The birth of a child is always associated with joy, so in most cases, a dream about pregnancy has good value, it portends profit, creative growth, and a transition to a new stage of life. Why dream of being pregnant in a dream? Dream books interpret this dream differently, taking into account different nuances.

Why does a girl dream about pregnancy?

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that a young girl is ready to start a family; it’s time for her to get married, become a wife and mother. It is a symbol of the transition from youth to adult life. Perhaps this promises her a new man who will look after her beautifully and the relationship will be long-lasting. Often such a dream tells a girl about problems with her significant other. It's time for her to look at her partner from a different perspective and think about possible changes.

Why do you dream about pregnancy? married girl? If a girl is sexually active, then a dream about pregnancy symbolizes her worries about an unwanted child. She'd better find out everything with a test from the pharmacy. If a girl has already become pregnant and is about to give birth, then a dream about pregnancy portends pleasant troubles and worries for her. According to the esoteric dream book, the main meaning is losses, losses, and books compiled “according to Vanga’s recommendations” warn the girl against betrayal and lies on the part of her chosen one.


Why does a married girl dream about pregnancy? Often this is filmed by adults, married women. If you dream of pregnancy, then your dreams will come true or you will soon become a mother. For a pregnant woman, Vanga’s dream book promises the appearance of twins. If you dream of a woman in a position with a big belly, then this means success in business and prosperity. For those who have a husband, the dream has the opposite meaning according to Miller’s dream book: he warns against failures in marriage, quarrels with the husband, and disobedient children. An elderly woman will face a serious illness, and a very sick woman will face a quick death.

Why do you dream about pregnancy with a girl?

Sleep is the fruit of our subconscious, which is formed by our numerous thoughts. Why do you dream about your own pregnancy with a girl? If a woman in " interesting position“I dreamed that I was pregnant with a girl, then so it will be, soon she will have a daughter. And if a girl is not pregnant, but feels a baby in her stomach, then the dream foreshadows her unexpected joy, which she will soon experience in reality. Our grandmothers believed that if you dream of a child, expect a miracle, a miracle, joy.

As a boy

People's advice is simple: seeing a boy in a dream is good news; successful completion of projects and transactions awaits you. Why does a woman dream about her own pregnancy with a boy:

  1. Seeing this in a dream means a possible car accident.
  2. According to other dream books, the birth of a boy portends important changes. Wait for an event that will change your life.
  3. A boy - a future man - is a symbol of strength, determination, rage. Perhaps the girl will have a situation that she can solve only with a lot of effort.


To have such a dream for unmarried girl- upcoming grief, loss, deception. For married woman twins are a harbinger of pleasant troubles. The dream promises family happiness. A lonely girl who dreamed of twins needs to be extremely prudent - in real life slander and disrepute may await her. Why does a man dream about being pregnant with twins? If a husband dreams of a woman expecting twins, he is “threatened” with a big profit - twice as much as what he expects.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy?

Find out why a virgin dreams of pregnancy. Such a dream is symbolic and indicates that the young girl is ripe for sexual relations, her feminine strength, physical attraction to men, and readiness to become a mother are awakening. Bad value The dream for a sick girl means that her condition may worsen. If events are accompanied negative emotions, experiences, then the young lady will face difficulties in her personal life. A girl may be judged by other people for having promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about pregnancy and the birth of a child?

Success, wealth, successful completion of a business transaction - this is what a girl dreams of about pregnancy and childbirth. Young people, if they see their big belly or giving birth, waiting imminent marriage. For women with a family - happiness in the home, the possible birth of a child, pride in their children. For an elderly woman, this does not bode well - the collections predict illness for her. If the sleeper is a man, then own birth- a sign of success, prosperity, but for this, according to the esoteric dream book, he will need to make a lot of effort.


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Why do women dream about pregnancy?

Pregnancy in a dream is a bright and exciting, but ambiguous vision. How do the most famous dream books interpret it?

Dream Interpretation of Seasons

Vision of pregnancy in a dream autumn time year means that soon the woman herself will find herself in a position.

If in winter time year, a woman dreams that she is expecting a child; this promises health problems; if another woman is pregnant, it means money; if a relative is pregnant, a younger one means discord.

Finding out in a dream that you are pregnant in the summer means unexpected income, finding out that a friend is pregnant means problems in your relationship with your spouse.

