The most vengeful signs Zodiac signs can be extremely kind towards people who have not offended them. It is very difficult to understand what kind of person is standing in front of you, but if you recognize his zodiac sign, then some questions will be answered automatically.

Don’t be too categorical, because people within the same Sign do not always behave identically. There are many various aspects that cannot be ignored: upbringing, living conditions, gender, current mood.

Why is revenge dangerous?

Energetically, revenge is a huge problem for a person who has this character trait. It is very difficult to restrain yourself when there is a temptation to repay the offender in the same coin. Some people almost never succeed. But the majority remember grievances, and this memory torments them, devours them from the inside. It is important to be able to abstract from this.

Negative memories destroy the power of our biofield. No one can predict what exactly this entails, but in many cases, overly vindictive people often get sick, often lack luck, and have a depressed mood.

Rating of the most vindictive Zodiac Signs

Fifth place - Gemini. Gemini is one of the five most vindictive Signs because they do not ignore the negativity that comes even from close people. They want to show that their pride has been hurt, so they start rumors about people they care about.
Sometimes Gemini's cruelty knows no bounds. These people have no regrets, so they get a well-deserved fifth place. They do not take revenge very cruelly, but they do it very secretly, until no one sees. In fact, you may never know that Gemini has taken revenge on you.
Fourth place - Lev. Leos are very vindictive, but their revenge is very quick and almost instantaneous. Leos hold almost no grudge against the person who caused them problems, however, their rancor surpasses any other in its strength. Perhaps no one can compare with Leos in this regard, therefore, if they have the opportunity to take revenge right here and now, they will take advantage of it. They do this with words or fists. Physical violence is not a problem for them. but they’d rather make you the laughing stock of everyone. If it is impossible to take revenge immediately, they will simply forgive their offender, but not immediately. Resentments will lie somewhere in the subcortex, somewhere far away, which is not very good for health and mood, but everything disappears very quickly. This is partly because Leos have many enemies, and remembering each of them is already a privilege that they are not ready to provide to the unworthy. They are too narcissistic people.
Third place - Taurus. Bronze medalist of our negative rating - bright representative Earth sign. Taurus is bursting with a desire to take revenge on someone who did not treat them very well. They sometimes take revenge too cruelly even on those who have not done anything out of the ordinary to them. What destroys them is the speed of retribution and its lack of thought. The victim immediately understands that they were offended by the very person whom they had previously crossed the path of. Taurus take revenge extremely casually and even funny. This makes people lose all respect for them. In a word, they don’t know how to fight back, but they always try to do it.
Taurus can't stand it when things don't work out for them, so they worry very much about any failure, even when they can't take revenge properly. Successful revenge brings them great satisfaction, which is why they receive bronze for their swiftness and thoughtlessness.
Second place - Virgo. Virgos receive well-deserved silver because they take revenge on almost everyone who offends them. Distinctive feature these people - kind heart, which sometimes becomes angry. After an act of retaliation, Virgos always regret their actions, but they do it again and again. These people receive second place for the incredible thoughtfulness of their actions and for their special creative approach to the process.
These people do not always enjoy what they do, but they perceive revenge as the only cure, as a kind of obligatory ritual that cannot be avoided. They are consumed by resentment, which turns into apathy and regret. If you crossed this person's path, then you better apologize as quickly as possible, otherwise you will have to look back for the rest of your days.

First place - Scorpios. These people are the most dangerous of all. If we had put them in second place, they would have taken revenge on us too, so there was simply no choice. But, jokes aside. These people are as dangerous as a bunch of dynamite lying next to an open fire. Gold medal they get rancor because of their cruelty and intransigence. Scorpios are the most sophisticated “avengers” on the planet. Cruel plans come into their heads, which they do not hesitate to implement.
Scorpios take first place also because you become their enemies forever if you managed to somehow cross their path. The matter may not be limited to one act of retribution. Even if you ask them for forgiveness, they will not calm down. Grudges do not harm them special problems, because they live like this 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Before you seriously quarrel with any of your friends, be sure to check who they are according to their Zodiac Sign. This can help you a lot in the future, it will tell you about his weaknesses and strengths, will give an idea of ​​which Zodiac Sign is capable of what.

