The intended goal of the school educational process - the development of a full-fledged, comprehensively educated and harmonious personality - is realized through the implementation and implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. One of important aspects achieving this goal is the development of a school student (hereinafter referred to as IOM) and adherence to its provisions.

Changes in the general education system in last years are focused on the personalization of ongoing activities, which include self-development of both students and teachers. In this regard, curricula are being revised, directing them towards the humanization and personalization of students. This movement ensures the development of personality, self-determination and recognition of the self-worth of each student, and aims to increase the effectiveness and functionality of the programs being implemented. In turn, individual educational route provides:

  • organizing the educational process at a pace and order corresponding to the level of optimal educational load for each child;
  • setting learning goals and objectives that meet the student’s real requirements and expectations, which increases motivation to master the program material;
  • modeling a situation of personal responsibility for the result.

Individual educational route - what is it?

In recent years, the school educational system has undergone significant changes, as a result of which the very essence of teaching practice has changed. If earlier teachers were required to have excellent knowledge of the subject and its competent presentation, then in the conditions of humanization of the modern school, the ability of teachers, within the framework of class lessons and extracurricular activities, to contribute to the development of each child as an individual, regardless of age, health indicators, and individual abilities, comes to the fore. To ensure differentiation of the educational process, the concept of IOM was introduced into the theory of pedagogical practice, which has not yet been reflected at the legislative level, and therefore has several interpretation options.

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Read in the magazine “Directory of the Deputy Head of an Educational Institution” recommendations for individualizing education at school:

- Designing an individual educational route in the lesson (technological maps and lesson models)
- Samples of a work plan and an individual route that will help develop students’ abilities (diagnostic methods)

Conceptually, a personal way to realize a student’s personal potential in education. A number of authors define the concept of a student’s individual educational route as a program developed by the student together with the teacher, where the child is given some freedom to choose the form and content of education. Other authors are of the opinion that the route is a kind of model of the learning space, which is compiled taking into account the characteristics of the child. In any case, the goals of the student’s personal plan are established taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the comprehensive development of the individual within the framework of school curriculum.

To meet the needs of students, including through individualization of training, the creation of special conditions is required, which is preceded by the following stages of organizational work:

  1. Studying the abilities, interests, and intellectual capabilities of students. Data on which the design will be based individual educational route following the example, can be obtained in the course of diagnosing, assessing and monitoring knowledge, observation, compiling statistical tables with forecasting the zone of proximal development. Each teacher at this stage has the right to use the diagnostic method that seems most effective, taking into account the characteristics of the educational situation. To obtain reliable data, it is recommended to implement a set of diagnostic measures.
  2. Selection of IOM. This point should be understood as the creation of special conditions, thanks to which schoolchildren have the opportunity to choose methods, forms and methods of learning.

It is important to note that students can be trained using several IOMs at once, which are carried out in parallel or sequentially. The choice of each route depends on a number of factors - the interests and needs of the child, parental expectations, personnel and material and technical capabilities of the school, available ways to include an additional educational module in the learning process.

To summarize the above, I would like to present another definition of the analyzed concept. So, an individual educational route is a differentiated, specially prepared program, within which the student is the subject of choice, and teachers provide comprehensive assistance in his self-determination and successful self-realization.

Individualization of the learning process at school stimulates the introduction of special documents designed to provide a personal approach to each student. One of these documents - the student’s individual educational route - is a ready-made program that guides the child’s development along a specific route. The introduction of this document into the work of a general education institution is intended to help teachers see the process from the perspective of schoolchildren, and young people to decide on the goals and direction of their further development.

The project is designed to, with the help of teachers, form in the child’s mind a stable position as a subject of choice. Teacher support in implementing the route will provide the student with the opportunity for self-determination. According to regulatory guidelines, individual plans must include six basic subjects (mathematics, history, Russian language and literature, physical education, foreign language and life safety). The remaining disciplines can be chosen by the student, his parents or teacher, taking into account the plans and abilities of a particular student.

Exploring the concept and examples of individual educational route student, one should keep in mind the broader meaning of the program, which denotes the educational trajectory. This means that in order to achieve goals, several directions and plans must be simultaneously implemented according to the technology of the pedagogical process prescribed in the same document. The program is necessary to form a sequence of activities to provide knowledge, and includes not only mental development, but also the opportunity to reveal the personal potential of each student.

One of the most important goals of routing learning is to create favorable conditions for the manifestation of giftedness and personality traits. It is necessary to understand that due to health conditions, low motivation, family circumstances and many other factors, the implemented education system is not easy for all students. For many children, an educational route can be a significant support in mastering the school curriculum. Samples of a student’s individual educational route proposed in the article will give an idea of ​​the document, its functions and features.

Individual educational route: principles and stages of creation

Personal routes for schoolchildren are designed taking into account their psychological and intellectual characteristics. According to the modern concept of education, students can study new topics, consolidate or repeat the material they have covered. Weak, strong, gifted or frequently ill students cannot move along the same trajectories, therefore for each category of schoolchildren they make up different IOM, taking into account also the degree of learning ability of the children. Programs can be short or long, but in any case they should stimulate the formation of a well-rounded personality, self-esteem, motivate self-education and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Choice individual educational route for a specific child should be carried out by a teacher, taking into account current indicators of the educational situation. The following elements should be included in the route design:

  1. Generalized characteristics of the child, compiled based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis.
  2. A list of acquired knowledge and skills provided for by the educational program.
  3. Area of ​​knowledge and competencies provided for in advanced study conditions subject area(relevant for children with signs of giftedness).
  4. List of creative tasks for each educational topic software development.
  5. Indicators of psychological and pedagogical monitoring.
  6. Necessary corrective measures (for schoolchildren with disabilities).

According to N. Poddkov, it is recommended to design IOM not only taking into account the zone, but also the horizons of immediate development, providing, paradoxically, for movement towards difficult-to-achieve goals. This is necessary to prevent artificial restrictions. Maximum effectiveness from the implementation of the program can be achieved if, at the stage of its development, the student and parents are involved in the process. Carrying out joint activities (communication, reading, games, etc.) allows you to clarify the individual characteristics of the student and understand the expectations of parents from educational events.

Experts also recommend developing IOM for children with disabilities. Such documents should take into account the characteristics of students and be aimed at improving remedial teaching. Following a special route contributes to the effective socialization of children with disabilities.