Dreaming of a loved one being pregnant:

Relative - to life changes. The closer the relative, the more global the changes;

Grandmother - to the emergence of new, fresh ideas;

Daughter-in-law - to a large number of lucrative offers;

Mother-in-law - means that close relatives are waiting for a new addition.

Ukrainian dream book

By Ukrainian dream book, pregnancy in a dream - to the emergence of ambitious plans. If a young girl is expecting a child in a dream, she will be deceived, adult woman– to the surprise, if an elderly woman dreams of pregnancy, she managed to avoid death.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle

According to this dream book, pregnancy in a dream for an older woman means imminent death, seeing yourself pregnant means far-reaching plans, for a married woman means reconciliation with your spouse, meeting a pregnant friend means trouble.

Dream Interpretation of a Medium

A woman dreams that she is expecting a child - to ambitious plans for the future; knowing that a friend is pregnant promises various troubles.

Jewish dream book

Why do you dream about pregnancy and childbirth according to Jewish dream book? In any manifestation it means immediate worries.

Lunar dream book

According to this dream book, expecting a child for a young girl promises worries and troubles; for an adult woman it promises success in all matters.

Wanderer's Dream Book

If a young woman sees herself as pregnant, it means misunderstandings, mature woman- to prosperity in business. If pregnancy appears in a man’s night visions, this means trouble. If a man sees himself pregnant, this is an unkind sign; such pictures signify betrayal.

Why do you dream about pregnancy and childbirth?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

For a childless woman, visions of pregnancy or pregnancy resolution can promise an early conception or unexpected profit. For a man, such pictures can portend prosperity in business. Feeling the movement of a baby in the womb in a dream means you need to be careful, perhaps they will try to drag you into a scam.

If moving does not bring joy to a woman, it means illness. In a dream, a friend is seen in pregnancy - the girl is too dependent on the opinions of others; if the friend is really pregnant, she will have an easy birth.

Why do you dream about a pregnancy test? A positive test for a lady who wants a child is a favorable sign, the dream will come true.

Ladies' dream book

If a woman dreams of pregnancy, this is a sign of imminent conception, and if a woman is pregnant, she will deliver without any problems.

Psychological dream book

If you dream about pregnancy,

    according to A. Meneghetti - the dream is interpreted as negative, symbolizing that the person who sees the dream is subject to pressure from others or has internal hidden diseases;

    according to Z. Freud - if a woman saw that she was expecting a child, it means that she herself will soon become pregnant; for a lonely lady, this may be a sign of the imminent beginning of close emotional relationships. If a man has such a vision, he wants to have children from the woman he loves. By this dream book pregnancy – to difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex;

    according to G. Miller - seeing yourself pregnant in your dreams threatens a woman with an unhappy marriage and promises the birth of ugly children; if a virgin sees herself pregnant - she will face actions that disgrace her; if a woman who is really pregnant dreams of pregnancy - to a successful delivery;

  • according to D. Loff - pregnancy in a dream symbolizes material well-being, creativity, sexual blossoming. If a young girl sees herself as pregnant, but in reality has no plans to become pregnant, this indicates a transition to new level in development, from child to adult. If a woman leading a pregnancy sees pregnancy in a dream sex life, this may be due to her fears unwanted pregnancy. If a man sees himself in this position, he suffers from his lack of fulfillment in some areas of life, thereby trying to compensate for this. For pregnant women, such visions often symbolize fear of new role and uncertainty about maternal instincts.

Esoteric dream book

What does it say esoteric dream book Why do you dream about pregnancy? If an innocent girl sees herself in this situation, she will face deception, an adult woman will see prosperity in all areas, a man will see a pregnant woman - it will lead to trouble.

Dream Interpretation of White Magic

For a man to see a child coming soon is a success, financial well-being, if he sees that a woman is giving birth - to minor difficulties. According to this dream book, pregnancy, but if his wife is really pregnant, the dream does not have much meaning. A young girl dreams of pregnancy - it’s time to realize her maternal instinct.

Dreams reflect not only events occurring in a person’s life. They also show his dreams and aspirations. Many women want to have children and see themselves pregnant in their dreams.

It is much more surprising when men dream about expecting a baby. They should not raise any doubts about the masculinity of the stronger sex. Rather, dreams demonstrate their focus on an important task or project.

Why do young girls and married women dream about pregnancy? Dream books give many options for answering this question. Details of the dream, such as the gender of the unborn child or the certainty that twins will be born, are of great importance. It is better to solve a dream in the morning, since later the memories of it will become fuzzy.

