A resume is a short document that describes you and your professional skills.

When drawing up such an important document, be sure to write only the truth. Don't put yourself on a pedestal. It should be competent, clear and concise. Take care of appearance, stick to the formal style.

The volume of text is 1-2 sheets, no more. Print in an easy to read font, highlight important points and be sure to attach a photo. As for the photo, it should look something like a passport. Choose a suitable photo, with a suitable form of clothing, not necessarily full-length (unless it is mandatory for the employer), the background of the photo is preferably neutral. Without unnecessary pathos, you get a job, always remember this.

What information should be included in your resume?

The resume must be structured and exist rough plan compilation. Below is an example, try to stick to it.

  1. Personal data;
  2. Education;
  3. Experience;
  4. Labor skills;
  5. Achievements;
  6. PC proficiency;
  7. Personal qualities;
  8. Additional Information/

Let's look at each point in detail.

1. Personal data - what should be in this section?

  • Full name - write full last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Date of birth - indicate the date, month and year of birth in full (write in numbers).
  • Residence address - it is better to indicate the city and area of ​​residence, for personal purposes. confidentiality since you place it on the Internet portal.
  • Phone number - write your mobile number to quickly contact you.
  • Email - if you send out your resume yourself, a response will be sent to you by email.
  • Marital status - married/married, single/unmarried, if there are children and what year of birth (optional, but desirable).


Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna

Purpose of the resume: applicant for the position of HR inspector

photo Date of birth: November 19, 1977

Residence address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 5, apt. 37.

Phone number: +7834764368

Email: [email protected]

Marital status: Married, two children, born in 2005 and 2008.

2. Education- In this paragraph, indicate what education you have. If there are several, please list them in order. The date of admission, date of graduation, name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualification obtained are required.


2007–2009 Donetsk National Technical University

Faculty: retraining

Specialty: economist

Qualification: specialist

1995–2000 Donetsk National University


Specialty: psychologist

Qualification: specialist

3–4 Work experience, work skills - you should briefly summarize your work history.

  • Date of admission and date of dismissal from your position (the article under which your employment contract was terminated);
  • Name of the enterprise, company;
  • Position held;
  • Transfers, appointments, upgrades (very important, can be tracked career).

After you have indicated the position, briefly describe the job responsibilities.

Many people recommend not to write job responsibilities if you are applying for a position. But it’s better to write that in each company the operating principle is the same, but the job responsibilities are different. The employer must initially see what you did. For a better perception of your resume, combine work experience and work skills into one paragraph.



(7 years, 4 months) Phoenix LLC

Reason for dismissal: Article 38 of the Labor Code of Ukraine - personal desire.

Head of HR Department:

Conducting personnel records (hiring, dismissal, transfer, vacation, drawing up staffing);

Maintaining T2 cards.

5. Achievements - this section is very important. If the previous part of the resume is template, you should try harder here. Reflect all the achievements that you achieved in your previous job. The employer wants to see the result of your work. Describe specific data and preferably support it with numbers.

Just remember that the information contains trade secrets of your previous place of work. If you share such information, please do not provide exact details. And more specifics. Do not write: provision, promotion, implementation - this suggests that you were just about to do this and you were fired.

And if you write: provided, promoted, implemented and at the same time confirm in percentage terms, then they will be more interested in your personality. Your results are obvious. Therefore, you can be described as a productive and goal-oriented person.

It is better to give an example of achievements from your last place of work or previous one, but do not write ten years ago.

It is important to write down the achievements you have achieved in your profession. Do not write the success of the chief accountant if you worked as an economist. There are times when you want to change your occupation, then you need to bring your victories as close as possible to your new career growth goals.

There are professions where there are no outstanding services to the enterprise. The employee performs monotonous, monotonous work every day, then establish yourself as a reliable and responsible performer.

If you just graduated from a higher educational institution, and naturally, you have no achievements, then do not apply for a well-paid job. Many young professionals think that they “can do everything” after graduating from university.

Don't grab the stars from the sky, your achievement is the desire to learn and improve your level of knowledge.

  1. Increased product sales volumes by 15%;
  2. Increased marginal profit by 15%;
  3. Attracted potential clients and achieved a positive attitude towards our company. Has proven the status of a reliable partner. Sales area: Trained and shared experience with successful sales techniques;
  4. Developed an effective sales plan, due to which sales increased by 24%.

Administrative position:

  1. Worked her way up from secretary to regional director;
  2. Developed a comprehensive development plan for the branch;
  3. She organized the branch from scratch and brought it to a decent level of profit.

