In astrology, such pairs of opposite zodiac signs are called polarities. Each pair of these signs together touches on some problem that unites them. But each of these signs has its own solution to this problem. Of two incompatible things, everyone chooses one thing, often to the detriment of the other. This is what makes these signs so different from each other.

Compatibility of opposite signs

Aries and Libra

This polarity poses the problem of the relationship between the individual and society. How to realize yourself in life, win your place “under the sun”, become a leader and at the same time maintain harmony in life and a good relationship with people? Aries chooses the path of self-realization, strives for primacy, the full manifestation of its individuality. At the same time, he often sacrifices relationships, is ready to break them if they bind him, force him to give in and obey. Libra, on the contrary, is ready to give up the manifestation of their personal qualities and adapt to others, taking into account their needs and wishes. Libras are committed to partnership; interaction with society is important to them, and not opposing themselves to it.

Taurus and Scorpio

This polarity poses the problem of accumulation and use of material resources. Taurus is a sign of personal property, preferring to accumulate money, property, and create emergency reserves, which should serve as a guarantee of personal safety. Scorpio is a sign of joint or other people's property (inheritance, loans), it redistributes received from others material resources. It is important for him that money is invested in something and multiplied, transformed into something useful.

Gemini and Sagittarius

This pair of opposite zodiac signs has the problem of obtaining and transmitting knowledge. Geminis easily perceive any information; they do not divide it into important and unimportant. After all, it is unknown which of the acquired knowledge will be useful and which will not. They are happy to share them with other people, but do not pretend to be a teacher. Sagittarius puts everything on an ideological, philosophical basis; he is not inclined to apply his knowledge in practice, but is often busy searching for the indisputable truth. As a teacher, he strives to convey the main idea, the essence, neglecting the details.

Cancer and Capricorn

The opposition of these signs poses the problem of social realization. Family or career? Cancer - sign family life, he chooses family. Even if he strives to succeed at work, it is all for the well-being of the family. If his career comes at the expense of his family, he is ready to give it up. Capricorn is more likely to abandon his family; he perceives social success solely as occupying a high social position and professional fulfillment.

Leo and Aquarius

This polarity poses the problem of love and friendship. IN in the narrow sense, and in broad terms it is a problem of emotional or mental self-expression. Leo makes a choice in favor of feelings and emotional self-expression in the form of creativity. For him, love is more important than friendship. Aquarius needs more friends and like-minded people who share his ideals and do not constrain his freedom than close emotional ties.

Virgo and Pisces

This pair of opposite zodiac signs has a problem with cultivation. Physical or spiritual? Logic or intuition? The problem is that the development and improvement of some abilities leads to the blocking of others. Virgo prefers to improve on the physical plane, mainly in professional field, and therefore she cares about improving her performance and monitoring her health. Pisces strives to gain unusual abilities, which would allow them to know the unknown. Self-improvement from the point of view of Pisces lies in this, and for the sake of this they often do not spare their health. However, a person does not always make a choice that corresponds to his zodiac sign. Often he follows the path of the opposite sign. But in any case, the problem of his polarity in life will certainly manifest itself and force him to make a choice.

The zodiac circle consists of 6 pairs of signs located opposite each other. The signs of each pair are complete opposites and have completely different characteristics from each other, but at the same time represent parts of a single whole. Read about their features, interaction and compatibility in this material.

Aries and Libra

These signs represent the axis of interaction with the outside world. Libra is responsible for balance, relationships and communication, while Aries is responsible for activity and strength.

Aries is a sign of independent, strong-willed people striving for fame and leadership. Its representatives are very arrogant, decisive and do not think at all about how their actions can affect others.

Libras, on the contrary, always value other people’s opinions, negotiate and look for a compromise. Causing inconvenience to others is not their principle. For Libra, the most important thing is that peace and harmony reign around.

Representatives of both these signs love communication. Aries needs it in order to manifest leadership skills, and for Libra - to enjoy conversations.

When interacting in this pair, Aries will be the undisputed leader, and Libra will become a good support for him.

Taurus and Scorpio

The axis of resources and material wealth is in the possession of these signs. Taurus is responsible for net worth, and Scorpio - for the competent use of other people's funds.

Taurus people are calm and calm by nature. They approach matters very responsibly, carefully thinking through every step. They are a little slow and they know it, so they don't like those who rush them.

Scorpios are naturally endowed with the gift of inner instinct. They always spot deceivers without fail and strike back at the offenders. They take on work without delay, easily tolerate high-intensity loads and cope well with tasks under tight deadlines.

Despite the obvious differences in temperament, Scorpio and Taurus have quite a lot in common. Their representatives are pragmatic, hardworking, and efficient. They are quite reserved in communication and do not like to make their personal life public.

Relationships in a Taurus-Scorpio couple can often be unstable due to the excessive jealousy of both signs. However, they may well interact successfully: Taurus will not make unfounded statements, and the ardent Scorpio knows how to direct his energy in the right direction.