If a woman is pregnant in a dream and knows that a girl will be born, she will not only gain peace of mind and confidence in the future, but will also receive a generous gift from fate. Perhaps it will be an unexpected amount of money or a successful resolution of a problem situation.

A completely different situation arises when a boy is expected to be born. The dream foreshadows difficulties in the family and at work. Things that seem to have already been decided can stall or end in nothing.

To a man a strange dream with him own pregnancy will bring wealth and respect from loved ones and colleagues. He takes a responsible approach to any issue and resolves it. With such a husband, a woman will feel like she is behind a stone wall, and his subordinates will work diligently to earn praise. Such a boss will take care of bonuses for good employees.

Why do you dream about pregnancy - meaning in different dream books

The authors of dream books and soothsayers interpreted the dream with the delicate position of a woman in some ways similar, but in others differently. To a greater extent, subsequent events depended on additional details of the dream and the mood of the dreamer.

When asked why one dreams of being pregnant, one encounters answers such as having serious plans for the future, making a profit, and even quarreling with one’s spouse.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud explained dreams of pregnancy as dreams of children. If the dream appeared to one of the spouses, he feels ready to become a parent and wants this. Women often dream of pregnancy and have no idea about it.

The second interpretation of sleep for a woman is a feeling of security when finding a new sexual partner. They may not have been together for long, but the lady has already realized that this man can become the father of her children.

Gustav Miller considered it unkind to dream about pregnancy for any woman, whether he knew him or not. The dream warns the bride about the wrong choice of the groom. Her married life will not work out. Married dream portends troubles in the family and the birth of ugly children.

If in a dream a woman dreamed that the father of her unborn child abandoned her, in reality he, on the contrary, will show care and attention to her. Miller's dream book gave an interesting interpretation to men. Seeing himself pregnant, a bachelor will soon get married, and a married man will divorce.

When a woman agrees to an abortion in a dream, in reality she has decided to commit an irreparable act that will have dire consequences.

According to Vanga

I interpreted the dream of a stranger’s pregnancy completely differently clairvoyant Vanga. Any person in a position meant that the sleeping person would receive a good position or money in reality.

If a girl dreamed that the baby was moving in her stomach, a real pregnancy will most likely occur. Depending on other details of the dream, dreams of pregnancy can be interpreted as the arrival of favorable changes. This will happen, for example, if the sleeping woman feels happiness from the upcoming appearance of the baby.

For married people, the dream promises work and troubles or slight illness. Most often, such a dream speaks of an illness associated with digestion. When a woman sees how she gives birth to a baby, in reality she will forget about problems and unresolved issues. Stability and good news await her.

According to Nostradamus

Nostradamus associated a dream with pregnancy with poverty and ruin if the sleeping woman herself was in the situation. Hopes for earning money will be deceived, and business will be doomed to failure.

If a stranger was pregnant, it means that poverty has come to another house, and the dreamer may be asked to borrow money.

According to Hasse

A man who was pregnant in a dream devoted himself entirely to some undertaking. Intuition never deceives, so you should pay attention to the events occurring in a dream. A bright, pleasant dream speaks of the success of an enterprise.

Someone else's pregnancy symbolizes injustice and false manifestations of friendship. The dreamer needs to be on guard and not be frank with unfamiliar people. For a young girl, expecting a child predicts a happy union with her loved one, while for an older girl, it predicts a serious illness.

Pastor and psychologist Loff suggested first of all remembering the emotional coloring of the dream. If it was gloomy, in dark colors and caused fear and rejection, it threatens a pregnant woman with the loss of a child due to an accident. For an elderly person, a disturbing dream foreshadows the death of a relative, and for a married woman, it foretells her husband’s betrayal.

Joy and bright colors promise a woman the desired pregnancy. A girl who sees such a dream awakens her maternal instinct.

By Longo

The famous magician advised a girl who remembered a dream about her pregnancy to quickly get married and realize the instinct of procreation. A married woman should prepare for a real pregnancy.

A man who sees his wife with a big belly does not in vain hope to make a profit for current projects. They will turn out to be profitable and bring excellent income. However, if the wife is actually pregnant, the dream loses this interpretation. The husband is worried about his wife’s health and therefore sees her pregnant in his dreams.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream depending on your status

Dream books give the kindest interpretation of a pregnancy dream to married ladies, since it is completely natural for them to procreate. The dream warns girls against taking liberties and frivolous hobbies.

