To begin with, as always, a few useful tips. Always collect books and scrolls, and then read your magazine at your leisure. By the way, you will learn a lot of new things and, perhaps, get tips on how to proceed. If you still get stuck somewhere, then take a look at the quests section, maybe it will help out. With weapons here, everything seems to be quite clear - the one you receive later will be the most powerful. For example, at the end of the game I only used a scythe (Scythe) in close combat. But you can tell more about spells.

Scrye - with this spell you can see what is happening in the other world. Moreover, in a number of cases you will have to use it not for fun (looking at pictures, for example), but to pass key points(detection of people, objects...). However, all this is described in detail in the salt.
Ectoplasm is the very first attack spell. At first, of course, it is not bad, especially in “commonwealth” with a revolver or shotgun, but then it quickly becomes outdated due to the emergence of more powerful spells.
Dispel Magic - it will only take a few times to eliminate blue magic barriers.
Haste - increases speed, jumping ability. If you can’t jump over a chasm like this, then try again with this spell. Particularly effective when used in conjunction with flights.
Shield Spell - well, this is already clear. Creates a magical field that significantly weakens enemy attacks.
Skull Storm - shooting with skulls. At first it will be needed to destroy one wall, then it will be used only as a weapon. One of the most effective, by the way.
Lightning - in addition to being used as a weapon, they will have to shoot at certain objects in some places (open a door, raise a ladder).
Looks like that's all for now, let's go with the advice.

First, wander in front of the mansion, then use “Scrye” just before the entrance, you will see a corpse on a lamppost. Talk to the gardener on the left, near the trimmed bushes. Shoot all the rats and go inside.
Loading. Video, meeting with the servants.
Go to the end of the corridor, you will see a couple of ghosts. Take the first aid kit and go through the double doors on the right.
Loading. Video with Jeremiah.
Return to where you started, go down to the first floor of the main hall and through the open door. Loading.
Now go down to the first floor of the main hall and through the open door.
Go into the room on the right, talk to the ghost, then go through the door to the left of the gray door at the end of the corridor. Take the first aid kits in the corner, the cartridges from the mirror. In the winter garden, kill a couple of howlers, exit on the other side. In the large hall, take the spiral staircase to the second floor, through the door on the right. Push the shelf opposite and take the Amplifier on the balcony. Return to the stairs, go up even higher and again into Jeremiah's bedroom. Listen to his stories further.
Take the note on the floor, get a new spell - "Ectoplasm". In the living room, take the cartridges and go out the door.
Go down the corridor. Video clip.

Go into the room with the maid, then into the bedroom with the painting. You can look at it in "Scrye" mode. In the bathroom, pick up a first aid kit, leave the room and go along the passage to the left. Kill a couple of monsters in the corridor and move further along the corridor, past the wounded man.
Go down the main staircase and take the “Servant Key” under it. Then go through the door to the right of the stairs, to the right, in the room with paintings you will run into a door. You need a key to the east wing, which you don't have yet. Go left, through the left door. Loading.
In the room on the right, take the first aid kits, then into the room with the round table, past the dining room with the fireplace, talk to the fat cook. She will give you the "East Wing Key". Return to the beginning of this mini-episode.
Through the open doors opposite, you will find yourself in the library. Gawk at the ghost, then shoot the book he left on the shelf. Pick it up, leave the library and go to the door that was previously locked.
Through the door on the right, past the statues, through the double doors on the left. Go through the room with the statue, then past the dark corridor with swaying curtains, through the door.
The door opposite. This is a children's room. Here, take the book and first aid kit, exit and go left. The lights in the corridor will go out and a bunch of monsters will attack you. There will be a door on the left at the very end. Go through the room with the painting, a bright corridor with a mosaic, a corridor with curtains, then take the first aid kit from the lamp, through the door. Go up the stairs and meet a new monster. Under the stairs there will be a door that requires "Widow's Watch Key". Return to the start of the loading and go right.
Go down, at the fork to the left, at the top of the stairs in the cathedral take the "Priest Key". Now you can open the door in the priest's room, only then two cyanotic ghosts will run out and there will be a lot of fuss with them. Go through the cathedral, shoot the middle of the cross and pick up the dropped Amplifier. Return to the beginning of the download.
Go into the corridor with dangling curtains, through the central door. Past the fireplace and paintings of a ship, you will find yourself at a spiral staircase and a statue. Go upstairs, through the right door, you will come to a room with many lamps. Next to it will be a bedroom with a fireplace and a magazine. Knock down the door here.

You will find yourself in another reality. Fight monsters, find a sarcophagus, jump into it. Then jump on the slabs, they will start shooting at you. Head towards the gazebo floating in the distance (tiles will appear immediately below your feet). Take the new weapon "Tibetan War Cannon".

