Self-hypnosis is the ability of a person to suggest to himself (usually in a trance state) using thoughts, images, ideas, imagination and visualization, some specific positive or negative character. Another name for this is the placebo effect.

Often there is unconscious self-hypnosis for diseases or, on the contrary, self-hypnosis for recovery, for increasing self-confidence, for realizing plans, and so on.

The power of self-hypnosis is very enormous, although many people underestimate it. Of course it's not Magic wand, instantly solving any problems, but it is very helpful in life to get rid of certain conditions.

It is important to approach conscious self-hypnosis very responsibly, performing it not for fun, but when there is a serious need for it.

Self-hypnosis can be of an irrational nature, unconscious, and can come from the attitudes, convictions and beliefs that were instilled in a person by his parents and society. In the case when they are negative, a person unconsciously instills in himself various pathologies, setting himself up for failure in his career or love.

If you learn to control your mental state, thanks to the technique of self-suggestion, you can significantly improve your life: you will gain health and longevity, improve the quality of your life, become successful, and attract love. Regular use of the method will make it automatic.

Self-hypnosis for recovery

If you suffer from any pathologies - physical or mental, then we recommend that you use controlled self-hypnosis for recovery.

But please note that the self-hypnosis technique can be used as an aid to recovery in conjunction with other methods of therapy (drug, physiotherapy, and so on). Although in some cases, self-hypnosis allows you to get rid of pathologies without additional intervention.

And if you apply the concept of “recovery” on a social, personal and emotional-psychological level, then self-hypnosis will improve your position in society, improve interpersonal relationships and allow you to make your life successful and happy.

Watch the following video and you will learn how the placebo effect works

Basics of self-hypnosis

For effective use self-hypnosis, first you need to familiarize yourself with its basics. Below we give you the rules, compliance with which in this matter is mandatory if you want to get the desired result:

  1. Be 100% confident in the final action. The presence of doubts calls into question the effectiveness of the technology. The presence of your fears and prejudices can prevent you from achieving your goal, which will ultimately result in complete failure.
  2. Positive thinking. If you use the particle “not” in your speech, your brain automatically begins to be programmed to defeat. Therefore, it is necessary to try to formulate your judgments in such a way that they do not contain negative formulations. For example, you decide to lose weight and if you have a desire to eat something harmful, you convince yourself that you don’t feel hungry. But soon you will feel a treacherous nausea. It would be more correct to convince yourself that you are currently full and feel great.
  3. Don't force yourself. If you resort to coercion, you will face constant internal conflict. And fighting with yourself is the worst thing you can think of. Therefore, do not try to force yourself, but try to use persuasion to find a compromise.
  4. Focus on the present. You will never correct the mistakes of the past, and thinking about the distant future is also not very effective. Therefore, put the right emphasis on the present - concentrate on this moment.
  5. Give yourself the right attitudes. It is important that they are short and succinct, while being clearly and precisely formulated. If you think about the formulation of your desire for a long time, it will become blurred and stop working. Try to repeat your settings more often.

Self-hypnosis of diseases

There is such a thing as iatrogenic disease, which is a mental disorder provoked by a careless statement by a doctor. Thus, for particularly impressionable patients, because of a careless word uttered by a doctor, a conviction appears in the presence of a serious pathology. Although it is possible for this condition to develop without the fault of the physician.

Suspicious people tend to make various diagnoses for themselves. The most dangerous thing in this case is that as a result of such self-hypnosis, a person actually faces a real pathology.

If you focus on yourself, various negative changes begin to occur in your body. Gastrointestinal pathologies develop most quickly. A person under negative self-hypnosis experiences a state of stress, and stress provokes many real diseases.

How to get rid of self-hypnosis of illness

In the case where the disease was provoked by self-hypnosis, it is necessary to make a change in your thoughts and thinking in general, tune in to recovery and be in a positive mood. The affirmation “I am becoming healthier and happier every minute” is very effective.

Self-hypnosis treatment

Our pathologies are our emotional experiences, all our worries and fears. To achieve health, you need to remain calm and confident in own strength, and also think less about negative images.

Self-hypnosis or the placebo effect is a huge power that will help you change your reality. Using the power of self-suggestion, you will get rid of various physical and mental pathologies, and you will also be able to achieve a inner harmony and happiness.

Do you use self-hypnosis? If not, it's a waste! With its help, you can lose weight, rejuvenate your body and get rid of diseases. Self-hypnosis is a process of self-confidence, mental control of oneself, the body and with your own feelings. What is the name of self-hypnosis syndrome?

A true story about a friend, Anna: she was constantly afraid of getting sick and was often bothered by headaches for no reason. I have a friend Anna. Her main fear is the fear of getting sick. This obsession accompanied her constantly. She was afraid not that she would get sick, but that she was already sick. Anna suffered from headaches and malaise. She was afraid that this was a sign of a tumor. The idea of ​​getting sick grew into a phobia.

Symptoms that confirmed this:

  • she constantly had thoughts about illness;
  • she perceived headache as the first sign of illness;
  • Anna visited doctors and took tests for no objective reason;
  • with mild manifestations of the disease, she was sent to the hospital.

Anya couldn't help herself. She didn't know how to get rid of this obsessive thought. I felt sorry for her. The main thing I advised her was to be patient. It’s not easy to get rid of fear; it will take a lot of time and effort.

She could not control her imagination; the picture of the disease flashed before her eyes. I suggested that Anna go to a psychotherapist. He advised the girl on a method of self-hypnosis.

She resorted to the following methods:

  • affirmation - Anna repeated out loud phrases like “I’m healthy”;
  • visualization - the girl imagined herself healthy, cheerful and energetic;
  • meditation;
  • self-hypnosis - Anya programmed herself to have no pain in her head.

The girl programmed her subconscious to quickly get rid of the excruciating pain. And it worked. She overcame her fear, tuned her subconscious to positive thoughts– the headaches went away, Anna was no longer afraid of getting sick.

What negative consequences can result from self-hypnosis?

The power of self-hypnosis is effective, a person simply does not pay attention. When he is nervous, worried, he utters destructive phrases against himself. This is self-programming – negative.

You need to get rid of it forever. If you insist that you are a failure, you are unlucky, this will accompany you throughout your life.

