On a birthday, as a rule, guests say as many kind words and flattery about the birthday person as he would not hear in a whole year. And although everyone understands that they are flattered, it is still pleasant. So why not combine these pleasant words into a game that will be remembered by the hero of the occasion for a long time? Such a game will remind the birthday boy that he is dear to the guests present.

Option one

The host invites the guests to acknowledge their respect and love for the birthday boy. In this case, everyone must name only one quality, and this word must be an adjective. For example: “I love you because you are sociable.”

There are many variations of this game, but there is one basic rule: if someone does not say anything within 10 seconds, he is out of the game. Under no circumstances should this be repeated. And the one who holds out until the last and wins will receive a thank you prize from the birthday boy (a small souvenir, a handshake, a kiss, an autographed photo, etc.)

Option two

The host begins the game with the words: “Dear guests, I will tell you a secret - the birthday boy loves his name very much. That’s why he, without knowing it, loves to receive gifts starting with the letter with which his name begins. Let's not remember the gifts that have already been given to him.

Let's imagine what we can give him, knowing about his secret. For example: “Our birthday boy’s name is Mikhail, I would give him a car, it’s a pity, I don’t have enough money, but why not dream?” Next, the guests take turns telling them to give the hero of the occasion (For example, a mobile phone, a guinea pig, a diving mask, and so on). Paper hearts are hidden indoors in a variety of unexpected places. On command, the guests begin to look for them. The one who finds the most hearts wins, he receives a prize from the hands of the birthday boy.

Each participant in the competition is given a match. When the first participant goes to the center of the room, the match is lit, and while it is burning, the player must have time to tell funny details about himself. The one who tells the most wins. Several people are selected to participate in this competition, the more the better. They are given two sheets of paper. They must decide which item they would save from the fire first. It is written down on the first sheet. And on the second sheet you need to write the reason why they chose this particular item. After which all the papers are folded into 2 boxes - the first sheet with objects, the second - with reasons. Then the competition organizer takes out 1 sheet from each and reads it out. It turns out to be a funny story, for example: “I will save the carpet because I love to eat it.” There are different dances - singles, groups and pairs. Pair dancing involves partners facing each other and supporting each other by the shoulders, waist or arms. How to dance with your back to each other? Invite guests to dance famous dances in this way, for example, waltz, square dance, twist and others. It will turn out very funny. All film lovers know what this is. Film directors resort to this technique when they want to focus attention on some small external detail. Most often, the flight of a bullet or arrow, scenes of fights and falls are shown in slow motion.

Invite guests to depict unusual funny scenes in slow motion. For example, how a person kills a fly, scratches under his shoulder blade, or takes medicine. Use your imagination, and it will turn out very cool! The player is seated with his back to the guests, while a sign is attached to his back with the inscription “Toilet”, “Cafe”, “Shop” and so on. Other guests should ask questions like “How often do you go there?”, “Why do you go there?” The player must answer questions without knowing what is written behind his back. For this game we will need blindfolds and small stable objects, such as skittles or unbreakable cups, maybe even plastic ones. Several participants are selected. In front of them, objects are placed in a line in front of each participant at different distances from each other. The players' task is to remember the location of the objects - they are given a couple of minutes for this, and then walk through blindfolded, trying not to touch them.

But after the contestants are blindfolded, several helpers must quickly remove the objects while the guests have fun watching the contestants try to get around non-existent obstacles. And to add fun, guests can encourage the players with phrases, as if directing them: “Move to the right!”, “Walk wider!” Guests are divided into teams of 4 people, each receives a task to write short story on a specific topic, for example: “My last summer.” At the same time, it is imperative that empty spaces remain in the story instead of adjectives. You are given 10-15 minutes to complete the task. Then the groups exchange tasks and take turns completing the story with adjectives, funny or not. Important condition so that these words are not offensive. The story that turns out to be the funniest wins. This game is becoming increasingly popular in the USA and European countries, and recently it came to us. All guests are divided into two or three teams. A player from one of the teams must draw the word guessed by his comrades, without using numbers and letters, and the task of the other teams is to guess this word. You can play this game endlessly until you get bored. The team that guesses the most times wins. In order not to turn the presentation of a gift to the birthday boy into a banal transfer of an elegant box from hand to hand, you can do this in the form of a cute game.