You will find yourself in the castle again. Take the "Garden Key" from the corpse and go to the place in the house where you spoke with the cook earlier. Just crawl through the fireplace first.
Down the stairs, into a curtained hallway, into the room opposite the nursery.
Past the knights, up the stairs, through the double doors.
Continue left, past the semicircular stone wall and through the open door.
Down the stairs, past the room with the fireplace and the ghost, into a semicircular corridor. The doors will slam shut behind you. After the battle with the monster, continue along this corridor. At the end, jump through the mirror (with a running start!), which is located next to the blue barrier. In the room with the star on the floor, light all the lamps, Then take the note in the center. A new spell "Dispel Magic" will appear. Go back to the blue barrier and use "Dispel" on it. Climb into the fireplace, they will lower you down.
Go to the kitchen to the door to the garden.
Go right, talk to the servants, then go out the gate.

Go around the hedge on the left, enter the main entrance with a lantern.
Go to the red curtains and press the lever on the right. The door will open, crawl into the hole in the wall.
Walk for a long time through the dark cave to the exit.
You will find yourself on the side of the grate that did not open before. Shoot the cracked slab in the lower left corner with something and climb into the hole again. Again, crawl for a long time through the dark cave, at the end along the stairs to the top.
Go out to the sea, get into the boat.


“Through the valleys and over the hills...” go further until you meet a tower. To get into it, you need to get the "Tower Key". From the tower go left (to the right, from the donkey, take the book), you will come to the ruins. Kill the bandits and take the "Tower Key". Return to the tower, open the door, take the "Chest Key" and "Sun Medallion". Leave the tower and return to the ruins and robbers. First, go to the barn, climb up, through the window, along the beams and go to the farthest room in the ruins. Open the chest and take the "Trapdoor Key". Find a ladder in the ruins, go down the other one to the basement, open the hatch in the floor.
Go left, walk for a long time... From the well to the left. You will come to the exit to the valley.
Climb to the very top of the castle, there jump on small stone blocks.
In the monastery, go to the wall indicated by the shadow with the cross. Lisbeth will appear, then go through the door on the left, into the dungeon. Climb up, jump along the beams to the dynamite sticks and shotgun. Now go back to where you entered the monastery and look for the catacombs (stone floor with holes). Use dynamite on it and jump down.

Go straight, then right, you will meet howlers. Then through the double doors at the end. Wander a little through the catacombs, next to the well at the door.

Up the steps and immediately to the right down the steps.
Jump on the stones and climb up. At the end of the path, take the book from the shelf and "Time Incarnation" and "Silver Key" from the chest. Return to the previous map (up the stairs).
This time go straight, you will run into a door that needs to be opened with a silver key.
Up the steps, then through the labyrinth. You will soon come to a room with barrels, to the left of it. You will see stairs and double doors that need to be opened using the "Gold Key". Return to the corridor and go further, past the holes in the wall that shoot darts, into the door.
Wander a little through the catacombs with skeletons, go out to new map(there is only one way out, you won’t miss).
Jumping up the steps, climb into the hole in the ceiling. Then don't go up any further, but go down into the next hole in the floor.
Meet Lisbeth again. At the end there will be a door that opens with the "Monastery Key". Crawl out of this hole and climb the stairs to the very top. On the ledge, from where you can see the cross on the monastery spire, use "Scrye". You will see a priest who opens the safe. From from the safe, take "Mercury Flask", "Monastery Key".
Return to the door to the dungeon and open the door with this key. Then wander along the dark corridors and fall into a room with stairs. Go up the stairs, turn the cross on the wall, into the door, then turn the same cross opposite. Come to the surface. You will see a small lake. Insert all three artifacts into the pedestals, touching them: “Mercury Flask”, “Time Incarnation”, “Sun Medallion”, jump into the lake.


Go around the monastery on the right, go inside and go upstairs through the double doors.
Go through the door where you saw Lisbeth earlier.
Go upstairs, go outside, cross the short bridge and through the door. Find yourself in the reading room. On the left there will be Molotov cartridges. Further up the stairs, on the right, take the scroll (arcane whorl) and go through the door opposite.
Go across another bridge, then along the stairs to the very top of the tower. Finish off the red-robed priest and take the Abbot Key.
Exit the tower, across the bridge.
Go through the reading room, through the door, and you will find yourself in the courtyard. Go to the wall where you met Lisbeth earlier. In the door on the right, press the lever, water will flow. Then turn right, up the steps. Click on the book and a passage will open. Further past the room with devils on the window, open the door using the "Abbot Key". Kill the monk, take the "Gold Key". Now jump out the window, standing on the priest's corpse first. Then go around the building along the cornice, past the stained glass window, jump from the roof to another roof, take the Amplifier. Climb into the tower, which is located opposite the tower with the cross. Fall into the hole.
Go downstairs and you will find yourself in a large temple with three priests. From the spit, go right, press the lever. Now you can take the scythe, your new and very powerful weapon.