Not a single person has it embedded in his subconscious negative thoughts from birth. Where do they come from? Sources of negative suggestion to oneself are:

  1. Parents. They, without wanting it, cripple the child from the moral side. Parents set their child's peers as examples, not to his advantage. If a child does something wrong, mom and dad reproach him and call him bad names. Parents' disappointment in their own affairs focuses on children, who do not understand that the negativity is not directed at them. For example, after a dad saw his daughter eating a second bowl of soup, he jokingly called her fat. This thought is deposited in the girl’s subconscious.
  2. Mistakes of the past. Negative experiences in the past lay the foundation for a negative attitude towards such activities in future life. A person automatically thinks that this time it won’t work out again. For example, your husband (wife) cheated on you. You have experienced mental trauma, and now you subconsciously look at other men or women with skepticism. If your significant other is faithful to you, you still expect a catch.

Self-programming is dangerous. Sensitive people easily succumb to such feelings, and this destroys them. Every day, information enters the human subconscious - from TV, radio or newspapers.

Basically, this is news about a disaster, robbery and other negative events. This is imprinted in the subconscious.

Negative thoughts lead a person to depression and illness. Do not forget that uncontrolled thoughts that come from the subconscious instinctively organize the self-suggestion of illness. To prevent this from happening, give yourself positive attitudes, displacing negative ones.

Self-hypnosis syndrome is the first sign of fear of the disease. A person is looking for suspected illnesses.

How a person feels depends on his thoughts. If you maintain a sense of health and strength, it will manifest itself in life. If you are constantly depressed and afraid of getting sick, this will happen to you. This mental phenomenon is called the “disease of self-hypnosis.”

What is the name of the disease of self-hypnosis? Iatrogenic disease - mental disorder, arising as a result of a careless statement by a doctor. A careless phrase provokes the opinion that a person is seriously ill. Not through the fault of the doctor, but because the person himself makes such diagnoses.

The result of self-hypnosis is a real disease. When you dwell on experiences, negative changes occur in the body - self-hypnosis syndrome appears.

The role of self-hypnosis in illness is enormous. Imagine a situation - a couple of people agreed to play a prank on a friend. A man comes to him and says: “You look bad - pale skin, circles under your eyes. You are sick?". And so several times - everyone came up and said similar words.

The doctor (from the same group of friends) said that he was seriously ill and needed treatment. The guy fell ill, every day he became worse and worse. The comrades admitted the cause of the disease. This is the role of self-hypnosis.

Is it possible to provoke a miscarriage through self-hypnosis? A woman who has lost a child once worries when she becomes pregnant again. She is tormented by thoughts that she will lose her child again, everything will be bad. Don't get hung up on bad thoughts! These are just your thoughts and fears. Miscarriage will not happen through self-hypnosis. If you don't think about it.

Does death occur from self-hypnosis? With the help of suggestion, a person can be destroyed by creating a death program in his mind. According to researchers, biological death is preceded by psychological death. Most people live with the fear of dying - some will die a natural death, others - a violent death.

Thoughts of death from self-hypnosis “sit” in the subconscious. A person stops moving, sees no point in existing further - moral death occurs.

How to track and control negative self-hypnosis

To make life better and more successful, it is necessary to monitor and eliminate negative self-hypnosis. Change bad thoughts and formulations to the contrary. Repeat positive attitudes often. Tracking negative thoughts in your head is not easy, but with time you will be able to do it.

Negative programming must be controlled. The following rules will help prevent it from happening again:

  • confidence in the final result - if you doubt, negative thinking will repeat, the technique of getting rid of it will become invalid;
  • positive thinking - do not use the particle “not” in your thoughts and subconscious, there should be no negative wording in speech;
  • do not force yourself - coercion will cause internal conflict;
  • think about the present - concentrate on these moments;
  • send the correct instructions to the subconscious. Brevity, capacity, clarity are the main components of formulations.

Controlling negative thinking is not difficult. The main thing is to overcome your own fears and remove negative attitudes from your subconscious. Do not forget. That the realization of thoughts is carried out in life. What you think about will happen to you in the future. In order to get rid of negative self-hypnosis, do what you love, take a break.

Often a person explains much that happens to him in life by the fact that he is extremely suggestible, and many around him take advantage of this. Indeed, this explanation is quite true. The impact of suggestion and self-hypnosis on the psyche is sometimes too strong, especially if such methods are practiced by a powerful, authoritarian inductor with increased persuasive abilities. Also, the strength of the effect of suggestion is determined by the weakness or stability of the nervous system of the one who is exposed to such influence.

What is suggestion from a psychological point of view? Suggestion is defined as the transmission and induction from one person to another of thoughts, moods, feelings, autonomic and motor reactions, and behavior. The less the person who is being suggested thinks about what is being suggested to him, the more successful the suggestion is.

Suggestion as a method of psychological influence involves the participation of two parties. The suggestor usually has mental and physical qualities with which he can influence the state of mind of another person. Suggestion occurs through words, as well as facial expressions and gestures. The setting is of particular importance. If we are talking about therapeutic suggestion, then the fame of the psychotherapist plays an important role in this process. Knowing about him as a high-class specialist in a certain way prepares the patient for the session.

The power of a person’s suggestion is largely determined by the degree of suggestibility, that is, susceptibility to suggestion on the part of the one who will serve as its object. Typically, increased suggestibility is observed in people with a weak type of nervous system and increased impressionability. Alcoholics and drug addicts have a particularly weak nervous system. Accordingly, suggestion as a method of influencing such people is especially powerful.

Axel Munthe, a Scandinavian, worked in Paris as a doctor, assistant to the famous neurologist, psychiatrist and hypnotist Charcot. This is how he described an example of suggestion in psychology in his book “San Michele”. A very intrusive and arrogant patient came to see Munta. The doctor asked him to show his tongue, which was constantly coated as a result of alcohol and smoking abuse, and stated that the patient was seriously ill. The arrogant behavior immediately gave way to a state of depression and anxiety. Thus, both patients and doctors were spared from the unpleasant person.

It is known that symptoms such as headache, uncontrollable vomiting, lack of appetite, insomnia, neurotic paralysis, can be treated by a skilled psychotherapist using suggestion better than with drugs. The Bible describes a scene of the treatment of immobilized people by suggestion when they began to walk confidently after hearing the phrase “Rise and walk.” This phrase is a typical example of how suggestion works if people deeply believe in their healer.

Unfortunately, suggestion as a method of influence is often used for criminal purposes. Weak people and losers become slaves to dishonest or psychopathic leaders who turn them into criminals. We can give the following example from life when suggestion was used by criminals. Several years ago, the US media was literally inundated with reports of a mass tragedy. On the initiative of one psychopath, a sect was formed. This man led hundreds of adults and children into the jungle, where they created a colony. At some point, he began to instill in them the idea of mass suicide, and those who did not dare to do so were killed with poisoned injections by fanatical members of the sect.

