Has not appeared in public for years. Such reclusion is not a desire to stand out, but a personal position. She grew up feeling like she was the unloved child in the family. My sister and I also parted ways. But no matter what happens in life, the former actress perceives it as God’s providence, which helps, saves and teaches.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Olga Shukshina began in July 1968. The father jokingly called the girl Olya-La, and in one letter, which she read as an adult, he wrote:

“We need a balance of power. Mom plus Manya equals Olya plus dad.”

The youngest daughter really took more from Vasily Makarovich, both externally and, as she herself admits, in character. The Shukshin children starred in films for the first time, not yet realizing what kind of action they were participating in. In the lyrical comedy “Stoves and Benches” they appeared together with famous parents, And .

Maria Shukshina and Olga Shukshina in childhood

It is logical that after graduating from school, Olga entered GITIS, from where after 2 years she transferred to VGIK. When I started writing myself, I went to the Literary Institute. Some sources say that she never graduated from the university, others say that she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the works of Vasily Shukshin, that without a diploma higher education impossible.

Olga inherited an impressive sum of money, and she left for America. But life overseas did not work out, and the girl returned home.


Olga actually has few roles. In 1974, she played in the film “Birds Over the City”, and 15 years later - in the drama “Mother”. Next, in 1990, a film adaptation of the story “The Eternal Husband” was released, where Shukshina appears in the episode. The young actress’s mother Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina and sister Maria are involved in this project. In the psychological drama “Tired,” Olga starred in the company of and.

After this, there was a big break in Shukshina’s cinematic career. She returned to the screens only in 2009 in the film “I Believe!”, based on the stories of Vasily Shukshin. Olga preferred service at a monastery to a public profession. pedagogical activity, organizing social projects and studying his father’s heritage.

“I moved away from acting. What is being offered on the film market now is not mine. Only after I starred in several films myself did I understand why in the old days actors were buried behind cemetery walls. This activity destroys the soul."

Personal life

Olga tried more than once to arrange her personal life. At VGIK she met her common-law husband Abubakir Kabulov, an Afghan by nationality, but baptized in Orthodoxy. A son was born, who was named in honor of his grandfather-writer. Paternal grandfather - People's Artist of the USSR Yuldash Agzamov. True, Vasily’s middle name is Nikolaevich. According to Olga, her mother prepared the documents and registered the child at her own discretion, since the parents did not register the marriage.

In search of her own place in life, Shukshina left for St. Petersburg, and from there to Sergiev Posad. Vasily studied at the monastery, Olga taught literature. Later, when there was a scandal about the apartment left after the death of Vasily Makarovich, the woman fell ill. On the advice of friends, I turned to a doctor whose name was Oleg. This one is already official union lasted 3 months. Olga admitted that she had never forgotten Kabulov, and was not adapted to a calm, measured life.

In contact with »

In 2013 she returned to worldly life. Actually, after that I got up housing problem, which led to a quarrel with the family. Vasily wanted to become a director and during the entrance exams at VGIK he settled in his grandmother’s apartment, a share in which belonged to Shukshina. Olga, as a co-owner, was unpleasantly surprised that Maria’s eldest daughter already lived there. The relatives did not find a common language, and young man thrown out the door.

Both sides of the conflict then went on various TV shows for a long time, explaining their positions. Olga did not forgive her mother for such treatment of her own grandson. Former actress called the first who “destroyed the idyllic picture that developed around his heirs after the death of Vasily Shukshin.” By the way, Anna sold the apartment. Lidiya Nikolaevna went to court, which was not on her side.

Shukshina’s niece founded the Vesna Foundation, which popularized the work of her grandfather. Olga suspected that Anna was using the money from the institution for personal purposes. In 2019, the director of the fund, Nikolai Kuznetsov, filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity and payment of compensation, then an audio recording appeared on the Internet in which Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina speaks about deception on the part of a certain Kolya. Kuznetsov decided that we're talking about about him, and Olga made the leak, and went to court. The latter did not find evidence of causing moral suffering to the plaintiff.

Unverified accounts in “

Honored Artist Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina (79) is known not only for her film works (“Kalina Krasnaya”, “On the Main Street with the Orchestra”, “They Fought for the Motherland”), but also for her high-profile novels. She was married four times - to actor Vyacheslav Voronin (1959-1963), writer Vasily Shukshin (1964-1974), cameraman Mikhail Agranovich (1975-1984) and artist Marek Mezheevsky (1984-1988), and she also had an affair with Bari Alibasov (70). She has three children - Anastasia Voronina-Francisco (57), Maria Shukshina (50) and Olga Shukshina (49). And so, Anastasia and Olga came to Dmitry Shepelev’s (34) show “Actually” to tell on a lie detector how their relationship with their mother turned out.

