The choice of pipes for water supply, heating and sewerage systems in our time is quite large.
But quite recently, almost exclusively steel and cast iron pipes were used for these purposes. Polymer materials appeared in human life relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. We all quickly got used to plastic bags and bags, greenhouse film and colored basins. Somewhat later, disposable tableware, plastic furniture and even plastic teapots appeared. Today we are already offered window frames and pipes made of polymers. But for the most part, Russian consumers doubt the reliability and durability of polymer pipes. Colored polymer pipes, wound into coils like noodles, look too frivolous compared to the usual high-quality thick and heavy steel and cast iron pipes.

But let's look at the statistics. What does the European consumer prefer? More than 80% of pipes installed in new or majorly renovated houses are copper and polymer pipes, used in approximately equal quantities.

To understand the positive and negative properties of polymer pipes, you need to start with polymers. Unlike metals and asbestos cement polymers - organic substances with all their advantages and disadvantages, being closely related to natural high-molecular materials - wood, leather and wool.

Polymers have a number of advantages:

  • They have universal chemical resistance and are not subject to corrosion;
  • Despite their lightness (their density is 5-8 times lower than the density of steel), they are quite strong and elastic;
  • Polymers are easily processed into products, i.e. take a given shape and are well painted;
  • The thermal conductivity of polymers is significantly lower than that of metals, which, in particular, reduces heat loss when transporting hot liquids.

However, polymers are not without significant disadvantages:

  • When heated, the strength of polymers decreases. Like all organic substances, they burn, and under the influence of ultraviolet rays they age (become brittle and collapse);
  • Disadvantages include a large (10 times more than steel) coefficient of thermal expansion; however, the elasticity of polymers partially compensates for this disadvantage.

Technologists producing products from polymers are trying, and not without success, to enhance their advantages and reduce their disadvantages. In the second half of the 20th century, the chemical industry mastered the production of dozens of polymers, but 5-7 of the most important ones found mass application, including in the production of pipes.
The undisputed leaders are polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) And polyvinyl chloride (RUS).
These polymers belong to the group of thermoplastics. They are capable of transforming into a plastic-viscous state when heated, and hardening when cooled.
Pipes from such polymers are produced by extrusion (extrusion) using a heated screw (an example of a simple extruder, but only without heating - home meat grinder). The pipes are obtained with a very smooth surface (the roughness of polymer pipes is approximately 10 times lower than that of steel pipes).

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes are most widespread. Initially they were made from ordinary polyethylene (remember transparent plastic film). Such pipes lost strength when heated to 50-60°C and quickly aged. They could only be used to supply cold water.

In the 80s Chemists have learned to bind linear polyethylene molecules to each other - “cross-linking”. This “cross-linked” polyethylene has increased strength, heat resistance, and resistance to UV radiation. They can be used to transport water at temperatures up to 95°C. Having gained increased heat resistance, “cross-linked” polyethylene has lost its ability to be welded. In product labeling, “cross-linked” polyethylene is designated PE-X (the letter X indicates that the polymer is “cross-linked”). Pipes from cross-linked polyethylene make up more than half of the total production of polymer pipes.

Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene PE-X can be used not only for cold, but also for hot water supply and heating (central and floor).

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene (PP) It ranks second in terms of use in pipe production. The physical, mechanical and thermal properties of this polymer are close to cross-linked polyethylene, but unlike the latter, it is more rigid. Therefore, polypropylene pipes are produced in the form of measured sections, which is somewhat less convenient during transportation and requires large quantity connecting elements during installation. At large companies this problem has been solved: they offer different variants complex connection systems - low-temperature welding and using metal components.

PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)- a polymer very widely used in construction; in the production of pipes it follows polyethylene and polypropylene. It is usually used in unplasticized form. The presence of chlorine in PVC causes concern among environmentalists and limits the use of such pipes for water supply. A positive property of polyvinyl chloride is its reduced flammability and increased chemical resistance compared to other polymers. It is also less sensitive to UV radiation, so the main areas of application for PVC pipes are drainage systems and sewerage.

