Figuring out how to check your Internet speed can be extremely important. The reason is the slow loading of sites or the desire to make sure that the data declared by the provider corresponds to real indicators. The following methods for determining data transfer speed will help users cope with the task.

Before you start checking your Internet speed, you need to familiarize yourself with several preparatory stages, making the procedure easier to understand.

Terms used

When working with various services and programs, the user encounters words whose meaning may be unknown or incomprehensible. Some of them will be discussed below:

Preparing the device

The device from which Internet speed testing will be carried out requires little preliminary preparation. It should be taken into account that the speed when connecting from modems and routers is significantly lower than a home (cable) connection. What need to do:

  1. Connect to the network from the device on which the scan will be carried out. If other equipment is connected to the signal source, first disconnect them from the network.
  2. Close programs that can affect the results: torrent client or browser with open tabs, others.
  3. When checking through online resources, disable browser extensions, including the ad blocker.

Speed ​​measurements are also available with Wi-Fi, but the information may be inaccurate.

Built-in tools

This method is quite simple and accessible for checking Internet speed on Windows computer 7 or Windows 10, while the procedure itself does not depend on the OS - operating system. Execute as follows:

  • Open the Network and Sharing Center by left-clicking on the network icon in the taskbar.

  • Find an active Internet connection among the available ones and click on it.
  • The window that appears will contain the properties of the Internet connection, allowing you to see the approximate speed.

This method is seriously inaccurate. It helps to find out the highest Internet speed, but may give exaggerated data. There are often cases when, at a speed of 1 Mb/s or less, values ​​of 15 or more Mb/s are shown.

Checking with online services

A simple option on how to find out and check the Internet speed on a computer is sites specially designed for this. With their help, the speed of wi-fi and any other connection is measured. The best will be discussed below.

Before starting any check, it is necessary to clarify the speed indicators officially provided by the provider. Knowing these data, it will become clear to what extent the stated values ​​correspond to reality.

“Speedtest” is one of the popular services for checking and testing Internet speed, which is quite simple to use for this purpose.

  1. Go to the official website of the service.
  2. Click on the “Begin test” button.
  3. After this, the service will determine the necessary indicators. The ping will be shown first, then the incoming and outgoing speeds.

A simpler service for measuring Internet speed, created in Russia, is When visiting a site, certain indicators are automatically detected, including the user's location and provider. To find out the information you need, scroll down the page and click on the “Start testing” button. Based on its results, the necessary information is provided.

This site is intended for web developers and those who want to check a certain Internet resource for errors and other parameters. However, it is also possible to measure Internet speed.

For this:

  1. Click on the “Test Internet Speed” button.
  2. In the window that opens, select “Start Internet speed test.”
  3. Based on the results, the basic information described in the previous examples is displayed.

Internet meter

A service from Yandex that allows you to test Internet speed. To do this, just go to its page and click on the “Measure” button. In addition to the information described above, user information is displayed, including provider, IP address and location.

This service differs from all others in that the user does not need to click on any buttons or search for data among other information. When you open the site, an automatic check of the Internet signal will begin. The window displays large numbers with the necessary information.


The resource was created specifically for users of the specified company. To use it, just go to the website and click on the “Start testing” button. The check will take no more than two minutes.

Other services

Exists a large number of other sites that help you check your speed online. The sites below are equally effective and are recommended for use:


Using software

Considering that problems with the Internet signal can be serious, using online services sometimes does not produce results: the site, for example, does not load. In this case, you should pay attention to the individual utilities installed on the PC.

Torrent clients

No matter how surprising it may seem, using a torrent client it is possible to determine the Internet speed on a laptop or PC. During the download process, each torrent will provide information about the name, file weight and the amount of traffic processed. To find out how quickly a file is transferred - using BitTorrent as an example - left-click on the line with the names of the columns listed above. In the window that appears, check the box next to the “Download” item, if it is not immediately displayed, and view the resulting values.