First of all, an assistant from the birthday boy’s family is needed to hide the gift. Then, the donor should have notes prepared - tips, perhaps in poetic form, which tell you in hints where to look for the next clue.

It is necessary to arrange all the notes so that the first indicates the location of the second, the second indicates where to look for the third, and so on. 5-7 such notes are enough so as not to delay the game too much. The last note should indicate the location of the gift.

Notes for a birthday girl can be something like this: “Where you often paint your eyes, look quickly for the first hint” (at the mirror), “What stores your memories will give you a hint to make your wish come true” (photo album). And so on.

Very often, teenage parties are held in a narrow circle, for example, for only girls, or for only boys. In this case, competitions for couples - boy - girl will be inappropriate. But there are many competitions only for girls or boys. For example:

Cool competitions for boys

Several boys are invited. Each person is given a razor and an inflated balloon on which eyes, nose, mouth and ears are drawn. It is advisable that during the competition someone holds them for the competitors. Then shaving foam is applied to the inflatable “heads”. The participants’ task is to “shave” the balls as carefully as possible without bursting them. Several boys will be needed for this competition. All participants are given children's cars, but they are not allowed to be held in their hands. A glass of water is placed on each machine and a rope is tied to it - 10-15 meters. The task of the participants, on command, is to begin winding the rope into a ball, pushing the machine towards the finish line. The winner is the one who brings the car to the start faster and spills the least amount of water. Guests are divided into two playing teams. Team captains receive balls and sticks. At a signal, the captains drive the ball into an improvised goal with a stick, located at the other end of the hall. After that, they pass the stick to another member of their team. The team that scores all the goals the fastest wins. Of course, this competition can also be held among girls, but since young fashionistas attend holidays “in parade,” that is, with makeup, it is better to invite boys to participate, for whom it will not be difficult to wash themselves. This competition is a surprise; only the presenter and his assistant should know about its rules. Two participants are invited and seated at a clean table opposite each other. Paper snowflakes are laid out in a chaotic order in front of them. The rules are explained - you need to remember the location of the snowflakes and with eyes closed blow them off the table. Whoever blows away the most is the winner. The presenter blindfolds the participants, while the assistant quickly places saucers of flour on the table. Unsuspecting participants blow on each other and end up in the “snow.” The winners of this competition are the spectators, they are the ones who get all the fun. This is a competition for accuracy. For it you will need an apple or crumpled paper, a basket or hat, a small ball and other items as desired. There are two possible variants of this competition: in the first case, you need to hit an apple into a basket or hat, in the second, you need to knock all sorts of objects off a chair with a ball. The most accurate participant wins.

Cool competitions for girls

This is a competition for attentiveness. One of the guests’ girls is hidden behind a screen. The host of the competition should ask the rest of those present questions about the participant’s makeup, clothes, jewelry, and so on. The most attentive ones are awarded points. The one who scores the most points wins. As a rule, high school girls already know how to do makeup, and it will not be difficult for them to apply makeup to another participant. For this competition, two or three participants and the same number of “models” are selected. Cosmetic kits are provided. The task of the competitors is to paint their model as quickly as possible and at the same time beautifully. The results are determined by audience voting. This competition requires several participants. They all stand facing the audience, with chairs behind them. The leader places a small object on each chair. On command, the girls must sit on a chair and determine what kind of object was given to them. You cannot look or use your hands. The first one to guess its item wins. For this competition you will need dolls in cribs, which any teenage girl has. Several participants are invited. Their task is to play “mother’s daughter” - to wake up the dolls, wash and brush their teeth, do exercises, feed and comb their hair, take the crib, dress it, take a walk and play with it, undress it, put it to bed and sing a lullaby. The one who completes the task better and faster wins. This competition is humorous and intellectual. Based on its results, the blonde is determined - the girl who could not answer a single question. Tasks can be different, here are some examples:
  • What note is needed to make soup? (salt)
  • A composer's last name that sounds like a gunshot? (Bach)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

Maria Vyalykh
Women's legs.ru

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Do you have a birthday soon and want to celebrate it with fun? Then you should come up with interesting competitions. They are popular at birthday parties. Don't be confused by passive friends, who will definitely find you. There are some people who always don’t like everything. But if you active person, you will definitely be able to convince your friends to take part in competitions.

