It is easier for an adult to navigate numbers and indicators. Therefore, if he finds out that since 1980, plastic pollution in the world's oceans has increased 10 times, then he will understand: the ecology of his native planet is in danger.

Separate and throw away

One of the main and useful skills for children is to learn how to sort waste. Today, this is very relevant: in cities, containers for collecting plastic, glass, and waste paper have already become commonplace. At home, you can organize a simplified model of this process. To do this, you need to make several types of boxes or baskets where the child will put garbage according to the type of waste: a separate box for paper, a separate one for food waste, a few more - for batteries, plastic and iron. This way, children will learn to be responsible for the waste they produce and distribute it correctly, rather than throwing it into a common basket.

Reusable item

In order not to buy plastic bags every time and plastic bottles, and, accordingly, not to increase their quantity among all the waste on the planet, you can purchase reusable bags and bottles. Today, string bags are back in fashion, and any rag bag with an interesting pattern or favorite color will delight a child. In addition, he will feel responsible and grown up, because he will know that he has his own bag for shopping trips. It’s the same story with bottles: you can buy glass or aluminum so that the little person has his own personal container for walking. At the same time, it is necessary to remind the child that such a choice of things helps to reduce the amount of garbage, and, accordingly, preserve the surrounding nature.

Teaching how to protect nature from childhood is the task of adults. Photo: Press service of the Government of the Orenburg region

Plastic house

Learning how to properly dispose of waste is also necessary! For example, paper can be burned and used as fertilizer in a summer cottage. Plastic bags and the bottles are quite suitable for repeated use: you can go to the store with the same package already purchased, and you can pour water or juice into the bottle and go for a walk or to school. But the most exciting way to recycle waste is to create something useful out of waste. For example, you can make a bird feeder from plastic packaging or Tetra Pak bags. Dangerous for environment the material will not have to be thrown away, and the birds will have their own “feeding point” - all for the benefit of nature!

In addition to all of the above methods, you can hold clean-up days with your children, collect waste paper, plant trees, feed fish and birds. The main thing is to teach a child to communicate with nature and clearly show him how to properly care for it. For clarity, parents and teachers will find the comics “AiF Eco-Lessons” useful, which are also contained in the project, and video lessons, which can be found on the AiF Orenburg website. Talking to children about the environment is very easy!

Toddler age is perhaps the most curious age, when the world seems big, wide, spacious, and so many amazing things fit in it.

Books from the Samokat publishing house will introduce your child to different ecosystems. From them, the child will be able to learn that there is another world beyond his densely populated habitat. Or rather, worlds, because there are four eco-books from Catherine Ville!

This series from Samokat is great news for those parents who are very concerned about preserving the environment. And the thing is that the series of illustrations from Catherine Wille is a 100% eco-product. Publishers proudly tell us that the circulation of one book alone allowed us to save as many as 11 large trees from destruction.

My little garden. Catherine Wille

In her books, Catherine Wille introduces the little reader to four ecosystems. Let's take a look into the forest first.

So that we don’t get lost among the mighty pines and oaks, three guides go with us on an introductory tour: a fox, a squirrel and a badger.

First of all, the animals tell where they live - among these trees and mosses. Squirrels live, for example, in hollows, foxes and badgers - in deep holes.

The forest is very, very interesting, because every corner of this place is different. In the forest you can find oaks, maples, acacias, spruce, juniper, and alder. Try, guess what kind of leaves these are, what tree does it come from? Parents can explain how important trees are to us. But not only us - various animals and birds feed on the fruits and seeds that trees produce.

What else do animals eat? That's right, mushrooms and berries. But when exploring the world, you need to be very careful, because both mushrooms and berries can bring not only benefits and pleasure, they can also be dangerous to health and poisonous.

Together with the squirrel, we go on a short journey further into the forest and notice a big lump! Look how happy the squirrel is to meet you - she hugs the pine cone, whose seeds are her favorite treat. In addition to cones, you can find acorns, rose hips, and chestnuts in the forest.

But, shh... what is that noise? Who is it speaking from there, from the next page? Yeah... a whole squad of unprecedented animals and insects! The baby will be very interested in meeting a hare and a raccoon, an owl and a bat. And also learn many interesting things from the pages of an environmental book.

This is not the end of the text, click on number 2 to go to the next page.

The pressing issue of humanity is the environmental crisis. Billions are allocated to solve the problem, but this does not bring visible results.

People are convinced that the instability of the ecosystem is associated only with harmful emissions, overflowing landfills.

