How to sit well with friends, drink beer and discuss last news. But sooner or later, simple get-togethers get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What should you play? Maybe into new fairy tales-remakes for drunk company? It is very easy to role-play such fairy tales. You just need to assign roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Fairy tale - turnip
Every person in our country knows the fairy tale turnip. Yes, my grandfather grew wonderful vegetables. Or what is it...a berry? Not the point. The main thing is that we have the first fairy tale for you and your friends on this occasion.
The tale will be told impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when the actor’s name is mentioned in the text, he pronounces his phrase.
Everything is clear and easy. Let's watch.

Words from the fairy tale actors:
- turnip (words: tired of waiting)
- grandfather (words: oh, where are my 17 years)
- grandma (words: my pancakes are the most delicious)
- granddaughter (words: I love to dance)
- bug (words: better like this than homeless)
- cat Masha (words: mur, I like it)
- mouse (words: I'm in a hole)

Leader's words:
Once upon a time there was a grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) and grandmother ( my pancakes are the most delicious). And they had a granddaughter ( I love to dance). The granddaughter had a bug dog ( better than being homeless), cat Masha ( Moore, I like it), and there lived a mouse in the underground ( I'm in a hole). And my grandfather also had it ( oh where are my 17 years old) his garden, where he planted vegetables. And he was especially proud of his turnips ( tired of waiting). Autumn came, and it was time to pull out the turnips ( tired of waiting).
Grandfather went ( oh where are my 17 years old) pull out a turnip ( tired of waiting). He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out! Grandfather called ( oh where are my 17 years old) grandma ( my pancakes are the most delicious). They began to pull together: the grandmother ( my pancakes are the most delicious) for grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old), and grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) for a turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out!
Then they decided to ask their granddaughter ( I love to dance) to help them. Granddaughter quit her job ( I love to dance), and came to help. The three of them began to turnip ( tired of waiting) drag. They pull and pull, but she still doesn’t come early.
Bug was sleeping in the barn ( better than being homeless). Her grandfather whistled ( oh where are my 17 years old). And the four of them began to take out the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull and pull, but still they can’t pull it out.
The granddaughter remembered ( I love to dance) about my cat ( Moore, I like it) and called her for help. The five of them began to pull the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull and pull, but she doesn’t climb!
Well, apparently we’ll have to leave the turnip like that ( tired of waiting) in the ground - said the upset grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old). But then a mouse came running ( I'm in a hole) and said she could help. One and a mouse ( I'm in a hole) dived underground. How can a turnip bite ( tired of waiting) that she herself jumped out of the ground!
Grandfather is happy ( oh where are my 17 years old), grandma smiles ( my pancakes are the most delicious), granddaughter dancing ( I love to dance), bug ( better than being homeless) ran around Masha ( Moore, I like it), and the mouse ( I'm in a hole) you heard yourself where she is. Everyone is happy and having fun, because finally they will eat this delicious turnip ( tired of waiting)!

There are other versions of this tale in a new way. For example, like the one in the video below. Watch it to the end and write down the words:

The tale of the Teremok in a new way.
The next tale-remake is the Teremok. Here the actors need to be given words. So that they can learn them. Since the words are in verse, they learn easily. See:

Fairy tale - three sisters.
The next tale is called Three Sisters. She is not very popular and not everyone will remember her. But showing it at a party or just in the company of friends is a pleasure. Let's look:

Fairy tale - the three little pigs.
Remember the fairy tale about the three little pigs? Now you can spend your evenings listening to this fairy tale and laugh and have fun.
This is a musical fairy tale, and here everything depends on the actors themselves, who must play and show all the actions that are mentioned in the fairy tales.
To listen to the story and download it, follow the links below:

We hope. You liked the fairy tale adaptations, and you will be able to relax luxuriously with friends, so that later you will have something to remember.

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Birthday is not at all a sad holiday, as it is sung in the well-known song by Igor Nikolaev. And it’s a very fun event, especially when you spent very little time preparing it. Funny performances and mini birthday skits will help you entertain your guests, especially since we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. After reading our recommendations, you, as a professional presenter, will be able to please your loved ones and friends with an entertainment program prepared just by you.

