Zebra lionfish, or zebra fish, or striped lionfish, as well as lionfish (lat. Pterois volitans) - a fish of the scorpionfish family.

Status of the species in nature

Normal look.

Species and man

The venom of the spiny rays of the dorsal fin is very toxic and poses a danger to humans.


The species lives in tropical waters - from the Red Sea, the east coast of Africa, Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka in the west, to the Philippines, the islands of Palau, Guam, Apia, Fiji and Samoa in the east. In the north, the species' range extends to the Ryukyu Islands, in the south to the southern coast of Africa and the Mascarene Islands, the northern and eastern coasts of Australia.

It is found in the zone of coral reefs or on rocky areas (rarely on gravel substrate) from the reef flat to a depth of 73 m.


Body length up to 25 cm. The dorsal fin has 13 spiny rays and 10-11 soft ones; the anal fin has 3 spiny rays and 6-7 soft ones. The pectoral fin has 16-17 rays, the upper ones are forked. The pectoral fins have a rounded shape.

Diet and feeding behavior

It feeds mainly on crustaceans.


Leads a twilight lifestyle; V daytime hides in crevices, caves or under corals; appears on the reef in the afternoon and is most active at dusk.

Social behavior

During the daytime, these fish often form small groups.


Courtship and spawning in the zebra lionfish begin 20 to 40 minutes after sunset and occur every day during the week of the semilunar cycle. Males show exceptional aggressiveness before spawning, and fights between them in the fight for territory are often accompanied by wounds inflicted by the rays of the dorsal fin. During this period, males even attack human divers invading their territory. The dominant male acquires a dark coloration and patrols a wide territorial area, from which he expels other males. He cares for all the females living in the protected area. During spawning, eggs are released in two portions, each of which is enclosed in a spherical mucous matrix with a diameter of 2 - 5 cm. Such balls contain from 2000 to 15,000 eggs. They float and subsequently disintegrate, releasing the eggs.


Life expectancy is unknown.

Scientific publications on this type

Astakhov D.A., Poponov S.Yu., Poponova V.R. 2003. Some aspects of long-term detention sea ​​fish V artificial conditions. Message 5. Family Scorpaenidae (Actinopterygii, Scorpaeniformes) // Scientific research in zoological parks. Vol. 16. pp. 42-49.

Astakhov D.A., Poponov S.Yu., Poponova V.R. 2006. Nine species of lionfish (Scorpaeniformes, Scorpaenidae, Pteroinae) in the collection of the Moscow Zoo // Scientific research in zoological parks. Vol. 20. pp. 9 - 11.

The Story of Life at the Zoo

This species is often kept in aquariums and zoo aquariums. Its food diet includes shrimp and small fish. Cases of spawning in zebra lionfish have been recorded under artificial conditions, but to date this species has not been bred in captivity.

The Moscow Zoo began keeping zebra lionfish in 1999. Currently, two zebra lionfish live in one 500-liter aquarium with two Mombasa lionfish, one antenna lionfish and one butterfly lionfish. The bottom of the aquarium is covered with a layer of gravel; Along the walls there are hollow acrylic decorations imitating rock relief with niches and shelters. Water temperature fluctuates in the range of 27 - 29 degrees C, salinity - in the range of 34.5 - 36.0 ppm.

For food zebra lionfish get shrimp shells filled with minced meat, freshwater fish and freshwater amphipods. Feeding is carried out once every two days.

One of the most dangerous inhabitants sea ​​waters - lionfish - attracts the attention not only of divers and lovers of marine exotics, but also of those who are interested in breeding “domestic” marine fish. However, regardless of whether you belong to the first category or the second, with this sea ​​creature you have to be very careful, because in addition to its beauty, the zebra fish has sharp, poisonous spines.

Description and appearance

Lionfish, zebra fish or, as it is also called, lionfish, received all their names thanks to a rather unusual appearance. It is called lionfish not because the fish can fly, but because of the long ribbons of its pectoral fins, similar to wings. Due to the presence of these same fins, this creature is also called a lion fish, because, in addition to wings, they can resemble lion's mane. And thanks to its unusual gray-red-brown striped color, the lionfish is called the zebra fish.