Gemini and Sagittarius

These signs form the axis of knowledge and travel. Gemini is more prone to a lot of superficial knowledge and easy trips, while Sagittarius is responsible for serious information and long journeys.

Geminis study the world bit by bit, like children, collecting and examining details, features and details. They are very attentive, know how to analyze well, and love to learn new things.

Sagittarians, on the other hand, see only a holistic image and do not go into details, which is why they sometimes suffer greatly. They good teachers, love to share knowledge and experience, to help those who have not yet reached their level. Sagittarians evaluate the actions and actions of those around them, focusing on their own ideas about good and evil, and strive to bring harmony to the world.

Gemini and Sagittarius can get along very well and will definitely not get bored in each other's company. Both signs love travel, new knowledge, communication and good companies.

Cancer and Capricorn

These signs, in their interaction, are responsible for two important areas of life - work and home. Cancer symbolizes home, and Capricorn - a career.

Cancers are very economical, attentive and kind. They are always ready to help and support. The sensitivity of Cancers and their tendency to mood swings are compensated by the ability to let go of grievances and solve problems without hushing them up.
In contrast to Cancers, Capricorns are stingy with emotions, their feelings are hidden deep inside and are rarely made public. Those born under this sign are practical and rational, love self-examination and put their career first. However, they are not such callous crackers as they may seem; Capricorns do not refuse to come to the rescue, but they usually help not in word, but in deed.

Representatives of both signs are usually very careful about money and property, they like to save and save. Cancers and Capricorns become responsible parents, devote a lot of time to loved ones, and love to spend weekends with their family. The union of these signs is good for its division of responsibilities: Cancers will be responsible for home comfort, and Capricorns will solve issues that require a serious approach to business.

Leo and Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius are located on the axis of personal and social development. The first represents individuality, the second takes care of interactions with other people.
Leos love to be the center of attention, to please the public and to feel better than others. They are selfish and not at all embarrassed about it. Their own needs and desires always come first for them. Despite this, those born under this sign always have many friends who value Leo for their protective warmth and endless charm.

Aquarians are more likely to worry about other people's well-being than about their own. They are sensitive to the problems of loved ones and always try to help. Representatives of this sign react sharply to any injustice, seek the truth in everything and fight for it with everyone possible ways. And they do it completely sincerely - the picturesqueness of their experiences is not about them.

Leos and Aquarius are noble from birth and do not accept base behavior in their own behavior or in others. They are tolerant of others, there are good friends and organizers.
The union of Leo and Aquarius can be difficult. Leos, like the real rulers of the world, love to be in charge, to dominate, to subordinate to their will. They are very jealous and do not tolerate contradictions to their opinions from their partners. For Aquarius, one of the main values ​​is freedom in all its manifestations. They cannot tolerate jealousy and suspicion, being themselves non-jealous people. They may perceive baseless accusations as an insult.
Joint activity can unite and unite this union. Those born under these signs love good company, communication and pleasant gatherings.

Virgo and Pisces

The axis of matter and spirit is represented by Virgo and Pisces. The first sign symbolizes practicality and a rational approach, and the second sign symbolizes spirituality and inner world.
Virgos are characterized by perfectionism and special attentiveness. They notice all the subtleties and details of matters, take into account all the nuances, believing that there are no unimportant little things. Attentive, careful, responsible - Virgos are rightfully considered one of the best workers. There is also always order and comfort in their home - maintaining cleanliness is a vital task for them.

Pisces are sometimes somewhere on the other side of reality, living in a world of dreams and daydreams. They are often inattentive, do not attach importance to many even serious things, and look at the world in a simple way. Pisces, who are acutely aware of criticism of themselves, never criticize others, as they recognize the human right to make mistakes. They value a rich inner world and become good friends.

Representatives of the Pisces and Virgo signs are very different, but they are united by a love for animals and a willingness to always come to the rescue. These people will not leave a friend in trouble and will become a reliable shoulder in times of adversity.
A future together for Virgo and Pisces is possible if both partners are willing to make concessions for each other. Then it may turn out that together they are capable of much.

Modern astrological science pays great attention to research interpersonal relationships between people or, to put it simply: issues of their compatibility.

Such attention is completely justified, because choosing a life partner for all of us, sooner or later, becomes an important step, on the correctness of which our further emotional harmony, happiness and destiny depend.

And this choice is not so easy to make; it is even more difficult to “guess” with it. That is why in some countries of the world, for example, in India, the tradition of a “pre-wedding visit” to an experienced astrologer has been observed for a long time, who, looking at the horoscopes of possible spouses, determines what awaits them in family life and whether they should tie the knot at all . Any skeptical smiles of respected readers on this matter, I believe, will immediately disappear if they become familiar with the unobtrusive official statistics divorces in such countries.

Therefore, the article will discuss the compatibility of some of them, namely those that are located opposite each other in the sky.

I'm sure many of you have heard the rather common "truth" that opposites converge. But is this true in relation to relationships between people, from the point of view of marriage astrology? Let's try to figure it out.

