The names of many professions are borrowed from other languages. One of these professions is a promoter. Who is a promoter and what does he do?

Who is a promoter?

You've probably met friendly young people on the street offering advertising flyers. Then you already know who a promoter is . This is a person advertising a product or service. Their goal is to interest a potential client in purchasing the product. These are not highly qualified marketers, but ordinary people, temporarily working as a product advertiser.

What does promoter mean? The name comes from English verb to promote, meaning ‘to promote’. The specialty closest in terms of responsibilities is salesperson. The promoter advertises, praises, and sometimes gives samples of the product, but does not sell it. It doesn’t push the product onto customers, but encourages them to buy it.

Promoters are mostly young people. Average age is 18–30 years old. Most of them are students working part-time between classes. The requirements are simple: availability of 3–4 hours a day, ability to communicate with strangers. Higher education is not required. Some companies offer short courses to teach the basics of marketing and various techniques for communicating with people.

How much does a promoter get paid? The amount of payments depends on the time and type of work. The most expensive are the services of girls and boys of model appearance, as well as students of theater universities. They are used in presentations, advertising shows and other prestigious events.

Promoter: what does he do?

What does a promoter do? He is friendly, smiles, makes eye contact with potential clients, starts a casual conversation and conducts consultations. It sounds simple, but it's not. Promoters talking to different people, each of which has its own mood. They are stress-resistant, polite and patient under any circumstances.

The responsibilities of the promoter include:

  • Distribution of promotional materials.
  • Conducting surveys, lotteries and prize draws.
  • Conducting consultations about the product.
  • Providing bonuses and gifts for purchases.
  • Participation in processions and other public events to advertise a product or brand.
  • Organizing pauses during presentations.

The main activity of promoters is the distribution of printed materials, flyers and other advertising products. It's a thankless job, especially when we're talking about about advertising unpopular products. People are busy with their own affairs, in a hurry, most often they are not in better mood. They refuse kind offers or are rude. Few people take an advertisement and keep the conversation going about the product. The most enjoyable is advertising of soft drinks and products for children. The target audience is happy to taste samples and is more willing to listen.

Most promoters consider this activity as a temporary part-time job. Few people pursue a career in marketing. Employers themselves offer such employment as temporary. Few people need promoters on a permanent basis - they are hired before an important presentation or during a large-scale advertising campaign.

Working as a promoter - affordable way earnings for youth. Despite some rough edges, the duties are not difficult. If you are a student looking for a way to improve your financial situation, be sure to try yourself as a promoter. By advertising products with a young company, you will not only earn money, but also have fun.

In the vocabulary of an ordinary Russian person there are quite a lot of borrowed foreign words, the meaning of which we sometimes do not fully understand. Quite often new terms appear, and we have to learn something else, for example, the profession of a promoter. And the question arises: “Promoters - who are they and what do they do?” This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Promoters - who are they?

Despite the fact that we may encounter this word every day, not everyone knows and fully understands its meaning. In fact, everything is very simple. The person who loves advertising and is closely involved in it, advertising various goods and services, is a promoter. Moreover, this can be done either by one person or by a certain group of people. By the way, this is a very interesting and versatile profession, which has its pros and cons.

What do promoters do?

Very often in major cities There are advertisements: “Promoter wanted.” Job vacancies are not constantly posted. His responsibilities include engaging in the most diverse activities that are necessary to promote a product or service. Usually this is promotional events, in crowded places. All work is controlled by a special agency of promoters, which enters into deals with customers for active advertising of their products.

Promoters - who could it be?

Any boy or girl aged 16-25 can become a promoter. as a rule, free or negotiated with the employer. Such employment can be easily combined with other work or with study. Absence higher education such busyness is not a hindrance. On the contrary, this is an excellent opportunity without giving up education.

Positive and negative sides work as a promoter

Undoubtedly positive qualities is a combination with the main activity and a free schedule, unlimited number of hours of employment, hourly pay. Plus, promoters have the opportunity to constantly meet people and communicate. You can make significant progress, become a manager or curator and, of course, gain invaluable experience. Now we can point out the negative aspects, namely: relatively low fees, the very attitude towards promoters, uncertainty about the constancy of one’s activities.

Politeness is the key to good work as a promoter

Many people think: "Promoters - who are they? And what do these annoying people want? It seems like their goal is to harass people on the streets?" Not at all, these are the same workers as the rest of us, only each has its own function, and this needs to be understood. Sometimes you can see rudeness towards promoters and obvious disrespect, and this really hurts, but the real workers persevere and continue to perform their duties. You just shouldn't pay attention to everyone. Who knows, maybe some of them will have to work in this area. The main thing is mutual respect for each other, and it doesn’t matter what this person is doing at a certain point in his life.

Over the past few decades, hundreds of new professions have come to us. Some of them may not be that new, but the names are definitely unfamiliar. For example, who is promoter and what does he do? Few people can clearly answer the question, although the profession is popular, especially among young people.

What is the average promoter like?

