Today, many people are attracted to various exotic animals and insects, rare species fish that they happily keep at home. We also paid attention to such exotics as spiders, which feel great at home.

Let's look at which types are better for maintenance and care.

Types of spiders for home keeping

The most common and popular type of spider is the tarantula or tarantula, very beautiful, with bright colors and large sizes, lends itself well to breeding and lives for a long time in captivity. This type of spider is attractive because its bite is not fatal to humans, it will simply cause irritation, redness, and sometimes - allergic reaction. The tarantula species includes hundreds of subspecies, so you have a huge choice.

How to choose a spider

When you go to a pet store, follow simple rules choosing this animal:

  • ask the seller to give you a complete and detailed description of how to keep a spider at home
  • We carefully examine the selected instance, which should be active. If a spider lies and does not run around in its house, it means that it is sick and is not worth buying.
  • Look at the abdomen: in a healthy one it is even and smooth. And if the spider is dehydrated, it will be wrinkled and dull
  • if you see open wounds on the limbs or body, you should not take this specimen
  • a large spider means an adult, this especially applies to males who live less than spiders, it’s better to buy a baby.

We recommend that you look at the hairs that cover the abdomen: if you see that the hairs are not of equal size, are combed, or faded, the spider is sick, something is bothering it, and therefore it constantly scratches the abdomen with its hind legs.

Spiders often have their limbs broken off - they grow back after molting; this also happens if the spider was brought from nature and did not follow the transportation rules.

Choosing a terrarium for a spider

Terrariums designed for spiders are varied: any shape, size, design, its choice depends on your preferences and how this container will fit into the interior of your home. The most important thing is to buy a container that has a tight-fitting lid so that your pet does not “go for a walk” around the apartment and neighbors. Spiders crawl well on smooth glass surfaces, so it won’t be too difficult for him to get out.

Give preference to spacious containers in which the pet will lead an active lifestyle.

Never place the terrarium on a windowsill where your pet could get caught Sun rays which will lead to his death.

Second main point– this is a substrate, for which choose peat, fine gravel, paper, sphagnum, vermiculite and pine sawdust. To prevent the substrate from becoming covered with fungus and rot, there must be a hole in the lid for ventilation.

Caring for a spider at home

A spider is like any other Living being, requires attention and care. Let's start with setting up a terrarium, which should have several levels so that the pet can live an active life. To do this, pour a fairly thick layer of substrate so that the spider can “lead” excavation, we install a snag on which he will run. You can put a shelter in a container, which will be a mink.

The temperature regime should also be observed - spiders prefer temperatures from 23 degrees to 28, but can tolerate 15 degrees well.

Buy a water heater that will maintain normal temperature and the necessary humidity in the terrarium, which plays an important role in the pet’s molting process. If there is insufficient humidity, the animal will simply die, so its level should not fall below 75 percent.

Lighting also plays an important role in keeping spiders: choose a low-voltage lamp, from 15 to 25 watts. If you decorated the terrarium with plants, then you can install fluorescent lamps.

Feeding house spiders

Spiders have external digestion, when they inject their juices into the victim and after a while, begin to suck out all the contents. This process may take more than a day. Therefore, it is recommended to feed your young pet twice a week with live insects, not big size. If you purchased a large specimen, then it will eat both mice and frogs.

A young spider, 3 days old or older, eats crickets, mealworms, and fruit flies. Food should not exceed a third of the size of the spider’s body, since it will take a lot of time to digest it.

An adult specimen eats once a week, but if reproduction is expected, then feeding is carried out more often. Remove the food that the spider has not eaten from the terrarium.

Molting spiders

This is a very important period in your pet's life. Before molting, the spider becomes slightly mobile, does not feed, and a day before the start of the change of cover, it generally freezes and lies on its back or side.

Young spiders molt regularly, mature ones - once a year. When the coat changes, the old one disintegrates, and the new one is very soft, and during this period, which lasts from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, strictly monitor the humidity, otherwise the pet will simply dehydrate and die. Under no circumstances should you pick up the spider at this moment; you may damage its weak skeleton. Also remove all food, which can also cause harm.

The process of molting is a very fascinating spectacle when your pet begins to methodically, very carefully, free each of its limbs from the old cover, cleans its paws and abdomen. It is so mesmerizing that you even forget about time and sit next to the terrarium and watch.

