Project protection

Ecology Research Group Stavropol Territory students from grade 4 B:

    Ruchkina Anna

    Loparyo Denis

    Agabekyan Angelina

    Katelevskaya Alexandra

Team leader:

Classroom teacherSamarina E.Ya.

Project type :


    creative, practice-oriented;


Subject: "Let's preserve the beauty native land»

Objective of the project:

Project goals:

Teach students to engage in independent research on their native land;

To attract the attention of the younger generation to our history small homeland

To introduce students to the principle of an integrated approach in creating a creative product of project activity;

Involve each student in active cognitive, creative process;

Learn to present your work in the form of a presentation, abstract, drawing, diagram;

Develop interest in studying the world around us;

Cultivate love for your native land.

Study the flowering plants of the Stavropol Territory, which are listed in the Red Book;

Study environmental problems in the need for plant protection.

Project objectives:

    collect, study, summarize, systematize environmental material, arrange it (presentation);

    develop a memo " careful attitude to flowering plants as an important natural resource”;

    development creativity, aesthetic taste, ability to work independently with various sources upon obtaining the necessary knowledge; skills formation research activities, ability to interact with other project participants;

    To promote awareness of the inextricable connection between the nature of the native land and the nature of the country;

    Expand knowledge about nature, flora and fauna of the Stavropol Territory, teach to see beauty in the world around us;

    Encourage people to make all possible contributions to the conservation of nature and the preservation of its uniqueness.

Project type: research, informational, interdisciplinary, weekly.

Subject areas: the world, ART, ICT.

Product: presentation of students’ work, a holiday dedicated to nature conservation, baby books, reminders intellectual game“club of experts” “I want to know everything!”

Annotation: Flowering plants are the decoration of our earth. But, unfortunately, it is these plants that people like to pick and collect in bouquets. As a result: there are fewer and fewer of them near populated areas, and many plants are simply becoming rare.

Expected final results,

innovative project

1. Students’ knowledge of the history, culture of their small homeland and country, presented in the form methodological recommendations; release of a photo album; exhibition design; conducting excursions around the area, region; visiting museums and historical and cultural treasures with children primary classes.

2. Students’ knowledge of the nature, flora and fauna of the region, designed in the form of brochures that will serve as additional sources for teachers when studying the nature, flora and fauna of the Stavropol Territory; release of a photo album; creating a presentation for the game “Do you know your land”

Stages of work

    Statement of the problem, formulation of the research topic, goals and objectives, definition of the object and subject of research, selection of research methods.

    Planning, identifying sources of information.

    Preparation of messages “What does it mean to love your land”, a drawing competition on the topic “Where does the homeland begin.” Conducting classroom hours.

    Conducting open lessons.

    Research work: my region on the map of the country, what treasures the Stavropol land hides, crop production, livestock breeding.

    Creative works of students (poems, drawings, photographs, essays): the main city of the region, the city of Mineralnye Vody - the center of the region, my village - a dear corner to the heart.

    Sociological research: “The impact of environmental pollution on the ecological situation in the region”

    Systematization and registration of materials obtained during research.

Message from 4th grade student B Anna Ruchkina.

Today we are defending a project on the topic “Protecting the nature of our native land.” Our class studied for almost a month Natural areas Russia, location of zones on the map, climatic conditions, varieties of plants and animals, environmental problems of each zone. Our group carefully studied all these sections in our native Stavropol region. Several events were held during the month: public lesson on the topic “Natural areas of Russia”, the intellectual game of the Club of Connoisseurs “I want to know everything”, prepared a holiday for environmental theme“We are conservationists!” and today we present to your attention our project “Let’s preserve the beauty of our native land!”

The problem that prompted us to do this work:

Flowering plants are the decoration of our earth. But, unfortunately, it is these plants that people like to pick and collect in bouquets. As a result: there are fewer and fewer of them near populated areas, and many plants are simply becoming rare.

Our region is part of our big planet:

I love you, my native land,

I love you with all my childish soul

For colorful forests,

Fields, endless spaces!

There are healing miracles here,

And, like warriors, there are mountains here...

I read about living water

But there is no life-giving anywhere

Water is more healing than Caucasian water!

I love you, my native land!

The only living planet!

Dmitry Onishchenko 12 years old Lermontov

Look how beautiful our region is:

Video of D. Kabalevsky’s song “I love you, my native land”

Geographical coordinates

Through the city of Stavropol - the administrative center of the region - passes

45th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere. The region covers an area of ​​66.3 thousand square kilometers and is located in the central part of the Ciscaucasia. Borders on the south with the Republic North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Georgia. In the southwest, west and northwest - with the Krasnodar Territory. In the north - with the Rostov region, in the northeast - with the Republic of Kalmykia. In the east - with the Republic of Dagestan, in the southeast - with the Chechen and Ingush Republics.

Climate boundaries

The Stavropol Territory is located in the south of the temperate continental belt. Here lies the border between Europe and Asia. On the Stavropol Upland, which occupies a significant part

edges, it is possible to draw peculiar climatic boundaries between

eastern, central and western regions. On the western slopes the winds are stronger and more precipitation falls here. In the central part, where the Stavropol and Prikalaus heights are located and Mount Strizhament rises, the climate is similar to the climate of the foothills.

The mildest climate is in the south. And in Kislovodsk, for example, the climate is almost mountainous.

Stavropol region and its unique flora

Motherland! How beautiful are your riches and how much they give to a person! Guys, you can talk for a long time about the beauty, wealth, and protection of your native land. But we know one thing: anyone who has visited our region will certainly return again to listen to the sound of the forest, the murmuring of a brook, and the singing of a nightingale.

