Good afternoon A wonderful holiday is already approaching - Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on October 5, 2017. Naturally, if the school has a good event manager, he will definitely organize it in person. high level. Here we have provided funny scenario a holiday for teachers, where you can involve schoolchildren in organizing the entire event.

Presenter 1:
And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Presenter 2:
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.
Presenter 1:
What an amazing house - school! Everything is mixed up here: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.
Presenter 2:
Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where adults will never return.
Presenter 1:
Only teachers on this island have permanent registration. After all, school is for them native home, and all students are their children.
Presenter 2:
What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously give it out in pieces day after day, year after year!
Presenter 1:
People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me wholeheartedly congratulate you, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.
What should you do on holidays?
Presenter 2:
Of course, give gifts. And today, our dear teachers, all high school students, young and old, have prepared small but very expensive gifts for you.
Presenter 1:
So, the first gift from our kids - first graders.

Presenter 1:
On this festive October day, dear teachers, accept congratulations from all of us:
Presenter 2:
Brunettes, blondes and... Asteraceae,
Presenter 1:
Curly and combed,
Presenter 2:
Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very...
Presenter 1:
Excellent students and, to put it mildly, not very good ones...
Presenter 2:
But they love you very, very much!
Presenter 1:
2nd grade students with a gift on stage.
(Dance with umbrellas)

Funny number for Teacher's Day from grade 11

Presenter 1:
Teaching is not an easy task
Teaching is a more difficult task.
Presenter 2:
And the teacher is the real one -
The one who does not save in front of her.
Presenter 1:
You know, we have guests in our hall today. These people know exactly who a teacher is more than us.
Presenter 2:
Then it is to them that we must give the floor.
(Congratulatory words to the guests of the holiday, city administration, etc.)
Presenter 1:
Do you think our teachers like to read fairy tales or watch cartoons?
Presenter 1: That's how everyone loves it. Only teachers don’t have time with our notebooks.
Presenter 1: Well, then they will really like the third-graders’ gift.
Presenter 1: Third grade high school students on stage.
(Staging based on Suteev’s fairy tale “Fishing”)

Presenter 1:
Teachers! They are like light on the way,
What kind of fiery heart do you need?
Have it in your chest to bring light to people,
So that his trace cannot be erased forever!
Presenter 2:
How to measure their work, you ask
Millions of people have a people's army.
There are many devotees in Rus',
But no one is wiser or more noble than them!
Presenter 1: With our gift for teachers, we invite 4th grade to the stage.
(Song “Here comes the mushroom rain”)

Presenter 1:
Teacher -
Presenter 2:
three syllables.
Not so much,
Presenter 1:
And how many skills it contains!
Presenter 2:
The ability to dream!
Presenter 1:
The ability to dare!
Presenter 2:
The ability to give yourself to work!
Presenter 1:
Ability to teach!
Presenter 2:
The ability to create!
Presenter 1:
The ability to love children selflessly!
Presenter 2:
Teacher -
Presenter 1:
three syllables.
But what a lot!
Presenter 2:
And this calling has been given to you by God!
Presenter 1:
The confessor of the gymnasium, Hieromonk Alexander, addressed a congratulatory word to the teachers (Congratulations from the confessor)

Sketch for Teacher's Day from grade 11

Presenter 1:
A shoemaker can fix shoes,
And the carpenter - a stool and a porch.
Presenter 2:
But only teachers can fix it
The mind, heart and face brighten.
Presenter 1: We, fifth graders, are invited to the gymnasium stage. Our gift is a musical performance.
(Musical production)
Presenter 1:
D, we stopped by a biology lesson. It would be interesting to at least take a sneak peek at other lessons.
Presenter: This means that it’s the 6th grade’s turn to give their gift.

(Production script)
It's a break in class. Sidorkin and Ivanov are at the desk. Sidorkin collects things in a briefcase.
Ivanov: Where are you going?
Sidorkin: I'm quitting algebra! They will ask me, but I am not ready.
Ivanov: Come on! They ask those who have “I’m not ready!” written on their faces.
Sidorkin: Here you see!
Ivanov: So you have to act as if you are ready! Autotraining!
Sidorkin: What?
Ivanov: Self-hypnosis! Repeat after me: I’m all ready for algebra!
Sidorkin: I'm ready for algebra
Ivanov: I have completed homework!
Sidorkin: I did my homework
Sidorkin: All three tasks and five exercises!
During auto-training, they did not notice how the teacher entered the class.
Teacher: Sidorkin, what do I hear, are you ready for the lesson?!! Go to the board.
Sidorkin confidently walks towards the board.
Sidorkin: I'm all ready for algebra! I did my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: Well, write exercise 87 on the board
Sidorkin: I did my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: I don't understand anything! Show me your notebook!
Sidorkin carries a notebook. The teacher is watching.
Teacher: Sidorkin, Sidorkin! And how confidently he walked... Two! Sit down.
Sidorkin and Ivanov leave school. There is a premonition of trouble on Sidorkin’s face.
Sidorkin: Eh, at home they’ll ask: “How was school?” - And hi.
Ivanov: Need auto training. Repeat after me: I’m doing great in algebra! And good in physics! The glass broke on its own during recess!