Types of performances and mini skits for a man or woman’s birthday

There are a great many humorous games and competitions. You don’t have to rack your brains to come up with them yourself. All you have to do is go online to holiday websites where you can choose what you like. Our comic scenes Suitable for an anniversary or any feast. But I want to draw your attention to how to properly organize the order of showing skits as the event progresses.

Let's remember that any holiday has:

  • introductory part (arrival of guests)
  • official table part (congratulations, gifts)
  • intermission part (dancing, entertainment)

From this it follows that to select funny scenes and productions, it is necessary based on this order.

Birthday performances and skits for the introductory part of the holiday

Even a meeting of guests can be organized in a very fun way. Let us recall such an example as the “Bread and Salt” meeting. The owner greets his guests with jokes, says funny jokes, giving them a bite of bread or pie.

Birthday script "Meeting with guests"

The host or hostess, or better yet the whole family, wearing caps, funny hats or masks, greet the guest at the door, reading greetings:

Welcoming guests with “Bread and Salt”

We're not bored today
We dance and sing
We are celebrating the holiday today,
And we invite guests to our place!

Hello, invited guests!
Hello, welcome guests!
We wish you good health,
We invite you to drink tea!

Then they treat the visitor, put a festive cap on him, inviting him to meet the next invited person with them. Imagine the surprise of the guests at such a meeting! Let's be honest, the boring wait for everyone to arrive will turn into fun entertainment for everyone. You can also ask the newcomer to recite an interesting poem or dance a dance and only after that accept him into fun company greeters

Of course I would like to remind you funny scenario, a wonderful gypsy production "Meeting our dear guest"

To do this, you need to prepare colored scarves, a guitar or a tambourine in advance ( musical instruments can be cut from cardboard or improvised means). Buy a bear mask and hats, thereby turning the meeting of guests into a whole show with dancing, dressing up and involving the newcomers in the performance you have planned.

See all friends
The gypsy soul sings.
A dear friend came to visit us,
Pour him a lot!
We'll sing and dance,
It's fun to celebrate the holiday!
He came to us, he came to us,
Our dear friend, dear
Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

I want to say that using the templates for welcoming guests that we gave you above, you can arrange a production for your holiday, on almost any topic. They are suitable for both adults and children.

And so, we met the guests. Let's move on to the official table part of our holiday. Guests sit decorously at the tables, periodically standing up, announcing toasts, and giving gifts. I think this is the most “boring” pastime. This is where it's time to shake things up. A small musical scene with the participation of guests will be just what you need.

Short skits and performances for the official table part

I believe that for this part of the evening, musical performances with minimum quantity participants (from 1 to 3 people), since most of the guests are not yet ready for active actions, basically everyone behaves passively.

A musical, interactive number is very suitable - congratulations on dressing up, for example:

  • to Serduchka
  • to Alla Pugacheva
  • to the gypsies

Guests at the party

Don’t forget, for such scenes you need to prepare props, as well as musical accompaniment

But believe me, your efforts will not go unnoticed, but on the contrary, they will bring freshness and revitalization to the holiday atmosphere.

Another option is to rent special gag costumes for such productions. Although personally, I advise you to order a professional animator. It will definitely surprise your guests and save you from unnecessary hassle.

The number of scenes in this part of the holiday can be determined in advance by the number of guests invited by you. For every three toasts - one skit (just a recommendation from own experience). Then your guests will definitely not get bored.

Scenario for a birthday, for the intermission part

Well, now let's move on to the main, active part of the event. After the guests have eaten, drunk, and breathed fresh air, it’s time for funny mini-birthday scenes for women and men. In addition to dancing, we invite you to play a contact fairy tale with your guests. This will greatly amuse your guests. Don't forget to remove this " fun fun" at the camera. Subsequently, after making a video, you can enjoy with your friends the memories of your holiday.

As we have already said, there are a lot of scripts, fairy tales and skits on the Internet, take your pick, I don’t want to. Of course, the more costumes, props, and most importantly characters, the more interesting it is. Let us give an example of a fairy tale that is familiar to everyone from childhood. This mini scene can be played on the birthday of either a woman or a man.

Contact scene “Turnip” for a birthday

The fairy tale "Turnip" in action

— Dear guests, stop chewing pies and bones.
Let's entertain ourselves and amuse our friends.
I want to tell you a fairy tale,
About how grandfather planted turnips,
Yes, I almost broke my stomach.