The official scientific Latin name The lionfish is Pterois volitans. This inhabitant of sea waters belongs to the Scorpionidae family and reaches a length of 30 cm, although in the Caribbean you can find longer lionfish - about 55 cm. The weight of such fish, as a rule, does not exceed 1 kg. Its body is covered with round scales with a smooth surface. On the relatively large head (above the eyes and near the tips of the mouth), outgrowths in the form of “horns” and “antennae” may be located. The lionfish's mouth is large, with an oblique cut and velvety teeth in the jaws and on the vomer. The color of such fish varies depending on the habitat: from light to dark brown. In those species that live closer to the shore, dark tones, sometimes even black, are predominant. But, in any case, regardless of the specific species, the lionfish is a striped fish.

Natural habitat

Until recently, the zebra fish was an inhabitant of coral reefs only in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Now populations of these creatures can also be found in the waters of the Caribbean, for example, on the coasts of Cuba, Haiti, the Cayman Islands, and Florida. As a rule, such fish are found close to the shore, among coral reefs.

Did you know?The zebra fish's venom is so strong that it can act even when the fish itself has already died. Therefore, it is better not to touch it, no matter what condition the fish is in.


During the day, lionfish can rarely be caught moving. As a rule, these marine inhabitants hide in daylight among corals and stones in water caves. At the same time, they press their bellies tightly to the bottom and place their spiny fins in different sides, thus protecting yourself from ill-wishers or inattentive divers.
But when dusk comes, zebra fish begin to hunt. Since they are ruthless predators, it is easy for such fish to swallow other fish up to 20 cm in length. But they often prey on small fish or crustaceans. There are two ways for lionfish to obtain food:

  • active: they drive the victim “into a corner” (crack, narrow cave), from which it cannot get out, and easily eat it;
  • passive: attract small fish with their appearance. Freezing in a motionless pose, lionfish straighten all their fins and rays, thus becoming similar to sea plants. Small fish, suspecting nothing, swim up to such a “bush” and quickly find themselves eaten.
Lionfish live for about 10 years.

Why are they dangerous?

Among the spiny rays of the pectoral, anal and dorsal fins of such winged fish there are those that contain poison. If you are pricked by one such ray, you can be at peace with your life, because the amount of poison obtained in this way is not lethal. However, some time after the injection, the person begins to feel pain, which can cause loss of consciousness, which is very dangerous when you are at the bottom of the ocean.
After a few hours, this strong pain will subside, but in the place touched by the fish needle, numbness will still be felt, it may swell. Lionfish venom, if received in a large dose, can lead to paralysis of the respiratory muscles, convulsions and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to the influence of such factors, a person who is on seabed, after being injected, the fish may lose the ability to swim out of the water on its own and reach the shore.

Important!Having noticed that you have been pricked by a lion fish, you must immediately swim ashore and, if it is not possible to get a qualified medical care, place the affected part of the body in a hot place (45°C) water and keep it there until the pain goes away. You can also heat the pricked area with a hair dryer, but this must be done carefully so as not to burn yourself. Thus, toxic proteins are denatured and the spread of toxins in the tissues of the human body is prevented.

In defense of the zebra fish, it is worth saying that it itself will never attack you, because it is not interested in you. But if you disturb her, then, of course, the predator will defend itself. Therefore, most often divers receive lionfish injections through their own fault: due to inattention or excessive curiosity. You can accidentally step on the poisonous ray of this sea creature while walking along the bottom and looking at other fish.

Of course, the extraordinary appearance of this representative of the residents depths of the sea attracts the attention of those who like to “domesticate” marine predators and keep them in aquariums. However, it is worth remembering some rules for its maintenance and proper feeding, so that the life of the fish is comfortable and you are not harmed.

Aquarium and decorations

The aquarium containing the zebra fish must hold at least 450 liters of water. Lionfish neighbors in it may be large fish or sessile invertebrates, because she will probably eat small fish, even if you regularly feed the predator well. The aquarium should be equipped not only with special filters and a fluorescent lamp, but also with decorations and algae in which the lion fish can hide. These can be either decorative caves and stones, or corals or large shells. It is recommended to change at least 20% of the water in the aquarium every week.

Did you know?Humans develop immunity to the venom of zebra fish. If the fish pricks you a second time, the pain will not be so strong, the third time it will be even less, etc.

Feed and nutrition

In order for your pet to grow steadily and develop normally, the main component of its menu should be crustaceans (shrimp, crabs) and small fish. As a rule, lionfish begin to feel the need for food at dusk or at night. Therefore, they need to be fed at this time. Important components of the lion fish's diet also include freshwater crayfish, guppies, cardinals and mollies. Lionfish owners very often make the same mistake: they feed the predator goldfish, and this can cause vitamin deficiency, and, as a result, the death of the lionfish.
Of course, the zebra fish prefers live food, which can be hunted, however, it will be more convenient to accustom it to frozen food. In order for the fish to have the impression that it has caught the prey itself, so-called turbulence zones are created in aquariums: when a piece of food falls into such a zone, it seems as if it is moving itself. As for feeding frequency, living on the seabed, the zebra fish can eat from one to ten small or medium-sized organisms in one meal. At home, depending on the water temperature in the aquarium, the lionfish should be fed two to three times a week. The warmer the water, the more food there is.

Important!Don't overfeed the lionfish! Overeating can cause your pet's liver to become fatty, which can cause it to stop functioning. Suppression is also possible immune system, the appearance of bruising or anemia. Lion fish's appetite is so good that they can kill themselves with it.

Since such fish are poisonous, they must be fed carefully so as not to touch one of the poisonous rays of the lionfish. To do this, you need to make sure that during feeding the fish is as far as possible from the hole through which you give it food. It is important not to provoke an attack and not to touch the needle with your hand.


Zebra fish live well in pairs or even small groups, but despite this, breeding such fish is not an easy task, because for at least two representatives of this species to comfortably exist in one aquarium, its size must be very large. If a large aquarium is not a problem for you, the first thing you need to do in order to start breeding lionfish is to learn to distinguish between females and males.

Belonging to one sex or another can be found out a year after the birth of a lionfish, when they begin puberty. Males look more massive and grow a little larger, as a rule, their length reaches 38 cm, while females do not grow more than 36. In addition, males have a more prominent forehead and have orange spot at the base of the anal fin. Females do not have such a spot.

Lionfish mate for about a week during the semilunar cycle every night. Males are very aggressive at this time, so you need to be even more careful with feeding. After courtship and spawning, females lay eggs. After some time, caviar emerges from the eggs. However, it is worth noting that for mating and reproduction, lionfish need to be in natural conditions, in aquariums this is possible in very rare cases. Lionfish- these are not only some of the most interesting sea ​​creatures in appearance, but also one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the depths. These predators are located closer to the bottom, spreading their rays so that one of them can easily be caught by an inexperienced diver. The consequences of such carelessness can be the saddest, because lionfish poison can lead to paralysis of a person, he will not be able to get ashore and will drown. Despite the danger of such fish, lovers of marine exotics are not afraid to keep lionfish in aquariums, providing them with the necessary conditions and diet.

Famous for its wide variety of fish, shellfish and other marine life. It is for this reason that people like to go diving at resorts. This is where the lionfish lives - a fish that has an expressive appearance. Despite all its beauty, its thorns are very poisonous, so not only divers, but also swimmers should be careful. Until a few years ago, zebra fish were not found in the Caribbean, they lived only in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

General information about fish

As noted above, this creature is considered very beautiful, but at the same time it is a rather dangerous individual of the scorpionfish family. It should be noted that this fish has several popular names, for example, striped lionfish. Since the habitat is usually limited to the coastal zone and places where there is a lot of coral, tourists need to be careful, since if you step on it, you are 100% likely to receive a dose of poison. Adults reach 30-40 centimeters in length, and weight, as a rule, does not exceed 1 kilogram. The color is the most interesting thing about this individual. The rays, which open only during hunting or danger, can be different color: brown, gray and even red. This seemingly harmless fish has a head with spikes, and near its mouth there are tentacles similar to those of a catfish.

Lionfish: photos and features

It’s safe to say that among all the other inhabitants of the oceans and seas, you will recognize this one right away. This is due to the fact that the fish has a number of characteristics. For example, the absence of rays on the pectoral fins, as well as a large oblique mouth with teeth. Please note that the bright coloring of this scorpionfish indicates that you should not get too close and serves as a warning sign. But if they understand such signals, then the person immediately looks for an underwater camera and gets closer to take a high-quality photo. Believe me, it is better to find photos that someone has taken before than to risk your health to see what a lionfish is like. The fish, of course, does not attack first, especially those larger than it, but it will definitely defend itself. Its peculiarity is that the coloring allows you to camouflage yourself anywhere, be it algae or something else.

Is lionfish dangerous for humans or not?

Let's not delay for long and frankly say - yes. There were even fatal cases, and all this was due to carelessness and excessive curiosity. As noted a little above, this fish has a large number of rays. Some of them are soft and not dangerous, while others are hard. Inside there are deep channels through which the poison flows. The more injections you receive, the worse the consequences. This poison always causes paralysis of the respiratory and skeletal muscles, and since the swimmer or diver is supposedly under water, he can easily drown. Therefore, the victim needs to call for help as quickly as possible and get out of the water. Small swelling will form at the injection site, and the wound will hurt for quite a long time.

Habitat expansion

Under favorable conditions, the fish develops quite quickly, which causes concern. For example, for last years lionfish have appeared in popular Florida, Haiti, etc. First of all, this is dangerous for lovers of sea recreation, since it can easily be ruined by stepping on where the fish are resting. But that’s not all. Since under favorable conditions the lionfish reproduces very quickly and is a predatory individual, it poses a danger to other marine inhabitants, in particular smaller ones. Most likely, scientists will soon take some measures to reduce the lion fish population.

A little about keeping in an aquarium

IN Lately Keeping such fish in captivity has become extremely popular. No, no, this is not done for experimental purposes, people simply buy lionfish and keep it in an aquarium. Basically, this is due to her attractive and exotic appearance. It is necessary to create optimal conditions for keeping such an individual as the lionfish. The fish in the aquarium should feel comfortable, for this you need to know a few important points. Firstly, the volume of the aquarium should not be less than 200 liters. In addition, it is necessary to take care of filtration and aeration. For this, a special compressor is purchased. Since the lionfish is poisonous, it simply loves to camouflage itself and wait for its prey. In order not to spoil the feeling of realism, take care to install large shells, driftwood, corals and other shelters. As for food, a small grass shrimp or something like that would be a good place to start. When the fish grows a little, it is necessary to give it food containing meat or fish. It could even be store-bought frozen minced meat.

Passive and active hunting

The lionfish spends most of its free time resting with its belly up, near air pockets or caves. Twilight activity suggests that this individual hunts mainly in the evenings. The fish determines for itself exactly how to get food this time. If this is a passive hunt, then the lionfish spreads its fins widely and camouflages itself in corals or algae. Unwary prey gets too close to the predator and ends up in its belly in a split second. By the way, the lionfish swallows its prey whole, without always using poisonous rays. More often they are used when the fish senses danger. As for active hunting, in this case the lionfish practically does not use its camouflage. She chases her prey until she drives her into a trap. There she quickly neutralizes it and eats it. By the way, often the lion fish itself becomes prey, even though it is poisonous. Some larger inhabitants eat lionfish without any health problems.


As you can see, the lion fish is very interesting and beautiful, but you need to be extremely careful. For example, if there is a lionfish in the aquarium and you are about to change the water, then do not put your hands in there, as you may get an injection. Even if the dose is small, you will get a lot of unpleasant sensations. You can’t buy lionfish everywhere today, but you can’t call it in short supply either. In large specialized stores it is sold in a wide range. These are different colors and sizes. By the way, before today It was not possible to breed this fish in captivity for reproduction, so if you are making a purchase for this purpose, you can leave this idea. That’s basically all that can be said about why lionfish are dangerous and what kind of aquarium is needed for it. It is recommended to close the aquarium with a special lid, since if the fish jumps out, the cat may eat it, and it is quite possible that you yourself will step on it and pierce your leg. So you and I figured out what a lionfish is. The fish is dangerous to humans, so be careful.

Lionfish belongs to to the Scorpenov family. Its unusual appearance distinguishes the predatory fish from other marine life. One of the most prominent representatives ocean waters is common among aquarists. At home, a zebra can live up to 20 years.


The lionfish got its name because of its large pectoral fins. They are quite developed and can be compared in size to the wings of birds. Its body is dotted with brown, red or gray stripes. From this lionfish often called zebra. The bright color of the sea predator is a warning signal for other fish. After all, it is potentially dangerous. There are poisonous glands on the fins. At the moment of danger, the zebra lionfish spreads its fins and you can’t get close to the body. Predators or people who get too close are pierced by zebras with sharp spines that contain poison. The length of her body is 30 - 40 cm.

Zebra fish prefers warm waters oceans. It can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian Ocean. The lionfish settles in places where reefs are present. She prefers to live in sea ​​waters. This type of fish is sometimes found in fresh or brackish water. Zebra fish always choose coastal places, near reefs and underwater rocks.


The sea creature hunts when night falls. She's hard to notice against the backdrop of colorful reefs. Therefore, the zebra absorbs other fish with the water flow. Having displayed its weapon, the zebra lionfish is always ready to attack the enemy. If attacked, the fish will defend itself and not retreat first. For humans, the spiny spines of lionfish are very dangerous. When contacting them, pain occurs. It is accompanied by nausea, pain and vomiting. Tissue necrosis may occur at the site of the bite.