Lydia left Anastasia Voronina at the age of five; she was raised by her paternal grandmother until she was 14, and then her father took the girl to Kyiv. At the Institute of Culture (which she never graduated from), Anastasia met the head of Angolan counterintelligence, Major General Nelson Francisco. They got married, but soon he went to the front. After the front, the husband did not return, started another family, and Voronina ended up in a Bryansk colony for transporting drugs. She came out towards the end of the 90s and only then met her mother, but they were never able to establish a relationship. Says: “Mom was busy new life, career, family."

Olga decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps - at the age of 6 she starred in a movie for the first time (together with her mother and sister Masha) - in the film “Birds over the City”, after school she entered GITIS, and two years later she transferred to VGIK. Among her works are “Mother”, “Eternal Husband”, “Tired”, but in the end she decided to leave her career and began working at the monastery, teaching literature in a church orphanage. Now he is engaged in social projects related to his father’s legacy.

Vasily, Maria and Lydia Shukshin

Maria Shukshina

“After her father died, she got married again a little less than a year later. When I got married, she categorically did not accept my husband and the father of my son,” Olga recalls.

TO Strangely enough, in the voice of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s first husband, Vyacheslav Voronin, no matter how hard I tried, I did not hear the slightest regret about the unsuccessful marriage “due to youth,” only complete indifference. He did not curse himself for the fact that once, in 1959, he took Lydia as his wife, and remembering the story of Shukshin with Fedoseeva (Voronin was not yet divorced from her at that time), he was not angry. And he wasn’t even offended... She became nothing to him a long time ago. And they don’t take offense at anything. Everything he regretted was connected with Nastya.

Private life


Lidiya FEDOSEEVA-SHUKSHINA hardly knows that her daughter,
Anastasia VORONINA-FRANCISKU, has been in the Bryansk pre-trial detention center for two months

A Nastasia was detained in December at the Suzemka station, Bryansk region, bordering Ukraine, during an inspection of the Chisinau-Moscow fast train. Russian border guards, who discovered a cargo of drugs from a citizen of the once fraternal and now sovereign Ukraine, did not hesitate to take the woman to a pre-trial detention center. It was only during the investigation that it began that it became clear which bird was caught in the net.

Fame came to the third (more precisely, the first, eldest) daughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina quite recently, when meticulous journalists found out that Anastasia, who lives in Kyiv, was married to an Angolan citizen, from whom she has a young daughter of the same skin color. Several newspapers immediately rushed to remind the movie star that she was the grandmother of a cute black child. Interviews with Anastasia were also circulated, in which she, to put it mildly, did not speak very flatteringly about her mother, sisters and Vasily Shukshin. But it didn’t turn out to be a super scandal.

And now 37-year-old Anastasia reminded herself again. Until the end of the investigation, FSB officers refuse to comment on the Voronina-Francisco case. The heads of the pre-trial detention center also did not allow me to meet with Anastasia. We only managed to find out that the daughter of a movie star does not enjoy any privileges: a common cell, where seven more people live besides her, a common regime, and regular food. It’s that doctors have to pay more attention to Anastasia than others, but this is understandable - now the person under investigation is undergoing treatment for a venereal disease. According to the head of the pre-trial detention center, only journalists seem to be interested in the fate of Voronina-Francisco. Neither relatives nor friends even tried to visit her.



AND Anastasia lived with her grandmother, my mother. I was just on the set when she (Voronin ex-wife mostly calls her by her pronoun, and not Lida or by her last name) asked: can I take my daughter to Sudak for the duration of filming? Well, okay, I say, take it... After a while I come to Sudak to visit Nastya. And while I was walking along the embankment to their hut, they already told me everything. Filmmakers, like journalists, know everything about their own... They say to me: “Why did you come? She’s with Vaska!”

I go into the house. Vasya woke up. “Hello, Slava, we need to talk, let’s go have a drink,” Shukshin said to me. By the way, that year he and his wife, also Lida, had a roughly similar story - a family collapse, in short... I didn’t go out for a drink: why? Baba, should I drink it? And talk... About what?

“We,” said Shukshin, “got along with Lida.” I knew that it was not with his Lida, but with mine, but there was no news in this. Of course, Fedoseeva assured Shukshin that with ex-husband, that is, she broke up with me, although at that moment this was not officially the case... In general, I felt sorry for Vasya, because she simply used the chance to arrange her personal life in Moscow... Then, when Shukshin Finally he understood and began, as she herself admitted, “to chase her around the house with a stake.”