Thus, individual educational routes according to the Federal State Educational Standard are designed to solve the following problems:

  1. They allow you to create favorable conditions for general development, including by meeting the needs for self- and additional education.
  2. They provide conditions for developing the main meta-subject competence - the ability to learn with setting goals and objectives, organizing the educational process, identifying difficulties and overcoming them.
  3. They help to restore the missing knowledge to lagging students.
  4. Contributes to the formation of motivation and educational activities in low-achieving children.
  5. They support gifted children with character traits expressed in hyperactivity, increased emotionality, and difficulties in communication.
  6. They help children with health problems get an education by developing an individual educational route for students with disabilities.
  7. They provide an opportunity for students who are ahead of their development to gain knowledge that matches their abilities.

As for the design itself, it is not possible to develop a single trajectory for all students, since the learning process is in constant motion, and each student requires an individual approach. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that elements of the route can and should be subject to adjustment. At the same time, providing a wide range of opportunities and assistance in choosing your direction are the main tasks of the teacher. Despite the collective development of the route (including with the involvement of parents), the choice of direction should remain with the child.

We present to your attention the development algorithm individual educational route according to the sample, which can be gradually implemented in the conditions of modern educational practice:

  1. Determining the grounds for choosing a student’s individual educational route (determining, through psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the level of achievement of subject, meta-subject and personal results, educational needs, motivation to learn, health status, etc.).
  2. Conceptual justification for choosing an individual educational route (at a joint meeting of a representative of the administration, teachers, students and their parents, educational goals are determined, educational results are planned that should be achieved based on the results of mastering IOM at various stages and in general, the main types of activities and possible problems).
  3. Designing by students and their parents an individual educational route using an electronic designer (clarification of individual educational goals and objectives, specification of planned results, choice of the level at which each subject will be studied, choice of extracurricular activity programs, social practices, elective courses, etc., choosing a form for summing up the results of mastering the educational route).
  4. Design by teachers and psychologists of diagnostic methods for conducting current and final diagnostics of IOM mastery, including self-assessment cards for students.
  5. Meeting-interview with an administration representative, class teacher, student and parents to clarify the structure and content of the individual educational route, planning joint work on its implementation.
  6. Development of a route sheet for the implementation of an individual educational route (in electronic form).

As practice shows, the implementation of IEM is possible only in special educational conditions that provide for the openness of learning outcomes, providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to choose the level of complexity of program material, and a combination of forms of organizing educational work only on the basis of the principle of expediency. An individual educational route requires providing differential pedagogical assistance to each student, building interaction in such a way that learning invariably remains an independent activity, as well as providing comfortable psychological conditions for all children without exception.

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Training according to the program will help you clarify what school performance is and what influences it, effectively identify the causes of school failure, and learn how to use technologies for working with underachieving students, with gifted and highly motivated children.

Individual educational route according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A distinctive feature of IOM, which essentially personifies new teaching technologies with maximum indicators of differentiation and individualization, is the multidimensionality of work in the field. This is manifested in a wide choice of directions for the implementation of routes: content (variable curricula and educational programs that determine an individual educational route), activity (special pedagogical technologies) and procedural (the organization itself). At the same time, the most important components individual educational routes are the following components:

  1. The target aspect determines the exact goals that are formed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the needs and motivation of the student.
  2. The content component provides a rationale for the constructed route, explains the systematization of the content of subjects and the connections between cycles, subjects, and topics in the curriculum.
  3. The technological element establishes methods, educational technologies and special methods for the implementation of planned educational and training activities.
  4. The diagnostic component defines the system chosen to monitor the level of knowledge acquired.
  5. The organizational and pedagogical aspect expresses the paths that will ultimately lead to achieving the goal.
  6. The result element denotes the planned results.

An explanatory note to a student’s individual educational route is a document that gives Full description compiled development trajectory. The document includes points about the developmental characteristics, capabilities of the student, planned results, performance criteria, features of the educational process and ways to monitor its functioning. In the IOM itself, the teacher usually offers a set of tasks of varying degrees of complexity and topics for research or creative works. I would like to note that the mere fact of developing a route project as a factor in individualizing learning is significant, but not particularly effective if the school does not have special organizational and pedagogical conditions, namely:

  1. The need to comply with the basic principles ensuring efficient use individual educational routes for the teacher to achieve the planned educational results (mandatory respect for the interests of the student, personal active position student, interaction and coordination of actions of all participants in educational relations, continuous and guaranteed psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of IEM, support for achieving the planned educational results of students).
  2. Various types of designs are systematically carried out individual educational routes according to the Federal State Educational Standard or their combinations (for students who have difficulty mastering educational programs in academic subjects, children with disabilities, gifted schoolchildren).
  3. The local documentation provides for the possibility of making changes to the organization of the educational process, allowing students, within the framework of the design and implementation of IEM, to use mandatory units of program content, elective courses, sub-subject programs, participation in the student scientific society, as well as distance educational and social practices as structural units.
  4. Provides didactic support to students in the process of implementing an individual route based on continuous monitoring of educational achievements.
  5. At school, with the participation of the school administration, opportunities are created for teachers to actively use modern educational technologies and educational practices, including through the creation of a system of psychological and methodological support in the process of solving specific educational and professional difficulties of participants in educational relations.
  6. There is a continuous development of the educational space of the school, primarily the information and educational environment, and social partnership both for the popularization of subject knowledge through educational, educational and scientific-methodological events, and for the implementation of integrative educational practices.

Subject to compliance with the presented requirements for creating favorable conditions for the implementation of IEM, you can count on the consistent implementation and approval of a system of managerial, organizational and pedagogical conditions for the design and implementation of individual educational achievements of students, taking into account the need to implement subject concepts that can be adapted to the conditions of a particular educational institution . Accumulating ready examples of individual educational routes according to the Federal State Educational Standard, teachers will be able to work out simple algorithms for their design that will improve efficiency educational activities generally.

At the school level, practices for the implementation of IOM ensure the implementation of a differential approach in educational activities, which is fully consistent with the current state policy, creating conditions for the successful introduction and implementation of subject concepts, improving the quality of education and the efficiency of educational institution management, expanding productive social partnerships, fulfilling social orders .

For participants in the educational process, organizing training based on individual educational routes provides additional benefits:

  1. For students: achieving planned educational results, ensuring positive dynamics of educational work, active involvement in the process of planning and evaluating their own educational activities, increasing motivation for schooling.
  2. For parents: providing opportunities for joint design of the child’s IEM, intensifying cooperation with school representatives as part of the IEM, increasing satisfaction with the organization and the results of educational activities.
  3. For teachers: creating conditions for the introduction of new educational technologies and educational practices, improving the analytical culture of staff, ensuring cooperation of all participants in educational relations necessary to solve educational objectives, development of tools for diagnosing and assessing students’ achievement of the planned results of mastering IOM.

Ready-made individual educational route for primary schoolchildren

According to research, from 20 to 60% of children, by the time they enter school, do not have an adequate level of preparation for the upcoming education. This causes problems for first-graders associated with difficulties in mastering basic disciplines. Children studying in elementary grades are very different in abilities, speed of learning, self-motivation and health. That is why it is important to introduce differentiation in the organization of education from the first days of a student’s stay at school.