And if they refuse, lure them with gifts, which can be various trinkets. It will be easier for a person to decide to play when he knows that a prize awaits him.

Milk the glove

This birthday contest is non-trivial; few people have heard of it. Therefore, you will be able to surprise your friends. To conduct the competition you will need two gloves. Take them out of the package and use a needle to make a small hole in each finger. How to conduct this interesting birthday contest? You pour water into the gloves, tie them to a chair, and place a basin underneath. Call two active friends. Their job is to milk the gloves. Whoever does it faster wins. But participants should be warned that they cannot cheat and enlarge the holes. To avoid this, you should buy thick rubber gloves rather than thin latex ones. This competition is for adults' birthdays. Children will enjoy this cool entertainment, but they are unlikely to be able to complete the tasks, since they will not have the strength to “milk” all the water.

Game "I"

This beloved pastime can be transformed into a birthday contest. Even those who do not like to leave the table can take part in it. What is the essence of the game? Every person with a serious face should pronounce the word “I”. Everyone usually succeeds in this for the first half a minute, and then someone is sure to laugh. This person should come up with a nickname. And the game resumes. Everyone continues to say “I”, and the laughing person adds a nickname to “I”. This may sound like "I'm a scapegoat" or "I'm a hairy orangutan." Now keeping a serious expression on your face will be a difficult task. And everyone who laughs, in turn, gets a nickname. If a person who already has one “drive” could not restrain himself, another one is attributed to him. And now it may sound like “I am a hairy orangutan with six ears.” How to make a birthday contest out of a game? It will be interesting to see who can remain without a nickname the longest. This person should win the prize.

Pop the ball

This birthday contest can be done at either an adult or children's party. Moreover, he will be successful at both events. How to conduct this competition? Inflate balloons of two colors. Now you need to tie long ropes to them. Then the guests should be divided into two teams. Members of one of them have, for example, red balls tied to their feet, and the other has blue balls. At the signal, the competition begins. The team's task is to burst the enemy's balloons while keeping their own intact. Naturally, you cannot use your hands. Guests should also be warned not to push or bite. And this needs to be announced not only to children. The team that pops other people's balloons the fastest wins.

guess who

Funny Birthday Contest is a converted sticker game. Probably everyone has experience of such entertainment. This fun is equally suitable for both children's and adult parties. You should prepare stickers - colored adhesive pieces of paper. Each player is given one of them, and pens are also distributed. You should set a topic, for example, actors, cartoon characters, or just media personalities. Each guest writes a name on his own piece of paper and sticks it on the forehead of the neighbor on the right. Now you need to give everyone 5 minutes to read what was written, and then you can start playing. Each of the guests takes turns asking a question that can be answered yes or no. If the answer is yes, then you can ask another question. If the answer is negative, then the right of turn is passed clockwise. The one who first guesses who he is wins. But this competition has not one, but three prizes. But the game can continue until the last player wins. But this can already be boring. This competition is suitable for the birthday of a woman, a man and even a child.

Competition for luck

Thinking about how to entertain your guests? Hold a funny competition. On birthdays, people come to have fun, eat good food and drink. So invite your guests to do all this, and at the same time. Two people will participate in the competition. Glasses are placed in front of them, and a snack is laid out: cheese and sweets. What's in the glasses? They need to be poured different types red wine: dry, semi-sweet and sweet, as well as something red and non-alcoholic: juice, fruit drink or compote. Participants speed up, choose glass by glass and drain them. And here it depends on your luck, although everyone will consider a different drink to be lucky. After the “meal”, the competition participants need to quickly pronounce a saying. Whoever copes with this task better wins. This competition, for a man’s birthday, can be slightly modernized. Instead of glasses, you should put glasses and pour vodka and water into them.