Take, for example, Aries. If your ill-wisher is Aries according to your horoscope, then rest assured, he is not vindictive by nature and is moderately irritable. However, if you somehow manage to offend or, even worse, offend him, then the counter-reaction will be immediate. You may subsequently have to reassure your opponent for a long time, but he will not hatch plans for revenge. The best revenge for Aries is self-defense, and he is not comfortable waving his fists after a fight.

U Taurus according to your horoscope, your idea of ​​revenge. In their understanding, a person who dares to stand in their way should be taught a sophisticated and cruel lesson so that he learns a lesson well for the future. However, in order to become an object of hatred for Taurus, you still have to try very hard. And if you still couldn’t avoid the conflict, then don’t even try to make friends with him again, since these people don’t give second chances to anyone.

Twins- real pros when it comes to vindictiveness. All means are good here, from dirty gossip to almost blackmail. Just don’t feed this restless Zodiac bread, just let someone take revenge. They always try to be aware of everything that is happening around them, so that later, as necessary, they can skillfully use their information.

Cancers In terms of revenge, the main lever of pressure is the conscience of the offender. It doesn’t matter by what means they get to her - they will press for pity, reproach or recall past grievances. They will easily bring you to the point where you will kill yourself.

Lviv It’s more expensive to offend yourself. All of them have an excellent command of eloquence, which will help them easily bring you, as they say, “below the plinth.” The most the right way to make an enemy of this fire sign is to deceive him.

Virgo they approach revenge professionally. By nature, they try to approach everything with their own personal structured method, which allows them to always achieve the desired result. They can go official documents, certificates, money, yes, in fact, anything. There can be only one chance for your pardon; this Zodiac Sign has a huge reserve of patience, so try not to be zealous in disputes and conflicts with them. So, you see, it will pass.

And here Scales, despite all their touchiness, are not at all vindictive. These are excellent diplomats who will find a compromise and get away with any unpleasant situation, simply leaving you in the cold.

For Scorpios Revenge is a dish that is always served cold. After a serious quarrel, they will torment you for a long time with caustic, poisonous remarks, each time savoring your irritation.

Sagittarius also very vindictive Sign Zodiac. They prefer to take revenge publicly, since lynching in public, in their opinion, is the worst thing that can happen to you if you cross their path. There is also a place for revenge in bureaucratic terms if they have the opportunity to influence the state of affairs at your work or at financial side of your life.

Harmless at first glance Capricorns can become a serious problem for you. After a quarrel they are very for a long time They hatch plans for your punishment, and then, when you have already forgotten about the conflict, they will remind you of themselves with serious meanness, the consequences of which you will have to sort out for more than one week. They think through everything very carefully down to the smallest detail, so in this case you will not be able to come out unscathed. Moreover, it is likely that you will not even know who caused your misfortunes, since Capricorns prefer not to get their hands dirty, but to influence you through third parties.

For Aquarius to bother taking revenge on you is beneath one's own dignity. However, you will still get yours. But it will be more likely ordinary mockery, in the form of barbs that will periodically fly at you from their sharp tongue.

And here is the Zodiac Sign Fish They may be boring, look no further. They don’t even need a reason to be offended by you - they can easily come up with one for themselves. For many months, you will be bothered by gossip and tales started by them. This gives them real pleasure. Most of this “attention” goes to the people closest to them. Maybe this is how this Zodiac Sign expresses its love and affection, who knows. In any case, try not to allow negativity and conflicts into your life and don’t forget to push the buttons and

13.12.2013 14:10

Why do zodiac constellations influence personality formation? Find out whether a person can make adjustments to his destiny, and how...