So, there are twelve signs in the zodiac circle, therefore, each of them has its own pair, located directly on the opposite side of the Zodiac. The pairs of “opposites” are as follows: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces.

Tells us that positive aspects such “unions” can be attributed to a certain commonality of tasks facing opposite signs in Everyday life, and therefore they can achieve success if they work on some kind of joint business or project. But emotional understanding between them is very problematic.

Unions of this kind can be recommended in countries where family life is strictly regulated (for example, in India). Only then can they be happy enough, and children, according to popular belief, in such marriages are born with a harmonious embrace of all parental qualities. In our country, representatives of opposite signs in family life often find it difficult to get along (unless, of course, their individual horoscope compatibility).

Aries-Libra Union very dynamic and capable of revealing a lot of new things to both partners. However, the strength and pressure of the fiery Aries may encounter misunderstandings from his partner, who is accustomed to finding a way out of situations through compromises, tactfully and without discouraging straightforwardness. And the passion and sexuality in a relationship characteristic of this couple can easily be replaced by the militant attitude of Aries and the cool alienation of Libra. To a greater extent, such relationships are passionate, but not permanent and are typical at an early and young age, when people lack maturity and experience.

Relationships between Taurus and Scorpio due to their mutual desire for constancy, they can become one of the most acceptable and successful among similar unions of “opposites”. The main thing in such an alliance is for both partners not to overdo it in stubbornness, jealousy and a sense of possessiveness. Taurus should be more compliant in the passionate desires of Scorpio, and the latter should not argue with Taurus in material matters of family life. Children play a big role in this union; they can unite this couple forever.

Gemini and Sagittarius - one of the most common unions of opposites and, first of all, because from the first minutes of acquaintance there is excellent dialogue and communication between them (which, in principle, cannot be said about other pairs of opposite signs). Both signs are easy-going, love change of events, surroundings and travel. Both prefer to resolve issues in the same way: by searching for new ways, and often even accept mutual intrigues. But this couple cannot be called ideal; his partner thinks too “small” for Sagittarius and Sagittarius thinks too “big” for an airy Gemini. Their unions are also fickle and can become just another link in the kaleidoscope of life for both partners.

Union of Cancer and Capricorn , perhaps, can be called a union of sound choice. In this marriage, people clearly understand what they want from their partner: Capricorn strives to “provide” themselves with home comfort, and Cancer strives to provide reliable protection and support, primarily in material terms. Both partners are united by love and respect for parents and family traditions. Therefore, this marriage can be compared with those that were entered into not by children, but by their parents for purely pragmatic reasons (unification of power, capital, etc.). In general, it is very difficult for Cancer to get along with the emotional coldness and isolation of Capricorn, who, in turn, sometimes cannot understand the excessive emotionality of Cancer. As a result of the collision of coldness of feelings and excessive emotionality, such unions often break. In general, it would be nice for people of these signs to find each other in old age, then their union could become truly ideal.

And here unions of Leo and Aquarius don't occur that often. Understanding the partners in this pair is possible only if mutual love to freedom. And it would be nice if each of them lived in his own small world, while respecting and appreciating the world of your partner. In this case, they would be able to see the full originality of each other’s personality and separation would not threaten them. In life, it happens much more often that with his excessive love of freedom, Aquarius irritates his Leo partner, who strives to dominate the relationship, sometimes suppressing the urges of Aquarius that are objectionable to him. Why can the latter simply leave, by nature valuing freedom more than family ties.

Virgo and Pisces Union is rare - there is a very big difference in the understanding of the world, which Virgo perceives exclusively from a practical point of view, while Pisces looks at it through rose-colored glasses. These signs can only be united by mutual service to some common goal, otherwise fate will quickly separate them into different sides, cutting off the already thin thread of their emotional relationship.

Modern astrological science pays great attention to the study of interpersonal relationships between people or, to put it simply: issues of their compatibility.

Such attention is completely justified, because choosing a life partner for all of us, sooner or later, becomes an important step, on the correctness of which our further emotional harmony, happiness and destiny depend.

And this choice is not so easy to make; it is even more difficult to “guess” with it. That is why in some countries of the world, for example, in India, the tradition of a “pre-wedding visit” to an experienced astrologer has been observed for a long time, who, looking at the horoscopes of possible spouses, determines what awaits them in family life and whether they should tie the knot at all . Any skeptical smiles of respected readers on this matter, I believe, will immediately disappear if they get acquainted with the unobtrusive official statistics of divorces in such countries.

Therefore, the article will discuss the compatibility of some of them, namely those that are located opposite each other in the sky.

I'm sure many of you have heard the rather common "truth" that opposites converge. But is this true in relation to relationships between people, from the point of view of marriage astrology? Let's try to figure it out.

So, there are twelve signs in the zodiac circle, therefore, each of them has its own pair, located directly on the opposite side of the Zodiac. The pairs of “opposites” are as follows: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces.