For children they can be exactly the same as for adults’ holidays. For example, invite the kids to play forfeits. You should prepare task cards in advance. For example, you can write something funny - put a pan on your head and knock on it with a ladle, or something difficult - do 5 push-ups. Now you need to “undress” each of the guests. Children donate one of their toys, earrings or something similar to the common hat. The presenter pulls out the task first, and then the item. You can do this in the form of a competition and count which of the children can cope with the most tasks, or you can simply make forfeits a fun game.

Best Writer

All your guests - different people. Some of them work as doctors, others as artists, and others as sellers. Everyone has had funny situations in their life related to their profession. But not everyone wants to listen to such stories. So you can convert them into birthday contests. Your home holiday will become more fun. What should be done? You should choose any well-known fairy tale. For example, " The Scarlet Flower", "Gold fish", "Snow White" or "Cinderella". The guests' task: to describe the chosen fairy tale with their professional language. Then these literary masterpieces are read out and the best one wins. It's funny to read about the adventure of Cinderella, who broke through the jungle of criticism and misunderstanding to success and became a designer. What do you think of the version of “The Scarlet Flower”, where a girl treated a seriously ill animal, putting him on IVs and taking him to the hospital for tests? Such a competition at an adult’s birthday party at the table will be a success. But you can also dream up with children. In this case, the guys must write a fairy tale from the perspective of a person in the profession they want to get when they grow up. Such essays will be interesting not only for children, but also for their parents.

Read the verse

Don't know how to entertain guests at the table? A competition at an adult's birthday party can be a lot of fun. You will need to prepare for it. Find some short literary work, or a half-page excerpt of it. You can choose a little-known verse. Now you should choose one host, and divide the rest of the guests into two teams. The presenter must stuff his mouth with a piece of birthday cake. Moreover, the piece should be so large that it is difficult to speak. This is how you need to read. The teams' task is to write down what they hear. At the end, the results are read out one by one. The team whose text was closest to the original wins.

Take off your sock

This birthday contest for kids is a lot of fun. The participants of the feast are divided in pairs. They are seated on the floor and given the start. From this point on, children must take their partner's socks off. In this case, you cannot use your hands. You should also follow safety precautions and avoid kicking. Those participants who won are paired up again. And, accordingly, in this way two reach the finals. The winner is the one who wins all the games. The competition is interesting, and not only children can play it. It is also suitable for fun-loving students who don't know how to have fun at a party.


Are you thinking about what kind of birthday contests to hold at home? One of the fun ones is the stripping contest. But not in the most ordinary sense of the word. To carry out this fun you will need two men's shirts. They should be worn on girls, over their main clothes. But the guys should be given mittens. Moreover, the thicker they are, the better. The guys' task is to unbutton all the buttons on their partner's shirt. It will be funny to watch how men will perform their usual action in a non-trivial way. The one who completes the task faster wins. But the terms should be negotiated. You can't tear off buttons, and girls shouldn't help men.

What is in the box

Would you like to try yourself as a psychic? Your guests will probably also not refuse to test their supernatural abilities. How to do this at home? Very simple. You will need a crate or box. For ambiance, you can paint them black. Now you need to figure out what will happen to the contents of the box. This could be something living, like a turtle borrowed from a neighbor, or something edible, like a piece of birthday cake. You can put any item of clothing, such as a hat. In general, it's up to you to decide. Either way it will be fun. The main thing is not to hint to guests about the item inside. Have them walk around the box, waving their hands, but don't open it. Write down any guesses that will be made about the content. The guest who is closest to the correct answer wins.

Eat an apple

This children's competition It would be quite appropriate for an adult party. What is its essence? Guests are divided into pairs. Now one person climbs onto the chair, the second remains below. Each team is given an apple with a string attached to it. The player standing on the chair must hold the thread, and his colleague below must eat the apple. But there is one caveat. Hands cannot be used. The team that eats the apple the fastest wins. If you hold such a competition quite often and have already become professionals in it, you can complicate the rules a little. For example, blindfold a person who will eat an apple. In this case, the task of the player on the chair is not only to hold the fruit, but also to direct the actions of his colleague.