If a woman is expecting a baby, a dream about her position promises a successful birth. Both mother and baby will feel well. For a non-pregnant wife, the dream reveals her cherished wish. A woman dreams of full family with kids. Most likely, her aspirations will come true in the near future.

According to the English dream book, a pregnant woman who sees such a dream will give birth to twins. A positive pregnancy test dreamed by an elderly woman marks a deterioration in well-being and an exacerbation of illness.

Single woman

For an unmarried girl, a dream about pregnancy suggests that you think about your behavior and behave more seriously with your gentlemen. It is possible that one of them will try to discredit his friend and ruin her reputation. An acquaintance with a young man who is attractive at first glance will end in deception.


According to Miller’s dream book, a very young girl’s dream with pregnancy threatens her with shame and numerous troubles. Problems can be avoided by not participating in noisy parties and not meeting cheerful but unreliable young people.

Any indiscretion will end in condemnation from others.

Someone else's pregnancy in a dream

Most dream interpreters are not happy with predictions about dreams with someone else’s pregnancy. Exceptions are made only for the dreamer's relatives. After reading the predictions of dream books, you can figure out why someone else’s pregnancy is dreaming and transfer the forecast to your own situation.

Unfamiliar pregnant woman

According to Hasse, seeing a stranger pregnant in a dream is an extremely negative sign. Misfortunes and unexpected expenses will follow. Night vision marks the onset of a streak of failures, gossip and deception.

Troubles and strife will especially persistently pursue the sleeping person if the pregnant woman was drunk. You won’t be able to hide from problems, but by showing resilience, you can survive them with minimal losses.

The dream will have a positive meaning if the unfamiliar woman is very exhausted and looks weak. In this case, misfortunes will also not pass by, but will have less impact on the life of the sleeper.

Pregnancy of a relative

As a rule, a dream about pregnancy of a woman from her family reveals her true intentions. The mother, who has already raised her older children, again dreams of experiencing the joys of motherhood. If a sister is pregnant in a dream, good luck and material wealth will come to the sleeper. When two or three sisters are expecting a child at once, the dreamer will discover several sources of income.

An elderly person who has a dream with a pregnant sister is likely to enter into inheritance rights after the death of a relative. Both women and men who have brothers rather than sisters should beware of betrayal from a loved one.

Friend's pregnancy

For the dreamer's girlfriend, who appeared in a dream while pregnant, it may mean the onset of pregnancy. After such a dream, the sleeper will be burdened with troubles and routine responsibilities. He also has a lot of hard work ahead of him.

When a dreamer has to care for a pregnant friend in a dream, in reality she will also do her will. In this couple, the girlfriend usually holds the lead.

Daughter's pregnancy

If her mother dreams about her daughter’s interesting situation, the woman is worried about her possible pregnancy. Either her daughter is not married, and she fears for her reputation, or, being married, she cannot have a child.

It is possible that the girl is in love and dreams of a baby from her chosen one. In this case, the mother’s fear is completely justified, since he has not yet proposed to his daughter.

Why do you dream about expecting twins?

When pregnant with twins in a dream, a woman should prepare for significant changes in fate. If you had a dream about twins married man, the business will bring him double dividends. Regardless of whether the husband himself or his wife was pregnant, profits are just around the corner.

Sometimes a dream about twins expresses doubts on a subconscious level about the behavior of a new acquaintance. The man is a cause for concern, and for good reason: he is a real hypocrite. When communicating with people, he shows one side of his personality, hiding the other.


The birth of a child is a significant and most often anxiously anticipated event. Of course, the lives of the spouses and their families will be overtaken by changes, but the joy of seeing the baby and his smile is worth the sleepless nights and worries. A new family member, like a magnet, will become a center of attraction for parents and their loved ones. He has everything ahead of him, and his father and mother will try to protect him from disappointment.

As the child grows up, he will begin to gain his own life experiences. However, this moment is still so far away, especially if relatives are just greeting the young mother at the door of the maternity hospital. Her dreams and daydreams turned into reality, and now the woman has to take care of the baby. In the near future she will not have time to sleep - the heir will require maximum attention.

Children grow up quickly, and every touching moment when they make a discovery or sincerely express feelings is priceless. Being a mother is a great happiness. Let the dream about pregnancy be “in your hand.”