If you are bitten by a poisonous lionfish, you must place the bite area in warm place. You can use water heated to 40 degrees. Keep the bite area in water until the pain goes away. Heat helps denature toxic proteins. Therefore, toxins stop spreading throughout the body. After this, it is advisable to seek qualified help at a hospital.

Zebras prefer smaller marine representatives as food. It can be:

  1. Guppy
  2. Fish fillet
  3. Vitamin complexes
  4. Shrimp and crayfish

Required addition vitamin preparations for marine fish and complexes containing calcium. It is contraindicated to feed goldfish to zebra fish, as this will lead to their death. At home, the zebra fish quickly gets used to its owner. She constantly hangs around the glass of the aquarium and begs for tasty food supplements.

Mainly zebra fish feeds on small fish and crustaceans. If a zebra is in captivity, it easily gets used to new food. It could be guppies, although she will be happy with dry food. A zebra is fed a frozen fish delicacy. The diet must be regular and carried out once a day. There is no need to overfeed lionfish; it is better to develop a specific schedule.

​Zebra fish - quite passive sea ​​dweller. She spends most of her life at the bottom of the ocean. She is very calm and sometimes doesn't move at all. At the same time, her belly is turned upward. The zebra lionfish is always looking for a quiet place where it can for a long time rest. To do this, in the open spaces of the sea, it hides in deep crevices. The lionfish becomes more active in the evening.

This species of marine representatives can be kept in large aquariums volume from 300 l. It is recommended to change 20% of the water once a week. Place it above the aquarium fluorescent lamp, such lighting will be sufficient for the zebra lionfish. You should not place fish of the same species in an aquarium, as they will conflict with each other. For sharing it is better to choose sea ​​inhabitants medium size. The inside of the aquarium can be decorated with various algae, as well as:

  • corals
  • sponges
  • large crabs
  • small fish

Puberty in lionfish occurs one year after birth. At this time, it is possible to recognize belonging to a certain gender. Males are larger, they have massive body and a prominent forehead. Males and females are distinguished by characteristic sexual characteristics. Just look at the anal fin. At its base there is an orange spot, which is present only in males. Males have more intense external coloration.

The courtship period for lionfish begins with the arrival of the night period. Pairs form during the spawning period and continue until the end of courtship. Lionfish mate for about a week. At this time, males are too aggressive, so unexpected fights often occur between them. After mating, females lay eggs, which are enclosed in a special shell (matrix). After some time, the matrix ruptures and the eggs are released.

Lionfish (fish)

Zebra fish or striped lionfish (Pterois volitans)

The body of the fish is up to 40 cm in length and is painted with bright pink stripes. These are predatory fish; they can easily swallow fish up to two-thirds their own length. These fish use their needles to attack their victims.

Found in coastal waters of the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, as well as in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of China, Japan and Australia.

The zebra fish has long ribbons of dorsal and pectoral fins, these luxurious fan-shaped fins conceal sharp, poisonous spines.

The pricking of this fish's spines is very painful. Sharp pain is followed by deterioration of the condition, which ends in paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles. If the victim is not immediately pulled to shore, he will drown.

Sometimes it is called lion fish, turkey fish.

Red lionfish (Pterois volitans)- fish of the scorpina family. Description Body length up to 30 cm, weighs up to 1 kg. The body color is red with numerous light stripes; The pectoral fins are large (hence the name), although the lionfish cannot fly.

Distribution area

The lionfish is widespread in the tropical parts of Indian and Pacific Oceans, lives mainly among coral reefs.

Bright and clearly visible even on great depths The coloring of the lionfish, in all likelihood, warns its possible enemies of danger in advance. Venom glands are located in the grooves of the spiny rays of the first dorsal fin of the lionfish. Lionfish stings are dangerous and can cause death. Any animal, once injured by these needles, will probably immediately recognize their owner and try not to encounter him again. When a person gets an injection, he experiences sharp pain and sometimes even loses consciousness. The poison retains its strength for a long time after the death of the fish. During the day, lionfish are usually inactive, hiding in crevices or standing belly up near the ceiling of underwater caves. With the onset of dusk, they leave their shelters and go out hunting; lionfish feed on crabs, shrimp, mollusks and small fish. For hours, a lionfish can stand motionless in its shelter, waiting for prey. But as soon as a careless fish swims too close, a throw immediately follows and the victim is pulled into the open mouth. The lionfish also has other names - “Turkish fish”, “lion fish” (the full-face view of the lionfish, with splayed fins, resembles a maned lion).


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