Another example of suggestion as a way of influencing a person: a blindfolded criminal sentenced to death was told that his vein had been opened and he was bleeding. A few minutes later the man died, despite the fact that instead of blood, warm water was flowing through his body!

The power of self-hypnosis: facts and examples from life

Just as strong, and sometimes even more strong effect Self-hypnosis can have an effect on the body. Under its influence, you can both be cured and get sick. What is self-hypnosis and what is its mechanism?

The nervous, suspicious man felt slightly unwell. But he starts to think about serious illness. For example, he is hoarse from a cold, but it already seems to him that his voice will disappear completely. This thought haunts an impressionable person; he seems to convince himself that he will soon lose his voice. And he really loses his voice!

Here is a real life example of the power of self-hypnosis: famous actor I. N. Pevtsov stuttered, but on stage he overcame this speech impediment. How? The actor convinced himself that it was not he himself who acted and spoke on stage, but another person - a character in the play who did not stutter. And it always worked.

Often, when talking about the power of self-hypnosis, they cite a fact attested by the Parisian doctor Mathieu, who performed such an interesting experiment. He announced to his patients that he would soon receive from Germany a new drug that would quickly and reliably cure tuberculosis. At that time, there were no medications for this disease. These words had a strong effect on the sick. No one, of course, thought that this was just the doctor’s invention. The doctor’s suggestion turned out to be so effective that when he announced that he had received the medicine and began to treat with it, many began to feel much better, and some even recovered. How did he treat the sick? Plain water!

Suggestion and self-hypnosis can wean a person from bad habit, make you not be afraid of what scares you, and so on.

You can probably remember a time in your life when you convinced yourself of something and it helped. Here is another example of the power of self-hypnosis: a person is afraid of the dark and at the same time knows that it is stupid; he goes into a dark room and says to himself: “There is nothing to be afraid of! There is nobody there!" Such psychological treatment with the help of self-hypnosis works, and unaccountable fear disappears!

Under the influence of self-hypnosis, a person may lose their legs and arms, and may experience sudden deafness and blindness. In medicine, such diseases are called psychogenic. They occur easily in people prone to hysteria. And here’s what’s important: for example, in a person who has lost his sight, it is not the optic nerves that are damaged, but only the activity of the part of the brain that controls visual perception. In it, under the influence of self-hypnosis, a persistent focus of painful inhibition develops, that is, nerve cells stop working for a long time. They stop receiving incoming signals and responding to them.

Suggestion and self-hypnosis have a huge impact on such psychogenic diseases. With hysteria, seizures, convulsions, vomiting, muteness, deafness, and paralysis of the limbs may be observed. All these disorders are often associated with self-hypnosis.

How suggestion and self-hypnosis work: the mechanism of influence on humans

Despite all the seeming improbability of such phenomena as the treatment of diseases by self-hypnosis and suggestion, they have their own explanation.

There is a well-known case: a sister was present during the cruel punishment of her beloved brother with whips - and her back was covered with the same bleeding scars as his. We have the same result of self-hypnosis. Of course, it is only possible on streets with an exceptionally excitable, highly upset, painful psyche. How does self-hypnosis and suggestion work in this case? Not only real suffering, but also imaginary suffering affects suggested people so strongly that it affects the functioning of internal organs.

The mechanism of influence of suggestion and self-hypnosis on a person is so strong that in painfully suspicious people, thoughts about a disease cause a disease that looks very much like a particular disease. There are cases when bleeding from the throat began, as with tuberculosis, ulcers appeared on the body, reminiscent of various skin diseases, etc.

The same psychological mechanism of suggestion also operates when ulcers occur in stigmatics. All such patients are fanatically religious people. In the last week before Easter, when in churches they read about how Christ was crucified, this can have such an impact on a sick person. strong impact that his psyche cannot stand it: an obsessive thought appears about the torment that Christ experienced when he was nailed to the cross. Hallucinations begin. Before the eyes of this man, as if alive, there is a picture of the crucifixion. All nervous system shocked. And here is the result: in those places where, according to legend, Christ had wounds, open bleeding wounds appear in a person tormented by mental illness.

Suggestion and self-hypnosis as an effective way to treat diseases

When treating patients decisive role faith in the person who is treating and faith in what he will say can play a role. V. M. Bekhterev wrote about this:

“The secret of healing suggestion was known to many people from the common people, among whom it was passed on from mouth to mouth for centuries under the guise of witchcraft, witchcraft, conspiracies, etc. Self-hypnosis explains, for example, the effect of many so-called sympathetic remedies, which often have one or another healing effect. Ferraus cured fever with a piece of paper on which were written two words: “Against fever.” The patient had to open one letter every day. There are known cases of the healing effect of “bread pills”, “Neva water”, “laying on of hands”, etc.”

Even today we often hear: the old woman “spoke” to the wart, and it disappeared. This happens, and there is nothing miraculous about it. The healer here is suggestion and self-hypnosis. Or more precisely, the belief that a healer can heal a person. When she comes to a sick person, he has already heard about her, knows that she has cured someone, and longs for a cure.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether the healer ties the wart with thread or hair and what she whispers over this wart. Everything is decided by the belief that the wart will disappear after such a “conspiracy.” In fact, this is a vivid example of self-hypnosis as an effective method of treatment - a person destroys his wart with the sole belief that it will disappear! The suggestion of the healer also works here, when she confidently says that the wart will come off.

Psychiatrists have repeatedly repeated this method of treatment. One doctor, for example, moistened a wart with plain water, and told the person that this was a new powerful medicine that should make the wart disappear. And it worked on many. People believed in the medicine, that it would help them, and the warts disappeared.

Human psychology: the power of suggestion with words and examples from life

People whose nervous system is weakened and more excitable are especially susceptible to suggestion by words. It is not difficult for such a person, for example, to instill a feeling of fear of something or, conversely, to lift his spirits and make him cheerful.

This is precisely what explains such well-known historical examples of word suggestion as “miraculous” healings at various “holy places.” This was the case, in particular, in France at the grave of the Catholic deacon François de Paris, who died in 1728. The first to come to the grave was the silk weaver Madeleine Begny, whose hand was paralyzed. She was brought here by the confidence that the body of a deacon who had lived a “righteous” life had acquired the ability to heal illnesses. After kissing the grave, she felt some relief, and when she returned home, she was already so fluent in her hand that she immediately began working with both hands. After this, those suffering from various ailments began to flock to the grave, and some of them were actually healed.