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Every woman can see herself pregnant in a dream, and such dreams are quite common. Such dreams can be dreamed by both pregnant women and non-pregnant young ladies. When interpreting dreams about pregnancy, you should be careful and decipher such dreams literally from both sides.

Being pregnant and expecting a long-awaited child, dreams about pregnancy do not carry any semantic load, but are solely a reflection of our desires, possible fears and experiences. But seeing yourself pregnant in a dreamland, and not being pregnant in the real world, is interesting, and such dreams should not be ignored and carefully interpreted.

Our dreams about pregnancy and consciousness

Sometimes young ladies who are pregnant but are not yet aware of it can have dreams about pregnancy. Thus, the subconscious is trying to tell us and report happy event. But you shouldn’t rejoice or panic, no one will give a 100% guarantee, but sometimes this happens. By the way, the British have a saying: the one who sees herself pregnant before marriage will give birth to twins.

On the other hand, many young ladies want a child so much that these desires are projected in a dream. And the stronger this desire, effort, etc., the higher the chance of getting what you want, at least in a dream. The desire to become a mother is quite normal for any woman, and it should be so. The subconscious satisfies this desire in a dream and shows a long-awaited pregnancy; in this case, the dream cannot be interpreted.

It turns out that such dreams are nothing more than a game of the subconscious, which is trying to say something about what happened, or in this way we get what we really want.

In addition to pregnancy, the body and subconscious can send this kind of dreams and information if some kind of disease is being born. Sometimes, in this way, the subconscious mind suggests the presence of organic pathology, which has hidden influence on the psyche and thus tries to inform, warn.

What does pregnancy mean in a dream?

Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. What is pregnancy? The beginning of a new life, but in a dream everything may not be so literal, and the word “pregnancy” can sometimes be attributed to the most incredible events. A simple example: dreams in which a young lady sees herself pregnant, sometimes dream of the imminent “birth” of a new idea, dream or the birth of plans according to which she will have to move and strive for their implementation.

Often pregnancy in a dream reflects the readiness of both women and men for something creative. Something that has not yet been distributed to the masses, or simply not invented. Don’t be surprised, sometimes men can see themselves pregnant in a dream. Of course, the state of pregnancy is unnatural for men, but such dreams can be interpreted as the “conception” of a large-scale project, idea or undertaking.

On the other hand, sex therapists say that if a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, then this is a dissatisfied man who has various kinds of problems in the sexual sphere. Experts say that the meaning of such a dream is deeply psychological, and consultation with a specialist - a psychologist, sex therapist - is urgently needed.

Our grandmothers made adjustments for age in the interpretation of such a dream. Girls outside marriage who had similar dreams deserved special attention. If a virgin sees herself pregnant in a dream, such a dream may warn of shame, which will certainly be associated with honor. But if a married and already pregnant woman sees such a dream, then such a dream can be interpreted as a successful delivery in the future, and the birth of a healthy baby.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream

In the country of Morpheus, you can see not only yourself pregnant, but also some familiar/unfamiliar woman in pregnancy. Previously, in the 70s - 80s, seeing a pregnant woman was considered good luck and good sign, but seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is not a very good sign - you need to expect trouble.

If in a dream you have to lie next to a pregnant woman, then this is a sign of pleasant hopes that will certainly come true. To be present at childbirth in a dream is a sign of great difficulties in completing planned tasks. There is also back side medals, the dream of a man who is present at a partner birth does not have any meaning, if he is faced with such a test, or if this test has been passed. The birth of a child is always a great impression, and the consciousness will “digest” the impressions received for a long time.

If you are about to give birth in a dream, then this is a bad sign; it often speaks of unfulfilled hopes of a love affair. Sometimes, in a dream, a woman sees herself as pregnant, and even waits for the contractions to begin, but in the end she turns out not to be pregnant. Such a dream with a false pregnancy can be interpreted as a waste of energy, the tasks that were set and everything that was done were in vain.

Our dreams and subconscious provide a riddle, solving which you can get the necessary information, even a warning. Our dreams can be such a warning and a storehouse of information, to which mandatory you need to listen. By nature, women are more sensitive, especially young ladies in position.

Good day, dear guests of my blog! Do you believe that dreams come true? To be honest, I don’t particularly care, but sometimes I still look into dream books if I dream about something memorable.

In fact, the connection between dreams and reality is not obvious. And not everyone can find the meaning on their own, so you have to resort to the help of all kinds of dream books.
Today we will find out what it means to see yourself pregnant in a dream.

