Staffing table, or abbreviated as ШР, is a local regulatory act that determines the structure of the enterprise, its personnel composition and number. It is developed, as a rule, on the basis of the unified form T-3 (we provide a sample filling in this article). In the staffing table, in addition to the names of professions and positions, the size is indicated wages for each of them.

You can download the staffing table for 2019 below, but now let’s talk about what it is.

As already said, the staffing table form (2019) can be approved according to a standard unified form, but this does not mean that the employer is constrained by this form. The head of the enterprise can develop his own form and sample, understandable and convenient for him. If he does not want to do the development himself, he can entrust this to a responsible person, for example an accountant.

Sample staffing table for 2019, download

Please note that in the document in question in mandatory must be:

  • name of the unit;
  • job titles;
  • number of staff units;
  • salary size;
  • allowances, if they are provided for in the wage regulations.

It is impossible to hide any information in the ShR. If there is a unit, it must be indicated in the form. You can see a sample of filling out the staffing table for 2019 below.

Why do you need staffing in an organization?

This local regulatory act is necessary due to the fact that it:

  • makes it possible to clearly compare departments by the number of employees, their qualifications, and the level of their remuneration;
  • used in assessing the effectiveness of the existing enterprise structure;
  • useful for analyzing the workload of employees, assessing the amount of work they perform, clarifying and changing job descriptions;
  • necessary when interacting with inspection authorities. It is usually required to be provided by labor and tax inspectorates during inspections: absence can be considered a violation of labor and labor protection legislation, which entails the imposition of a fine, which, according to , is 1000-5000 rubles for an official and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles for an organization;
  • required to justify the dismissal of employees due to staff reduction in the event of a case being considered in court. Without it, it is difficult for the employer to prove the justification of dismissal and the lack of available vacancies for laid-off employees (obliges the employer to provide the laid-off employee with a suitable vacant position at the enterprise, if any).

Sample staffing table for 2019: prepared according to all the rules

Step 1. Fill out the header

Everything is standard: we indicate the full name of the organization in accordance with statutory documents. At the same stage, we indicate the period for which this document is being drawn up. The period is indicated either by a year, or they simply write that it applies from such and such a date, without specifying the terminal period.

Step 2. Specify staffing units

All names of professions and positions that exist in the company are entered here. Here they are subject to some kind of accounting and arrangement by divisions, if they exist, of course. Please note that if the profession involves the use professional standard or the position is indicated in the list that gives the right to early assignment of a pension, then in this document the name of the position or profession must be strictly identical to the professional standard or list.

Step 3. We register official salaries and allowances

We indicate the numbers. Please note that if you use only salaries, as, for example, in this example, then the allowance and compensation sections are not filled out. Don’t let empty cells bother you, the law allows it. This is your wage system.

Step 4. Sign

The summary information is usually signed by two people: a personnel officer and an accountant. But in small companies One person, for example, the same accountant, can sign for two.

Step 5. Approve

Approves CEO by his order, which is drawn up in free form. In the future, all changes to the ShR are made exclusively by orders.

When is it compiled and how to make changes

The schedule is drawn up and approved, as a rule, when the enterprise opens. In the future, adjustments and changes, if necessary, to establish new salaries or add new units, are made to it by new orders.

Changes are usually made in the following cases:

  • renaming structural units or positions,
  • salary changes,
  • during the reorganization of the enterprise,
  • in case of reduction in the number or staff of employees.

The difference between the last two points is that when staffing is reduced, individual staff units are eliminated (that is, a reorganization occurs), and when staffing is reduced, individual units are eliminated. In this case, employees filling reduced positions are subject to dismissal in accordance with the relevant articles.

Changes are made exclusively in the same way as they were approved, that is, by orders. One of the following reasons may be indicated as the basis:

  • improvement organizational structure companies;
  • improving the work of individual structural units;
  • company reorganization;
  • expansion or contraction of the company;
  • changes in legislation;
  • optimization of organizational processes;
  • planning and economic calculations of the personnel department;
  • eliminating duplication of functions.

All employees affected by the changes are required to read the order and sign it. But before this, the employer is obliged to make an official announcement about the upcoming changes and notify its employees about the upcoming changes at least two months in advance. This is especially true for situations with dismissals of employees, where each action is subject to documentary confirmation.