Our region is a part of a large and beautiful country. Caring for one's native land means caring for the Motherland. Let the trees grow lushly in our gardens and forests, let the birds sing calmly. Let the water in springs and wells be clean and transparent, let there be a lot of water in ponds and lakes.

fish. All this is our wealth. Loving your nature is

that means taking care of her, and taking care of her, and being friends with her!

My land is beautiful with kindness.
So come on for centuries to come
Let's preserve the earth's wealth -
These groves, rivers and meadows!

Studying environmental problems Stavropol Territory

Loparev Denis

Currently in all developed countries around the world, the movement of people for preserving the ecological quality of the environment, careful use of natural resources, and dissemination of ideals is expanding healthy image life and protection of human life itself. All this is explained general concept"modern ecological culture". Formation of ideas and concepts about nature as a human habitat and aesthetic perfection, the need for humane, cultural and reasonable interaction with it, developing a sense of love for nature, the ability to see its beauty and enjoy it.

Nature is the mother of humanity, she is also its nurse. It is impossible to separate or isolate a person from his environment. With a reasonable and scientific approach to nature, its gifts and wealth do not dry out, and can even increase.

The territory of Stavropol, which has favorable conditions for life, has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by archaeological finds. In ancient times, when people settled along the banks of rivers, were engaged in hunting, collecting fruits, and later farming and cattle breeding, they did not cause significant harm to nature, the waste from their farms decomposed and did not pose a threat to the health and livelihoods of people. The degradation of natural landscapes began during the period of settlement of the steppe Ciscaucasia by the Russian peasantry in the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth centuries, accompanied by the plowing of large areas, maintenance large quantity livestock on pastures, the emergence of settlements. Thus, great damage was caused to the soils: their fertility fell, and dust storms began. The soils were especially damaged by the grazing of large herders on plots rented by them for several years. The grass was uprooted, the path network exposed the ground to stone and sand. The slopes of the hills were destroyed first. With the development of industry, nature began to suffer even more, as artificial substances appeared that it was unable to destroy.

Currently, 95% of all areas in the region have been developed. This led to a sharp aggravation of environmental problems. These include problems: maintaining land fertility, air and water pollution, preserving flora and fauna, and others. The very nature of the Stavropol region contains the prerequisites for the emergence of environmental problems that are associated with geographical location regions in steppes and semi-deserts. There is little water here, groundwater is often saline, droughts and dust storms are common, the soil is severely destroyed by herds of animals; sands devoid of vegetation move easily; the herbs are slowly recovering. The dissected topography is susceptible to erosion and landslides, which makes it impossible for economic activity large areas. In general everything natural complexes in the region are vulnerable and destroyed under human influence.

In recent years, the problem of preserving fertile arable land has become more acute. The intensive farming system adopted in the region leads to soil degradation and destruction. Reclamation that is thoughtless and without a preliminary environmental assessment leads to soil erosion and salinization, and siltation of rivers, ponds, and reservoirs. Soil contamination with pesticides causes the death of soil bacteria, without which restoration of fertility is impossible. The soil cover of the Stavropol region irreversibly loses its environmental sustainability due to long-term use. Dust storms blow out 4-7 cm, and sometimes 10 cm of arable layer in one cycle. Soils suffer from heavy machinery. It compacts the arable horizon to a depth of 50-70 cm. This worsens the growing conditions of crops and reduces the yield by 25-30%. Soil erosion is desertifying the land. Valuable agricultural land is often used for other purposes.

The most important problem in the region remains environmental pollution. Toxic gases, solid particles, and liquid toxic substances enter the air, water, plants, and the bodies of animals and people. The atmosphere is especially heavily polluted by industrial enterprises; there are 220 of them in the Stavropol Territory. The main pollutants include energy enterprises, the chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking. Road transport also makes a significant contribution. Car emissions contain 280 harmful chemicals. The atmosphere is most heavily polluted in the cities of Nevinnomyssk, Budennovsk, Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody Oh.

The water problem is acute in the Stavropol region. Per capita in the region there are 3 thousand m3 per year - this is 9 times less than the Russian average. The water in the rivers of the region is highly polluted. Livestock waste has become a major pollutant of ground and surface waters. Forests are being cut down in watersheds and, in violation of all norms, water protection zones are being plowed up, therefore the natural flow of rivers is being reduced. In a number of areas of the region, open canals cause water leakage, causing a rise in groundwater levels and flooding of the soil over large areas. In cities and rural areas there is a noticeable lack of clean drinking water. In the cities of Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki, a decrease in the volume of mineral water in wells was noted.

Deforestation has caused destruction natural conditions implementation of flora and fauna. Brightly blooming spring flowers are disappearing from forests, especially near cities and recreation areas. Forest and steppe fires have become more frequent. In their flames, trees and shrubs die, grass seeds, pollinating insects, and soil disintegrants burn. In the steppes, only annual plants grow in their places, the floristic composition of the steppes becomes poorer, and their stability is weakened. The ecological niches of animals are disappearing, and with them their numbers are declining, especially for valuable commercial species.

Solving the region's environmental problems requires the development and implementation of special program, which will include control over economic activity, protective restrictions on the use of natural resources, the creation of nature reserves. Research shows that in order to preserve and study the rich diversity of the region’s nature, it is necessary to create a network of protected areas, which will represent a framework and ecological corridors that serve as communication routes for plants and animals. To do this, it is necessary to remove from economic use particularly ecologically valuable areas of forest-steppes, virgin steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. Scientists insist on the speedy restoration of heavily damaged landscapes. The system of specially protected areas of global importance should include the unique landscapes of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, where the formation of healing waters, which have no analogues in the world in terms of reserves and diversity. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, this region was given the status of a specially protected ecological resort region, and a federal program for its development and protection was approved. However, measures taken to protect nature in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region are not effective enough. Environmental laws are often violated. Therefore, things have become complicated here. ecological situation. It arose as a result of the irrational use of natural resources.