Reproduction of spiders at home

If you are so passionate about your pet, it will not be surprising to have a desire to have offspring. In this case, it is better for you to keep one pair - a male and a female - in one terrarium, and if there is another pair, transplant them into another container.

A couple of weeks before mating, the male begins to weave a web on which he will engage in the process of producing seminal fluid. When you notice mating, immediately after it, if you have time, of course, remove the male so that the female does not eat him.

Depending on the characteristics of the spider, she can lay eggs in a couple of weeks or months in one large cocoon, which she will regularly move from place to place and turn it over. Typically, babies will appear within three to twelve weeks.

Immediately transplant the baby into separate containers, because... spiders can eat each other. The young are fed once every three days with small insects.

  • keep the terrarium clean
  • Do not take once again pet in your hands, if you are cleaning the terrarium, place it in another container, which also closes. The spider not only has a poisonous bite, but also hairs on its abdomen, which, if they come into contact with the skin, cause allergies. Even if you think you picked him up carefully, you may accidentally drop him on the floor and move his paws
  • do not experiment with food, feed only what the consultant advised you, otherwise you will poison the poor spider
  • always check the lid for a tight fit, because spiders are very mobile and will use every opportunity to “go for a walk” in new territories
  • The paku was created by nature to contemplate beauty, so you shouldn’t poke your fingers into its abdomen, bragging to your friends that it knows you and accepts you as a friend. If at this moment the tarantula Bad mood, he didn’t get enough sleep, he’s hungry, then you can’t avoid a bite. These spiders have no authority; they do not develop any reflexes for communication.

Spiders belong to the animal kingdom, but everyone is accustomed to the fact that they are insects, so we will also sometimes call them that. Most often, spiders do not settle next to humans, but they have long adapted to peaceful coexistence nearby. Now at least a tiny spider lives in every house. About 42,000 species of spiders live on the entire planet, most of them in areas with warm climates. In the CIS countries and Russia there are less than three thousand species of spiders, but many of them weave their webs in human homes, most often in dark, inaccessible corners. There are many signs associated with the appearance of spiders in the house and we could not ignore this topic.

Signs - a spider in the house

If there are spiders in the apartment, many people, on the one hand, feel disgust and even fear, on the other hand, they think about whether to kill the spider in the apartment or leave it, or maybe take it outside? This is associated with many superstitions and signs.

  • Why do spiders appear in the apartment? According to popular belief to prosperity and quick success.
  • If suddenly a spider falls on your hand or head, this means profit and money.
  • If you see a spider going down a thread, the sign foretells the imminent arrival of guests or a letter to your house.
  • But if spiders in the house (which is time to get used to and not be surprised) are discovered at night, you need to expect unpleasant events.
  • If a spider in an apartment has woven a web right above the sleeping area. What does it mean? This is also no good; most likely the owners will suffer failure and illness.
  • Many people wonder if it is possible to kill spiders? According to folk wisdom killing a spider leads to troubles and misfortunes. But just imagine, if your room is all entangled in cobwebs, insects will fall into your plate of food and crawl on you at night. More than an unpleasant picture. So don’t torment yourself with the question of why you can’t kill a spider, especially since, according to another version, doing so will get rid of your sins.

Whether you believe in omens or not, you still don’t need to leave the insect in the house; then take it and throw it outside. Now let's get to know this arthropod better.

Spiders in the apartment - types, photos

Almost all spiders are predators; their diet consists of small animals and insects. Most often they hunt with the help of a web, when the victim is caught in the net, the spider injects poison and digestive juice into it, and after a while sucks out the solution, which is food for them. Usually, owners learn about the presence of a spider by the appearance of a web. They prefer warmth and dryness, and to be disturbed as little as possible. Several species of spiders live in the neighborhood of humans. So, what kind of spiders live in an apartment?

Spider - haymaker

The centipede, window spider or haymaker has a small round or oval abdomen up to one centimeter, 6 or 8 legs up to five centimeters long. Its nets are randomly located in corners, near windows, and often hang upside down. Insects, falling into a web, become increasingly stuck in it. The spider lies in wait for the victim and, after injecting the poison, leaves it in reserve or eats it.