Is it necessary to use a sample staffing table?

Currently, the presence of this document is mandatory, according to where it is mentioned twice: in Article 15, which contains the definition labor relations, and in article 57, according to which an important condition The employment contract is a labor function, namely work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty - indicating qualifications, the specific type of work entrusted to the employee. Therefore, a sample of how to correctly draw up a staffing schedule for 2019 will be useful to you in your work.

The staffing table in an organization is necessary to form the staffing and total number of the company. The content of the staffing table is standard for all companies - a list of positions, structural composition, staffing units, information on employee salaries, monthly wages and available allowances; determined by the regulations or Articles of Association of the company.

The staffing table is drawn up according to the T-3 form. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the mandatory presence of a staffing table in any company, but according to the resolution of Roskomstat, the need for accounting applies to all forms of ownership primary documentation for wage accounting.

Hiring of employees under an employment contract (regardless of whether the place of work is the main one or part-time) occurs on the basis of a staffing table, which must indicate the structural unit and position of the employee.

Usually the staffing table is an accounting activity, but the Qualification Directory of Positions states that filling out the staffing table is the direct responsibility of the labor economist. But due to the absence of this position in many organizations, the head of the company independently decides who will deal with staffing issues in the organization.

In cases where the responsibility for maintaining the staffing table is assigned to an employee who does not have this obligation in the employment contract, such an action is accompanied by the execution of an order.


Order on approval of the staffing table (example)


It should be remembered that the name of the employee’s position in the employment contract must exactly match that indicated in the staffing table.

The staffing table is drawn up for a specific calendar date, and its approval usually occurs on January 1 every year. The staffing table is put into effect by order of the manager. Changes in staffing are also entered using an order. If during the year minor changes were made to the staffing table or not at all, re-approval of the staffing table for the coming year is not required. In this case, it is enough to make a list of the changes being made.

The unified form T-3 of the staffing table should not be reduced, but some necessary additions may be made to it. For example, if one of the sections of the staffing table is not in demand (for example, the “allowance” section), then the column of the unified form is narrowed and is not filled in further. The arrangement of positions and structural units in the staffing table is determined directly by the head of the organization.

Each division includes full-time positions with a mandatory indication of the specialty of the personnel. Positions are listed in descending order - starting with senior management and ending with junior positions. Structural divisions and positions are indicated only in the nominative case. Partial staff positions (for example, part-time workers) are indicated in column 4 in shares: 0.5; 0.25.

The maximum number of errors is made when filling out the “salary” column. Very often, managers do not indicate the whole salary, but its range (for example, 3,000-5,000 rubles), which is fundamentally incorrect. In this case, you can look at the order on the staffing table (a sample of which was indicated above) and add up the salary amounts so that they coincide with the total amount specified in the order. Naturally, employees in different positions receive different salaries, but to reflect fluctuations in their salaries, there is a special “allowance” column.

Why do you need staffing?

The main purpose of the staffing table is its ability to prove in court (in case of controversial situations) that the company did not employ the employee due to the absence of the required position in the staffing table, and his dismissal was justified. It should be remembered that a well-designed staffing table is the key to winning any dispute in court. Thus, the staffing table is stitched, numbered, sealed with the organization’s seal and signed by the manager and accountant.

Signatures and seals on the staffing table

The staffing table may consist of several sheets. Persons signing it sign only on the last sheet in the corresponding line. If it is necessary to sign each sheet, the form is supplemented with lines for signature. This procedure can be used when signing the staffing table of a branch before its approval separately from the parent organization.
The unified form N T-3 does not provide for printing on the approved staffing table.

How and when are changes made to the staffing table?

Changes in the staffing table occur in cases where the composition of employees changes, new departments are formed, old positions are eliminated and new ones are introduced. Changes are made in two main ways: you can completely replace the staffing table itself, or issue an order to make changes to the staffing table. In the event that changes to the staffing table are made on the basis of an order, the following reasons are indicated:

  • reorganization of the form;
  • optimization and improvement of the activities of governing structures;
  • all kinds of changes in legislation that require mandatory changes in staffing;
  • eliminating repetitive responsibilities;
  • reduction or expansion of a company's production.