Occasionally, Nastya was briefly taken by her second grandmother, her mother’s mother, to Leningrad. But calls soon began from there: it was difficult to support the child, there was not enough money. Everything is correct. Old men...

Time has passed. He arrives: he needs to officially get a divorce. Can I get my last name back? Yes, what problems! Be not Voronina, but Fedoseeva - please. Years pass... Nastenka has already started school, suddenly she files a lawsuit to get her daughter back. The first court awarded Anastasia to her grandmother... The second court, a higher instance, awarded it to her. The third court, an even higher instance, is for the grandmother. The fourth court - higher than the previous one - to Fedoseeva, the fifth - to the grandmother, the sixth - to the mother... Nastya grew up and declared: “I don’t want to live with anyone but my grandmother!” In general, the last, thirteenth court, by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, left Nastya to my grandmother, my mother. And everyone calmed down. And when my daughter was in ninth grade, my grandmother died. Then Nastya moved to Kyiv with us.”

In Kyiv, Nastya studied with straight A's. The younger brother Slava (they have a fifteen-year age difference) was terribly proud of his stepsister: “She was an authority both in the yard and at school!”

True, in the tenth grade, dad recalls, Anastasia skipped classes for more than a month (“I found cigarettes in the pocket of her sheepskin coat!”), and then showed up home with a completely lisping girl: “I’m quitting school, and we’ll go to a store school!”

Both father and stepmother, whom Anastasia loved and called not mother, but Sveta, were able to insist on their own. Nastya completed her studies, graduated from school very well and suddenly decided to enter VGIK. She didn’t resort to anyone’s help (neither her father nor her own mother)... And although the third round at VGIK was “covered” for applicant Voronina, she was more upset about another matter. In Moscow, she wanted to visit Lydia Fedoseeva. With a box of chocolates. But they didn’t open the door for the girl... She got into the car, freaked out, threw candy into the back seat and burst into tears.

“I don’t know, maybe Nastya met with her mother later... They said that she seemed to have given her silver earrings for the wedding... Why did Nastya marry a black man? Who knows... When Nelson came to our house, he called Svetlana "tessya", that is, "mother-in-law", and me - "daddy", this is "daddy".

One day Svetlana told him: “Nelson, in this house there will always be a hundred grams and a plate of borscht for you, but first, the registry office.” He replied: “Got it!” And they got married... The daughter and Nelson flew to Africa. And when the war began in Luanda, Nastya and Laura rushed to Moscow on literally the last Soviet plane. It was November, snow, and they were in shorts and flip-flops... Nelson sent a telegram: meet them, they say!

We were rushing about because neither the date nor the flight was indicated... In general, Nastya bought some kind of coat for herself at Sheremetyevo, and a fur coat for her daughter so as not to freeze... They arrived in Kyiv. And Nelson was in captivity for a year and a half, then he was released... Now he works at the Luanda airport. He sends letters, wants them to come there... Well, I don’t know.”

Laura, who gained all-Russian fame thanks to journalists, is the daughter of Anastasia Voronina, studying at the Kiev Lyceum.

“She has something wrong with her stomach, we need to check, otherwise she’s not eating this, and she’s not eating that! — Kyiv grandmother Svetlana laments. - In general, she is so smart! And she dances gorgeously, and sings, and plays.”

“Can you imagine? Laura plays the bandura. This is something! A little black girl plays the bandura,” admires the grandfather, Voronin Sr. And the younger one assures that his niece, who knows “a bunch of languages,” “speaks with a Ukrainian accent.”

This is understandable. If I was in Moscow, it was only while passing through.

  • Vyacheslav Voronin with his daughter and granddaughter.
  • In the entire history of the Bryansk pre-trial detention center, the only celebrity among its inhabitants was Valery Chkalov, who crashed his fighter somewhere nearby while trying to fly under a power line. For several days the legendary pilot awaited his fate in cell No. 12, from where he was released without any trial or punishment on Stalin’s personal orders.

* * *

Anastasia about Shukshin:

"N and a man (as it turned out later, Shukshin) was sleeping in a dead sleep. Apparently, he had taken a good dose of alcohol, because, having opened his eyes, he began throwing chervonets out of his trouser pockets, scattering them in a fan across the floor. I had never seen money thrown around like that before, and with the curiosity inherent in any child, I watched this shamanism from around the corner. And Shukshin, receiving some inexplicable satisfaction from wild dance, stepped barefoot on the bills, glad that they stuck to the soles of his feet. Finally, noticing me, he winced in disgust..."