Draw the birthday boy

One of the interesting table competitions for birthdays is a caricature competition. Do you think only children can draw them? Nothing like this. An adult accountant will do this just as well. To equalize the chances of all participants to win, because some of the guests can draw better and some worse, everyone should be blindfolded. Now in front of each guest you need to put a sheet of paper and give a pencil. Record the time, for example, 3 minutes. Each participant portrays the birthday boy. There are no restrictions. Guests can depict a portrait, a figure in full height or some kind of scene. Those players who have the skill of drawing with one line without taking their hands off the paper will be lucky. After three minutes, participants untie their eyes. The cutest drawing wins.

Who knows the birthday boy better?

What kinds of table competitions are there for birthdays? One of the fun ones is a quiz on the knowledge of the birthday person. You should prepare tricky questions in advance. This can be done either by the birthday person himself or by the person who helps organize the holiday. Guests must be divided into two teams. Each of them is asked questions, for example, what was the name of the birthday boy’s first friend, what school did he go to, what was his first place of work, etc. If one of the teams does not answer the question, the right to answer passes to the other. This competition helps you get to know the person you came to for your birthday better.

Birthday script

To make the holiday fun, it should be planned. Write a script for a birthday party with competitions. It will help you have a fun holiday and entertain your guests. You can take ideas for competitions above or come up with your own. There must be a host at the party. Either it will be the birthday boy or one of his friends. But there must always be a responsible person. Here is a rough birthday scenario.

Host: Hello, friends! Glad to see you all. Today we are not just having a party. We are gathered here to congratulate Seryozha on his birthday. Well, we’ll probably start our holiday with a competition. Who wants to participate?

Volunteers come out and a “Milking the Glove” competition is held.

Presenter: Well done guys. It’s a pity that this feminine activity is worse for girls. Your arms have completely weakened. But it's okay. You don’t need to milk cows, but gentle hands are a woman’s pride. Now let's have some fun everyone.

There is a sticker game.

Presenter: Well done everyone. It’s not for nothing that they say that women’s intuition is better developed than men’s. Olya, Marina and Yulia proved this to us. Now let's check who is more fortunate.

Held drinking game with different varieties of red drinks.

Host: And here our men distinguished themselves. This is not surprising, they have a nose for alcohol. We've been sitting too long, friends, let's play something active.

There is a “Burst the Ball” competition.

Host: Are you getting excited? So let's continue. Let's play crocodile.

A pantomime game is being played.

Presenter: Let’s finally congratulate our birthday boy on the holiday and sing him a congratulatory song.

The guests sing Happy birthday to you and the birthday cake is brought out along with the song.


Like a chicken paw

Participants are given a phrase, which should not be heard by others. They are given markers and asked to write this phrase with their feet. Guests will have to read the inscriptions and evaluate which of the participants wrote more clearly.

There should be quite a lot of participants in the competition a large number of Human. Participants stand in a circle, and one is seated in the center and blindfolded. Everyone takes turns saying a word or phrase, and the person sitting in the center of the circle must guess who the voice belongs to.
If he guesses right, he becomes a participant, and the one who said the phrase sits in his place. You can change the voices, it will be more interesting.

To hold the competition you need a couple consisting of a guy and a girl. They sit on chairs with their backs facing one another. The couple is blindfolded and a rope is placed under the chairs. Blindfolded participants must find the ends of the rope as quickly as possible and pull on them.

To hold the competition you will need an even number of people, everyone must be divided into two teams. If there is an odd number of guests, someone can become the host. Each team receives a stack of paper. A basket is placed at a distance of twenty meters from the teams. Each participant must crumple a piece of paper until it looks like a snowball and throw it into the basket. After the throw, the participant takes a place at the end of the line and gives way to the next player. The winner is the team whose members throw the most snowballs into the basket.

Candles and apples

In order for the competition to take place, it is necessary to call two people who will act as the main characters in it. They sit down different sides small table and light a candle. They put them on the table. Next, the players are given apples, which they must eat when the candle burns out or faster. The point is that each player must interfere with his opponent, that is, try to blow out the candle, but at the same time have time to eat his apple and make sure that his candle burns, constantly setting it on fire. The one who eats the apple the fastest will be the winner.

Find a gift

This competition is relevant to be held in. To carry it out, you will need ten notes, each of which will say where the next one is. And only from the latter will it be possible to find out where the gift is. The main advantages of this competition: it is dynamic, and the private participant receives a gift in the final. The inscriptions in the notes should be as interesting as possible, and the clues should be encrypted.

