In order to choose the right color, you need to imagine how certain colors act on nervous system person, what feelings and sensations they evoke. The right color scheme will help improve sleep, which will ultimately have a positive effect on well-being and performance.

Combinations of colors and shades

It is known that by selecting color combinations you can correct defects in a room, for example, visually raise the ceiling, “move apart” the walls, create a feeling of spaciousness, or vice versa, make the room smaller, add warmth or coolness. In addition, some combinations can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm, harmonize, while others have a stimulating effect. All this must be taken into account when choosing a color for the bedroom.

First of all, you need to decide whether to use warm or cold colors.

  • Warm colors include the part of the spectrum from red to yellow with all intermediate shades - they are usually used in rooms facing north and northeast.
  • Colors on the opposite side of the spectrum, from blue to violet, are considered cool; they are used in rooms facing the south and southwest.

Complex colors such as green and purple can be classified as both cold and warm, depending on the additional tones included in their composition. Blue-green and blue-violet are cool colors, but yellow-green and red-violet are warm. Black, white and gray are considered neutral, and have neither a “warm” nor a “cold” component.

Warm colors have the ability to visually make a room smaller, while cold colors, on the contrary, expand it a little. Designers use this when decorating interiors, bringing certain details closer or further away in order to create the maximum decorative effect.

For example, a suitable color for a bedroom small size- white-blue. Against the background of blue walls, white furniture, which may have contrasting blue inserts, will look good. In this case, bed linen can also be white - this will lighten the interior and visually enlarge the room.

Color harmony

In design there is such a thing as color harmony. The color itself and the same color next to another color can look different. In some combinations it will be expressive, and in others it will be faded. A harmonious combination of colors is considered to be one in which each looks most impressive. Color harmony can be built on the principle of nuance or contrast.

Nuance. Harmony based on the nuances of one color is achieved by using similar colors or shades of the same color. These are usually soft, pastel colors. If one color is used, then surfaces with different saturations are combined. For example, the surface of the walls is light beige, and the furniture is dark brown. Typically, nuanced harmony is used in small rooms.

Contrast. You can choose a color for your bedroom based on the principles of contrasting harmony. Combine contrasting colors, no more than three in one room, so as not to create excessive strain on vision and not tire the nervous system. As a rule, two contrasting colors are used - as the main and additional ones, with the possible addition of a third as an accent color. As a primary-additional pair, you can use, for example, the following:

  • blue - orange
  • blue yellow
  • White black

In this case, you can take both these colors themselves and their shades.

Tip: When choosing color combinations, pantone fans with samples of color shades, available in every store that sells paints, as well as in designer workshops, will help you. Using them, it is easy to determine which shades will go well with each other and which ones should be avoided. For the same purposes you can use computer programs, designed for designers and artists.

Feng Shui

Each world culture has its own traditions of decorating living space, aimed at creating maximum comfort and convenience. Using such traditions can help create an atmosphere that is most conducive to well-being. Recent decades The Japanese teaching on interior design - Feng Shui - is gaining popularity. It takes into account all the nuances - both the location of objects in the cardinal directions and their color.

The color scheme for the bedroom in the teachings of Feng Shui has its own characteristics.

  • A bedroom facing East and South-East should be designed in a combination of green and brown colors.
  • The bedroom, whose windows are oriented to the South or North-West, is painted in brown and dark yellow tones.
  • South windows in the bedroom require you to choose red or its shades as the main color.
  • The bedroom with windows facing North is painted in shades of blue.
  • If the windows face West or North-West, the bedroom is painted white.

Color influence

The choice of color for the bedroom has significant influence its effect on the human nervous system, therefore this question needs to be considered in detail.

  • Red

This is a very energetic color, it is associated with the lower, physical chakra, responsible for procreation. It is associated with sexual activity and promotes its manifestations. Therefore, you need to use red in the bedroom very sparingly; a large amount of it can be irritating and tiring.

The predominance of red color in the room can raise blood pressure, increase the respiratory rate and heart rate. Red in the bedroom is suitable for activating and preserving the passion of the spouses, but there should not be a lot of it, it is better to use calm red shades.

  • Orange

A more suitable color for the bedroom is orange. It is a warm color that promotes relaxation, especially when mixed with white. Orange is the color of the second chakra, associated with pleasure. The most pleasant shade for the eyes and nervous system is a peach shade.