Individual educational route younger child school age should be understood as a project of a child’s educational activity developed by a teacher together with parents, reflecting his individual characteristics, needs, interests, aimed at achieving key competencies of school age in order to facilitate the fullest realization of the child’s development potential. The goal of IOM for a student of primary school age is the maximum realization of development potential, which includes:

  1. Compensation for the child’s difficulties (difficulties associated with social adaptation and learning difficulties), full development.
  2. Preparation for a new social development situation.
  3. Development of abilities and capabilities, realization of creative potential.
The dominance of one or another task in the development of routes determines their focus (typology):
  • correctional type route - aimed at providing correctional and pedagogical support to junior schoolchildren with developmental disabilities (including disabilities);
  • adaptive route - aimed at using the potential of education to prepare a child for a new social development situation (for example, adaptation to the conditions of a primary school) through identifying risk factors for development and/or maladjustment;
  • creative route - aimed at developing and realizing the characteristics and capabilities, abilities and creative potential of preschool children.

Generalized scheme individual educational routejunior school student includes the following sections:

  1. General information about the child and family.
  2. The results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which are reflected in the form of a social portrait of the student. In this section, it is recommended to reflect such parameters as the prevailing interests, needs of the child, preferred types of activities, attitude towards creativity, personality traits and characteristics determined by neurodynamic characteristics, cognitive style traits, developmental problems, preferred partners and forms of work, etc.
  3. The content of the IOM, which consists of an invariant and a variable part. The invariant part consists of two blocks (“Educational activities”, “Interaction with family”), the variable part changes depending on the type of route.

At the initial stage of IOM design, the teacher analyzes the initial data: makes an assessment individual characteristics and the child’s capabilities, his individual educational achievements through complex diagnostics, draws up a resource map of the child’s educational space (developmental environment at school, family, etc.). Next, he determines the goals and objectives of the IOM, selects the type of route necessary for a particular child, studies the educational request of parents, predicts the pace and result of the implementation of the route. At the next stage, methods for implementing IEM are developed: the teacher determines the content of education (choice of types, forms, methods of work, means and methods of activity), thinks through the features of working with parents and educational institution specialists, develops criteria and means for assessing the results obtained (the child’s achievements), options presentations of activity products. Ultimately, the teacher thinks through and selects the necessary material and technical equipment for the implementation process sample individual educational route and documents it.

When developing IOM for children, the following psychological and pedagogical principles are used:

  1. A comprehensive examination includes studying the degree of intellectual, creative, mental, and physiological development.
  2. The duration of the study means that the personality examination should not be a one-time event, but should continue for a long time.
  3. Taking into account the student's potential and abilities.

IOM is compiled in such a way that it is implemented both in children’s independent activities and in joint activities with the teacher, without disturbing the usual daily routine and without changing the educational programs being implemented. By designing individual educational routes for primary schoolchildren, teachers fulfill the requirements of the Standard, the implementation of which should be fully completed in 2021. For small participants in the educational process, you can develop different types of routes - long-term or short-term, single-subject or multi-subject. As part of the implementation individual educational route according to the Federal State Educational Standard The teacher conducts planned activities, which may include:

  1. Organizing consultations with a teacher-psychologist to clarify the developmental characteristics of children.
  2. Questioning of parents of schoolchildren.
  3. Observation of students and recording of results.
  4. Monitoring and analysis of work performed by students.
  5. Analysis of schoolchildren's progress log.

Conditions for the implementation of IOM in primary school are the subject-subject (partnership) interaction of participants in the pedagogical process (teacher, child, parents), as well as ensuring the variability of educational services, which guarantees the possibility of choosing types of activities and topics of educational situations, interaction partners, etc.

Most authors define the concept of a student’s individual educational route as a child’s development path towards acquiring knowledge, understanding and skills with the help of teachers who help in self-determination, motivation and achievement of goals. The sooner this process begins, the faster the first results will be obtained. Designing an IOM, in our opinion, gives “integrity” to educational activities with a child, helping the teacher:

  1. Structure and systematize the process of a child’s education in certain educational areas.
  2. Focus on the points that are a priority for a child’s education in a certain period of time, based on an understanding of his capabilities.
  3. Attract additional resources, share responsibility for the quality of education and upbringing of the child with several specialists and parents
  4. See the dynamics of the child’s development, evaluate the effectiveness of your own activities.
  5. Make the educational process “transparent” for parents and administration.

Presented design technology individual educational route for a child of primary school age can serve as a means of implementing the principle of differentiation of education in practice, having a comprehensive impact on all subjects of the educational process: promoting the formation of key competencies in preschoolers, increasing the involvement of parents in the child’s education process and helping to improve the professional competence of teachers. Separately, I would like to note that the program, developed taking into account the personal data of students, contributes to achieving the main goal of the Federal State Educational Standard - the comprehensive development of the individual. To help teachers, the article offers detailed explanations of the purpose, examples of individual student educational routes and recommendations for their preparation. This information will greatly facilitate the understanding of the tasks associated with the development of IOM at school.

The main goal of modern preschool education is the development and education of the future student with the help of all available pedagogical resources. However, the educational program for children is focused on a child with average abilities, which means that in order to work with children who have deviations from developmental norms or, conversely, are ahead of their peers, it is necessary to adjust the recommended educational strategies. This explains the relevance of developing a separate plan for the development of a specific preschool child, which is called an individual educational route (IER) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The essence of the concept of IOM

This is interesting. Galileo Galilei said: “We cannot teach man anything. We can only help him discover this within himself.”

An individual educational route is a program for creating an educational space for a specific child, which is compiled with the help of child psychologists, defectologists, educators and methodologists at a specific educational level (in kindergarten this is junior group, middle and high). In other words, IOM involves the selection of activities that will solve certain learning difficulties or, conversely, expand or deepen knowledge and the degree of mastery of a skill. For example, if an aptitude for mathematics is identified, IOM may include additional classes in the subject, or if there are difficulties in communicating with peers, the child can be included in group games as often as possible, starting with working in pairs and gradually increasing the number of participants. This takes into account not only the child’s age (which is typical for the general educational strategy of a preschool institution), but also the child’s abilities, which may be ahead or slow down in comparison with generally accepted standards. Thus, IOM is compensation for difficulties in learning, taking into account the child’s personal potential, which allows him to demonstrate his intellectual, emotional-volitional, activity and moral-spiritual characteristics. Despite the fact that there is no specific “recipe” for drawing up an individual strategy, the principles, goals and objectives of the IOM are stipulated in documents such as

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • Federal State Educational Standard DO.