Dancing on the newspaper

To conduct the competition you will need a newspaper and several pairs. The newspaper is unrolled on the floor and cheerful music is turned on. Young couples must dance on a spread newspaper until the song ends. However, they should not go beyond the edges. Otherwise, the pair is eliminated. After some time, the newspaper will crumple and shrink several times, which will make the process more interesting and fun.

Dress someone else

The competition requires an even number of participants and one presenter. Participants are divided into two equal groups. Players from the first group are blindfolded and given a bag of various items clothes, the rest sit on chairs. The task of the blindfolded participants is to dress the seated players. Each player is assigned one “dresser” on a chair. At the end, guests must evaluate who is dressed how.

In our hearts we all believe that there are never too many holidays, but funny and cool competitions for a birthday party for a fun company will help make this event even more memorable. You need to spend your birthday in such a way that you don’t later regret the wasted efforts, so that the guests speak gratefully about it long after the celebration. Of course, not everyone can afford to call a toastmaster, and the host from the outside knows the team less well, its talents and characteristics. Therefore, it is worth putting in your notebook in advance different, funny and simple competitions, with the help of which you can be guaranteed to amuse your guests without offending anyone. You also need to take care of the necessary props and gifts for the winners in advance.

Creative competitions

Almost all creative family funny competitions for a birthday are suitable for any celebration venue - at home, in nature, in a restaurant or cafe, and in a sauna.

Like a chicken paw

Almost anyone can write by hand in any condition. But you can approach this epistolary activity creatively, as in this competition. The host calls a volunteer among the guests, who whispers any word that is quite difficult to spell in his ear or invites the player himself to pull a card with this word out of the bag.

Next, he needs to write this word on paper, but only with his foot, inserting a felt-tip pen between his fingers. The audience must guess from his scribbles what was planned. The first one to guess what is written wins.

Understand me

Here you will need small tangerines that can fit entirely in a person’s mouth, as well as cards on which hard-to-pronounce words are written. The contestant puts a tangerine in his mouth, after which he tries to read aloud the words written on the cards, and the guests try to make out its sounds. Whoever guesses the most words will be the winner. Such competitions may well be suitable for grandparents’ birthday.

Why did you come to the holiday?

The presenter prepares notes in advance with various frivolous answers written to the question “Why did you come to the holiday?”

For example,

  • Cry into your vest.
  • Eat for free.
  • Borrow money from the owners.
  • There was simply nowhere to stay tonight.
  • I don’t know why, but I have a date with the birthday boy here.

He puts all the notes in a bag, and then goes around the guests, who must pull out the note and, when asked about the purpose of their visit, read its contents.

Top secret

Each player receives a strip of paper on which he must write something he has never told anyone before. Everyone can remember some not-so-nice story about themselves, for example, stealing candy as a child. It is better to write in distorted handwriting so that no one can guess from it who this confession belongs to. When everyone has written their confessions, the presenter collects them together and reads them one by one. After each story, everyone tries to guess who it belongs to. If the guess is correct, then the author drinks the “penalty drink” and says “It could happen to anyone.”

Let's congratulate everyone together (competition for inventing adjectives)

To conduct this fun, non-vulgar competition, the presenter needs to write a short congratulatory text in which all adjectives would be absent, leaving sufficient spaces in their places.

The presenter complains to those present at the table that he cannot find suitable adjectives and asks them to help him so that the holiday is not overshadowed. In response to this, the guests begin to remember any adjectives, and the host writes them down. The task can be complicated to make the competition even more fun.

For example, the blank could be like this:

"________________ guests! Today we have gathered at this ________________, ________________ and ________________ holiday to congratulate our ________________, ________________ and ________________ birthday boy. The guests sincerely congratulate and wish: ________________ health, ________________ mood, ________________ success! Today everyone is happy for you: your ________________ daughter, ________________ family and friends, and your (your) ________________ wife (husband) does not take her ________________ eyes off you! The guests are delighted with your ________________ table, ________________ hospitality. Let's raise a glass to your ________________ well-being. And ________________ the guests will now shout in your honor ________________ “Hurray!”