Anastasia about sisters:

"M Asha always tried to emphasize that she was not interested in her mother’s past, and when I called, she answered the phone with disappointment: “Ah-ah, is that you? Wait, I’ll call my mother now.” Olga, on the contrary, is very open and sympathetic. In my opinion, this is the only person in that family who tried to show interest in my fate.”

From an interview with the newspaper Pravda Ukrainy.

Anastasia about her mother:

"WITH To say “mama” is hard to come by, and Lidiya Nikolaevna sounds pretentious and official. My mother and I are united only by kinship of the flesh, but not of the spirit.”

From an interview with the newspaper “Pravda Ukrainy”

Photos by N. Kochnev, L. Kudryavtseva, N. Semenova, M. Solovyanov and from the archive of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper

"Eldest daughter famous actress Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was arrested for transporting drugs!”, “The unlucky daughter is going downhill!”... The press was choking with articles. Don’t rush, I wanted to tell those throwing stones at me, man is just a toy in the hands of fate. And it took its toll on me in full.

Having given smart, beautiful parents, famous people, she seemed to regret her generosity and turned it around so that I saw my mother only six times in my life, and did not spend a single happy day with her and my father.

The parents met on the set in Lvov. By that time, my father had graduated from VGIK and, having starred in several films, became a popular actor. Mom studied acting. Having conveyed greetings to the handsome Voronin from mutual acquaintances at VGIK, she received an invitation to sit in a cafe, and they began a whirlwind romance. When my mother was already waiting for me, the lovers got married and settled in Kyiv on Podol.

Shortly before I was born, they went to visit my mother’s mother in Leningrad and, since December was snowy in 1960, they went skiing. And at night, my mother’s water broke, they called an ambulance - and I was born.

After staying with us for a while, dad left his wife and daughter with his mother-in-law, and he returned to Kyiv. Six months later we arrived there too. It was a short period of time when our family lived together: dad, mom and me.

I know about the events of those years firsthand - my father does not like to remember the past. Apparently, my mother wanted to graduate from college and make a successful career, like her fellow students - Galina Polskikh, Zhanna Bolotova... She was eager to go to Moscow. However, dad decidedly did not like this development of events. After the film “Ivanna” in Kyiv, he became a celebrity: he was bombarded with letters, fans came in droves.

In addition, my father was incredibly attached to me and had no idea who would take care of the child if his wife left.

Mom, however, was not embarrassed by this. “Let’s take Nastya to my mother!” - she stated decisively. And the family was broken into fragments: mom left for Moscow, dad stayed in Kyiv, and I, still quite ignorant, was sent to Leningrad. We were no longer destined to get together...

They say that human memory stores memories from the age of three. However, the pictures of my early childhood vague: a communal apartment with a long dark corridor, the Kazan Cathedral, near which we walk with grandmother Zina, and a tall man throwing me up to the ceiling or leading me by the hand along Nevsky. This is the father. He came to St. Petersburg endlessly to visit his daughter. One day he took me to his parents near Tambov. The photograph shows me, still very little, standing in a fur coat in front of my grandparents’ house in Zherdevka.

Photo: Photo from the archive of A. Voronina

Surely my mother also visited me in Leningrad. However, the first memory of her is associated with Sudak. After graduating from VGIK, my mother went to star in the film “What is it like, the sea?” and took me, three years old, with her. Her co-star in the film was famous actor Vasily Shukshin. But I don't remember him at all. However, my mother’s tenderness and kisses were also not left in my memory. For some reason I remember more the red leather belt on her dress, the commotion on the set and two children older than me. It seems that one of them was the daughter of Vasily Makarovich.

One day, while playing, I fell off the bridge and severely hit my head. Dad was filming nearby, in Sevastopol, and immediately rushed to take me to my grandmother in Leningrad. Later, from my father’s interviews, I learned what that visit to Sudak cost him - he found out that his wife was having an affair with Shukshin, and his marriage was nothing more than a formality...

A year has passed.

One day my dad came to pick me up in St. Petersburg and excitedly explained: “That’s it, Nastenka, now you will live with your mother. Now I’ll take you to her in Moscow.” I was so happy, I started fantasizing about what it would be like to live not with my grandmother, but with my mother? At the station, my mother took my father’s suitcase with my things and took me to her small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, where she lived with Shukshin.

The house was quiet, and as soon as we crossed the threshold, my mother warned: “Don’t make noise, Uncle Vasya is sleeping!” When we drank tea in the kitchen, I began to slowly take a closer look at the place where I would henceforth live. However, in the evening, my mother suddenly began frantically collecting my things. I didn’t understand where they were dragging me again, but she didn’t explain anything, she just kept saying: “Faster!”