Goals and objectives

The main goal of IOM is to create suitable conditions in an institution engaged in preschool education for successful self-realization among peers and surrounding adults of an individual child, his social and personal growth, that is, to increase authority and increase knowledge, skills and abilities.

The objectives of the personal educational strategy are as follows:

  • formation of a subject environment for the child’s social development (that is, providing the necessary material and technical base for classes, for example, if a child is passionate about playing chess, then game room, together with “standard” toys there may be Chess board especially for him);
  • organization of a unified system of interaction between all levels of administration, as well as cooperation with parents aimed at the social and personal growth of the child;
  • improving dialogue with the child based on mutual respect and trust;
  • creating all the conditions for nurturing a child’s positive attitude towards himself and the people around him, as well as for developing the child’s communicative competence;
  • formation in the child of a positive attitude towards his personality, as well as raising an awareness of rights and freedoms related to concepts that are relevant for this age (choice of friends, toys, the right to personal belongings, and most importantly, the right to one’s own opinion).

The above tasks determine the factors that determine IOM:

  • state order;
  • requests and needs of adult family members, in particular parents;
  • personal abilities and level of potential of a particular child;
  • material and technical equipment, as well as teaching staff of the preschool education institution.

These factors are important at all levels of interaction: the state determines the general strategy and direction for the development of education (for example, education of patriotism, spirituality), provides kindergartens with the necessary materials, parents put forward requirements for the level of preparedness of children, children realize and expand their capabilities, and the circle closes again - the state - it “receives” individuals who become worthy citizens of their country, caring about its prosperity.

All these aspects of the creation of IOM practically repeat the general strategy of preschool education, but with the difference that now individualization, that is, the focus on raising a unique personality, is carried out not only in specially designated hours for certain classes or in certain types of activities, but takes place “ a red thread" through the entire educational process.

For whom and why is it created?

An individual education strategy is created for children

  • those lagging behind in mastering the preschool curriculum;
  • with mental disabilities, for children with disabilities;
  • with advanced mental development.

In general, the IOM is developed for

  • motor skills training (both fine and gross);
  • formation of hygienic, moral, cultural, communicative and social skills;
  • active realization of the child’s potential, affecting the manipulative (laying out lotto, cards, etc.), sensory-perceptual (definition geometric shapes by shape, texture of material, tactile sensations, etc.), subject-practical (use of a children's sandbox set not only for its intended purpose, but also for caring for indoor plants) and gaming areas of development;
  • development of speech abilities (while performing various tasks, the baby must comment on his actions);
  • formation of correct ideas about the world around us;
  • understanding the essence of the concepts of space and time.

As a rule, the IOM is drawn up for the school year, but in some cases (for example, if the child has not coped with the problem or if it concerns a gifted child), the strategy can be used throughout the entire period of study; only the methods and techniques of work need to be adjusted so that they are age-appropriate child.

Who compiles and leads

The development of the IOM is carried out by the teacher, but - which is of particular importance - he does this ONLY together with a methodologist and psychologist, as well as taking into account recommendations and comments

  • parents of the baby;
  • speech therapist

The card is filled out by a teacher, a psychologist (some aspects of social and communicative development) and a speech therapist (a number of points in speech development). The distinction between aspects of observation and work takes place individually, which is associated with the qualifications of preschool employees. This is especially true for kindergartens, where the teacher also performs the functions of a speech therapist. That is, in practice, a folder with an IOM is created, including a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the child, a plan for implementing the strategy, a list of expected results, as well as a table or characteristics with details of the implementation of each goal. At intervals established by the administration of the institution (based on the goals specific IOM), parents get acquainted with the progress of the assigned tasks, after which they express their wishes and ask questions regarding a specific area of ​​education. In the future, it is assumed that every child graduating from kindergarten will present his “dossier” to the teacher primary classes, which, continuing the initiated line of individualization of education, will formulate the following goals and objectives of the IOM and engage in their implementation already at the stage of the child’s education at school.

What does it include

Main streamGoals and objectivesMethods and means
Sensory education C.: development of tactile, muscular skills through the actions of perception and thinking.
Z.: develop fine motor skills; thinking, visual perception
M.: exercises, game.
WITH.: printed board games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, mosaics, lacing, bushings, errands in a corner of nature, research activities(with paper, natural material), plasticine, clay, sand.
Environmental education Ts.: expansion of ideas about the surrounding nature.
Z.: * teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between seasonal changes in nature and human actions in nature,
*expand your understanding of plants and animals of your native land, Russia, planet Earth,
*to form an environmental culture, the need to protect natural resources.
M.: exercises, games, experiments, questions, conversations, search activities.
WITH.: didactic games, lotto, dominoes, puzzles, errands in a corner of nature, research activities (with water, ice, natural materials - coal, stone, resin, sand, crushed stone).
Development of basic types of movements Ts.: development of general motor skills and coordination.
Z.: * develop physical qualities - speed, agility, endurance and strength, * improve balance.
*develop organization.
M.: exercises, massage, physical education, games.
WITH. - sports equipment: gymnastic benches, skittles, gymnastic sticks, balls, jump ropes, ring throws, etc.
Moral education Ts.: familiarization with generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.
Z.: teach the ability to manage your behavior
M.: exercises, game.
WITH.: reading fiction, dramatization of works of art, illustrations, slides.
Speech development Ts.: speech development.
Z.: * expand the vocabulary denoting the names of objects, actions, signs,
*learn to use synonyms, antonyms in speech,
*improve the ability to use different parts of speech exactly according to meaning,
*develop the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of the native language,
*improve phonemic awareness, determine the place of sound in a word.
*learn to agree nouns with numerals, nouns with adjectives, pronouns with nouns and adjectives,
*learn to form words with the same root,
*develop a culture of verbal communication,
*practice making sentences,
*learn to divide words into syllables.
M.: didactic exercises, games, conversations.
WITH.: printed board games, didactic games, tests, cut alphabet, games - diagrams, cash registers, object pictures.
Social and communicative development Ts.: enriching children's consciousness with new content - understanding concepts - time, sign, symbol.
Z.: * strengthen the skills of using polite words.
* cultivate a culture of behavior at the table, in communication with peers and adults, in public places.
* cultivate optimistic qualities.
* formation of self-service skills.
* consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules
M.: exercise, game, question.
WITH.: printed board games, didactic games, tests, games - diagrams, subject pictures, educational and methodological material on traffic rules.

Stages of developing an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The development of an individual strategy occurs in stages.