Special utilities

In addition to online services, there are also programs for PCs that can be used to test the Internet connection. Works with any type of connection: Wi-Fi, router, etc.

One of the few programs with a portable version. She has light weight, takes up little space after installation. For quick access to functions, the utility icon is added to the taskbar. To get accurate information about the downstream (DL) and upstream (UL) speeds, you need to click on this icon.

There are a considerable number of other, no less effective programs on the network. The list of the most common includes the following:

  • LAN Speed ​​Test.
  • Speed-O-Meter.
  • BWMeter.


Using the tools described above, the user learned how to determine the Internet speed on a computer and obtain information about the current Internet connection at home. To ensure accurate information, you must use several of the methods listed above.

Internet speed test is a free service that will check the real situation with your Internet provider.

A unit of measurement for Internet connection speed.

Providers indicate speed in kilobits or megabits. The exact picture can be found by converting the declared quantity into bytes. One byte is converted into eight bits. For example: your contract specifies a speed of 256 Kilobits. Some quick calculations give a result of 32 kilobytes per second. Real time Does uploading documents give you reason to question the integrity of the provider company? An Internet speed test will help.

How does the online service work?

The program determines the exact data using the transmitted information. From your PC it is sent to our website. And then back. The test reveals the average value per unit of time. The process is quite simple and only requires a short wait.

What factors affect connection speed?

  1. Bandwidth.
  2. Connection quality.
  3. Line congestion at the provider.

Concept: channel capacity.

What is this factor? Everything is very simple. This is the maximum amount of information that is theoretically possible to transmit using this provider. The specified data is almost always less than the bandwidth. Only a few companies managed to get close to this figure.

Several online checks give different results.

Is it possible. The numerous influencing factors lead to slight variations in the result. A permanent coincidence is unlikely. But there should not be a strong difference.

How to check Internet speed?

  1. It is necessary to close and disable all transmitting programs (radio, torrents, instant messaging clients).
  2. Launch the test using the “Test” button.
  3. A little time and the result will be ready.

It is better to measure your Internet speed several times in a row. The error of the result is no more than 10 percent.

Let's conclude:

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the data provided by your provider when connecting, you can do so in different ways.

  1. Use the Internet Speed ​​Test service.
  2. Check the information in the contract.
  3. Measure it yourself based on the time it takes to load documents.

The first point will help you check quickly, efficiently and simply. No calculations, disputes or difficulties. Our tester is minimally loaded. Has only one control button. And it gives the right results.

Learn how to correctly measure the speed of your Internet connection. What resources can you use to correctly check the Internet, what parameters should you look at, and how to determine whether the result in front of you is good.

I’ll definitely tell you about Megabit and Megabyte, they are often confused, and I’ll also tell you what ping is and why people often get kicked out of online games because of it. In general, I will show in detail how to find out the Internet speed on a computer.


Hello everyone, today I decided to write an article that will allow me to qualitatively analyze the speed of my Internet connection. You can find a lot of materials from different sources, where one way or another it is shown where to go and what numbers to look at. But now you have repeated all this on your computer, you have seen numbers, large or small, with different units of measurement.

You sit, look at them, sometimes even rejoice, but what do these data mean? It was displayed to you, for example: Input - 10 Mbit/s, Output - 5 Mbit/s, Ping - 14 and what next, is this good for you, or if you honestly look at it, then you will say that these numbers have nothing to do with you do not speak? And in most cases, everything is exactly like this, we see the result, but we cannot analyze it, because we do not know what each direction means.

Funny conversation with a friend

In general, I decided to write an article on this topic just yesterday. I was talking with an acquaintance, and it so happened that we started talking about the Internet. He asks me - Vanek, what is your Internet speed? Well, I said, I pay 300 rubles for 8 MB/s. Without hesitation, the acquaintance replied, well, what bullshit is your Internet, I have 30 Mbit/s for only 250 rubles. This whole thing was said with such a smart look, I couldn’t restrain myself, I laughed, when I walked away, I immediately thought - this is the topic for a new article.