Harvesting spider - photo

Gray and black house spider

Small spiders in the apartment are black or gray spiders. Their total size is about 14 mm. Their web resembles a pipe; after the victim damages the web, they restore it, so you can often see not just a mesh, but complex weaving patterns. As a rule, the female waits for prey.

Black spider - photo

Spider is a hobo

The tramp has an oval body and large paws. Distinctive feature species - absence of web. The spider attacks the victim, injects its poison, eats it and moves on. He doesn't stay anywhere for long. In Russia, this type of spider is safe, but in the tropics, the secretion released from their glands leads to poisoning and skin problems.

Hobo spider, photo

Jumping spider

If there is a jumping spider in your apartment, it is a jumping spider. Its difference is that it has 8 eyes arranged in three rows. The patterns on the body are varied, as are the colors. It moves easily on glass thanks to its small claws and hairs on its paws. By the way, he is a vegetarian and eats only acacia.

Jumping spider, photo

The remaining species of these arthropods are found very rarely in houses and do not settle near humans.

Where do spiders come from in an apartment?

In old houses, spiders occupy attics and basements, and from there they make their way into other rooms.

Are spiders dangerous?

All (with rare exceptions) spiders are poisonous. But the harm from the bites of spiders living in our apartments is minimal for humans, thanks to their small, fragile body structure and small fangs. After a karakurt bite, the human body will be subject to neurotoxic effects. And the biggest danger from domestic species is necrosis. But most often, neither inflammation nor intoxication occurs. The bite site only needs to be treated with an alcohol-containing product or hydrogen peroxide.

How to get rid of spiders

Before you think about how to get rid of spiders in the house, you should find out who serves as their food source, and who needs to be kept in company with arthropods. Fighting spiders does not always happen with the help of pesticides. To get started, try simple and effective ways, since they do not form colonies and do not reproduce at record speed.

  • Find out the reason for the appearance of spiders and start fighting small insects.
  • Get rid of cobwebs with a broom or vacuum cleaner. Don't forget to empty the contents of the garbage disposal outside, otherwise the spider will get out and continue to weave its webs. The simplest device for collecting cobwebs is a stick with a rag wrapped around it.
  • If there are too many spiders, they have time to lay eggs, which you need to look for in secluded places, for example, on furniture near the walls. Sweep them up and flush them down the drain.
  • Seal cracks and crevices, glue wallpaper where necessary, install mosquito nets and screens on ventilation grilles.
  • Regular cleaning will prevent the appearance of spiders.
  • After repairs, usually not a single spider remains, since the smell of paint and varnish materials is unbearable for them.
  • Spiders are repelled by the pungent smells of chestnuts, hazelnuts and oranges, mint, and eucalyptus. You can crush the fruits and scatter them around the room or add drops of the substance to a spray bottle and spray the apartment regularly.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the baseboards; when the insect gets on it, it quickly dies.
  • Regular vinegar is highly effective. Add a few drops of vinegar to the water, pour into containers and place around the apartment.

Chemical repellents for spiders in the apartment

If the number of spiders in your home has become alarmingly large, do not use chemicals not enough. Universal aerosols against spiders are ineffective. Use household preparations based on pyrethroids. Be careful when spraying, remember to take safety precautions and follow the instructions. Also remember that the poison only works when it gets on the spider’s body.

A product that is suitable for fighting spiders - “Dobrohim FOS” - has proven itself well. The drug is an acaricidal agent that allows you to destroy arachnids with a 100% guarantee. The product is safe for people, but has a lethal effect on insects.

Easy to use Butox 50. The drug is sprayed where there are especially many spiders, left for 20 minutes, then the room is ventilated and cleaned. If you decide to use Neoron, be careful; it is very dangerous to use near food products.

It happens that the use of aerosols is impossible for some reason - small children, pets, and so on. Then it is advisable to use pills - traps, inside of which poison is placed. In addition to other control methods, it is recommended to place glue traps in corners, behind cabinets, and under low furniture.

To prevent such a problem as a lot of spiders in the apartment from arising, regularly carry out high-quality cleaning, ventilate and knock out mattresses and pillows - this way there will be less dust at home. Wash lighting fixtures, pay more attention to hard-to-reach places - in corners, under furniture, in closets, especially if you rarely use them. And remember that the spider is more of a useful creature than a pest, so let all methods of control be gentle.