It tells us that the positive aspects of such “unions” include a certain commonality of tasks facing opposite signs in everyday life, and therefore they can achieve success if they work on some kind of joint business or project. But emotional understanding between them is very problematic.

Unions of this kind can be recommended in countries where family life is strictly regulated (for example, in India). Only then can they be happy enough, and children, according to popular belief, in such marriages are born with a harmonious embrace of all parental qualities. In our country, it is often not easy for representatives of opposite signs to get along in family life (unless, of course, their individual compatibility horoscope says otherwise).

Aries-Libra Union very dynamic and capable of revealing a lot of new things to both partners. However, the strength and pressure of the fiery Aries may encounter misunderstandings from his partner, who is accustomed to finding a way out of situations through compromises, tactfully and without discouraging straightforwardness. And the passion and sexuality in a relationship characteristic of this couple can easily be replaced by the militant attitude of Aries and the cool alienation of Libra. To a greater extent, such relationships are passionate, but not permanent and are typical at an early and young age, when people lack maturity and experience.

Relationships between Taurus and Scorpio due to their mutual desire for constancy, they can become one of the most acceptable and successful among similar unions of “opposites”. The main thing in such an alliance is for both partners not to overdo it in stubbornness, jealousy and a sense of possessiveness. Taurus should be more compliant in the passionate desires of Scorpio, and the latter should not argue with Taurus in material matters of family life. Children play a big role in this union; they can unite this couple forever.

Gemini and Sagittarius - one of the most common unions of opposites and, first of all, because from the first minutes of acquaintance there is excellent dialogue and communication between them (which, in principle, cannot be said about other pairs of opposite signs). Both signs are easy-going, love change of events, surroundings and travel. Both prefer to resolve issues in the same way: by searching for new ways, and often even accept mutual intrigues. But this couple cannot be called ideal; his partner thinks too “small” for Sagittarius and Sagittarius thinks too “big” for an airy Gemini. Their unions are also fickle and can become just another link in the kaleidoscope of life for both partners.

Union of Cancer and Capricorn , perhaps, can be called a union of sound choice. In this marriage, people clearly understand what they want from their partner: Capricorn strives to “provide” themselves with home comfort, and Cancer strives to provide reliable protection and support, primarily in material terms. Both partners are united by love and respect for parents and family traditions. Therefore, this marriage can be compared with those that were entered into not by children, but by their parents for purely pragmatic reasons (unification of power, capital, etc.). In general, it is very difficult for Cancer to get along with the emotional coldness and isolation of Capricorn, who, in turn, sometimes cannot understand the excessive emotionality of Cancer. As a result of the collision of coldness of feelings and excessive emotionality, such unions often break. In general, it would be nice for people of these signs to find each other in old age, then their union could become truly ideal.

And here unions of Leo and Aquarius don't occur that often. Understanding the partners in this pair is possible only under the condition of mutual love for freedom. And it would be nice if each of them lived in their own little world, while respecting and appreciating the world of their partner. In this case, they would be able to see the full originality of each other’s personality and separation would not threaten them. In life, it happens much more often that with his excessive love of freedom, Aquarius irritates his Leo partner, who strives to dominate the relationship, sometimes suppressing the urges of Aquarius that are objectionable to him. Why can the latter simply leave, by nature valuing freedom more than family ties.

Virgo and Pisces Union is rare - there is a very big difference in the understanding of the world, which Virgo perceives exclusively from a practical point of view, while Pisces looks at it through rose-colored glasses. These signs can only be united by mutual service to some common goal, otherwise fate will quickly separate them in different directions, cutting off the already thin thread of their emotional kinship.


Thinking about the subject of relationships, you intuitively feel sympathy for some people and antipathy for others, wanting to find your other half. Passions, mistakes and disappointments indicate a lack of knowledge about yourself and others. Astrology gives knowledge and brings clarity, creating understanding and bringing precision to sensations. Illusions disappear and you see reality. Astrology also teaches you to wait without experimenting with nonsense. The reward will be the relationship you desire. It's like tango. You know the moves, but that's not enough. And finally, you feel each other, understand the lightest touch and every glance. There is no leader and no follower. There is a dance.

You just need to understand that Zodiac sign compatibility - too general an indicator of a couple’s relationship. EVALUATING COMPATIBILITY BY PARTNERS' SOLAR SIGN BELONGING IS NOT SERIOUS AT ALL! A union of people belonging to zodiac signs that are poorly compatible at first glance, in practice, when taking into account all the indicators of the synastry chart (partner compatibility chart), can turn out to be successful.

Before approaching compatibility issues, you need to evaluate what you are going to combine and what it is, in principle, compatible with. Let me emphasize once again that the starting point is your horoscope. If your self-image is vague and you are afraid own strength or ignore your weakness, it is difficult to talk about compatibility with someone. In this case, you are more likely to become raw clay in someone’s inept hands. Therefore, a real look at your needs and capabilities eliminates illusions about relationships.