This situation can be interpreted in different ways.

The value may depend on large quantity factors:

  1. If you are actually expecting a baby, then such a dream promises an easy birth.
  2. Seeing yourself with a big belly can indicate such a desire in reality.
  3. A dream can also mean some changes in real life. For example, starting a new business, as well as with other people.

Such a dream for a young and healthy woman can mean psychological readiness carry and give birth to a healthy baby.
If you are active sex life, but are not yet ready to give birth, then perhaps this indicates your worries and concerns about a possible pregnancy.

Such a dream may also be a reflection of a regular menstrual cycle.
May also foretell changes in life destiny. As a rule, positive. Symbolizes possible profit, wealth and creative endeavors. If you want this kind of change to happen, you need to take action, but not alone.
Sometimes you have unusual dreams, for example, seeing a deceased woman pregnant can be interpreted as a failure of some plans.

What does it mean to be pregnant with a boy or a girl?

Let's find out why you dream of being pregnant with a boy. Most often, a dream foreshadows troubles and certain difficulties that you will have to go through and everything will work out.

Perhaps you will change housing or go on a long business trip.
If you dream that you are pregnant with a girl, then soon you will encounter something mysterious, surprising and unusual.

Sleep is considered a good omen. Some old people say that such a dream foretells the arrival of a gift, a generous offering or wonderful news.

You dream of being pregnant with twins when the desire to conceive a baby is simply enormous. Most likely, this reflects a mental state and has no special intention.

Perhaps the long-awaited event has already arrived, but the woman does not know anything about it yet.

If there is no desire to get pregnant, then perhaps changes will begin soon. For a man, such a vision promises double profits.
Twins can also warn about some hypocritical person in your environment.

Unusual meanings

If a woman saw a dream for a long time, then this is a sign of prosperity and even wealth.
A man can also have such a dream. In this case, we should expect the implementation of plans and different ideas.

All in all, an excellent sign.
By the way, being pregnant and feeling the baby move may mean that you should refuse any proposed dubious activities.

Seeing a friend, mother, sister or daughter in a position in a dream signals that the girl is subject to great influence from the outside.

She is under great pressure from the opinions of the public and her parents. It can also suggest the joint implementation of all plans.
See in dreams positive test for pregnancy can warn that the desire to conceive will soon come true.
If you see yourself with a belly and wedding dress, then this is a sign of well-being in the family.

Often pregnant girls dream about their condition, the movement of the fetus, or even the process of childbirth. If you saw blood in a dream, then you need to check the state of your health and the fetus.

In the case where a woman who is not carrying a child under her heart dreams of blood, this can also be a warning about health problems.

For older women, such visions are not always interpreted pleasantly. This may indicate illness or nervous breakdowns.

It may also be due to problems with relatives or in the family.
If you are divorced and dream that you have become pregnant from or from another man, then this foreshadows new life difficulties.

Maybe even deception from a loved one.
Seeing yourself in front of a mirror with your belly, especially if you dreamed from Thursday to Friday, may indicate that labor is about to begin.

Interpretation in different dream books

Now let's find out the values ​​in different dream books. Interestingly, they can be very different.

Meneghetti's interpretation

This dream book defines such a dream as a symbol of gestation. Most often seen as something negative.

For example, it says that it is easy to convince a person of something. That he is subject to outside influences. It can also be a sign of organic diseases.

According to Tsvetkov

According to esotericist Tsvetkov, a dream with pregnancy can have the following meanings:

  1. For an innocent girl - deception.
  2. For a woman - joy or a feeling of pride.
  3. For a man - new plans.
  4. See unknown girl in position may be a signal of future troubles.

What did Freud claim?

The renowned dream interpreter notes several options for what such a dream might mean:

  1. The woman may soon become pregnant.
  2. Conception has already occurred, but the woman does not know about it yet.
  3. The girl really wants a child.
  4. The coming of change.

Interpretation of the white magician Longo

For a man to see his wife in an interesting position is a good sign. This indicates that your ideas will be fruitful and will achieve success.

With some effort you can achieve profit. But if the wife is truly pregnant, then the dream has no special symbols.
For a woman, such a dream means an addition to the family.

And for a young girl it is a hint about a dormant maternal instinct.

Interpretation according to Miller

Miller has several meanings. If a girl is expecting a baby soon, then such a dream should calm her down.