Big spider in the apartment

Before getting such a pet, find out the advantages and disadvantages of keeping spiders at home.

Benefits of Keeping Spiders

  1. Spiders are ideal for those who love silence: they make almost no sounds.
  2. Spiders are clean, they don’t smell in the apartment.
  3. Spiders require a small living space. A terrarium for a spider will not take up much space in the house.
  4. Spiders are interesting to watch. The molting process is generally a fascinating spectacle.
  5. Keeping such an exotic pet is much cheaper than traditional pets (although the spider itself can be expensive). Spiders cannot be called gluttons. Baby spiders are fed every other day, while adults are fed once a week or even less often.
  6. Spiders as pets are suitable for busy people. If you travel often, you don't need to think about where to place the spider. As a rule, spiders do not suffer in the absence of their owner and can easily do without him for several days.
  7. And finally, spiders are very spectacular and unusual creatures. It is very interesting to have such an exotic animal at home.

But, as in the content of any other pet, keeping spiders has its drawbacks.

Disadvantages of keeping a spider in the house

  1. Almost all spiders are poisonous; some of them can cause harm to humans. A spider bite is quite painful and can cause redness and swelling. Serious consequences from a bite can occur if the victim is allergic to spider venom. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to pick up spiders.
  2. Some species of spiders shed stinging hairs. If they come into contact with the eyes or nose, they may cause skin irritation and inflammation. It's pretty serious problem– Sometimes hospitalization may be required.
  3. Many types of spiders require certain temperatures, humidity and lighting. Spiders are quite nimble creatures. To prevent the pet from escaping, the terrarium must be tightly closed with a secure lid. At the same time, it is necessary to provide ventilation in the spider’s home. If the spider does escape from the terrarium, it will pose a threat to other pets, if any.
  4. The life of most spiders is short. The exception is. In captivity they can live 20 or even 30 years.
  5. Spiders, like other pets, can be a source of various bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  6. Spiders also get sick, and not every veterinarian can help these exotic animals.
  7. Spiders cannot be tamed, they cannot be controlled. They do not feel the need to communicate with a person. You won't be able to pick him up and pet him.

Spiders don't need as much attention as many other pets. But by getting such an extraordinary pet, you take on much more responsibility than by getting, for example, a turtle or a hamster.

In contact with


Despite the fact that human beings have a natural fear of spiders, many are increasingly choosing them as exotic pets. Spider owners say this is an ideal option if you don't have time to care for your little friend. If you do not suffer from arachnophobia and dream of owning an unusual pet, we will help you understand the features of care and maintenance, types of spiders, as well as all the pros and cons of such a choice.

What spiders can you keep at home?

Not all types of arthropods can be kept at home. Some of them are deadly poisonous, while others have an unremarkable appearance (for example, gray spider or the haymaker spider, which most often live in secluded corners of houses and apartments). Many people choose tarantula spiders, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. They have a presentable appearance: large sizes, bright colors, shaggy bodies.
  2. This species includes more than a hundred subspecies, from which you can choose a pet to suit every taste.
  3. They live somewhat longer than other species.
  4. They can reproduce in captivity.
  5. The tarantula's venom does not pose a fatal threat to a healthy adult.

Popular types of tarantulas are: white-haired, two-colored, giant, striped, horned and others. In addition to tarantulas, the choice is often made of tarantulas, cross spiders, wolf spiders or jumping spiders. The listed species extremely rarely bite people (only in the event of a sudden attack), but even if this happens, their poison does not cause any serious consequences.

Where to keep

Typically, glass or plastic terrariums with good sealing are used to keep spiders. They can be of horizontal or vertical type: the former are suitable for ground spiders, while arboreal species require a vertical type of housing with effective ventilation. Therefore, it is very important to know the species of your pet in order to recreate natural conditions for it as accurately as possible.

Most species do not require much space, since they spend almost all their time passively, hiding in hollows, burrows and other shelters. However, the length of the home must be at least twice the span of the pet’s legs. In a terrarium that is too large, the pet will experience obvious discomfort and a desire to hide away.

The terrarium should also not be too high, so that if the pet falls from the walls, it will not be damaged. For example, for adult tarantulas, a container with the following parameters is quite sufficient: 30*30*20 cm. For young tarantula spiders (up to several molts old), a plastic container measuring 10*8*6 cm is quite enough. After 7-10 molts, you can buy a home bigger size, based on the size of the pet.