Polybutene pipes

Polybutene (PB)- a polymer, like polyethylene and polypropylene, from the group of polyolefins. Biologically harmless. Pipes made of polybutene are more elastic than those made of polypropylene. Polybutene is characterized by high strength properties, resistance to UV irradiation and increased heat resistance, approaching in this respect “cross-linked” polyethylene.

Polybutene pipes have proven themselves in hot water supply and heating networks (in particular, for installing heated floors). At 70°C and a system operating pressure of 0.3 MPa, a 50-year service life of RV pipes is guaranteed. The maximum operating temperature of such pipes is +95°C. Like polypropylene, polybutene pipes can be welded, which allows these pipes to be used for internal wiring.

Marking of polymer pipes

Polymer pipes are marked according to the type of polymer ( RE,RE-X,RR etc.), by outer diameter and nominal pressure (PN).
The outer diameters of pipes (in mm) for internal wiring are presented in the following row: 10; 12; 16; 25; 32; 40; 50, etc.
In addition to diameter, pipes are marked by wall thickness.

The nominal pressure is usually expressed in bars: 1 bar = 0.1 MPa. By nominal pressure we mean constant internal water pressure at 20°C, which the pipe can withstand without failure for 50 years (for example, PN=10, PN=12.5 or PM=20).
To assess the level of these parameters, we can recall that the operating water pressure in the water supply system is no more than 0.6 MPa (6 bar). Maximum pressure that the pipe can withstand a short time, several times higher than nominal. At temperatures above 20°C, the trouble-free operation life of polymer pipes at a constant pressure is reduced or may remain the same - 50 years, but subject to a lower operating pressure.

Characteristics of some materials used for the production and connecting parts of polymer pipes


The meaning of indicators for the material





PA (plasticized)

Density, g/cc
Tensile yield strength, MPa
Elongation at break, %
Modulus of elasticity, MPa
Linear expansion coefficient
Calculated permissible stress of pipes, MPa

Polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) - common polymer materials in demand in industry. They are used for the manufacture of plastics, containers, pipes, packaging and thermal insulation fibers, etc.

There are many similar properties between polymers:

  • Durability - preserved appearance under influences.
  • Versatility - they soften when heated, which makes it possible to use them in different fields.
  • Ease of use - low weight.
  • Practicality - not exposed to water, oxygen and salts.
  • Electrical insulation - do not conduct electric current.

Polyethylene (left) and polypropylene (right) granules

The difference between polypropylene and polyethylene

Polypropylene and polyethylene are widely used in industry and often seem the same to the consumer. But polymers have many differences.

What is the difference between polypropylene and polyethylene:

  • Lightweight - PP weighs 0.04 g/cu. see less.
  • Melting point - polypropylene melts at 180 degrees C, and polyethylene - at 140 degrees C.
  • Care - PP products are practically not subject to contamination and are easy to clean.
  • By synthesis methods, polyethylene is produced under any conditions, and polypropylene is produced at low pressure.
  • Costs - manufacturing products from polypropylene is more expensive than producing polyethylene due to the high cost of raw materials.

What is the difference between polyethylene and polypropylene:

Elasticity - polyethylene is more flexible, and polypropylene is brittle.

  • Frost resistance - PE does not lose its properties at temperatures down to -50 degrees C, and for PP it is destroyed at -5 degrees C.
  • Lightweight - due to its low weight, polyethylene is suitable for the manufacture of films, packaging, pipes and insulating products.
  • Lack of toxicity - when PE is heated, toxins disappear.

Film made of polyethylene and polypropylene: differences

Film made from PP and PE is used to protect fragile goods and has several differences:

  • Cost-effective - with the same parameters as its analogue, polyethylene packaging is 50% cheaper.
  • Presentable - glossy PP film looks much more attractive than a dull thing made of polyethylene.
  • Practicality - polypropylene is less susceptible to creasing and does not lose its appearance due to loading and unloading operations.
  • Resistance to temperatures - polypropylene becomes brittle from cold, and polyethylene tolerates freezing.

Which is stronger: polypropylene or polyethylene plastic

Plastic products are inexpensive and durable. Pipes, dishes and other products are obtained by synthesizing PE at low pressure. High-density polyethylene is less durable and is used in the manufacture of PET and tarpaulins.