Immediately go to the castle, go down into the dungeon, open the doors "Gold Key".
Go down and walk through the labyrinth for a long time.
Go through the pond, past the grate, up the stairs at the end, press the lever. You will meet Lisbeth in the labyrinth. At this point, fall into the hole.
You will find yourself in the water. Press the lever and go through the gate, then into the other one near the new reservoir. Then go left, go up the steps and press the lever. The pool will be empty, you will see the passage below. Jump into the water and into it. Pick up the scroll, go upstairs and fall into the pool from the bridge, through the double doors.
Go down the stairs, the grates will open further when the monsters start running. Then down the spiral staircase again. Eventually, meet the ever-elusive Lisbeth.
Video clip.
Go to it, you will fall down, then walk for a long time through the dark tunnels, climb out through the double doors.
Video clip.
Go to the room with the altar and cut Lisbeth with the scythe when she starts glowing white. Basically, you have to cut off her head. Take your head with you.
Video clip.
Go through the door that is right in front of you.

Go down the edge and jump over the gap (using Haste). Then climb up the vines, onto the ledge, then jump again, up the vine, into the cave.
Get on your boat and you'll find yourself back at the mansion.


Go to the gate, the gardener will meet you. You need to find "Kitchen Key". Kill the bandits and take the desired key and the note nearby from the corpse. Then go through the large double doors that are opposite the pond.
Go to the exit to the street on the other side (through the room with the fireplace, a couple more rooms, you will meet the servants along the way).
Below, at the statue, stock up on cartridges, dynamite and Amplifier. Return to the house.
Go into the room with an oval table and a fireplace, out the door, up the steps.
Right, right again, down a corridor with many doors, into double doors at the end.
Loading. Video clip.
Follow him into the room.
Loading. Video clip.
Through the double doors on the left, you will find yourself in a room with a screen. Have one book on the table and another in the corner with a mattress or something similar. Leave the room, go through the corridor with paintings.

Go down the stairs, through the door under the stairs, into the room opposite the nursery.
Through the curtained corridor, past the knights.
Go through the room with paintings, from the main staircase go out into the courtyard. Go through the small door on the left, the gardener will open the second one for you. Continue to the metal gate.
Go down for a long time and jump into the boat.


Go to the altar and take the scroll, deal with the flying magician. Get back on the boat.

Talk to the gardener again, then go to the gate to the castle courtyard. Do not go into the house itself, but go to another, metal gate. A servant will be waiting for you there and will tell you about the lighthouse keeper. Further to the right.

You will find yourself at the lighthouse. Climb to the very top of the lighthouse and talk to the keeper, he will give you the "Chest Key". Then go to his house (next to the lighthouse), open the chest in the attic with this key, take the "Lighthouse Gate Key". Then follow the path that starts at the gravestone to the gate.
Go to the center of the ruins and jump into the well.
Go down the ropes.
Jump along the boards in the water, across the bridge with lanterns, into the cave, and up the rivers. Climb up the beautiful staircase in the shape of a corkscrew, straight into the cave, then through the labyrinth.

Go to the elevator and ride it up. Jump into the lake and swim along the path illuminated by lanterns, then again along the bridge over the water. Into the house, through two doors.
Pass the corridor with traps, press several levers in the maze, enter the door.
In front of you will be a bunch of boxes with explosives (TNT). You need to blow up the one that is located by the grate and quickly run further before everything is covered with stones.
Video clip. Rescue from fire.
Take the ammunition from the chests and the scroll from the wall. You will acquire a new spell - shooting skulls. Shoot them at the walled up doorway and go further up the stairs. Return to the mansion.


Go into the house through the main entrance.
Up the stairs, to the left. The cook will meet you, then through other doors.
Kill the flying monsters and go through the gray double doors under the spiral stairs. Loading. Video clip. Jeremiah will be killed.
A battle with a huge monster, Ambrose, will begin. First, run from him, and when the “dog” grabs him by the leg, shoot at the green stone that is attached to his ax. He will immediately become normal height - jump up and cut off his head.
A video with a demon, then with monks (871 b.c.).
Go into the corridor, past the round wall, further along the corridor to the right and through the door.
In the hall with the main staircase, do not go down, but go through the door opposite, corridor, double doors on the left. In the room with the fireplace and armchairs, go to the paintings and take the book. Take the "Study Key" above the fireplace. Go back to the stairs, into the corridor from which you came.
In the corridor, don’t turn anywhere, you’ll run into a door, which you’ll open with this key. Above the fireplace, take "Widow's Watch Key". Return to the corridor and through the open door.
Further down the corridor, past a room with paintings of birds. Then to the mirror you jumped through earlier, down a hallway with many doors, into the double doors at the end.
Down the stairs, through the double doors on the left, you will use the "Widow's Key" and come to a large room with paintings. Jump through the window, you will be thrown onto the roof. Go inside and take the "Lightning Rod". Insert it on the altar. You will gain a new spell - lightning.Go into the house, down the stairs, open the left door with the help of lightning.
Down the stairs, through the far door, walk along the little balcony and through the door to the new balcony.
From here you can see the tower you need to get into. Shoot lightning at the pin on the left and the stairs will rise. Climb up along it, go along the roof to the tower, break the stained glass window and jump along the broken stairs to the very top (use "Haste"). At the end, jump into the rising stream and fly upward.

