were friends and classmates. But after receiving a diploma from the Academy of Astrology, the circle of those interested expanded: Volodina began helping businessmen.

Vasilisa compiled personal cards for them with astrological forecasts, which were in great demand, because the percentage of their accuracy turned out to be high. Vasilisa Volodina becomes a recognizable figure and a popular person among the capital's elite.

It is believed that Vasilisa Volodina’s biography as an astrologer began in 1992. Since this year, the girl has been officially working as an astropsychologist. For consultation and for forecasts, contact Vasilisa, as one of the best specialists in this area, a line of people with big names is lining up. Among Volodina’s visitors are millionaire businessmen, stars Russian show business and cinema, politics.

In 2006, Vasilisa Volodina was invited to television. The astrologer becomes the TV presenter of the popular program “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina,” which airs on the “Capital” channel.

After 2 years, the popular astrologer and palm reader was invited to Channel One as a co-host of the show program “Let’s Get Married.” Vasilisa Volodina acts as an expert, predicting the compatibility of couples based on zodiac signs and star charts. The program, which, in addition to Volodina, is hosted by and, becomes more exciting.

Every day a participant is invited to the show, who must choose a mate from three applicants. Brides and grooms traditionally attend the ceremony, accompanied by relatives or friends. The main TV presenter is Larisa Guzeeva, the matchmaker is Roza Syabitova, and Vasilisa Volodina needs to correctly draw up a map of the compatibility of the heroes and look at the potential union from the point of view of the stars. Since 2008, the program has been broadcast on weekdays in prime time, as its ratings, as well as the popularity of TV presenters, are at high level.

After appearing on this TV show, Vasilisa Volodina woke up famous throughout the country, since the program’s audience was multimillion-dollar.

In 2012, Vasilisa Volodina became a participant and creator of the film series “Zodiac Signs,” which was broadcast on the TNT channel. The astrologer has 40 publications to his name, among which Volodina’s most popular book was “The Astrology of Seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of Relationships”, released in 2012. At the “Electronic Letter” second-hand book competition, this publication became a laureate in the “Discovery of the Year” category.

Later, Vasilisa Volodina published two series of 12 books - “Love Forecast 2014” and “Love Forecast 2015”. In 2016, the release of the collections “ Moon calendar. Diary" and "Change your destiny. Coloring book for adults."

Personal life

The astrologer compiled a star astro chart for her future husband Sergei Volodin back in the 90s. A friend approached the girl, then Oksana Naumova, and asked him to write a personal note for his friend. astrological forecast. Even then, the woman was struck by how similar the compiled map was to her personal one. It was a perfect match.

But Naumova and Volodin did not meet immediately, but after some time. It was a chance meeting at a friendly party. Since then, the young people have been together. For her creative pseudonym, Oksana-Vasilisa took her husband’s surname.

In 2001, Sergei and Vasilisa had a daughter, Victoria. Only then did the couple go to the nearest registry office and quietly sign their names. Since that time, the couple have lived and worked in a strong union. Sergei Volodin, who worked as a logistician, began to draw up his wife’s work schedule, becoming the director of the joint venture.

At the beginning of 2015, the couple had a son, Vyacheslav, whose appearance the astrologer also foresaw and calculated, calculating the time of birth from the stars.

Vasilisa Volodina’s personal life turned out happily, according to the astrologer, largely thanks to the stars and profession.

Vasilisa Volodina now

Vasilisa Volodina regularly conducts individual consultations, compiles horoscopes for each zodiac sign, as well as astrological forecasts by date of birth. To work with clients, the astrologer has a personal website where the features of the services are described in detail.

Now the number of individual and corporate consultations by Volodina reaches seven thousand. Vasilisa is sure that the use of astrological charts helps in making important decisions. The reliability of Volodina’s forecasts is high, so Vasilisa’s clients become regular over time.

For each month, the astrologer gives recommendations in accordance with the movements of the planets. So, in December 2017, Volodina did not advise starting new businesses, since the position of Mercury was not conducive to this. In 2018, Vasilisa Volodina predicted special luck for four zodiac signs - Aries, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

The name of Vasilisa Volodina is often abused by scammers. On behalf of the astrologer, red threads, telephone subscriptions, and coins that bring good luck have already been sold. The astrologer complains that, as a rule, older, gullible people fall for such deception and often give their last savings to the scammers.


  • 2006 – “Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina”
  • 2008 – “Let's get married”
  • 2012 – “Zodiac Signs”

Vasilisa Volodina is a professional astrologer, famous consultant, television presenter, born in Moscow, born on April 16, 1974.

It was her original profession that brought her fame, thanks to which she appeared on television. But first things first.

Childhood and nationality

Few people know that the name Vasilisa was not given to the girl at birth. She chose him deliberately later. Either for protection from energy attacks, or because it seemed more euphonious to her, one way or another, Vasilisa carefully hides her real name from the general public.