It is important to understand that the space needs of spiders are fundamentally different from most of the animals we are used to - arthropods do not need much space for walking and activity.

Is it possible to keep several individuals in one container?

IN natural conditions some types of spiders can live together, and these can even be individuals of different sexes and age groups. However, in captivity, it is not recommended to keep two or more representatives of the same species in one container - this is associated with a high risk of aggression or cannibalism, and as a result, injury or death of pets. It is also necessary to seat the babies after the first molt.

Important!Keeping spiders together different types in the vast majority of cases it ends in the death of one of the pets.

In order for an exotic pet to delight you with its presence for a long time, you need to work hard on the equipment of its home. When arranging a terrarium, it is necessary to think about lighting, decor and filling, and regulate the temperature and humidity of the air.

What is needed in a terrarium

The terrarium must have a layer of substrate. Firstly, it will help recreate more natural conditions for your pet, and it won't sit on bare plastic or glass. Secondly, the main task of the substrate is to maintain a stable level of humidity inside the container. For this reason, neither sand nor stones are suitable as a filler. The most acceptable options are vermiculite and coconut filler. Both fillers are highly hygroscopic.

The need for decoration is determined by the type of your pet. For example, for spiders that weave webs, no special decoration is required, since soon it will not be noticeable under a layer of beautiful lace. Main - provide your pet with all the conditions for weaving. But for species that like to hide in shelters, you can buy ceramic houses, castles and shards, products made from cork oak or artificial plants.

Sealing and ventilation

It doesn’t matter what you use as a home - a food bowl or a special glass terrarium, it must be securely closed with a lid, otherwise one morning you may find that the spider’s house is empty, and its owner is walking around your apartment. But when sealing the container, do not forget that the arthropod needs fresh air and high-quality ventilation of the container, so several holes should be made in the lid through which the spider will not escape, but will gain access to oxygen. If your pet lives in a plastic container, it is better to make holes on the side wall in two rows: bottom and top. To do this, you can use a hot nail of small diameter.


The need for decoration depends on the type of spider. For example, for tarantulas there is no need to install additional light, since they are nocturnal inhabitants who are excellent at navigating in the dark. If you want to install light, give preference to infrared lamps - their radiation is invisible to the pet. It is not advisable to choose incandescent lamps, but if you choose this option, install them outside the container to prevent the animal from being burned and the air from drying out.


Spiders are able to tolerate a very wide temperature range. Optimal values ​​are 23-26°C. Additional heating may be needed only during the transitional autumn-spring period, when the heating is already turned off or is not yet working. To provide heat, you can purchase special cords and heating plates, as well as a thermostat. The devices must be installed either under a container (for tree spiders) or on the walls of the house (for terrestrial species).

Important!The temperature in the room and terrarium should not exceed 31°C.


This indicator is very important for the health and well-being of the pet. The required humidity level for each species may vary. You can determine a deficiency or excess of moisture by your pet’s behavior:

  • the spider constantly sits at the drinking bowl, dragging soil into it - the container is too dry;
  • the spider constantly sits on the walls of the container - this behavior indicates excessive humidity (but sometimes this may just be a favorite habit of the pet);
  • the woody species descends to the substrate - the container is dry;

You should not spray the substrate with a spray bottle; instead, it is better to use a syringe without a needle or a watering can with a thin hole. It is important to determine by eye when there is enough moisture (the substrate should be 2/3 wet). Adults must have a drinking bowl in the container; choose its size in such a way that the pet cannot fit into it and drown. Keep in mind that swamp cultivation should not be allowed in the terrarium. In conditions of excessive humidity, midges, mold and fungus easily grow, which can kill the arthropod.

What you need to care for a spider

So, it is obvious that to keep an exotic pet you will need the following accessories:

  • sealed container made of glass or plastic;
  • drinking bowl;
  • filler;
  • air heater;
  • thermometer;
  • decor (depending on the type of spider);
  • a small plastic box for isolating the pet (for example, when cleaning the terrarium);
  • long tweezers, 20-25 cm (for feeding and removing debris);
  • long brush (helps when transplanting a pet);
  • additional lighting (depending on type).

