Would you like me to tell you a fairy tale? In adult life miracles happen so rarely. The older you get, the less often. Over time, you get used to a series of monotonous days and are surprised at little or truly, like a child, experience delight.

So, on one of these ordinary days they appeared in my life. Little horses - pink, purple, with wings, without them, with multi-colored manes, tails and kind eyes. Pony from the My series little pony. They come from the magical country of Equestria. Equestria is inhabited by small ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and various magical creatures. In addition, there are several cities in the country. The main setting of the series is Ponyville, which you can visit by going to the website http://ponylove.ru. But besides Ponyville, some episodes will feature other, less popular cities.

The country is ruled by two sisters - princesses Celestia and Luna. Celestia controls the Sun, raising it into the sky in the morning, and the second controls the Moon at nightfall. Pegasus ponies cause snow, rain, control clouds. Even the change of seasons happens with the help of magic and enchantment!

About a magical land

There are many heroes living in the country, but the main creatures are still ponies. All ponies are divided into 4 types depending on their talents and magical abilities. By the way, you will be able to find out about your abilities when the horse reaches a certain age.

Then a sign will appear on her side, a special mark that will indicate what the pony will do, farming, like ordinary ponies, or controlling the weather in the country, like pegasus.

Unusual pony names are not always easy to remember - Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, Fluttershy. I saw these beauties in the animated series My little pony. Good cartoon.

Features of the cartoon

Bright colors, excellent dubbing, interesting plot of the episodes. At first we watched it with our children. At some point, my daughters wanted not only to observe the lives of their favorite characters from the outside, but also to actively participate in life.

Thankfully this is not a problem. The stores have a huge selection of toys from the *My Little Ponies* series, cosmetics, books, and coloring books. You can buy ponies individually, in a set with accessories, houses, castles, even with plasticine together! We haven’t yet reached the Internet!

But there are online games based on the popular animated series *Pony Friendship is a Miracle*. Games with fashionistas and smart ponies! If you want to know how they live, visit numerous online communities dedicated to the main characters of animation.

My daughters currently prefer toys and coloring books. The hobby began about 2 years ago, and now even dad knows the names of the ponies and the difference in magical properties. One of my favorite toys is interactive Pinkie Pie. We not only feed her with a spoon, we also use a bottle, which is also included in the set. There is also a whole album with stencils in the shape of horses - also a wonderful thing. In general, the children are delighted, mom is happy, dad approved. And Santa Claus always knows what to put under the tree for the New Year!

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her family"

Gavrilova Ella, 5 years old, student of TMT “Golden Key”, Buguruslan, Orenburg region
Supervisor: Krikunova Irina Gennadievna, teacher of additional education, MAUDO "TsRTDU" MO "city of Buguruslan"
Description of material: We bring to your attention a fairy tale about the pony Masa and her family, about how nice it is to give gifts made with your own hands. The fairy tale is presented in Russian and English (translation by the director); an adapted version of the fairy tale is offered for preschoolers using vocabulary familiar to them in the text. English versions of the fairy tale can be used in English classes with preschoolers and younger schoolchildren in lessons for developing reading skills. For the version for beginners, the following tasks are offered: 1) enter your name, answering the question “What is your name?” on English, 2) draw your family in a frame, 3) answer general questions about family (Have you got...? Do you have...?)
Target: maintaining motivation to master a foreign language.
Educational. Learn to think independently, activate the studied lexical and grammatical material in speech.
Developmental. Develop creativity, visual and motor memory.
Educational. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards family and friends, an interest in learning English.

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her family"