IN Vasily Shukshina young beautiful actress Lidiya Fedoseeva fell in love on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?” Lidia Nikolaevna recalled how she and her colleagues were traveling to the set in Sudak in a compartment. Suddenly Shukshin looked in. He came in and sat down next to me. We said hello and chatted. Lida took a puff of “Kalina Krasnaya.” Shukshin began to sing along. Later he said that it was then that he realized that Lydia would become his wife...

Love saved Shukshin from an addiction: then he drank heavily. But, having met Lida, he pulled himself together and quit. And Lida left for Vasily old family with an actor Vyacheslav Voronin where her daughter grew up Nastenka.

In marriage with Shukshin, two girls of the same age were born, Masha And Olya. The audience well remembered and fell in love with the two little blondes who starred in Shukshin’s film “Kalina Krasnaya”. From the outside it seemed that Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s family was ideal. The husband is a nationally known actor, director and writer, the girls are beautiful. But recently, in a frank conversation on camera, the actress admitted that Vasily Makarovich raised his hand against her, and once almost killed her. She returned home late, met with friends in a restaurant, he became jealous... The next morning he cried and apologized. Shukshina forgave.

She always forgave because she was ready to endure anything. She loved her husband madly. Sudden death Vasily Shukshina's heart attack on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland” crippled the actress so much that relatives, recalling those times, say that the actress was close to suicide. The only thing that stopped her were the children.

Olya and Masha

The youngest daughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Olga, says that for a long time was offended by her mother because, a year after Shukshin’s death, she had already found herself a new husband: a cameraman Mikhail Agranovich. Only years later, when this mother’s marriage had long since broken up, and Olga herself became a wife and gave birth to a son, was she able to understand and forgive her mother. But not in everything.

So, Olga admitted that she always felt like an unloved daughter. It seemed to her that her mother paid more attention to Masha. She followed her path, was a promising and ambitious actress, unlike Olga, who was more drawn to her family, to her loved one, whom her mother for some reason did not like. Even after the birth of a grandson Vasya Lidia Nikolaevna did not accept her daughter’s husband, although she loved the baby with all her soul. When Olga divorced and went to a monastery with her son, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina constantly went to visit her grandson, brought him a bunch of gifts, and happily spent time with him.

Maria Shukshina. Photo:

Masha was always close to her mother. Perhaps that is why she partly repeated her fate: Maria Shukshina’s personal life was constantly the subject of discussion in the media. She was married three times, gave birth to four children, but all her marriages, like her mother’s, broke up.

In disputes between her daughters, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina most often took the side of the eldest. This happened when Olga, having returned to worldly life, laid claim to her parents’ four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. On controversial square meters The daughter of Maria Shukshina already lived Anna with your child. Last year, Olga tried to improve relations with her mother, but after a while conflicts began again.


Everyone in acting circles knew that Fedoseeva-Shukshina had another daughter, Anastasia, but the actress always refused to talk about the girl. She considered the marriage to Vyacheslav Voronin, Nastya’s father, a mistake. Therefore, when I met Shukshin, I broke ties with this family. Anastasia recalls that she occasionally saw her mother: briefly, in fits and starts, at the station, while passing through Moscow. But the girl never called this beautiful aunt mom: Lida, Lidia Nikolaevna, simply said “hello” without a name...

When Nastya was about to graduate from school, she called Lydia Nikolaevna. The girl didn't have the money to buy Nice dress, and she decided to ask. Fedoseeva-Shukshina dryly asked what was needed, and then sent her daughter only 100 rubles. Since then, they hardly communicated until the moment when Anastasia was detained at the border with a drug shipment. The woman admits that she was in dire need of money, so she agreed to transport the parcel. Anastasia, according to her, did not know that there were drugs inside. She spent three years in prison. Lidia Nikolaevna visited her daughter several times and asked her not to give any interviews, she was afraid of excessive press attention.

Upon release, Anastasia Voronina-Francisco several times wanted to make peace with her mother. She called and came to her house. But nothing came of it. Fedoseeva-Shukshina could not let the past into her real life. The only one of the Shukshins who happily accepted Anastasia was youngest daughter actress Olga. She herself went to Kyiv and met her half-sister.

Today Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina almost never appears in public. She doesn't feel very well, so she spends all her time at home. Sometimes her daughter Masha and her children visit her, and an old friend drops by Bari Alibasov. They say that the actress would really like to change and correct some episodes in her past life. But, alas, this is no longer possible.