  • Yellow

The color of the third chakra, responsible for self-respect and awareness of oneself in society. Warm, clear color that helps harmonize the nervous system. Has a slight stimulating effect.

  • Green

The color of the heart chakra, associated with tenderness, love, maternal warmth. This is the color that is most beneficial for the eyes, allowing them to reduce fatigue. The nervous system calms down, blood pressure decreases, and heart rate decreases.

Green is considered one of the most favorable colors for rest and relaxation, while best choice There will be natural, soft shades: olive, green-gray, marsh. Too much a large number of green can depress nervous activity, so it must be diluted with other tones.

  • Blue and cyan

If you doubt whether you can choose the right color for your bedroom, opt for blue or blue, the colors of the fifth and sixth chakras, which are responsible for spirituality. These shades are the best option- the bedroom creates a feeling of peace, serenity, spaciousness, and coolness.

The color of the sky and water is natural, has a positive effect on the mental state and is suitable for interiors of any style. Keep in mind that the blue bedroom should have good lighting, and it is also advisable that it faces south. White furniture will help give the interior lightness and airiness.

  • Violet

The seventh, upper chakra is responsible for communication with the divine principle, and has purple. This is a complex color that requires care when using. Particular care should be taken when handling dark violet, which can depress the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, light, washed-out tones will help create a sublime, slightly mystical atmosphere in the bedroom, and combination with white will help visually increase its volume.

  • White

Traditionally it is the color of purity, infinity, and innocence. It has absorbed the entire palette of colors and has a refreshing effect on the nervous system. White helps to visually enlarge the room and create a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Choosing color scheme for the bedroom, you should go with white if the room has small sizes. But you need to think about what shade of color to use. White can be cold or warm. The first option is suitable for bedrooms with southern windows, the second - with northern ones.

  • Brown and beige

Natural shades of brown, including beige and sand, allow you to create a calm atmosphere, close to nature. Light beige tones can be combined with any other, and can be a good background for both white and dark brown furniture. Brown shades evoke a feeling of security, reliability, and solidity. Too dark tones of brown can depress the psyche, so they need to be complemented with light shades.

Beige is an excellent choice of color for the bedroom; it will give comfort and peace. When complemented with a tan or taupe tone, beige will look very elegant. It can also be combined with other colors of your choice. The color of wenge wood can be attributed to the same group of colors - it is very dark brown tint African wood, sometimes almost black. Often bedroom furniture is made from wenge wood, which looks very advantageous against a beige background.

  • Grey

Contrary to popular belief, gray is also suitable color for the bedroom. It is absolutely neutral, which allows you to combine it with any other colors and shades.

Adding a white or black tone changes the saturation of gray, so that even a monochrome bedroom will not seem boring, and, in addition, it provides ample opportunities for visual correction of defects in the room - those parts of the walls or ceiling that need to be removed are painted light gray , and those that need to be brought closer are in the dark.

By adding colored accessories you can very quickly and without great expense change the mood of a gray bedroom, and even its temperature: warm tones will bring a feeling of warmth, cold tones will bring a feeling of coolness.

When choosing the colors that you will use, you need to imagine the interior as a whole, and how this particular color fits into it.

  • Furniture, finishing materials, textiles, decorative elements - the colors of all items in the room should be harmoniously combined.
  • Neutral tones of furniture and accessories will make it easier to create a harmonious interior.
  • It is recommended to choose a color for the bedroom from a natural palette of colors - green, beige, brown, orange. This will help create a calm atmosphere that promotes relaxation.
  • In small rooms, use light colors as the main ones, in large ones - more saturated, dark ones. To “raise” low ceilings, use a pattern of vertical stripes on the wallpaper.
  • The color of the walls depends not only on the chosen tone, but also on the texture of the surface on which it is applied. Sometimes it is enough to change the texture to get the desired shade.

If you have difficulty choosing colors for your bedroom, contact specialist designers who will help you create a comfortable and elegant interior.

Adding passion to the bedroom interior - women's online magazine"Pretty Women Life"

Everyday life and the lack of thrills usually destroy even the most strong love. Having gone to the bedroom, very often couples in love simply switch off in dreams of how to quickly fall asleep. Naturally, sleep is considered a very important component of people's lives, but it is also important to remember about maintaining attraction to each other. At the same time, the interior of the bedroom significantly affects not only dreams, but also the level of passion and feelings in the relationship between partners. Sometimes, by changing only minor elements of the room, intimate life a couple in love can sparkle with new moments.