Did you know? For Agriculture Spiders are very useful - their main food is insects that destroy crops. Thus, spiders annually save up to 30% of the world's harvest!

What to feed a spider at home

Spiders are representatives of obligate predators, therefore they must feed exclusively on products of animal origin. The most common food for spiders are feeding insects: various types of cockroaches (Turkmen, Argentine, marbled), larvae, mealworms. You need to buy food in specialized stores. It is not recommended to feed your pet cockroaches, flies, any insects or small animals that you have caught yourself.

Firstly, you cannot be sure of their health (many insects can be carriers of diseases), and secondly, it may be difficult for the spider to cope with large insects, frog or mice, besides, such food is not familiar to him.

The frequency of feeding is determined by the age of the pet. Babies and teenage spiders need food 3 times a week, adults need to be fed 1-2 times. The size of one serving should correspond to the size of your pet's belly. However, in many cases, spiders are capable of eating much larger portions. Food must be given using tweezers; leftovers must be removed after the meal.

Important!Don't panic if your pet has no appetite. The period of rest from feeding can last weeks or even months for some spiders.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed the spider. This increases the risk of a hernia or injury if it falls from the wall of the terrarium, and such specimens are not suitable for breeding. If the pet refuses food, but its abdomen is of normal size (not sunken), there are no injuries on the body, there will be no molting soon and the conditions for keeping it are good, then you don’t have to worry.

Cleaning the terrarium

Thorough cleaning of the terrarium and replacement of the substrate is necessary every 8-12 months, as well as in the event of mold or mildew. There is no need to clean your home more often. You should always remove leftover food with tweezers after a meal. During cleaning, the resident must be transferred to a container. To do this, you need to open the terrarium and use a brush to push the spider towards the container.

Shedding period

Molting is a physiological, very important period for spiders, during which growth and renewal of the entire organism occurs. Shedding involves shedding the old hard cuticle and growing a new one. The process is started under the influence of special hormones. During the period when the new cuticle (exoskeleton) has not yet hardened, the pet is very vulnerable and defenseless.

You can understand that molting is coming soon by the behavior of the arthropod: the spider stops eating and becomes inactive. Tarantula spiders create a bed of webs for themselves, lie down on their backs and remain in this position until the shedding of the old skeleton is completed. The speed of this process depends on the age of the pet: the younger the spider, the faster the molting occurs.

What the spider owner needs to remember during the molting period:

  • You should not offer food to the spider during this period - live food insects can harm your pet;
  • you need to feed the arthropod no earlier than 2-3 weeks;
  • Under no circumstances should you touch the spider, especially when it lies on its back;
  • do not try in any way to “help” your pet get rid of the old skeleton;
  • You can remove the old skeleton only after the pet turns over and stands confidently on its feet.
Juveniles that experience rapid growth molt more often than adult spiders. If your pet has not shed for a long time, the conditions may need to be corrected.

Did you know? The strength of the web is equal to steel wire. If it were possible to create a rod from a web just 0.5 cm thick, it could stop a tank or a bulldozer. The only reason this is durable and environmental material is not used in industry - it is impossible to recreate it in the laboratory.

How many years do they live

Of course, the life expectancy of a pet will depend on how well you can create conditions for it. However, in general, when good care, spiders various types have the following life expectancy:

  • tarantulas - live on average 15-20 years;
  • tarantulas - life expectancy greatly depends on the species, some in captivity live only 1-2 years, but there are varieties that can live up to 20-30 years (females live longer than males);
  • cross - they live for a maximum of six months, males die after mating, females - after creating a cocoon;
  • jumper - in captivity, females live up to 3 years, males live 1-2 years;
  • peacock spider - lives a maximum of 9 months;
  • goliaths - females live up to 8-9 years, males - up to 6 years.
The general pattern is as follows: large varieties have longer duration life than small species.

Is it possible to pick it up?

Most often, these questions are asked by owners of large species, for example, tarantulas and tarantulas. It should be clearly understood that spiders cannot be considered full-fledged tame animals; they are guided by physiological instincts, which is why attempts to play with a pet, train it, or try to carry it in your arms are completely pointless and doomed to failure.