Peter. Vasya, how many books have you read?
Vasya. How many? I didn’t even count!
Peter. And I read twenty-five! And I’ll read it before the end of quarter ten!
Vasya(with envy). Wow! Happy you, Petya, how much you managed to read!
Peter. And what! I read about the knight too! The book about him is long, but the preface is short! I read the preface - and everything is clear. You don't have to read the book!
Vasya(disappointed). Huh?! What knight did you read about?
Peter. About what... What's his name... I remembered! Donkey move!
Vasya. Donkey move?!
Peter. Donky! And the “move” is because he rode a donkey, I saw a wonderful picture in a book! I know everything! Why were you yawning?
Vasya. Yes, my sister was sick, I read my favorite books to her every evening.
Peter. Which ones?
Vasya.“The Adventures of Gulliver”, “Thumbelina”, “Son of the Regiment”.
Peter. Yes... Lucky you. “Thumbelina” (with a grin). Well well!
Vasya. Yes, I was just reading to my sister! Yes, and it was very interesting...
Peter(mimics). Interesting! You'll say the same. I can boast - what thick books I read! So, a real reader! Understood?
Vasya. I understand... Only you said the wrong thing about the knight...
Peter. How is this wrong?
Vasya. This knight's name was not Donky Mod, but Don Quixote of La Manche. He lived in Spain... Who is the writer? Who wrote this book?
Peter. These writers have very difficult surnames! Why remember them?! Well, okay, I’ll run to the library and pick up another book.
Vasya. Wait! Yes, it was not Don Quixote who rode the donkey, but his squire Sancho Panza...
Peter. Got it too! To remember everything - there won't be enough time to read. It won’t work, Vasya, you’re a real reader!

On the test
The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!
(M. Boroditskaya)

Sketch for Teacher's Day - video

Presenter 1:
All the performances and skits, but I just want to sing. Let the sixth grade sing us a song that everyone knows and can sing along to.
Presenter 2:
What should the song be about?
Presenter 1: Yes, about anything, even about clouds...
Presenter 2: Sixth grade, we ask you!
(Song “Clouds. White-maned horses”)

Presenter 1:
Tell me, do you think teachers get tired?
Presenter 2:
Presenter 1:
And then what?
Presenter 2:
Then we must help them.
Presenter 1:
Let the poor students study their homework.
Presenter 2:
And the restless ones will learn to walk quietly along the school corridors.
Presenter 1:
Everyone will eat soup and drink jelly in the refectory.
Presenter 2:
So that our teachers don’t get discouraged when they suddenly get tired, a vocal group of high school girls prepared a song for them as a gift
Presenter 1:
“Don’t rush to sound the all-clear” (The song plays, the high school students remain on stage)
Reader(from the group)
The calendar turns its pages in surprise,
Teacher's Day is here again and again.
May you dream of the Firebird today,
Well, tomorrow your class will give it to you.
The sun will wink at you - not a bad omen -
(And even if you stand on your left foot)...
You are a Wonderful Teacher, remember this,
And you have incomparable students!
(The choir group performs the song “Teacher”)


The road of knowledge is tortuous and difficult,
But together we will conquer it without difficulty.
It's good to have a teacher nearby,
We are always grateful for your work!

Music plays and flowers are given to teachers.

We bring to your attention scripts and skits for the day of our beloved, wise, kind and talented teachers!

Short skits for Teacher's Day 2019

Name Description Number of people Price Buy a scene
1. A comic skit for Teacher's Day: “If only I were a minister” A remake of Pushkin’s fairy tale: “Three girls under the window”, but in a new way... 3 people 99 RUR Add to cart
2. Comic skit for Teacher's Day: “Unusual lesson” Are the teachers crazy? Or is there a zombie apocalypse? Nooo, the teachers just decided to teach the students a lesson... 13 people 99 RUR Add to cart
3. Comic skit for Teacher's Day: “Martian language lesson” During the Martian lesson, the students answer at the board, but one of the students gets a 2 and starts a fight. A space-themed skit, modern and interesting... 6 people 99 RUR Add to cart

Free script examples

Comic skits for Teacher's Day

1. Mini-skit for Teacher’s Day: “Let me write it off!”


The girl – aka Maria Sergeevna – is a teacher of Russian language and literature;
The boy - aka Gennady Ivanovich - is a labor worker.