Go across the bridge, then right. You will come to a green portal floating in the air, into it. Loading.
On the second map with several portals, go to the room with steps that rest against the wall. Use "Scrye", you will see a new portal at the top of the steps, climb into it.
Along the slabs to the left, take the "Energy Key", then into the blue portal. Jump out of the green.
Now find and jump into the blue portal.
You will find yourself on the previous map. Go to the grate and use the "Energy Key". Then go to the tower, jump into the hole in the floor.
Jump to the castle, use the "Dispel Magic" spell at the blue magical barrier. Now jump into the courtyard, along the tiles that appear out of nowhere to the far platform. There, go into the blue portal.
Walk along the bridge and fall down into the white portal. The other bridge will collapse, but you will return to it.
Go left, into the brown door with metal buttons.
Wander around the castle a little, to open the bars you need to click on the slabs in the floor. Behind one of the grates you will come to a well and a pedestal into which you will need to insert the “Sextant”. Back down the stairs, turn the small wheel - water will come out. Return to the well, fall down, swim through the pipe, take the "Sextant". Place it on a pedestal and the water will strangely rise to the top. Jump into it and "swim" to the next floor. Go to the blue portal.
Kill the "dog" by first destroying the blue protective "fields" using "Dispel Magic". Go to the boiler over the coals, turn the valve, water will come out. Now shoot at the coals, fire will appear and steam will come out of the boiler. Run up the stairs and into the room on the right. Press the lever on the fan, it will spin and open the grille. Take the "Energy Key". Back to the stairs, into the room opposite, insert the key, up the stairs.
Go to the tower, into the blue portal.
Loading. Video clip.
In the room with the lever, go straight through the double doors. There are two portals - go to the blue one.


Go to the castle, to the left of the pedestal with flowing blood, take the book. Climb along the fallen stones into the pool of blood and swim down. Pick up "Ancient Artifact", swim next to the large statue. Look at it in "Scrye" mode. The statue will ask you to kill it and will show you its heart, shoot it and then pick up the "Human Heart". The room will drown in streams of blood, swim to the grate, it will open. Climb up the tower along the bridge, and up the other one. Place your heart on the altar and it will go down. Take the scroll and go to the blue portal.
Go out the doors, to the right, up the stairs. Place the artifact on the pedestal. If you put it in other places, it will end very badly. Now press the lever in the main room, a column will rise. Take the scroll and receive a new spell that allows you to fly, although not for long. Fly onto the column and into the blue portal.
Now you can fly over the abyss in the place where the bridge collapsed, then into the blue portal.
Jump on the platforms in the air to the castle above. When flying, you need to look up, not forward. In the castle, go around the room with a barrier in the center; in the tower, fly to the very top, stopping on small ledges. There's a blue portal.
Go straight through the double doors and exit to the edge of the area. At first glance, there is nowhere to go further, but you boldly go forward and... you will find yourself on the stairs. Follow it up, then go around the building on the right. Climb onto the fallen rocks and jump onto the ledge above. Then, climbing the stairs encircling the castle, higher and higher.
Kill Kissinger. You can fly onto the metal columns in the center and kill him there with your scythe, he will fly up close. Then jump into the niche in the very center of the area. Loading.
In the tower, fight with Kisinger again, just don’t fall into a bottomless well.

Go down to the very bottom of the tower, through the double doors.

Go into the corridor with the knights, to the right.
Video clip. Up the stairs
Past the semicircular wall, you will come across Bethany's room. But first you need to get the key. Go further into the room with arches.
Down the stairs, down the corridor. On the right, by the way, there will be Aaron's room, which you will need to return to soon. Then along the corridor, past your “favorite” mirror, into a room with an iron grate. The butler will talk to you there. Go through the door using "Work Room's Key".
In the courtyard, jump down, climb along the beam to another roof, and from there take the stairs up. Use jump (with "Haste") to jump onto the roof with open window. Climb through the window, take the book and go downstairs. Go to your portrait.
Video clip.
Kill the monster, take "Bethany's Room Key". Then leave the building and go to the iron gate in the dark passage.
To the large wooden gate on the left, open it with Bethany's key.


