A real good wife combines a number of qualities that are so necessary for our soulmate. Here there is friendly support, and, practically, maternal care for the beloved, and passion in bed, and much, much more. Of course, not everything depends only on the woman; the husband is obliged to bring the same amount of warmth and love to the union. Only then will the marriage become truly strong and long-lasting.

Meanwhile, astrologers still identify three main signs of the Zodiac, whose representatives become the best wives. This is not the first time this information has appeared; people studying astrology insist on such a list of leaders. Well, let's look at it.


Women born under this sign are often called ideal mothers and spouses. The stars seem to have created them for family life, making this mission the main purpose of Cancer representatives. They are quite flexible and know how to extinguish an emerging scandal or quarrel in a timely manner.
Of course, not a single marriage in the world can do without some “roughness,” but it is Cancer women who are not prone to long confrontations. They are able to forgive and convince their spouse without aggressive pressure. Therefore, in families where the wife is Cancer, peace and quiet reign.
Caring for children is very exciting for these women; they are completely absorbed in their child. But at the same time, they do not forget about the husband, which is valued by their spouses.

  • Representatives of Cancer are most compatible with men: Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. In this combination, a strong union is born, which is quite capable of becoming the only one for life.


Aries women are characterized as non-standard individuals, capable of setting, and most importantly, achieving their goals. If a man can interest an Aries girl, create a harmonious and friendly family– the representative of the sign will be able to do this with her characteristic virtuosity and grace.

A house filled with warmth, care and love is where the Aries wife lives. But it should be noted that it is not easy to achieve such a lady; women born under this sign are very, very picky both about themselves and about other people. But if the marriage takes place, it has every chance of success.

  • Astrologers recommend that Aries women pay attention to men born under the signs: Virgo, Aquarius and Cancer. It is with them that the chances of building long-term relationships are highest.


The sharp mind and natural charisma characteristic of women of this zodiac sign always gives them a chance to attract the attention of a worthy man. They are often called the best lovers, but the status of “best wife” also suits Scorpios very naturally.

“A man is the head, a woman is the neck. Wherever the neck turns, the head looks there” - many have heard this repeatedly folk saying. This is just about Scorpio wives. They know how to unobtrusively, tactfully, but at the same time steadily steer the family ship along their chosen course. At the same time, the husband is often sure that he made this or that decision on his own.

  • On the male side, the best partners for Scorpios will be Taurus, Pisces and Leo. The union of such a couple will be extraordinary, passionate and full of life.

This is the top three that astrologers gave us, but we are sure that a representative of any zodiac sign can become the best in the world for her man. It is better to build a family and relationships without looking at the stars, but by filling the family hearth with love and care on both sides of the couple.

An incredibly attractive, enchantingly intelligent and breathtakingly beautiful Scorpio young lady is the worst wife in the world. Because marrying a Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery. Of course, serving such a beautiful mistress is somewhat honorable, but there is one problem: while you are getting used to her complex nature and you will learn to dodge sudden slaps in the face, you will have time to earn a bald spot, erectile dysfunction and an old-age pension. And this is where she will exchange you for a sultry thirty-year-old macho with such a mustache.

11th place - Pisces

Marrying a Fish is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, who will look at you all her life as the sadly fragrant result of a long process of digestion. At the same time, Fishes are much more expensive than seals, but they bring just as many benefits: sometimes, if the Fish deigns to be in a good mood, you can pick her up and cuddle her a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get hooked on this purring like they are on hard drugs: the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. Great, right?

10th place - Leo

Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If National economy If it didn’t earn enough for a carat in each ear of the Lioness and a couple of carats for her ring finger, it’s a big deal: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very thing. Very painful. And, what’s even worse, it’s irreversible. In the sense that it will still not be possible to divorce the Lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, practically - all other women after marriage with the Lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for another Lioness, someone is now too poor, ha ha.

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan's wife. She honestly warns that she doesn’t need anything from her husband except his immortal soul, but, please, give her for her undivided use. It’s not that Sagittarius is very interested in what is happening in this very soul, it just needs guarantees for the future. And the joint future in the understanding of Sagittarius looks like this: as she says, so it will be. Always. Otherwise - this is the clause in the contract - you will burn in hell forever. Forever!