Polyethylene and polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene is suitable for packaging, bologna clothing and fiber. PP is resistant to heat, solvents and bending. It is non-toxic, but is afraid of ultraviolet radiation and frost.

Polypropylene or polyethylene: which is better?

Both polymers are used in different industries industry. Depending on the synthesis method and application, polymer manufacturers achieve maximum benefits from polymers.

The conditions for the synthesis of raw materials affect specifications polymers. For example, when creating pressure and choosing a catalyst, products with different chemical and physical characteristics are obtained.

Polypropylene is used to create building materials and various containers. High-density polyethylene is optimal for the production of pipes, and high-density polyethylene for the production of packaging.

Two similar polymer materials that compete with each other on the world market. Both the properties and their scope of application are very close. However, differences do exist, so in this article we will help you understand how polyethylene and polypropylene differ.

General properties of polyethylene and polypropylene

Let's start with what unites these two materials.

  • Thermoplasticity. Both materials soften and melt under the influence of temperature, which makes it possible to use appropriate technologies: casting, extrusion, etc.
  • Mechanical strength. PP and PE have similar tensile strength and impact strength. At the same time, polypropylene is much closer in properties to polyethylene low pressure.
  • Electrical insulating properties. Both materials do not conduct electric current, and due to their plasticity they can be effectively used as flexible wire insulation.
  • Chemical resistance. Polyethylene and polypropylene are resistant to water, as well as aggressive environments (alkalies, acids). However, both materials dissolve when exposed to many organic solvents, including gasoline.

The main differences between polyethylene and polypropylene

  • Polypropylene is synthesized only at low pressure (up to 4 MPa), and only in the presence of a Ziegler-Natta catalyst. Polyethylene can be synthesized under such conditions (low-pressure PE will be obtained) or at high pressure (less durable high-pressure PE will be obtained). Accordingly, the differences between PP and high-pressure PE are much greater than between low-pressure PE.
  • Polypropylene is lighter: the material weighs at least 0.04 g/cu. see less compared to the lightest grade of polyethylene.
  • Polypropylene has a higher melting point, up to 180 degrees, while polyethylene melts at 140 degrees.
  • Polypropylene forms a smoother and denser surface, therefore it is more resistant to stains and is easier to clean compared to PE.
  • Polyethylene is more elastic. Polypropylene is a stronger but also brittle material, while polyethylene provides increased flexibility.
  • Polyethylene has much higher frost resistance, withstanding temperatures down to -50 degrees, while for polypropylene the critical temperature is -5 degrees.
  • Price: polypropylene is a more expensive polymer. Raw materials are more expensive, and the cost can only be comparable to the best brands low density polyethylene.

Results: each polymer is a good solution for its tasks

Each of the materials has its own scope and its own advantages that need to be used.

Polyethylene and polypropylene are actively used for internal sewerage systems. These modern materials are resistant to corrosion and oxidation. They are easy to install and serve long time subject to proper use. Let's take a closer look at the technical characteristics and installation features of sewerage pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene.

Polyethylene pipes for sewerage

Polyethylene is the result of the polymerization of ethylene gas in the presence of catalysts at elevated temperature and pressure. Physical properties materials depend on the reaction conditions:

1. If high temperature and pressure are maintained, the output is low-density polyethylene (LDPE).

2. For more low rates temperature and pressure – high density polyethylene (HDPE).


Polyethylene corrugated pipes for sewerage are not regulated by GOSTs. Their production is coordinated with specific customers. The production of polyethylene pipes for the arrangement of internal communications is regulated by GOST 22689.2-89.

What points are regulated by the standards? This:

  • length and diameter of sewer pipes;
  • possibility of using both HDPE and LDPE in production;
  • requirements for symbols of pipes (for example, TK 30-5000 - PVD GOST 22689.2; decoding - “sewage pipe made of high-pressure polyethylene with a diameter of 30 millimeters and a length of five meters”);
  • length and diameter of sockets for connecting polyethylene pipes;
  • typical sizes of adapters, turns, connecting parts of all types (tees, couplings, crosses, etc.).

Limitations within the standard:

  • installation of polyethylene pipes only in conditions of gravity sewerage;
  • maximum working temperature— +45° C (short-term increase to +60° C is possible).