Vasilisa also does not talk about the details of her biography. From the little that persistent journalists managed to learn, we can only say with certainty that her parents had nothing to do with esotericism and did not possess supernatural abilities. Her grandparents did not pass on their magical talents to her, and a strange passion for the girl came as if on its own in adolescence.

In childhood

Vasilisa did not immediately begin to study astrology. Like many girls at this age, she was fond of fortune telling with cards and tried to predict the future for herself and her friends. After some time, Vasilisa unexpectedly discovered that most of her predictions were coming true. It was at this moment that the girl realized that there really were ways to look into the unknown and began to look for her way.

Since she had always been a diligent student, she also decided to approach the acquisition of esoteric knowledge systematically. Fortunately, she was lucky with her parents. While not sharing their daughter’s passion for the occult, they at the same time did not interfere with her. They reacted only with slight irony to the appearance of esoteric literature in the house.

By the way, books on esotericism were very difficult to find in those years. Vasilisa literally had to collect the information she was interested in bit by bit. But she found the new activity all the more exciting. Over the course of several years, she learned everything she could about horoscopes and tried many methods of fortune telling. different types cards, learned to make predictions using the lines of the hand.

But astrology aroused her greatest interest literally from the first acquaintance. Perhaps partly because the girl always liked exact sciences. Mysterious world The starry sky enchanted, beckoned and revealed new secrets every day. And precise mathematical formulas, which then seemed magical to the girl, lifted the curtain of the past and future.

Becoming an astrologer

When the time came to choose a profession, Vasilisa decided not to shock her parents and went to receive a rather prestigious diploma in economics at that time. Since Vasilisa never had problems with mathematics, studying was easy for her and she had enough time for her favorite pastime.

Moreover, having learned about her hobby, friends and acquaintances increasingly began to turn to her with a request to tell fortunes or predict important life events.

Usually Vasilisa did not refuse, because this allowed her to hone her skills and open up new facets of astrology. Over time, she realized that this is what she wanted to devote her life to, since the new hobby allowed her to fully reveal both her math skills, and successfully develop your intuition, while helping people.

By the way, economic education helped her not only in organizing own business as an astrologer-consultant, but also gave impetus to a new direction in activity. She was one of the first in Moscow to very successfully start astrological business consulting. As a rule, the forecasts came true and consulting fees began to rise.

Press and television

By this time, many new printed publications had appeared in Moscow, and horoscopes had become very popular. Editors of newspapers and magazines began to approach Vasilisa, who had become famous in certain circles, with requests to compile horoscopes for them. Naturally, such cooperation brought her both additional profit and even greater popularity.

In 2006, Volodina appeared on television for the first time. At the invitation of the Stolitsa TV channel, she tries herself as the host of a series of author's astrological programs“Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina”, in which she told the audience about the origins of astrology and revealed some of the secrets of the starry sky.

The debut was successful, and her television career soon continued. In 2008, Channel One invited her as a co-host of the talk show “Let's Get Married” along with the already famous Larisa Guzeeva. The duo worked well together, and the program quickly gained ratings. And Vasilisa Volodina became the darling of the whole country.

In this program, Vasilisa advised the participants and gave astrological advice to TV viewers. By the way, it was this experience that gave her the idea of ​​writing the book “Astrology of Seduction,” which was published in 2012 and immediately became a bestseller. The basis for writing the book was the questions and problems of the participants that she encountered during the filming of the TV show.

Currently, in addition to participating as a host in the talk show “Let’s Get Married,” Vasilisa Volodina conducts various seminars on astrology, gives astrological consultations, makes astrological forecasts for clients, and writes books and articles on the same topic.

Husband and children of Vasilisa Volodina

My privacy Volodina also carefully protects her from prying eyes. It is only known that her husband’s name is Sergei, and her acquaintance with him was also partly due to her profession.

With husband and daughter

It’s safe to say that here, too, Vasilisa’s predictions came true and the couple live happily to this day, raising two magnificent children - a girl and a boy, whom Volodina gave birth to in 2014.

By the way, it was pregnancy that became the reason for her leaving “Let’s Get Married,” and not other reasons that the yellow press gossiped about.

After the birth of her son, who was named Vyacheslav, Vasilisa again continued in the talk show “Let's Get Married” as a presenter. Work schedule Volodina schedules everything down to the minute - after all, her husband Sergei, who is listed as her director, helps her with this. He draws up a schedule so that Vasilisa’s life includes not only a career, but also enough time for her family.

By the way, in one of the programs, Vasilisa admitted that she met her husband thanks to astrology. One day, an acquaintance asked me to make an astrological forecast for another friend of his, whom Vasilisa had never met.

Having made a forecast for the future for a stranger, Vasilisa was very surprised at how much this forecast had in common with points of intersection with her own forecast, which she made for herself. Much later, Vasilisa and Sergei were brought together by fate itself, and since then they have been going through life together.

Vasilisa never regretted her choice, because according to her, they never quarrel. The Volodin couple is considered one of the strongest in Russian show business.