Starting your speech with the words “From the point of view of banal erudition,” most often an attempt is made to confuse the interlocutor. The speech continues in a complex form rich in terms. By using such a complex expression, a person is most often trying to “show off.” But, this phrase became an object of ridicule only many years after its appearance. Scientists are still arguing about who and when it was first said, “From the point of view of banal erudition...”, but the majority still agree that this statement was taken from a book authored by Kant.

Most likely, such a difficult phrase to understand was taken out of the context of his philosophical works, and subsequently, due to its uncertainty, became a household word.

Quite significant popularity of the phrase “From the point of view of banal erudition...” was ensured by students of humanities faculties. And its most frequently used continuation was:

This and similar expressions were very popular in the treatises of communist philosophy of the times Soviet Union. Authors of that time often wrote their scientific and philosophical books on their basis. If we try to convey the essence of the expression “From the point of view of banal erudition...” in words that everyone can understand, we get something like this:

“Based on general knowledge, not every person can see meaning in detached models of reality.”

Here we can see that the speech formula “From the point of view of banal erudition...” does not play any role in the process of understanding this figure of speech, but is only a turn of phrase that gives greater philosophical significance to any words that follow it. Therefore, such a verbal formula is often used to make fun of the scientific community. Starting with the phrase “From the point of view of banal erudition...”, they are trying to make their words more scientific, and to show themselves as a more highly erudite person.

Presentation: "Intellectual game "Scrabble"

And yet, what is erudition?

Erudition is the depth of knowledge, the quality of intelligence that arises as a result of systematic reading, which results in broadening one’s horizons.

While banal erudition is an expression that implies the amount of specific knowledge that every self-respecting person whose intellect is sufficiently highly developed must have.

This means, from the point of view of banal erudition, being an erudite is always synonymous with the phrase being educated, while an educated person may not be an erudite. An educated person has and uses a certain amount of knowledge that he needs for everyday life. professional activity. An erudite, on the other hand, has much deeper knowledge in his own field of activity, and most often in other areas, and he acquires this knowledge by reading books.

In an effort to increase the level of our intelligence, we simultaneously increase our erudition. It is a person who has extensive knowledge of various issues and knows how to operate with his own knowledge that can be considered an erudite. And not the one who, at every opportunity, tries to seem smarter by pronouncing “from the point of view of banal erudition...”

The main way for an erudite to obtain information and increase his level of intelligence is to immerse himself in the world of a book. An erudite person tries to independently find the information he needs, and not receive it from someone else at certain seminars and courses.

So, from the point of view of banal erudition, the meaning of understanding this figure of speech is completely insignificant. However, we should not forget that erudition itself is the highest form of knowledge. And a highly erudite person will always be appreciated, since his level of intelligence will be higher than that of others.

Increasing the level of erudition

By expanding our knowledge in a particular area, we increase the lability of brain functions and, as a result, increase our intellectual potential.

The best part is that increasing your own erudition is very simple, and it does not require any supernatural efforts or large expenses. To improve the qualities of your own intelligence in this aspect, you should:

  • read good books;
  • increase your interest in visiting cultural events, exhibitions, performances;
  • increasing interest in the history and mythology of the places you have visited;
  • pay more attention to science and technology news covered in serious publications.

Old sayings that I don’t even remember hearing from whom for the first time, and recently these ventriloquism abilities turned out to be in my favorite person, as well as in a new friend :)

Actually, here it is (even those who don’t like to learn anything long will find convenient lines here):

From the point of view of banal erudition, each individual who critically motivates abstraction cannot ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted de-fanizing polarizers, therefore, the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradogmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-puslistates of all kinetically correlated aspects.

1. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is impossible to deny the shadow
tions of paradoxical illusions, since every inadequate indi-
the mind has its own point of view.

2. From the point of view of banal erudition, not everyone is a local thinker
a real individual is able to ignore the tendencies of paradoxical intentions.

3. In terms of deduction, induction and brain production, you
incompetent in this matter, since everyone is pessimistic
the tuned individual catastrophically modifies abstractions
real subjectivism.

4. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual
It’s natural to ignore the phenomenon of tendency and determine it!

5. From the point of view of banal erudition, every individual, critical

utopian subjectivism.

6. If we consider this global problem from the point of view
tion of banal erudition, then each clearly expressed individual
critical, metaphysical abstraction cannot ignore the critical
territory of sentimentality built on the basis of a utopian subject-

7. From the point of view of the social concept of banal erudition, given
ny individual does not correspond global problems our re-
construction sites

8. It is, of course, true, not just like that, but not only that they say
they say, but still, of course, you can’t take every word here, then
no more no less than if, and by the way with a representative from
area I agree.