/There are two tables and two chairs on the stage. A girl and a boy are sitting. A girl with glasses is diligently writing something. The boy sits thoughtfully./

- Mash, let me write it off!

- I'm not giving it!

- Well, Mash, let me write it off!

- I won’t even think about it!

- Ma-sha! Well please, I have problems with grammar...

– Firstly, not Masha, but Maria Sergeevna. Secondly, Gennady Ivanovich, you have been working as a labor teacher at our school for three years now and it’s high time you learned how to prepare a monthly report.

- Maria Sergeevna, well last time, let me write it off! My word, last time. And I’ll put together a stool for you for this!

- A stool? /thoughtfully/

- Yeah! I can do two!

– Okay, two stools and a board for cutting vegetables. Just keep in mind that this is the last time I will help you with the report. /gives him a notebook/

- It's covered!

/The happy labor teacher kisses Maria Sergeevna on the cheek and runs away, waving her notebook in the air. Maria Sergeevna shakes her head reproachfully./

Girl:/addressing the teachers in the hall/
– Our dear teachers, we wish you to have fewer unnecessary and boring reports, so that you have more time for extracurricular communication with students! Happy holiday!

2. Sketch for Teacher’s Day: “Once upon a time on a bench...”


Old lady 1 is a former teacher, retired, strict, despotic.
Old lady 2 is a former teacher, retired, the golden mean, both kind and strict in moderation. The main thing is fair.
Old lady 3 is a retired teacher, too kind and gentle.

– Once on a bench, three old women sat down at the same time. It’s not for nothing that everyone is proud of themselves - former teachers...

/Three old women, former teachers, are sitting on a bench./

1 old lady:
“I was a teacher and worked as hard as I could. I loved the tomboys so much, I often hit them with a pointer! I go to see my kids and they immediately pee in their pants. But of course this is in vain, I’m not such a witch.

2 old lady:
“I worked as a teacher, and I was not ashamed of my work. Everyone respected me, and probably for good reason.

3 old lady:
- Well, I was kind, I let everyone copy... And everyone wrote cheat sheets. All received A's.

1 old lady:
- It is not permissible to write off! I threatened the director! I boldly gave two grades; I didn’t spare anyone.

2 old lady:
“I was strict about the matter, and knew how to find an approach.” My motto is very simple: carrot and stick, that’s what it is!

3 old lady:
“I was kind, like a mother.” She loved to pamper everyone. She treated them to pancakes and cabbage pies.

1 old lady:
- Pies? What a nightmare! This is a class, not a market! I had an idea: for everyone to walk in line. She taught everyone discipline, although she became known as a despot.

2 old lady:
“I taught my children to be kind, I instilled tolerance in them.” I tried to make friends with everyone so that I could be the best in the class.

3 old lady:
“I wiped their snot and gave them a vest, never scolded them, forgave all their pranks.

- A lot of time has passed. The children have grown up a long time ago. Teachers rest and are bored in retirement. We ask you not to forget them and visit them often! Even though we were all different, they still put their souls into us! Happy holiday, teachers! Your work was not in vain!

3. Mini-skit for Teacher’s Day: “New Girl”


The new teacher, Zhanna Semyonovna, is a young teacher who looks like a typical nerd, but in reality turns out to be an athlete, a karateka.
Middle school students:
Hooligan - older boy
School principal - boy
Presenter – high school student

Act 1. New girl.

/The director and a new teacher enter the classroom, the children first make noise, then calm down and look at the new teacher with interest./

- Hello children!

- Hello!

– I would like to introduce you to a new mathematics teacher. Her name is Zhanna Semyonovna. Please respect and do not offend. Zhanna is just starting her work at school, so we ask you to behave in such a way as not to disappoint the young teacher.

/The director leaves, the teacher sits down at her desk./

Zhanna Semenovna:
- WITH today I will teach you mathematics.

-Where is our old math teacher?

Zhanna Semenovna:
– Your former teacher has retired.

– Zhanna Semyonovna, what are you doing this evening? Can I invite you to the cinema? /sarcastically/

/The whole class bursts into laughter./

Zhanna Semenovna:/not at all embarrassed/

– This evening I will check your notebooks with the test work, which we will now do. He gives everyone a piece of paper with the task.

/Everyone sank, dissatisfied sighs were heard/

Lenka:/whispers to my desk neighbor/
- Well, I just arrived, and you’re wearing a test...

- Yeah, he’s making fun of himself!