Most often the promoters we meet are:

  1. Right on the street.
  2. Near some large store.
  3. Inside the supermarket.
  4. At a busy intersection.

Their main task is to promote a brand . It doesn't matter what you advertise. The main thing is that they pay well for it. If a young man or girl distributes leaflets near the crossing, they are formally promoters. They distribute advertising materials among the population, which in turn promotes one of the brands. For this type of work you will not need:

  • Higher education.
  • Any skill level.
  • Experience.
  • Extensive knowledge in this area.
  • Some specific skills.

All you need to do is look friendly and attractive so that passersby will want to take the coveted advertisement. You can also push for pity, but this is not very beneficial for the company’s image.

For beginner animators.

On the streets of the city you can see people in suits who are also advertising something. These are exactly the same promoters, but already "a higher level". A bright suit is used to attract attention and create an image, and not to entertain onlookers. Everyone is already tired of outdoor advertising, but it’s hard to pass by a two-meter guy in a pink elephant suit.

And along with the event, you will also remember the store or establishment that this pink elephant advertised. For the owners, the benefits are obvious: the suit is not that expensive, and an increase in the employee’s salary will not ruin anyone. With a slight increase in spending, the return increases several times, if not tens of times.

These “plush toys” must remember a couple of advertising phrases or rhymes. If passers-by have questions, the employee must answer them politely and courteously; if children want to be photographed, it is recommended not to refuse.

But all the requirements again come down to good nature, politeness and sociability. Some artistry is desirable, but not required. During the hiring process, they don’t pay much attention to this, except perhaps as an additional plus.

Promoters collecting statistics

When leaving a hypermarket, everyone periodically comes across young girls or guys who want to take up some of your free time to conduct a survey. These are also promoters, but with their own specifics. If an organization does not want to order a survey from a sociological or analytical center, it hires such employees. During the day, they interview more than a hundred potential clients in their immediate areas of concentration.

In our case, the exit from the store is an ideal location; it is already clear what the visitor bought.

Your interlocutor will really only take a few minutes, and the data obtained will help optimize the work of the company he represents. If you believe in the common or delayed good, do not pass by people with such profiles.

Inside large stores you can come across stands with promotions. Behind each of them there will be a person who will be happy to tell you about the advantages of a company’s products and offer you to use a sample. Absolutely free, of course. More often advertised in this way food products and various cosmetic products.

It is better for such a promoter to know about all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed product, so as not to lose face. For these employees, special briefings.

Professionals in their field.

Are all representatives of the profession really employees with not the highest qualifications and salary levels? Not really, you've probably heard about such a position in professional boxing. There, the main task of the employee is to advertise and promote his fighter, organize boxing meetings for him and sign lucrative contracts for fights.

Boxer promoter receives its percentage and when we are talking about millions, these are substantial amounts.

Not one person, but an entire organization can act as a promoter. It all depends on the caliber of the athlete himself; it is rare when there is only one person behind the world stars. Usually this is a staff of well-trained specialists with a large department of lawyers.

There is a similar position in nightclubs, where this person organizes events:

  1. The responsibility for the success of the party falls on his shoulders.
  2. He organizes media support for a specific event.
  3. Makes up entertainment program and enters into contracts with musicians.
  4. And again, he also has a percentage of the total profit of the establishment.

In some establishments, the promoter receives a fixed fee wages or is a co-owner of the club.

But on the other hand.

Let's look at all these events from the side of the workers themselves. If you are a student, this is a very good option - in an hour you can earn several hundred rubles, after standing for three or four hours, you don’t have to think about what to live on for the next couple of days. The minimum requirements should also be safely attributed to the benefits of such work. You can “quit” at any time and look for a more interesting job.

Standing in the heat in suits or for 8-10 hours at an advertising stand is a dubious pleasure. But they pay more for this. Students should not be concerned about the age limit People up to 30 years old are accepted for this type of work.. Possibilities career growth are minimal, maximum you can take the place of the one who coordinates such events.

Every student knows who a promoter is and what he does. After all, this is an ideal option for part-time work. But “freeloading” won’t work; it may not be as easy as it seemed at first glance. First experience of working and earning money never hurts.

Video about promoters

Next in the video are the famous “Wanderers” Valentin and Ilya from the channel LizzTV They will try to work as promoters themselves. They will tell you about the amount of earnings of an average specialist, give useful tips, describe the advantages and disadvantages of the profession:

In modern market conditions In order to achieve high sales, trading companies conduct various types of promotions. The success of such an event largely depends on the person who organizes it, that is, on the promoter.

Who is a promoter and what does he do?

Promotions have become familiar to many of us. If a few years ago citizens of our country were wary of people who stopped them on the street and offered to try a drink or a cookie, now everything has changed.

In short, a promoter is a person who promotes a product (service) on the market. Here's "And what does he do?" - you ask. Everyone has probably ever met a pretty girl on the street in a short skirt and with a radiant smile. She usually speaks quickly and hands over a leaflet or offers to take part in some kind of action. So, she is the promoter. Or is it several girls in mall who offer to try some new product, or a young man dressed as a hamburger, or maybe another character, is also one of them. Whatever their role, their main goal is promotion (of a product, service, or even a person).