After all, it means that there is no need to worry and the birth will take place without complications.
But for a non-pregnant woman, a dream can mean difficulties with her husband, troubles in her personal life, and even conflicts.
For a virgin, such a dream is a warning about discussions and gossip behind her back, as well as possible shame.

Interpretation from Vanga

Vanga's dream book also has several meanings. For a married woman, such a dream can symbolize the appearance of twins.
But such a dream for an unmarried girl is not very good. It is a sign that her boyfriend is dishonest and deceitful.

Values ​​from Semenova

Such a vision, according to this dream book, may mean that the woman is already pregnant or this will happen very soon.

If in reality this is the case, then such a vision promises an easy birth and a healthy baby. A man can also have such dreams, especially if he really wants to become a father.

At the same time, the desire is so great that it even penetrates the subconscious.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The feeling of new life inside can mean grandiose plans for the future. But you can find out what the result will be from the remaining details of the dream.

If you dreamed that you were in a different position, then perhaps failures will await you for some time.

Interpretations from other dream books

There are many other dream books.

Let's find out some of them:

  1. In the dream book of the wanderer Smirnov, pregnancy for a girl means that one must wait for deception; for a woman, it means the fulfillment of desires. But for a man - danger and even health problems. Just seeing a girl in a position means trouble.
  2. According to the lunar dream book, almost the same interpretations as in the first case. For girls it’s a lie, but for women it’s success and joy.
  3. There are also modern dream book, according to which such a dream will bring happiness in love for a girl, and illness for an older woman. Seeing a pregnant woman means profit. But, in general, this state indicates that it’s time to bring into reality the things you’ve been dreaming about for a long time.
  4. But according to Azar’s interpretation, such dreams in any case promise worries.
  5. In the esoteric book you can see that your own interesting position means losses, and someone else’s means you will have to lend it.
  6. According to the Ukrainian dream book, seeing a girl in a position means trouble, and being in it yourself means the implementation of your most daring plans.
  7. By winter dream book your own pregnancy warns of imminent health problems, but someone else’s means prosperity. Dreaming about a pregnant daughter means a quarrel.
  8. In the summer, such a dream about yourself portends prosperity, but about another woman - to ups and downs in married life.
  9. But in the fall, such dreams can symbolize the long-awaited conception.
  10. According to the English dream book for a married woman, such a dream means that you can expect twins. An unmarried woman needs to take a closer look at her other half. Such a dream may suggest his dishonesty and selfishness.
  11. Khamidova's dream book warns a non-pregnant woman that in her family life Not everything will be so smooth. For innocent girls, such a vision also does not bode well.

Pregnancy of loved ones and relatives

Observing someone else's pregnancy in a dream warns of what should be done with special attention treat this person.

Especially if the dream is about a woman you know or a relative. This may indicate career growth or changes in the character of a loved one.
If a woman dreams of a man in an unusual state, then this means that she needs patronage and protection.

Your mother's pregnancy may indicate that in reality she is ready to become pregnant again.

The interesting position of the daughter allows us to see her real dreams about this. Perhaps she wants a child from a specific person.

This may also be a sign of your fears for your daughter.
A pregnant sister dreams of prosperity and wealth. Perhaps you will be offered some deals on favorable terms.
If there is no real sister, then this may be a sign of an imminent promotion for labor merits. This may mean receiving an inheritance.
If you dreamed of two pregnant sisters at once, then expect income from several sources.
Let's look at why such a dream occurs depending on the day of the week:

  • on Monday for weather changes;
  • on Tuesday for the news;
  • on Wednesday – to expenses;
  • on Thursday - to a domestic quarrel;
  • on Friday - promises longevity;
  • dream on Saturday - troubles and fuss.

What dreams are harbingers of real pregnancy?

Traditionally, a dream about fish is news of an imminent conception. In addition, fish is a harbinger of profit, strong love and even warn about cheating.
See the fish swim in clean water- means that conception has already occurred.
Good dream - fishing with bare hands, sometimes it notifies about possible twins.
Buying fish from a seller of a certain gender can also indicate the gender of the child.
Similar dreams can also visit people close to a woman, which is also a good sign. Fried fish may also portend imminent conception.
Visions about an upcoming interesting situation may suggest cabbage, a cat with kittens, dolphins, storks.

Dreams about apples, picking mushrooms or buying vegetables and fruits also speak about this.