Users who understand have already figured out what the catch is, and for those who didn’t catch it, read the article carefully and absorb useful knowledge. For probably another 15 minutes I had to explain to my friend that he was a little mistaken in choosing the Internet and the money he pays can be spent more wisely armed good internet. I won’t mutter too much, let’s move on.

How is Internet speed measured?

In order to understand and correctly analyze the speed of Internet connections, you need to have a good understanding of the units of measurement that you will actually use to measure your Internet in the future.

This is very important, it’s a must, well, it’s absolutely necessary, it’s necessary, there’s simply no other way. After all, when you come to the store, you tell the seller how many kilograms of apples to sell you, or you yourself calculate how many kilograms of potatoes you need to buy so that there is enough for at least a week for the whole family, you even tritely calculate how many grams of candy to buy so that you have enough money to pay. Now let's get down to business.

When you start wondering about the Internet, you come across two units of measurement - Megabits and Megabytes. Let's go in order.

The MEGA prefix is ​​a million-dollar prefix, you don’t need to pay attention to them Special attention, this is just a reduction, replacing the number 10 to the 6th power. Once again, we don’t look at the console, we follow everything that is written next, namely, we look at the BITS and BYTES. (megaBIT, mega BYTE)

A bit is the smallest unit of measurement used in calculations in the “computer world”, think of a bit as one unit - 1

A byte is naturally also a unit of measurement, but it contains 8 bits, which means a byte is eight times larger than a bit.

Once again, a BYTE is 8 bits.

Examples. When testing Internet speed, you may be shown:

30 Mbit/s or 3.75 MB/s, where you should understand that these are two same numbers. That is, when you took measurements and were shown the result in megabits, you can safely divide it by 8 and get real result. In our example, 30 Mbit/8= 3.75 MB

You haven’t forgotten about my conversation with a friend, now you can go back and see why I didn’t agree with my friend, what was his mistake? Look, count, it will be useful for consolidation.

In addition to units of measurement, for proper analysis of an Internet connection, you need to know that there are two types of connections. Incoming and outgoing.

It’s not at all difficult, but you have to read it once just to know. Incoming information is everything that you download to your computer, watch online, listen to music, in general, everything that you view on the Internet will be called incoming traffic.

But when your computer transmits information, let’s say you play an online game and from your computer to mandatory small packets of information are sent out that control actions in the game or, for example, you upload a photo to a social network, all this will be considered outgoing traffic.


All we take on the Internet is incoming traffic.

Everything we send to the Internet is outgoing traffic.

Now a little advice: when analyzing, you can not pay attention to outgoing traffic. Why? Because when good performance incoming internet Outgoing connections will automatically be good. They come in a complex, but you need to remember that the speed of incoming information is always higher, sometimes even twice as high, but this is not scary.

When measuring your Internet speed, you will see pictures like this and this is normal:

I think the numbers are more or less understood and now you can easily analyze the speed of your Internet connection as accurately as possible. Although it’s probably worth making a small digression to suggest what speed will be enough and for what purpose.

What kind of internet do I need for stable work?

Here is a table that will serve as a hint to this question, and if you don’t understand, then write in the comments to this article, as soon as I see it, I’ll immediately write the answer.

Task Internet connection speed Classification
Viewing text and graphic information 10 Mbit/s or 1 MB/s Slow Internet
Look online films, listen to music, play, chat on Skype From 20 Mbit/s to 40 Mbit/s Good, multitasking.
Working on the Internet, downloading large amounts of information, high-quality videos and other high loads From 80 Mbit/s and above Universal for all occasions

I often hear the question, but with the Internet like this, how long will it take me to download a movie? To be honest, such questions irritate me a little, if you know how to count, then why not do it, this is forgivable for adults and elderly people of the previous generation, but now young people should be educated and instantly give out the information of interest, so in the article I won’t even write about this, but just in case, I will show the principle of calculation in the video, so after finishing reading the text, do not be lazy to spend a couple of minutes watching the video.