  • Observation stage. The objectives of this stage are to identify children experiencing difficulties, resulting in the observer completing a table.
  • Diagnostic stage. This stage is carried out together with a child psychologist. Tests are performed with the child to identify the causes of certain difficulties. The result of the work is a table.
  • Construction stage. The goal of this stage is the actual development of the IOM based on the identified difficulties and the reasons for their occurrence. The result is a ready-made route diagram.
  • Implementation stage. IOM is performed using different methods. Among the universal ways to achieve a set goal, for example, in case of difficulties in the socialization of a child, the following can be distinguished:
Conversations, games, discussion of books read, problematic issues (for example, in the middle group - what is good and what is bad).Familiarity with various manifestations of emotions that form moral assessments (for example, anger at the wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood helps to form a negative attitude towards vile acts)
Games, trainings for the development of the sphere of behavior.Developing communication skills, relieving tension, reducing aggressive behavior, negativity, etc.
Art therapy (isothread, fairytale therapy, doll therapy)Creative realization, education of aesthetic taste
Psychogymnastics techniques for relaxationMuscle relaxation, emotionally positive attitude, etc.
  • Diagnostic stage. Evaluation of the results of work on the IOM. The main criterion is whether the problem remains or has been resolved. If there is no progress, a new IOM is developed, but if progress is planned, then the existing one can be continued or modified.


Individual routes, as already noted, do not have an established design scheme; they can be in the form of a table or in the form of text - it all depends on the difficulty the development is aimed at solving. Let's consider two drafting options.

Example No. 1

Difficulties: inattentive and absent-minded, has difficulty solving logical problems and mathematical tasks.

Experiences difficulties in solving logical problems and mathematical tasks.

A week
Regime momentsDirect educational activitiesIndependent activityInteraction with parents
3 week
Working with the multimedia presentation “Count the contour”Game "Tangram"
4 weekWalk
“Draw a geometric castle on the snow”
Tell your friends about your drawing
1 Week
Didactic game “What has changed?” Memo "Games for the development of logical thinking"
2 weekDuty in a corner of nature
Watering plants based on the description of the flower.
Multimedia game "Associations"
3 week Working with punched cards
"Composition of numbers"
Teach a friend
Work with the card.
Game to visit us.
4 weekDuring morning reception, completing tasks on handout sheetsMultimedia presentation “Funny Counting”Check your friend's work.

Route Action Results: The level of development of attention, concentration and switching has increased. The child copes with tasks of a mathematical nature and logical problems.

Example No. 2

Child's age: 4 years 2 months

Gender: male

Problem: Poor computing skills

The purpose of the individual route: development and consolidation of computing skills within the top ten

Objective: to develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Frequency of classes: 2 times a week

Duration: 20 minutes

Exercises in class:

  1. “The numbers got lost” Put the numbers in order Learn to name the numbers in order

2.”What has changed? What number is missing? Name the next and previous digit of the natural series Play the game “Name your neighbor”

3. “Fun little engine” Attach and attach the carriages with numbers to the engine. Solve examples by adding the number 1.

  1. Put cars in the garage Solving examples by counting units Learn to name the next and previous digit
  2. “Postman” Deliver letters - examples to houses (solving examples by adding and subtracting numbers 1 and 2) Play the game “Bring a letter to your grandmother, brother”
  3. “Paratroopers” Each “paratrooper” is given a number based on your own example. Games at home to count objects that surround the child.
  4. Help Dunno solve examples Solve examples of the top ten using punched cards Solve examples using fairy-tale heroes: Khryushi, Stepashki, Cheburashki, etc.
  5. Let's help the hedgehog collect mushrooms. Consolidating computing skills within the top ten. Solving examples at home.

Structure of an individual lesson:

  1. Organizational moment: a moment of joy.
  2. A surprise moment: the arrival of a fairy-tale character.
  3. Main job: help, guess, advise

Working at a magnetic board;

Exercises with handouts;

Work in a notebook.

    Result of the lesson: a minute of communication, what you liked, what caused difficulties, and what was difficult.

Performance evaluation:

As a result of systematic and systematic work with a child who has weak computational skills, by the end of the one-year cycle of classes: computational skills will be strengthened; cognitive interest in mathematics will increase; activates mental activity child, he will freely perform computational exercises within the first ten. These achievements will help in the future to overcome problems in the mathematical development of preschoolers.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

Svetlana Parkhomenko
Individual educational route for a preschooler

Individual educational route for a preschooler(IOM) is a mandatory element of the effectiveness of every modern educator.

The essence of IOM preschooler Federal State Educational Standard defines a new approach to preschool education . One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the education and development of future schoolchildren. Considering that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones may not learn it well enough, and the most capable ones may lose motivation to learn. That is why individual IOM provides an approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics preschooler. By it is meant educational program, which is aimed at teaching a specific child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

Purpose and directions of IOM Individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, aimed at solving specific problems.

Purpose of development and implementation in the training program educational route- this is the formation in kindergarten of factors that will be aimed at positive socialization and social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

The main problem that it solves individual educational route for a preschooler - development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. Areas of work educational route is as follows:

Formation of movement, which includes improving motor skills;

Opportunity for classes different areas activities;

Improving speech skills;

Development of ideas about the surrounding world of objects and social relations;

Development of ideas about time and space.

At the same time, the implementation individual route involves regular monitoring to track the degree of development educational programs for each pupil preschool. IOM structure In the process of being introduced into the system formation of new standards, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. An example was shown to them, sample which has been discussed in some detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for workers education, but also for parents, who often do not know about the purpose of this pedagogical tool. To the structure educational route must include the following components: How: - target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards; - content - systematization and grouping of educational subjects; - technological, which determines the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques; - diagnostic, defining complex of diagnostic tools; - organizational and pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals; - effective, containing the final results of the child’s development at the time of transition to schooling. Necessary preliminary steps before compilation educational route Since the main goal educational route- this is the identification of difficulties in the learning process and social development of each child; a careful study of its characteristics is necessary.

Example individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activities before recording the child’s results and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up a profile of the child. This document must indicate the pupil’s visits to other preschool institutions and breaks between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case it is worth reverse attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive care can cause suppression of the pupil.

4. Determining the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of his success;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific types of activities in order to help in development through such games. Decor educational program Example of an individual educational route for a preschooler proves the extent to which it is necessary to carefully study all areas of the life of each individual child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher begins to compile individual route, which includes the following sections:

General information about preschooler;

Family characteristics;

Peculiarities appearance preschooler;


Features of motor skills;

Cognitive sphere preschooler;

Level of knowledge by program sections;

Level of speech development;

Attitude to classes;

Characteristics of activities;

Having difficulties in communication;

- individual characteristics;

More information about preschooler.

This in-depth analysis allows us to build individual work with a preschooler quite effective.