Advantages of polyethylene pipes for sewerage

1. Long service life (from fifty years).

2. High reliability and resistance to corrosion, chemical influences, water hammer, and external aggressive factors.

3. No need for expensive maintenance.

4. Low price(compared to steel and cast iron pipes).

5. Low weight, due to which the installation of polyethylene pipes does not present any particular difficulties.

The only disadvantages include restrictions regarding the scope of their application (see above).

Types of polyethylene pipes

1. LDPE pipes (made of high-density polyethylene).


  • low weight, which facilitates transportation, installation and dismantling;
  • resistance to aggressive factors;
  • simplicity and high reliability of connections.

2. HDPE pipes for sewerage (made of low-density polyethylene).

They are most often used for pipelines in areas with cold water supply.

3. PE pressure pipes for sewerage (most often made of PE-80 polymer).

Their scope of application is pressure sewerage systems.

4. Corrugated polyethylene pipes.

They are most often used for arranging external sewerage. Performed in two layers:

  • the upper one – corrugated – provides high strength and resistance to external influences;
  • internal – smooth – ensures unhindered movement of liquid, low likelihood of blockages.

Main characteristics:

  • high chemical resistance (PE-80 and PE-63 polyethylene is used in production);
  • high strength, possibility of installation at a depth of up to twenty meters underground (provided by external rigid rings).

Features of installation of polyethylene pipes

Apply different kinds connections.

1. Bell-shaped.

Stages of work:

  • selection of pipes and fittings according to the project and taking into account the dimensions (when choosing the length, you need to take into account those sections that will be inserted into the socket);
  • removing external chamfer from pipes; cleaning the inside (there should be no burrs, scuffs, or other irregularities);
  • inserting the pipe into the socket manually (you need to leave a compensation gap of 1 cm);
  • When drawing up a project, it is important to provide for laying the pipeline at a slope.

2. Welded.

For these types of connections, you need a special machine for welding polyethylene pipes. Main structural elements:

  • bushings on which pipes are put;
  • heating plates.

The essence of welding is to melt the ends of the pipes and connect them.

3. Couplings.

Type of connections used when installing corrugated pipes. Slide-on couplings are used to assemble the pipeline, and rubber seals are used to seal the joints.

Thus, polyethylene pipes are perfect for arranging both internal and external sewage systems. For internal work - smooth pipes, for external work - corrugated.

Polypropylene pipes for sewerage

The area of ​​their application is internal non-pressure sewerage.

Polypropylene pipes are made from stabilized polypropylene by hot extrusion.

Advantages of polypropylene sewer pipes

1. Increased resistance to chemicals.

2. Excellent hydraulics, perfect smooth surface.

3. Resistance to corrosive processes.

4. Light weight, no overgrowing of the section.

5. Ability to withstand impacts even at sub-zero temperatures.

6. Ability to withstand leakage hot water During a long time.

7. Safety for humans and the environment.

Polypropylene pipes are manufactured in accordance with GOST 26996.

Differences between polypropylene and polyethylene

The distinctive characteristics of polypropylene pipes are dictated by the properties of the source material. Polypropylene (vs. polyethylene)

Types of polypropylene pipes

1. Pipes for arranging a “cold” pipeline – PN-10.

2. Pipes for arranging “cold” and “hot” pipelines – PN-20.

When used in sewer systems with cold water service life is 50 years; With hot water- 25 years. If the temperature exceeds the permissible values ​​(indicated on the labels), the pipe lengthens. Therefore, during installation, compensators and various sliding supports are installed.

3. Reinforced polypropylene pipes (PN-25).

For use only in heating systems. Service life depends on pressure and temperature. So, at a temperature of up to seventy degrees and a pressure of 8 atmospheres - up to fifty years.

Installation features

Stages of work:

1. Drawing up a water supply project and selecting components (fasteners, fittings, etc.).

2. Selecting places for attaching the water supply to the walls, drilling holes.

3. Welding polyethylene pipes into a single structure (first cut the pieces to the required length, install couplings and tees).

4. Installation of water supply.

If you need to connect pipes of different diameters, adapters are used.

Thus, polypropylene pipes are suitable for equipping hot and cold water supply systems, heating, air conditioning, etc.