Once upon a time there was friendly family pony: mom, dad and their daughter Masya. Mom was very kind and cheerful, dad was also kind, and he was also smart and brave. Pretty Masya was very inquisitive and generous. One day they went on a journey to distant countries. They walked for a very long time and after a while they saw high mountain. The mountain was amazingly beautiful and shiny. Masya, while her parents were preparing a tent for the night, decided to climb to the top of the mountain alone. She wanted to find diamonds there. Masya was very fond of various decorations, and her mother’s birthday was approaching. Masya wanted to give her a gift; she dreamed of finding diamonds and making a beautiful necklace for her mother from them. On the way to the top, Masya noticed a cave. She entered the cave. There was a map in the cave. On the map it was written: “Whoever climbs to the top of this mountain will fall into hot water" Masya was already a pretty smart pony, so she decided to go down. She understood that climbing the mountain was dangerous. If something bad happens to her, mom and dad will be very worried and worried.
In a clearing not far from the tent, Masya saw beautiful flowers and decided to make a necklace from them. First she knitted a chain of meadow grass, and then tied several beautiful flowers to it. It turned out to be a wonderful gift.
When Masya gave her mother a necklace of flowers, her mother kissed her daughter, hugged her and thanked her for the wonderful gift. Mom was glad that Masya made such a beautiful necklace herself. Dad praised his daughter and gave mom a bouquet of daisies. The whole family was happy.

Questions for the fairy tale:

1. Did you like the fairy tale, children?
2. Tell us about your family. Have you ever traveled with your whole family? What were your impressions of the trip?

3. Did you give your parents birthday gifts? What did you give your mom? What did you give dad?
4. What gifts are nice to receive? Have you ever given homemade gifts?

Once upon a time there lived a friendly family. They were ponies, they were mother, father and their daughters called Masya. Mother was very kind and merry, father was kind, clever and brave. Pretty Masya was very curious and generous.
One day they decided to travel to faraway countries. They had been walking for a long time when suddenly they saw a high mountain. The mountain was amazingly beautiful. It was shining. It was brilliant.
Masya decided to climb up the mountain while her parents were fixing the tent. She wanted to find diamonds there. Masya liked different adornments. Moreover, her mother’s birthday was coming. Masya wanted to give her a birthday present, she dreamed of a beautiful hand-made diamond necklace for her Mum.
On her way to the top Masya noticed a cave. She entered the cave. There was a map in the cave. Masya read the following: “The one who climbs up the highest peak will fall into the hot boiling water.” Masya was quite a clever pony so she decided to follow the warning. She realized that it was dangerous to climb the mountain. “If I get in trouble, my mother and father will worry and I don’t want them to worry,” thought clever Masya.
Masya saw beautiful flowers on the glade not far from the tent, she decided to make a flower necklace for her mother. It could be a nice present.
When Masya gave mum the flower necklace, she kissed her daughter, hugged her and thanked her for a wonderful gift. Masya’s mother was glad that Masya made such a beautiful necklace herself. Dad praised his daughter and gave his wife a bouquet of chamomiles. All the family members were happy.

Fairy tale "Pony Masya and her Family"

Look! This is a pony.
- What’s your name, little pony?
- My name is Masya.
- And what is your name?
- My name is ________________. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, too. How are you?
- I’m fine, thanks.
- And how are you?
- I'm great! Thank you.
Look! These are Masya’s parents – her mother and father.
Draw your family.

Answer the questions:
1) Have you got a mother?
2) Have you got a father?
3) Have you got a sister?
4) Have you got a brother?

Pinkie Pie has always been a very dreamy pony. Her mother loved to read fairy tales to her, various stories about fantastic, wonderful countries, other worlds... The little girl really wanted to someday become the heroine of some fairy tale, to get into magical world and meet various magical creatures, but the foal’s dream was not destined to come true. The young pony received a mark, went to Ponyville, and found friends. Days, weeks, months, years passed... The pony party helped Princess Luna become herself and saved her from Nightmare Moon's obsession, together with her friends she returned to the palace, they defeated Discord, turning him into a statue again, and the dream remained remained just a dream.

A soft and quiet night fell on the Stone Farm, the darkness was slightly illuminated by the moon, which depicted a pony banished to it and the stars, which should, in very little time, by the standards of alicorns, release Nightmare Moon. It was July. Today was a particularly hot day, but the hardworking Pai family worked tirelessly. Everyone - both foals and adults - were very tired that day. Marble and Limston were already in bed, as was their father, but Cloudy Quartz was never so tired that she did not agree to read a bedtime story for her beloved youngest daughter.
It was quite cold in the small room belonging to the youngest pony in the family, but Igneus Rock had recently sold a cartload of stones and made enough money to provide the family with new warm blankets.
The old wooden door creaked open and a pale gray filly entered the room, holding a book in her hooves. This children's book with fairy tales was very old - Pinkamina's great-grandmother once gave this book to her grandmother, who gave it to her mother.
- Diana, what fairy tale should I read to you today? - Quartz asked her daughter in a gentle voice.
- Let's go to "Land of Sweets"!
-Are you sure? - asked the filly. - I’m reading it to you for the hundredth time.
- Come on, please! - she asked.
“Okay,” she opened the book and began to read...

The baby especially liked the fairy tale “Land of Sweets”, about how a little foal ends up in a land of cakes, cupcakes and candies, and then defeats the evil Lord Spoiled Chocolate by eating him and saving the country. The funniest thing was that Lord was a spoiled chocolate bar, but the foal still found it delicious. She dreamed of going to this country, but she had never met a cupcake with gold sprinkles that would have transported her there like the hero of a fairy tale... And now, she had already matured, and the dreams of a fairy-tale country did not leave her.
She so wanted to tell someone about this, but who would understand her? Everyone loved her and was friends with her, but to understand such a strange dream... They will probably think that she is "A pony who clings to stupid childhood dreams and does not part with childhood." Of course, she herself thought it was stupid, but still...
I really don’t want to part with a dream that has lived in my heart for many years. And let her be considered a little foal.

Soft and quiet night. The sight of her room in the Sugar Palace reminded Pie of the night when her mother told her this fairy tale. She frowned. It's time to forget this stupid story! With this thought, the curly-haired filly fell onto the bed and closed her blue eyes, immediately falling asleep.

Where am I? - said the pink pony, floating in empty space. A table appeared in front of her with a cupcake... With gold sprinkles? A thought appeared in my head that gave me hope. The dream made her approach this table, and then pounce on it, like Woody Will on his victim. Her world spun and spun, the pony closed her eyes.
Opening her blue eyes, she saw neither a table nor an empty space. Above her was a pink sky with cotton candy clouds floating across it. She was surrounded by huge cupcakes, cakes... Suddenly, her eyes widened. She experienced unprecedented amazement, joy and misunderstanding. My heart jumped out of my chest with joy. She rubbed her eyes, but the landscape, which had previously appeared only in her imagination, remained in place. Yes, she is in the Land of Sweets!
The Element of Laughter jumped up and laughed, not believing what was happening. Her dream, she's in her dream!
She ran down the waffle path and jumped onto a huge cupcake. Laughing again, the sweet tooth plunged her face into the cream. There was a lake of chocolate milk nearby. She laughed again, jumping towards the lake and looking at the reflection of her own cream-smeared face. She frowned sharply as her gaze fell on the dark chocolate palace. Lord Spoiled Chocolate lives in it. She had no idea how his abode moved from the mountain to the lake. She swam across the lake and entered the palace. There was no security, just like in the fairy tale. She simply walked up to his throne and ate him. Wondering how spoiled chocolate could taste good, she noticed how the palace suddenly disappeared. The whole world simply disappeared, and she, swallowing tears and not understanding anything, again found herself in empty space. She began to sob.
“Don’t cry, my little pony,” she turned around, saw Princess Luna and bowed.
- Princess... Did you create all this? Was it all just a dream?
“No, Pinkie Pie, no dream is ordinary, creating dreams is an art,” she said.
- It’s already difficult for me to restrain your dream, dear, know that I tried to make your dream come true
- But how did you know about her?
- I know every pony's dream, I can even read minds. I promise, Pinky, I'll make the world better for you every night.
- Thanks a lot! - the filly was ready to kiss her hooves.
- You're welcome, my little pony, because it's my job to make ponies' dreams come true. And now, see you tomorrow,” she smiled softly and disappeared, and the earth pony woke up...

One morning, incredible events began to happen in the Flower Pony Kingdom. Queen Alice woke up before anyone else. And as always, she rushed through the streets of her kingdom to turn the dew into magical flowers. After all, she had magical silver hooves. But after running several streets, she realized that the dew did not turn into flowers. What's happened? It turned out that her magic hooves were missing! Alice sat down in a clearing and was terribly upset: now there will be no flowers in her kingdom! And the ponies won't be flowery! Alice cried bitterly. Her tears rolled down her beautiful fur and onto the bracelet that fashionista Amelie gave Alice. The bracelet was also magical, so Amelie herself suddenly appeared next to her. - What happened, queen? - she asked worriedly. - Oh, Amelie! My magic hooves have disappeared. And now I will no longer be able to turn dew into beautiful flowers! - and Alice began to cry again. - What should I do? We can't do it on our own. We need to call all our girlfriends! And the ponies galloped to the bell in the main square of the kingdom. Having called it, they met their girlfriends. The ponies quickly ran to the square, because it’s not every day that the bell rings! Alice told her friends about her trouble. All the horses sat sad and upset. They were so upset that they didn’t know what to do. And a large menacing cloud hung over the kingdom. Iris was the first to wake up. She ran to her friends - butterflies and insects. All together they went in search of magical hooves: they looked for butterflies from above, and insects on the ground. Rosie also asked her grasshopper friends to go searching. Betty and Christy ran to the castle, and Iris, Rosie, Amelie and Muse ran away different sides. They all really wanted the missing person to be found faster and life in the kingdom to get better again. By evening, everyone returned to the square, tired. But no one found the hooves! The horses became even more upset, and the cloud became even blacker. “The morning is wiser than the evening,” the queen decided. And all the horses went home. But they could not sleep for a long time, tossed and turned for a long time and worried. And at night Muse had a rather strange magical dream. Now she knew exactly what to do. True, at first no one believed her, but she was able to convince them. Work is in full swing! All conditions had to be met, as in the Muse’s dream. Christy was supposed to go visit Alice and support her. Lily was supposed to bring Alice the prepared cake. Amelie should have prepared another one for Alice magic amulet in the form of a bow. But Rosie had the most difficult task - she needed a magic song! All the ponies happily ran off to do their errands. And the cloud over the city brightened. By evening, everyone, tired but happy, gathered at Alice's castle. Everyone sat down on the large royal carpet. On the street, despite the evening, it became much lighter. Lily baked a wonderful cake, and fidgety Christy helped her set the table. Amelie made a new amulet - a beautiful bow. It was Rosie's turn to sing a new song. And she sang: In the land of Flower Ponies Little horses live, They are always cheerful: They play and sing! They respect each other and help each other. They always have fun - Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! The pony really liked the song. They sang along and Betty started dancing. The cloud became even lighter. But no more magic happened. Everyone looked at Muse in surprise. “We have not fulfilled all the conditions,” she said solemnly. “Tell me quickly what else is needed,” cried the fidgety Christie. “We’re all ready,” the ponies answered in unison. And Muse continued to talk, all the horses listened to her attentively. And then they stood in a circle and grabbed each other’s hooves tightly. The cloud turned into a light cloud. “When we are together, we are invincible! Especially if they are loved by children!” - Muse cast a spell from her magical dream. It turned out that the most important thing was missing - in the collection of one girl Nastenka, one horse was missing - Queen Alice. And at that very moment, her mother gave her a new chocolate egg from the “Flower Ponies” collection. Who do you think she got? And then a miracle happened: out of nowhere, new silver hooves sparkled on Alice’s feet! How happy all the inhabitants of the kingdom were! And most of all Nastenka herself! After all, these were her favorite toys. It’s good when everything is good: both in the kingdom and in the family!

Teacher: Shapovalova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna

Comics May Little Pony №1

My Little Pony Comics - My Little Pony comics

Read My Little Pony comics online in Russian - My Little Pony comics in Russian

My Little Pony No. 1 My Little Pony No. 2 My Little Pony No. 3 My Little Pony No. 4 My Little Pony No. 5 My Little Pony No. 6 My Little Pony Comics #7 My Little Pony Comics #8

Little Pony Comics – My little pony comics

Welcome to Ponyville, home of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and all your other favorite Ponies! Something is not in the city itself though, as some of the residents act very, very strangely! It's up to Mane Six to find the source of the oddities before it's too late! Comics about My Little Pony.

The series so far consists of original stories set after the events of the show's second season, taking place before the final episode of the third season. For issue #13, the stories are set after Twilight's princess coronation. Read Little Pony comics in Russian.

Brief description of the episodes