This fairy tale is for children and adults. Well, first of all we need a “Turnip”, it must be big - very big (he chooses himself big guest. You can put a headband with green leaves on your head, but it will look funnier if the pot is a small flower)

- That's what it is, fodder turnip! And now we need a grandfather, let him be a hundred years old. (choose from the male half. For props, you can use an old hat or beard).

- Yes, and we need a grandmother, just let her be young (we choose a grandmother using the women's table. Props - an apron, glasses, a rolling pin).

- Well, people, listen, what a turn it was. Here comes the grandfather, although he is old, he is a fine fellow, a rogue with a beard. But there is one problem: he is lazy. He'll come out in the morning; he likes only the balalaika. He sits on the rubble all day and spits on the fence. (The guest at this time performs movements: stroking his beard, playing the balalaika, spitting).

“And here comes the grandmother, she’s young at heart, but she looks like a hag.” He walks, swears, clings to everything with his feet (Acting role, performs movements: stumbles, threatens someone with his fist).

Now all the words will always be pronounced by the presenter in front of the actor, and he, in turn, will skillfully repeat them with expression and gestures)

Grandma: “Why are you sitting there doing nothing, grandpa?”

Grandfather: “I’m too lazy, you’re in trouble.”

Grandma: “Well, old stump, go plant turnips and increase my wealth.”

Presenter: - Eh, grandfather got up and went to plant turnips. He came, planted it in the ground, watered it from above, and went back (the actor repeats all the actions according to the text).

Presenter: - Can you imagine, friends, the whole summer went by like this! The sun is shining, the rain is falling, our beautiful turnip is growing, and the grandfather sits on the balalaika and plays and does not blow his whistle. The grandmother came again, angry, angry, gritting her teeth, cracking her bones, swearing!

Grandma: “What, you’re sitting there again, you old stump, looking at me, you’d better go and look at the turnip.”

Presenter: - Grandfather stood up, shook himself off, turned around with his beard and went to the garden to look at turnips. Look, she’s big, round-sided and large, she’s sitting in the ground and doesn’t want to come out. He jumped around, let’s shout and call for help.

Grandfather: - Grandma come out, take out your bones!

Presenter: - Here comes the grandmother, carrying her bones. She came, looked, said loudly:

Grandma: - This turnip!!! (grandmother spreads her hands in surprise)

The host addresses the guests: “Don’t pull out the turnips.” Who should I call?

Guests: - Granddaughter

Presenter: — That’s right, granddaughter. And here comes the granddaughter, shaking her mane, that’s what she is, a city girl (you can choose a granddaughter during the course of the play, a younger girl would be good for her. Props - a wig with bows or braids).

Granddaughter: - Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: - Will you give me some sweets?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - the granddaughter came closer and screamed:

Granddaughter: - This is a turnip!!!

Presenter: - Three of us can’t pull it out. Who else should I call?

Guests: - Bug!

Presenter: - That's right, Zhuchku! Here she is waving her tail, there is no one more beautiful than her.
(props: headband with dog ears)

Bug: - Woof-woof. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Help me pull out the turnip.

Bug: - Will you give me a bone?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - Bug came closer and spread her arms.

Bug: - This is Turnip!

Host: - There’s no way to get us out, who else should we call?

Guests: - A cat.

Host: - Yes, friends, of course a cat. The most beautiful, very sweet. Here she comes, purrs and sings. (Props: headband with cat ears)

Cat: - Meow-meow, purr-purr. And here I am, looking all good. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Pull out the turnip.

Cat: - Will you give me milk with sour cream?

Grandfather and grandmother: - We'll give it.

Presenter: - The cat came closer and purred under its breath:

Cat: - This is a turnip!

Presenter: - Yes, here’s the thing, even the cat didn’t help. They decided to go home with the whole family, have lunch, sleep, and lie down. They say, if we gain strength, then we will defeat the turnip. (Everyone steps aside).

- Well, while the whole family was sleeping, a small mouse came to the field. (Use the mouse to select the largest man or the birthday boy)

- The mouse saw the turnip and squeaked:

Mouse: - This is a turnip! You need such a turnip yourself.

Presenter: The mouse took the turnip in her hands and dragged it into her hole. (Takes the mouse aside).

“And the whole family returned to the garden and saw that there were no turnips.”

All the actors together: - Where is the turnip?

Presenter: - Yes, we overslept, you are a turnip. You can’t even pull a turnip out of the garden without difficulty. Yes, yes... But there is no morality, as long as there is a delicious lunch. But you are very lucky, our mouse is very kind, she will definitely share the turnip. (The mouse comes out and takes out the turnip). That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

With these words, you can ask everyone to clap and announce a photo shoot.

I think, dear friends, you liked our script, table games and skits. We will post a lot more interesting things on this topic in the future. I would like to say only one thing: mass games and scenes for congratulating you on your birthday will only add positivity to your holiday.

Cognitive developmental lesson for primary schoolchildren of 1st grade

Target: role-play “The Tale of a Turnip” by N. Boltacheva, give an idea of ​​improvisation; develop attention, thinking, imagination, artistic abilities.

Equipment: the teacher has texts of roles, emblems with images of vegetables, safety pins; Students have notebooks and colored pencils.

Teacher. Today, guys, we will perform an impromptu performance called...

Write on the board:




Answer. A tale about a turnip. We read, skipping every second letter, i.e. E.

Teacher. What does an improvised performance mean? The word improvisation comes from Latin and means performing something without having prepared it in advance. In such cases they also say: impromptu.

The performance will begin soon, and the actors, that is, you, do not yet know what roles you will play, what words to say. You will have to literally get used to the role assigned to you on the fly, and figure out on your own how best to play it. This is improvisation, or impromptu.

But first, warm up! Guess the riddles.

Kicked off from Yegorushka

Golden feathers -

Egorushka forced us

Shed tears without grief. (Onion)

And green and thick

A bush grew in the garden bed.

Dig a little

Under the bush... (potatoes).

The most necessary of all vegetables

For vinaigrettes and borscht

From the new harvest

Beauty lilac. (Beet)

He drinks water and hurries himself,

And it grows and accumulates leaves.

The egg capsule is gaining weight,

In the middle there is a stalk. (Cabbage)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose. (Carrot)

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil,

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip)

Teacher. How can you call these answers in one word? (Vegetables)

The heroes of our performance will be vegetables, which, along with fruits, are the main suppliers of vitamins for our body. Vitamins are substances without which a person gets sick. If you want to grow up healthy, have excellent vision and strong teeth, then you need vitamin A. If you want to be strong, resilient, have a good appetite and a cheerful mood, then you need vitamin B. If you want to catch colds less often and recover faster from an illness, then you need vitamin C. We get these and other vitamins mainly from vegetables and fruits.

Let's play: we will take turns naming all the vegetables and fruits you know. Whoever comes out last is the winner! (Kids are playing.)

Now let's move on to the distribution of roles.

The teacher distributes texts to the children, and emblems depicting the corresponding vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets, onions) are attached to clothes using safety pins. All children should get roles. So, for example, several people can play the role of a carrot or potato.

After distributing the texts, children are asked to read them for 5 minutes and think about how to play their role more interestingly. Then the impromptu performance begins.


Grandfather planted a turnip...

Grandfather told the turnip.

You grow, grow big,

Become a rich harvest

So that I can be proud of you.

I'll bring you some water,

Five buckets of fertilizer...

Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

Grandfather lies down not far from Repka and falls asleep.


Grandpa sleeps without worries.

Meanwhile the turnip is growing

Yes, he fights with weeds:

Their feet and hands...

It's already autumn in the yard.

Chilly morning in September

Grandfather woke up and got scared.

Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, his teeth chattering.

Oh, old me, I fell asleep.

It's time to pull the turnip.

I've grown up a little, I see.

Oh, yes, the turnip is born!

I never dreamed of such a thing.

He grabs the turnip and pulls.

Leading. Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.


What a clumsy old man!

I'm not a turnip, I'm a carrot.

Apparently you didn't wash your eyes.

Turnips I'm a hundred times slimmer

And more orange too.

If you need Korean salad,

Without me you will be lost...

You can't drink carrot juice,

I have no substitute for soup...

And one more secret:

I'm rich in vitamins -

All useful carotene.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

What is this, what is this miracle?

Maybe I didn't sleep well?

I sowed turnips in the spring.

Okay, my friend, wait,

I'll pull out another turnip.


I protest!

I'm not a turnip. I am a potato!

Even the cat knows this.

I am the head of all fruits.

It’s as clear as two and two:

If there are no potatoes in the soup,

There is no need to pick up a spoon.

I'm here for chips, you hear, grandpa,

The most important component.

In hot oil, look,

I can become French fries

I am your main harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

I'll go down the turnip again.

How tightly it sits in the earth!

Oh yes turnip, here you go!


Really, I'm outraged!

Grandfather, have you eaten too much Snickers?

Have you seen enough TV series?

Maybe you fell from the stove,

Don't you recognize cabbage?

I don't look like a turnip

She has only one clothes

I have a hundred of them!

All without buttons...

I am crispy cabbage!

Without me the salad is empty,

And any lunch with me,

Cabbage roll or vinaigrette

It will be ten times more useful!

And then me, my dear,

You can ferment and salt...

And store it until summer.

You can eat me all winter!

You are the basket.

What kind of miracles are these?

It's already been two hours

I spent time in the garden.

Where is the turnip? This one seems...


Again the grandfather did not guess correctly.

Do you know if you lost your glasses?

Or has the demon misled you?

I confused beets with turnips.

I'm a hundred times redder than her

Both healthier and tastier!

There are no beets and no borscht.

In vinaigrette and cabbage soup

I alone am the source of color!

And the beet cutlet -

This is simply delicious!

One hundred percent - weight loss.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

And there will be a place for you.

But it’s still interesting

Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color

But not a turnip, old man,

I am your onion!

Even if a little insidious,

But he is popular among the people.

The most delicious kebab

The one with the onion in it.

All housewives know me

Add to soup and porridge

In pies, in mushrooms, in broth...

I am a nightmare for viruses!

Even the flu scares me...

At least now I'm ready to fight.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

The evening is already coming to an end.

The moon is coming out in the sky.

Yes, it’s time for me to go home.

Tomorrow morning

I’ll start looking for the turnip again,

And now I want to sleep.

Wow, heavy basket

A car would be useful...

The harvest has grown well!

Grandma, come on, curtain

The fairy tale has come to an end.


Well done to whoever listened.

We expect applause from you,

Well, and other compliments...

After all, the artists tried,

Let them be a little confused.

Teacher. That's the whole story, guys. Thank you for participating. Did you enjoy the improvised performance? Please share your impressions of the game.

Tell me, what did you learn new about vegetables - the heroes of the fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

Grandfather did not find the turnip that day. Let's help him. Draw a turnip, “humanize” it: add eyes, a mouth, a nose... If the turnip is a girl, you can tie a bow to it, if it’s a boy, a bow tie, etc. (Children draw, exchange impressions.)

The lesson is over. Please continue the phrase: “Today I learned...”.

Fairy tale, fairy tale! Everyone says they are only good for babies. This is an empty fantasy. Adults love fairy tales not at all fewer children. Moreover, they know how to have fun sometimes, like children. To check this, you just need to turn to party stories.

Here's a funny fairy tale, Turnip, with roles to spice up the evening.

Russian fairy tale for the holidays for adults

A fairy tale for a corporate party has become incredibly popular relatively recently.

There is never a shortage of participants; everyone wants to be the hero of a fairy tale.

Everyone especially likes it when the fairy tale is costumed.

If the holiday is led by professionals in their field, they prepare fabulous attributes in advance. Hidden in their storerooms are wigs, ties, masks, children's pipes and drums.

But is it only interesting to act out a funny fairy tale at corporate events? Many guests also gather for home holidays, and they can also be entertained with a fun transformation.

The famous old Russian fairy tale “About the Turnip” in an original performance and with an unusual text will amuse everyone present and add ease and good mood to the evening.

Remade funny fairy tale Turnip with roles on video:

A few tips to help make your performance truly memorable:

  1. Distribute roles in accordance with the acting characteristics of the guests.
  2. Prepare costumes or their attributes.
  3. Cosmetics or makeup must be used.
  4. Text to print for each performer
  5. Choose a presenter who should read the text of the fairy tale with pauses in which the heroes of the fairy tale begin to act.
  6. As soon as the presenter names the next character, this is a signal to action for the artist playing this character.
  7. Actors must be as artistic as possible.

Text of the skit for reading to the presenter and actors

One day my grandfather decided to grow a turnip in his garden. No sooner said than done. He planted a turnip. Time has passed. The grandfather went out into the garden in the morning and began to pull a turnip. What is it?