Or this (you can change the birthday girl for the birthday boy):

“Sitting in front of us is (Name of the birthday girl)! She has only ________________ advantages, no ________________ disadvantages. She boasts ________________, ________________, ________________ views. She has ________________ hair, ________________ eyes, ________________ figure, ________________ intelligence, ________________ intelligence, ________________ talent and ________________ survival in extreme situations. And we ________________ and ________________ love her for this! Today, on this ________________ autumn (winter/spring/summer) day, we are your ________________, ________________ friends and ________________ relatives came to congratulate you on this ________________ holiday - your birthday. Today you are celebrating a rather serious ________________ date. We wish you ________________ health, ________________ happiness, ________________ good luck, a lot of ________________ money and all the ________________ best. Your ________________, ________________, ________________ relatives and, of course, ________________, ________________, ________________ friends!”

Guests can be asked to select adjectives on a specific topic - legal, medical, erotic, etc.

Finishing touches

To conduct this competition, you need to reproduce some unfinished drawing on a printer. Players are required to complete the drawing using their least favorite hand (usually their left hand). The winner is the one who correctly guesses which object was conceived in the drawing, and also brings his copy to completion better than others.

Face dance

The funniest musical competitions for birthdays can take place right behind festive table. The presenter needs to select fragments of funny melodies, and ask the guests to dance to a certain melody, but not an ordinary dance - with their feet, but only with facial expressions. Participants in the fun can freely move their facial muscles; the best mimes can start with one part of the face, for example, the eyebrows, then gradually include the remaining parts of the face in the “dance” until everything that can move on this part of the body dances. The winner is the participant who produces the most hilarious pantomime.


The presenter hands the first participant in the competition a sheet of paper, on which he must continue the poetic congratulations to the birthday boy and sets the initial phrase, for example, “Our Peter Ivanovich is a great fellow.” Having written his line in rhyme, the first player wraps the paper, hiding what he wrote from everyone except his neighbor, and passes it around. The following participants also come up with lines that rhyme with the initial phrase. It turns out that the poet sees only the previous phrase, but not what was written before.

After all the “poets” have marked their names on the paper, the presenter takes it away and with expression reads an ode dedicated to the birthday boy.

Draw a portrait

Creative fun competitions can leave for the birthday boy a gallery of unforgettable portraits drawn by the guests of the holiday as a souvenir. Everyone is given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, and their hands are tied behind their back. Artists must paint a portrait of the hero of the occasion, holding a felt-tip pen in their teeth. The birthday boy himself chooses the one he likes from among all the “canvases” and awards a prize to its author.

Answer faster than your neighbor

Participants in the competition must stand in a circle, and in its center there is a presenter, who randomly turns to any of the players and sets the most unexpected question, looking intently at the person sitting opposite. But it is not he who must answer, but his neighbor sitting on the right. If the person the host is looking at answers, he is eliminated from the competition. Also, if the right neighbor does not realize in time that he must answer, he is also eliminated.

The competition continues until, in addition to the host, there is only one player left who has the right to claim a small prize.

Writing competition

Players sit in a circle and are given a piece of blank paper and a pen. The presenter then asks “Who?”, and everyone unanimously writes someone’s name at the top of their sheet, after which they fold the strip of sheet with the written fragment of text inside so that what is written is not visible, and pass the sheet to their right neighbor. A new question follows from the presenter: “Where did you go” and the players’ actions are repeated. So, gradually the presenter asks all the prepared questions, and the players write their stories on different pieces of paper.

This competition is very popular, because when you read each piece of paper together, you get very funny stories at the end that cause a storm of laughter.


This competition requires headphones for each participant, so it usually involves small companies and most often this very fun competition is interesting for teenagers. So, each participant puts on headphones that play loud music, so they can't really hear what's going on around them. Only the presenter, who pronounces the first phrase, does not have headphones. Usually it hides some secret about the birthday person. The first player needs to pronounce the phrase loudly, however, a participant deafened by the music will only be able to hear parts of it. Then he also loudly conveys what he heard to his neighbor, who tells the next one, and so on.