9. It is finite, it is understandable, it is not something like, and it is not
somehow something, and as regards relatively - that’s really,
and if something like this happens in the world, then yes.

10. From the point of view of the concept of banal erudition, goblins - per-
sonified modification of phobic irrationalism, reflexive
raging existence, equidistantly prolonged from the paleontolo-
gical prototype...

11. In our purely mercantile age, each individual, due to
their concepts and unifications, catastrophically mystifying abst-
reaction, immanently evolves in the cerebral spheres, being
at the mercy of their phenomenistic tendencies.

12. (inspirational)
- Do you know what music is? - (hereinafter in a lecturer's tone), -
- Music is a process of obstruction of the monotonous essence of a substance
personifying the display of the subject's emotions and their regeneration
through the prism of the culmination of the material world and society.

13. Do not make a forward movement into an area with increased
temperature orthogonal to the direction of movement of the nearest kind-
paternal relative. (Don’t go across your dad into the stove!)

14. The meaning of life is not in the subject’s cognition of an object, but in awareness
object as subject...

15. From the point of view of banal erudition, some tendencies of our
thinking cannot be expropriated from individuals,
since in this case the critical point of ecstasy is reached
tazhny apotheosis, as Professor Grzegorz Brzedislavovich said

17. From the point of view of banal erudition and mathematical abstractions
tions, a separate entity named for the purpose of simplifying further
the most recent presentation by the individual, using the quasi-quad mode method
polar transcendence, ignores the tendencies of paradoxical emotions.

18. If we think logically, then, from the point of view of the banal
erudition, in our purely communicative age, due to the development of con-
concept of nisoism, each individual cannot ignore the tendencies
tion of paradoxical emotions and sensory imitations.

19. From the point of view of banal erudition, every individual, critical
one who motivates abstraction cannot ignore criteria
utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting the general
defanisizing polarizers have been adopted, so consensus has been reached
dialectical material classification of universal motivations in
paradogmatic connections of predicates, solves the problem of improvement
formation of forming geotransplantation quasi-puslistates of all
kinetically correlating aspects. Based on this, we came to
the conclusion that each arbitrarily chosen one is predicatively absorbed
The main object of rational mystical induction can be discretely
determine with the application of the situational paradigm of communication
active-functional type in the presence of detector-archaic
distribution image in the Gilbert convergence space
ve, however, with parallel collaboration analysis of spectrographs
check sets isomorphically relative to multiband hyperbolic
logical paraboloids interpreting the anthropocentric
Neo-Lagrange polynomial, positional significatism arises
gentile theory of psychoanalysis, as a result of which one must take into account
attention is the following: since not only esoteric, but also existential
substantive apperception anthropologist antecedently passive
sighted by a highly material substance, has a prismatic
ical idiosynchration, but since the valence factor
is negative, then there is correspondingly antagonistic discreditism
degrades in the exhibition direction, since being in
prepubertal state, almost every subject is melancholy
being personally aware of embryonic claustrophobia, he can extrapolate
introduce any process of integration and differentiation in both
directions, it follows that as a result of synchronization,
limited by the minimum acceptable interpolation of the image, all me-
The methods of the convergence concept require almost traditional
transformations of neocolonialism. Neocolonies that reproduce by buds
vaniya, have a growing season from three to eight phenotypic
many homozygotes, but all of them are only the fundamental basis
sociogenetic superstructure of the cryogenic-creative process
gerontologization. This basis can be increased using hectaplas-
variable accelerator of bioinert colloidal cells of contagious
specification, however, the introduction of specification entails
changing the methods of set theory and distribution analysis, which
due to the fact that the transcendental polycondensation of neuron-
pores in perplex chaos can inbabulate complex morphosis
only when the constituent of the dominant is quasi-tendentially uni-
is universal and occurs quite suddenly. Obviously, everything above-
what has been said sheds light on the theory of predicative sensations of subjects
those that are absolutely non-functional in conditions of abstract chaos.

20. From the point of view of banal erudition, every subjectively thinking individual is capable of a private attributive paradox.

21. I also inform you intimately and consultatively that the eroticization of granular integrals and the pasteurization of consolidated metamorphoses caused in me high-molecular atavism and asynchronous separatism, which can lead to adulterous anabiosis and even invariant
epithelial amphibrachium, in order to avoid which I ask you to urgently send me 15 (fifteen) rubles to the 24th post office. until in demand

22. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is capable of perceiving paradoxical emotions.