/The lesson continues, everyone writes a test, then the bell rings, everyone gets up and gives the paper to the teacher. Leaving class/

Act 2. Hooligan.

/Vovka and Yegorka go home together. Not far from them are Yulia and Lena. Suddenly a high school student, a hooligan, jumps out from behind a tree./

- Come on, little one, empty your pockets. What do you have there? money, chewing gum, phones? Let's all come here!

/Vovka begins to back away. Egorka gets into a boxer's pose and immediately receives a slap in the face and falls. The girls are screaming./

/At this moment, a new teacher, Zhanna Semyonovna, appears out of nowhere. And with a karate move, he puts the bully on his shoulder blades, his arm is twisted, he himself is pressed to the ground by the teacher, he lies, writhes, tries to break free, but nothing comes of it. The teacher has a death grip on him./

- Let go! Let go, I tell you! Yes, you, yes, you know who my father is! Yes, he will tear you to pieces!

/The teacher doesn’t pay attention to him. Egorka and Vovka look at the new teacher with delight and surprise./

Zhanna Semenovna:
- Get up, you idiot! And don't you dare hurt other children anymore.

/the bully gets up and runs away, but shouts after him:/

- I remember you! I'll tell daddy everything!

– Zhanna Semyonovna, thank you! And forgive us for laughing at you today. You are the coolest, coolest, super teacher!

– And I’m also a master of sports in karate! Therefore, if you have problems, please contact us. Or sign up for the section that I teach in the evenings, here is my business card. Knowing how to protect yourself and your friends won't hurt anyone!

– Thank you for the invitation, we will definitely come to your section!

/say goodbye to the teacher./

Act 3. In karate!

- Well, you and I are lucky!

– Not for you and me, but for the whole class! Now all the hooligans will bypass us.

- Well, shall we go sign up for the karate section in the evening?

- Of course we’re going!

Yuli and Lena:
- And we are with you!

/they run away together in all directions. They say goodbye until the evening./

– Thank you, dear teachers, for teaching children not only in school lessons, but also giving them examples of an active lifestyle, infecting them with your positivity, optimism and faith in goodness! Happy holiday to you! Our dear inspirers!

You will also find it useful:

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to create a new one for you. original script to order!

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Need fresh ideas for Teacher's Day? It is not at all surprising, because the holiday is about to knock not only on schools and lyceums, but also on the doors of houses where teachers live, working in school classrooms and retired, where graduates live who love and remember their teachers, and schoolchildren, walking up the school steps every day. It’s impossible not to love this holiday, which is why the portal has collected so much material that will help organize any special event at school: from an ordinary concert to a fun KVN.

Need a special theme for Teacher's Day? Some will say no, because on this day one sounds common topic: school, teacher, teaching. But you can beat her in a very unusual way. If you want to get an A for a concert, consider 5 ideas that will be useful for organizing a holiday.

Idea No. 1 for Teacher's Day: a concert with Brazilian touches

Ask what Brazil has to do with professional holiday teachers? The most direct, because all the concert numbers are dedicated to the teacher, but they are performed by children in costumes that you will only see in Brazil, and also at a school festival. If you don’t want to go to Brazil, organize a trip for your teachers to Venice or Mars, but connect it with the theme of the school

Idea No. 2 for Teacher's Day: bouquet in the same style

How often have you noticed at holidays, when, after presenting flowers, classroom teacher cannot hold all the bouquets in his hands, and other teachers stand with their heads modestly bowed, because they teach life safety, music, works. Even the director at such events is sometimes left without a bouquet. We offer to arrange bouquets for Teacher's Day in the same style, on the same theme. How great it will be for everyone to feel the holiday spirit.

Idea No. 3 for Teacher's Day: give different events

Stop holding a school concert every year according to the same scenario! If the teacher-organizer has run out of ideas, then on our portal they never end. Last year you held a concert, download the script for Teacher's Day 2014 for the upcoming holiday. If your school is already tired of concerts, hold a KVN or skit party and fill them with beautiful numbers for Teacher’s Day.

Idea No. 4 for Teacher's Day: surprise everyone

It can be difficult to surprise, but it is possible. We are sure that a flash mob has not yet taken place at your school. What it is? Read with us, watch the video and surprise your teachers. By the way, the event participants themselves also really like this action.

Idea No. 5: numbers for Teacher's Day from teachers

Don't believe that a teacher doesn't want to get up on stage to congratulate his colleagues. Find those who will do it happily, but not in beautiful words, but something more original. The teacher is a great artist at heart. At the school holiday, let your colleagues see the fiery dance of a young teacher, hear a beautiful song accompanied by a guitar, or enjoy a little pantomime performed by the school principal.