Let's define the concepts of tolerance and compatibility. Compatibility goes beyond sympathy and speaks of the possibility of being together for as long as desired. Sympathy speaks with attraction, and compatibility also presupposes common goals and common interests. Behavior and ways to achieve goals may be different, but the ability to combine them is already an art. Mutual interest with the need to develop, learn, do something together - this is creativity that goes beyond everyday life. When you are interested and happy together, life becomes simpler and does not weigh on you. This means you can be around, communicate or remain silent without feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed. Compatibility - this is trust, honesty and frankness in relationships, since hypocrisy is inappropriate. You divide and do everything in half without haggling. The level of understanding in such relationships is as high as possible. Naturally, there are conflicts and disputes, but there is always a desire and patience to understand.

Tolerance begins from the moment when you understood, but did not accept, realizing that you will never accept. Specialists of various profiles often talk about compatibility in the context of a specific problem: sexual, intellectual, everyday, etc. Compatibility in other areas may remain questionable. This partial compatibility is more simply called tolerance.

A huge number of psychologists are working to create or maintain a refined cell of society, teaching tolerance where there is no compatibility. Tolerance suggests that you tolerate some quality of your partner or some aspect of your relationship. Pain can also be tolerated, and even get used to it, if there is no desire to be treated. Nevertheless, the pain obsessively insists on ill health. Likewise, relationships built on tolerance can hardly be called healthy. Silent patience is a lack of frankness, which slowly undermines the psyche and health. Hypocrisy is effective on short term and for selfish purposes. Being a hypocrite over the course of a lifetime is dangerous to your health, and regretting the wasted years will not allow you to enjoy the result.


The opposite sign (180°) speaks of a person’s aspirations. Elements of opposite signs are compatible. The active couple, Air and Fire, understand each other, although Fire is more drawn to Air than vice versa. The more passive pair, Earth and Water, are compatible, although Water is more attached to Earth than vice versa. The qualities of your sign are usually familiar and acceptable. The opposite sign is the antipode of a person. The opposite qualities are attractive due to their unknown nature. As a rule, they are not directly rejected. There is always an obvious or hidden desire to master them. This position corresponds to the seventh house and is responsible for partners and enemies. The union of opposite signs is not easy. If each partner insists on his own, then there is little understanding and it is difficult to get along. In some cases, the couple mutually compensates and balances each other, since their tasks, in principle, are common, but the ways to achieve them are different. The best option there will be mutual development of missing qualities:

ARIES is impatient, rude, acts without thinking, and openly enters into conflict. LIBRA are conflict-free, rely on others, remain inactive, and endure. They are united by themes of relationships, personal and public. TAURUS is calm, thrifty, and determined to create and accumulate his own savings. SCORPIO is dissatisfied, determined to destroy and rebuild, and will sooner take away than create his own. Both are concerned with the theme of love and property. GEMINI are prone to variety, learning, and prefer to process other people's thoughts. SAGITTARIUS is monotonous, inclined to lecture, and adheres to his own philosophy. Both have a tendency to solve problems intellectually. CANCER is intuitive, receptive, malleable, not too principled, does everything in roundabout ways. CAPRICORN acts directly, has strict principles, is not intuitive, and is cold-blooded. They are united by issues of survival in society and at home. LEO is distinguished by authority, power, pride, generosity, and vanity. AQUARIUS is focused on its principles, freedom-loving, asocial, independent in ideas, does not recognize authorities, acts in its own way. They are united by issues of creativity, social and personal activities. VIRGO is distinguished by thoughtfulness, rationalism, realism, a penchant for order, and restraint. PISCES are compassionate, irrational, chaotic, dreamy. Both signs are concerned about social problems, health issues, secret and obvious.

90 and 270 degree SIGNS

These are the signs of one triad, located on the right and left hand from your sign. This position is called quadrature, or square. If the sign opposite describes your aspirations, then the qualities of the signs at 90° and 270° are necessary for you in order for your aspirations to achieve results.

ARIES, striving for justice for LIBRA, must combine the determination and perseverance of CAPRICORN with the intuitiveness and caution of CANCER. TAURUS, in the desire for self-affirmation, perseverance and efficiency of SCORPIO, combines the detachment of AQUARIUS with the generosity of LEO. GEMINI, in its quest for authority and purposefulness of SAGITTARIUS, combines the precision of VIRGO and the philanthropy of PISCES. CANCER, in its pursuit of the directness of CAPRICORN, combines the patience of LIBRA with the efficiency of ARIES. LEO, in the quest for freedom of AQUARIUS, combines the tenacity and calmness of TAURUS with the fanatical persistence and self-sacrifice of SCORPIO. VIRGO, in pursuit of the good nature and kindness of PISCES, combines the optimism and love of life of SAGITTARIUS with the sociability and sociability of GEMINI. LIBRA, in its desire for individualism and the capacity of ARIES, combines the tenacity of CAPRICORN and the self-sufficiency of CANCER. SCORPIO, in the quest for stability and tranquility of TAURUS, combines the generosity of LEO with the resourcefulness and altruism of AQUARIUS. SAGITTARIUS, in its pursuit of the simplicity of GEMINI, combines the precision of VIRGO with the collectivism of PISCES. CAPRICORN, in its pursuit of the intuitiveness and kindness of CANCER, combines the nobility of ARIES with the peacefulness of LIBRA. AQUARIUS, in its quest for the authority of LEO, combines the thoroughness of TAURUS with the intransigence and insight of SCORPIO.