When changes are made to the staffing table, adjustments must be made to employee documents - work book and personal card (for example, when renaming a position). In this case, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee.

When changing salaries (registration of allowances and bonuses), the employee must be notified in writing about this 2 months before the event. Changes of this kind are made not only to the staffing table, but also with the help of an additional agreement to the contract. Also, do not forget that changes and additions made in the prescribed manner to the organization’s staffing table are brought to the attention of employees, after which they work books on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, appropriate changes and additions are made. This is stated in paragraph 3.1 of Instruction No. 69.

What is staffing?

Turnover for many companies is a common thing, which is why many organizations practice maintaining the so-called “working” form of staffing - staffing, otherwise it is a replacement of positions or a staff list. The main difference between this document and the staffing table is its dynamism. Unlike changing the staffing table, the staffing arrangement can quickly change depending on the ongoing (numerical and qualitative) changes in the personnel of the enterprise and, most importantly, does not require the issuance of an order for its approval and change.

Since the staffing table, showing total staffing units (positions) at the enterprise, does not make it possible to determine whether a position is vacant or occupied and which of the employees occupies it; in the staffing table, as a rule, exactly this information is indicated - the names and initials of the enterprise employees occupying positions provided for in the staffing table , and the status of the position is closed or vacant.

Russian employers maintain documentation related to the need to systematize and record the work activities of hired employees. An example of such a document is the staffing table (hereinafter also referred to as SH). The specified document is a local act of the employer. Approved by the ShR by order of the employer. Each employee must be familiarized with this document at the time of employment. There is a normatively established unified form for this document, but it is not mandatory. The staffing table for an LLC (2017 sample) can be downloaded from the link below.

The concept of staffing

Staffing is required document for each employer, because it should collect information about the existing division of labor between workers.

The importance of the staffing table for the employer, in particular, is evidenced by the departmental position specified in the Letter of Rostrud dated January 21, 2014 N PG/13229-6-1.

From this letter, in particular, it follows:

  • ShR is a mandatory local regulatory act for the employer;
  • legislatively established rules there is no drafting of the ShR;
  • The position in the contract must be indicated in accordance with the ShR.

Previously, the mandatory primary documentation forms approved by the State Statistics Committee included the staffing table. Until 2013, the use of independent forms of such documentation was not allowed. However, at present, the mandatory use of the corresponding unified form for commercial organizations has lost its relevance.

Today, these organizations have the right to independently determine which form of this document to use:

  • unified (form No. T-3);
  • independently developed and approved.

As an example of the document in question, we suggest downloading the staffing schedule of a construction organization (sample at the link below).

Sample staffing schedule

The deadline, periods, and cases of approval of the staffing table are not established by law. Therefore, it is the employer's prerogative to resolve these issues.

The staffing table is recognized as a local regulatory act of the employer, directly affecting its labor activity. Therefore, there is an obligation for employees to familiarize themselves with this document upon signature upon employment before signing an employment contract.

Registration of the staffing table

The staffing table, in particular, should include:

  • structure of the organization indicating positions, professions and (or) specialties, specific types of work;
  • staffing levels;
  • wages.

Employment contracts with employees are concluded in accordance with the information contained in the SR.

In order to correctly reflect a specific type of work in the ShR, we recommend that you follow the Procedure, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20.

The schedule in question is approved by an administrative document, which is signed by the head of the organization or another person with appropriate authority.

The unified form contains details indicating the need for the staffing table to be signed by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

If there are no corresponding positions in the organization, both of these functions are performed by its head.

Although the obligation to fill out the staffing table is not legally established, inspection bodies predominantly regard its absence as a violation of the law. To avoid misunderstandings, managers should not neglect this important primary document. If only because it is useful for businesses in many ways. Let's figure out which ones, and also briefly look at the rules for filling out the T-3 form.

The staffing table is normative document, the correctness of filling out which is legislatively enshrined in the Resolution “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting of labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004.

The terms used in the Resolution are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Staff is the composition of employees of a given organization that is planned to be available for a certain period of time.