Teacher's Day

Musical number – Small Country

1.Good afternoon!


1.Today we are hosting a special episode of “Everyday Life at School No. 3”

2. The work of a teacher is hard and difficult, but there is one time a year when, throwing away all worries, anxieties and problems, meeting with colleagues in a cozy atmosphere, he sings, dances and jokes about himself.

1. This is Teacher's Day.

2. From A to Z, to any discovery

The path begins with you.

May the work of the teacher be glorious,

May Teacher's Day be glorious...

(together: Your day, teachers!)

1. What we will tell you about today is

Everything you should know:

After all, the history of our school is

Part of the history of our country.

Musical number – Ditties

2. So, we bring to your attention these festive “Teacher Gatherings”.

TV presenters come out.

1. Hello, My name is Madest, and this is my colleague and co-host Evlampy Degeneratovich!

2. Good afternoon!!

1.We welcome you to the Botan-TV channel

2.The most educational, most exciting and funniest channel in the world.

1.Aaaaaaand you will find out all the details immediately after the advertisement

Game "Explainers"

Student - teacher

  1. I wasn't at school because... babysat my little brother
  2. I wasn't at school because... I went to the doctor and got vaccinated
  3. I wasn’t at school because the door slammed and I couldn’t leave the apartment
  4. I wasn’t at school because my dear aunt came to visit me


1. there will be no lessons tomorrow, the whole school is going to the cinema

2. you took first place in the Olympiad in my subject

3. Tomorrow urgently to the director with his parents

4. tomorrow, take work clothes with you to clean the area.

Musical Number – Modern Girl

1. Our dear teachers! We cordially congratulate you on your holiday!

2.Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your enthusiasm, dedication and endless patience!

1. Agree that our school is a ship sailing on the sea of ​​knowledge, and it is led by experienced sailors-teachers. If only you knew how difficult it is to steer this ship in our difficult times.

2. May there be happiness and health,

Let there be enough strength for everything,

And every day of ordinary life,

So that it only brings joy.

1. We are in class, maybe not often,

We welcome you with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you something.

2. Let the years pass in succession,

With teachers, life is always new,

And serve as a guiding star

Your wise words are in our lives.

Musical number – First love

TV show hosts:

1. Once upon a time there was a small, small school at number 3.

2.So small that it is not visible even from a bird's eye view.

1. But she was born in a prosperous time and only began to blossom - but that was not the case.

2. The winds of perestroika came upon it, they wanted to destroy it, but it didn’t work out. 1.Then the storms of democracy came upon it, they wanted to shake it, but it didn’t work. 2. We left school in search of a better life as a teacher - I survived that too. 1. She was left all alone, not needed by anyone with her problems - we think she will survive this too.

2. Thank God, this small school number 3 withstood all the tests and did not flinch in the face of time and difficulties.

1. How is our school doing now??

2. Now we’ll find out!!

1.Program “Maximum” Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations. Show everything that is hidden behind classroom doors during lessons.

  • Skeleton in Valentina Grigorievna's laboratory! Who is this?

Send an SMS with the correct answer to number 4242.

  • Svetlana Ivanovna's students have long been tormented by a rhetorical question - Who is she talking to in the laboratory? This may be due to chemical compounds that act on cockroaches. They started talking...
  • Few people know that Gulnara Khairulinovna’s first love is Evgeny Onegin.
  • Lyudmila Alekseevna has not been able to find her office all September; apparently she has lost her card. Now she probably comes to class at night, guided by the stars.
  • Do you know, in order to better understand the life of schoolchildren, Natalya Nikolaevna works part-time as a psychologist...

2.Aaaaaaand you will find out the rest of the details immediately after the advertisement.


Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Your task is to show off your culinary skills. But let's not deviate from the school theme. Make a recipe for a dish according to the suggested name

– Crib sheet under a fur coat;

– Chop from a literature textbook;

– Stuffed briefcase;

– Stew from natural sciences;

– Sandwich from foreign language dictionaries;

– Chemical cocktail;

– Jellied Diary;

– Globe with ink sauce.

Musical number – Warm Summer Song

1. What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously distribute it piece by piece to children day after day, year after year!

2. And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be!

1.Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

They will leave a good mark on our souls.

Teacher's happiness is formed

From our student victories.

2. And let the years fly forward,

There is no need to be afraid of age.

May you have many years of experience,

But in your heart there are only 20!

1. You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

2.You give us a lot of strength

And love - no matter what.

How do you believe in us! - and, perhaps,

No one can believe like that.