Also, as a psychological influence through suggestion, one can cite what is happening in Lourdes, a small town in the south of France, which has become famous among Catholics for years for its “miraculous” healings. A supposed water source here has miraculous powers. By bathing in it, you can be healed. In fact, a well-thought-out system of influencing the consciousness of pilgrims is the basis of the Lourdes “miracles”.

Who's going to Lourdes? As a rule, people who really hope for a miraculous healing. After all, the Lourdes “miracles” are spoken about from cathedral pulpits, written in newspapers, and eyewitnesses talk about them.

And now the patients are getting ready to travel. From now on, all the attention, all the talk is about miraculous healings. And here the “holy fathers” take on the pilgrim. Each carriage on trains going to Lourdes is accompanied by monks, special “sisters” and “brothers” of mercy. They get to know each patient and their relatives, tell them all sorts of stories about the miracles of Lourdes, hand out special books and photographs of those who recovered after the pilgrimage.

When pilgrims arrive in Lourdes, they are greeted by new clergy and taken to the “holy grotto.” They are silent, their every movement seems significant.

During prayer at the grotto, all the sick people repeat the same words in chorus: “Lord Jesus! Heal our sick! Almighty Virgin, save us! These words sound with increasing faith and hope, nervous excitement grows, and now loud sighs and hysterical cries are heard in the crowd of worshipers.

Promoting the Lourdes “miracles,” the clergy claimed that there were several miraculous healings there. Over the course of a hundred years, thousands of names of supposedly healed people were recorded in a special book. However, a check of this book (checked by a special commission consisting of doctors) showed that over a hundred years only 14 healings occurred in Lourdes. They are all explained by science.

Psychiatrists know how healing the effect of sudden emotional stimuli can sometimes be (the role of which in the first case was played by sudden fear, in the second by anger), and they successfully use them to treat various manifestations of hysteria and even to eliminate some paralysis, blindness, deafness and muteness . So, of course, there is nothing supernatural in these facts of healing the mute and paralyzed. And, of course, such healings are not at all frequent and do not always lead to a complete restoration of the patient’s health.

The scientist L.L. Vasiliev talked about an incident that happened before his eyes. A young man, coming out of a hot village bathhouse, noticed a disgusting insect he had never seen before - an earwig. With a feeling of disgust, he took the insect with the fingers of his right hand to take a closer look at it. The earwig bent and tried to pinch the finger holding it with its “pincers,” but it failed, since the man, screaming in surprise, shook the insect to the ground with a sharp movement. And after some time, clearly visible purple spots appeared on the skin of the fingers with which he touched the insect - one on the index finger and two on the thumb. There was no burning or pain in the discolored areas of the skin. It was not possible to remove the stains.

What happened?

Here, strong fear and self-hypnosis played a role that the earwig had bitten the finger, although in reality this did not happen. Fear and self-hypnosis caused local dilation of skin blood vessels.

How suggestion is carried out: psychological mechanism and features

Mental contagion, or, to put it more scientifically, induced psychoses, has been known since time immemorial. There are all sorts of them - from the ecstasy of St. Vitus’s dance to the vulgar hiccups, which suddenly “sick” the whole village. During the First World War, movements were observed among the troops - motor echoes, repetition of movements, grimaces - this is also a form of mental epidemic. Psychiatrists have described in detail how such suggestion is carried out: one person, excited by an idea, seems to infect those around him with it, inspires it - and they commit actions dictated by this idea.

Similar epidemics are spreading among mental health healthy people, but when isolated from the inducer, people quickly recover from this psychosis. They develop a critical perception of what happened. Happiness is when the consequences of this “zombification” are reversible.

An inductor - a person who spreads a mental epidemic around himself - usually enjoys authority in his environment, is overly active, and has the ability to persuade. But, as practice shows, psychological characteristics the suggestions are that such a person does not always have to have a particularly tall intellectual level. Old authors of monographs on psychiatry described many cases in which the most primitive, often mentally ill, person induced much more developed people. For example, maids in rich houses, often mentally ill, instilled in their mistresses an obviously delusional idea, and they were easily infected by it.

Research on suggestion as a method of psychological influence shows: the content of an “infectious” idea, its insignificance or, conversely, greatness, its falsity or justice are not of decisive importance. This could be the complex psychological motives of demonology and the Inquisition of the Middle Ages or the widespread infection of epilepsy. Today presents us with a variety of mental epidemics - the “White Brotherhood” and other totalitarian sects. Rocking in front of the TV, from which numerous “healers” and psychics broadcast, an explosive mixture of ideas of resurrection and transmigration of souls, the existence of otherworldly forces, and so on.

And you shouldn’t think that you can avoid this mental contagion, because, as the classics of psychiatry argued, there is no hysteria as a disease, but only hysterical reactions, which in themselves are not painful - every person is more or less prone to these hysterical reactions.