You also need to realize that for a spider there will always be a change of scenery severe stress, especially if the temperature, lighting and humidity of the environment differ from these indicators in the terrarium. Any careless movement can lead to injury or death of the arthropod, especially in the case of small species and kids. Some species can instantly run away from you (for example, jumping spiders), and finding a fugitive in an apartment will be very difficult. When under stress, your pet may bite you, and although the bite will not be fatal, pain is guaranteed. Spider venom can be dangerous if you have allergies (which you may not even know about).

All pets have different personalities, so some may calmly react to your attempts to invite him into your palm, while others will strive to bite as soon as you put your hand into the terrarium. Based on this, it is not recommended to attempt to pick up your pet.

What to do if a spider bites you

As mentioned earlier, bites from spiders, which are often kept in homes, are not fatal unless you have allergies. Otherwise, anaphylactic shock may occur with the most negative consequences.

A bite is often accompanied by the following symptoms: itching, redness, pain and swelling in the affected area. Occasionally, malaise may occur and body temperature may rise. All symptoms disappear after a few days. The algorithm of actions in case of a bite is as follows:

  1. If a limb is affected, it must be tied with a bandage or rope above the bite.
  2. Wash the puncture site with soapy water and treat with an antiseptic.
  3. Apply an ice compress.
  4. Use a large number of water for speedy detoxification.
  5. If necessary, take an antihistamine.

Pros and cons of content

Before you decide to purchase such a pet, weigh the pros and cons of keeping it.

Among the advantages:

  • does not require a lot of time and money for care and maintenance;
  • a silent, calm and almost invisible animal;
  • The behavior of the spider is interesting to observe.
  • there is always a risk that a spider will bite or run away;
  • some species have a very short lifespan;
  • cannot be trained, and is not a tame pet in the standard sense.

Important!For children, the elderly, people with allergies or other serious illnesses, a spider bite can have bad consequences!

Such an exotic pet will clearly attract the attention of all visitors to your home. If you and other family members do not have arachnophobia or allergies, then it is quite acceptable to have a spider. But if you want to receive emotional feedback from your pet and spend more time with it, then you should take a closer look at more social species animals.

Video: keeping exotic spiders at home

IN Lately The popularity of exotic pets has increased significantly. Quite often, instead of the usual fluffy, mustachioed and tailed ones, this role is played by rare species of fish, reptiles that are terrifying just by their appearance, as well as unusual insects. And in this row of exotic favorites are spiders. Some feel disgusted by them, some panic, and some sincerely admire them. And if you belong to the latter and want to see such an eight-legged creature as a friend, then it would be useful for you to find out what it is like to keep spiders at home.

Choosing a pet

Since the role of a pet must certainly be a bright, eye-catching specimen, accordingly, the option with our practically “native” haymaker spider immediately fades into the background. And why bother your cute eight-legged “neighbor” by driving him into a terrarium, besides, these creatures are already domestic and probably huddle in one (in most cases, several) of the cozy corners of your house. We’ll leave them there, and for home keeping we’ll choose someone nicer, for example, a tarantula. By the way, representatives of this particular species are the most common and popular spiders for home keeping. And there are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, they are very beautiful - bright colors, large sizes, shaggy body;
  • secondly, it reproduces well in captivity and, accordingly, is amenable to breeding;
  • thirdly, it lives relatively long;
  • fourthly, this species includes several hundred subspecies, which opens up a huge selection.

On a note! Tarantula spider venom for adults healthy person It is not fatal, but for other pets its bite can be fatal, for example, for cats, dogs, etc. In addition, the tarantula's venom can seriously undermine one's health. small child and a person with allergies!

However, tarantula spiders are far from the only representatives of their order that are chosen for home keeping. In addition to them, tarantulas, cross spiders and even are often in demand.

Criterias of choice

Having come to a pet store, say, for a kitten, we roughly understand what requirements to put forward for it: clean eyes, ears, a wet nose, etc. But what about the spider? What parameters should this creature advise?

So, let's examine the spider we like. It should be:

  1. Active. If he is absolutely immobile for a long time or moves very slowly, then most likely this specimen is sick.
  2. Healthy. The health of a spider is indicated by the state of its abdomen: when dehydrated, it becomes wrinkled; in a healthy arachnid, on the contrary, it is even and smooth. You should also pay attention to the condition of the hairs in this area - in a sick spider they will be of unequal size and combed in places.

    On a note! When a spider is disturbed painful sensations, he scratches his abdomen with his hind legs, tearing off some of the fibers!