Technical specialties:

  1. Ensured information security;
  2. Organized the work of the department;
  3. Developed regulatory documents on information technology.

6. Computer skills. Do not write in this section - experienced user. Today, almost everyone has PC skills. Again you have to be specific. Describe what programs, office applications, systems you work with. It is imperative that you are an experienced Internet user; now they very often work through email, work on social networks, and so on.


Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and by email(Outlook Express), graphic editors (Photoshop, CorelDRAW), professional programs: CRM, BSCS, SAP, 1C:Enterprise 7 and 8. Knowledge operating systems Windows and Linux.

7. Personal qualities. Whatever you write here, all the qualities are good. Particularly valued are: responsibility, punctuality, non-conflict, communication skills, diligence, accuracy. Any set of such qualities characterizes you on the positive side.

But no matter what you write when you come to the interview, the HR manager will determine your qualities at first glance. And sometimes they will make a discovery for you. Therefore, when compiling personal qualities, take into account the opinions of others and each profession has its own qualities.


Assistant manager: Accuracy, attentiveness, pleasant appearance, sociability, competent speech. Operator: Grammatically correct speech, stress resistance, punctuality, responsibility.

Sales consultant: Friendliness, sociability, desire to earn money, high stress resistance.

8. Additional information. Here you can write information that will focus on your professional activities. Do not list personal qualities, professional skills, all this is stated above. You can mention language skills, driver's license.

As for hobbies, this moment- this is a very controversial issue. Some people believe that hobbies do not affect professional qualities. Let's look at this issue.

If you are a very young specialist, then the “Hobby” column will save your resume. Do not write in general phrases, show your individuality. Therefore, write hobbies that are related to professional education.

To make your resume stand out from others, write hobbies that highlight character, drive, and perseverance. Bottom line, you should write a hobby, but with extreme caution.


Additional Information:

Possession foreign languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian fluently, Spanish, German with dictionary. Driver's license: Category B, driving experience 10 years.

Hobbies: bead embroidery, chess, sports.

Let's look at the hobby example above:

  • Bead embroidery is a very painstaking and meticulous work, which means that the work will be approached seriously and carefully;
  • Chess - strategic thinking;
  • Sport - sporty healthy employee.

A resume is an art. Therefore, we hope that our writing instructions will help you achieve a successful job search.

People realize themselves in different areas life: family, friends, education, and work. Professional field of activity is no less important than others. By realizing himself as a specialist in his field, receiving recognition of his skills, experience, knowledge, a person grows and improves himself. Another indisputable advantage of having professional achievements is increased wages, labor regulations, improving quality of life. This article discusses how to set and achieve goals in professional fields, why this is necessary, and how to describe your results in a resume. The issue of professional achievements of a teacher will also be considered separately, their types and descriptions will be presented.

Definition of the concept

What does “professional achievement” mean? Every job has moments that can be called achievements. This list is individual for each specialist; each employer pays attention to the points that are important specifically in his company. A professional achievement is a successfully resolved situation, the completion of certain tasks, and useful experience in resolving complex conflicts and circumstances. In some areas, this means obtaining a certain title, degree, level of education, or specialist category. In others - unification of people, leadership among certain groups of people, exhaustion social conflicts. Third - high levels sales, completed transactions, won tenders. Professional achievement is a very broad concept that depends on the field of activity, the specifics of the work, the attitude of employers and the relevance of the skill in the modern work process.

The meaning of work for a person

Work must generate income. This is its main meaning, with which many workers are satisfied. But in addition to the monetary result, work should bring pleasure, moral satisfaction, and the realization of human qualities. So professional achievements- also one of the meanings labor activity. They allow a person not only to arrange his life and career more successfully, but also to realize himself psychologically and emotionally, to evoke a number of positive emotions, to stabilize nervous tension, increase self-confidence.

Setting a goal and achieving it

High professional achievements and results are rarely the product of luck and coincidence. Such situations do exist, but in practice, an employee receives these points of characteristics if he puts in some effort. In order to achieve something, you need to act. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what achievement is really important in a particular field and profession, how it can improve the employee’s position in society and in career growth. At the second stage, you need to set yourself a goal, break it down into steps and systematically move in a given direction. It is important to determine time intervals, available resources and ways to accelerate goal achievement. A properly developed plan will help you achieve your goals much faster and with greater likelihood.

Do I need to indicate all my merits?