simple and effective psychotechnics

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-suggestion one can evoke sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses, as well as influence the vegetative functions of the body.
The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses through the constant repetition of specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious and it begins to act according to this impulse of thought, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repeating settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.
Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle “not” is excluded from verbal formulas. You can't say "I don't smoke." You need to say “I quit smoking” or “I stopped smoking.” You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration on the subject of suggestion. While pronouncing each self-hypnosis phrase, it is advisable to vividly imagine what is being suggested.
Self-hypnosis methods work most effectively when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful message to the subconscious) occur against the background of a state of relaxation in the body. The more relaxed the body is, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve a specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.
There is enough a large number of Self-hypnosis methods include affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechniques.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis where you repeat formulas out loud or silently. The point of this psychotechnic is that you construct a sentence in which you say that you have achieved a certain goal. For example, “I have good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have a good job”, “I am married to my loved one”. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely supplant them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.
Gratitude is a type of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we give thanks, at the same time there arise powerful emotions, and this has a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health,” “Thank you for my new house”, even if you don't have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this home. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have something repeatable.
The most common state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable for this psychotechnics. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his entire day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, as long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of your memory.
Affirmations are the simplest method of self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious; they are less powerful than visualization and need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is to simply imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our minds do not differentiate real events from imaginary ones. When you imagine something, the mind believes that it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving that car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert your keys into the keyhole and open the door for the first time, how you enter the house, how you look around it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.
You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting from your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is embedded in the subconscious must be very clear and vivid - then the subconscious will be able to give commands to the corresponding organs and tissues.
The duration of this psychotechnic is not particularly important. The main criterion is your pleasure. Visualize it for as long as you like it. This can last as long as an hour or five minutes. The main thing is that the process should be enjoyable. The more often you imagine the desired image, the sooner the renewal process will begin. And the result may simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula several times (at least 20). The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, “I am healthy.” In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this self-hypnosis method lasts 3-4 minutes and is repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using drowsy states for psychotechnical sessions in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lowest level) or hypnotic trance (highest level). The creator of the autogenic training method is Johannes Heinrich Schultz, and he also owns the term “autogenic training.” This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yoga, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Coue and others.
By practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which occurs on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the “coachman” position. Having achieved relaxation, you need to:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- cause, if necessary, not only calm, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
- accompany self-hypnosis formulas with figurative ideas.
The effectiveness of using this psychotechnics will depend on the degree of concentration, so other matters are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one has an extremely bad effect on achieving the effect.
A type of autogenic training is imago training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago training, every person without any training is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago training specialist) beyond the limits of his usual capabilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating from consciousness all interfering factors, both external and internal.
A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. Stopping it is not difficult at all. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.
Meditation is a psychotechnics that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more; in principle, it is very simple. It can be divided into four parts, four components:
- definition of installation;
- entering a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given attitude;
- exit from a state of emptiness to a normal state with an attitude already embedded in the subconscious;
- if it is necessary to carry out the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.
Installations should be extremely concise, succinct and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase “I am deeply asleep...”. Next, you should mentally count from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away further and further from the familiar world, plunging deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting "zero" say again key phrase“I’m in deep sleep...” and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it’s time to pronounce a formula that will help you achieve this state faster in the future. It goes like this: “Every time I say the words “I am deeply asleep...”, I enter a state of self-programming faster and faster.”
This formula must be repeated several times at each of the first lessons and only after that the self-hypnosis formulas must be spoken.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnic that makes it possible to re-experience a past situation in a concentrated way, but in a new way, in a virtual space. Re-experiencing is the discovery of new possibilities in an old situation, not for then, but for new opportunities now. It's about about situations that are still significant today. That’s the only reason it makes sense to experience them, that’s the only reason they can be experienced. To actually experience a situation again means to see new possibilities in it.
The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of significant components of a situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be re-examined, rethought, etc.
3. You need to restore and reproduce in the situation what happened for you personally. The situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there was a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person’s consciousness reaches its maximum degree of concentration. Therefore, while performing the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.
Moods are words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. The fact that the words are spoken by the person himself will not weaken their influence. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word that comes from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than what was heard from another.


Visualize a deflated balloon above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely freed from these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is an excellent psychotechnique that is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed has a hundred times greater impact on the subconscious than the word seen, spoken or heard.
Psychotechnique is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). You read it several times. Then go to bed and, reciting the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