Therefore, the staffing table reflects the following points:

  • enterprise structure (hierarchical subordination of individual departments or horizontal interaction);
  • staffing (list of positions necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise);
  • number of employees;
  • the amount of wages and bonuses to them.

Why do you need staffing?

Let's note some positive points:

  • the staffing table facilitates personnel analysis of the enterprise;
  • allows you to see a complete picture of employee remuneration;
  • recruitment or dismissal of employees is carried out in accordance with the staffing table;
  • are decided in court controversial issues relating to reduction in the number of employees or refusal of employment;
  • the employment contract is drawn up on the basis of staffing data (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 15 and 57).

An example of a staffing table in the T-3 form

Form T-3: how to fill out?

How to fill out form T-3 correctly? The “cap” or top of the staffing table includes the following items:

  • name of company. Must exactly match the name specified in constituent documents organizations;
  • OKPO code;
  • Document Number. Each enterprise may use its own document numbering system. And staffing is no exception. The number may contain an alphanumeric designation or simply a numeric number;
  • date of compilation (not to be confused with the commencement date - see the next paragraph);
  • validity period (usually a year for staffing);
  • date and number of the order putting the staffing table into effect.

The order of filling out the columns (the item number corresponds to the column number in the table of the T-3 form).

Columns 6 to 8 are filled in rubles or percentages. These columns contain data on all kinds of salary increases. The size of the allowance depends on many factors, for example:

  • certain (harmful) working conditions;
  • non-standard operating mode;
  • bonus and incentive systems at a specific enterprise;
  • norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Column 9 is calculated. It contains the product of the data in column 4 and the sum of the data in columns 5 to 8 inclusive.

The procedure for drawing up and approving form T-3

The qualification directory of positions assigns the responsibility for drawing up the staffing table to the labor economist. Due to the frequent absence of such a position at the enterprise, this document is sometimes drawn up by an employee of the HR department. At those enterprises where there are no human resources employees, the T-3 form is usually filled out by accounting employees or even the manager.

Regardless of who filled out and compiled the staffing table, it must be certified and signed by the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise.

The prepared document is approved by the head of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to issue an order. The order number is entered in a separate column of the T-3 form. This column is also the total for the number of staffing units of the enterprise and the monthly payroll. The order indicates the date of entry into force of the staffing table.

Form T-3 is usually drawn up for a period of one year. However, in large enterprises this period may be less than a year. In addition, in order not to draw up the staffing table again during the year, the company has the right to make changes to the already drawn up document. Such changes are formalized by order of the manager. The order must indicate the rationale for the changes, for example, reorganization, reduction or expansion of production.

What a manager and accountant should know when drawing up a staffing table. What requirements must be met when filling out the unified T-3 form.

Document flow is necessary in order to track various performance indicators of the company over time. Without it, the organization of processes is quite chaotic. Since in modern world personnel is the main asset of every company; documents related to human resource management must be maintained as accurately and correctly as possible.

Staffing table - allows you to establish the staffing level of the organization's departments, analyze the organizational structure and remuneration system, and also facilitates the process of selecting personnel for vacancies in the company.

What is this document for? Is it mandatory?

The staffing table is necessary so that it is possible to justify situations of dismissal of employees due to staff reduction in the event of their appeal to the court. It can also serve as a justification for refusal to hire (due to the lack of a particular position). That's why competent drafting This document is the basis for the legal defense of the interests of the company.

In addition, inspection companies (in particular, labor inspectorates) often require its presence during inspections. The absence of a document falls under the violation of the Russian Federation law on labor protection. Accordingly, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 5.27), an organization that does not provide a schedule faces a fine ranging from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In addition, the official will be fined (the amount varies from 1 to 5 thousand rubles).

Finally, without a staffing table, it is not possible to prove that at the time of the layoff the company did not have the opportunity to provide employees with alternative vacancies.

Thus, the presence of this paper is not mandatory from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in theory, the decision of the tax or labor inspectorate to levy a fine can be challenged in court. However, in practice, the document should be maintained by any company to prevent possible conflict situations. It is important to understand that for budgetary organizations its presence is enshrined in law.