  3. Small. A spider of particularly large size may turn out to be old, therefore, it will not illuminate your life with its presence for long. Also, remember that males are always slightly smaller than females.
  4. No visible damage to the body. However, here one should take into account the fact that some types of spiders may have broken off limbs that grow back after molting.

Setting up a terrarium

In order for your new pet to live happily ever after, any special conditions not required - a modest terrarium is quite enough. Spiders are gloomy ascetics and spend most of the time allotted for themselves sitting in one place, only occasionally making “jogs” to stretch their legs. A cozy spider house with optimal dimensions is a terrarium equal to two lengths of the full span of its legs, that is, even the most big spider will feel great in a living space of 40x40cm.

But do not forget that spiders can move quite well on vertical surfaces, so the main thing is a reliable lid that will close well and keep the poisonous pet in its rightful square centimeters.

Let's move on to creating optimal conditions for the spider.

  1. Substrate. It is necessary to “cover the floor” in the spider’s home with a special flooring. The ideal option is vermiculite, a special mineral rock that is used in crop production. Layer - from 3 to 5 cm. If you can’t find one, you can also use coconut substrate or regular peat. By the way, it is recommended to mix the latter with sphagnum moss. As a last resort, when there is nothing at all, garden soil will do (only from flower shop and in no case from the nearest flower bed!) or the soil used for growing indoor plants. However, it is advisable to use this option for a short time and try to quickly replace it with a substrate more suitable for the spider.
  2. Temperature. Spiders are thermophilic and prefer to stay in a temperature range that will be close to +22...28°C. These pets are immune to a slight short-term decrease in temperature, but abuse similar situations undesirable. But at the same time, it is not recommended to overheat the terrarium. This situation is especially dangerous for well-fed animals, in which the process of rotting undigested food may begin in the stomach.
  3. Lighting. For spiders, which are nocturnal inhabitants, the natural light in the room is sufficient. No additional sources are needed. Moreover, direct light from a lamp can quickly destroy this fragile creature.
  4. Humidity. A drinking bowl and the right substrate help to some extent to ensure its optimal level. If the readings on the hygrometer are too low, then from time to time you will have to irrigate the terrarium with water from a spray bottle. But again, high humidity is dangerous, so when buying a spider, immediately find out from the seller what humidity is needed specifically for this species.
  5. Filling. For a spider in a terrarium, the main thing is a shelter in which it can hide during daylight hours, and if you keep a burrowing species, then a “house” is simply a must for it. Without it, such a pet will be in constant stress. Setting up such a shelter is very simple - you can lean a piece of bark, a coconut shell against the wall, and put the inverted half in the corner flower pot and so on. Everything else, such as decorative driftwood, artificial plants and other similar elements, is unnecessary. Spiders are completely indifferent to them, so you purchase and install such accessories exclusively for yourself.


And the last thing is what to feed the spider at home. In fact, these pets are very convenient in terms of feeding, since, firstly, they eat absolutely any living creature that is smaller than them in size, and secondly, if you don’t have time or you forgot about feeding, it’s okay, it’s quite You can do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or in a couple of days. The spider will not be offended, because in the conditions wildlife he is able to go without food for several weeks.

At home, spiders are most often fed crickets, mealworms, fruit flies, and cockroaches. It is quite possible for adults to offer chicks, frogs and mice. In this case, it is desirable that the prey be alive - in this case, when moving, it will definitely interest the hunter. Although sometimes there are specimens that quite willingly eat pieces of beef or fish fillets, everything here is individual: one spider will like “dead” food, while another will turn its nose at it.

The feeding process in spiders is long and takes about a day, sometimes more. Adults usually feed once a week, and more often during the breeding season. At the same time, food remains must always be removed from the terrarium.

In general, spiders are almost ideal pets: feeding is infrequent, there is essentially no need to clean up after them, they do not leave their fur on furniture, they do not mark their territory, they do not emit foreign odors, and their house takes up very little space. This is a completely acceptable option for busy people who want to have a pet, but do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to it. Of course, you won’t get love, affection or at least some kind of return in terms of feelings from spiders, but for decorative purposes and the knowledge that someone is waiting at home, they are exceptionally good. And here everything is fair, since he also does not need much from the breadwinner.