And besides this, you should always remember that a virus can get onto your computer and the speed will be reduced several times,

Where can you test your Internet speed?

As I said at the beginning, there are a lot of different resources that provide the opportunity, so to speak, to weigh and measure your Internet. But as practice shows, only a few of them work stably and can provide correct information and not fantasize... for me this is the best resource for measuring the Internet. is a mega popular site for determining speed, but it works fine for me only after the second scan. After the first time it doesn't show real numbers, so I immediately run it a second time and get a normal, real result.— the site can do a lot of useful things, I like it, but unfortunately it often cheats with Internet measurements, but it gives some useful information, by whom it is served, which provider and where the service site is located.

By the way, I took examples of pictures from these sites, in the video I will show each site separately, and you yourself will choose which one you like best. When you analyze the results, you may notice another interesting parameter - Ping.

What is ping on the Internet?

This parameter can often be heard, especially among those who like to play Online Games. These types of people, to be honest, are a little obsessed with pings during the game.

Even 7-8 years ago I had a case when I entered the game myself, as I remember now - it was Counter-Strike. Well, I came in, I’m playing, I hear a lot of fuss, shouting and discontent, and in every sentence they shout, he has a high ping, let’s kick him out. And in fact, they kicked me out of the room by general vote; of course, I was not very happy, but there was nothing to do.

That day I spent several hours studying the cursed word ping at that time.

But in fact, the essence of its work is very simple, I will not load your heads, but will only say that this is also a unit of measurement that shows the speed of data transfer from your computer to the server.

Now, quite simply, you entered the game, at the moment when you perform some action for you, the character simply makes a movement. And from the technical side, in order to even simply move your character from place, the computer must send a command (packet of files) to the server, and the time during which these files will fly to the server, be processed there and return back will be called ping.

In fact, Ping is the speed of data exchange between the computer and the server.

What does ping depend on, and how can it be lowered?

Everything here is quite simple, the first and main reason is the physical distance between your computer and the game server. For example, you play in Moscow, and the server is in China, the distance is very long and therefore it takes more time to transmit data packets. And at this moment we are swearing that the game is lagging.

Naturally, the ping will be affected by the speed of your Internet; the faster the connection, the lower the ping will be. Next, you need to understand that ping can increase if the transmission line is overloaded, that is, your provider serves not just your apartment, but an entire house or street, and if everyone decides to surf the Internet at the same time, then there will be a little chaos.

Rational use of traffic is when you are sitting at home on the Internet via Wi-Fi, playing, and at the same time your parents are watching TV series through the same Wi-Fi, your little sister is sitting on a tablet in the next room and playing her games. How more people simultaneously use an access point, the lower the Internet speed becomes and the ping increases accordingly.

There are three ways to lower your ping:

  • Change provider or tariff plan to more powerful
  • Make some changes to the operating system registry (the improvement is not significant)
  • Loading specialized software. (we immediately throw this method out of our heads and use the first two)

Have you figured out what's what? I think you all understood a long time ago, so I’ll wrap it up. Below you can find a video to reinforce the material you have read, don’t be lazy, you have to watch it.

Watch video: How to find out the Internet speed on your computer?

Well, have you finished reading? Then we go below and write our comment on this article, otherwise how will I know whether you have read it at all or not? See you soon, bye friends.

When purchasing the services of a provider, we hope that the speed of the Internet connection will be exactly as specified in the contract. Well, or almost like that. However, in practice, it extremely rarely corresponds to the numbers on paper, because it is influenced by a lot of factors - from network congestion to the state of the client device - a computer, smartphone, tablet or Smart TV. In addition, in the contract the provider indicates the maximum, not the actual connection speed. However, if the latter is constantly and much lower than the first, the quality of the service can be questioned.