Let's dig into the holy of holies and find out which plastic pipes are better: polypropylene, metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene. And it doesn’t matter where they will be used - in water supply or heating. And each type has both advantages and obvious disadvantages. Well, let's get started

To choose the right material for a water supply system, you need to determine the conditions in which it will be used. The options could be:
1. For cold and hot water in an apartment, private house
2. for oil, steam and gas heating
3. sewerage
4. basement wiring for a multi-story building
5. heating mains

Technical operating conditions will differ, and these are: temperature, pressure inside the system, mechanical load. Therefore, the plastic will be slightly different.

An opinion was formed that plastic came to us from Europe, saying that the Germans and Italians received patents, established successful production and sold the franchise first to Turkey and then to Russia. But the wise old plumbers remember that cross-linked polyethylene was produced back in the USSR at the Karaganda plastic plant in 1972.

Now water flows over plastic throughout the civilized world and this is considered the most convenient.

There are 3 main types of plastic pipes, the rest are their subspecies. Let's look at which pipes are better and where they should be installed.

The teams that practice installing these particular hoses are popularly called ironers or ironers. The material is considered consumer goods, that is, widely consumed by the people.
A crash test of the PPR pipe showed that it explodes at 40-50 bar. By comparison, metal-plastic breaks already at 40 bars. So offensive word“consumer goods” shows why people love PPR water supply so much. Cheap and good pipe.

How long will it last?

At normal conditions, V cold water and pressure 2.5 - 4 barr, all materials work the same, with a 50-year guarantee. But polypropylene is also used in heating and underfloor heating, and this temperature is already 45 degrees, and if in radiators, then up to 70-90 degrees.
Accordingly, the hotter, the shorter term suitability. In radiators, polypropylene pipes last 15-20 years, and even less at high constant pressure.

Installation features

Unpleasant moments: when connecting, soldering is used and many polypropylene manufacturers produce sagging at the cut site; nozzles and adapters do not always fit perfectly, so additional noise occurs during operation. Although plumbers joke that some people even find the sound of water soothing.

Disadvantages of PPR:

  1. It is believed that polypropylene is obsolete, and it is not comme il faut for professional construction companies to work with polypropylene.
  2. Large linear extension.
    For unreinforced pipes, the coefficient of linear expansion is 0.15 mm/mS, for reinforced pipes - 0.03 mm/mS. This means that when used in a heating system, PPR will stretch and sag 5 times more than metal-plastic. Accordingly, apply a load at a different angle to the connecting parts and begin to leak. This is not covered by the warranty and is considered a violation of technical specifications. The master's secret may be to use short sections or supports under the pipeline, which compensates for linear expansion.
  3. Lots of joints. And this is almost the main disadvantage of PPR pipes. After all, most of the joints are hidden. And only for this reason, answering the question what plastic pipe It’s better, I’d like to put PPR in the very last place.

Conclusion: excellent for regular plumbing in a city apartment.

XLPE pipes

These are thermoplastic hoses, which, when produced in the CIS countries, must comply technical specifications GOST 32415-2013 “Thermoplastic pressure pipes and connecting parts for them for water supply and heating systems.”

Easily holds 95 degrees and high pressure, is chemically stable, even gas can be passed through it without leakage. They do not conduct electric current - at the dacha you can safely use the remaining piece to insulate the cable. The polyethylene material is perfectly smooth, which prevents salt deposits and dirt from lingering and accumulating.

Linear expansion is average between polypropylene and metal-plastic, but closer to PPR pipes.
In terms of performance characteristics, it is the same as metal-plastic, but does not have an aluminum reinforced layer, therefore it is cheaper. Very easy to install.

According to reviews, it’s a very nice, cool pipe: light, flexible, can be heated with a hairdryer and restored if it’s pinched or broken.

How long will they last?

We can say for sure that PPRS is longer. Cross-linked polyethylene reliably holds 90 degrees for more than 50 years. Varieties of PEX pipes have “genetic memory”; after bending, they restore their previous position without additional manipulation.

Installation features

Every customer is concerned that after installation the system does not leak. But pipes don't flow on their own. Only in case of incorrect installation, if the technology is broken, or in case of mechanical breakdown. The quality of the assembly is determined by the intelligence and ingenuity of a technician who loves his work. After all, to do “well, so be it for now,” take the money and disappear from sight is simply fraud.