Non-traditional treatment (alternative medicine, alternative medicine) is based on experience accumulated over several millennia different peoples. It has proven its effectiveness by the very fact that non-traditional methods of treatment have existed throughout human history and are in demand today. The advantage of alternative medicine, first of all, is that it uses natural remedies that are safe and harmless. Another advantage is the alternative nature of non-traditional treatment methods, that is, the ability to choose different healing paths (you can turn to alternative medicine if academic medicine is powerless), and sometimes you can combine traditional and non-traditional treatment.
Traditional methods of treatment are very effective in exacerbation of diseases, in conditions that require immediate help, quick and competent treatment. Such treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced doctor.
Non-traditional treatment is the best assistant for chronic diseases, when you need to strengthen the body, prevent the development of the disease, the occurrence of exacerbations or complications, when there is no immediate danger to life or the severity of the disease. Herbal teas, honey treatment, hardening, mud therapy, aromatherapy, etc. are the best ways to prevent diseases and improve health.
Traditional medicine is not always effective. Long-term use of drug therapy for chronic diseases is often accompanied by side effects, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect and sometimes leads to the emergence of new pathological conditions.
Reasons why people choose alternative medicine:
1. Ineffectiveness of traditional treatment methods.
2. The desire to be cured and gain good health, which traditional medicine could not provide.
3. The desire to reduce the amount of medications taken.
4. The opinion that traditional medicine treats symptoms, not the cause of the disease.
5. The desire to improve the quality of life.
To compare traditional and alternative medicine, you need to understand theoretical foundations two systems that determine treatment methods.
1. Traditional medicine believes that its task is to treat disease. Alternative medicine believes that its task is to care for health and promote health.
2. The main methods of treatment of traditional medicine are drugs and surgery. Main methods of treatment of alternative medicine - physical exercise, diet, homeopathy, honey, acupuncture, etc.
3. Traditional medicine believes that treatment consists of trying to cure the diseased organ. Alternative medicine believes that treatment involves stimulating the self-healing process.
4. Traditional medicine believes that the focus should be on the constituent parts, matter. Alternative medicine believes that the focus should be on the whole, energy.
5. According to traditional medicine, the doctor must suppress and eliminate the symptoms. According to alternative treatment, the doctor must identify the cause of disharmony and imbalance.
6. The task of traditional medicine is to fight the disease. The goal of alternative medicine is to restore harmony of body, spirit and mind.
7. Traditional medicine believes that disease occurs when the constituent parts are damaged. Alternative medicine believes that disease occurs when the balance of energy and vitality is disturbed.
8. According to traditional medicine, the body consists of separate parts and is a mechanism. According to alternative medicine, the body is one and part of the universe.
9. Traditional medicine believes that the mind, body and spirit are separate. Alternative medicine believes that they are one.
1. Azone therapy.
2. Acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture) is a method of treating many diseases with injections (special needles) into certain points of the body.
3. Apitherapy - treatment with beekeeping products, the use of bee venom and its preparations with therapeutic purpose.
4. Aromatherapy - non-traditional treatment with essential oils.
5. Autogenic training - influencing the physical and mental state using self-hypnosis.
6. Aerosol therapy - inhalation of aerosols of medicinal substances for the purpose of prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
7. Aeroionotherapy - treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with ionized air.
8. Balneology - a section of balneology that studies mineral water and their therapeutic and prophylactic use.
9. Barotherapy is an unconventional treatment for high or low air pressure.
10. Bioenergy therapy - treatment using biological energy.
11. Vibration therapy is a method of treating diseases using vibration created by special devices.
12. Hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) - the use of water for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the form of local and general baths, rubdowns, showers, wraps, compresses, douches.
13. Heliotherapy - treatment with sunbathing.
14. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.
15. Medical fasting is a method of treating obesity and a number of other diseases by temporarily limiting or completely stopping food intake.
16. Homeopathy is the use of minimal doses of substances that, in large doses, cause phenomena that are similar to signs of disease.
17. Mud therapy is a method of thermotherapy with mud of mineral-organic origin, as well as mud-like substances (peat, clay, etc.). Used in the form of general or local mud baths, applications, tampons.
18. Diathermy - deep heating of tissues with high-frequency and high-power currents obtained from a special apparatus.
19. Unconventional treatment with kerosene.
20. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
21. Treatment with blue iodine.
22. Breathing therapy.
23. Lithotherapy – non-traditional treatment with stones.
24. Magnetotherapy - treatment with constant and pulsed magnetic fields.
25. Manual therapy is a set of biomechanical techniques performed with the hands aimed at eliminating pain and restoring mobility of the spine and joints.
26. Metal therapy - applying plates of various metals to the body.
27. Naturotherapy - treatment with medicines of natural, mineral, plant or animal origin.
28. Naftalan treatment - the therapeutic use of naftalan oil in the form of steam or solar heating baths.
29. Osteopathy.
30. Paraffin treatment - the use of molten paraffin in the form of applications, layering or baths.
31. Turpentine baths.
32. Stone therapy is a massage technique using various natural stones.
33. Thalassotherapy - treatment sea ​​water, seaweed, salts and dirt.
34. Peat therapy is a type of mud therapy: applications of peat that meet certain requirements, heated to a temperature of 42-52 °C.
35. Urine therapy - external or internal use of human or animal urine for therapeutic purposes. Traditional medicine has an extremely negative attitude towards it.
36. Ultrasound wave therapy.
37. Herbal medicine - treatment with medicinal herbs.
38. Fungotherapy is an unconventional treatment with mushrooms.
Some of the above methods have limited use in traditional medicine if traditional therapy is not possible or in the treatment of chronic, non-life-threatening diseases.
Non-traditional treatment is most common in China and Russia. In other countries it is prohibited or strictly limited.
Sit on a chair and begin conscious diaphragmatic breathing. When you inhale, the diaphragm lowers and the stomach protrudes; when you exhale, on the contrary, the diaphragm rises and the stomach retracts. Breathe like this for 2-3 minutes. Then begin to breathe through the diseased organ. Let's say your liver is acting up - not in a way that requires hospitalization, but slightly - and you would like to get rid of this “sore” using minimal and natural means. Imagine that you are inhaling and exhaling directly through your diseased liver. After some time, you will experience some sensations in the liver area: tingling, pulsation, heating, etc. Very good, this is a signal that the equipment has “started”. Exercises are performed regularly, at least three times a week, for 10-15 minutes. Similarly, you can work with any other organ except the heart and head. You should cope with any of your “sores” in a maximum of 20 sessions or, in any case, feel significant relief. If this does not happen, then you are doing something wrong. Very often, the beginning of recovery is externally accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease. Keep this in mind and don't be alarmed if you encounter this. In this case, continue with your classes as before. Such exacerbations usually last only a few days, then there is a significant improvement, and soon recovery. It’s much worse if your activities are not accompanied by any symptoms at all.
This method can also be classified as an unconventional method of treatment. Sit on a chair, place your elbows on the table, clench the palms of your hands into fists in the form of tubes and place them on the area between your eyebrows (third eye). When inhaling through your mouth, imagine that through the tube created by your fists we are absorbing energy and directing it to the organ (muscle) whose function we want to improve, for example the stomach. Next comes a pause (breath holding), during which energy accumulates there with corresponding positive wishes. After this, attention switches to the organ (or place) that hurts and we want to heal, for example, the bladder or the knee, and at the same time exhalation begins. As you exhale through your mouth, you imagine a black stream of negative information coming out of the diseased organ, which you burn. You need to exercise daily for at least 10 minutes, preferably more. It is difficult to name a sore that could not be removed with the help of this energy breathing. You can treat diseases of internal organs, you can remove fat deposits, and on the contrary, you can build and strengthen muscles. There is evidence of successful removal of dangerous tumors.
Melt water is formed when ice melts. The main feature of melt water is that its structure is similar to the structure of our blood. The body perceives it as its own component and is easily and quickly absorbed. Melt water has internal energy and when consumed, it powerfully stimulates the human body. If consumed melt water, then after about 5-7 months your overall health will significantly improve, your performance will increase, and your sleep time will decrease. Systematic consumption of melt water cleanses the blood and lymph, everything internal organs and skin. At the same time, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, metabolic processes, you feel an unprecedented influx of strength and energy, healing and rejuvenation of the whole body occurs.
Heat the water in a saucepan with the lid open until the white key, i.e. Bubbles float up in a stormy chain, but the water as a whole does not boil. Close the lid and place the pan in cold running water - cool quickly. We obtain degassed water, which has a number of healing properties. Washing the affected areas of the skin leads to their rapid healing - the elimination of eczema, burns, and bruises. When rinsed, it cleans teeth, strengthens gums, and successfully treats sore throat. When taken orally, it has an effective analgesic effect and improves peristalsis. It has been proven that degassed water is superior to melt water in terms of biological effectiveness, but its use must be dosed and strictly individual. When working with degassed water, you should always remember that as it is re-saturated with gas, it gradually loses its biological activity. Therefore, it is always more effective to use freshly prepared water and try to overfill it as little as possible. And one more feature - degassed water is much softer than melt water. G.P. Malakhov recommends drinking it for dry, constrained people with reduced calorific abilities. Cold melt water is well suited for obese people with pronounced calorific abilities. Decarbonated water is a very effective means for restoring and strengthening health.
The unconventional method of treatment with leeches has existed for several millennia. A leech, having bitten through the skin, introduces saliva into the human body, which contains more than a hundred different useful enzymes. These enzymes have a huge number of healing effects. They reduce blood clotting, destroy blood clots, restore blood microcirculation, break down fat deposits, increase immunity and much more.
Non-traditional treatment with leeches should be carried out by a specialist - a hirudotherapist. He prescribes a course of treatment and indicates the number of sessions and the number of leeches per session. Self-medication is possible, but for this the patient must undergo special courses.
Currently, alternative medicine has accumulated extensive experience in treatment with leeches. All the points on which leeches should be placed for various diseases are known. This method of alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular today. Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches is very effective method treatment of many diseases.
Clay treatment is one of the most highly effective methods used in alternative medicine since ancient times. For medicinal use Different types of clay are used. They differ in color chemical composition and fat content. The most valuable variety is blue Cambrian clay. This is a universal healer. It contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need. External use of blue clay gives excellent results in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, spurs and warts, in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bruises and stretch marks. Blue clay is used for mastitis and varicose veins. It has been established that clay has a strong antitumor effect, which applies to both benign and malignant tumors. IN folk medicine clay is used for a very wide range of diseases.
Before use, the clay must be thoroughly dried, crushed into powder, and cleaned of foreign matter. Then pour into an enamel basin, fill with clean, boiled, warm water, but not hot, otherwise you can kill all the biologically active substances contained in it and let it stand for several hours. During the preparation process, contact of clay with metal must be avoided. After 2 - 3 hours, stir the clay with your hands or a wooden spatula and bring it to the consistency of sour cream or mastic. It is advisable to keep the vessel with clay in the sun more often and longer. This ready-to-use solution can be stored indefinitely.
A clay tile 2 cm thick, slightly larger in size than the sore spot, is placed on gauze or simply on the skin. The clay can be cold or slightly heated in a water bath to 40...45 degrees. The duration of the compresses is 2 - 3 hours. The course of treatment is usually 12 - 15 procedures.
Contraindications: cannot be used for heart disease, acute inflammatory processes, hypertension and kidney disorders.
Kerosene is obtained from oil by boiling it in the temperature range of 200–300° C. It is lighter than water and does not dissolve in it. For treatment in alternative medicine, only purified kerosene is used. He has many medicinal properties and alternative treatment for it is becoming more and more popular.
However, if used incorrectly, it can cause great harm to health.
A tincture of walnuts on kerosene – todikamp – is very widely used in alternative medicine.
Non-traditional treatment with kerosene is used for the following diseases: sore throat, warts, bronchitis, sinusitis, leukemia, lichen, radiculitis, wounds, erysipelas and many others.
Apitherapy is a treatment with bee products. These include: honey, propolis, beebread, royal jelly and others.
Non-traditional treatment with honey has been practiced for many centuries. Honey is one of the most reliable and proven medicines; it is used to treat wounds and burns, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, colds and many other diseases.
Propolis is formed from resinous substances collected by bees and mixed with the secretion of their salivary glands. It's fabulous effective remedy for the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Non-traditional treatment with propolis preparations is often more effective than treatment proprietary chemotherapeutic agents.
Bee bread is flower pollen collected by bees, drenched in honey and sealed in the cells of honeycombs in which lactic acid fermentation takes place. At the end of all these chemical reactions, beebread is obtained. It is several times more active than pollen. Bee bread has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, increases potency and libido. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.
Non-traditional treatment with honey, propolis and beebread are the most popular folk methods of treatment.
Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent, colorless, non-flammable liquid, tasteless and odorless. It was first received in 1818. It is 1.5 times heavier than water and mixes with it in any proportion.
Non-traditional treatment with hydrogen peroxide is currently finding increasing use. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent and correct use it can become a panacea for many intractable diseases. However, you should be extremely careful when using it. The main thing is not to overdose and be sure to consult a doctor.

Researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their smaller copies have healing properties. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to use various types of pyramids in health practices.
Non-traditional pyramid treatment gives good health results:
The blood composition improves quite quickly, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, bone fractures, wounds and other injuries heal faster.
In one and a half months you can get rid of osteochondrosis.
Impotence and mastopathy can be cured.
A person who has been in the pyramid acquires immunity from many diseases.

Self-hypnosis- this is the ability of a person to inspire himself, usually in a state of trance, with the help of thoughts, images, ideas, imagination and visualization, any attitude, positive or negative, which can work in reality, like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

For example, an involuntary, subconscious self-suggestion of illness can occur, or vice versa, if you use special techniques - self-hypnosis for recovery, success, or self-confidence... fulfillment of goals, desires, or even dreams...

Today you will learn how to use the technique of self-hypnosis for healing, achieving success, making dreams come true, etc., as well as removing or taking control of the unconscious negative suggestion of illness, failure, life collapse...

The power of self-suggestion

The power of self-hypnosis is very great - do not underestimate it. At the same time, there is no need to overestimate this power - there is no such thing as magic. The conscious use of self-suggestion techniques must be taken seriously and rationally, periodically practicing the exercise given at the end of the article.

Self-hypnosis can be irrational, unconscious, emanating from attitudes, convictions and beliefs laid down in the process of upbringing and primary socialization. And if these are negative attitudes, then you, without realizing it, can instill in yourself illnesses, failures, emotional, psychological, personal and life problems, including relationship problems.

If you take control of your internal mental processes and consciously use the technique of self-hypnosis, then you will achieve a lot in life: health and longevity, quality of life, success and prosperity, love and happiness.
Use the power of self-hypnosis - constantly practice, bringing the use of the technique to automaticity.

Self-hypnosis of illness

Remember, your uncontrolled, automatic thoughts, images, pictures, imaginations emanating from the subconscious can involuntarily organize self-hypnosis of illness and failures in life. To prevent this from happening, or, if it is already happening, it is necessary, by giving yourself new, positive attitudes during self-hypnosis, to remove the old, negative ones.

Self-hypnosis for recovery

If you already have any illness - physical or psychological - then you can use controlled self-hypnosis for recovery.
However, it should be noted that self-hypnosis is used as an aid to recovery, coupled with the main methods of treating the disease (although it happens that the self-hypnosis technique helps to recover without additional therapeutic manipulations).

And if the term “recovery” is used as a social, personal, emotional and psychological concept, then self-hypnosis will easily help you both personal growth, both in establishing interpersonal relationships and in other achievements of success in life.

Self-hypnosis - a healing technique

This self-hypnosis technique recommends using creative thinking, sensations, associative vision, imagine imaginary situations, visualize. The ability to use your imagination freely is powerful force self-hypnosis.

Before using the self-hypnosis technique, you need to relax.
Sit comfortably in a chair, place your arms on the armrests, feet on the floor or on a small stand, do not cross your legs. If you wear glasses, take them off and loosen tight clothing. Sit back and relax as much as possible. Close your eyes.

So, the technique of self-hypnosis for recovery, success, self-confidence

(the text of the self-hypnosis technique (below) can be recorded on a voice recorder, or memorized and pronounced silently)

To further calm and relax, I will take deep breaths, perhaps three or four full, deep breaths. As I do this, I will pay close attention to the different sensations I feel as I exhale.

