The Slavic warriors fought bravely, following the decisions made at the tribal meeting. Preparing to repel the impending aggression, they took an oath: to stand to the death for their father and brother, for the lives of their relatives.

Captivity among the Slavs was considered the greatest disgrace. The word of honor was valued very highly; it obliged warriors in any conditions to be faithful to their military brotherhood - the most ancient custom mutual assistance and assistance in battle.

Prince Svyatoslav, before the battle with the Greeks in 971, addressed the soldiers with the words: “We have nowhere to go, whether we want or not, we must fight... If we run, it will be a shame for us. So let’s not run, but we’ll stand strong, and I’ll go ahead of you: if my head falls, then take care of your own.” The warriors replied: “Where your head lies, there we will lay our heads.” In that brutal battle, ten thousand soldiers of Svyatoslav defeated a hundred thousand Greek army.

The military oaths of the Slavs were sealed with the name of the god Perun, since he was the patron saint of princes and warriors. While in a foreign land, warriors in honor of Perun stuck their combat swords, and in this place it became like his camp sanctuary.

The military culture of the Slavic peoples was and remains one of unsolved mysteries national and world history. The paradox is that even within the framework of a single concept, the skill of the Slavic warriors is often extolled to the skies, and the combat effectiveness of the Slavic army, and even the very fact of the existence of any kind of coherent military organization, is called into question. Information and opinions about the weapons, tactics, and military-social structure of the Slavic army are ambiguous and contradictory.

The basis of the Slavic military system there were local actions, and not the extermination of the enemy, correct tactics, planned seizure of territory and actions characteristic of standing armies and justifying their existence, therefore the task of military training was survival in battle: a duel, a group fight, a skirmish with a superior enemy of a single fighter, and then and coordinated actions of the detachment. While inferior to other peoples in armament and professionalism, the Slavs were superior to them in skill, use of terrain conditions, organization of reconnaissance, ambushes and surprise attacks, or avoidance of unwanted combat, all of which was designated by the term Scythian war. Superiority not in quantity, but in fortitude, endurance, the ability to endure hardships, to make do with little to achieve a big goal - this is the main core of the guarantee of victory in the military culture of the Slavic peoples.

Byzantine historians noted that the Slavs were “very tall and of enormous strength. Their hair color is very white and golden. When entering battle, most of them go at enemies with shields and javelins in their hands, but they never put on armor.” Further: “They are excellent warriors, because with them military science becomes a harsh science in every detail. The highest happiness in their eyes is to die in battle. To die of old age or from any accident is a shame, nothing more humiliating than which can be. Their look is more warlike than fierce.”

“Their greatest art is that they know how to hide in rivers under water. Often, caught by the enemy, they lie for a very long time at the bottom and breathe with the help of long reed tubes, the end of which is taken into the mouth, and the other is protruded to the surface of the water and thus hide in the depths. Anyone who even notices these pipes, without knowing such a trick, will consider them real. Experienced people recognize them by their cut or position, and then they press them to the mouth or pull them out, thereby forcing the sly one to float to the top.”

Class: 7-A (8 people)

Student age: 13-14 years old.

Lesson No. 16.16.

The date of the: October 23, 2015.( I quarter)

Lesson topic: Slavic warriors and heroes.

Lesson type: combined.

Target: give an idea of ​​the military art of the Slavs, thereby instilling in students a sense of patriotism and admiration for the courage of the Slavs.



To form a figurative idea of ​​Slavic warriors and heroes;

Show the courage and military skills of the Slavs;

Introduce the weapons of the Slavs.

Correctional and developmental:

Enrich students' vocabulary as they study new topic;

Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and use the material received in work;

Continue to develop students’ skills to give complete answers to questions;

Continue to develop the ability to work with a timeline, historical map, and textbook text.


To foster a sense of respect for Slavic warriors, a sense of pride for our native country, to encourage the desire to study the history of our Motherland.

Planned results:

By the end of the lesson, students must know:

Who are the Slavic warriors and heroes;

How were the Slavic warriors armed?

How Slavic warriors behaved in battle.

Must be able to:

Show neighbors on map Eastern Slavs;

Give a description of the weapons of Slavic warriors;

Talk about the military art of warriors, express your assessment of their actions.

Basic terms and concepts: heroes, warriors, abatis, sentinels, warriors, weapons.