Real pros are proud of their creations and ask to be photographed finished work for a personal portfolio. After all, this is the authority and reputation of the master.

In order to make the correct adjustment of the segments, it is necessary to use special couplings. The declared “genetic memory” will work if the hoses are connected using press technology with crimp fittings. A permanent, reliable connection of the segments is obtained.

Disadvantages of cross-linked polyethylene

The first disadvantage is exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Sun rays, both straight and oblique, destroy cross-linked polyethylene and all its advantages, so it is not used for installation outdoors.
The second is the lack of hoses with a diameter of more than 25 mm due to very expensive chemical production.

Conclusion: cross-linked polyethylene pipes are ideal for heating systems in apartments and private houses. Definitely one of the best plastic pipes on the market.

Metal-plastic pipes

Metal-polymer products combine the best of plastic and metal. The inner layer of the hose is cross-linked polyethylene, the middle layer is a reinforcing mesh made of aluminum, the outer layer is polyvinyl chloride, which protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Teams of plumbers, having tried metal-plastic products in installation and operation, remain sincerely attached to them. Over 18 years of active work with this material in Press technology, the masters have never had to blush.

Among the tales of plumbers, there is one that a professional recognizes metal-plastic with eyes closed by the characteristic ringing sound that a twisted pipe coil has.

The product is heavy, but this is compensated by its stability, which eliminates mechanical damage.

Maintains pressure of 16 bar and temperature of 95 degrees. In housing and communal services, a diameter of 16-40 mm is used.

Antistatic, beautiful, silently allows water to pass through, easy to repair without special equipment

How long will they last?

The shelf life of metal-plastic samples is 50 years. To ensure everything is in order, you need to monitor the installation with reliable press fittings. The weak point of these pipes is leaks at the joints.

Installation features

The pipe perfectly holds up to various manipulations performed on it: reversals, inversions, twists, snakes, vintage. On an object of any complexity, you can figure out how to perform the necessary tricks and fix it. If it is impossible to remove a damaged iron pipe, a metal-plastic pipe can even be inserted inside an old, rusty one with a slightly larger diameter.


The disadvantages include: high cost due to complex manufacturing technology and loss of strength due to sudden fluctuations in operating temperature.

Conclusion: well suited for plumbing and heating in city apartments and institutions with a constant temperature in the system. Not suitable for dachas and cottages with temporary residence.

It seems like we figured out which plastic pipe is better. Now about something else

Which brand should you choose?

Having visited the website of the sanitary ware wholesale database, we counted about 100 manufacturers of sanitary ware, of which 29 are Russian and joint ventures. Belgian, Spanish, Italian, Polish, German, and Turkish brands are widely represented. Collecting reviews, the top three most famous among buyers were HENCO, Rehau and VALTEC.
Here are the installation crews construction companies Servicing large facilities, they often use pipes for basement distribution with a diameter of 80 and in heating mains with a diameter of 100.

What types of couplings are there for plastic pipes?

The choice of parts is wide, but the best ones already use the new European brass standard - grade No. 602. There are many varieties; in our opinion, the ideal one for cross-linked polyethylene is a tension sleeve.
Compression fittings are also a cool thing, you can tighten them safely - plumbers say that not a single one has ever burst, unlike the Chinese ones, where when tightened the nut cracks in half.
Bends, tees, tees with threads - for every taste. Unrivaled - compression fittings with press technology.

Water outlets are an interesting engineering solution. Short ones - installed in the water supply pipes of solid brick houses, as well as from heating blocks and in concrete.
Extended - for frame construction, where there are sip panels or drywall.
There are also brass and plastic fittings.

We are sure that plastic products, by definition, should be cheaper than metal-plastic and brass elements, so we consider the market situation to be not entirely fair. A well-promoted brand can price a plastic fitting even more expensive than a brass one.
It is impossible to explain what the logic is, so think for yourself - decide for yourself.

The result is that there is no bad material in the article that we are considering. There are circumstances under which it is selected and skillful professional hands. The service life will depend on this. So there is still no clear answer to which plastic pipe is better.

May your home always have warmth and clean water!