8th place - Gemini

Gemini is a dangerous wife. There are women, next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women, next to whom a man feels like a loser, and there are Gemini young ladies. They know who he really is. Pretending is useless: Geminis look to the very essence, hand-feed other people's inner monsters, scratch them behind the ears and let them sit on the sofa. The problem is that few people are actually willing to get so intimately acquainted with their inner monsters. But you have to.

7th place - Aries

Everyone knows that living with an Aries is like sitting on a volcano, but few people actually understand why it is worth risking such a precious seat. And we know: in the flame of the Aries temperament, you can heat up any metal lump, beat it a little, and then harden it, and then you will get something that is beautiful and useful in the household. Actually, this is approximately what happens with Aries husbands, and they, as a rule, are very happy with it. Every single one of them. The dissatisfied Aries are handed over to ferrous metal for remelting.

6th place - Libra

Marrying a Libra is a profitable enterprise from all sides: on the one hand, this is the same “real woman” that all men dream of: a soft, gentle and compliant young lady, a wonderful, albeit somewhat nervous housewife, a skilled cook, smart, beautiful and sexy thing. On those days when Libra leans toward goodness and joy. Which, frankly, doesn’t happen often. Libra devotes the rest of their time to hysterics, suffering, scandals, sobs and eating other people's brains with a teaspoon. But they also do this very, very beautifully.

5th place - Virgo

The top five best wives are opened by Virgo - not so much a wife as best friend and comrade. Virgos are convinced that husband and wife should not look at each other, but in one direction, and in the direction that Virgo chooses. So being the husband of a Virgo, on the one hand, is extremely beneficial - it’s like being an alpha male in wolf pack: The leader, of course, is not you at all, but the she-wolf, but formally you have status. Unless, of course, you are a sheep in wolf's clothing. It’s very simple to test yourself for “bovidness”: if the insightful Virgo, having seen the ring, did not immediately say “yes”, but stated that she “needs to think” - you are still a ram. Run, bro. Run quickly.

4th place - Taurus

The honorable fourth place goes to Taurus - the woman you should marry if you are a cheerful beggar. Because Taurus has the gift of raising poor duds into successful duds, but the gaiety, as a rule, is lost somewhere in the process. So you should marry a Taurus if you think that a plate flying at your head is a lot of fun. Yes, and the three thousand five hundred and eighteenth time is just as fun as the first.

3rd place - Capricorn

Rounding out the top three are Capricorns - women who know exactly the recipe for family happiness. Elementary Watson! The ideal man should marry the ideal woman, it couldn’t be simpler, right? So Capricorns get married, guided by common sense and sober calculation, and not some kind of semi-mythical love. And then they live with their ideal husband in love and harmony until death do them part. We probably won’t give criteria for ideality: whoever Capricorn chooses can look in the mirror, but the rest have no need to know such terrible things. You won't sleep then.

2nd place - Aquarius

The honorable second place goes to Aquarius - only and exclusively because Aquarius does not like to be first: what should we strive for then, huh? The Aquarius wife is an almost mythical woman, main character men's dreams: forever young (ninety-year-old Aquarians can giggle like freshmen); eternally beautiful, because the temperament of Aquarius is not subject to time; forever amazing because Aquarius will always live his life next to his husband and will never live by him alone. There’s only one problem here: you’ll wear down seven pairs of iron boots, bro, while you’re following her around and whining: “Marry me, please!”

1st place - Cancer

It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer young lady to get married, but if she succeeds, she will show herself in all her glory: she is smart, beautiful, and a housewife. She runs the house perfectly, raises her children flawlessly, and is friends with her husband’s relatives. She will always support her loved one, she will always please him. Because family is the main thing. The main thing is that she said it! And whoever skimps on his family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And here, of course, one could regret that he did not marry some Scorpio, but... You can’t regret it. Click-clack.

Since ancient times, people believed that the zodiac sign influences a person’s character, his destiny and habits. And nowadays, in the age of technology and progress, people do not stop turning to horoscopes.