23. From the point of view of banal erudition in our age of social corruption and active moral degradation, every philosophizing individual, whose mind is corrupted by the original art and insanity of the youth of the West, cannot normally graduate the quintessence within the limits of what is permissible, but if we approach this from the point of view of dialectical materialism and electrolytic dissociation, then every philosophizing individual should normally associate the abstract with the concrete.

24. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is necessary to focus on the interdependence of obligatory factors.

25. From the point of view of banal erudition, all the cynicism of your thoughts in this concept is equal to paradoxical illusions.

26. From the point of view of banal erudition, in the aspect of prismatic paradox, the cynicism of your words in this note is associated with the mystification of paradoxical illusions.

27. Let us decompose it with a seven-linear functional into a rectangular three-rank matrix, enclosed by its own heterogeneity, which is continuously integrated into the discontinuity across the divergence interval by a curvilinear extremum through the region of integrity!

28. From the point of view of banal erudition, each arbitrarily selected predicative absorbing object of rational mystical induction can be discretely determined with the application of a situational paradigm of a communicative-functional type in the presence of a detector-archaic distributive image in the Gilbert Conve generation space, however, with parallel collaboration analysis of spectrographic sets isomorphically relative to multiband hyperbolic paraboloids interpreting the anthropocentric Neo-Lagrange polynomial, positional significatism of the gentile theory of psychoanalysis arises, as a result of which it is necessary to accept
take into account the following: since not only the esoteric, but also the existential apperceptive anthropologist, antecedently passivized by a highly material substance, has prismatic idiosynchration, but since the valence factor is negative, then, accordingly, antagonistic discreditism degrades in the exhibition direction, since, on being in a prepubescent state, almost each subject, melancholy aware of embryonic claustrophobia, can extrapolate any process of integration and differentiation in both directions, it follows that as a result of synchronization, limited
minimally acceptable interpolation of the image, all methods of the convergence concept require almost traditional transformations of neocolonialism.

29. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is able to ignore the point of view of the banal tendency, which destroys the point of view of banal erudition.

30. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every locally selected individual is able to ignore the tendencies of potential emotions and parity allocate the ambivalent quanta of logistics, extracted taking into account the anthropomorphic nature of the heuristic genesis.

31. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is impossible to refute the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, since every adequate individual has his own point of view...

32. You are certainly right, colleague, but we must also not forget that there is a theory of paradoxification of space, in which there are low-phase magnetospheric parawaves, the resonance of which leads to permanent vacuumization of the subconscious microfibre mutation, as a result of which a clear differentiation of illusory post-slides is impossible.

33. From the point of view of banal erudition, we are not able to affirm the concept of this interpretation, because the tendency of paradoxical emotions is very banal...

34. From the point of view of banal erudition, your emotions in this trend are not associated with the passificatum of paradoxical illusions and, since your level of erudition is zero and tends to minus infinity, I consider further conversation with you unprofitable.

35. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is able to ignore the criteria of utopian association, which means that all your thoughts are associated in a very banal way, since spatial scam is not your sphere of life!

36. From the point of view of logical gradation, we cannot deny the illusion of paradox, since life is allegorical and full of subordination, and each individual strives to protect his own tendency!

37. From the point of view of banal erudition, each individual, an abstractly thinking person, cannot ignore the tendency of paradoxical emotions, because this superposition can lead to a parasitic lifestyle.

From the point of view of banal erudition, each individual, critically
motivating abstraction, cannot ignore the criteria of the utopian
subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted de-fanizing
polarizers. Therefore, the consensus reached by the dialectical material
classification of universal motivations in paradogmatic connections of predicates,
solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation
quasi-puslistats of all kinetically correlating aspects. Based
This, we came to the conclusion that each arbitrarily selected predicative
the absorbing object of rational mystical induction can be discretely
determine with the application of the situational paradigm
communicative-functional type in the presence of detector-archaic
distribution image in the Hilbert convergence space,
however, with parallel collaboration analysis of spectrographic
sets isomorphically relative to multiband hyperbolic
paraboloids interpreting the anthropocentric polynomial
Neo-Lagrange, and the positional significatism of the gentile theory arises
psychoanalysis, as a result of which the following must be taken into account: not
only esoteric, but also existential apperception
anthropologist antecedently passivized by highly material
substance, has prismatic idiosynchration. But since
the valency factor is negative, then, accordingly,
antagonistic discreditism degrades in the exhibition direction,
since, being in a prepubescent state, almost everyone
the subject, melancholy aware of embryonic claustrophobia, may
extrapolate any process of integration and differentiation in both
directions, it follows that as a result of synchronization,
limited by the minimum acceptable interpolation of the image, all methods
convergence concept requires almost traditional
transformations of neocolonialism. Neocolonies that reproduce by budding
have a growing season of three to eight phenotypic homozygotes,
but all of them are only the fundamental basis of sociogenetic
superstructures of the cryogenic-creative process of gerontology. Increase
this basis can be used with the help of a hectaplasma accelerator of bioinert
colloid cells of contagious specification, however, the introduction
concretization entails the use of methods of set theory and
distributive analysis, which is due to the fact that the transcendental
polycondensation of neuronospora in perplex chaos can inbabulate
complex morphosis only when the constituent is dominant
quasi-tendentially universal, and occurs quite suddenly.
Obviously, all of the above sheds light on the theory of predicative
sensations of the subject, absolutely non-functional in the conditions of abstract