To control the work of the provider and simply be aware of the real Internet speed, you need to know how to determine it. Fortunately, there is a large amount of special software and free web services for this, which we will get acquainted with today. But let's start with what opportunities it has in this regard. operating system Windows. We will also find out how to get the most reliable result.

Built-in Windows capabilities

The easiest and fastest way to view your current Internet connection speed is in the task manager on the “Performance” tab. If the network is lightly loaded, the graph in the “Bandwidth” window will be low; if it is strong, the window will be filled almost completely, and the speed shown in the upper right corner will be closer to what is specified in the contract with the provider. This should be normal. If, when the network is heavily loaded, the speed remains low, it means that there is an obstacle somewhere. But where is it - yours or his?

To find out the maximum achievable (in theory) Internet speed within a specific connection type, open the “Network Connections” folder and select the “Status” section in the context menu of your network.

The necessary information is contained on the “General” tab.

The actual speed is usually 2-3 times lower than the maximum. By the way, when transmitting data via Wi-Fi and cable, it can differ significantly.

Let's say you have determined that the Internet on your computer should be faster. The next task is to find out who is to blame for the slowdown - your devices or the provider.

How to check your Internet connection speed manually

To get the most reliable result, you need to check the Internet speed on the computer to which you are connected. network cable provider. If it is not possible to insert the cable directly into the computer, for example, if it only supports wireless connections or binds the connection to the router’s MAC address, disconnect all other devices from the Internet during the test.

  • Prepare a 1 GB file and select any cloud web service to which you will upload it, for example, Yandex Drive or Google Drive. It is important that the service does not limit the speed of uploading and downloading content.
  • Close all programs that use the network and the Internet to relieve the channel as much as possible.
  • Disable VPN clients and proxy servers if they are not required to establish access to the global network.
  • Record the time and start uploading the file to the cloud server. Note the download completion time.
  • Under time control, download the file back to your PC.

Knowing the file size in megabytes and the number of seconds spent on its transfer, you can easily calculate the Internet speed in Mbps. If it is close to that specified in the contract, it means that the provider will fulfill its obligations to you, and the reason for the slowdown is in your devices. If not, then it's the other way around.

For those of you who don't want to do the math, you can test your Internet speeds using the methods discussed below. For reliability, we recommend performing the check several times within an hour.

Web services

Testing your Internet speed using the 2ip service is as easy as shelling pears: click the “Test” button and wait 1-2 minutes.

In addition to ping indicators, as well as incoming and outgoing speeds, 2ip allows you to find out:

  • Average Internet speeds in your city.
  • Average speed indicators among subscribers of your provider.
  • The best tests for all providers for the current day.
  • The total number of measurements among all providers.

This is a kind of benchmark. Below on the page is a table of the last ten measurements.

By the way, as of the date of the audit, none of the largest leaders in the provider services market in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan - Rostelecom, ByFly, Ukrtelecom, Kazakhtelecom, MTS, Beeline, Akado, Yota,, Citylink and TTK record holder. The first places were taken by small and not very well-known companies.

And further. If you have something to tell other users about the services of your Internet provider, you can leave a review about it on the site.

- another simple free service of similar purpose. To start the scan, just click the “Start” button. The result will appear on the screen in a couple of minutes.

By the way, if you register for Speedtest (this is also free), you will be able to save the test results in your account and share links to them with other users.

In addition to the web service, accessible online through a browser from any device, SpeedTest exists as an application for desktop (Windows, Mac OS X) and mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Amazon) platforms.


The Yandex.Internetometer service determines the speed of incoming and outgoing connections no ping. However, in addition to this it shows detailed information about your Internet connection, operating system and browser in which you ran the scan. It’s just a pity that there are no benchmarks or opportunities to save test results here.

To start the test, click the “Measure” button. The result, like its competitors, appears on the screen in 1-2 minutes.

The set of functions is very similar to the service of the same name in the “ru” domain and differs from it only in the design style. In addition to the Internet speed testing button, this resource contains a rating of Ukrainian providers and indicators of the last 20 checks.