There is no evil zodiac sign; we are all evil in our own way. The difference lies only in the way the villainous plans and revenge are carried out. If you have an enemy, then find out his date of birth and prepare for an appropriate attack.


When doing bad things, he acts openly. Warns of an attack in advance (Hitler was an unfortunate exception). Uses brutal methods of revenge. Not capable of a double play.


Not vindictive because he is lazy. It’s easier for him to turn on the loss limitation mode than to waste time and energy on who knows what. Most likely, he will simply stop communicating with the one who annoys him so much, but will not exchange sofa relaxation for petty ideas.


If they take revenge, then it’s for their own benefit (otherwise, what’s the point?). If someone really offends them, they will act spontaneously, without a plan. They can take away someone’s loved one out of revenge. They can just speak out. There is no malice, as such, in them, but there is some incontinence.


It’s better not to mess with him at all, it’s more expensive for yourself. Acting in his own interests and driving a tank through someone else’s, he will make the injured party look guilty. As an avenger, he is not inventive; after spitting in the soul from someone else, he finds a way to console his loved one, perhaps even at someone else’s expense.

a lion

The expression “An eagle catches no flies” applies to those born under the sign of Leo. If he commits a bad act, it is for the purpose of enrichment. He is not interested in revenge.


Virgo is the embodiment of justice (however, only Virgos think so). Even if she does what is popularly called lawlessness, she finds a million excuses for herself. “I have the right, that’s all. Objections will not be accepted."


The most, most vindictive sign of the zodiac. He takes pleasure in revenge and can spend years preparing for it. In this case, he acts only at someone else’s expense or through the hands of another person. Sometimes he can “take revenge” not for evil deeds, but for fun.


Explosive. If he is driven to rage, he will act thoughtlessly, perhaps even to the detriment of his own interests. Fear Scorpios, in general.


Hot, but easy-going. He might say nasty things or fight, ruin other people's property, etc. He won't hide, that's for sure. Then, perhaps, he will repent. Maybe he will even receive forgiveness.


When committing evil deeds, it acts on a cool head. He will never put the emotions boiling inside himself above his interests. Revenge will only be taken if it is beneficial.


Aquarius is not a vindictive or vindictive person. It is difficult to offend him because he does not take anyone to heart. He himself is not capable of evil. At most, it may not take into account other people’s interests, and then only due to inattention.


Pisces live by feelings and want only love from this life. They take revenge on their other halves by cheating. They have almost no enemies, they are a peaceful people. They don’t covet someone else’s property, they don’t get pleasure from revenge. Nice and nice people.

Revenge can be a powerful motivator - it makes people do things they wouldn't normally do. If you're preoccupied with thoughts about her, you're probably hurting yourself. more harm than to your offender. This is accumulated negativity with not the best consequences, and in soap series there would probably be much less storylines, if not for the theme of revenge. Revenge can be big or small, but like a spark, it easily gets out of control, and its “payback” is irrational and sometimes even meaningless. Which zodiac signs are considered the most vindictive and vindictive, and which are more easy-going and kind-hearted?

1. Aries

You simply start competing with the person you want to take revenge on. The main thing is to win against him, preferably as publicly as possible. You become so focused on the process itself that any positive emotions you might get from winning the competition are lost. But you allegedly wiped the enemy’s nose. Is it worth “winning” like this?

2. Taurus

If we're talking about about revenge, then you are starting a very long game. You don't care how long it takes if the end is supposed to be the complete destruction of the enemy. By the time justice (in your understanding) triumphs, you will put on a mask of detachment and indifference, although everything inside you will rejoice.

3. Gemini

When you seek revenge, you destroy the enemy object with words. You speak badly about your opponent, tell all his secrets and secrets, and do not even hesitate to spread rumors. Basically, you start a very ordinary smear campaign and do everything possible to destroy not only the enemy, but also destroy your reputation and name.