<не претендуя на новизну, но всё же>

From the point of view of banal erudition, each individual who critically motivates abstraction cannot ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted de-fanizing polarizers, therefore, the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradogmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the formative geotransplantation quasi-puslistates of all kinetically correlated aspects.

1. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is impossible to deny the shadow
tions of paradoxical illusions, since every inadequate indi-
the mind has its own point of view.

2. From the point of view of banal erudition, not everyone is a local thinker
a real individual is able to ignore the tendencies of paradoxical intentions.

3. In terms of deduction, induction and brain production, you
incompetent in this matter, since everyone is pessimistic
the tuned individual catastrophically modifies abstractions
real subjectivism.

4. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual
It’s natural to ignore the phenomenon of tendency and determine it!

5. From the point of view of banal erudition, every individual, critical

utopian subjectivism.

6. If we consider this global problem from the point of view
tion of banal erudition, then each clearly expressed individual
critical, metaphysical abstraction cannot ignore the critical
territory of sentimentality built on the basis of a utopian subject-

7. From the point of view of the social concept of banal erudition, given
This individual does not correspond to the global problems of our era.
construction sites

8. It is, of course, true, not just like that, but not only that they say
they say, but still, of course, you can’t take every word here, then
no more no less than if, and by the way with a representative from
area I agree.

9. It is finite, it is understandable, it is not something like, and it is not
somehow something, and as regards relatively - that’s really,
and if something like this happens in the world, then yes.

10. From the point of view of the concept of banal erudition, goblins - per-
sonified modification of phobic irrationalism, reflexive
raging existence, equidistantly prolonged from the paleontolo-
gical prototype...

11. In our purely mercantile age, each individual, due to
their concepts and unifications, catastrophically mystifying abst-
reaction, immanently evolves in the cerebral spheres, being
at the mercy of their phenomenistic tendencies.

12. (inspirational)
- Do you know what music is? - (hereinafter in a lecturer's tone), -
- Music is a process of obstruction of the monotonous essence of a substance
personifying the display of the subject's emotions and their regeneration
through the prism of the culmination of the material world and society.

13. Do not make a forward movement into an area with increased
temperature orthogonal to the direction of movement of the nearest kind-
paternal relative. (Don’t go across your dad into the stove!)

14. The meaning of life is not in the subject’s cognition of an object, but in awareness
object as subject...

15. From the point of view of banal erudition, some tendencies of our
thinking cannot be expropriated from individuals,
since in this case the critical point of ecstasy is reached
tazhny apotheosis, as Professor Grzegorz Brzedislavovich said

17. From the point of view of banal erudition and mathematical abstractions
tions, a separate entity named for the purpose of simplifying further
the most recent presentation by the individual, using the quasi-quad mode method
polar transcendence, ignores the tendencies of paradoxical emotions.

18. If we think logically, then, from the point of view of the banal
erudition, in our purely communicative age, due to the development of con-
concept of nisoism, each individual cannot ignore the tendencies
tion of paradoxical emotions and sensory imitations.