Requirements for it

Since the staffing table is a so-called local regulatory act, there are not many special requirements for it:

  • One of the main ones is the fact that the company is obliged to draw up this document according to the unified T-3 form established by federal law. It cannot be shortened (all necessary points must be present), but additional data can be entered
  • The schedule must be put into effect from the first day of the month
  • It is very important that each page is numbered
  • The document must be bound, have the seal of the organization, the signature of the manager and the person responsible for drawing up

Who does the compilation?

On this moment The legislation does not clearly define who should develop the document.

In companies with a branched organizational structure, the responsibility for compilation may lie with employees of the following departments:

  • personnel service
  • accounting
  • legal department (least common situation)

In small companies, this can be done by the manager or any other person authorized by him. In this case, an order is issued in the name of a specific employee who will work with this document. Another option for determining who is responsible is to indicate this fact in the job description or employment contract.

To simplify the compilation procedure, it is necessary to specify its nuances in the office work instructions:

  • terms and basic rules for development/changes
  • form of order for approval of schedule and changes
  • responsible persons for document preparation and signing of orders
  • employees with whom you need to coordinate the draft schedule or its changes
  • composition of regulations that regulate all issues related to it

How is it claimed?

After drawing up the staffing table, it must be approved. Before the final form is ready for signing, it must be agreed upon with the employees specified in the instructions.

After this, approval must be made using a special order or instruction, which must be signed either by the head of the company or an authorized person. The order must indicate the dates of preparation, approval and entry into force - they may coincide or differ from each other, but the date of entry into force cannot be earlier than the date of preparation or approval.

Structure and order of filling

First of all, the unified form must contain a number of details (they are required for each accounting document):

  • name and number of the document
  • date of its composition
  • Company name
  • confirmation of the fact of carrying out activities and expression of the value of natural or monetary measurement
  • name and signature of the person responsible for the correct preparation

The table must include the following information (from left to right):

  • structural subdivision
  • department code
  • position, rank, qualification class (for example, category 1 engineer)
  • number of staff units
  • salary (indicated in rubles, units of measurement are only in the table header - for example, 20,000.00)
  • allowances (in rubles) – for example, for academic degree. 3 columns are allocated for them
  • total, rub. – this column indicates the total amount of wages
  • note

After filling out all the columns in the table, you must fill in the “Total” line. In it, you need to sum up all the values ​​​​in the columns (salary amounts, how many staff units there will be, etc.). After this, the necessary signatures and seal are placed.

How do I make a change?

As of 2017, there are 2 main ways to make changes to the staffing table:

  1. So, you can directly change this document by creating a new one, which will have the following registration number. In this case, the new option must be approved by order for the main activity.
  2. However, most often the changes made are quite minor. In this case, it is enough to formalize the changes with the appropriate order. The order can be called as follows: “On changing the staffing table” or “On making changes to the staffing table.”

However, this procedure must have a justification. These may be the following reasons:

  • the need to optimize administrative activities
  • improvement of the company's organizational structure
  • carrying out reorganization
  • eliminating duplication of functions and creating responsibility centers
  • changes in Russian legislation
  • the need to organize events to improve the activities of a particular department in the company
  • reduction of core activities, expansion or diversification

If an employee's position is renamed, his or her written consent must be obtained before making changes.

Storage period and frequency of compilation

There are no rules in the legislation of the Russian Federation that would regulate the frequency of drawing up the staffing table. If in company high level staff turnover, it is advisable to draw it up once a month. However, most often it is compiled once every 6 or 12 months, only making changes if necessary. This is due to the fact that such a schedule is a so-called planning document.

It is also possible to draw up a T-3 form for several years - but this can only be done by those companies that do not plan to adjust the staff, introduce new positions or remove some of the existing ones.

Therefore, this option cannot be considered as appropriate at the time of 2017 - crisis conditions force organizations to constantly change various aspects of its activities.

As for the retention period, at the moment the document must be stored in the company for 3 years. In this case, this period is calculated from the next year after the year in which the schedule lost its force. Staff arrangements (which can serve as a lightweight alternative to the paper in question) must be stored for 75 years.

Are entrepreneurs required to have a staffing table?

The staffing table is a mandatory local act that is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of the organization (Article 8 Labor Code RF). Does an individual entrepreneur need to have a staffing table, how to draw it up, approve and fill it out.