Go out onto the road, at the fork to the left (on the right, behind the flowers, there will be first aid kits). Further past the stone fence, into the house in the center of the lake. In the room with the "potbelly stove" use "Scrye" - you will see Bethany drawing something on the floor. Shoot there and pick up "Aaron's Room Key" and "Aaron's Jaw". Return to the mansion.
Go through the double wooden doors.
From the dining room, go left through the door, up the stairs, again past the beloved mirror, and into Aaron’s room. Here you only need to walk along the wall (!), otherwise you will be instantly thrown out into infinity. Take "Bethany's Room Key" and go out into the corridor. Now go to Bethany's room (on the way, look a couple more times at the endlessly adored inscription - Loading.) Take the book from the mirror, kill the monster. A new door will open, go down the stairs.

Approach the chained Aaron and insert his jaw into him. He will immediately start swinging his chain. Now quickly run to the wooden door, where his stupid chain will get stuck. Run up to him and cut off his head.


Walk along the road, take the book. Near the river, jump onto a fallen tree, from it onto the ledge (by the way, you can crawl inside). Go upstairs.
Again, wander upward for a long time, into a cave in the rock.

After a couple of rooms there will be a fork. Go left, across the bridge over the lava. You will find yourself in a room with a hole in the center. Run around its perimeter and touch the bowl, the lava will begin to flow. Quickly run out of this room and now turn right at the fork. In the cave with fire, go up, kill the phoenix in the round room, take its egg. The door will open. Break the vases, there will be more phoenix eggs. Go through the tunnel.
Along the bridge over the abyss, to the right into the cave.
Climb the steps for a long time, from the flower up the stairs, then up again...
At the column, turn the wheel, then walk along the edge of the cliff past the waterfalls, at the very end to the right.
Get out of the cave, follow the path all the way. You will see a tower with a closed door at the bottom. You need to get into it. To do this, first fly to the neighboring tower, and from there to the one with the door. Or you can climb onto the ledge and then jump out the window. Inside, spin the wheel and the door next to this tower will open. Through the door, through the tunnel.
Go out to the river, jump over the rocks to the other side. Soon you will come to huge doors in the rock, which will open only after you kill the flowers and witches.
Here look to the left, there you will see a root in the wall. Shoot there, a flower will appear in a niche. Now you need to kill a similar flower on the other side, its root is barely noticeable. The doors will open. Follow the path between the rocks to the very top.
Loading. Video clip.
Fight Bethany until she gets tired. Then just cut off the head.
Video clip.


The most last fight. You will find yourself on an island, and some kind of creepy monster. First, cut off his lower tentacles, he will begin to try to suck you into his stomach. Shoot him in the stomach, he will open his brains, then you will have to fly a little in them. In general, shoot in the head, stomach and brains until this beast finally dies.
Do you know what I am most happy about now? Yes, because I will no longer see this ubiquitous Loading for any reason or without it at all. No, well, it might get boring in the end.

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Russian version.
Curse of the Past - a short of 4 chapters in which you have to escape from the island. It's time to reveal the secrets of your life. Fight what you created and face the consequences. Are you ready to escape your past? Solve riddles and collect three pieces of the letter to find out who you are.

Game interface language: Russian. (Translation - Playpaints)

We are offering to you complete guide to the passage of the game "Secrets of the past. Persecution of the Salem witches." Secrets of the past: Salem Witch Trials - walkthrough. The instructions contain pictures and explanations for each step of the game. If you still have questions about how to beat the game, write on the forum.
You can also find tips and help for games from this series:

We go through the game "Hidden Objects", we get clue-crow And clover leaf (1/50).
If you collect all 50 clover leaves, you will unlock a special game mode - Hidden Objects.
If you can't find all the items, open the doors near the grandfather clock - I had a black cat .
There is also on the table talisman coin "Star of Luck".
The last item to search for will be the Presidential Seal (shown in yellow).

After the search, we ask all possible questions to the ghost in order to get as much information as possible.
We take the ghost by the hand and are transported to the cemetery.

Let's take it clue-crow.
We examine Andrei's grave (shown in green).
Click on the fresh grave to start a hidden object mini-game.
Let's take it clue-crow.
We find among objects 2 leaf clover (3/50)(shown in green).
If you can’t find all the items, open the coffin lid - I had one in my coffin broom.
The last task will be to find wire cutters(shown in yellow).
We go right, to the bridge.

Let's take it shovel blade.
We examine the grave and pay attention to the date - 29 February 1692. This information will be recorded in the diary.
We try to go through the bridge, after which it will be destroyed - we will have to go to the gates of Salem.

At the gate
Let's take it clue-crow And clover leaf (4/50).

Click on the gate to get closer.
We pick you up at the gate again clue-crow And clover leaf (5/50).
We cut the lock with wire cutters.
We fill the cells with dice so as to get the year numbers from the grave near the bridge (1692).
Welcome to the village of Salem.

Salem Village
First we meet the ghost of the writer, who again asks for help and suggests that the answers to the questions lie within these walls.
We move left, towards the courthouse.
We take the tombstone sign Salem founder Roger Conant is in the bushes on the right.
Then we carefully examine the sign near the building so as not to miss important information.

