Today in the lesson Goal: learn to find in texts one-part sentences and determine their type. Tasks: 1) remember which sentences are called one-part, definitely personal; 2) highlight these sentences in the text from all proposed sentences; 3) Understand the importance of nature in human life.

Repetition 1. Vocabulary dictation. Decoration of the... mli, amazing outfit... of forests, helper(?) in the fight for the... harvest, soften... the soil... mat, store... moisture, hold... the winds, in... the greatest source of health …I. 2. Group words according to basic spelling rules.

Repetition Copy the text. Add missing punctuation marks. Forests are the decoration of the earth, its magnificent and amazing outfit. Forests are our most faithful assistant in the fight for the harvest. They store moisture, keep our great rivers full, soften the climate, stop hot winds and sand. But that's not all. Forests are the greatest sources of health. These are gigantic green laboratories that produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust. Check 1. Read and explain punctuation; 2. Complete the task and answer the questions: -Prove that you have the text in front of you. -Title the text. -Why can we say that the forest is the source of life?

Independent work Testing. 1. In the phrase DECORATION OF THE EARTH, the type of connection is: A) control, B) coordination, C) adjacency. 2. In the sentence THE WRITERS, TELLING ABOUT FORESTS, TRIED TO CONVEY THE READER THEIR LOVE FOR OUR GREEN “OCEANS”, the highlighted word is: A) addition, B) application, C) circumstance. 3. Based on the presence of main members, sentences are: A) simple and complex, B) one-part and two-part, C) common and non-common. 4. A proposal was given MANY WAS SICK FOR THE FORESTS. What is it like? Choose the correct answer: A) two-part, B) nominative, C) impersonal. 5. Continue the definition “TWO-PART SENTENCES are sentences in which A) two minor member, B) two main members, C) one main member.

Work on the topic 1. Find in paragraph _ the continuation of the definition “Definitely personal sentences are...” 2. Determine which person and number the predicates in the examples indicate: I love you, Peter’s creation... My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses. I'll tell you a story. Choose a book to your liking. 3. Can we say that these proposals are definitely personal? Why?

Consolidating what has been learned Exercise, page (commented execution) Selective work (independent work) Write down definitely personal sentences: 1) I like to watch the nature around me. 2) She delights me with her beauty. 3) While admiring nature, I try to peer into it and listen to all the sounds it makes. 4) Take care of nature native land!

Lesson summary We got acquainted with definitely personal sentences. These are one-part sentences, with the main member of the predicate - a verb in the form of 1st, 2nd person, singular and plural. Definitely - personal sentences occur in lively conversational speech.

Twenty-second December.

Classwork .

  • I remember a wonderful moment.
  • Poison drips through its bark.
  • Winter.
  • And I blessed fate.
  • Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language!
  • Let us dedicate our souls to our Motherland with wonderful impulses!
  • Greetings, deserted corner.

  • 22121112

1. The nightingale echo rushes from the shining river.

2.Whisper, timid breathing, trills of a nightingale.

3. I hear every sound and rustle.

4.Love summer evenings and the creaking of grasshoppers in the grass.

Lesson objectives: - remember the difference between one-part and two-part sentences; -give the concept of definitely-personal proposals; -learn to find definite personal sentences by meaning and their structural features; -use definitely personal sentences in the text.

  • I love you, Petra's creation!
  • We were relaxing by the sea.
  • Bring me the book.

Commented letter .

  • Determine which verb forms

(mood, person, number) are used in definite personal sentences?

1. But here we congratulate my dear Tatyana on her victory. (A.S. Pushkin)

2.Where are you running, dear path? (M. Isakovsky)

3.Why are you laughing? Laugh at yourself! (N.V. Gogol)

4 Day and night, through the snowy desert, I rush to you at breakneck speed. (A.S. Griboyedov

5.Tell them to meet me with childlike love and obedience. (A.S. Pushkin)

Conclusion: in definite personal sentences the predicate is expressed by the verb 1st, 2nd person singular. and many more numbers, indicative and imperative verbs.

Algorithm “How to correctly determine the type of proposal?”

1. I find grammatical basis offers.

2. I look: a one-part or two-part sentence.

3. If it is one-part, then I look at what is available: subject or predicate.

4. If it is a predicate, then I determine how it is expressed and, using the tables, I determine the type of one-part sentence.

5. If the subject is only nominative.

Group work

1 group

2nd group

Find two-part sentences, write down the numbers of these sentences and the grammatical basis.

Find one-part definite-personal sentences, write down the numbers of these sentences and the grammatical basis.

1. I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May.

2. In the gardens, students dig up trees.

4. Joy, filling your heart, pulls you up, into the sky, to the stars!

5 Will you come with me?

6. Early morning.

7. Stand up for the truth.

8. Here is the gazebo.

9. Return the book to the library.

10. Look at them!

11. The rain was noisy, buzzing, clapping.

12. I am ready to scatter my heart around the world.

1 group

2nd group

Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Return book to the library.

I found out)….

I have learned...

It was interesting to me…

Lesson objectives: - remember the difference between single-component and two-part sentences; -give the concept of definitely-personal proposals; -learn to find definitely-personal offers; - determine the type of one-part sentences.

Sum of points scored per lesson

If you have:

  • 23 – 25 – “Excellent”
  • 20 – 22 – “Okay”
  • 12 – 19 – “Satisfactory”

Thank you for the lesson!

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Class: 8

Presentation for the lesson

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Goals lesson: give the concept of a definite-personal proposal.


  • develop the ability to find specific personal sentences based on their meaning and structural features;
  • develop the ability to use definite personal sentences in speech;
  • develop skills in working in groups and pairs.

Lesson type: explanation of new material.

Forms of organization of activities: frontal, steam room, group, independent.

Equipment: PowerPoint presentation, didactic material, reference literature.

During the classes

Stage I. Update of a new topic

On the slide is task B 4 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language (slide No. 2).

Among sentences 1 – 6, find a simple definitely-personal sentence.

(1) We rushed in the night from the shores of Iceland to Norway. (2) I leave the wheelhouse onto the bridge wing. (3) The wind and rain immediately became loud. (4) I was simply blown off the deck. (5) I brought the binoculars to my eyes. (6) A warning signal was lit at a distant lighthouse...
(According to V. Konetsky)

What do you need to know and be able to do to complete this task?

(Students identify the problem, formulate goals and objectives for the lesson.)

Stage II. Repetition of material covered in the previous lesson

(“The concept of one-part sentences.”)

1. Task: Read the diagram, replacing “?” concepts (slide number 3)

Stage III. Explanation of new material

1. Task: look at the diagram (slide No. 4), indicate the place of the definite-personal sentence among other one-part sentences.

2. Work in groups(slide number 5).


  1. Write out predicate verbs from the texts, determine their forms
  2. Discuss in a group, draw up a general conclusion, diagram, etc.
  3. Prepare a speaker for the group

Texts (slides No. 6 – 9)

1) I love you, Petra's creation!
I love your strict, slender appearance,
Neva sovereign current,
Its coastal granite.
(A.S. Pushkin)

2) Left will you go- horse you'll lose, to the right will you go- life you'll lose, directly will you go - you'll be alive, yes yourself you'll forget.

3) Deep in Siberian ores
Store proud patience
Your sorrowful work will not be wasted
And I think about high aspiration.
(A.S. Pushkin)

4) ...Sliding through the morning snow,
Dear friend, let's indulge running of an impatient horse.
AND let's visit fields are empty,
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.
(A.S. Pushkin)

Speech by representatives from groups, discussion.

3. Task: compare two sentences (slide number 10)

I love you, my Russia!
I love you, my Russia!

Why doesn't the absence of a subject in the second example change the meaning of the sentence?

Why did the appearance of such one-part sentences inspire the name “definitely personal”?

With the help of what pronouns can you restore the subject in a definite-personal sentence?

4. Historical reference (slide number 11)

M.V. Lomonosov was the first to draw attention to the specificity of sentences with a pronominal subject. In “Russian Grammar” he writes: “The personal verb of the final mood has the nominative case obvious or hidden same date and person"

5. Using the diagram (slide number 12), give the definition of a definite-personal proposal.

Stage IV. Consolidating new material

1. Work in pairs(slide number 13)


  1. Solve your own version of the task
  2. Tell your partner the rationale for your decision, discuss the solutions in pairs
  3. Compare solutions with correct answers (Slide No. 14)

1 option

  1. I'll walk across a wide field.
  2. The magazine writes a lot of interesting things.
  3. Always try to complete the work on time.
  4. Along the way I met many acquaintances.
  5. Do you hear these strange sounds?
  6. You can take these tips as a rule.

Option 2

  1. The library closes at seven sharp.
  2. When will you arrive in our city?
  3. I carefully lift the branch and watch the animal.
  4. Be sure to make a plan for your essay.
  5. One cannot help but admire her beauty.
  6. Be sure to give an example from the text.

2. Task: Compose short story according to the illustration, I use definite personal sentences in the text (slide number 15)

Reading composed texts and evaluating them.

V stage. Summing up the lesson

1. Let's go back to Unified State Exam assignment with which we started the lesson (slide number 16)

Can you solve this task now?

(Students solve the task and give reasoned answers.)

2. Now, using the diagram, summarize the lesson for yourself (slide number 17)

Homework: clause 21, ex. 160.

Abstract open lesson in 8B grade

Topic: “Definitely personal proposals.” 11/13/2013.



Learning the ability to find one-part and two-part sentences;

Give the concept of definitely-personal proposals;

To develop the ability to find definitely personal sentences by meaning and their structural features;


Develop the ability to use one-part sentences in different styles.


Instill a love for the Russian language.


regulatory: process and systematize the information received, draw up a table for observation in a group, select grounds for classification; be able to convert information from one form to another, control and evaluate their activities

communicative: the ability to clearly, accurately, fully express one’s thoughts, work in pairs, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech;

cognitive: the ability to analyze sentences and structure knowledge.

Lesson type : explanation of new material.

Teaching methods : Working with a textbook, reference table, solving problematic issues, practical work.

Equipment and TSO 1. Textbook.

2. Notebook.

3. Computer presentation.

4. Flowchart: “One-part sentences.”

5. Suggestion cards.

6. Test.

Pedagogical technologies: technology for secondary comprehension of knowledge, workshop on secondary consolidation, development of skills for their application.

Terms : one-part and two-part sentences, grammatical basis of a sentence (subject, predicate), grammatical features, definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal, impersonal, denominative sentences.

During the classes

Organizational moment

    Teacher's opening speech. Setting a learning task.

    Hello guys! I am glad to see you. I hope for fruitful cooperation. We know catchphrase: “It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn” (slide 1) (Personal UUD)

    How do you understand this statement? (It is bad when a person does not have knowledge, but it is even worse when he does not strive to obtain it, when he does not make any effort to comprehend something new for himself).

    So let's conduct today's lesson under this motto. After all, Bernard Shaw said: “The only path leading to knowledge is activity.”

    Write down the number, great job.

Everyone has a self-assessment sheet on their desk. As you complete tasks, give yourself a mark: “5” if you did everything without errors; "4" -1-2 errors, "needs to be repeated"

Type of work

1. Oral warm-up “The fourth odd one.”

2. Terminological football.

3.Analysis of proposals.

4. Filling out the block diagram.

5.Work in groups.

6. Syntactic analysis of the sentence.

7. Exercise 139

8. Creative work.

9. Final assessment.



Need to repeat!

Guys, in the last lesson we got acquainted with one-part sentences. Let's check how you navigate the acquired knowledge.

1 Oral warm-up task: find the fourth odd one, justify your choice. From place)….

(slide 2)

1) It was difficult to breathe in the frosty air.

2) I don’t want to go back.

3) Morning.

4) Outside the window one could see an already plowed field. (two-part) All others are one-part

(slide 3)

1) The baby is not sleeping.

2) Evening is approaching.

3) My heart is beating loudly.

4) One does not seek good from good. (one-part). All others are two-part.

What does a two-part sentence mean? What about one-piece? Complete the task on the card. Grade…

2 Task Terminological football. (CommunicativeUUD)

Let's continue our work by repeating some theoretical concepts on the topic. What questions could you ask each other to check your knowledge level on the topic studied? (questions and answers)

3.Organization of ways to solve the lesson problem and its solution through analysis and generalization.

Look at the slide. What task can you do with this sentence?

In a sentence I look out the window and don’t recognize the forest - grammatical basis...(I look and don’t recognize) (slide 4)

(personal, cognitive UUD)

Guys, there is no subject in the sentence, but can you tell who is doing the action? Who?

Such sentences are called definitely-personal. How to explain this term? What is the face here? Which pronoun corresponds to the 1st person singular? Can we convert this one-part sentence into a two-part one?

Are sentences that have only one main member incomplete in meaning? Are they clear to us?

What can be concluded?(slide5)

One-component definite-personal sentences are those sentences in which the grammatical basis consists of only one main member and the absence of the second does not cause semantic incompleteness.

What is the topic of today's lesson?( slide6)

4. State your goal.

( slide7)

Let me remind you that the formulation of the goal is based on the “remember-learn-learn” plan (Regulatory UUD)

(slide 8)

-remember the difference between single-component and
two-part sentences; verbal and nominal; nominative sentences;
-give the concept of definitely-personal proposals;
-learn to find definitely-personal offers;
determine the type of one-part sentences

Write the topic in your notebooks.

5.Learning new material. Analysis of proposals.

Guys, working with sentences, we learn that only the 1st person pronoun, the singular, can be substituted for the predicate in definite personal sentences.

Commentary letter. (slide 10) (Regulatory and cognitive UUD-forecasting)

To the blackboard…

Determine which forms of the verb (mood, person, number) are used in o-l proposals X?

But here with victory congratulations My dear Tatiana. (A.S. Pushkin) (removed inscription, 1 sheet. Pl.,)

Where you're running , nice path? (M. Isakovsky) (withdrawal note, 2 sheets, units)

What rule can we repeat again? Is the appeal part of the sentence?

To the blackboard…

Why laugh ? Above oneself laugh! (N.V. Gogol) (removal note, 2 sheets, plural)

Day and night across the snowy desert I'm in a hurry headlong towards you. (A.S. Griboyedov) (withdrawn label, 1 l, unit)

Tell me to meet you them to me with childish love and obedience. (A.S. Pushkin)

(led. Nakl., 2 l. Units)

Explain the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence.

Everyone : What sentences are called definitely-personal? What form should the verb be in? In what person, number?

Conclusion : verbs in the form of 1st, 2nd person singular and plural indicative. , turned the button.(slide 11-12)

What pronouns correspond to the 1st and 2nd person?

6.Filling out the block diagram.

Fill in the table using what you have learned.(Check on slide No. 13-14)

    Fizminutka (slide 15)

About the fly.

Let's rest a little. Without using your hands, perform movements with facial expressions and facial muscles.

Imagine that a fly flew into the classroom, circled, circled, and landed on your forehead.

It flew off and flew back again, landing on your cheek. Now she's sitting on your chin. Moved to the nose. A lot of flies flew in and covered your entire face. A fly landed on my shoulder or leg. The fly is circling around your face, try to catch it.

Warm up for the eyes. Look at the floor, ceiling, window, door, board. And in reverse order. Okay, well done, let's continue the lesson.

8. Repetition of the algorithm.

Guys, what do you need to do to correctly determine the type of proposal? Let's repeat the algorithm.

    I find the grammatical basis

    look: one-part or two-part sentence

    if it is one-part, then I look at what is available: subject or predicate

    if it is a predicate, then I determine how it is expressed and from the tables I determine the type of one-part sentence

    if the subject is only nominative.

9.Work in groups. (slide16) (Communicative UUD). Identifying and mastering by students a method of action that allows them to consciously apply acquired knowledge.

- Guys, you have slips of paper with suggestions on your desks. What types of work do you think we can do with them? What do you think we will do based on the topic of our lesson? Among the proposals, note onlytwo-part.Write down the sentence numbers. (2,4,11,12) and grammatical basis.

Group 2 Among the proposals, note onlysingle-part definitely personal.Determine which part of speech can express the main member of the sentence. Write down the numberssentences.(1,5,7,9,10) and grammatical basis Among the proposals, note onlyone-part denominations. Determine which part of speech expresses the main member of the sentence. Write down the sentence numbers (3,6,8) and the grammatical basis.

Guys who are confident in their abilities, you can distribute all the proposals, hand in your notebooks and get a mark. (first 3 people)


1. I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May. (o/l).

2. In the gardens, students dig up trees. (dv).

3. Autumn.(n).

4. Joy, filling your heart, pulls you up, into the sky, to the stars! (dv).

5 Will you come with me? (o/l).

6. Early morning. (n).

7. Stand up for the truth. (o/l).

8. Here is the gazebo (n).

9. Return the book to the library. (o/l).

10. Look at them! (o/l).

11. The rain was noisy, buzzing, clapping. (dv).

12. I am ready to scatter my heart around the world. (dv).

Let's check on slide 17.

    Syntactic analysis of the sentence. (+ 2 first notebooks) (slide 18)

Let's analyze one of the sentences of group 2.

Draw up an outline of the proposal and give a description.

Return book to the library.

11. Exercise 139, page 99. Oral work.

Prove that these sentences are one-part, definitely personal.

In what style of texts was o-l used? (artistic)

Are you going home?

I'm coming. And you?

I'm coming.

Let's go faster.

What style of speech do you think this is?

Conclusion: O/l sentences are used not only in artistic style, but also colloquially.

12. Creative work. (cognitive UUD, general universal UUD). (slide 19) Formation of subject and meta-subject skills on a conscious basis.

Write a short text on the topic “Autumn”, using o/l, nominative sentences and, of course, others. (I take notebooks)

13. Conclusion on the lesson.

What is the topic of our lesson? What new did you learn in the lesson? What was difficult? New? (cognitive UUD) (slide 20)

I learned (what o-l sentences are, where they are used, what form of the verb corresponds to these sentences)

I learned (to find them in the text, to distinguish them from single-component ones)

It was difficult for me...

It was interesting to me…

What was our goal?(slide 21)

Have we achieved it?

14.Homework. : ( slide 22)

1) ex. 140

2) Extract 5 sentences o/l from the literary work of M.Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”

15. Reflection

Raise green circles for those who understand this topic well, yellow ones - there are some questions, red ones - the topic is not understood.

Thank you for the lesson. Rest. (slide 23)


8. Perform the test (with mutual verification). (slide 13)

To complete the work, we will summarize the knowledge gained and perform the test.

1.Which sentence is not one-part?

A). It was difficult to breathe in the frosty air.

b) The vault of the sky was quiet and clear.

V). You can't replace action with words.

G). It was turning blue in the east.

2. Provide a one-part sentence.

a).Evening came.

b).It's getting evening.

c).In the evening we will go to the cinema.

G). How good summer evenings are in Russia!

3. Indicate a definitely personal proposal.

A). Morning sleep is sweet.

b). I will not forget this meeting.

V). That evening we argued for a long time and talked about literally everything.

G). I love the Baltic Sea.

4. Indicate the title sentence.

a) I'll think about it tomorrow.

B) Here comes the call.

Q) The guys and I went to Volgograd.

D) Let's relax and dream.

Check each other.

1. b).

2. b).

3. b)

4. b)

1 slide

8th grade Lesson topic: “Definitely - personal proposals” Prepared by: Russian language teacher Noskova N.E.

2 slide

Today in the lesson Goal: learn to find one-part sentences in texts and determine their type. Tasks: 1) remember which sentences are called one-part, definitely personal; 2) highlight these sentences in the text from all proposed sentences; 3) Understand the importance of nature in human life.

3 slide

Repetition 1. Vocabulary dictation. Decoration of the... mli, amazing outfit... of forests, helper(?) in the fight for the... harvest, soften... the soil... mat, store... moisture, hold... the winds, in... the greatest source of health …I. 2. Group words according to basic spelling rules.

4 slide

Repetition Copy the text. Add missing punctuation marks. Forests are the decoration of the earth, its magnificent and amazing outfit. Forests are our most faithful assistant in the fight for the harvest. They store moisture, keep our great rivers full, soften the climate, stop hot winds and sand. But that's not all. Forests are the greatest sources of health. These are gigantic green laboratories that produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust. Check 1. Read and explain punctuation; 2. Complete the task and answer the questions: Prove that you have the text in front of you. Title the text. Why can we say that the forest is a source of life?

5 slide

Independent work Testing. 1. In the phrase DECORATION OF THE EARTH, the type of connection is: A) control, B) coordination, C) adjacency. 2. In the sentence THE WRITERS, TELLING ABOUT FORESTS, TRIED TO CONVEY THE READER THEIR LOVE FOR OUR GREEN “OCEANS”, the highlighted word is: A) addition, B) application, C) circumstance. 3. Based on the presence of main members, sentences are: A) simple and complex, B) one-part and two-part, C) common and non-common. 4. A proposal was given MANY WAS SICK FOR THE FORESTS. What is it like? Choose the correct answer: A) two-part, B) nominative, C) impersonal. 5. Continue the definition “TWO-ARTICLE SENTENCES are sentences in which A) two minor members, B) two main members, C) one main member.

6 slide

7 slide

Test score 5 correct answers - “5”; 4 correct answers - “4”; 3 correct answers – “3”, the rest – “2”

8 slide

Slide 9

10 slide

Work on the topic Find in paragraph No. _ the continuation of the definition “Definitely personal sentences are...” Determine which person and number the predicates in the examples indicate: I love you, Peter’s creation... My friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses. I'll tell you a story. Choose a book to your liking. 3. Can we say that these proposals are definitely personal? Why?

11 slide

CONCLUSION In definite personal sentences, the main member is the predicate in the form of a verb of the 1st or 2nd person singular or plural.