Individual educational routes for children

junior group "KAPITOSHKI"

Explanatory note

Development and implementation of an individual educational route for a preschooler

In practice, the process of training and education is mainly focused on the average level of development of the child, therefore not every student can fully realize their potential. This poses the task for educators, speech therapists, and psychologists of preschool educational institutions to create optimal conditions for the realization of the potential capabilities of each pupil. One of the solutions in this situation is the preparation and implementation of an individual educational route (hereinafter referred to as IOM).

An individual educational route is a personal way to realize the personal potential of a child (pupil) in education and training.

The main goal of drawing up an individual educational route (IER):

This is the creation in kindergarten of conditions conducive to the positive socialization of preschool children and their social and personal development.

Tasks for the social and personal development of the child:

  • Create a favorable subject-development environment for the social development of the child;
  • Organize a unified system of work for the administration, teaching staff, medical staff of preschool educational institutions and parents on the social and personal development of the child;
  • Improve the style of communication between the teacher and the child: adhere to a psychologically correct style of communication, achieve the respect and trust of the student;
  • Create conditions for the development of a child’s positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, and the communicative and social competence of children;
  • Develop in the child a sense of self-esteem, awareness of his rights and freedoms (the right to have his own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at his own discretion)

The individual educational route is determined by:

government order;

the needs and requests of parents;

individual functional capabilities and level of development of pupils;

possibilities of the preschool educational institution;

Individual educational routes are developed:

For children who do not master the basic general education program of preschool education;

For children with disabilities, disabled children.

For children with high intellectual development.

An individual educational route includes the main directions:

  • development of general and fine motor skills;
  • development of cultural-hygienic and communicative-social skills;
  • formation of the child’s activities (manipulative, sensory-perceptual, objective-practical, playful, productive), which include modeling, appliqué, drawing) and other types of productive activities.
  • speech development (formation of the sensory basis of speech, sensorimotor mechanism, speech functions);
  • formation of ideas about the environment ( objective world and social relations);
  • formation of ideas about space, time

Methods used in the work:

  • Conversations, games, activities, reading fiction, sketches aimed at getting to know various emotions and feelings, with “magic” means of understanding;
  • Games, exercises and trainings that promote the development of emotional, personal and behavioral spheres (developing communication skills and improving relationships with others, relieving fears and increasing self-confidence, reducing aggression and weakening negative emotions)
  • Activities, games and exercises for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, thinking, imagination);
  • Art therapy techniques (puppet therapy, isotherapy, fairy tale therapy);
  • Relaxation psycho-gymnastic exercises (relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, torso, arms, legs, etc.)

When developing an individual route, we rely on the following principles:

The principle of relying on the child’s learning ability,

The principle of correlating the level of actual development and the zone of proximal development.

The principle of respecting the interests of the child. Another name for it is “on the child’s side.” Those educators must treat the child and his problems objectively! Always be on the child's side!

The principle of close interaction and coordination of the work of a “team” of specialists in the course of studying the level of development of a child (phenomenon, situation);

The principle of continuity, when the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem.

The principle of refusal of average rationing. The implementation of this principle involves avoiding a direct evaluative approach when conducting a diagnostic examination of the child’s level of development.

The principle of relying on children's subculture. Each child, enriching himself with traditions, norms and methods developed by the children's community, lives a full-fledged childhood experience.

Based on the analysis of the literature we studied, several stages of constructing an individual educational route were identified.

Novikov Nikita Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Novikov Nikita

Age: 3 years


1 week Order:

1 week Walk

"What is missing?"

Expected result

Individual educational route for a child

Ivanov Denis Alexandrovich

Last name, first name of the child: Ivanov Denis

Age: 3.3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Speech delays, communication problems

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Order:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with “Kolobok” plasticine

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your locker Finger gymnastics"Finger - boy"

Week 2 Assignment: Find your own shoes in the waiting room before going out. Did. Game “Guess Whose Voice” Help the teacher count the children and note who is missing Recommend to parents a list of games for speech development

Week 3 Name the items needed for GCD drawing. Palm drawing " Beautiful flower» Finger game “Palms - palms” Recommend articulation gymnastics, according to age

Week 4 Get ready for bed on your own and find your crib Did. Game “Who Screams How” Exercise “Show How a Kitten Laps Milk” Game “Visit Us”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site” Display of the poster “Pets” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Learning the poem by A. Barto “They dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body expressions Communication game “ Affectionate name"Repetition of a poem learned in kindergarten..

Week 3 Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage” Repeat exercise for lips “Needle”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game “Buttons and bows” Game of attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Clouds” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Educational game “Toys” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(with pokes) Articulation gymnastics“Frog” Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Professions” Plasticineography “Tender Sun” Repetition of different professions

Expected result

  1. Development of fine motor skills of fingers.
  2. Improving the child’s oral speech, the ability to pronounce words correctly.
  3. Development of communication skills.
  4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world.

Individual educational route for a child

Malinko Matvey Andreevich

Last name, first name of the child: Malinko Matvey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


Did. Game "Come to me."

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

1 week Walk

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Expected results:

Individual educational route for a child

Povazhny Timofey Nikolaevich

Last name, first name of the child: Povazhny Timofey

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to external environment kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game “Away at Lyalya’s”

Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Here I am!”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov's fairy tale Bedtime Tale 7, Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." .Game "Centipede". Consultation “Friendly family”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”.

Game “Let’s collect toys.” Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite” Prepare for bed independently. Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz"

Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”.

Communication game “Tender Name”. Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”. Game "Pass the bell". Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Who Sings What?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”.

Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet” Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime. game “Who came to visit us?”

Game "Doll Katya sings and dances."

Game "Come and visit us"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Clean up the corner for board games Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep”

Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Did. game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have

Ritual of farewell Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Individual educational route for a child

Bondar Polina Andreevna

Last name, first name of the child: Bondar Polina

Age: 3 years

Group: junior group “Kapitoshki”

Difficulties: Lag in speech development, problems with communication.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Walk

“What has changed on the street with the arrival of autumn”

Presentation about animals "Who's Who"

Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk” Game “Visit us.”

Week 2 Put the scattered toys back in their places.

Did. Game “Who Screams How”

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your lockerFinger gymnastics “My Family”

Week 3 Recitation of A. Barto’s poem “Bull” in front of the whole group Did. Game “Who Screams How” Finger game “Hide and Seek”

Week 4 Get ready for bed independently and find your crib Drawing with your palm “Cheerful octopuses” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

1 week Order:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with plasticine “Octopuses”

Week 2 Assignment: Find your own shoes in the waiting room before going out. Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body facial expressions Communication game “Tender Name” Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten..