To have or not to have

The staffing table is mentioned only in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the employment contract specifies the position, specialty, profession (with qualifications) in accordance with the organization's staffing table or the specific labor function of the employee.

It follows that if the employment contract defines a position, specialty or profession (as is usually the case), then the employer who entered into such an employment contract with the employee is required to have a staffing table.

And vice versa, if all employment contracts concluded with employees describe the labor function (i.e., describe the specific work that the employee is required to perform), then there is no need for a staffing table.

In addition, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation unambiguously speaks of the “staffing schedule of the organization”, and not the staffing schedule of the entrepreneur. However, officials of the Federal Labor Inspectorate may regard the lack of staffing levels for individual entrepreneurs as a violation of labor legislation and fine them under Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

  • the number of your employees exceeds 3-4 people
  • the responsibilities of employees relate to the standard functions of a specific position, specialty or profession
  • You need to clearly structure your staff, distributing responsibilities between employees

Sometimes employment contracts with employees indicate that they are hired for certain positions, specialties or professions, but there is no staffing table that would confirm the presence of these positions, specialties and professions.

In this case, the lack of staffing cannot prevent the employee from exercising his labor rights. And an employment contract cannot be considered not concluded only on the grounds that the employer does not have a staffing table.

Sometimes workers are hired for positions not covered by the existing staffing table. The contradiction between the staffing table and the employment contract must be resolved in favor of the latter (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee is considered hired for the position, specialty or profession established in the employment contract.

Lack of staffing may cause some problems. An employer that does not have a staffing table is deprived of the opportunity to reduce the number or staff of employees. More precisely, the employer can reduce the number or staff of employees, but he will not be able to document the legality of his actions in the event of a dispute.

How to apply

The staffing form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. (UF T-3). Employers typically use this form. But, in principle, they can also use another, independently developed form. Why?

A little history. In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting,” it was stated that primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation. And only documents whose form is not provided for in these albums can be drawn up in any form, but must necessarily contain all the details specified in Art. 9 of the Law "On Accounting". And the development and approval of albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation was entrusted by the Government to the State Statistics Committee of Russia. Hence the conclusion was drawn that if the State Statistics Committee of Russia approved any unified form, then it is subject to mandatory application.

But the staffing table was not then and is not now the primary accounting document. After all, it does not draw up any business transaction to be reflected in accounting. No accounting entries are made on the basis of the staffing table (even the wages of temporary workers are calculated not on the basis of the staffing table, but on the basis of the working time sheet).

And since 2013, non-governmental organizations have the opportunity to use independently developed forms even for primary accounting documents. But the use of these forms in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ must be approved either by order of the head of the organization or by an appendix to the accounting policy.

So, employers have the right not to use a unified form of staffing, but to develop their own.

The names of positions, professions and specialties that appear in the staffing table are established by the employer independently.

If the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of any benefits or the presence of restrictions, then these positions, specialties and professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The following directories currently exist:

  • ETKS - Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers
  • EKS - Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees
  • OKPDTR - All-Russian classifier of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories

If in In the indicated directories, such professions and positions are absent, then in the staffing table (and in employment contracts) the names of professions and positions must be indicated in accordance with the regulatory legal act providing benefits or imposing restrictions. The labor legislation of the Russian Federation contains quite a large number of regulatory legal acts that provide benefits and restrictions for various categories of workers. Therefore, when drawing up the staffing table, it is better for the employer to adhere to the relevant qualification directories.

Let's look at how to correctly fill out the ShR using the example of filling out the unified form T-3.

Column 4 (number of staff units)

In the event that it is planned to maintain an incomplete staff unit, the number of incomplete staff units is indicated in appropriate proportions, for example 0.25 (see Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Columns 6-8 (surcharges)

If the employer is not able to fill out these columns in rubles, for example, due to the fact that bonuses are set for the employee in percentages or coefficients, then it is allowed to indicate percentages or coefficients in the corresponding columns.

If the amount of percentages and coefficients changes, then, in our opinion, it would not be a mistake to put dashes in the corresponding columns, and in column 10 to make a link to the document that regulates the change in these percentages and coefficients. For example, the percentage bonus for workers in the Far North varies depending on the length of their “northern” work experience. Therefore, when filling out columns 6 - 8, you can put dashes (in the absence of other allowances), and in column 10 make a reference to the relevant regulatory legal act that regulates the establishment of percentage wage increases for employees of the Far North.

Incentive payments other than bonuses are not shown. That is, there is no need to reflect bonuses and other incentive payments that are not allowances in the unified staffing form. It is unclear what exactly the bonuses did to earn the right to be included in the unified form of staffing. Moreover, there is no official definition of an allowance in labor legislation.

Column 9. (total)

Calculating the total wages is possible only when tariff rates and allowances are set in the same units for the same period of time. If in the corresponding columns, in addition to rubles, percentages and coefficients are used, and the organization uses not only a time-based, but also a piece-rate wage system, then it is not possible to derive the total from columns 5 - 9 of the unified staffing table form.

How to approve

The employer independently approves the staffing schedule. Labor legislation there is no provision for taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees when approving the staffing table.

The staffing table is approved by order of the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. In this order, unlike the standard form of an order for the main activity, there is no stating part, and the order can begin immediately with the words “I ORDER”, since no additional explanations are required to put the ShR into effect. Although you can indicate the reasons (if any) why the new staffing table is approved.

The issue of putting a stamp on the staffing table has not been resolved by the legislator. The unified staffing form does not provide for mandatory stamping.

The employer also independently decides on changes and additions to the SR. Changes to the staffing table can be made by the employer as often as desired. In the event of a dispute regarding the dismissal of employees due to staff reduction, the advisability of changing the staffing table is not considered by the courts.

Sample filling

How to compose?

The staffing table must include the following information:

  • Full name of the organization, in accordance with the constituent documents
  • OKPO organizations
  • Staffing number (you can use any numbering method)
  • Date of actual compilation
  • You must indicate the validity period of the staffing table (usually this date is 1 year)
  • In the upper right corner the stamp “Approved” is placed and the details of the approval order and the implementation of the staffing table are indicated
  • Name of the employee's position in accordance with the ECSD
  • Number of employees for each position
  • Tariff rates (salaries) for employees
  • Constant bonuses and extra payments
  • If the list of positions, the number of employees, salaries and bonuses changes at the enterprise, then these changes must be made to the staffing table

If this is not done, problems may arise with the inspection authorities.

Order of approval

The staffing table must be approved by the heads of all structural divisions or individual employees in management positions. After this, the staffing table is sent for review to the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. After the staffing table is approved by the accountant and the head of the personnel department, the manager issues an order to approve the new schedule. When the order is issued, the date and number are indicated in the staffing table.

Who is responsible?

Typically, the staffing table is drawn up by a human resources employee or an accountant. But its preparation can be entrusted to any employee of the enterprise. Familiarization The staffing table is not a local regulatory act of the organization, so the employer is not obliged to familiarize employees with it.

Order for amendments

The order to make changes is drawn up in free form and the following details must be indicated in it:

  • Name of the organization
  • Document type
  • Registration date and number
  • Stamp with the inscription "Approved"
  • Executive visas
  • The order is agreed upon with the chief accountant and manager

Change due to elimination of positions

It is possible to exclude a position from the staffing table only if there is a reduction in personnel. To do this, an order to make changes is issued, the position is deleted and a new staffing table is approved.

You can exclude a certain position only if certain conditions arise, such as:

  • A crisis
  • Change of working conditions and more

When reducing staff, the dismissed employee is given two months' notice before the reduction.

Procedure for reducing staff and changing the staffing table:

  • Drawing up an order (it indicates the reason for its issuance, and states the name of the position that is being excluded)
  • The document is certified
  • Changes are made to the current staffing table without deleting job codes and structural units
  • An order is drawn up on measures to reduce personnel. The order is certified and the laid-off employees are familiarized with it

To enter new position The staffing table requires:

  • Draw up an order for changes to the schedule
  • Make changes to the staffing table
  • Compose job description for a new employee

Shelf life of the staffing table

The staffing table must be kept at the enterprise for three years, starting from the year when the position became invalid.

Fines for incorrect staffing

According to Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an official may be fined in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles; on legal entities- from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

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