We return to the entrance to the village and go right, to the house of Philip English.
We head to the barn.
Let's take it clue-crow And clover leaf (6/50).
We go through a search for objects.
Don't forget to pick up another one clue-crow And 2 leaf clover (8/50).
To find some items, pull out the drawer
We open the cabinet doors to take the last item - shovel handle.
We return to the cemetery to the statue.

Cemetery. Statue
Let's take it clue-crow from a branch.
Click on the stone pedestal and pick it up clover leaf (9/50).
We insert a memorial plaque into the recess on the pedestal.
We talk with the spirit of Roger Conant.
We combine the handle of a shovel and the blade of a shovel in our inventory, we get a whole shovel.
We step into the dug grave to move on to the next chapter.

Secrets of the past: Persecution of the Salem witches walkthrough - Part II: Find out the circumstances of death

A big tree
We take it away clue-crow, clover leaf (10/50) And railway spike.
We approach the tree and take cane with snake.
We look into the extinct fire to the right of the tree, take college icon.
To the left of the tree in the distance there is some kind of glow - this is a search area for objects.
We are looking for all items from the list.
We take it away clue-crow And 2 leaf clover (12/50).
To find all the items, click on two snowdrifts - the things we need are hidden under them. We also open the backpack on the right.
After searching we get: jerky, sugar, frying pan And matches.
We move from the tree in a northeast direction along the Dirt Road to Plymouth.

On the way we met a wolf, we give him dried meat and move on.
In Plymouth: collecting clue-crow And clover leaf (13/50).

Let's bring the train closer.
Let's take it clue-crow And clover leaf (14/50).

We can’t easily get onto the train; the ghost guard constantly interferes.
Let's go to the hotel.
In the window of the house we find clover leaf (15/50).

Hollingworth Hotel
Let's take it clover leaf (16/50).
Let's give the old ghost of Talbot a cane with a Snake to start a conversation, in return he will give us silver coin.
We'll give the college badge to the security guard.
The ghost of Franklin Pierce will appear - we talk to him, and then to other ghosts.
Now we can go to the examination room.

Let's take it clover leaf (17/50).
Click on the suitcase and talk to the ghost doctor.
Let's pick up what the doctor dropped stethoscope from the floor.
Once again we look into the suitcase and take it away scalpel.
Let's talk to the ghost of Hawthorne that appears.
Then click on the bag on the table under the window to climb into it.
Security will carry the bag onto the train.

Using a scalpel, we cut the ropes on the bag to get out.
Let's use matches and light the lamp.
Let's take it clover leaf (18/50).

Through the door on the right we enter the engine room.
We take it away clover leaf (19/50) And coal.
We go back and go left, into the president's carriage.

President's carriage
Let's take it clover leaf (20/50) and a book ( Morse code) under the round table.
Let's zoom in on the desktop.

Click on the books.
We use coal on the paper that fell out of the secret compartment.
We put the book with Morse code on the table.
Each line on paper corresponds to a number in a book with Morse code - we check the book to find out the code.
Perhaps in different games different variants solutions. In our case (see screenshot - this is the code 5703 ).
Let's take it right away clover leaf (21/50).

Click on the bust on the shelf behind the table to reveal a hidden safe.
Let's zoom in on the safe and place the stethoscope on it.
Turn the dial clockwise until the stethoscope “reacts.”
Then counterclockwise until the same effect, and then clockwise again.
If everything is done correctly, the stethoscope will disappear.
We pull the handle of the safe and open it.
Let's take a closer look at the book.
We dial the code (in our case, 5703), which we solved using Morse code, and press the button. We take it away President's diary.
Now we know that the writer died from a curse.

Hawthorne's ghost appears, we give him President Lincoln's diary.
The ghost takes us to big tree, we jump into the shining grave.

Archaeological research into the remains of ancient cities and burials, travel between worlds, acquaintance with ghosts and magic. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about ancient cultures and customs and perhaps make your first discovery!
Explore winding and overgrown paths, hidden rooms behind bookshelves and locked doors. Solve puzzles, look for hidden objects, assemble puzzles, repair mechanisms, pick locks, study mining technology and make mathematical combinations. Successfully complete the task - and you are one step closer to the solution!
As you move deeper into the island, the number of difficult tasks will only increase. Don’t give up, because you have a real scientist with you who will always help good advice. But if he turns out to be powerless, then the archaeologist’s brush will definitely not let you down!

Game information
Name in Russia: Secrets of the Past: The Curse of Columbus
Original name: Ancient Spirits: Columbus" Legacy
Genre: Adventure | Logic
Developer: Cerasus Media
Publisher: Alawar
Year of issue: 2011
Publication type: License
Interface language: Russian
Tablet: Not required
Platform: PC
Size: 128 MB

System requirements:
- operating system: Microsoft® Windows® XP |VISTA |Seven
- Processor: 1Ghz
- RAM: 512 Mb
- Video card: 64 Mb
- Sound card: DirectX 10.0 compatible

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We recommend downloading the game Secrets of the Past: The Curse of Columbus via torrent for free on your computer in one click without registration. Select the Russian version of the game in the table and click on the green button. Remember, the greater the number of downloaders and distributors, the faster the download speed. Keep in mind that to download via torrent you need a torrent client program, for example uTorrent. If you don’t have such software yet, install it, or just download the game directly from a file hosting service.