Name the items needed for GCD drawing.Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game “Buttons and bows” Game of attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Tender sun” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Articulation gymnastics “Frog” Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing) Did. Game “Toys” Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis” Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

Individual educational route for a child

Markin Mikhail

Last name, first name of the child: Markin Mikhail

Age: 3 years

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Odinokova Daria Alexandrovna

Last name, first name of the child: Daria Odinokova

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Lunev Makar Dmitrievich

Last name, first name of the child: Lunev Makar

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: the child painfully and slowly adapts to the external environment of the kindergarten.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Reception of children is accompanied by music: A. Vivaldi, “The Seasons” Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 5, 6

Did. Game "Come to me."

Finger game "Who's in the fist." Exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Consultation “Friendly family”

Reception of children is accompanied by music: G. Handel, Sonatas for clavier

Independent acquaintance with the group.

Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by a fairy tale by B. Almazov Bedtime Tale 7, 8

Outdoor game “Ball in a circle”.

Game "Visiting Lyalya."

Game "Centipede". Consultation "Here I come!"

The reception of children is accompanied by music: E. Grieg, “Morning”. Getting acquainted with your site on a walk.

Reading a fairy tale before bed K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” Games “Lala got sick”, “Nose”. Outdoor game "Parvoz". Consultation “I play all day, I’m not too lazy to play.”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Get ready for bed on your own. Games “Round dance”, “Blowing soap bubbles”. Game “Gathering toys”. Consultation “I have toys, I can’t count them all.”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site”, reading a fairy tale before bed by K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone". Games “Magic transformations”, “Walk - run - dance”.

Game “Pass the Bell.” Self-diagnosis, “What kind of parent are you?”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “A Little Night Serenade We learn to wash our hands correctly after a walk and before eating.

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Games “Flying Child”, “Missing Child”, “Fingers”. Communication game "Tender Name".

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, “Little Night Serenade” Preparation for daytime sleep is accompanied by B. Almazov’s fairy tale “The Stupid Little Squirrel” 2

Games “Rain”, “Let’s decorate Lala with a bow”. Outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Homework: “Let’s think, observe, play...”.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: W. A. ​​Mozart, Little Night Ser. Clean up the corner for board games. Games “Who sings what?”, “Rattle”.

Games “Palms”, “Lullaby”. Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Develop skills in folding toys before lunch and bedtime Finger painting “Tender Sun”, game “Together with Bear” Activity with a cockerel and a dog (“How does a cockerel walk and sing? How does a dog run and bark?”) Homework: make an autumn composition at home.

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

Did. game “Who came to visit us?” Game “Katya the doll sings and dances.” Game “Come to visit us”

The reception of children is accompanied by music: C. Debussy, “Little Suite”

We instill the skills of dressing after sleep. Did. Game “Riding a doll in a car” Didactic game “Dressing the doll Katya after sleep”

Conversation about games and favorite toys. Children show what toys they have. Homework “Inviting friends and classmates to visit”

Week 4 Getting ready for a modeling lesson. We help the teacher lay out the materials on the tables. Did. Game “Putting a doll to sleep” Drawing with pencils “Sun and rain”. Playing emotions of happiness and joy

Ritual of farewell Final adaptation map.

Expected results:

Painless adaptation of children to preschool conditions

Reducing morbidity in children during the adaptation period

Improving the mental and physical level of children

Formation of closer cooperation between parents and preschool educational institutions (participation in group affairs)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

Individual educational route for a child

Molchanov Grigory

Last name, first name of the child: Grigory Molchanov

Age: 3 years

Group: 2nd junior group “Cloud”

Difficulties: Lag in speech development, problems with communication.

Week Regular moments Didactic games, direct educational activities Joint activities with a teacher Interaction with parents


1 week Order:

Help the teacher choose a book to read Working with salt dough “Octopuses”

Go out with the teacher to the reception area and find your lockerFinger gymnastics “My Family”

Week 2 Assigned: Find your own shoes in the reception area before the walk. Did. Game “Who Screams How” Help the teacher count the children and note who is missing Recommend to parents a list of games for speech development

Week 3 Name the items needed for GCD drawing. Palm drawing “Funny Octopuses” Finger game “Hide and Seek”

Week 4 Get ready for bed on your own and find your crib Did. Game “Who Screams How” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”, “The bunny was mistaken for a wolf” Exercise for the articulation apparatus “The bubble burst”

1 week Walk

“What has changed on the site” Presentation about animals “Who is who” Exercise “Show how a kitten laps milk” Game “Visit us.”

Put the scattered toys back in their places. Learning the poem by A. Barto “Dropped the bear on the floor” using facial and body facial expressions Communication game “Tender Name” Repeating a poem learned in kindergarten..

Week 3 Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” in front of the whole group Ex. For lips “Needle” Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Week 4 Clean up the drawing corner Work with visual material

"What is missing?" Did. Game “Buttons and bows” Game of attention

"What is missing?"

1 week Learn to collect toys while walking Finger painting “Tender sun” Did. Sensory game “Wonderful bag” Consultation for parents “Child’s adaptation in kindergarten”

Week 2 Finger gymnastics “Fingers” Articulation gymnastics “Frog” Consultation “Correct speech of parents both in the family and outside the home”

Week 3 Tour of the kindergarten Drawing “Flowers” ​​(tamponing) Did. Game “Toys” Let’s draw together “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”

Week 4 We use cutlery correctly: we learn to hold a spoon correctly. Did. Game “Profession”, Articulation gymnastics “Proboscis” Plasticineography “Tender Sun”

Expected result

  1. Development of fine motor skills of fingers.
  2. Improving the child’s oral speech, the ability to pronounce words correctly.
  3. Development of communication skills.
  4. Development of sensory perception of the surrounding world

Personal attention to each student, priority of the child’s interests - these are the principles of the state education standard and the tasks that the individual educational route of a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is designed to solve.

Program preschool education, aimed at the average student, may be too difficult for some children, and for others, more capable ones, an insufficient motivator for further development. AND individual educational route for a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution(IOM) is an example of a new methodology that involves organizing the learning process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the personal qualities of each of the students.

IOM determines the factors of a child’s intellectual and social-personal development. It is compiled by preschool education specialists in the form of a step-by-step plan indicating goals, objectives, pedagogical resources used, methodological techniques and learning outcomes for an individual educational program.


Along with compiling an IOM, the question of opening an inclusive group often arises in preschool educational institutions. In the magazine “Directory of the Director of a Preschool Institution” you will find everything you need
Download the package of documents

Goals and principles of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Individualization of education smoothes out the discrepancy between the level established by the general education program and the objective capabilities of the child. IOM is management comprehensive development the baby and the realization of his personal potential, based on a detailed study inner world preschool child and his social environment. This is a demonstration of the effectiveness of the partnership between teacher, student and parents.

The operating principle of the IOM is to adapt pedagogical technologies and methods to the personal qualities of the child. The educational process will be successful provided that the difficulties that a preschooler may experience and the pace of mastering knowledge and skills are taken into account.

The goal of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is to create motivation and favorable conditions for the child to be active, to reveal his intelligence, emotions, physical and creative potential.

The task of preschool teachers is the qualified development of IOM with the assistance of specialized specialists, with the selection of teaching methods that meet the individual needs of a preschooler, and the preparation of adequate loads - educational, physical, psychological.

The main criteria that determine the strategic directions of IOM:

  • objectively established level of development of a preschooler;
  • the degree of readiness of the child for the educational process;
  • goals and objectives of individual activities for the near future.

The program is coordinated with the capabilities of a particular preschool educational institution, the provisions of the state order, and the wishes of the parents.

The fundamental principles for developing an educational route are strict adherence to the interests of children, rejection of average standards, and continuity of qualified pedagogical support at all planned stages.

The main objectives of the individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • support for the child’s self-development and mastery of the educational program of the preschool educational institution;
  • formation of the ability to learn - understanding the educational task, planning activities, concentrating, developing self-discipline;
  • development and improvement of coordination of movements and motor skills;
  • formation and consolidation of the foundations of behavior - everyday, communicative, general cultural;
  • teaching a preschooler to various types activities – sensory, object-manipulative, playful, practical;
  • development of speech – speech structures and mechanisms;
  • the formation of concepts and ideas about the natural environment and the sphere of social relations, about the categories of time, quantity, space.

The implementation of the IOM provides for regular monitoring of the level of mastery of the material by each student.

The following are used as methodological tools for completing an individual route:

  • mobile and role-playing games, sketches-improvisations, classes-dialogues and conversations, literary readings and discussion of works;
  • game exercises and psychological training for relaxation, reducing anxiety, fears, aggression, to improve behavioral and social-communicative skills;
  • exercises on imagination, thinking, memory;
  • various areas of art therapy - treatment with art and crafts.

The individual educational route of a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is systematically adjusted based on the results of intermediate and final control. This allows us to determine the key directions for subsequent lessons in order to meet the individual needs of the child and the successful development of his personal qualities.

Types and directions of educational routes in preschool educational institutions

IOM programs are developed for children:

  • with health restrictions - HIA;
  • gifted, with a level of intellectual development above average normative standards;
  • experiencing difficulties in mastering the general education program and needing correctional support from specialists.

The relevance of individual educational routes for preschoolers with disabilities is justified in the format of inclusive education according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Since in the process of joint learning it allows to remove barriers between students classified as different groups health.

Individual correctional route for a preschooler with disabilities

The IOM of a preschooler with health limitations is compiled based on the results of diagnostic studies, taking into account the qualified recommendations of the PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council). The principle of developing an educational route for disabilities is maintaining strengths child and reasoned compensation for developmental defects.

When compiling, take into account:

  • limits of permissible loads for a child;
  • the presence of special correctional and developmental programs in the preschool educational institution;
  • features of individual psychological and pedagogical correction;
  • the possibility of adjusting the current educational route.

Gifted children also need differential teaching and a personal approach to each of them. If such preschool children are taught according to a standard program, they quickly lose interest in the educational process and, accordingly, motivation. This can only be avoided if the teacher promptly identifies gifted children in the group and develops an educational strategy taking into account their characteristics.

When drawing up an individual educational route for gifted preschoolers, the following are taken into account:

  • characteristics and interests of the child;
  • parents' wishes;
  • existing potential to achieve results;
  • opportunities and resources of preschool educational institutions to meet the needs of a gifted child.

The participation of parents in the preparation and implementation of the route is very important, since the methodology used in kindergarten should be continued at home.

All children are born with certain abilities that require special attention and constant improvement. A preschool institution, as the first social institution in a child’s life, is called upon to play a major role in this development.

What is required to create an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The creation of an IOM is preceded by a detailed and qualified diagnostic study in order to identify the behavioral characteristics of the child, his level of development - intellectual, psycho-emotional, social-communicative and physical.

The research results are reviewed at the preschool educational institution's teachers' council, which makes recommendations for further examination of children by specialists from the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. The council, in turn, compiles a list of preschoolers for whom an individual educational plan is an objective necessity.

Preparatory research activities are carried out in the following areas:

  1. A profile of the child is compiled, indicating the speed and degree of adaptation in the children's community and listing the preschool institutions where he was previously a pupil.
  2. A family profile is compiled based on the results of a careful study of the relationships between all members and especially between the child and parents.
  3. The physical characteristics of the baby are studied - posture, gait, facial expressions. The level is determined physical development and health group. Appetite and sleep characteristics are noted.
  4. The level of development of thinking, memory, attention and speech is determined.
  5. Propensities for certain types of activities are identified in order to subsequently use the obtained data in the educational process.

According to data obtained as a result of preparatory research, teachers, in collaboration with relevant specialists, think through the diagnostic and meaningful content of the IOM. A calendar plan is drawn up, which outlines the stages of organizational and pedagogical work and pedagogical technologies.

The structure of a preschooler’s IOM and a sample of filling out according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The structure of the educational route contains the following components:

  • target – defining goals in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • content - a systematic presentation of educational subjects and recommended activities;
  • technological – the composition of the pedagogical methods, technologies and techniques used;
  • diagnostic – diagnostic methods used;
  • organizational and pedagogical – methods and conditions for achieving specified goals;
  • effective – the final results of a preschooler’s development by the time he enters first grade.

The individual route contains an introductory part with general information about the student and his family, indicating the reasons, goals and objectives of the development of the IOM. The schedule and form of classes are also presented here.

Data from diagnostic studies are recorded and used for in-depth analysis of developmental disorders, compiling an objective assessment of the child’s level of development and planning correctional activities.

Sample of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Attached is a schedule of therapeutic and recreational activities, providing for the correct distribution physical activity and systematics of hardening procedures.

The plan for individual lessons as part of the IOM provides for the mandatory integration of the individual route with the general educational activities of the institution.

A mandatory component of the IOM is a map of the individual development path of a child in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard and a report on its implementation indicating the topic, content of activities, results of classes, with final conclusions and recommendations.

Sample map of a child’s individual development route in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The observation sheet displays the dynamics of the educational process. This is necessary to make timely adjustments to the educational plan, to determine the optimal forms of work in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a preschooler.

The IOM presents the final assessment of the child’s achievements in mastering the personal educational plan and the results of intermediate control tests at the end of thematic blocks. The final point of the individual route is recommendations and qualified consultations to help parents.

The joint productive work of the teacher, preschooler, and parents, aimed at the full implementation of IOM, is the key to positive dynamics in the intellectual, socio-psychological, and physical development of the child. Such activities require the teacher to have a high level of qualifications and efficiency, and a personal interest in good results.