Professional achievements in a resume are one of the key characteristics of a candidate. If a person strives to take a better vacancy with decent wages and good conditions, you just need to indicate your achievements. Achievements that correspond to the company’s profile will allow us to weed out most of the competitors in workplace, agree on the desired salary level and gain the respect of colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, not all vacancies require certain corporate successes from candidates. Thus, it is difficult to present a resume for a loader, cleaner, plumber and other working specialties with a list of professional achievements. This item in the resume is necessary for workers in the social or intellectual spheres.

How is the candidate selection process carried out?

Before selecting an employee for a particular vacancy, organizations consider several options. Depending on the characteristics of the vacancy and the employer itself, the number of applicants who responded can range from a few people to hundreds. In large companies, reviewing resumes is the responsibility of an entire department of professionals whose job is to identify the best talent among a huge stream of incoming candidates. These people are very well versed in professions, requirements for applicants, they can perfectly distinguish lies from the truth, identify a psychological portrait, conduct various types of testing and, based on the results obtained, create a holistic image of the applicant. It is difficult to hide from an experienced HR manager negative stories from the professional past, absolute ignorance of the subject of the vacancy and other criteria for incompatibility with the position. In addition, the HR department has various services at its disposal, in which previous employers leave comments and reviews about their employees. Often, if the professional achievements of a person in a resume are of interest to a personnel worker, then by the time of the live meeting at the interview he has already collected a lot of information about him.

How to describe yourself correctly

Based on the information in the previous block of the article, we can conclude that you should adhere to certain rules compiling a resume, describing examples of professional achievements, listing your qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities. Following these instructions significantly increases your chances of being liked by the employer and getting the job you want.

So, a resume should have a structure. This is necessary for ease of reading, highlighting the most important aspects for the employer, increasing the possibility that the hiring manager will notice something significant in your response. With a huge amount of incoming correspondence, it is very difficult to focus on the monolithic text, read it and look for certain information in an array of completely useless text.

The resume should answer specific questions. The employer must see from it that this particular person has sufficient understanding professional sphere, for the position for which he is applying.

Some companies require a separate resume. Thus, for many large holdings it is important for a person to study the history of development, the specifics of work, and the peculiarities of the corporate ethics of their organization. Your resume must show your knowledge of the company. An integral part of a well-written resume is a cover letter. Some employers do not even consider candidates who have not written at least a couple of words in addition to their resume.

Exaggeration and outright lies

You should not attribute to yourself the highest professional achievements if in fact you have nothing to do with them. Firstly, not all people can lie professionally and embellish reality so that it is not noticeable to others. An experienced HR employee will definitely feel that there is something wrong with the information you present. Secondly, if there were truly negative moments in your professional history, most likely the HR specialist is already aware of them from the blacklists of employers. Thirdly, deception regarding skills and professional achievements will be revealed in the first week of work. Starting a “new page in life,” and this is what a new job often is, is not worth doing with actions that discredit your reputation.

Downplaying your achievements

Many people have complexes, lack self-confidence and their strengths, and have no idea of ​​their capabilities and talents. Yes, even ordinary embarrassment is inherent in every second person. And if a person is haunted by a series of failures, a long and painful search for work, he may completely despair and lose faith in his abilities. In reality, this position does not bring anything good. Even in the most difficult situations be confident in yourself, talk in detail about significant achievements in professional activity, do not hide your merits. If you don't talk about them, your position will be given to someone else who can overcome fear and embarrassment. After all, how will the employer know about your advantages as a candidate if you yourself chose to hide them from the public?

Vagueness and specificity

A resume is a document. Even if it does not have an established form, it is not presented to government authorities and is not checked for falsification. A resume is a document that is a pass to new job. This means that it must be filled out efficiently, accurately and according to the rules, albeit unspoken ones. Many specialists who have not yet acquired a rich portfolio and experience try to squeeze as many words as possible into their resume, using vague wording, complex sentences And long lists meaningless listings and explanations. How in diploma work, and in summary: the less “water”, the better. Write specific phrases, formulate sentences that combine brevity and information content.

Achievements in pedagogy

Teacher, teacher, educator, professor, lecturer - all these professions are united general concept"teacher". This in itself is a very important job, requiring full dedication, many years of training, a certain set of personal qualities and even leading a special lifestyle. Moreover, the higher the status educational institution, in which a vacancy is announced, the higher the requirements for candidates. Teachers' professional achievements can play a key role in selection. In addition, it itself is low wage teachers in the field public education can increase significantly upon receipt of certain degrees, ranks, titles, victories in competitions and passing certifications.