How to download for free Secrets of the Past: The Curse of Columbus?

The best way to download Secrets of the Past: The Curse of Columbus without a torrent for free is to download via a direct link without viruses from secure file hosting services. Such as: Unibytes, DepositFiles. Principle of operation everyone has one - in 4 steps. 1 Go to the file page; 2 Select regular download, refusing “Premium” access (no, thanks); 3 Wait for the countdown; 4 Enter the captcha (characters from the picture) and get a direct link to the file from the server. The order of these steps differs from service to service, the main thing is to read further tips. After these simple operations, you can install the game on your PC and it will work without bugs and brakes even on Windows 10. If you still can’t download, click on the “How to download?” button, where you will find a detailed video review of each specific file hosting service.

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We offer you a complete guide to completing the game "Secrets of the Past. Persecution of the Salem Witches." Secrets of the past: Salem Witch Trials - walkthrough. The instructions contain pictures and explanations for each step of the game. If you still have questions about how to beat the game, write on the forum.
You can also find tips and help for games from this series:
walkthrough of the game Secrets of the Past: The Mystery of Houdini's Death .

Secrets of the Past: Salem Witch Persecution walkthrough - Part IV: Investigate the Curse (continued)

We examine the customs door and insert the key.
We solve the puzzle: use the arrows to rotate the plate 90 degrees, the coin must pass 4 buttons, after which a hole will open, where you need to throw the coin.
We select silver coin (3) from the threshold and enter the building.

*all pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them

Let's take it clover leaf (42/50).
We find blue vase And 7 mirror fragments.
We give the rag doll from the inventory to the ghost of the girl in the mirror.
The furniture has been assembled into a staircase - the passage to the attic is now accessible.

We collect clover leaf (43/50) And red float.
On the right side of the screen is a hidden object area.
We immediately find clue-crow And 2 leaf clover (45/50).
The last item on the list will be door knob.


We go to the far corner of the attic, take green vase.
We examine the top drawer of the bedside table, take it potholder.
Use an oven mitt to open the oven door.
We take it away key, through the hatch in the floor we go to the warehouse.

To solve the puzzle you need to change the color of the beam and direct it at the ghost. First, our ghost is red.
We insert a red float into the hole in the window and place a mirror fragment at the end of the beam. The ghost turns green.
Then we place a green vase in the window and install 2 mirror fragments. The ghost turns blue.
We place the blue vase and arrange the remaining fragments so that the beam hits the ghost.
Let's take it clover leaf (46/50) And barrel lid.
We talk with the ghost of Dorothy.


Let's look at a house hidden in a secret place and open it using door handle, which was found in the attic.
To solve the puzzle, you need to move the blue books so that you can easily pull out the red book.
After completing the mini-game we get book.
We leave the customs building and move towards the construction of the House of the Seven Gables.

House of the Seven Gables
We place the book in the center of construction and build a house.

We enter the house. We find at the door piano key.
Let's talk to the ghost Gethsiba.

We go out into the garden, where we need to find bouquet, white rose, broom handle And mushroom.
We approach the well, take it away barrel lid And bucket of tar.

Now you can return to the house.
Putting the ghost in the basket bouquet, white rose, mushroom, corn and gingerbread man .
We get cabinet key.
We go into the room on the right.
We take it away 2 dice on the chair to the left of the fireplace, piano key (2) on the fireplace and clue-crow on the armchair.

We go out into the foyer and go up the stairs to the second floor.
We take it away notes from the far wall and clue-crow from the railing
We go into the room on the right.

Room on the right
We click on the portrait that stands on the nightstand - the ghost of Phoebe appears.
We examine the picture on the wall.
We look into the second box from the bottom and take away 2 playing chips And piano key (3).
We take the second part from the wall notes.
We go out into the foyer and go into the room on the left.

Room on the left
Let's take it clue-crow And clover leaf (47/50).
We find piano key (4) on the table.
Taking a portrait Alice off the wall.
We insert cabinet key into the keyhole of the door on the left.

We go through a search for objects.
We immediately find clue-crow And 2 leaf clover (49/50).
The last item will be piano key (5).

We return to the room and examine the harpsichord.
On the right side of the inventory field we connect 2 parts of notes, we get score.
We place the score on the harpsichord in the upper right part of the screen.
We insert the missing five keys into the keyboard.
We tune the piano by placing the strings by length in descending order.
We talk with the ghost of Alice and receive from her scenery.
We head to the room below.