This is the evolution of aspirations for those who want to develop. Mastering new qualities is the path to self-sufficiency. Perhaps few people decide to do it, but intuitive aspirations always remain. Some people approach change on their own, due to internal dissatisfaction, a desire to learn, or under the pressure of life circumstances. A partner representing a sign that is 90° or 270° from your Zodiac sign is of interest in this regard, accelerating evolution. Often these signs seem the most incomprehensible. But oddly enough, “square” relationships are interesting and dynamic, they give a lot and can last for quite a long time. If you have ever experienced the delight of understanding something that had taken you a long time to realize, with a joyful cry of “Got it!”, you understand what we are talking about. The development potential and vigor of such unions are quite high. Everything is there: discoveries, discoveries, conflicts. There is almost never boredom. The paths to achieving results are certainly different, but the ability to combine them is powerful. A break may occur if there is a reluctance to evaluate the partner’s life approaches and antipathy to novelty and change. This is a difficult and turbulent relationship that excludes laziness and relaxation.

ARIES combines its impulsiveness with the intuition and caution of CANCER. CANCER learns courage, and ARIES learns caution. TAURUS combines thoroughness and frugality with the generosity of LEO. TAURUS learns generosity, and LEO begins to appreciate a sense of proportion. The active GEMINI stumbles upon the sobriety and thoughtfulness of VIRGO. The intellectual alliance of the ideal and the practical gives more meaning. Receptive CANCER shares its maturity and depth with LIBRA, helping to add intuition to the selection process. Coldish LIBRA protects the vulnerable emotionality of CANCER. While CANCER is slipping away, LIBRA is negotiating. Proud LEO and sarcastic SCORPIO are strong in feelings and power. Kindness and skepticism are difficult to combine, but the pressure of LEO and the stamina of SCORPIO are quite possible. The practical VIRGO grounds and teaches the precision of the philosophical SAGITTARIUS. The optimism and frantic intensity of life of SAGITTARIUS helps VIRGO not to get stuck on trifles. Hesitating LIBRA finds support from the tough and straightforward CAPRICORN. The ascetic CAPRICORN learns with Libra light attitude to life. A union aimed at justice, ideal, like LIBRA, and real, like CAPRICORN. Passionate SCORPIO learns the detachment of AQUARIUS. Cold AQUARIUS learns the sensuality of SCORPIO. Both are not averse to using outsiders. A union committed to change through destruction, like SCORPIO, and through reform, like AQUARIUS. Purposeful SAGITTARIUS directs the uncollected PISCES along the desired current for both. Self-sufficient PISCES teach SAGITTARIUS that beautiful does not mean much. This is a union of a spiritual or social plane, where PISCES are compassionate, and SAGITTARIUS guides and helps. Disciplined CAPRICORN teaches ARIES a sense of proportion. The impulsive ARIES teaches CAPRICORN to do things immediately and quickly. A union of doers, where the tenacity of CAPRICORN is diluted by the speed and social brightness of ARIES. AQUARIUS, who does not recognize the foundations, brings movement into the calm life of TAURUS. The thoroughgoing TAURUS gives form and puts into practice the ideas of AQUARIUS. Compassionate PISCES teach inquisitive GEMINI how to love people. Agile GEMINI adds a sense of reality to dreamy PISCES.


Relationships through the sign (60°) can develop quite well, since the elements corresponding to them are quite compatible (Air and Fire, Earth and Water). Such a connection is reminiscent of the livability of close relatives who have learned to adapt well to each other. It is rather an unspoken agreement that the parties maintain for the convenience of life. If the agreement is accepted by the two parties, the relationship will take place.

The active ARIES gets along with the fast GEMINI. The first one does it without thinking, and the second one thinks for two. TAURUS and CANCER support each other's sensuality, diluting the measured life of the first with the depth of emotions and wordless understanding on the part of the second. Always different TWINS get along with the authoritarian LEO. The malleable CANCER agrees with the practicality of VIRGO, although he can compete with her in tediousness. The brightness of LEO is not disputed by the diplomatic LIBRA, especially since in return they receive fatherly care for themselves. The practical VIRGO, not sharing the passions of SCORPIO, finds a common language with him thanks to his harmfulness, corrosiveness, criticality, sarcasm and similar views on other people's finances. Patient LIBRA is able to endure the moralizing and horse racing of SAGITTARIUS. A capricious and dissatisfied SCORPIO can be tolerated by a cold-blooded CAPRICORN. The broad-mindedness of SAGITTARIUS, always busy with global projects, does not bind the freedom of AQUARIUS and is even a source of profitable patronage for the latter. Purposeful CAPRICORN brings dreamy PISCES back to reality. PISCES simply love in return and don’t get in the way. Anarchic AQUARIUS generates ideas, and ARIES pushes them forward. Soft PISCES dilute the practicality and ingenuousness of TAURUS with intrigue.