Examples of teachers' achievements

What to write in a resume, what professional achievements can a teacher have? Taking into account all the above description rules, the following examples can be given:

  • Receiving the title “Teacher of the Year”, winning competitions related to professionalism, obtaining certification, advanced training.
  • A successfully written and defended doctoral dissertation or any other scientific work in the field of teaching.
  • Organizing events for students with a high turnout rate.
  • Involving third parties in the learning process who have had an important influence on the mentees (scientists, celebrities, well-known people).
  • Successfully attracting and motivating students to volunteer, help those in need, improve public life and environment.
  • Fruitful participation in the lives of children with poor life and social conditions, assistance in adaptation.
  • Creation and maintenance of clubs, sections, interest groups.

A teacher is a person who participates in the formation of not only the level of education of his students, knowledge about a specific subject, but also in drawing a picture of the world, establishing mental health and poise. All these points can increase the value of the personnel for the educational institution.

If you list in an accountant's resume the achievements that took place in previous jobs, this will significantly increase the professional value of this candidate in the eyes of the personnel officer who selects the resume for potential employer. We tell you what accounting achievements we can talk about, give examples, and also what to do if there were no achievements.


By general rule Professional achievements in an accountant’s resume are the results of the specialist’s work in past positions, which:

  • talk about the successful fulfillment of professional goals and objectives;
  • reflect economic benefit received by the company where he worked.

It is important to understand that it is not so much the responsibilities and functions, but the achievements in an accountant’s resume along with a description of professional experience that will distinguish your candidacy from competitors for the position in question.

Thus, as examples of professional achievements, an accountant’s resume should include not just the functions that he successfully performed, but:

  • special actions that go beyond the general scope of work;
  • work results that can be measured (i.e., they are compelling).

How to act

First of all, the responsibilities and achievements in an accountant’s resume must be clearly divided and listed in different sections.

In the “Achievements” section you must describe achievements achieved in the accounting field. This must be done as specifically as possible. In this case, it is advisable to use some kind of counting indicators.

It’s always easier for the chief accountant. It is usually not difficult to include achievements in a resume when occupying such a position. It is more difficult for novice specialists or accountants in lower positions. How to be in this case?

In the end, you can omit the block with examples of achievements in the accountant's resume. And the responsibilities in this document will then play decisive role when reviewing such a resume. However, there is no need to rush in this matter: certificates, diplomas, etc. are also achievements! More on this later.


We list the most common examples of accountant achievements on a resume:

  • successful completion of audits on taxes, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc. with a mandatory (!) indication of their number (you can specify the types of taxes);
  • successful completion of litigation (on taxes, insurance premiums, labor issues, etc.);
  • successful completion of an external audit;
  • go to new version accounting software;
  • transition to more profitable and convenient accounting software for the enterprise;
  • increasing the efficiency of document flow due to its transfer to electronic form(including for the purposes of document exchange);
  • automation of calculations, which made it possible to reduce the staff of economists by 2 times;
  • managing several legal entities at the same time, which are on different tax regimes and systems;
  • career growth within the same company;
  • the presence of diplomas, diplomas, awards, certificates, etc. related to the accounting profession;
  • Availability of publications on accounting topics, interviews.

As an example of an achievement in a chief accountant’s resume, one can cite other people’s mistakes that he had to identify and eliminate.


Revealed the fact that the cost of production was incorrectly calculated, due to which the selling price was inflated, which made the product less competitive. Elimination of this error made it possible to re-evaluate the cost and successfully resume sales.

Work is the most important part of life. Getting it is everyone's goal. In the current economic conditions, when there is quite tough competition in the labor market, the applicant needs to show himself with the best side so that the employer gives preference to him. A candidate may be accepted even if he does not have much work experience, but has success in a certain area. In practice, this task is embodied in a correctly composed resume. Whether the candidate will transfer to the position or not depends on what professional achievements are indicated in the resume.


Goals are close to this concept; they are the basis for achievements. They give direction to activities and indicate results that need to be achieved in the future. Achievements are a reward for their implementation. They contain a specialist’s program, which he can implement in his work.

They are also closely related to responsibilities - the range of actions required to be performed in a particular position. They are fixed in job description, depending on the organization and the nature of the work, they may vary.

A competent and detailed summary of previous responsibilities in a resume demonstrates achievements at the previous job. They cease to be a routine performance of their work and turn into successes when they go beyond the usual boundaries of deadlines, quantities, etc. They also pay attention to the work skills that the employee acquired in the course of his activities earlier. For a commercial organization, the primary indicator is an increase in profits.

Main classification

The main division is carried out by targeting.

1. Personal (relevant only for specific person, i.e. applicant). They change his life for the better; examples include winning a competition, receiving a prize or an award for participating in a competition. Such an event may be an achievement if it has something to do with a future position.

Personal achievements are also considered those from which the specialist himself has benefited. They talk about his career. Examples:

  • receiving a bonus, salary increase;
  • gratitude, encouragement;
  • career growth, obtaining a new position;
  • improving your professional level by acquiring new knowledge in
  • individually or collectively.

2. Examples of professional achievements show the success of the entire company, not individual employee. Thanks to him, such results became possible. Examples include:

  • increasing the efficiency of one specialist or group of specialists
  • as a result of the actions of this employee;
  • developed, successfully completed project;
  • increase in labor productivity thanks to the methodology introduced by a specialist;
  • monetary profit of the company;
  • the company's entry into the world market.

By nature, professional achievements are:

  • quantitative - figures showing an increase in profit by so much%, successful implementation by a specialist of a certain number of projects during the year, conclusion large quantity contracts;
  • qualitative - reflect success in the organization’s activities, expansion of the company’s geography, change of counterparties to more promising ones, attraction of new sources of income, some specific result.

Formatting a resume

Your professional achievements are most often discussed during an interview.

There is no invitation to an interview due to a weak resume, which either incorrectly indicates successes in previous work or lacks them.

Some applicants believe that their resume looks perfect without this point. But this is a misconception: the most important achievements should be written down.

They must be specified for the following reasons:

  • such an applicant looks advantageous compared to others;
  • they demonstrate passion for their work;
  • they show the ability to achieve their goals.

Sometimes this aspect is written about in order to apply for a higher position than previously, for a leadership position. In this case, a resume cannot do without managerial achievements (a team of such and such a number of people under the leadership of the applicant achieved such and such results).

Requirements for wording

For an employer to make your resume stand out from many others, it must be written properly. Primary requirements:

  • all facts presented must be specific - numbers, places, names;
  • professional successes should not overload the text; they should be described briefly and clearly;
  • they must be related to the activities that the applicant wants to do in the company;
  • the language used to describe professional achievements should be business-like, but without unnecessary complications; lack of conversational style, wording must be clear;
  • There should be no negative information; all past actions of the specialist should have a positive orientation.

Significant Achievements

Sometimes it is difficult for an applicant to choose which achievements to include and which to omit.

The following three groups should be present in the resume.

  1. Main achievements of professional activity. They talk about the results of how you dealt with the tasks that faced you in the course of performing your current responsibilities.
  2. Main professional achievements. They demonstrate the effectiveness of the goals that you or management have set. Your main professional achievement may be leading a company out of crisis, or the fact that your developments have had a positive impact on people's lives.
  3. Significant professional achievements can also be included on a resume. They may be significant from your point of view, or from the point of view of your previous superiors, who rewarded you for this with a bonus or promotion.

Description methods and algorithm

It is important to write your resume correctly in order to convey information about your work successes to your future employer. The following procedure must be followed:

  1. make a list of professional achievements;
  2. isolate the main, significant ones from them;
  3. check the result for compliance with the requirements for the vacancy;
  4. Your resume should be written in literate language;
  5. work successes can be listed in a separate section or a subsection can be made in the section on work experience;
  6. you need to write a cover letter in which you need to emphasize that the successes you have achieved will help the employer solve the problems of his professional activity.

What can be described

  • introduction of new programs, management decisions;
  • numerical values ​​describing financial income, production growth;
  • reference to media reflecting achievements;
  • success in a new area of ​​work in the form of training a large number of employees;
  • saving company resources.


Describe your key skills. Start by imagining the type of activity in which you are better and consider yourself sufficiently qualified. Indicate why you consider yourself an expert in this field. Do not include your functional responsibilities from previous jobs in this section and do not indicate your personal qualities. Only purely professional achievements, they should look like a description of a product with all the useful properties. At the end of this section, describe in detail your main achievements that will be most important for this particular employer. This could be a benefit to the company, expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain percentage or a reduction in expenses by a specific amount. You can make the desired impression on the employer with specific facts; they will confirm your desire to bring financial benefit to the organization.

The next item will be a description of professional experience. Here, describe your work history in detail, starting with your last place of work. In addition to the profile of the organizations and your previous position, this paragraph should detail the achievements for each place of work. If there was career growth within any company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little experience, in your descriptions, focus on good theoretical training in the area of ​​expected functional responsibilities. At the end of the description of each of your previous jobs, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here, name reasons such as change of field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. Under no circumstances write about conflict situations with management or the team, or that you chronically failed to fulfill overly inflated plans. This will negatively affect the opinion of you.

More about your professional image You should list your computer and foreign language skills. In the additional information section, indicate the availability of a foreign passport, open visas, the possibility of long-term business trips and the presence of a car that you are ready to use for business purposes.

The final finishing touch is descriptions of personal qualities and your interests outside of work hours. Don’t write about standard qualities like communication skills and stress resistance. Indicate your real strengths: patience, ability to smooth conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be a priority for a given position. And in describing your interests, mention those that characterize you as image learned and erudite person.

Experience jobs are the most important part of your resume. And how you describe this experience depends on whether the employer will show interest in your resume. Therefore, the description of work experience must be given Special attention. This will help you get a decent job.


When filling out the “work experience” column, you must start from your last place of work, i.e. from the company you currently work for or left. If your seniority lasts more than 10 years, it is worth indicating only those places of work in which you have worked for the last 10 years. In this case, the employer will not be interested in your first work experiences.

The work experience section should look something like this:
"Company XXX, 2005-2008
Field of activity: legal services.
Job title: .
Job responsibilities: development of standard forms, purchase and sale real estate, consulting on real estate transactions, drawing up legal opinions, due diligence.
Achievements, participation in major projects: XXX, participation as XXX, was responsible for XXX."

From the above it follows that it is extremely important to describe the scope of the company’s activities and yours. If you had many job responsibilities, describe the key ones. At the same time, focus on what is important for the employer to whom you are going to send your resume at the moment. The job description must be “tailored” to the employer.

Don't forget to indicate your achievements, participation in major projects (possibly well-known in your field). When describing such participation, it is necessary to briefly outline the essence of the project and indicate your role in it, and list the areas for which you were responsible. Describe operational achievements, if any (for example, “increased product sales by 20% in a month”).

Remember that the resume should be short and very informative, since HR often does not have time to review the entire resume. With your description, try to focus the manager’s attention on the most successful jobs for yourself, i.e. in prestigious companies in which you worked on the most serious projects, gained experience that was important for this employer and rose in position.

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“Stress-resistant, active, sociable, purposeful, easy to learn, independent, executive.” This list can be continued - it is quite well known to both job seekers and employers. This is the problem - these epithets are more than expected, and if you want to get a good place work, you need to come up with something new.


Don't get carried away by praising yourself on your resume. Many, for example, write in a row - punctual, neat, efficient. As a result, the resume template is overloaded with amplification of the same quality- good internal organization. And it turns out that it is not a person who is applying for the vacancy, but a sort of “cyber employee.” But recruiters are well aware that there are not so many superhumans, and such a resume raises their doubts. As a result, the person creates the impression of a superficial author of the reply or a shameless liar.

Keep a short “About Yourself” section, as employers often simply do not pay attention to the above-mentioned template descriptions. In the end, a person’s performance, communication skills and responsibility are checked during probationary period.

Instead of laudatory epithets, give clear and specific descriptions of your job responsibilities that you performed at previous jobs. For example, it is better for a sales manager to have specific personal achievements, for example, an increase in sales volume or an expansion of the client base, than “personal” ones copied from somewhere quality».

Make sure that what is listed on your resume quality related to the vacancy for which you are applying. For mid-level positions, for example, leadership positions are not required quality or charisma, and for a secretary position, communication skills and stress resistance are important.

But in order not to leave the “Personal” column quality» blank (although some employers consider this option as opposed to the template), make a list of the qualities that are most often used in job advertisements. Then ask loved one choose from them what is inherent to you. Leave 3-5 qualities, no more, and indicate them in your resume. In this case, you will avoid the risk of “piling up nonsense”, the so-called “butterfly” and will not mislead a potential employer. The portrait may not turn out to be very bright, but it will be natural, and naturalness is always valuable.

Video on the topic


  • how to describe yourself on a resume in 2019

For an interview with an employer, this is a short and meaningful story about you, in which you prove that you can successfully cope with job responsibilities corresponding to any vacancy. Your resume should contain information about your education, work experience, knowledge and skills. If you are getting a job for the first time in your life, then filling out the “skills” section is the most important thing for you.