Musical number – Sharmanka

TV show hosts:

  • Not everyone knows that Marina Borisovna leads a railway line to the house. The fact is that one student owes her a carload of candy.
  • But Irina Nikolaevna does not stand aside, leading the tram line to her.
  • Few people know that Natalya Alekseevna bought her third set of pens in a week. The fact is that she loves to take them apart and put them back together during lessons.
  • We are all surprised by Yulia Alexandrovna’s multi-level training - Russian language, literature, history, social studies.
  • Irina Viktorovna’s increased modesty is alarming... What if it opens up someday? back side medals.

1.Program “Maximum” Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations.

2. And now a special correspondent is in touch with his video material:

A funny scene for the holiday "Teacher's Day"

A bright musical introduction sounds. A group of students runs onto the stage. They line up and, one by one, begin to speak with inspiration and elation:

- Our dears!

- Beloved!

- Dear!

- Honored ones!

- Adored!

Enthusiastic (continues). Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, bungled...

Presenter (interrupts, covering the Enthusiastic’s mouth with his hand). What are you talking about? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience.) I was completely stunned, poor thing. He started talking.

The group of students nodded sympathetically and continued:

– Our dear teachers!

- We love you!

- We respect you!

- We honor!

– We love it!

Enthusiastic (continues with inspiration). We bow down, admire, admire, wonder...

Presenter (interrupts). Maybe stop fawning?

Enthusiastic (persistently and stubbornly). No way!

Group of students (continues one by one):

Yes! We understand. How difficult it is for you!

- With us, the unlucky ones!

- Unassembled!

- Impolite!

- Inattentive!

- Undisciplined!

Enthusiastic (interrupts and continues alone). Lazy, loud, talkative, rabid...

Presenter (indignantly). Well, I'm tired of it! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic.)

Enthusiastic (continues to delve into something incomprehensible with his mouth clenched). Po, ti, ka, lu, si, ... etc.

The enthusiastic one is “calmed down” with an inflatable baton to the head. He sags in the arms of his two comrades.

Presenter (continues). We understand you, we sympathize with you from the bottom of our hearts and want to help you. We invite you to the store of amazing inventions “To help our dear teacher”, and there...

A group of students together: Oh, the box is full - a lot of all sorts of goodness!

Come, my sweetheart...bush...ka,... (they finish confused and look at each other): Something wrong…

Teacher (timid, nervous, insecure, glasses on the tip of her nose which she constantly adjusts; she shudders at everything, constantly turns around in fear, fiddling with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely). Hello. Excuse me, did I get to the store?

2nd seller (helpful). Glad to serve! What do you want?

Teacher. I would like some... help...

1st seller (broad gesture towards the items.) Please! Widest choice.

1st seller (energetically). Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers ( shows) to pluck out loose tongues.

The teacher recoils.

2nd seller. And here is the kit (shows): hammer and nails for crucifixion on the most obnoxious desks...

Teacher (rolls her eyes, screams). No. No.

1st seller (to another). Look, I think she’s too impressionable.

2nd seller. There’s no point in doing this at school...

Teachers? ^pleadingly). Please... look... something more modern...

1st seller (confident;. Then you need a “pupil-manager”!

Teacher. What is this?

2nd seller. ABOUT! This is an irreplaceable thing - the dream of every teacher!

Teacher. Can you demonstrate?

1st seller. Demonstrating: the “Go” button (presses the button and the students participating in the “experiment” begin to move),"Stop" button (students freeze). Walk button, Stop button, Walk button, Stop button (the students then go, That freeze V the funniest poses).

And here is the “Speak” button

(students begin to obediently chatter: “Five five is twenty-five, six six is ​​thirty-six, Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, in an equilateral triangle all sides are equal,...”), “Be silent” button (the students get stuck mid-sentence: “Rav, rav, rav...”).

2nd seller. Oh, sorry, it's stuck (I try to turn it off with the remote control, but it doesn’t work). Wait a minute! (slams the remote control on the table; students slide into chairs).

Teacher (enthusiastically). Amazing!!! But... it's probably expensive? Our salary - you know...

1st seller. Don't worry, the product is experimental, we are giving it out for free.

Teacher. Amazing! Give me three, please, no - four is better, no, no, please give me ten pieces (confidentially) I'll share it with my colleagues. Tell me, are there any side effects when using “Uchenikus”?

2nd seller (confident). None! True, after a month the students begin to experience slight insanity, and after a year - general psychosis, but they are all abnormal anyway: a little more, a little less, what's the difference?

Teacher (doubtfully). No... Something doesn’t sit well with me... Maybe you can suggest something else?

2nd seller (helpful, but with a touch of condescension). Please please!

Teacher (looking around, searching). Give... me... this pillow.

1st seller (doubtfully). This one is unlikely to suit you, it is suffocating...