But for safe interaction between nature and humans, it is necessary to form the correct eco-awareness. The article will talk about the problem of environmental education and measures taken to solve it.

What is environmental education

Environmental education of the younger generation is a new concept in pedagogy. These are measures aimed at developing the child’s thinking and habits in relation to nature. Science introduces us to the world around us, teaches us how to interact with it: take care of plants and animals, conserve resources, live in harmony with the world and society.

Goals and objectives of environmental education

Forming a respectful attitude towards nature is the goal similar education. Having achieved it, the child early age will learn:

  • use rationally natural resources;
  • take care of their preservation;
  • study, protect nature.

To achieve this goal, 3 tasks are set:

  • Educational. Gives knowledge about modern problems ecology and teaches them to solve them.
  • Educational. Instills habits and needs healthy image life and correct behavior in relation to nature.
  • Developmental. Teaches in practice how to assess the state of the environment and improve the situation.
  • The result is the education of a new generation of ecologically cultured people.

    Environmental education preschoolers

    It is important to instill a love of nature from childhood. The first 7 years of a person’s life are the period of personality formation. At this age, the worldview and attitude towards the world around us is formed.

    The duty of the older generation is to teach the preschooler a humane attitude towards animals, birds, insects, and plants.

    At the present stage, research has proven that it is easier to lay the foundations of ecoculture in early childhood.

    Environmental education junior schoolchildren

    IN primary school Children are introduced to the world around them and given examples of problems in nature that come from human activity. According to psychologists, increase interest in nature and environmental problems V modern society necessary, working in three directions:

  • To develop the child’s emotional qualities: a sense of delight, surprise, empathy, positive feelings towards natural objects, correct behavior.
  • Create conditions for the implementation of accumulated knowledge. Provide opportunities to demonstrate environmental awareness in extracurricular activities.
  • Provide age-appropriate knowledge.

  • All components act interconnectedly with an integrated approach. A child's interests and beliefs have not been formed in elementary school. The teacher’s task is to develop eco-culture, teach students to bear responsibility for all life on the planet, and take care of the environment.

    Forms of environmental education

    Environmental education becomes an important part of the educational process. Teachers work in this direction during lessons and extracurricular activities. Methods and forms of education depend on the age of the child.


    A popular form is a lesson. Thematic classes are conducted for preschoolers. The subject “Knowledge of the World” has been introduced in primary schools. He introduces children to the world around them and its laws. Classroom activities are divided into 3 types:

  • Introductory. Give an idea about different types plants, animals, natural phenomena. For better perception, posters, films and other demonstration materials are used.
  • Generalizing. They talk about the problems of the planet. Preschoolers of older groups and primary grades learn to separate natural phenomena according to their characteristics.
  • Cognitive. Allows you to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Classes are held in the form of competitions and quizzes.
  • Lessons lay down theoretical and practical knowledge, taking into account age.

    Thematic events

    Holidays dedicated to ecology are part of extracurricular activities. Topics are created by teachers or timed to coincide with calendar events (day wildlife, Earth Day). The goal is to awaken interest in the problems of nature. The holiday script is drawn up on the basis of previously acquired knowledge.

    Hiking and excursions

    Effective method environmental education – direct interaction with living nature. Teachers organize walks in the fresh air or excursions to local history museums.

    Starting from the middle groups of kindergartens and middle school classes, participants participate in such events.


    In preschool institutions, living corners and flower beds are set up. Children take care of flowers and animals. Schools are holding cleanup days and cleaning classrooms.

    Methods of environmental education

    For better perception of nature programs, a methodology is being developed for preschool institutions and schools. Teachers use 3 methods in practice.

    Visual methods


  • Observation. Children are asked to track the behavior of the animal. Changes in the shape, characteristics, and structure of the plant. In the process, the purpose, timing and method of observation are established.
  • Illustrative materials. Literature, images, paintings, posters are a visual way to introduce children to animals, plants and natural phenomena that are inaccessible to observation in their usual environment.
  • The visual method helps to attract students' attention to environmental problems.

    Practical methods

    To fully immerse yourself in ecoculture you need practical actions:

    • modeling;
    • experiments;
    • themed games.

    Practice makes general idea O natural objects.

    Verbal methods

    Any method is supported by conversation, reading fiction. Teachers conduct conversations in lessons, before competitions, games, and during experiments.

    Environmental education in the family

    The relevance of the problem of environmental education is related to the situation within the family. Children are sensitive to their environment. They unwittingly try to imitate adults.