Room downstairs
Hanging scenery on a hook in the wall.
Read and take away agreement.
We click on the picture on the wall and are transported to the forest.

Let's talk to the ghost guard and follow him.
Finding the last one clover leaf (50/50) and a book.

Let's go to the altar.
We collect 4 silver tips.
Click on any of the ghosts to open the ceremony.

Click on the couple in the center of the screen and talk to the ghost that appears.
We take it away cape from the altar.
We go down into the underground passage, go forward, open the door to the basement.

If you haven't collected 50 clovers yet, then you can take another one here clover leaf (51/50).
We lift from the floor barrel lid.
By using hex wrench unscrew the bolts and open the lid of the tomb (coffin).
We read the note inside.

Click on the door to go to the courthouse.
There is more before the descent clover leaf (52/50).

We leave the courthouse and head to the dungeon.

We approach Sarah and pick her up witch sign(W).
Let's talk to the ghost of English in another cell.
The puzzle is activated.
We take a pike from the inventory and connect figures of the same color so that the lines do not intersect.

Let's take it cage key from the barrel and insert it into the keyhole.

We pass through an underground tunnel.
While you are moving along the aisle, you can finish collecting 6 clover leaves (58/50).
On the left wall, click on the protruding stone.
A staircase appears.

We go up the stairs to the customs building.
We leave the task and head to the garden near the house of seven gables.
We approach the well.

To go down to the bottom of the well, we use the barrel lids from the inventory: first with one notch, then with two, then with three.
Turn the lids until they fit on the ledges and go down (they will not be visible).
At the bottom of the well we pick up skeleton And stairs.

We take the ladder and, to install it, click at the top of the well.
Using ship planks from the inventory, we repair the boat in which the skeleton lay (it looks more like not a boat, but the lower part of a coffin).
We douse the boat with a bucket of tar.
We combine a frying pan and a broom handle in our inventory, we get paddle.
Take the finished oar and click on the boat.
We cross the bridge and find ourselves on Gallows Hill.

Gallows Hill
We put the skeleton in the grave - ghosts appear.
We give the witch sign (W) from the inventory to the judge (the ghost in the middle) - Hawthorne appears in his place, click on the witch sign again. Gorton turns into a judge.
Then we click on the glowing silhouette on the tree and are transported to the entrance to the cave.

Cave entrance
At the entrance to the cave we collect millstone, wooden stake, and also here there is clover leaf (59/50) And clue-crow.

Click at the bottom of the screen and be transported to a large tree.
Click on the blue glow on the left side of the screen and find all the things, including hand drill.
We return to the large tree and click on the upper left side of the screen to return to the cave.
On the right side of the inventory field we combine a hand drill and a railway spike, we get Boer.
Using a drill, drill a hole in the stone.
We insert a wooden stake into the hole and hit it with a millstone.
We enter the cave.

Let's talk to the spirit of the Petrel.
We give the spirit the contract from the inventory.
We receive the Atlantic magazine from the spirit and are transported to the oval office.

Oval Office
We give the Atlantic magazine to the sitting ghost.
We talk to all the ghosts in turn.
After all the ghosts have disappeared, click on the carpet and be transported to the judge’s office.

Judge's office
Click on the blue glow and look for all the hidden objects.
We take the Code of Laws and return to the office.
Let's go to left side office.
Place the Code of Laws from inventory on the bookshelf.
We take the Jailer's keys from the wall and click on the wooden block to make a puzzle appear.
We click on the cells in the order in which they are highlighted, although sometimes you have to choose.
Solution: Click on the cells in the order: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q.
We take it away silver coins , we leave the courthouse and go to the dungeon to free the prisoners.

Release of prisoners
We go into the dungeon and approach the cage with the girl.
Using the Jailer's keys, we free the prisoners.
We select a silver ribbon from the floor.
Let's talk to the girl, she will give us the key.
We leave the dungeon and head to Sarah's house.

At Sarah's house
We go into the house and, using the key that the ghost of the girl gave us, open both chests.
We take the red shoe from the left chest.
From the right chest we take the domino bones and the silver branch.
We leave Sarah's house and go to the house of seven gables.

In the house of seven gables
We go into the house and go into the room on the right.
On the fireplace grate, click on the two protruding parts.
We go into the secret passage.
We collect dominoes above the door and on the stairs.

Click on the door to start solving the Sudoku puzzle.
To solve the puzzle you need to substitute the missing numbers, and so that not a single number is repeated in a column, column or square.
To do this, we use dice, chips and dominoes that can be rotated.
If everything is done correctly, the door to the secret room will open.

We take it away clue-crow from the window.
We look into the chest and take it bag of coins.

We leave the house and are transported to the cemetery to the statue.
We step into the grave to find ourselves near a large tree.
We head to the cave.

In a cave
Place the silver ribbon, silver branch, silver tips and silver coins on the wall in the cave.

Congratulations! Completed Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials.