Our Father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be it your name,
may your kingdom come,
Thy will be done
as in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;
and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos:

Rejoice, Virgin Mary,

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;

blessed are you among women

and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,

For you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Softening Evil Hearts.” Protects from ill-wishers.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God,
and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us
and resolve all the tightness of our soul.
Looking at Your holy image,
We are touched by your suffering and mercy for us
and we kiss your wounds,
We are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You.
Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate,
in our hardness of heart
and perish from the hard-heartedness of your neighbors.
You are truly the softening of evil hearts

Strong protective prayer to Jesus Christ from any evil

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with the holy angels and the prayer of our all-pure Lady Theotokos, by the power of your honorable and life-giving Cross, through the intercession of the heavenly forces of the disembodied honest prophet and Forerunner of the Lord John and all your saints, help us sinful, unworthy servants (name), deliver us from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, from evil crafty people. May they not be able to cause us any harm. Lord, by the power of Your Cross save us in the morning, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil impurities that act at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought or did, return their evil back to the underworld, for blessed are You forever and ever. Amen

Protective Prayer to Jesus Christ from evil people

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Spare my enemies and sorcerers, do not punish them with sorrowful pains. Protect me from the terrible words that are spoken by the lips. Save me from evil people, help me recover from grief. Protect my children from them. Let it be your will. Amen.

Protective Prayer to the Honest Cross

In prayer we express our faith that sign of the cross is the most powerful means of driving away demons, and we ask the Lord for spiritual help through the power of the Holy Cross. Mark yourself with a cross and say the Prayer:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Protective Prayer to Archangel Michael from dark forces

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, bright and formidable commander of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, and, moreover, strengthen me from mortal horror and from the embarrassment of the devil, and grant me the honor of unashamedly presenting myself to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but grant me there together with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, O Lord, Thy Archangel Michael to the aid of Thy servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies fighting me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust in the face of the wind. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, a quiet refuge in the desert and on the seas. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when You hear us, sinners, praying to You, calling on Your Holy name. Hasten to our aid and overcome all who oppose us with the power of Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord's prayers Holy Mother of God, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from eternity, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from the flattering enemy, from the reviled storm, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Holy Archangel of God Michael, with Your lightning sword, drive away from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen.

Protective prayer of the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, give me s peace of mind to meet everything that this day will give me. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your Holy will. Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me. Lord, whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will. Lord, Great, Merciful, guide my thoughts and feelings in all my deeds and words; in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You. Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting anyone or embarrassing anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the weariness of this day and all the events during it. Guide my will and teach me to pray and love everyone unfeignedly. Aimn.

Protective Prayer for the Driver

God, the All-Good and All-Merciful, protecting everyone with His mercy and love for mankind, I humbly pray to Thee, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save me, a sinner, and the people entrusted to me from sudden death and all misfortunes, and help me to deliver unharmed to each according to his needs. Dear God! Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, evil spirits drunkenness causing misfortune and sudden death without repentance, save me, Lord, with a clear conscience, to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed due to my negligence, and may Your Holy Name be glorified, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Protective prayer amulet

(carry in your inner pocket, or embroider on a handkerchief)

“I love and believe. I trust God, I entrust all protection!”

Psalm 90. Strong protective prayer in the face of danger

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will look at your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, step on an asp and a basilisk, and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

The psalmist David became famous among the people as an experienced warrior and leader. However, this aroused the envy of King Saul, who tried several times to destroy him. David had to go on the run, hiding from pursuit. Being far from his homeland, he was almost caught by the enemies who were looking for him. David turned to the Lord asking for help. A strong, quick, short prayer from evil people saved the psalmist from inevitable death. Nowadays, you can meet a dashing person everywhere: in line, on a minibus, at work, in a dark alley. Let's try to figure out what words are used to address the Creator to create a talisman against the machinations of enemies and scoundrels.

Effective and short prayers from evil people

It should be done with sincerity in the heart. Do not keep bitterness and hatred towards offenders in your soul. Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Before turning to the Lord for protection, it is advisable to confess to a priest and ask for his blessing. But since the need for a talisman arises constantly, it is necessary to repent of sins regularly so that prayers are pleasing to God. What holy words do they call upon the Creator?