Every inhalation brings in fresh air, and every exhalation removes used air. It’s as if blacksmith’s bellows are working... and inside... there is a flow of healthy air. Let me be calmer with every breath, as I want it... And I feel how with every exhale I calm down more and more.

With every exhalation I release stress... release anxiety... release troubles. I see a boiling kettle, I see steam coming out of it and reducing the pressure in the kettle. I’ll try to exhale with a whistle... like a boiling kettle... reducing... unnecessary... excessive pressure and tension.

I feel the muscles throughout my body relax. First, a feeling of relaxation covers the muscles of the head... the face... Now the shoulders... It goes down along the arms... goes to the chest... It has already covered the entire back to the waist. With each exhale, I breathe out more tension...breathe out my worries...until the very end.

I maintain natural breathing, calm and deep... measured... At the same time, I mentally draw a staircase, any one I like. Perhaps it's a spiral staircase... or maybe it's the one I saw in my friends' house...

Or, say, a staircase from a movie or television program. The type and shape don't matter.
Now I can imagine her in my mind. I can clearly see the railings, carpet and other details. This may turn out to be a staircase from my childhood or even just now invented by me.

Each staircase has steps. Let there be at least ten of them. I see myself at the first top step. Here I stand and even feel the smells and sounds surrounding me. Outside, I can hear the sounds of birds and other sounds, people living their normal lives... at the same time that I have set aside this period of time for myself... it is so natural.

And if I hear the sound of a car speeding past or an airplane flying overhead... I know that I can imagine myself packing all my tension... all my stress into a suitcase. And when a car passes by or a plane flies by... I imagine throwing my luggage into a car, truck, train or plane. And when I hear the sound of a vehicle leaving... I know that it took with it my tension and my stress.

Therefore, in a moment, not yet, but in a moment, I will begin to go down the imaginary stairs. I will count every step. I probably already know... and maybe I even have a presentiment... that as I count, I will relax more and more... with every step I will feel better.

For each number I count one step. The more steps, the lower I will go. There may be even more of them than I thought. The lower I go, the more completely I will relax and the more pleasant it will be for me.

Do I feel that my feet are sinking into the lush pile of the carpet, do I lean my hand on the railing... so that the descent is safe... I always remember that I am more and more relaxed... with every step I will feel better and better.
We need to prepare for the start of the counting. Right now I see very clearly in front of me and feel the stairs, feel the steps under my feet... I’m getting ready.

Now I'm ready to start... with each step I relax more and more, I feel better.
10... first step down the stairs. I am pleasantly surprised to find that my tension has become even lower. At the beginning of any journey... and this is the most important thing... you should relax.

9... second step, I walk as if on a walk on a wonderful, clear day. The further I walk, the more steps there are behind me, the more complete the feeling of comfortable peace, the further I am from worries and worries.

8... in this state, the tension weakens, and instead a feeling of warmth or coolness may appear. A variety of images can help me: rivers... fields... mountains. You can compare my staircase to one of these images.

7... I can see various colors. It could be the color of the stairs or the color of the walls... the color of the sky or a picture on the wall. Colors can vary from shades of gray to dark doesn't matter what shade of blue it is, I just know that certain colors evoke different images...different feelings. Gray evokes the feeling of a cool breeze blowing over the body. Bright blue is associated with the warmth of the sun's rays falling on me.

6... I'm already halfway down the descent. I see other colors. I can see shades of green, like the grass on the lawn. I can imagine the variety of shades of red, pink and yellow flowers. Golds, browns, and even black or white paint can be blended together... into one splash of color, or they can look separate. Whether the colors mix into a kaleidoscope of color or each one remains on its own, I find that these color images help me relax and detach from everything as much as I want... Multi-colored rainbows... boat sails... paintings... and even hot air balloons. I'm relaxing more and more.

5...the further I go down, the more complete relaxation, I feel so good, I’m not afraid of anything and I know that when I want to experience this feeling again, I can bring it back again. I know I can travel wherever I the future...or to the past...with or without color. A new sensation appeared in the fingers... It's like damp coolness... or maybe a slight tingling or numbness. There may be a feeling of numbness around the mouth, as if cool river water has touched your face... This is so natural.

4… I’m relaxing more and more.

3... went down even lower. I feel warmth in my body, and maybe even coolness. These sensations permeate me, as if I were “part of what is depicted in the picture or part of the landscape... I see everything so vividly... All this exists only for me.

2... now I'm almost there.

1... I relaxed even more. I take a deep breath and feel more calm and relaxed than ever before... as if I had reached a quiet pier. Perhaps I can mentally imagine an even more secluded place.

Different shapes may appear before your eyes... circles... triangles or squares. I can even color them. I color a circle or triangle. Whether this circle is an ancient image of myself or a support that supports me, whether I really see in my mind’s eye how the colors and slightly shapes of the figures change, it all still exists... it is here... at hand... and heals me... only by what exists next to me.

I will use my mind's eye to see the changes I suggest to myself. When I'm ready for this, I'll take a couple of deep breaths... and exhales... and feel lightness or heaviness in my body. I can notice how easy it is for my hands... here's my left... or maybe right hand It’s getting easier, it seems that she’s about to float... like a leaf... safe... surrendering to the will of nature... here’s a little more... calmly... confidently... A living, unfolded leaf... in the stream.

It may seem as if you have balloons tied to your hand... colored helium-filled balloons from your distant childhood. They make my hand almost weightless. It seems that she is about to rise up on her own... like a balloon.

Let's see if I can visualize the balls vividly. I'll try to draw them in my mind. I clearly see how bright they are and how they slowly tug my hand by the strings tied to it. The arm can even be raised slightly above the knees or armrest. It doesn't matter how much she rises. I just understand that I am overcome by a blissful feeling of complete peace and relaxation.

In just a couple of minutes... I know that I can make changes in myself... the positive changes that I strive for. I will feel how the energy hidden within me... will begin to rise up and fall down, spreading throughout my body.

[Now self-hypnosis: Insert your goals by imagining and imagining them mentally and visually, vividly using all five senses in your imagination. Think and imagine positively, with positive emotions, about what you want to achieve or change (within reason, of course)]

After the suggestion technique - either leaving a trance, a relaxed state, or going into a sleep state - at will

In a couple of minutes, perhaps sooner than I expect, I will feel the satisfaction of knowing that I have given myself a wonderful experience. I know that I can experience this state of peace and self-control again at any time.