19. From the point of view of banal erudition, every individual, critical
one who motivates abstraction cannot ignore criteria
utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting the general
defanisizing polarizers have been adopted, so consensus has been reached
dialectical material classification of universal motivations in
paradogmatic connections of predicates, solves the problem of improvement
formation of forming geotransplantation quasi-puslistates of all
kinetically correlating aspects. Based on this, we came to
the conclusion that each arbitrarily chosen one is predicatively absorbed
The main object of rational mystical induction can be discretely
determine with the application of the situational paradigm of communication
active-functional type in the presence of detector-archaic
distribution image in the Gilbert convergence space
ve, however, with parallel collaboration analysis of spectrographs
check sets isomorphically relative to multiband hyperbolic
logical paraboloids interpreting the anthropocentric
Neo-Lagrange polynomial, positional significatism arises
gentile theory of psychoanalysis, as a result of which one must take into account
attention is the following: since not only esoteric, but also existential
substantive apperception anthropologist antecedently passive
sighted by a highly material substance, has a prismatic
ical idiosynchration, but since the valence factor
is negative, then there is correspondingly antagonistic discreditism
degrades in the exhibition direction, since being in
prepubertal state, almost every subject is melancholy
being personally aware of embryonic claustrophobia, he can extrapolate
introduce any process of integration and differentiation in both
directions, it follows that as a result of synchronization,
limited by the minimum acceptable interpolation of the image, all me-
The methods of the convergence concept require almost traditional
transformations of neocolonialism. Neocolonies that reproduce by buds
vaniya, have a growing season from three to eight phenotypic
many homozygotes, but all of them are only the fundamental basis
sociogenetic superstructure of the cryogenic-creative process
gerontologization. This basis can be increased using hectaplas-
variable accelerator of bioinert colloidal cells of contagious
specification, however, the introduction of specification entails
changing the methods of set theory and distribution analysis, which
due to the fact that the transcendental polycondensation of neuron-
pores in perplex chaos can inbabulate complex morphosis
only when the constituent of the dominant is quasi-tendentially uni-
is universal and occurs quite suddenly. Obviously, everything above-
what has been said sheds light on the theory of predicative sensations of subjects
those that are absolutely non-functional in conditions of abstract chaos.

20. From the point of view of banal erudition, every subjectively thinking individual is capable of a private attributive paradox.

21. I also inform you intimately and consultatively that the eroticization of granular integrals and the pasteurization of consolidated metamorphoses caused in me high-molecular atavism and asynchronous separatism, which can lead to adulterous anabiosis and even invariant
epithelial amphibrachium, in order to avoid which I ask you to urgently send me 15 (fifteen) rubles to the 24th post office. until in demand

22. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is capable of perceiving paradoxical emotions.

23. From the point of view of banal erudition in our age of social corruption and active moral degradation, every philosophizing individual, whose mind is corrupted by the original art and insanity of the youth of the West, cannot normally graduate the quintessence within the limits of what is permissible, but if we approach this from the point of view of dialectical materialism and electrolytic dissociation, then every philosophizing individual should normally associate the abstract with the concrete.

24. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is necessary to focus on the interdependence of obligatory factors.

25. From the point of view of banal erudition, all the cynicism of your thoughts in this concept is equal to paradoxical illusions.

26. From the point of view of banal erudition, in the aspect of prismatic paradox, the cynicism of your words in this note is associated with the mystification of paradoxical illusions.

27. Let us decompose it with a seven-linear functional into a rectangular three-rank matrix, enclosed by its own heterogeneity, which is continuously integrated into the discontinuity across the divergence interval by a curvilinear extremum through the region of integrity!

28. From the point of view of banal erudition, each arbitrarily selected predicative absorbing object of rational mystical induction can be discretely determined with the application of a situational paradigm of a communicative-functional type in the presence of a detector-archaic distributive image in the Gilbert Conve generation space, however, with parallel collaboration analysis of spectrographic sets isomorphically relative to multiband hyperbolic paraboloids interpreting the anthropocentric Neo-Lagrange polynomial, positional significatism of the gentile theory of psychoanalysis arises, as a result of which it is necessary to accept
take into account the following: since not only the esoteric, but also the existential apperceptive anthropologist, antecedently passivized by a highly material substance, has prismatic idiosynchration, but since the valence factor is negative, then, accordingly, antagonistic discreditism degrades in the exhibition direction, since, on being in a prepubescent state, almost each subject, melancholy aware of embryonic claustrophobia, can extrapolate any process of integration and differentiation in both directions, it follows that as a result of synchronization, limited
minimally acceptable interpolation of the image, all methods of the convergence concept require almost traditional transformations of neocolonialism.

29. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is able to ignore the point of view of the banal tendency, which destroys the point of view of banal erudition.

30. From the point of view of banal erudition, not every locally selected individual is able to ignore the tendencies of potential emotions and parity allocate the ambivalent quanta of logistics, extracted taking into account the anthropomorphic nature of the heuristic genesis.

31. From the point of view of banal erudition, it is impossible to refute the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, since every adequate individual has his own point of view...

32. You are certainly right, colleague, but we must also not forget that there is a theory of paradoxification of space, in which there are low-phase magnetospheric parawaves, the resonance of which leads to permanent vacuumization of the subconscious microfibre mutation, as a result of which a clear differentiation of illusory post-slides is impossible.

33. From the point of view of banal erudition, we are not able to affirm the concept of this interpretation, because the tendency of paradoxical emotions is very banal...