What job does a promoter do? His responsibilities are as follows:

These are generally the responsibilities of a promoter. And now that you know who a promoter is and what he does, let's talk about how much he earns.

Payment for work

The salary of a person promoting a product depends on what exactly is required of him. If it’s simple, then the payment will be correspondingly low, if you consult, then it’s a little higher, and if he is required to organize a party, it’s even higher. If at the same time the promoter sells the product, he will receive a percentage on top of the sale. Any work is paid by the hour, and the more complex it is, the more earnings.

What should a promoter be like?

No special education is required to carry out promotions. Universities do not yet teach this specialty, but everything is ahead! This is not a profession, but rather a calling. Companies that require a promoter pay attention to the following qualities of the applicant:

    External data. The applicant (girl or boy) must, first of all, be attractive. As a rule, for girls it is long legs, lush breasts, tall height, long hair, etc. Appearance should be attractive, but not provocative (so that the buyer is not distracted).

    Age. Not younger than 18 and not older than 30 years old.

    Communication skills. A person should be easy to make contact, be relaxed, and have a large vocabulary.

    Literacy is also an important factor, because the promoter’s line of work will need to fill out questionnaires, tests, etc.

If this is a one-time job, then the selection will not be strict. As a rule, students are involved in promotional activities. That's probably all about who a promoter is and what he does. If you are interested in this activity, and you are suitable for it in all respects, then go ahead!

Main responsibilities, pros and cons of the job

A promoter is a person, the face of a company, who advertises/represents this company, as well as the goods or services offered.

We can say that the promoter different ways advertises certain things and attracts the target audience. The work of the promoter is monitored by a supervisor, who does this secretly or vice versa, being constantly or for some time next to the promoter.

What does a promoter do?

Usually the main criteria are the absence of tattoos/piercings/eyelash extensions/flashy manicure/braces and so on. Hair must be tied up, no makeup, clothes without a brand or branded by the company represented, shoes inconspicuous.

The promoter needs to clearly pronounce the text and give people the product. Sometimes you can find a promoter who simply hands out leaflets with headphones on and a straight face, so this is a type of irresponsibility of the employer or employee.

Tasting. The promoter is required to have a medical book, as well as everything that is required in previous paragraph. The job is to stand at the counter with a promotional product and talk about all the benefits, inviting people to try it.

This is not always the tasting of food products, but sometimes, for example, some services, such as blood pressure checks or weight measurements.

Posting leaflets. The promoter is not required to have any special features in appearance. The most important thing is to do the job well. Needs to be unstuck Flyers of different sizes for special stands, pillars, walls, inside/outside entrances and so on. Very often you need a photo report.

Distribution of leaflets/newspapers/magazines by mailboxes . The promoter is given keys and leaflets, as well as houses that need to be visited and promotional items placed in mailboxes. Sometimes keys to intercoms are not issued and promoters are forced to call apartments themselves and ask them to open them.

A photo report is often needed, but mostly they ask for photos of houses and entrances, and sometimes you need to take photos of leaflets, in such cases you don’t need to insert them completely.

Benefits of working as a promoter

  1. Opportunity to work without employment. To work as a promoter, it is not always necessary to do this every day, but it is enough to take tasks on, say, weekends, and complete them, thereby earning money for any additional needs.
  2. Flexible or free work schedule. Very often, the promoter is given the opportunity to work at any time of the day or night, the main thing is to submit the report on time. Or, let’s say, work at any time for two hours a day. This is very convenient, as you can combine study/main work/personal affairs and part-time work.
  3. Possibility of part-time work for minors. Since there is no need to get an official job, very often schoolchildren and students under eighteen years of age are ready for such work. This is in a great way earn money for your personal expenses.
  4. Ease of operation. Working as a promoter does not have any difficult aspects, so all physically capable people are ready for such part-time work. You don't really need anything other than a willingness to walk/stand on your feet a lot.

Disadvantages of being a promoter

  1. Temporary employment. Working as a promoter does not guarantee constant stable income, because sometimes there are simply no orders, or the customer has hired someone else. When choosing a job as a promoter, it is important to know that one month you can earn money from a prestigious job, and the next - nothing.
  2. Possibility of deception. Due to the fact that when working as a promoter you do not need to get an official job, there is a possibility that after completing this work, the customer simply will not pay for it, inventing reasons or completely ignoring calls and messages.
  3. . Promotional activities are quite energy-intensive, which is beyond the capabilities of some people due to lack of stamina and adaptability. physical exercise. Because of this, going to work every day is simply unrealistic, and the customer sometimes demands exactly this.
  4. Work does not depend on circumstances. Despite the rain, snow, hurricane, wind, the customer may demand to go to work regardless bad weather or other factors. If this is not done, then there is a possibility of losing your job, and it is also likely that the customer will be issued a fine and you will have to work another day for free, or for a lower price, which is an unreasonable use of your time.