Plants in the natural complex of the KMS determine the formation of medicinal resources and are an important part of the resort. The flora of the KMS region includes more than 2 thousand species of plants, including rare, endangered and widespread ones, including medicinal ones. They have formed a unique ecosystem, in the absence of which it is impossible to form natural medicinal resources, which are the basis for the development of the resort industry. Vegetation cover of a specially protected ecological resort region Russian Federation CMV is an important environment-forming factor providing healing properties air basin and affecting the physical and chemical composition of soil, underground fresh and mineral waters.

In the KMS region, new once cultivated or wild fields are being introduced into economic use. Spontaneous harvesting of fruits, berries, roots, grass and other activities is actively underway, which has sharply reduced the area of ​​such plants as: spring primrose, tricolor violet, creeping buttercup, sweet clover, meadow clover, lily of the valley, common yarrow, creeping thyme and many others plants.

At the beginning of the last century, wild flora occupied more than half of the territory of the CMS region and was characterized by high diversity species composition. Currently, the area of ​​wild flora is 20%; more than 140 plants are classified as rare and endangered species. In order to rationally use natural reserves of medicinal plants in the CMS region, it is necessary to develop a system of protective measures: the introduction of licenses for collecting plants, the organization of reserves, and the improvement of methods for collecting and processing medicinal plant materials. It is necessary to reserve all areas with wild vegetation for the creation of specially protected natural areas and carry out measures for their conservation and reproduction.

The issue of protecting the botanical objects of the Caucasian Sea has been raised more than once in recent years, since it is a unique natural health complex. The KMS mineral springs and therapeutic muds enjoy worldwide fame. The original landscape and unique flora are extremely important in the life of resort cities from a medicinal and aesthetic point of view, and many types of plants are valuable in medicinal or nutritional terms.

Currently, in the KMS region there is a real threat of destruction of the flora of many valuable species. This is facilitated by the massive and unsystematic collection of medicinal raw materials individually and on behalf of numerous procurement companies, which sell their products in huge unregulated quantities in the CIS and abroad. The picture is aggravated by unorganized tourism and numerous excursions of “savages” into nature, which are accompanied by lighting fires, mass flower picking, soil compaction, and cutting down young trees. Irreparable damage is caused by trampling and poisoning of vegetation cover by grazing animals.

IN Lately Catastrophic fires have become a threatening factor for mountain slopes and plantings of trees and shrubs. Often spontaneous and planned felling of Beshtaugorsky, Mashuksky and other mountainous forest areas. As a result, the viability of trees is weakened. Conditions are created for the proliferation of pests and diseases. Therefore, the KMS region needs an emergency program to suspend negative influence humans on vegetation and its return to its previous state.

KMS is one of the unique resorts in our country. Huge reserves of mineral water are concentrated here, thanks to which the KMV region has gained its popularity. The recreational zones of the Caucasian Sea are beginning to revive and in the coming years the number of vacationers will increase noticeably and the load on nature will increase many times over.

How environmental problems are solved in the Stavropol Territory

Agabekyan Angelina

Environmental issues affect every inhabitant of the planet. The life of future generations depends on the state of air, water, forests and the environment. Therefore, the regional government is taking a number of measures to protect the environment and environmental safety of the region. In particular, the Stavropol Territory has a Strategy for Socio-Economic Development until 2020 in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.

Between Europe and Asia

As you know, our region is located on the border between Europe and Asia. That's why natural conditions The Stavropol region is extremely diverse and changes every 50-60 kilometers. The relief whimsically alternates between mountains, hills, depressions and basins of different shapes and origins. Fast rivers with rapids and waterfalls flowing from the mountains on the Cis-Caucasian Plain are replaced by quiet steppe rivers. 225 rivers flow through the territory of the region, there are 38 lakes, 1,758 reservoirs, ponds and reservoirs, and a developed network of reclamation canals. There are more than two hundred rivers and streams in the Stavropol region. The Stavropol Upland is a watershed of rivers carrying their waters to the Azov and Caspian Sea. There are four main rivers in the region - Kuban, Kuma, Kalaus, Bolshoi Yegorlyk.
In addition, there are 38 lakes, mostly salty and bitter-salty, with a water surface area of ​​150 square kilometers. Of the lakes of natural origin, the largest is Manych-Gudilo, located at the junction of Stavropol, Rostov region and Kalmykia. In the foothills, in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, Tambukanskoye Bolshoye, Tambukanskoye Maloe, Lysogorskoye Northern, Lysogorskoye Yuzhnoe are widely known. They are known, first of all, for their therapeutic mud, used by the health resorts of Georgievsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. In the valley of the Kuma and its tributaries, the most famous lakes are Medyanika and Buivola.

About 70 species and subspecies of fish live in the reservoirs of the region. The most numerous representatives of the carp family are: carp, silver crucian carp, bream, rudd, tench, bleak, roach, chub, gudgeon, silver bream, pike perch, perch and ruffe.

The flora and fauna of the Stavropol region is rich and diverse; there are up to 2,250 plant species. Of these, 304 species of plants and 5 species of mushrooms are listed in the Red Book of the Stavropol Territory. In the south of the region there are vast tracts of broad-leaved beech, oak and ash forests. The varied forest-steppe of the Stavropol Upland in the eastern regions gives way to semi-desert with massifs of loose sand. The diversity of the animal world is also great. Scientists have identified representatives of 15 types, 34 classes and about 48 thousand animals. Of these, 180 are listed in the Red Book of the region.