    Parents must understand that forcing a child to certain rules behavior is impossible if they themselves do not correspond to them. First of all, you need to cultivate an environmental culture at home.

    Joint activities with your child will be beneficial:

  • While walking, pay attention to birds and insects. Monitor the weather. Using the verbal method, introduce the child to them.
  • Buy colorful literature: encyclopedias, books on caring for animals and plants.
  • Start pet. Explain how to care for it and why it needs to be done.
  • Look documentaries and series about nature.

  • It is important to reward your child for correct behavior. Mark if he threw the trash into the trash can, fed the fish, or did something good deed.

    The meaning of the problem

    Children must understand that it is forbidden to pick flowers, torment cats, destroy anthills, or destroy nests.

    The role of adults is to instill love for all manifestations of nature.

    The problem of environmental education has a deep meaning. This is the education not of an individual, but of an entire generation that will provide themselves and their children with a safe existence in harmony with nature.

    Galina Golikova
    Article: “Baby and ecology”

    Natural world! This is the enchanting look of paint,

    this is fresh air, invigorating, inspiring

    We have new strength. These are untold riches

    which people should protect and increase...

    Valova Z. G.

    Moisenko Yu. E.

    Nowadays, more than ever, the issue of environmental education of children is acute. How to raise children careful attitude to nature? Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, which include impressionability and emotional responsiveness, through compassion and empathy, which help the child to enter, as V. A. Sukhomlinsky said "into the life of another living being from the inside", feel someone else's pain as if it were your own, introduce the baby into the world nature so that every day he discovers something new for himself, so that he grows as a researcher, so that every step he takes is a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennobles his heart and strengthens his will.

    Environmental education is a direction in preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional one - introducing children to nature. During the period of preschool childhood, in the process of targeted pedagogical influence in children, it is possible to form the beginning of an ecological culture - a consciously correct attitude towards phenomena, objects, living and inanimate nature, which constitute their immediate environment during this period of life. Consciously - the correct attitude is developed under the condition of close contact and various forms of interaction of the child with the plants and animals available in the room, on the site kindergarten and in the orphanage. In other words, every creature must have its own "house" which has everything for his life.

    Starting from kindergarten, the teacher must instill in the child’s consciousness a caring attitude towards nature and the environment. native land. The children are already older preschool age without much effort they acquire knowledge on ecologyif the classes are conducted in an accessible, exciting way.

    The beginning of environmental education is some rules from childhood (you can’t pick flowers, you can’t walk on lawns, you can’t offend animals). Children should be taught not to remain indifferent to a broken branch. During conversations or walks into nature, children need to be explained that by caring for the nature of our native land, we further take care of the environment and our Earth as a whole. After all, preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person’s personality, his value orientation in the surrounding world. Preschoolers, due to the characteristics of their age, very organically perceive all knowledge that is associated with nature. After all, young children feel like they are part of nature; they have not yet developed a consumer attitude towards it. Therefore, the main task is to ensure that the feeling of an inextricable connection with the outside world, which arose in early childhood, remains for life.

    In summer, the territory of our kindergarten is especially beautiful; the abundance of bright, fragrant flowers attracts the attention of not only people, but also insects. Here is a convenient moment where you can tell and clearly show about the life of insects and their benefits. With proper guidance by observing the environment, the child begins to understand what is good and what is bad. Systematic observation in nature teaches children to be attentive. Any observation is cognitive activity, requiring attention, concentration, and mental activity from children, so it does not last long. Pedagogical communication between the teacher and children takes on a cognitive coloring: the teacher asks clear, specific questions, directing children to search for information, listens to their answers, and responds kindly to each message. And most importantly, he praises for the correct answer and stimulates further search for information with praise. Cycles of observations, accompanied by cognitive communication between the teacher and the children, develop their powers of observation, persistent interest in nature, and form clear, specific ideas about the morphofunctional characteristics of plants and their connection with the environment.

    It is important for a teacher to teach children to see and appreciate the quiet beauty of a tiny wildflower, a hardworking ant or spider on a forest path, to hear the enchanting sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and grass, the murmur of water... Teaching children to see beauty is a difficult task. If the teacher himself sincerely loves nature and treats it with care, he will be able to convey these feelings to children. Children are very observant and sensitive to the words, mood and deeds of an adult; they quickly see the positive and imitate their mentor. Love for nature means not only a certain state of mind, the perception of its beauty, but also its understanding, its knowledge.