4. Cancer

You tend to hurt yourself much more than the person who hurt you. You really want to get even with him, but inside you wisely know that this will not ease your pain, and hurting your enemy will probably make you feel even worse. You can furiously take revenge in your head, but in reality you will not dare to take any action.

5. Leo

When someone has hurt you, you immediately banish the offender from your social circle and let him know that he is dead to you. From this point on, you encourage other people to ignore, avoid, and reject your opponent. You want him to become completely alone and feel terrible pangs of conscience for offending you.

6. Virgo

You don't resort to revenge because you're afraid it will boomerang and hurt you. But if you're absolutely pissed off, you might as well do minor dirty trick: send a virus by email or puncture a tire. But no more. Any bodily harm seems tedious and troublesome to you.

7. Libra

You destroy the enemy through social media. If someone has hurt you to the point where you want revenge, then you take on that person on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can even create fake profiles to troll the offender and humiliate him as much as possible with your comments.

8. Scorpio

You are the most vindictive of all the signs, and you take it very seriously. You never forget anything, and no matter what plan of revenge you choose, it will never be enough and you will never be satisfied. Offending you is dangerous to your health, because you take revenge violently, but carefully, without breaking any laws.

9. Sagittarius

You quickly forget about plans for revenge because you usually become interested in something else. But if, nevertheless, the enemy is too memorable for you, you will prefer to stay away from him so as not to spoil your mood, or you will harshly and painfully tease and play him. It sounds stupid, but when you can be harsh with him, you feel much better.

10. Capricorn

If you have been harmed and hurt and you want to repay it, you do it in the most humiliating way possible. You attack the enemy's sense of dignity. If it's at work, then you make sure your opponent makes a huge mistake followed by a reprimand from the boss. And if this is not an employee, then you can publicly ridicule him or put him in an awkward position. You are not as terrible at revenge as Scorpio, but you can be just as determined.

11. Aquarius

You play very creative tricks on your abusers, for example, by directing them to charitable activities - you can sign them up to volunteer for some events or to make voluntary financial donations, and if they fail to do this, they will look like irresponsible people. Even in your revenge you manage to do good.

12. Pisces

As revenge, you begin to write a novel about your offenders, and the characters in it are so recognizable that everyone immediately guesses who you encrypted in them. If it is not a romance, then you will express your anger in a song, a poem, or any other creative way. For you, revenge and resentment are a kind of creative fuel when you transform negativity into a work of art.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

Geminis cannot be called great avengers at all, and they themselves often say that they will not stoop to this low level. However, in moments when someone manages to seriously touch Gemini, a plan to strike back is immediately born in his head. He may start exaggerated gossip, make caustic comments towards the offender and inadvertently hit him in his sore spots. Well, you shouldn’t have started this, now bear with it.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

Cancers take revenge in an original and completely unsightly way. It’s their style to be offended, get drunk and go off into the night, and let the offender (as they think) suffer and torment his soul from emotions. However, reality differs from their fantasies, and Cancers often find themselves in completely ridiculous situations thanks to such actions. What is also characteristic of Cancers is that they remember the pain caused to them for quite a long time and dream of revenge, although they do not always bring their plans to life.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:
a lion

It is quite difficult to bring Leo to the point where he wants to take revenge. But if this happens, it’s better not to catch his eye. Lions will not cause physical harm, no, they will act much more subtly. Representatives of this zodiac sign will make every effort to show the offender how intellectually he is inferior to Leo. They will mock him and show their place, forever excluding this person from their environment.

Vengeful Zodiac Signs:

In the ranking of the most, Scorpio is always in the lead; in this they simply have no equal. Scorpios are especially successful in taking revenge on their own, who somehow did not please them. They can turn their life into hell, harassing a person with small demands and large claims, and may even resort to blackmail. And if Scorpios have been cheated on (those who can save themselves), they will not hesitate to scrawl on the car everything that I think about their ex-betrothed. Also, quite often, when parting with their partners, Scorpios want to take away or sue all their property.