The color shades present in the bedroom can have a huge impact on sexual outbursts and the general psychological state of partners. Many people mistakenly assume that red, purple and black colors in a bedroom can add passion. In reality, designers do not recommend using these tones when decorating the interior, because they cause aggressiveness and fatigue. The most acceptable design would be to decorate the matrimonial bedroom in a lush, warm color scheme, which reminds of romance and pleasant moments. For this, it would be more appropriate to use strawberry, apricot, tangerine and watermelon colors. There is no need to make the marital bedroom very messy; it is better to limit yourself to no more than 5 tones.

Properly selected lighting will also help to add passion to the bedroom interior, because this is a key condition when creating a romantic mood. By adding shadows, the room will become much more attractive. Designers advise choosing lighting for a matrimonial bedroom that is as close to natural as possible. It is best to give preference to a lamp with the ability to adjust the level of light radiation, as well as those floor lamps that allow you to create warm light, which may resemble the lunar one.

It will be much easier to create a sensual atmosphere in the bedroom by using all kinds of decorative items. When choosing such details, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the decor expresses hidden or obvious erotic overtones. To do this, you can put sexy figurines, hang paintings or creative candlesticks in the bedroom. Paintings with peonies will look very good in the interior of such a room, because according to Feng Shui, these flowers symbolize passion in relationships and true love. Many couples use a huge mirror in their bedroom so they can see into the bed. This will also add passion and desire.

Everyday life, home routine are the main destroyers romantic relationships. Often, under the influence of daily problems, the bedroom turns into simply a place to relax. However, we should not forget that with such an attitude towards this room, we lose the atmosphere of love and passion in it. This is where a properly created interior comes to the rescue, which can not only provide comfortable conditions for sleeping, but also maintain the fire in the relationship between lovers. Sometimes minor changes in the bedroom interior can add a spicy touch of passion.

The color scheme of the bedroom is the first factor that influences sexual relations and a romantic setting. Many, trying to light a fire of love, choose red, purple and black colors for the bedroom. However this typical mistake, these colors will not lead to anything other than bursts of aggression and increased fatigue. You should give preference to rich and warm colors, which carry with them a taste of romance. For this, it would be more appropriate to use strawberry, apricot, tangerine or watermelon colors. You should not overdo it with the number of flowers in one room. It’s better to listen to designers in this matter and not use more than 5 tones, otherwise we risk getting a bedroom that looks like a child’s coloring book.

Properly selected lighting can also stir up the fading flame of passion. For the bedroom, designers advise choosing lighting that is as similar to daylight as possible. But if possible, give preference to a lamp with light emission level controls. These lamps can change the color of the lighting to suit your mood. With just a swipe of your finger, you can create a dim light in the room, which will undoubtedly affect our mood and love desires.

Decorative items can certainly become key chords in creating a romantic atmosphere. Preference should be given to things that carry hidden or obvious erotic overtones. These can be all kinds of figurines, representing the intertwining of two bodies burning with passion. A painting depicting the naked body of a young beauty will also not leave anyone indifferent. Most modern couples prefer a huge mirror that reflects everything that happens in the love bed. Candles carefully placed around the perimeter of the room will undoubtedly become the main highlight in the created picture of eroticism.

No computers, televisions or other equipment should be in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place where lovers should be passionate only about each other, and not about foreign objects. There is no need for extra furniture here either. You should limit yourself to a couple of bedside tables, a bed and a small coffee table. The bedroom should not be cluttered with unnecessary items that no one needs.

Gray everyday life, unemotional days, lack of acute feelings spoil even the strongest relationships. This situation is familiar to many firsthand. Going to the bedroom, couples often simply switch off, falling tightly onto the bed after a tiring day, dreaming only of sleep, but not of each other. Of course, sleep is the most important component of a person’s life, but you shouldn’t forget about relationships and maintaining burning feelings either. Many people complain of a complete loss of strength and a lack of any desire or passion due to fatigue and depression. Or maybe it's all just a matter of bedroom design?

No matter how paradoxical it may be, this is quite possible. Psychology has long proven the influence of colors in the interior, and design in general, on the psycho-emotional state of a person. It turns out that the interior of a bedroom can significantly influence not only the quality of sleep, but also attraction, desire for intimacy, feelings and passion in a couple. Therefore, if problems arise in relationships related to the reluctance of intimacy and sexual dissatisfaction of partners, you should not bring the matter to scandals, or turn to family psychologist or a sex therapist. Often it is enough just to change the interior of the bedroom, and life will change. For the better, of course, if everything is done correctly.

The dependence of the atmosphere in the bedroom on its interior

This may seem strange to some, but the atmosphere in the bedroom really directly depends on its interior, color scheme, and even seemingly insignificant decorative items at first glance. Every detail plays a role, including the color of decoration, pieces of furniture and decor, the area of ​​the bedroom, its general style materials used to decorate this room, etc. There cannot be insignificant little things here, because all of them can subsequently affect the presence of passion and novelty of feelings in relation to the couple. Therefore, before making renovations in the bedroom, you need to carefully consider every detail of the future design.

A design that will bring passion back into the bedroom

The world's leading psychologists and interior designers agree that with the help of some techniques in creating a bedroom interior, you can return lost harmony and passion to a couple's relationship, and sometimes even add new vibrant feelings. The main thing is to know exactly how this can be done.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the color scheme of the bedroom, because it is colors that have the greatest influence on a person’s psychological state and his sexual impulses.

The well-known statement that red is the main color of passion is far from stupid. At the psycho-emotional level, this color is exciting. It increases sexual activity, enhances desire, and even has powerful aphrodisiac properties. That is why decorating a bedroom interior, even with a small amount of red, can improve relationships, add “spice” to them, and again awaken fresh sexual feelings even in a couple who have lived together for many years. Orange, peach, pink, fuchsia and lilac also have a similar effect. But the amount of blue and green colors in the decoration and decoration of the bedroom is best minimized if you want to add passion to your life, because they contribute to a restful, sound sleep, but not at all to the awakening of passionate sexual feelings.

Aesthetic satisfaction in general also contributes to the emergence of passion and desire, so the bedroom decor should contain more beautiful and truly pleasing things. Special attention worth paying attention to the bed. It is best if it is silk, but you can also choose satin in a beautiful color.

Designers also recommend using some decorative elements with an explicit or hidden sexual theme in the design of the bedroom if you want this room to be a place not only for sleeping, but also for a pleasant pastime, lovemaking and strengthening relationships. For example, you can hang a small picture of people kissing, or make delicate linear paintings on the walls with beautiful silhouettes of naked female and male bodies.

But what you should avoid when decorating a bedroom is clutter, an abundance of furniture and various other items. The Chinese science of space management, Feng Shui, states that an interior filled with things and unnecessary objects blocks the passage of positive energy Qi, which prevents the manifestation of well-being and harmony in the house in all its manifestations, including in the relationships of residents. Well, in Western European culture, a cluttered interior is simply considered tasteless and unaesthetic. And what is unpleasant to the eye almost always blocks sexual impulses.

If your bedroom, decorated in gray tones, is already boring and looks gloomy, it’s time to make some changes to the interior. Designers propose introducing a bright and energetic color of passion – red.

The combination of red and gray looks like a harmonious pairing of two opposites: the yin and yang of modern interior design, creating a harmony of calm and excitement. The red accent not only turns into the center of attention, it helps to disperse the melancholy.

Classic gray background

If you already have a bedroom decorated in gray tones, then introducing red elements is quite simple. If you have to work from the very beginning, then you should choose elegant shades of gray that will look interesting despite the changing fashion trends. Although there is a huge temptation to stick to dark colors that look beautiful in winter, they can disappoint in summer. We need to find a compromise solution. Gray can be used to decorate both an accent wall at the head of the bed and for the entire room, including even the ceiling.

Changing red accents

Using red in the bedroom interior will allow you to calmly follow changing color trends and fashion trends. Changing accents make it possible to introduce red without much effort or expense. You just need beautiful sofa cushions, original bed linen, a soft carpet or an interesting vase on the bedside table. As a general rule, the more neutral the background, the stronger the effect produced by the red accent. Gray is simply ideal in this regard, as it will allow the red elements to shine against its background.