For users with Russian IPs, the website opens in Russian, for residents of Ukraine - in Ukrainian.

To start testing, click the “Test” button. The result will be displayed after the same time as the others. uses 2 tests provided by the telecommunications company Wellink. One of them is a traditional test of response time (ping), incoming and outgoing Internet speeds, the second is a test of the quality of online video viewing. Based on the testing results, the service displays brief description your connection: how quickly a new movie series will open, how long it will take to download an album and upload a photo to a social network, what video quality is optimal for your connection, whether the picture will freeze when watching videos through a browser.

Using the service on is no different from others.

Free programs to check Internet speed on PC and mobile devices

If you use the above services several times in a row, you will notice that the Internet throughput indicators will always be different. This is normal, but not entirely informative, especially when the connection is intermittent. Applications, unlike web services, allow you to monitor network traffic continuously. And this is their main advantage.

NetTraffic for Windows

The utility, available in installation and portable versions, is a small window that constantly hangs in the corner of the screen, where the connection speed is displayed in real time.

In addition to current data, it collects traffic statistics for time periods specified by the user. Can monitor multiple network interfaces simultaneously.

TMeter for Windows

is a more advanced Internet traffic monitoring tool than the previous utility, but also very easy to understand and use. In addition to speed parameters, it collects statistics about the IP addresses of visited resources, ports, protocols, etc.

Tmeter has a built-in firewall and traffic distributor (traffic shaper) between devices local network. These functions become available if the program is running on a computer that is used as a gateway to connect other devices to the Internet.

The utility is designed to monitor the entire flow of information passing through network adapter, including data transfer rates. Initially it is in English, but a localizer has been released for it (available on the download page), which you just need to copy to the folder with the executable file or program archive.

NetworkTrafficView works without installation and does not require any special settings. Connection data is displayed in table form in the main and only window of the utility.

Internet speed test for Android

The Internet Speed ​​Test mobile application is not only stylishly designed, but also very functional. In addition to collecting the main speed characteristics of Wi-Fi and 2/3G networks, it displays the delay time of sending packets, allows you to select a test server (its availability and distance affect the performance), accumulates statistics and publishes test results on social networks.

The application is also convenient because it supports even very old versions of Android.

Meteor - speed test for Android

Meteor - speed test - one of the few mobile applications, which received the highest user rating - 4.8 points. It not only shows the real speed of the Internet connection, but also determines how fast popular network programs will work with the current connection quality. Among such programs are clients social networks, browsers, Gmail, YouTube, Skype, WhatsApp, Wase navigator, Google Maps, Uber taxi service, etc. A total of 16 different applications.

Other advantages of Meteor are that it supports all types of network connections, including 4G, and does not contain advertising.

Many modern Internet providers claim to provide maximum speed data transmission. How true is this statement? The speed of data transfer is influenced by various factors: day of the week, time, communication channel congestion, condition of communication lines, technical condition of the servers used, even the weather. Clients purchasing a certain package of services want to be sure that for their money they will be provided with Internet at the stated speed. In this article, we will tell you how to find out your connection speed, as well as which services are best to use for this purpose.

How can you check your Internet speed?

To check Internet speed, we will use special services available on the network. This method is the most accurate, accessible and convenient. In this case, speed is measured from the computer to the server on which the service runs. The indicators will differ from each other in all cases.

We will measure the incoming speed, as well as the outgoing speed (the speed at which we transfer information, for example, through a torrent).

These indicators usually differ from each other; the outgoing speed is usually less than the incoming one. The service that shows the highest incoming speed will be considered the best.

Before starting testing, you must complete the following steps:

  • Close all applications except the browser (especially those programs that can download anything).
  • Wait for the downloads to finish or pause them in the browser.
  • Make sure that the operating system or other applications are not updated during the scan.
  • To prevent the Windows Firewall from affecting the results, it is also advisable to disable it.