For experienced people, astrologers, one glance at a person, his manner of communication and habits is enough to understand which constellation protects him. Well, today we have prepared for you a horoscope of the best wives. Want to know what your zodiac sign says about you as a wife? Then read!

Women born under the sign of Aries are strong and independent natures and choose real fighters as husbands who can withstand their temperament. And if Aries finds her stable man, she immediately marries him. Such ladies are assertive, but sincere and straightforward. They want to please their man just like that, and not for something. They never hide their feelings and can easily express both likes and dislikes to a person. Sometimes they are inclined to try to re-educate their husband. And at the same time, they are firmly convinced that this will only benefit him!

Loyalty: as we have already said, Aries are independent women. If she likes a man, then she will want to get to know him better and marriage is not a hindrance. And she will tell her husband about the situation as it is, openly and without unnecessary emotions.

These women are strong-willed, smart, and good-looking. They value stability and are stubborn. A wife whose zodiac sign is Taurus can be called a real motivator. Quite often they choose merry fellows and goofballs as life partners.

And when the time for fun passes, but you need to live somehow, you need to eat something, and you also want a new dress, and a house, and a car, and so that everything looks like from the cover of a glossy magazine... Taurus begins to nag his chosen one and skillfully manipulate him. As a result, the idiot will most likely become rich and successful person. Of course, if he survives.

Loyalty: beautiful and deep natures. This is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac; it does not forgive betrayals and does not cheat itself.

A mysterious and at times dangerous person. It is useless to pretend next to such a woman: she sees right through her man, looking into his very essence. It's 007 in a skirt, don't even try to hide anything from her! She chooses men who suit her, values ​​intelligence.

Quite often, Geminis find it difficult to establish emotional contact with a partner, especially if the relationship acquires depth and is not at the stage of light flirting. They prefer to enter into marriage not because of a whim or on emotions, but by formalizing it, seeing convenience or benefit in marriage life.

Loyalty: They easily communicate with representatives of the stronger sex, but for Geminis themselves this means nothing, men are nothing more than a background for them. Such a woman will always be faithful only to her husband.

A wife whose zodiac sign is Cancer is simply an ideal choice: an excellent housewife, smart and beautiful. It is not so easy to persuade her to marry, but if you succeed, then you are lucky. She has a practical view of reality and is quite often changeable in mood. Cancer women are subject to the influence of the Moon, and this is the most feminine planet. That is why they are such good keepers of the hearth, adherents of family traditions and values. A strong man is chosen, on whom you can rely in difficult situation.

Loyalty: Cancer will remain faithful to her husband and will be close to him. If he himself disappoints her, then only in this case is she ready to leave.

If a Leo woman gets married, then her chosen one can provide her with royal life. They choose husbands strong men with conquest ambitions, or vice versa, those who are easy to push around. They never marry spontaneously or at the call of their hearts, only based on the benefits and convenience of living together. Leo loves to be the center of attention, prefers entertainment rather than... boring life, strives for a leadership position. Representatives of this sign have enormous willpower and are able to stand up for themselves and their family. However, he cannot fully realize his potential in the family and always strives for an active life and power in any field of activity, be it work, sports or hobbies.

Loyalty: Leo always thinks with her head and wants the best. If her man does not give her everything at once, then she is able to find someone who will make up for what she missed. However, if the marriage Great love, then he will not cheat, since deceiving a partner is not a business approach.

You can talk with your Virgo wife on absolutely any topic; she is always ready to keep up the conversation, because she has an extraordinary mind. She will always support her husband, give him wise advice, and plays the role of both a mistress and a friend of her chosen one. Therefore, quite often, Virgo husbands have no friends. In conflicts, this lady also uses her mental abilities, pressing on her man and eating out his brain. However, then he always apologizes and admits if he is wrong. Virgos are people of fine spiritual organization, modest, shy, and are easily offended by a careless word.

The Virgo woman is such a contrasting nature that when choosing her, you will never know for sure whether she is a neat person or a slob, immersed in a routine or active in life. But, as a rule, he keeps the house in order.

Loyalty: Common sense, everyday pragmatism, patience, sense of humor, tenderness. Definitely, Virgos combine best qualities, necessary for marriage and ideal fidelity is one of them.

If you could describe the Libra woman in one word, she is a cat. She must be cherished and carried in her arms, and then she will bring comfort and warmth to the house. Otherwise, he will simply run away. Representatives of this zodiac sign are under the auspices of Venus, the planet of beauty. That is why they know how to please and are the standard of female beauty. Marriage may occur early or repeatedly.

Loyalty: These women are attractive. But when it comes to cheating, Libra is not strong, they don’t need it, because they get men too easily to put good relationships at risk.

The Scorpio wife is smart and beautiful, she is the embodiment ideal woman, capable of “conjuring” success, fame and wealth for her chosen one. And he chooses the same charismatic and ideal man. And he must also be strong, because Scorpio’s life credo is: “Dominate and humiliate.” Otherwise, the husband seems to fall into slavery. Therefore, Scorpio’s partner must be strong-willed and be able to calm her ardor. Women of this sign are endowed with special intuition and always know how to accurately evaluate a man. In addition, they are very jealous and either attract men like a magnet or repel them.

Loyalty: if Scorpio finds her man, then she makes the choice once and for all. They believe that changing means admitting that the satellite was chosen incorrectly. And this greatly affects the dignity of women born under this sign.

The Sagittarius woman is the one about whom they say: “At least go on reconnaissance with her!” But in anger she is scary and dangerous, so her husband better immediately accept the fact that he is “wrong.” Sagittarians often lack extreme sports in life, so they can at least jump with a parachute, at least alpine skiing ride, even shoot at live targets. Only in this case is she guaranteed good mood. The Sagittarius wife is inclined to command her partner, who must certainly be equal to her in spirit and convictions. She is not inclined to take on huge responsibilities or commit herself to obligations. She treats marriage without much trepidation, gets married easily and naturally, however, without a sense of freedom she will not be happy.

Loyalty: Sagittarians want in relationships bright colors and fun. There is no point in tying such a woman to yourself. If she wants, she will be there, and if she chooses the option of parting, she will leave forever.

Women born under this sign are characterized by integrity. If she has decided for herself what her marriage should be like, she will not deviate from her ideas. Therefore, it takes a long time to choose the chosen one, refining the relationship to that very ideal, creating a family where peace and harmony reigns forever. In relation to children, she adheres to strict and effective upbringing and is demanding.

Loyalty: Capricorn spares neither time nor effort in searching for her man. And if the search is successful, then there is no need to make any more efforts: no thoughts, no glances to the side.

Representatives of the fairer sex born under this sign believe that life is too short to waste it on a boring life. Perhaps Aquarius does not show herself as a housewife, but her husband will never be bored with her. Such women are easy-going, do not give in to difficulties, are unpredictable and original. Thanks to their sociability, optimism and independence, they arouse interest among men. They do not accept monotony in their personal lives, and they can enter into marriage out of convenience, conviction, or even out of curiosity.

Loyalty: fit easily into love adventures. Aquarians can get married several times, but they are still not prone to cheating.

Women born under the sign of Pisces have acting talent, carefully hiding their thoughts and mood. For her, her husband should be a powerful stone wall, a provider, a friend, an interesting conversationalist and, of course, a lover. And if he performs all these functions, then “the fish can swim away.” Pisces are caring, ready to sympathize and provide emotional support. A male representative feels like a man with a capital “M” next to such a woman, and they make excellent wives and mothers.

Loyalty: Pisces are completely immersed in love. And they always follow the heart, not the mind. Therefore, they can also do different things, but they won’t make excuses, because they don’t understand how you can apologize for love?

The Aries wife is self-confident and emotional. In any dispute with her husband, she considers herself right and always says what she thinks to his face. Aries choose only strong men as husbands, but in family life they themselves help their husbands make a career. Aries wives are too impatient, so you shouldn’t count on them creating a cozy and calm atmosphere at home. The house for an Aries woman is too small for the manifestation of her creative energy. The Aries wife knows how to cook well, but she does not like to do housework. The Aries woman is a devoted wife, but she quickly becomes disappointed in her husband if he cannot implement her plans.

2. Taurus.

The Taurus wife has business acumen. She is very practical and makes her husband work hard for the well-being of the family. Taurus do not believe in unearthly love, they are too materialistic. Financial side Those who choose a representative of this zodiac sign as their wife will have an excellent life throughout their lives. The Taurus wife will create a strong and stable financial situation for the family by any means. Taurus can become a good housewife only next to a successful and rich man; she offers home comfort and care only in exchange for high material security. The Taurus wife herself will never file for divorce, although often their husbands leave them on their own, no longer able to withstand their stubbornness and prudence. Taurus never compromises; in a family quarrel, she always remains the winner.

3. Gemini.

The Gemini woman has been looking for a man for a long time with whom she could truly fall in love. If she manages to marry her ideal, then she becomes an irreplaceable wife in all respects. The Gemini wife is not grumpy and never reproaches her husband for his mistakes. She is feminine and friendly if she has a loved one next to her. For the sake of love, Geminis are able to extinguish their emotions and sacrifice a lot. But the Gemini wife is very changeable; today she can idolize her husband, and tomorrow she can throw him out. Homework The Gemini woman performs according to her mood. If she is passionate about something, then she will not do laundry, clean or cook that day. But all evening she will tell her husband about her new hobby, inviting him to cook dinner himself. Gemini women have an independent character and they only get along with those who respect their interests.

4. Cancer.

The Cancer wife suffers from low self-esteem, and therefore she is hysterical, jealous and obsessive. Every day she needs to hear compliments from her husband and confirmation of his love. Cancer loves to nag for any reason, which is why their husbands often run away from them, and after parting they feel their obsession and hysteria for a long time. The Cancer wife herself never cheats on her husband; she is a good housewife and a caring mother. the main problem Cancer woman - her passivity. She never has her own opinion and mostly listens to her mother's advice. In family life, she is completely dependent on her husband financially.

5. Leo

The Leo woman chooses her husband herself, placing increased demands on him financial situation. She marries those who give her expensive gifts and promise her a prosperous life. The Leo wife is attractive and sympathetic. She spares no effort or money to appear before her husband as a real queen. Next to her beloved husband, she proves herself to be a good housewife and caring mother. But she does not forgive her betrayal of her husband, and does everything possible to take full revenge on her husband.

6. Virgo.

A Virgo wife is caring and kind, but only if she has a successful man next to her. Virgo can completely deprive a weak and insecure husband of peace and happiness. Selfish, domineering and frigid - this is all about her, Virgo, who is married to such a man. Virgo women know how to adapt, they are caring housewives and attentive wives only if the husband is worthy of her respect. As soon as a man makes a mistake, she throws away her “sheep's clothing” and turns into a spouse who is calculating, cunning and sharp-tongued.

7. Libra.

The Libra woman is beautiful and feminine, which is why she gets married early. By character, she is a typical housewife, for whom home and children come first, and only second is her husband’s love. Therefore, she is indifferent to sex and makes love with her husband only to fulfill her marital duty. But she herself is very sentimental. If the husband is passive in bed or shows indifference to his Libra wife, she may develop depression. For this reason, Libra becomes jealous and overly controlling of her husband, which often leads to the breakdown of the marriage.

8. Scorpio.

The Scorpio wife is faithful and devoted, but an absolute owner. She does not forgive betrayals and “stings” painfully if her husband betrays her. Scorpio loves her home, and her bed is of particular importance to her. She is passionate and sensual and easy to appease. good attitude and gifts. The downside of a Scorpio wife is that she is vindictive, touchy and quick-tempered. Scorpio loves money and she is happy only when she has enough of it. The monotonous family life of Scorpio quickly tires; it does not know how to flow smoothly with the flow. The only thing that can keep her close to her unloved husband is her children, whom she views as the embodiment of their love.

9. Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius wife quickly “sits on her husband’s neck.” She is capricious and loves to dress expensively and fashionably. The main thing for a Sagittarius woman is self-expression, and she doesn’t care how her husband gets money to make her dreams come true. Next to a successful man, the Sagittarius wife becomes him good friend and comrade. She is a hospitable and caring hostess. But Sagittarius women are overly freedom-loving and prone to adventure, so they often commit rash acts.

10. Capricorn.

The Capricorn woman chooses her husband herself and often she marries for convenience. Capricorns desire practical and influential husbands. If they succeed, then they become ideal housewives with exceptional ambition for the success of their husband and children. Capricorn needs to feel the love and support of her husband every day, then she repays him with deep gratitude, which cannot be shaken. But an unsuccessful choice of a spouse and problems in their personal lives make Capricorns selfish and demanding. Family life in this case brings a lot of disappointment and suffering to Capricorn, because Capricorn does not know how to forgive other people's mistakes and weaknesses.

11. Aquarius.

The Aquarius wife is not jealous and never bothers her husband with checks. But she also demands the same attitude from her husband. Aquarius loves freedom, and when she has the opportunity to change her sexual partner, she goes for it, without particularly thinking about how this will affect the relationship of her husband and children. In family life for Aquarius, the most important thing is mutual understanding and spiritual unity. Only in such a family does Aquarius become an exemplary wife and an excellent housewife, capable of inspiring her husband to a creative search and a brilliant career.

12. Pisces.

The peace and happiness of her husband and children is above all else for the Pisces woman. That's why she doesn't demand her husband increased requirements and are content with what they have, although the husband’s career and the well-being of the family often want to leave the best. The Pisces woman is characterized by increased sensitivity to other people's needs, which does not give her the opportunity to feel happy. All Pisces wives are wonderful housewives who know how to cook deliciously and create comfort in the home. They are devoted to their husband, but do not forgive betrayal and lies.

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Almost every person sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​starting a family. AND the main role, of course, it is assigned to the keeper hearth and home, wife. But how difficult it is to predict whether your beloved will become an ideal wife and mother! What if the union with your chosen one turns into a series of disappointments?

The most imperfect wives according to zodiac signs:


It is difficult not to succumb to the charms of sexy, attractive, seductive Scorpio women. And if you still fall in love and decide to marry a representative of this zodiac sign, give up hopes for a quiet and calm life. Your companion sincerely believes that everyone should obey her, and her orders should be carried out immediately and without objection. She is truly a master of hysterics and a true professional in the matter of scandals. So a union with a woman of this zodiac sign certainly cannot be called boring.


The character trait of the Lioness is willfulness and narcissism; a woman of this zodiac sign prefers, first of all, not to give, but to take. So if we talk about a gift, then it should be the most expensive, and travel should be only luxurious, with vacations for best resorts and in the most comfortable apartments. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able to impress her with something and win her favor. The only thing that can be even more terrible than marriage is separation. The representative of this zodiac sign will never miss hers, and if you don’t play the game according to her rules, she will make your life a living nightmare.


Gemini women can be called flighty natures, and many secretly envy their acting talent. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not characterized by fidelity - they often have affairs on the side and flirt for their own pleasure. But if you decide to deceive, your sin will be revealed instantly, so there is no point in pretending. One more detail - among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are few good housewives, and it is completely difficult to accustom them to order in the house.


Before marriage, Pisces seem sweet, gentle and sensual - well, just ideal wives! But after the wedding, the other side of the coin of this zodiac sign is revealed. Pisces are incredibly, simply unimaginably hysterical, suspicious and touchy. To the point that if you stay just a few minutes after work, you will end up with a scandal and rivers of tears at home. And even if in a good mood women of this zodiac sign are peaceful and calm, in a bad mood they always take out their anger on others.


The Sagittarius woman expects complete submission from her lover. And as soon as a person of this zodiac sign acquires the position of a wife, a man’s life begins to obey only her whims and demands. Don't even think about objecting or doing something wrong. In addition, women of this zodiac sign do not have a special desire for putting things in order and cooking, so the husband will most likely have to take care of the housework.