Teacher (with horror, pushing away, throwing away the pillow). Oh, No no!

Seller (calmingly). Take another one, this one, it's just soothing. Give the students a pillow. Like this (demonstrates)~ the students fall asleep. Do you see? They fell asleep, and you can go about your business - read a book, knit a blouse...

Teacher (doubtfully). What about the educational process? How to execute the program if everyone is asleep?

1st seller. Yes... they didn’t finish it! (snatches the pillow; the students look around in shock) Well, okay, let's think.

Teacher (with despair). What to do? Should I not leave empty-handed? Do you have anything else?

2nd seller. Here it is, just for you (starts to take it out from under the counter)."Straitjacket"! True, it comes complete with two riot policemen. But they were unlucky at school No. 3. this moment they are in traumatology. Here! It is better! You see, gags come in different modifications, for example, a dummy gag. It works like this (starts demonstrating): the student sucks him in and can no longer talk - he just hums (students moo And choke).

Teacher (horrified). Oh, they'll suffocate! Stop it!

1st seller. Don't worry! (pats students on the back; they spit out the pacifier). See, everything is fine. Here are also “Water Laxative”, “Noose Healing”...

The teacher can no longer speak, she only hums and shakes her head negatively.

2nd seller. Well then we don't know. You won’t please... Maybe a set “to help a beginning teacher”?

Teacher (hopefully). What's in this set?

1st seller (inspired). A gun for shooting the most impudent, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas canister for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching...

Teacher (pleadingly). Or maybe this is the last one on the list.

2nd seller (readily). A fishing rod? Please! It comes with a sandwich. Used to remove the most arrogant from the class.

Teacher (timidly). Oh... a sandwich, excuse me, why?

1st seller. This is bait. See how it works - flawlessly! We put the sandwich on the hook and bring it to the student’s nose (shows) and he follows you as if hypnotized!

Teacher. Very tempting, very... I think I'll take it... What's with the sandwiches?

2nd seller. For every taste! With sausage, ham, salmon, red and black caviar...

teacher gradually sinks into the chair. Mommy (faints).

1st seller. Listen, what's wrong with her?

2nd seller. I say, very impressionable (fans the teacher with a newspaper).

Musical number – Star Calendar

1.Yes, school remains a bright, joyful island of childhood for each of us.

2. An adult will never return to it; only teachers on this island have permanent registration.

1. After all, school is their home, and all students are their children, helpers, and friends.

2. May the sun shine more generously on you!

And from everyone who is near and far,

We send you greetings - from all pets

And bow from heaven to earth!

2. Teacher!

Even after many years

The light you lit will not go out,

And my heart, I know, will be young,

While the sacred fire is in friendship with him.

TV show hosts:

1.Program “Maximum” Scandals, Intrigues, Investigations. 2.Show everything that is hidden behind classroom doors during lessons.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen. Magic session, mind reading, secrets of the past and future. Lyubov Vladimirovna is ready to reveal all this and much more to you in home economics lessons.
  • Only a select few know that Vladimir Viktorovich was factorized...
  • Teachers foreign language they begin to forget the Russian language and in order not to show this, Marina Konstantinovna says - English please.
  • Not everyone understands why Pyotr Borisovich spends most of his time traveling to competitions. Probably there better conditions labor...
  • It remains a mystery to everyone why the increased air humidity at school does not affect Olga Anatolyevna’s vocal cords. Or maybe she has gills...
  • Do you know that for several years now Irina Pavlovna has been waking up at night in a cold sweat with the same question – The hero of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” is – Myshkin – Koshkin – Pushkin

1.Aaaaaaand you will find out the rest of the details immediately after the advertisement

Musical number – Moonlight track

"Funny Questions"

    According to Talleyrand, this drink "should be strong as a black man, black as night and sweet as the first kiss." Name it. ( Coffee)

    It is with these tools that the glutton digs his own grave.

(fork and teeth)

    Everyone has been familiar with this instructive story about a long journey since childhood. bakery product to the consumer. (" Kolobok") Medley).

    Which, according to the Polish satirist, opens any mouth. ( Bread)

    In Ancient Judea, this harmful insect was considered edible, because. it supposedly tastes like shrimp ( Locust)

Musical number – White Seagull

  1. Here our teachers are sitting in front of us - smart and beautiful.
  2. Kind and strict
  3. Talented and hardworking
  4. The pride of our school
  5. Our school is rightfully proud of its teachers, students, graduates, traditions and holidays. We can talk about this endlessly.
  6. You didn’t become a model, a businesswoman, or a lawyer.

    Your calling has become school, children and family.

    Learn and teach, educate, love.