Services through which you can check your speed

There are several services on the network through which you can check the data transfer speed:, etc. You can test several of them and choose the most suitable one. Below we will look at the most popular of these services.

Internet meter from Yandex

To test the speed of your connection using this online service, you must. Once you do this, you will see a big button yellow color « Change" Here you can see your IP address. For Yandex to start testing, you must click on the button and wait a bit. The duration of testing is determined by the speed itself. If the speed is too slow or there are communication interruptions, the test may freeze or fail.

Yandex, testing speed, downloads and uploads a test file several times, after which it calculates the average value. At the same time, it cuts off strong gaps, thereby ensuring maximum precise definition connection speed. However, despite this, after repeated checks we received different results, the error of which was 10-20 percent.

In principle, this is normal, since speed is not a constant indicator, it jumps all the time. Yandex claims that this test accurately determines speed, but many factors influence the result.


quite popular. With its help, you can not only determine the speed of your Internet connection, but also find out the IP address of your computer. This service will give full information by your IP address, will check any of your files for viruses, and will also tell you a lot of interesting information about any site on the Internet (site engine, IP, distance to the site, the presence of viruses on it, its accessibility, etc.).

To check the speed, click on the “Tests” tab on the inscription “Internet connection speed”.

After that, indicate the speed declared by your provider so that the service can compare it with the real speed, then click the big button “ Test" After running several repeated checks, you will have to enter a simple captcha.

This service provided almost 3 times higher outgoing connection speeds and slightly lower incoming speeds. A BB code is proposed to insert a picture containing the test results into the forum. To insert the code on the site, you will need to edit it yourself.

The changes in speed after each retest were insignificant - within ten percent.

This is a very convenient, serious service that allows you to determine the speed of your Internet connection with maximum accuracy. Although this site is located in America, the test uses a server located near the user, so this server is suitable for everyone, regardless of their location.

This “trick” allows you to get the best results, but it also has its own negative sides. The user has the opportunity to compare the obtained figures with the data declared by the provider, but the actual Internet speed is lower precisely because the remaining servers are scattered throughout the planet. Therefore, it is advisable to use several services simultaneously to check the speed.

All this works on flash animation, so not everyone can make money. To start testing, you should then press the " Start checking».

After the testing process is completed, the user can see a link to the picture, which he can insert into the website himself, as well as a BB code intended for forums.

As you can see, this test finally showed high incoming speed and normal outgoing speed, however, we were able to achieve similar results only on the fifth attempt, since the results vary significantly. But at similar speeds, close to theoretical ones, this situation is normal.

The service periodically hosts SpeedWave tournaments, during which you can compete with other participants or just find out what speeds generally exist.

After registering on the portal, you will have access to the history of all your checks, thanks to which you can compare various indicators. You will be able to run the test periodically and then check the year's history in a graphical view. This will clearly demonstrate to you whether your provider is developing towards increasing speed or whether it is time to change it.

You can also visit a foreign service that tests not the speed, but the quality of communication. This is also a necessary thing. The service closest to you is selected, after which the level of communication quality from this service to you is tested. We got the following results:

"Grade B" - considered to be good quality communications. Packet Loss (that is, packet loss), if equal to zero, is a very good indicator.

, click the “Run Test” button.

It does not average the obtained values. If you wish, you can insert a picture into a forum or website. Each repeated test showed completely unpredictable results, and the most big number never reached the actual targets.

Try it, maybe your results will be better, but we won’t use this service anymore.

This server only tests incoming speed. Test high-speed Internet using of this service does not make sense, it can only be useful to people who use not very fast internet or a modem. There are 5 packages used to run the test.

The results display the average results for different interfaces for comparison, as well as your result for comparison.

Let's sum it up

Not a single service was able to determine the maximum possible indicators characteristic of our Internet connection. Therefore, to test the maximum incoming speed, you can use the program. To do this, find a popular distribution that has 20 or more seeders, download it and watch the speed.

When testing, remember that the reason for the low speed may also be the low performance of your computer.