Players who have already transmitted “gossip” about the birthday boy can take off their headphones and, together with the rest of the guests, listen to how this gossip changes before their eyes. In the end, the last player pronounces the final version of the gossip, and the host reminds everyone of its original.


All players taking part in the competition are given a couple of sheets of paper and informed that there is a fire in their house. Players must decide which item they would save first and draw or write that item on the first sheet of paper. On the second sheet they must indicate the reason for this preference. Then the papers are folded into two boxes: one for objects/people, and the other for motives. It is advisable that guests do not write trivial things, but treat the task with humor.

After this, the presenter randomly pulls out a piece of paper from the boxes, first shows the image/name of the item, and then an explanation of why it should be saved. You get funny phrases, for example, “I will save my mother-in-law, because it’s nice to walk on it.”

Mobile competitions


This entertainment requires one player, and the presenter will need a long rope from which he will lay out a labyrinth on the floor. The player is blindfolded and asked to walk through this labyrinth, while the guests will tell him the direction in which to go. But as soon as the player’s eyes are blindfolded, the rope is immediately removed, and the audience laughs at the player’s intricate trajectory, which they themselves set.

Dress me

Funny competitions for young people often involve dressing up and undressing. In this case, you will need women's and men's clothing, both upper and lower. Items for ladies are placed in one bag, and for gentlemen in another. The competition involves a guy and a girl, as well as two assistants for each. The presenter gives each team a bag of clothes (it will be more fun if the woman gets men’s items and the man gets women’s items). Then both teams are given a minute, during which the assistants must take clothes out of the bag and put them on their “mannequin”. The winner is the one who completed it faster or did it more accurately.

Quack quack

All guests sit on chairs placed in a circle (the more, the better). The driver stands in the center of the circle, who is blindfolded, given a pillow and spun around its axis. At this time, those present randomly change places. The disoriented blind driver begins to look for the players' knees, but he must do this with a pillow, without touching people with his hands. Having found someone’s knees, the driver calmly sits down on them, and the player on whom he sat must say “quack-quack” in a changed voice. By the sound of the voice, the driver must guess on whose lap he landed. If he guesses correctly, he gives up the position of driver, and if not, he returns to the center of the circle and the game is repeated.


Both men and women can be the “victim” of this fun competition. The participant needs to put on fins and cover the distance in them, looking forward through binoculars turned upside down.

Believe me, this is not so easy to do, but the laughter will last for a long time! So this birthday competition can be considered one of the funniest.

Find the birthday person

The presenter blindfolds the participants of the competition and seats them in the order he needs so that no one knows where he sits and who his neighbors are. All guests have warm mittens on their hands, and with these hands you need to identify your left neighbor by touch, feeling only his face and head. The fur is tickled and already causes laughter, by which you can guess who is sitting next door.

Everyone only has one chance to name the person, and common task for everyone - to find a birthday person among them. As soon as the hero of the occasion is discovered, the game ends, but he may turn out to be the very last. Those who incorrectly guessed their left neighbor are punished with a phantom, which they pull out of a box or bag and perform in public.

Blowing the ball

The presenter places an inflatable balloon in the center of the table and blindfolds the two competition participants, after which he seats them on opposite sides of the table. He explains to them that they must try to blow the ball to the opponent's side. At the same time, he quietly replaces the ball with a heaped plate filled with flour. On command, the blinded players begin to blow as hard as they can on the intended ball, raising a cloud of flour suspension, and when their eyes are untied, they look at their powdered faces in shock. Agree, this will be one of the most fun and unforgettable birthday competitions. You will have something to remember for a long time!

Compliments for the birthday boy

You need to find a deep hat in which to put a lot of folded pieces of paper, on which laudatory epithets for the birthday boy are written: handsome, smart, thrifty, talented, slender, etc. All participants in the competition need to be divided into pairs: one will pull out the piece of paper, read the word to himself , and he must explain to his partner what this word is with the help of gestures. If your partner does not guess, then you can use suggestive clues that do not mention the word itself.

For a correct answer, the pair is awarded one point. The pair that scores more points, that is, can solve more words, wins.

Did you like our competitions? Which ones would fit perfectly into your company? Share your opinion and possibly other competitions in the comments.