    Laugh and never cry.

1.And even though the work is difficult, there is no money,

But you still see light in the tunnel.

You firmly believe and hope for the best.

And let everything in life work out,

There are so many roads, but you have one

TogetherSchool family.

TV show hosts:

  1. The teachers of the small school number 3 will make every effort to train and educate worthy citizens of Russia. After all, the future is in the hands of a simple school teacher.
  2. Dear friends. And in conclusion, we wish you all, all, all earthly blessings - be healthy, live richly.
  3. We begin the ceremony of presenting medals for work, patience and care.

Musical number – Teachers have no time to grow old

An original script will help you spend a holiday at school dedicated to Teacher's Day in a fun and unusual way. The program will be complemented by funny and tear-jerking skits for Teacher's Day, telling about the work of teachers. We have collected ideas for writing skits about tests and a teacher's first day at school for elementary, middle and high schools. Unusual numbers with texts and video examples will help you write an unusual holiday script.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day at school - cool ideas and examples of numbers

Our readers will be helped to create funny and cool scenes for the holiday Teacher's Day at school. simple ideas and examples. For you, we have selected original numbers about writing tests in various subjects. Funny and somewhat realistic productions will definitely appeal to all school teachers.

Ideas for funny skits at school for Teacher's Day

For many students, writing tests seems like a real challenge. Therefore, the topics of passing tests and solving complex problems can be used to compose funny skits. For example, students can beat a strict teacher who is trying to take away crib sheets or phones from students. Or you can talk about how teachers check tests after passing them. You can see examples of such scenes in our next videos. Ready-made texts can be used to quickly prepare your own numbers.

Video examples of cool and funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

With the help of our selection of video productions about taking tests, students of secondary and high school will be able to easily write new funny skits for Teacher's Day. If desired, texts from the examples can be borrowed to perform similar acts or to supplement with other more sparkling jokes.

Funny skits for high school on Teacher's Day - examples and ideas for productions

High school students usually prepare a real school concert for Teacher's Day. It may include funny skits, ditties, and musical battles. Our examples and ideas will help you create an original script. Using them, high school students can easily create really funny skits for Teacher's Day.

Ideas for funny skits for Teacher's Day from high school students

To make the finished numbers fun, high school students are advised to spice up the funny story with real life facts. In their funny performances, high school students can tell:

  • about the difficult life of a teacher during exams;
  • about communication (or discussion among students) in the staff room;
  • about the teacher's happiness of going home after a hard day at work;
  • about how teachers have to stay at school when they have a cold because of tests and tests.

Any life situation can be presented in a funny and cool way if you spice it up with sparkling jokes. The idea for a skit about a teacher's first day in school is quite funny. new school. For example, high school students can tell how a teacher is afraid of modern children or how he earns authority in front of poor students. In such a cool production, many teachers will be able to recognize their first day at school.

Video examples of funny skits from high school students for Teacher's Day

Video examples will help our readers write a simple and at the same time funny text for a production about a teacher’s first day at school, as well as about the pressing problems of teachers. They will allow you to choose the most successful jokes and create really cool numbers.

Cool skits for Teacher's Day for primary school - ideas and examples of texts

For students primary classes We have selected short funny skits for Teacher's Day. Using simple examples texts and video numbers, it will not be difficult to create an unusual and cool program of events. For students in grades 1-2, it is better to break such productions into 3-4 parts and include them in the script between different competitions, song numbers or skits with poetry readings. But students in grades 3-4 can perform all comic performances at once.

Ideas for creating funny skits for elementary school students for Teacher's Day

Primary school students will be most interested in talking not about the teachers themselves, but about their studies. Funny children's jokes can be used as the basis for skits from schoolchildren in grades 1-4. The guys just have to choose who will play what role and rehearse the number well. For example, for productions, students primary school can use the following texts:

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Student Petukhov: “Frog Traveler”

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Disciple Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer why people need nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

A student asks the teacher: Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
Teacher: No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!
Student: What did you play?
Teacher: On the street!

Teacher: Let's see how you learned your homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.
Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?
- This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!
- Yes, it’s not heavy.
- Yes, and I’m not strong!

How do you say “Gogol-Mogol” in English?
- “Shakespeare-Mexpeare”!

Also in the making funny skits For the Teacher's Day holiday, the video examples we have selected will also be useful to them. They also talk about the “difficult” life of the kids and their attempts to understand all the difficulties modern sciences.

Original skits from students - funny video examples for Teacher's Day

A selection of the best video examples will help our readers create not just funny, but also original scenes for Teacher’s Day at school. In them you will also find performances by middle and high school students. Sparkling jokes from different productions can be combined into one number or included in different parts of the script.