In the foothills of the Caucasus Range there is a specially protected ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is unique in its wealth of natural resources, and above all deposits of mineral waters of various chemical and gas compositions. Among them are the famous Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs, Kislovodsk Narzans and mineral waters of Essentuki-4 and 17, radon and Nagutsky waters.

Nature has endowed the Stavropol region so generously. However, by the time the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development was developed, scientists had established that poles of environmental distress had been forming in the region for decades, which had a negative impact on the quality and life expectancy of people. More than 20 percent of the urban population live in cities with high and very high level air pollution. The dynamics of the main environmental indicators of the region's development show an increase in the negative impact on the environment. Primarily due to the increased influence of motor transport. Emissions of pollutants from motor vehicles into the air in 2010 amounted to 85.4 percent of the total emissions of pollutants, compared to the level of emissions of 76.7 percent in 2006. Two years ago, the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources amounted to 65.7 thousand tons. For every thousand square kilometers of the territory of the region in 2010, 993 tons of pollutants were released from stationary sources alone. Emissions per resident of the region from stationary sources of pollution amounted to 23.6 kg. There are 85.3 kg per resident of Nevinnomyssk harmful emissions into the atmosphere, Budennovsk - 60 kg, Mineralnye Vody - 16 kg, Stavropol - 9.1 kg.

The situation in the field of waste management in the region was also extremely unfavorable. The lack of effective and modern regional and municipal systems for managing waste management processes often leads to the emergence of unauthorized landfills, which are usually located in ravines, forest belts, and pollute the air, water and soil. Water large rivers and reservoirs are consistently rated as “moderately polluted” and “polluted.” At the same time, the water quality of half of the small rivers flowing along the edge corresponded to the indicators “dirty” and “very dirty”. The low quality of water in small rivers and almost all cases of high pollution are directly related to the discharge of polluted storm and drainage water and insufficiently treated industrial and domestic wastewater into rivers.

As a result, if the government of the Stavropol Territory had not taken urgent measures to reduce environmental damage, then, while maintaining the level of negative impact, this could have led to a further aggravation of environmental problems.

Guys, every year there is a campaign to green our city. You and I also take part in landscaping our school and our neighborhood. I hope this spring we will plant flowers and seedlings in our school yard.

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at all times Times of Day,

Do not desecrate her shrines!

Katelevskaya Sasha

Conclusion: Who is a man without nature?

Who is a man without nature? It is impossible to imagine this... without air, water, birdsong, the aromas of meadows, the rustling of leaves. Nature generously gives us all this, and in return asks only for careful, kind treatment. Unfortunately, neither plants nor animals can speak.

Scientists have calculated that every year so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the waters of the Arctic, washing powder was found. In addition, recently there have been frequent accidents in oil fields and fires on ships carrying oil, resulting in millions of tons of oil ending up in water and soil.

Our planet is very polluted, but we have not yet realized the danger of living on a huge garbage heap. We still live on it, but will our children be able to live?

Signs of dire trouble

    Death of animals.

    Water pollution.

    Air pollution.

    Garbage accumulation.

    Soil poisoning.

Who is to blame for all the causes of the planet's illness?

Each of us has one planet. We cannot choose another for ourselves, just as the Earth cannot choose another humanity for itself.

Nature is our wealth! Preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and duty. Think about the content of the writer M. Prishvin’s call to us:

"For fish you need pure water– we will protect our reservoirs! Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”

Here are the rules we should remember while in nature?

You can't pick flowers.

Do not break tree branches.

You can't kill frogs.

You must not scare birds or touch their nests.

You cannot take baby animals and bring them home.

Loparev Denis:

I hugged the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Anna Ruchkina

The deer stopped his run:

Be a man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!

I hugged the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

Angelina Agabekyan

Do good, people, on earth!

The planet rests on it alone...

It is like an irredeemable coin.

Like the sun, the air and the world is old.

Hurry up, people, leave the good

It is like an irredeemable coin.

What lives were given for this...

Do good, people, on earth.

View presentation content
“Grade 4B Research Project”

Let's protect


native land!

  • Topic: “Let’s preserve the beauty of our native land”
  • Objective of the project:

study flowering plants of the Stavropol Territory, which are listed in the Red Book, study environmental problems in the need for plant protection.

  • Project objectives:

a) collect, study, summarize, systematize environmental material, and arrange it (presentation)

b) develop a memo “careful attitude towards flowering plants as an important natural resource”

  • Project type: research, informational, interdisciplinary, weekly.
  • Subject areas: environment, fine arts, ICT.
  • Product: presentation of students’ work, a holiday dedicated to nature conservation.

Abstract: flowering plants are the decoration of our earth. But, unfortunately, it is these plants that people like to pick and collect in bouquets. As a result: there are fewer and fewer of them near populated areas, and many plants are simply becoming rare.


I love you, my native land,

For the majesty of the Caucasian mountains!

I love you with all my childish soul

For the magic of legends, for fairy tales,

For colorful forests,

Fields, endless spaces!

There are healing miracles here,

And, like warriors, there are mountains here...

I read about living water

In mysterious, magical fairy tales,

But there is no life-giving anywhere

Water is more healing than Caucasian water!

I love you, my native land!

Stavropol region, land of poets,

You are in my heart - part of the earth,

The only living planet!

The 45th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere runs through the city of Stavropol, the administrative center of the region. The region covers an area of ​​66.3 thousand square kilometers and is located in the central part of the Ciscaucasia. It borders in the south with the Republic of North Ossetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, and Georgia. In the southwest, west and northwest

with the Krasnodar region. In the north - with the Rostov region, in the northeast - with the Republic of Kalmykia. In the east - with the Republic of Dagestan, in the southeast - with the Chechen and Ingush Republics.

Our region is a part of a large and beautiful country.