    One of the ways to convey to a child all the beauty of the world around him is a fairy tale. A fairy tale not only entertains, it unobtrusively educates, introduces the child to the world around him, good and evil. She - universal teacher. In our work with children, we use the works of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences N.A. Ryzhova, which help us understand nature and human relationships with it. In an entertaining way they introduce children to natural phenomena, their relationships, with some concepts of ecology, problems of human influence on nature and many others. So, instilling in children a love for nature and the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks kindergarten. In this work, his first assistants should be his parents.

    As a result of targeted work on environmental education and training, changes occurred in the actions and behavior of children. Preschoolers began to consciously treat natural resources and all living things more attentively, hardworking and observant, which is reflected in their drawings and stories. The emotionality and enthusiasm of children convinces that the work on environmental education is very important and gives good results. This work helps to cultivate love for our native nature and respect for it.

    “All efforts in education will be in vain,

    until you teach your students

    love the field, birds and flowers” (D. Reskin)

    Sea otters sleep by holding their paws to each other so that they are not separated by the current.

    Children about ecology

    “Everything in the world is needed!
    We need everything -
    Who makes honey
    And who makes the poison"

    from Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “About everything in the world.”

    Ecology is a young science. Although ancient Indian treatises wrote about the life of animals and their living conditions.

    This science is developing so quickly that scientists find it difficult to say where its boundaries are.

    This science is so necessary! She tells how creatures live in their “homes” - ecosystems.

    This science says that there are immutable laws to which we and our neighbors - animals, birds, plants - obey. These laws also describe our living conditions - earth, air, water and stones.

    A girl in a city yard.

    We are all connected, dependent on each other, need each other. If something around us changes, everything else begins to change. For example, only animals lived in the stones, and people removed the stones, plowed the fields - and then other animals and birds began to live in the fields; if the fields dry out, new species of living beings will begin to live.

    We are better here than in the concrete jungle.

    Ecology is an exact science. Thanks to its formulas, you can calculate, for example, how many kilometers of forest you need to the wild wolf so that it does not disturb farm animals, and much more.

    How many parks do we need?

    Bumblebee on a flower

    Not only humans change the space around them - ants, termites, and bees do this too. This is done by birds and fish, huge bears and small earthworms. But only man changes everything around him so much that lifeless places remain on planet Earth for decades - there are no birds, no worms, no bears. And people settle there reluctantly.

    Ascidians are marine animals. Really, really beautiful?

    Even just while managing the Earth, people destroy living things every day, and not just living things - entire species of living beings. Forever.

    Just think, some microbes will disappear, slugs, jellyfish, flowers, worms - who cares? needed! - you say. Are there not enough of them left? Every year new species are found - jellyfish, fish, all sorts of crabs or worms.

    But even the tiniest creature on earth feeds something larger. And if we forget about this, it’s scary to think what we will do in the end and what it will lead to!

    Today I still want to tell you about the good: how we, people, use the riches of the natural pantry.

    Bionics scientists - have you heard of this science? – study how plants, animals, and insects work. The fact is that in living nature everything is done surprisingly economically, beautifully and conveniently. Scientists discover these laws and secrets of nature and then apply them in technology.

    You probably know that many medicines were created thanks to plants. I just want to say - there are no useless plants, there are unstudied ones!

    Pink mole rat in his house

    But what amazes me most is the animals that are studied to learn their secrets. First on my list is, of course, the pink mole rat. He lives in hot, stuffy caves, where no one but him can live! But he lives! How? Why? Why isn't he sick? What allows the pink mole rat to survive?

    On our planet there are creatures that hide the secret of immortality - axolotls, coelenterate hydra, and others. A sea ​​stars and ascidians - sea animals - have not yet revealed to us the secret of eternal youth.

    How will we study mysteries and secrets, find medicines and perform amazing discoveries, if there is only the studied world around? Or rather, what if everything that has not been studied is killed by garbage, oil spills, and clearings?

    Every year scientists discover many new species of living beings, and twice as many of them disappear! We ourselves, the people, allow our people to be covered in garbage and killed. natural resources, our unknown saviors, our unknown protectors.

    What can people learn from looking at this beauty?

    The fairy tale by Boris Zakhoder is written about ecology - but it’s so simple and clear! And it’s simply called “A Tale about Everyone in the World.” Parents can help you find a cartoon that was based on this fairy tale.

    Photo by Alla Mutelika, Marina Lidis