  • Psalm 53, created by King David, preserves the very text that saved him from enemy misfortune. Read this prayer morning and evening, kneeling. The power of turning to the Creator is given by the kneeling position in front of the icons.
  • The prayer for softening evil hearts and for protection from the misfortunes of evil people is also short and no less effective. The text asks the Mother of God to protect a person from the hard-heartedness of others.
  • Read the appeal to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina. They became participants in an extraordinary miracle and the manifestation of the Lord’s power over people. In the 3rd century AD, the pagan Cyprian, who sold his soul to the Evil One in exchange for demonic power, at the request of one young man, seduced the Christian maiden Justina. However, she steadfastly resisted the evil forces with sincere prayer and fasting. The sorcerer sent pestilence and suffering to the city, but the Lord delivered the people from the actions of satanic forces. Many then believed in Christ. Cyprian burned the magic books and was baptized.

How to read prayers against evil machinations

When making a request to God for protection from dashing people, do not forget to pray not only for yourself, but also for your enemies. Pray to the Lord to send them humility and kindness in their hearts. Feel like your enemies. A strong, quick, short prayer from evil people and demonic machinations can save you from demonic obsessions and protect you from scandals and provocations.

We live in a very cruel world, where people are controlled by anger and envy. Many people deliberately destroy the happiness of others, so it is important to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from bad influences. A prayer will help you with this. bad people.

Human baseness and meanness, alas, are an unchanging part of life. And no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to avoid such individuals. Envious people destroy the lives of good people, filling them with lies, betrayal, and negativity. And then a protective prayer comes to the rescue from those who hate you and envy you. Prayer contains powerful energy that will protect you from the meanness of others.

Protective prayer to protect the family

Family is the most important thing in everyone's life. Of course, we all dream that the lives of our loved ones would be free of problems. But, unfortunately, our world is not ideal. Absolutely anyone can encounter the negativity of other people, because we lead an active life. We are constantly surrounded by people: on the street, at work, in stores.

Often even our friends envy us or our ill-wishers look askance at us. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself from negativity and bad people. If you begin to notice that your life loved one or even an entire family has changed dramatically, read a prayer that will protect your relatives from the influence of bad people.

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Save and preserve your servants (names) from human filth and dirty thoughts in the terrible hour. Heavenly Intercessor, Savior, help protect my family from evil and black envy. Drive away from the lives of my loved ones the evil that is sent by our enemies. Make it light life path for everyone for whom I pray, cleanse him from evil, illness, fear, melancholy and sadness. Forgive us our sins, grant us holy forgiveness. May your name be glorified. Thy will be done. Amen!".

Prayer-amulet from bad people

A prayer-amulet against ill-wishers and envious people gains power only when the person reading the prayer is filled with faith and love for the Almighty and is ready to forgive his enemies. The path to forgiveness is long and thorny, because first it is important to accept the fact that people are imperfect, forgive them and ask yourself the main questions:

  • Can I forgive?
  • How to overcome anger and obsessive thoughts?
  • How do I deal with offense and the people who have offended me?

Resentment is a rather complex concept, into which each person puts something of his own. Of course, there are also actions that are very difficult to forgive and understand. But the word of God teaches that you need to understand and forgive offenders, respond to evil with kindness and compassion, pray for fallen people and refrain from taking revenge in return. But it’s best to try to prevent this and read a prayer protecting you from the influence of bad people, which has the power to turn away other people’s envy and anger from you.

A prayer addressed to Elder Matrona will help you get rid of the influence of ill-wishers. The book of prayer will bring even more protection if you read it every day.

“Oh, blessed Matronushka. Protect the life of (name) from evil and defilement, so that my enemies will not be able to send damage or notice with an evil glance. Repel someone else's anger, which may inadvertently settle in me. Grant peace and salvation from bad people and pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of everyone who causes harm to others. Pray for me in God’s chambers, give me protection from other people’s interference and from evil intent. I trust in your holy help, I don’t wish harm on anyone. Amen!".

When reading a prayer for protection from bad people, it is important to remember that only the Lord has the power to give everyone what they deserve. Do not try to take revenge and succumb to the provocations of evil people. Know how to forgive your enemies and protect yourself from other people's interference. We wish you peace in your soul, take care of yourself and don’t forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2018 05:21

Sometimes we are afraid that enemies may interfere or harm us. But their interference in our...

In the fight against evil, envious people and ill-wishers, they will be excellent helpers orthodox prayers. With the support of Higher powers, you can protect yourself from any manifestation of negativity.

If you are having problems at work, you are tormented by doubts and uncertainty, turn to Heaven for support. Prayers will help you feel confident in your abilities and get rid of negativity from hostile people.

Prayer from ill-wishers at work

“Lord Almighty! Save and preserve Your sinful servant (name). Protect me from anger and envy, the envious people who torment me. Take away their anger and the power of unkind words from me. Help me, Lord, not to follow in their footsteps and protect me from the reciprocal anger that is arising in my soul. Forgive me, Lord, for my sins and punish my enemies justly. I forgive them according to Your will and according to Your unshakable covenants. Amen".

Prayer from enemies

"Jesus Christ! Keep my mind pure and my thoughts good. Help me cleanse myself of the filth sent by my enemies. I firmly believe in Your protection and God’s blessing. Do not be angry with my enemies, but do not leave their greedy actions unpunished. Amen".

Prayer for protection to the Guardian Angel

“Angel of God, my Guardian from birth to death, I pray to You, intercessor, protect me from all evil. Extinguish the negativity in your soul that controls me and violates my righteous life. Guide me, the servant of God (name), on the path of correction and deliver me from enemies and ill-wishers who are hungry for my troubles. Amen".

Prayer before the icon “The Queen of All”

“Most Pure Mother of God! Hear the prayers of God’s servant (name) and do not reject my sincere requests in your repentance. Look down on me and save me from evil intentions and from the negativity that haunts me. Queen of Heaven, I trust in You and Your protection. Save me, soften my heart, embittered against my enemies, and do not allow me to commit lynching through unseemly acts. Amen".

Prayer from evil people

"All-merciful mother of God! I trust in You, guardian and protector of the entire human race. Be merciful to me, a sinner (name),” and do not leave doubts and fears in the hour. Deliver, patroness, from evil selfishness directed at me, and add wisdom to my haters, extinguish their evil directed towards me. Amen".

Prayer to soften evil hearts

“Most Holy Mother of God! I turn to you for help. Soften human hearts filled with anger. Don’t let us, Mother, perish from your malice. May you forgive us our sins and self-will. We wash Your wounds with our tears and ask forgiveness for the sins of our ancestors. Amen".

Prayers are the most powerful amulet. The Almighty Lord helps everyone who sincerely repents of their unseemly actions and guides them on the true path leading to purification and enlightenment. Address your prayers to the Higher Powers, and you will definitely receive protection and support. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

19.06.2017 07:10

IN church calendar A special place is occupied by holidays associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ, and Candlemas...

Every Orthodox believer strives to live his life in righteousness, without sinful acts. But even the most...

Full collection and description: strong prayer from the protection of enemies for the spiritual life of a believer.

With this prayer, no enemies are afraid of you.

“Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on me. And grant me your protection. Protect Your servant (name) from all evil, visible and invisible, done and intended, conceived and imaginable.

Protect me, Guardian Angel, appointed to protect my damned soul and body. Protect me from evil words, deeds, looks, from enemies and ill-wishers. God bless me through good people. Amen"

Instant Prayer from Evil People

Don't be afraid of anyone now.

“I throw a scarf on the slaves (name) with a rotten mouth, on the slaves (name) a rotten tooth, on the slaves (name) an envious eye. May it be so forever and ever. Amen."

And pat yourself a little on the top of your head.

After such words, no evil people will be able to influence you and lead you astray.

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A powerful prayer that gives protection from enemies

Where to look for protection from enemies and evil tongues, like neither the Lord and His Great Army - Angels, Archangels and Saints. Only prayer given with zeal from evil people can crush the hardness of hearts and repel the demonic machinations. Orthodox Christians cry out on their knees to Archangel Michael, God's Archangel, for salvation from corruption, envious people and the softening of anger in human souls. And they cry to the Mother of God to soften the murmur of ill-wishers and give her mercy and grace. A prayer to the Mother of God for protection will return the poison to the one who started the enmity.

God's Army - protection from the devil's machinations

  • Archangel Michael is one of the four Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael), standing guard over the Throne of the Lord and the entire Universe created by him. The word “Mi ka el” literally translates as “Who is like God.” These four Archangels are also called the Lord’s army, for they had to fight with Satan himself in order to prevent him from becoming the ruler of humanity and not allowing the absolute evil of demonic omnipotence. They are formidable messengers of God, which is why they are called upon for protection from enemies and evil tongues.
  • Archangel – means “senior messenger”. Archangel Michael was entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining world order and protecting the peoples who accepted the Lord from satanic machinations - corruption, witchcraft, the black pestilence, the malice of human hearts that accepted the will of the devil.
  • The prayer from enemies, visible and invisible, offered to Archangel Michael is a prayer to him for salvation from the attacks of offenders, the slander of envious people, help in work and in relationships with people. The Holy Warrior of God will protect you from slander, gossip, discussions, from enemies and evil tongues, from witchcraft, magic and devilish plans.
  • Orthodox Christians offer protective prayers to Archangel Michael because, according to legend, Michael descended into the Underworld, accompanying Jesus in his difficult feat of liberating human hearts from the depths of hell. Christ entrusted liberated souls to the Archangel so that they could become purer and kinder, worthy of the grace of the Gardens of Eden.

It is very important to realize that when saying prayers from evil people, from enemies and evil tongues, you yourself need to maintain kindness in your soul and avoid bad thoughts. After all, the strongest and effective prayers from enemies are not able to protect you from demonic machinations and failures if you do not keep the purity of your own hearts. Only goodness gives birth to goodness and grace, and bad deeds cannot defeat the poison of anger.

Text of the prayer to Archangel Michael for intercession.

Have mercy on us sinners who require your intercession!

Save us, servants of God (list names), from all visible and invisible enemies,

Moreover, strengthen us from the horror of mortals and from the embarrassment of the devil

and vouchsafe us to appear shamelessly before our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment.

Oh, all-holy, great Michael the Archangel!

Do not despise us sinners who pray to you for your help and intercession in this century and the future,

but grant us there, together with you, to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Mother of God - protector and patroness

A strong, earnest prayer against evil, addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, will defeat all evil plans of the enemy, for no one can compare with Heavenly Patroness. Exalt your aspirations for protection to her, and your enemies will bite their evil tongues, ceasing to exude the poison of enmity. Her help will help you become invulnerable against visible and secret plans - damage, magical obsessions, envious people at work or the malice of enemy hearts.

When prayer to the Heavenly Patroness is necessary

A prayer from enemies addressed to the Mother of God is very strong protection giving confidence and peace of mind. Orthodox Christians have always respected the Heavenly Mother, for she has shown herself to be a loving savior of everyone oppressed and unjustly offended. She has come many times to the aid of those who demand Her great mercy and protection from gossip, envy, witchcraft and corruption.

  • Problems at work - gossip, intrigue, grievances, conspiracies.
  • Quarrels with neighbors and friends.
  • Manifestations of pagan witchcraft are damage sent by enemies, demons, brownies.
  • Manifestations of anger from loved ones.
  • Cruelty of spouses - unexpected outbursts of anger.
  • Very tense relationships with others - slander, manifestation of anger.

In this case, a prayer to the Heavenly Queen for protection from failures and manifestations of aggression can tame the evil of hearts and neutralize the one who is trying to harm you with the help of damage. When faced with troubles, do not become despondent and do not panic - the Lord will arrange everything, place your aspirations on His Saints and Heavenly Patrons.

Text of the prayer to the Mother of God for protection and salvation.

Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” - protection from human malice

"Semistrelnaya" is one of the very strong icons, taming human malice. The arrows in the hands of the Most Pure One are aimed against everyone who plans evil and cruel things. If you need protection from enemies and evil tongues that are perpetrating deceit and plotting intrigues against you, ask the Mother of God for protection. “Seven Shot” has the glory of counteracting all hard-heartedness and evil intent.

  • The icon should be placed so that it is facing the one who is intriguing or plotting evil against you. If there are troubles at work, then place the icon nearby so that its holy face confuses the attacker and confuses his plans and thoughts.
  • In the house, the “Seven Shot” is placed above the threshold, then the villain who enters will see it and will be afraid to do evil.
  • Prayer offered daily from evil people in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon will protect the house from the invasion of negative thoughts and witchcraft damage. The Holy Spirit will make the presence of any evil in your home intolerable.
  • In order to gain grace from the Mother of God, be sure to keep the lamp lit while offering prayers and on days of veneration of the Queen of Heaven.

She will see your sincere words and come to your aid, because she cannot kind heart Our Lady remains deaf to pleas for protection. Read the “Seven Shot” prayer every time you see a person you don’t like or someone you suspect of malicious intent.

Prayer to the Seven Arrows icon.

The Life-Giving Cross - protection from the boss’s anger

On the cross Jesus accepted his martyrdom, for it was His great duty and the command of the Most High. Christ did not dare to contradict his Heavenly Father; he understood the great plan of his fate - to suffer from enemies and evil tongues in order to heal humanity from vices and cleanse the earth from blatant sin.

In the same way, while enjoying the blessings of our existence, we have to endure a lot, including the hard-heartedness of our boss at work. Prayer from evil people, calling on the power of the Life-Giving Cross, is capable of breaking all hatred and deliberate malice.

  • Keep a holy image of the Life-Giving Cross at your workplace.
  • Read the prayer in every troubled moment - before communicating with an unpleasant person or after a quarrel.
  • Ask the Lord to reason with the hard-hearted person, granting him your forgiveness. Only in forgiveness will you find salvation from evil, for good begets good.
  • Also read Psalms 57, 72, 74. Their power will tame all wickedness and cruelty intended against you.

Text of the prayer to the Life-Giving Cross.

What is an unbreakable amulet against enemies. This amulet is a special kind of prayer.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel (This prayer is read in the evening, before going to bed). . Psalm 70 - instructs your enemies to come to their senses and stop doing all sorts of things to you.

Living prayers for troubles and quarrels at work. . Trust in him, placing the situation in his hands to pacify your enemies.

Conspiracies from enemies. We protect ourselves and our home. . Prayers. Amulets, amulets, talismans. Fortune telling.

Prayer from enemies

The Bible says that enemies come into our lives to do good. Just like illnesses, enemies point out to us mistakes, our own sins, and shortcomings. Only by looking closely without prejudice can you understand why enemies appeared in your life, because there is always the factor of your mistake.

You need to pray for your enemies, ask God to send them happiness, health, good luck - this is the best way to ask God for deliverance from them. However, besides this, there are prayers from enemies that will protect us when things take too steep a turn, and we can no longer cope with ill-wishers on our own, with the help of psychoanalysis.

Ways to protect yourself from enemies

The world is dangerous, grief and death can await us at every step, which is why people build high fences to protect themselves. We buy fighting dogs to scare away enemies, acquire a collection of weapons, knives, brass knuckles - and all this, just from the thought of an imaginary danger, theoretically always and everywhere possible.

But if we're talking about about Christians, God bequeathed to them a different “weapon.” First of all, protection from enemies is pectoral cross, which must not be removed under any circumstances. In addition, this is the sign of the cross. When leaving the house, you should cross yourself and read a prayer for protection from enemies.

Also a good protection is the daily consumption of holy water, and parents should make the sign of the cross each time they let their child out of the house unattended.

The most powerful weapon a Christian against evil, enemies, demons, damage, the evil eye - this is the 90th Psalm. It was written by blessed David, who saw how Hezekiah destroyed the army of the Assyrians with the help of only faith in God.

When danger knocks on the door...

But what to do if the moment when it would be enough to read a very strong prayer from your enemies, and you would survive, is missed, and the results of the demons’ activity are already obvious. In this case, you need to read a powerful prayer from enemies, which will neutralize their effect, even if damage, curses, and envy have already attacked your aura.

The power of this prayer is that no one should know about it. By reading it twice a day, you protect yourself and your loved ones with the strongest shield, and the only condition that higher powers set before you is to be anonymous.

This protective prayer from enemies belongs to Panthosius of Athos; it was they who said that its power lies in “secret action.”

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Also, there cannot but be a prayer that protects from enemies with an appeal to Archangel Michael. It is he who stands at the gates of heaven with a fiery sword, he carries the body of the deceased Mother of God to heaven, he knows the magic words with which heaven and earth were created. Archangel Michael commander, Grand Duke, warrior and conqueror of Satan himself.

Of course, they pray to him for salvation from enemies, because there is nothing more terrifying for the dark forces than his sword. Archangel Michael managed to lead an army faithful to the Lord, it consisted of angels. They cast Lucifer into the underworld along with his retinue - angels who turned away from God, who from now on began to be called devils.

Reading prayers over photographs

If you want prayer to work as quickly as possible, if you are in a dead end situation, if evil forces(namely, they, and not human enemies, harm us) take over your life, the protection process needs to be intensified. You will need a photo or photos of your enemies. If there are none, write a list with their names, but if you cannot identify your enemies, but you know that someone is weaving intrigues around you, you need to use the phrase: “God knows and sees all my enemies.”

Although your troubles are the work of devils, they affect and harm people through other people. This is why we need lists or photos, and this is why we need to pray for our enemies and ask God to deliver them from the devils.

Text of prayer for protection from enemies No. 1

“I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Prayer of Panthosius of Athos

Text for prayer with photo

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Prayer from the evil of enemies and damage - protect everything that is dear to you with God's help

Prayer against evil enemies and corruption is your reliable assistant in the fight against the forces of evil. A sincerely read prayer will definitely be heard by both the Lord and your patrons. They will definitely respond to the call of God’s servant (slave) and save them from enemies, malice, the unclean and the cursed.

Strong prayers from evil enemies and damage to the Mother of God

Prayers addressed to the Mother of God are very powerful. There is no need to think that you, like most people, do not lead the most righteous lifestyle. Even if you don’t always think about keeping the Christian commandments and may bend your heart, the Mother of God will have mercy and protect you from your enemies.

Many people feel uncertain when reading prayers. This often happens to those who did not even think about issues of faith until the need for protection from the Higher Powers arose. In this case, some believe that the appearance of enemies was a kind of impetus, indicating the importance of spiritual life. Don't be afraid of your insecurities, pray and your faith in yourself and God's help will get stronger.

Appeal to the icon “The Queen of All”

If you are often exposed to negative programs, buy the “The Queen of All” icon. Twice a day, morning and evening, say a simple but powerful text near the image of “The All-Tsaritsa,” begging the All-Tsaritsa to grant protection. By turning to her in prayer, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from enemies:

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our painful sigh before miraculous icon By Yours, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith!

Just as the Krilama bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever alive, have covered us with Your multi-healing homofbre. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, I appear with patience and weakness.

There, where the darkness of despair settles in souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine forth! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen!

Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the universal Physician, Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hands, filled with healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation to those in sorrow, and having soon received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer from evil people

If you or people dear to you have become victims of damage, then seek protection from Mother of God. If you turn to her every day with such a prayer, then soon the damage will be removed and the victim will recover.

At the time of the ritual, it is imperative to place an image of the Virgin Mary in front of the patient and give him a burning candle. Now say three times:

Oh, Mother of God, helper and protector of the human race, I pray to you, our savior. For I trust only in you and in grief I call on you. Be merciful and help the servant of God (name), have pity and deliver her from illness, troubles and grief. Accept my tearful prayers, calm and rejoice us, who love your Beginningless Son and our God. Amen.

At the end of the ritual, do not rush to put out the candle, but seek protection from the victim’s personal patron or read a prayer against the evil eye and damage in the text of the appeal to Jesus Christ. This will make the ritual more powerful and help get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

To soften evil hearts

If you feel that you have been damaged, and anger and hatred are tearing you apart, you become aggressive and constantly lash out at others living with you, pray to Our Lady for mitigation evil hearts:

Soften the evil hearts of men, O Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us and take away all sorrow in our souls. We pray to Your holy image, We are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows that torment You. Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate, perish from the cruelty of us and our loved ones. Grant softening to evil hearts. Amen.

This text must be pronounced in front of the corresponding icon for 9 days, three times a day. After this period, you will notice that negative impact has passed, and harmony reigns in your relationships with people again.

Prayers to God from evil and corruption

If you are strong and your faith is limitless, then not a single enemy can defeat you. If you want to increase your faith and gain Divine mercy, talk to God every time you feel that you are being attacked by enemies.

Do not try to take revenge on your enemies, do not take sin on your soul. Turn to the Lord with an open heart and he will protect you from adversity.

Prayer for salvation from negative influences

This text is read when it is necessary to protect someone close to you from the negative influence. The victim of influence should sit in front of you, and you, having christened him with a sacred sign, should whisper the text:

My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust! Deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the destructive plague. He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth. The terrors of the night will not frighten you, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that walks in the darkness, the plague that devastates at midnight. A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but they will not touch you. Only you will look with vigilant eyes and you will see retribution for sinners. For you said: “The Lord is my hope,” you have chosen the Most High as your refuge. No evil will happen to you and no plague will come close to your abode, for he commands his angels about you - to protect you in all your ways. They will carry you in their hands, and you will not dash your foot against a stone. If you step on the asp and the basilisk, you will trample the lion and the dragon. Because he loved me, I will deliver him, I will protect him, because he knew my name. He will call to me and I will hear him, I am with him in sorrow, I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days and show him my salvation.

Ceremony performed in the temple

To protect yourself from enemies, you should go to the temple. There, near each image of a saint, light a candle near all the icons and turn to God for help with these words:

Lord my God, be so merciful and forgive me, your servant (name), my sins. May you strengthen my spirit, may you enlighten my mind, may you strengthen my body. Grant health to my soul and body. For You are merciful and I trust in Your generosity. Amen.

This ritual is carried out for three months only on Sunday morning. After completing all the necessary rituals, you will become more confident and will be able to fight your enemies on your own.

A very strong conspiracy from enemies

This ritual will save you from numerous enemies and protect you from the evil eye. Before performing the ritual, you must fast for 3 days, after which every day at dawn, light a small church candle and say Psalm 58 seven times.

When you finish saying the text, let the candle burn out and you can go about your usual activities. Wait until evening. When all family members have gone to bed, sit in front of the window, light another candle and read Psalm 139 quietly.

The ceremony lasts for three days. He will help you regain your self-confidence and give you the will to fight difficulties, because now you will be under the protection of the Lord, and he will bless you for all good endeavors.

Prayer to Archangel Michael - protector from evil enemies and damage

One of the most powerful and powerful defenders of the human race is Archangel Michael. He is able to protect every Christian from damage, envy, evil, the evil eye, disease and any misfortunes.

If you want to be under the patronage of this most powerful Saint all the time, then turn to God with a request to assign a great protector to you. You can do this using simple text:

Wherever grace overshadows you from the Lord, Archangel Michael of God, evil spirits will be driven out from there. For your light cannot stand to see the fall from heaven. We pray to you, extinguish his fiery arrows moving towards us with your breath. Holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers, pray to God for me, the unfortunate one, that the Lord will reject from me all unclean thoughts that persistently torment the servant of God (name) and bring me to despair, wavering in faith and bodily torment. Great and mighty guardian, Archangel Michael, with a fiery sword repel the enemy of the human race and all his minions who want to destroy me, and stand motionless on guard over this dwelling, all those living in it and all its fortune. Amen.

If your prayers were sincere and your thoughts were pure, then you can be sure that God heard you and sent you for the protection of the Archangel. This prayer must be read for three days. The time of day does not matter, nor does the presence of the icon. And on the fourth day, in the morning, you should contact your protector every day:

Oh, Great Archangel Michael, save me, your sinful servant (name), deliver me, a sinner, from adversity, flood, fire, sword and flattering enemy, from storms, from invasion and from the evil one. Deliver me, your servant (name), great Archangel Michael, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This prayer not only removes existing negative programs. With its help you can protect yourself from damage, the evil eye, and the machinations of enemies. It is read in the morning, after waking up. You can write the text of the prayer on a piece of paper and carry it with you. Having an icon is not mandatory, but it is better to purchase one in the temple.

Nuances of reading protective prayers

Before you start reading one of the selected prayers for protection from evil, enemies and damage, be sure to retire. No family member should interfere with personal communication with God. Try to perform the rituals before dawn, or after sunset, when everyone has gone to bed.

You need to speak the words of the texts from the heart, put all your faith and hope into them that God and the saints will hear you. After all, only sincere prayer can create a real miracle.

It is advisable to place in front of you an icon with the image of the saint to whom you are addressing and light a candle. Be humble, pure and righteous.

Your sincere desire to help your family will definitely be heard, and the Mother of God will cover you with her cover, which will not give any dark force approach the people you care about.

Prayer can protect every person from evil and corruption. Your task is to pronounce these magic words with a pure heart and sacredly believe that higher powers will protect you. The stronger your faith, the less likely it is that enemies will be able to approach you.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas It is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.