Caring for one's native land means caring for the Motherland.

Let the trees grow lushly in our gardens and forests, let the birds sing calmly.

Let the water in springs and wells be clean and transparent, let

there will be a lot of fish in the ponds and lakes. All this is our wealth.

Loving your nature means protecting it, taking care of it, and being friends with it!

My land is beautiful with kindness. So come on for centuries to come

Forest-steppes occupy the highest areas

Stavropol Upland and the slopes of the Pyatigorye mountains.

Oak sage


People call the birch the beauty of forests. Birch grows quickly. It is impossible to imagine the life of our ancestors without birch. Their source of light was a birch sliver, which illuminated their home for many centuries. There are up to 70 species of birch trees in our country. Some species are listed in the Red Book, including Mingrelian growing in the Caucasus.

Berezovka River Valley - Podkumok River Basin - Photos of plants - Habitats - Plantarium

The tip of the shoot with the inflorescence. Stavropol region, env. Art. Podkumok

The territory of Stavropol region, which has favorable living conditions,

inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by archaeological

finds. In ancient times, when people settled along the banks of rivers,

engaged in hunting, fruit gathering, and later farming and cattle breeding,

they did not cause significant harm to nature, waste from their farms

decomposed and did not pose a threat to health and life

of people. The degradation of natural landscapes began during the settlement period

steppe Ciscaucasia by the Russian peasantry in the eighteenth and

in the first half of the nineteenth centuries, accompanied by plowing

large areas, keeping a large number of livestock on pastures,

the emergence of settlements.

Thus, great damage was caused to the soils: their fertility fell,

Dust storms began. Soils are particularly damaged by livestock grazing

large cattle breeders on plots rented by them for several years.

The grass was uprooted, the path network exposed the ground to the stones and

The slopes of the hills were destroyed first.

With the development of industry, nature began to suffer even more,

since artificial substances have appeared that she is not able to


The territory of the Stavropol Territory is experiencing significant

transformation of natural landscapes. Currently

Currently, 95% of all areas in the region have been developed. This led to a sharp

worsening environmental problems. These include problems:

preservation of land fertility, pollution of natural

landscape environment, air and water pollution, conservation

flora and fauna and others.

The very nature of the Stavropol region contains the preconditions

for environmental problems that are associated

with the geographical location of the region in steppes and semi-deserts.

There is little water here, groundwater is often saline, droughts are common,

Dust storms and soils are severely destroyed by herds of animals;

sands deprived

vegetation, easily move;

the herbs are slowly recovering.

The dissected relief is susceptible to erosion and landslides, which makes it difficult to

large areas of economic activity.

In general, all natural complexes in

edges are vulnerable and are destroyed under human influence. In recent years, the problem of preserving

fertile arable land.

The intensive farming system adopted in the region

leads to soil degradation and destruction.

Reckless, without preliminary environmental assessment of land reclamation

lead to erosion and salinization of soils, siltation of rivers,

ponds, reservoirs. Soil contamination with pesticides causes death

soil bacteria, without which restoration of fertility is impossible.

The soil cover of the Stavropol region irreversibly loses its environmental sustainability due to long-term use. Dust storms blow 4-7 cm,

and sometimes 10 cm of topsoil in one cycle. Soils suffer from heavy machinery. It compacts the arable horizon to a depth of 50-70 cm. This worsens the growing conditions of crops and reduces the yield by 25-30%. Soil erosion is desertifying the land. This process is especially evident in the eastern regions of the region. Valuable agricultural land is often used for other purposes. In this regard, a detailed assessment of the lands, preservation of their remaining potential and restoration of ecological balance based on modern scientific developments are necessary. The most important problem in the region remains environmental pollution. Toxic gases, solid particles, and liquid toxic substances enter the air, water, plants, and the bodies of animals and people. The atmosphere is especially heavily polluted by industrial enterprises; there are 220 of them in the Stavropol Territory. The main pollutants include energy enterprises, the chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking. Road transport also makes a significant contribution. Car emissions contain 280 harmful chemicals. The most heavily polluted atmosphere

in the cities of Nevinnomyssk, Budennovsk, Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Georgievsk,

Mineralnye Vody.

Factory of

mineral water in Essentuki

Environmental issues affect every inhabitant of the planet.

The life of future generations depends on the state of air, water, forests and the environment. Therefore, the regional government

takes a number of measures to protect the environment and environmental safety of the region. In particular, in the Stavropol region

Strategy for socio-economic development until 2020 in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.

Between Europe and Asia

As you know, our region is located on the border between Europe and Asia.

Therefore, the natural conditions of the Stavropol region are extremely diverse

and change every 50-60 kilometers.

The relief whimsically alternates with different shapes and origins.

mountains, hills, depressions and basins. Fast rivers

with rapids and waterfalls flowing from the mountains on the Cis-Caucasian Plain

are replaced by quiet steppe rivers. By territory

225 rivers flow through the region, there are 38 lakes, 1758 reservoirs, ponds and

reservoirs, a developed network of reclamation canals.

The Red Book of the Stavropol Territory was established by Resolution

endangered animal species and flora on the territory of the region.




Euonymus dwarf







There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come here, be a little hearty,

Do not desecrate her shrines!

“Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs! Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland!”

M. Prishvin


Rules of behavior in nature

  • You can't pick flowers.
  • Do not break tree branches.
  • You can't kill frogs.
  • You must not scare birds or touch their nests.
  • You cannot take baby animals
  • and bring them home.

I hugged the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deep river is sad

Losing our shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

Be a man, man!

We believe in you - don't lie,

Take care of us, take care of us!

I hugged the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

“I will save you, I will save you!”

The planet rests on it alone...

It is like an irredeemable coin.

Like the sun, the air and the world is old.

Hurry up, people, leave the good

It is like an irredeemable coin.

What lives were given for this...

Do good, people, on earth!

Recently, the topic of environmental protection has become increasingly discussed. Our planet requires careful handling and is rebelling more and more every year. In order to preserve our nature, each person must monitor his actions, protect and appreciate the gifts of nature around him. Find out how to protect nature. First of all, you need to pay attention to your life. Look at the materials from which the things around you are made. It is best to give preference to natural materials. Thanks to this, you can not only protect nature from processing chemical waste for thousands of years, but also preserve your health. Here are a few simple rules to help protect the nature around us:

Protecting the environment when traveling out of town

Always take care of yourself when traveling out of town. When going on a picnic or barbecue, be sure to take garbage bags with you. Before leaving the parking area, collect all garbage in a bag. Do not leave even small garbage: cigarette butts, plastic caps, glass bottles. Take away unnecessary containers and then throw them in a landfill. You need to understand that no one will ever collect garbage scattered throughout the forest. And he can easily harm everything around him. Special attention pay attention to the fragments glass bottles and smoldering cigarette butts. They can easily cause a forest fire. Nothing else can grow in the scorched spaces. for a long time, just like the forest dwellers who suffered during the fire, are unlikely to return here.

Environmental protection within the apartment

Many people haven’t even thought about the fact that you can take care of nature without making much effort and without even leaving your own apartment. Find out what to do to protect nature while being in your own home. First of all, you need to use utilities sparingly. If a faucet is leaking in your apartment, you should immediately call a plumber. It should be remembered that to purify tap water you need a lot of chlorine, which, of course, has a serious impact on the environment. If possible, install thermostats on batteries, they will not only save you money, but also save Natural resources. Do not leave lights on in rooms unnecessarily. Thermal and hydroelectric power plants not only provide us with light, but also pollute the environment.

Environmental protection in the city

Exhaust gases are one of the most significant sources of environmental pollution. It is within the power of every person to make sure that these emissions become at least a little less. To do this, you should not use your individual vehicle unnecessarily. Just imagine how much processed fuel is released daily from the movement of planes, trains, and ships.

March 11, 2014

In recent years, the topic of protecting nature has become very popular and discussed. Planet Earth requires more careful handling. Every year, she tells us about this more and more insistently. To preserve nature, each of us is obliged to make every effort. We must appreciate and take care of what nature has given us.

What other actions can we take to save nature?

Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to the life in which we live. All things that surround us should be made from natural materials. Thanks to widespread use natural materials, we can reduce the amount of harmful emissions and preserve the health of all humanity.

Here is a list of necessary rules, by observing which we can contribute to the conservation of the environment.

So, when leaving the city, do not forget to take several garbage bags with you. After finishing your picnic, collect all trash, cigarette butts, bottles, plastic caps and other small items. Surely, along the way you will come across a landfill, where you can throw away all the garbage.

You should understand for yourself and tell your children that garbage left in the forest cannot be removed by anyone except you. Therefore, just try not to leave garbage in forest belts.

Particular attention should be paid to the remains of the fire and cigarette butts. Remember that if you leave a small cigarette butt unextinguished, you risk burning the entire forest. Therefore, do not be too lazy to put out the fire with water and collect the cigarette butts in a garbage bag.

In the apartment, you should also take care of preserving nature. You ask how? Everything is very simple. First, you need to use utilities sparingly. Light, gas, water - all these are the resources of our planet. If each of us thinks about the economical use of these resources, the whole planet will benefit.

By going outside, we can also show our respect for environment.

First of all, we're talking about about motorists. If every car owner thinks about the harm that his vehicle causes by emitting exhaust gases, he will come to the conclusion that it is not worth driving the car unless absolutely necessary.

Just imagine the amount of exhaust gases released every hour, every second all over the world. Believe me, the cloud of gases that is released by all planes, cars, trains and agricultural machinery can not only poison, but also kill all life on the planet.

Therefore, to preserve the natural environment, start with your lifestyle. First of all, do not litter and use the planet’s natural resources sparingly.

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Svetlana Tochilina

Project theme: “Protect nature!”

Project type: Information and research.

Project participants: children of the senior group, group teachers, parents.

Dates: within 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: to promote the manifestation of a conscious and moral attitude towards nature in children of senior preschool age and their parents through direct communication with the ecosystem.


1. To form in children basic ecological knowledge about nature.

2. Introduce the rules of behavior in nature.

3. Foster an ecological culture and respect for nature in children and adults.

4. Learn to analyze, draw conclusions, see the beauty of Russian nature.

5. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in nature, observation, and creative imagination.

Predicted result: the formation of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality, the idea that the preservation of nature is the responsibility of man.

Project stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory:

– what will happen if one species of insects (plants or animals) disappears from nature?

Why might this happen?

How will this affect us?

How to prevent this?

Reading children's literature, ecological tales and watching the presentation “What will happen if insects disappear”

Forms of children's activities:

viewing illustrations on the topic “Ecological chain”;

learning poems about forest inhabitants and nature;

guessing riddles about animals and plants;

listening to music “Flight of the Bumblebee, “Waltz of the Butterflies”;

coloring pictures on the topic “Nature conservation”;

watching cartoons and presentations.

Stage 2 - organizational - practical

educational activities;

target walk around ecological trail kindergarten;

observation of flora and fauna;

behind the work of adults;

labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site;

teacher's stories about animals, plants, inanimate nature, about nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, etc.

Methods and techniques for working with children environmental education

conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics;

didactic games;

reading literature;

viewing demonstration material;

memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings, etc.;

design of the wall newspaper “Let's save nature together!”

Conducting educational activities with children to develop ideas about the forest, birds, and animals.

Speech development:

View illustrations on the topic: “In the forest”, “Forest orderlies”, “Matches are not a toy”

Conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in nature.

Writing riddles, stories and fairy tales about the forest;

Watching the cartoon “The Boy and the Earth”

View the presentation “What will happen if insects (birds, etc.) disappear?”


Getting to know the sounds of nature, listening to an audio recording with the sounds of nature, excursions along an ecological trail. Goal: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions about natural objects.

Play activity

Didactic games:

1. "Compare"

Goal: each child talks about his tree and compares it with another.

2. “What’s extra”

Goal: children must identify the extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

3. “Name the fruit”

Goal: Children must correctly identify the fruit of this plant.

4. “Identify a tree by its leaf”

Goal: children must name the tree based on the leaflet.

5. “Say it differently.”

Goal: name the leaves differently (maple leaf, etc.)

Stage 3 is the final stage.

Development and creation of a wall newspaper “Let's save nature together.”

During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. The project expanded children's understanding of insects, animals, the forest, and trees that are near us. He taught them to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us be healthy. Game techniques allow the teacher to interest children in this, perhaps not entirely “children’s topic.” Preschool age such “fertile soil” that any thrown “good seed” will certainly give good sprouts.

I really hope that the work being done will help children experience love and affection for home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for nature, treat it with care

Publications on the topic:

Photo report. Children's book competition "Let's protect nature together." 2017 has been declared as the year of ecology and the year of specially protected natural areas.

Game-quiz on ecology in a preparatory group for school Goal: to develop in children a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Environmental education project “Protect Nature” Take care of the earth! Take care of the earth. Take care of the lark in the blue zenith, the butterfly on the leaves of the dodder, the sun's glare on the paths. On the rocks.

Goal: To create a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day; Promote a sense of belonging in children.

Environmental campaign: “Let's protect nature from garbage!” Our kindergarten took part in Environmental action"Let's protect nature from garbage." Planet.

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Environmental education project “Let's protect nature!”


Project on environmental education in the middle group

“Let's protect nature! »

“To protect nature means to protect the Motherland” (M. Prishvin)

Take care of the earth!
Take care of the earth. Take care
Lark at the blue zenith,
Butterfly on dodder leaves,
There are sun glares on the paths.
A crab playing on the stones,
Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,
A hawk soaring over a field
A clear moon over the river calm,
A swallow flickering in life.
Take care of the earth! Take care

(M. Dudin)

Project topic: "Let's protect nature!"

Project type: Information and research.

Project participants:children middle group, group teachers, parents.

Dates: in a week

Relevance of the project.

Our whole life is closely connected with the nature around us. We breathe air, we need water. Nature gives us food, clothing, shelter. We extract minerals from the earth and grow crops in the fields. We harvest wood, mushrooms, and berries in the forest. Nature gives us everything we need for life, so we need to protect it.

Without air, neither people, nor animals, nor plants can live. Everyone needs clean air. But numerous factories and factories pollute it. Thousands of tons of soot, ash and harmful gases are released into the atmosphere every day. Cars and air pollute.

It is also impossible to live on earth without water. Water is needed not only for human domestic needs. Without water, crops will not grow in the fields, plants and factories will not be able to operate. Humans, animals and plants need clean water. And if rivers and lakes are polluted by emissions from various plants and factories, then the water becomes harmful. You can’t drink it, you can’t water fields with it. Fish die in polluted water and plants die along the banks.

The forest is also of great importance in our lives. The forest provides us with the wood we need. Animals and birds live in the forests, mushrooms, nuts and berries grow. Forests beautify the earth and purify the air, so they must be treated with care and protected.

The wonderful Russian writer M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the storehouse of the Sun with the great treasures of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected, they must be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests and mountains - we will protect our forests and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

It is at preschool age that the child perceives his surroundings most emotionally, he is able to sympathize and empathize, sincerely be surprised that on this basis it is possible and necessary to develop in children a love for nature and its inhabitants. Modern children are growing up in a consumer society; most people do not even realize how much harm each individual does to the environment.

One of the pressing problems of our time is the problem of human interaction with nature. It is common knowledge that the state of the ecosystem has deteriorated significantly recently. This is facilitated by forest fires, deforestation, livestock grazing, air pollution, resource depletion, littering of forests, destruction of medicinal plants, destruction of bird nests, etc. In order for an ecosystem to be healthy and strong, it must be protected and protected. The problem is the lack of ecological culture and environmental consciousness among people, the lack of a system of direct communication with nature.

Objective of the project: promote the manifestation of a conscious and moral attitude towards nature in children of senior preschool age and their parents through direct communication with the ecosystem.


1. To form in children basic ecological knowledge about nature.

2. Introduce the rules of behavior in nature.

3. Foster an ecological culture and respect for nature in children and adults.

4. Learn to analyze, draw conclusions, see the beauty of Russian nature.

5. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in nature, observation, and creative imagination.

Predicted result:the formation of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality, the idea that the preservation of nature is the responsibility of man.

Project stages.


– what will happen if one species of insects (plants or animals?) disappears from nature

Why might this happen?

How will this affect us?

How to prevent this?

Reading children's literature, environmental fairy tales and watching the presentation “What will happen if insects disappear”

Forms of children's activities

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Ecological chain”;

Learning poems about forest inhabitants and nature;

Guessing riddles about animals and plants;

Listening to music “Flight of the Bumblebee”, “Waltz of the Butterflies”, “Polka”;

Coloring pictures on the topic “Nature conservation”

Didactic environmental games“Collect an insect”, “The fourth is odd”, “One is many”, “Call it affectionately”, etc.

Watching a cartoon, presentation

Stage 2 - organizational - practical

Cognitive activities;

a targeted walk along the ecological trail of the kindergarten;

observation of flora and fauna;

behind the work of adults;

labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site and in the garden;

the teacher's stories about animals, plants, inanimate nature, nature reserves, sanctuaries, natural monuments, etc.

Methods and techniques for working with children on environmental education

conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics;

didactic games;

reading literature;

viewing demonstration material;

memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings, etc.;

design of the wall newspaper “Take care of nature!”

Improving the subject-development environment in the group (ecological corner).

Replenishment of the ecological corner with didactic and visual material.

Conducting educational activities with children to develop ideas about the forest.

Speech development:

View illustrations on the topic: “In the forest”,

“Forest Orderlies”, “Matches are not a Toy”

Conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in nature.

Writing riddles, stories and fairy tales about the forest;

Watching the cartoon “The Boy and the Earth”

View the presentation “What will happen if insects disappear?”

Research activities while walking.

1. Take a magnifying glass and examine the ant.

Generalization: Ants live in an anthill as one large and friendly family. There are as many ants in one anthill as there are people in big city. The queen ant rules the anthill. When she was young, she had small wings and loved to frolic and fly. But then, having become the venerable mother of a large ant family, the ant gnaws off her wings and from then on lives in an anthill. She lays eggs, from which larvae will later emerge. Worker ants will take care of the larvae: feed and care for them. Ants, once born, do not grow. The way they were born is the way they are useful. The ant has a thickened abdomen, chest, head, and three pairs of small legs. The ant has strong jaws. Like all insects, ants have antennae - antennas, with the help of which the ant receives information about smell, taste and communicates it to its fellows.

Ants can walk on smooth or inclined surfaces. After all, on each paw the ant has two claws, between them there is a pad that secretes a sticky liquid, which allows the ant not to fall.

Ants love to feast on the spandex most of all - this is the name of the substance secreted by aphids. Ants also eat other insects, especially grasshoppers. There is even a saying about this: “ Best gift to an ant - a grasshopper's leg." They also eat mushrooms, juice and plant seeds.

2. Cover the path with granulated sugar and watch how the ants collect it.

Result: At first, the ants will just fuss and run randomly in different directions. Then they will calm down and you will see one or more long chains of ants moving to and from the treat.

Explanation: Ants perceive complex system information using special chemical substances- pheromones secreted by their bodies. As soon as one ant finds food, in our case sugar, it begins to leave behind a pheromone trail, along which other ants follow. The more ants follow the trail, the stronger the signal becomes. It is interesting to observe how ants exactly repeat the trail of the very first ant, even if it takes a long path, for example, crawling around a pebble. Finding food is only one of the many functions of pheromones. Pheromones convey complex chemical information. If you scare an ant, it will immediately give other ants a signal warning of danger. In this case, ants located close to this signal will run away, and soldier ants located further away, on the contrary, will prepare to attack.


Getting to know the sounds of nature, listening to an audio recording with the sounds of nature, excursions along an ecological trail. Goal: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions about natural objects.

Visual activity.

Software tasks:continue to form children’s understanding of living nature; improve knowledge about nature conservation; introduce proverbs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, proverbs about nature; cultivate a love of nature; cultivate the habit of maintaining correct posture in all activities.

T. Koval “About a hedgehog”

We found a hedgehog in the garden
And they brought it home.
He was hiding from the rain
Under the old alder tree.

At first the hedgehog was afraid of us
And he sat under the table,
But only in the house the light went out,
Our hedgehog has become bolder.

All night he stomped and rustled,
Puffed like a locomotive
And in the morning our prickly guest
Made us laugh to tears.

He brought it under his table
Three pears, ten apples,
Newspaper, handkerchief
And even dad's slipper.

The sun is laughing outside the window,
The rain doesn't cry anymore
We only regret one thing -
It's time to say goodbye, hedgehog.

We'll pack for your trip
We are apples and pears
If you want, take the slippers,
If so, you need him.


Reading the work of O.M. Maslennikova “Why the hedgehog doesn’t meet spring” (“ Environmental projects in kindergarten" O.M. Maslennikova, A.A. Fillippenko, p. 219)Tatyana Yakovleva “The Tale of Trash - Damnation”

Play activity

Didactic games:

1. “Compare.” Goal: each child talks about his tree and compares it with another.

2. “What is unnecessary.” Goal: children must identify the extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

3. “Name the fruit.” Goal: Children must correctly identify the fruit of this plant.

4. “Identify a tree by its leaf.” Goal: children must name the tree based on the leaflet.

5. “Say it differently.” Goal: name the leaves differently (maple leaf, etc.)

6. “Find your tree.” Goal: learn to find a tree by description.

Games: “Dunno's Rules”, “Environmental Police”, “What do we need for a hike? ", "Rules of behavior in the forest", "Good - bad", "Living - inanimate", "Who lives where", "Find out what kind of animal", "Which tree is the leaf from", "Children from the branch", "Name herbs”, “When does this happen? ", "House an animal", "What would happen...", "Whose, whose, whose? ", "We learn to classify", "I know 5 names...", "The world and man", "The meaning of plants", "What is nature", "Ecological chains";

Stage 3 is the final stage.

Development and creation of a wall newspaper “Take care of nature.”

During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. The project expanded children's understanding of insects, animals, the forest, and trees that are near us. He taught them to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us be healthy. Game techniques allow the teacher to interest children in this, perhaps not entirely “children’s topic.” Preschool age is such “fertile soil” that any “good seed” thrown will certainly give rise to good sprouts.

The project can be used in any senior group kindergarten, in leisure activities.

I really hope that the work being done will help children feel love and affection for their home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for nature, treat it with care.