The relationships of neighboring signs are complicated by too different qualities, and sometimes even mutually exclusive characteristics. Different needs, goals and ways to achieve them cause mutual dissatisfaction and misunderstanding. Some astrologers say that the next sign rejects the previous one. It makes more sense to talk about mutual learning. Each sign teaches the next one certain qualities.

ARIES teaches TAURUS efficiency, the ability to win, the ability to give, since TAURUS hesitates, is lazy, waits, and is greedy. TAURUS teaches GEMINI practicality, frugality, calmness, just as GEMINI are fussy, do not put their ideas into practice much, and are not able to save and economize. GEMINI teaches CANCER to speak, since CANCER prefers that his desires be guessed without words. CANCER teaches LEO modesty and the ability to respect the feelings of other people, since LEO is arrogant, vain, and suffers from complacency. LEO teaches VIRGO generosity and the ability to love, since VIRGO is calculating and stingy with feelings. VIRGO teaches LIBRA that any choice must be thoughtful, since LIBRA chooses frivolously and wants to please someone. LIBRA teaches SCORPIO patience and justice, since SCORPIO is guided by his own passions and the desire to redo everything in his own way. SCORPIO teaches SAGITTARIUS precision, since SAGITTARIUS expresses itself too streamlined and general. SAGITTARIUS teaches CAPRICORN openness and optimism, since CAPRICORN is closed and gloomy. CAPRICORN teaches AQUARIUS integrity, since AQUARIUS is unprincipled and respects only personal canons. AQUARIUS teaches PISCES not to become attached to anything or anyone, since PISCES become attached, protective and dependent because of their own compassion. PISCES teach ARIES self-sufficiency, since Aries always needs an audience. You can be first when there is someone behind.

The adjacent signs on either side represent your typical environment. For example, if your zodiac sign is Libra, then a significant part of the people around you will have traits of the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio. The sun of such people is not necessarily in these signs, it’s just that their qualities and behavior will fit into the characteristics of Virgo and Scorpio. More often this is explained by the presence of other planets in these signs. Relationships with neighboring signs show the characteristics of survival among the environment. This also explains the absolute logic of interpretative characteristics in astrology. A representative of each sign is simply forced to have certain qualities in order to survive and live among creatures that are clearly different from him.

ARIES has to conquer this world, be assertive, strive for victory at any cost, since he is surrounded by dreamy and compassionate PISCES, inclined to make a secret out of everything, and stubborn, practical and redneck TAURUS. For PISCES, the blessings of life appear from nowhere and flow away to somewhere unknown. It is difficult to ask Taurus for anything without providing a report on where the money will be spent. Therefore, ARIES is forced to take it in battle and just as easily give everything for victory. TAURUS has to be calm, thorough, slow and unperturbed, since he is surrounded by the warlike, sharp Aries and fast, uncollected GEMINI. TAURUS is forced to work, collect and spend savings carefully, since ARIES strives to take away and spend, and GEMINI strives to pocket what is badly lying around. TAURUS is characterized by materialism and sensuality, while ARIES is hot and GEMINI is cold in its intellectuality. GEMINI are forced to be curious, easy-going, talkative, as they are surrounded by the difficult-to-get-up TAURUS and the secretive, taciturn CANCER. GEMINI has to inflate their authority, since TAURUS has enough stability and savings, while CANCER is already self-sufficient and has the gift of secretly leading. GEMINI is forced to cognize with his mind and learn, since CANCER is satisfied with the depth of his intuition, and TAURUS is more inclined to create than to think. CANCER is forced to be careful and secretive, as he is surrounded by imprudent and careless GEMINI and the expansive, arrogant LEO. CANCER is silent, while GEMINI talks too much, and LEO commands. CANCER is pliable, not very scrupulous and prefers to work around it, while LEO is proud and open, and GEMINI thrives on speed and variety. CANCER feels people and secretly influences them, LEO commands, GEMINI exchanges ideas. CANCER is characterized by depth of perception, GEMINI knows superficially, LEO is concerned with the beauty of the act. LEO strives to command and teach, loves glory, since CANCER does not want to be a leader, and VIRGO is better at executing than leading. LEO is generous, VIRGO is tight-fisted and calculating, CANCER protects what it has. LEO is complacent in good mood, VIRGO is stingy with emotions, CANCER reacts to the environment. LEO is proud, arrogant and proud, CANCER just needs to be noticed, VIRGO is uptight. LEO is self-centered, CANCER is touchy, VIRGO is picky. LEO needs a retinue, CANCER needs solitude, VIRGO needs busyness. VIRGO survives through thoughtfulness and rationalism, as she is surrounded by LEO and LIBRA. LEO acts rashly, maintaining the image of the ruler, and LIBRA chooses rashly, with an eye on others. VIRGO is forced to be critical and precise, since LIBRA manages to connect different opinions , and LEO insists only on his own. VIRGO is thrifty, while LEO is wasteful, and LIBRA constantly shares with someone. VIRGO is forced to take into account the little things, since LEO looks at life as a common holiday, and LIBRA is concerned with justice. LIBRA are diplomatic and tactful, often doing what is convenient for others. VIRGO's services are thoughtful. SCORPIO focuses on his needs. LIBRA is patient and fair, while SCORPIO is vengeful and intolerant, and VIRGO recognizes only profitable contacts. Libra is inactive and lacks initiative, while SCORPIO is resilient and achieves goals by any means necessary, and VIRGO is methodical, persistent and productive. LIBRA is refined, while VIRGO is practical, and SCORPIO changes and destroys everything at the slightest feeling of dissatisfaction. LIBRA survives by pitting VIRGO and SCORPIO against each other. At the same time, they sneak away and watch the scandal from the sidelines. This is called diplomacy. SCORPIO is forced to be sarcastic and harmful, since he is surrounded by the idealists LIBRA with ideas of justice and the pious romantics SAGITTARIUS. SCORPIO is independent, LIBRA prefers to rely on others, SAGITTARIUS needs to be impressed. SCORPIO is precise, LIBRA always has an alternative, SAGITTARIUS's speech is similar to slogans from the podium. SCORPIO is efficient and persistent to the point of fanaticism, SAGITTARIUS will find a performer, LIBRA - an employee or patron. SCORPIO is conflicted and dissatisfied, LIBRA is conflict-free and patient, SAGITTARIUS ignores an opponent from the height of his position or attracts the law and power structures. SAGITTARIUS is aimed at the location of society, since it is surrounded by SCORPIO, who seeks to control society, and CAPRICORN, who is dissatisfied with society. SAGITTARIUS honors generally accepted laws, using them for their own good, while SCORPIO ignores them, and CAPRICORN focuses on deeper, strict canons and the principle of justice. Therefore, social advancement is easy for SAGITTARIUS, restless for SCORPIO, and difficult for CAPRICORN. SAGITTARIUS solves issues narrowly, SCORPIO sophisticatedly, CAPRICORN directly and purposefully. SAGITTARIUS always wants more, SCORPIO wants something else, CAPRICORN has a sense of proportion and innate asceticism. SAGITTARIUS is optimistic and philosophical, SCORPIO is precise and sarcastic, CAPRICORN is cold and sober. CAPRICORN is distinguished by toughness and integrity, as he is surrounded by the unprincipled AQUARIUS and the enthusiastic SAGITTARIUS with a global view of his mission. CAPRICORN is forced to be a materialist, since SAGITTARIUS is idealistic and pious, and AQUARIUS is even more idealistic and mental. CAPRICORN is modest and disciplined, SAGITTARIUS is demonstrative and restless, AQUARIUS is anarchic. CAPRICORN survives on its own, through its own labor, SAGITTARIUS organizes and uses others, AQUARIUS uses friendly connections and patronage. CAPRICORN is characterized by firmness and directness, SAGITTARIUS by restlessness and imprudence, AQUARIUS by resourcefulness and originality. AQUARIUS has his own original opinion on everything and does not recognize authorities, since he is surrounded by CAPRICORN, who gravitates towards traditionalism and a strong opinion, and the dreamers PISCES, dependent on their dreams and other people's opinions. AQUARIUS is idealistic and relies on a mind that constantly generates new solutions, CAPRICORN relies on its own work, PISCES tend to escape reality. AQUARIUS is unprincipled and can deceive, while Capricorn is principled, and the life of PISCES seems unclear and shrouded in mystery. AQUARIUS is friendly and altruistic but cold, CAPRICORN is closed, PISCES is compassionate and emotional. AQUARIUS is not attached to anything, PISCES is affectionate, CAPRICORN is attached to his rigid beliefs. PISCES are peace-loving, kind-hearted, compassionate and merciful, as they are surrounded by the cold AQUARIUS and the individualist ARIES. PISCES are relaxed and prone to pleasure, AQUARIUS and ARIES are active. PISCES are self-sufficient, ARIES needs an audience, AQUARIUS needs freedom and warm place in society. PISCES are dreamy, logic is replaced by intuition, ARIES is aimed at action without thinking, AQUARIUS is concerned with an abundance of ideas. PISCES do not get along well with reality, ARIES conquers it, AQUARIUS has its own understanding of reality. PISCES want to love the whole world, ARIES love themselves, freedom is more important to AQUARIUS.

I remind you once again that compatibility only by solar signs is too general characteristics and in life it works very poorly. Only synastry will help you find out about the compatibility of two (or more) people.