There is no way to get her out of the ground. Grandfather had to call grandmother. She came to help her grandfather. They began to pull the turnip out of the ground. The grandmother grabbed onto the grandfather, and the grandfather pulled the turnip. What's happened? Again nothing works.

The grandmother called to her granddaughter. The granddaughter came running and began to help her grandfather and grandmother. They grabbed each other, strained, but nothing came of it: the turnip was sitting tightly.

The granddaughter decided to call the dog Zhuchka. Bug rushed over and was glad that she could help. They stood in a line one after another: behind the grandfather - the woman, behind the woman - the granddaughter, behind the granddaughter - Zhuchka. We took up the turnip, but there was no result. Just as the turnip sat firmly in the ground, it still sits.

Bug had to call the Cat. And she is right there. Together, not too heavy, they pull, pull, pull, pull. What is it? What a big turnip! The Cat is calling the Mouse. Last hope for the baby. Water wears away stones, and so it is in this case: everyone holds on to each other tightly - they pull the turnip. One - two! So they pulled out the turnip!
Funny fairy tale Turnip with roles for children.

Phrases for actors of a fun theatrical performance

And these words should be distributed to the “actors”; they will say them every time they are mentioned by the presenters.

Turnip: Man, hands off, I'm still underage!
Here you go!
And here I am!

Grandfather: Well, come on!
We divide everything equally and according to burrows!
I totally give it up, he's being naughty!
Now let's have some fun!

Grandmother: Grandfather no longer satisfies me.
I'm in a hurry - I'm in a hurry!

Granddaughter: Let's hurry up, I'll be so late for the dance!

Zhuchka: I'm not Zhuchka, have you forgotten? I'm a Bug!
Work like a dog!
Maybe we'd better smoke?

Cat: Give me some valerian!
Who brought the dog to the playground? I'm allergic to them!

Mouse: Hurray! It's working!
Maybe we should have a drink?

Such tales are in demand both at home and at work parties. You can come up with your own lines for the characters.

Everyone knows their colleagues and household members well, all the guests who will gather for the holiday. In accordance with the level of education, the ability to laugh at oneself, you should choose phrases for fairy-tale heroes. The host must be very attentive to every word that will be heard at the party in the text of the fairy tale.

It is better to offer such entertainment to all guests when several toasts have already been said, when everyone has already become acquainted, if there are any. When everyone is ready to take any jokes, you can offer to become actors for a while and play improvised theater. If the guests know each other well, everything will go off with a bang!

Everything that happens can be filmed and then carefully demonstrated to all participants in the theatrical performance. Laugh at yourself together, get excited about the idea of ​​staging new fairy tale– and now there is something to do at the next holiday.

When preparing for the next party, you can give all the guests the task of making costumes for the following fairy tale characters. You can think through the plot and phrases of future heroes in advance.

Sketch-Tale about Turnip with roles

3.9 (77.78%) 9 votes

Antsygina Nadezhda Viktorovna

GBOU Moscow secondary school No. 230 named after. S.V. Milashenkova

primary school teacher

School play script


Characters: Presenter, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.


Presenter - girl in a smart dress.

Turnip - a bright yellow fluffy sundress, on the head there are 4-5 braids, into which bright green ribbons are woven.

Grandfather - Russian folk shirt, belt, watering can.

Grandma – Russian folk sundress, beads, a scarf tied on his head, a laptop in his hands.

Granddaughter - a shiny outfit, a bow on her head, a small handbag in her hands.

Bug - a dog costume, additional antennae on the head, face painting.

Murka – cat costume, face painting.

Mouse – preferably the largest boy in the class. Mouse costume, dumbbells in hands.

Leading :

Dear viewers:

Teachers, parents,

Now 1 "G" class

A story will tell you about Turnip.

We will try our best

And we can cope with the anxiety!

So, let's go-and-and-and-and-and!

Leading: Grandfather tried to plant Turnip.

The grandfather comes out from behind the scenes, dragging Turnip along with him. The turnip kicks and resists with all its might.

Grandfather: What kind of vegetables are so harmful! I wanted to plant a cucumber, but he refused. He asked for carrots - she has things to do, you see! At least I should raise a normal turnip, otherwise grandma keeps grumbling that I’m a slacker...(Repka) Sit down. (Turnip shakes his head) Sit down, I say! (Turnip squats) Grow!

turnip (flirtatiously): I don’t want to!

Grandfather: Oh oh oh! How capricious we are! Grow!

Turnip: Well, water me or something...

Grandfather is watering.

Turnip: Feed now.

Grandfather: Eh... Will you have some candy?

Turnip: Give me your candy, miser!

Turnip eats candy, grandfather goes backstage.

Leading: The turnip has grown very, very big. What's the point? Not sweet. And also harmful...

The turnip reluctantly, slowly rises, stretches to its full height, stretches, demonstrating how big it is!

Leading: Grandfather came to pull the turnip...

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Grandfather is trying to pull out the turnip. Turnip is indignant.

Turnip: What are you doing? I'm an advanced Repka, I'll complain! I'll go to court... Save it! I'm pulling it out!

Grandfather: Let me pull you out and go wherever you want.

Turnip: Well, I do not! Russians don't give up!

Leading: He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandfather.

Grandfather: Grandma, come here.

Phonogram “Track 3 BABKA”

Grandma comes out. She has a laptop in her hands. Grandma’s face is horrified because she has problems with the computer. The grandmother performs an impromptu dance to the music.

Grandma: How these viruses tormented me, if only you knew. What do you have here? Turnip? Oh, what a device!!! Let us scan it, archive it and send it to Baba Nyura by email!

Grandfather: Let's get her out first and cook some porridge!

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Start to pull together

Leading : They pull and pull... They can’t pull it out.

Grandfather: Call, Grandma, the younger generation!

Leading: Grandmother called her Granddaughter.

Grandma: Granddaughter! Come here, here you need to extract one file...

Phonogram “Track 4 Granddaughter”

Granddaughter enters.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, help me pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: Oh, why did you plant a turnip? It would be better if you planted potatoes. And preferably fries right away. Like McDonald's. Well, okay, let's get her out quickly, otherwise I have to run to the disco. I'm already late.

Phonogram “Track 2 TURNIP”

Leading: They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out... Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, come to me!

Zhuchka comes out. He has a headband with beetle antennae on his head.

Phonogram “Track 5 BUG”

Bug: I'm not a bug. I (proudly)- Bug!

All (horrified) : Insect???

Bug: Don't panic. I was joking. Zhuchka, I'm Zhuchka. How can I help?

Granddaughter: Let's pull the turnip together!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out. She called Murka the Bug.

Bug: Murochka, Murochka, come here, dear!

Murka comes out.

Phonogram “TRACK 6 MURKA”

Murka: This is how you, Zhuchka, spoke: “Murochka!” And just yesterday she chased me up a tree and tore out tufts of fur! F-f-f-f-f-f...(Hisses at Zhuchka)

Bug (attacks Murka): Woof woof woof!

Granddaughter: Girls, don't quarrel! Let's better pull out the turnip!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull it out! Murka called Mouse.

Murka: Mouse, run here! There is a deal!

A mouse enters. Big, pumped up muscles, stern face.

Phonogram “Track 7 MOUSE”

Mouse (in a small voice): I'll tell you a secret...

He stops, realizing that he is not speaking intimidatingly enough. Covers his mouth with his hand. He makes a second attempt in a rude voice: “I’ll tell you a secret!” The mouse is satisfied with the result, the mouse raises its index finger up: “Oh!” Like, it’s good now, and continues speaking.


I'll tell you a secret:

There is no beast stronger than Mouse!

Now I'll get you a turnip!

Everyone will respect the Mouse,

Stop offending!

He approaches Murka and makes a “goat”: Ooh-bye-bye-bye-bye...

Murka gets scared.

Mouse: Be equal! Attention! (all heroes follow Mouse commands) Let's pull!

Phonogram “TRACK 2 TURNIP”

In the second part of the soundtrack, the characters count to three in unison: “And one, and two, and three!” On the count of three, Turnip is pulled out.

Leading: Pull - pull. They pulled out the turnip!!! Not even a year has passed!

Turnip: Well, thank you! Well, I went...(gets up and runs backstage)

All: Where?!!! Whoa-oh-oh!

Everyone, catching up with Turnip, runs backstage like a snake.


That's the end of the fairy tale.

And whoever listened – WELL DONE!

Phonogram “Track 1 INTRO”

All the actors take a bow.


A source of information:

music for the production was taken from the website