Equipment and materials: PC, interactive whiteboard, multimedia presentation (18 slides), handouts (emoticons, clipart set “Dress a Warrior”, cards with a crossword puzzle for monitoring acquired knowledge, geometric shapes for self-reflection, envelopes with differentiated tasks for self-preparation).

During the classes:

Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activities


1. Organizational moment.

Motivation educational activities students.

Greets students and checks their readiness for the lesson.

Using the “Smile” technique, it creates an emotional mood to enhance students’ learning activities.

Duty officer's report.

Using emoticon cards, they show an image of their mood at the beginning of the lesson.

slide 1

2. Updating knowledge.

Reinforcement of previously studied material.

Organizes the repetition of previously learned educational actions necessary for the perception of new material.

- Today we will continue to talk about the past of our Motherland, about our ancestors. Who are the ancestors?

- Our ancestors called themselves Slavs. What do you know about the Slavs?

Working with the timeline. (the task is to mark the historical period).

- Guys, what century are we living in? And in what century do we need to be in order to meet our ancient ancestors - the Slavs?

Organizes a repeating and generalizing conversation on the topics “Activities of the Eastern Slavs”, “Neighbors of the Eastern Slavs”.

- Attention to the screen. Describe the activities of the Eastern Slavs from the picture. (working with images)

- How did the Eastern Slavs live? Mark their neighbors on the map. (working with a historical map)

- Guys, what can you tell us about the Varangians?

Answer the teacher's questions.

They try to formulate statements with a complete answer.

They work with a timeline, marking a historical period.

Give examples on the topic “Activities of the Eastern Slavs.”

They work with a map at the board.

They give a complete answer to the question.

slide 2

slide 3

slide 4

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Leads students to the topic of the lesson and encourages them to formulate it.

- So, as we see, despite the fact that the enemies of the Slavs were bold and brave, our ancestors not only did not allow themselves to be offended, but also respected them and tried to live in peace with their neighbors.

Let's see how the Eastern Slavs fought. (watch video clip)

- After watching the video clip, can you formulate the topic of our lesson today?

- Today we will talk about Slavic warriors, find out how they were armed, how their military art was manifested.

They focus on watching the video fragment, after watching which they try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

Write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

slide 5 (video recording)

slide 6

4. Studying new material.

Implementation of the main goal of the lesson and assigned tasks.

Provides motivation to perceive new material.

- The Slavs always fought desperately. They boldly made their way behind enemy lines and set up ambushes. They died in battle without groans or complaints. Not only the vigilantes fought, the entire male population stood up to defend their land.

Guys, who are the vigilantes?

Formulates the task - working with the text for additional familiarization “Druzhinniki” (review reading)

Reminds students to take notes vocabulary word in a notebook.

The vigilantes are defenders of people and their native land.

Continues to introduce new things educational material on the topic using a descriptive story.

- Indeed, the warriors were not engaged in either agriculture or cattle breeding. Their main occupation was to defend their land from enemies.

Let's get acquainted with the military weapons of the Slavic warriors.

Encourages students to write down terms in a notebook.

Teacher's story:

- The main weapon of the Slavs was a bow and arrows. The bow was worn on the left shoulder, and on the right shoulder there was a bag with arrows, which was calledquiver. The arrow was made of wood, with an iron tip, and eagle or goose feathers were tied to its tail to make it fly better.

Another weapon of the Slavs was the spear. It looked like an arrow, only larger.

The Slavs also used a sword in battle, ax And club. And for protection they had a shield.

The strongest warriors had with them maceat . The soldiers were dressed in chain mail And helmet.

During the story, he puts forward the task of creating the “Weapons of the Slavs” cluster.

Organizes physical education.

- To be strong and healthy like the Slavic warriors, I suggest doing several exercises. Attention to the screen!

Focuses students' attention on the reproduction of V.M. Vasnetsov's painting “Three Heroes”.

- Guys, who do we see in this picture? Among the Slavic warriors in battle, someone always stood out for his strength, combat skill and courage. These are the ones who were called heroes in Rus'. Songs, epics and legends were written about them. What did you read about the exploits of heroes in reading lessons?

- So, as we see, our ancestors were very strong and brave. I think we should have a sense of pride in them.

Listen to the teacher's report, extracting the necessary information.

Find definitions of concepts in the textbook text and write down terms in a notebook.

As the story progresses, teachers make up a cluster in the “Weapons of the Slavs” notebook.

Perform exercises imitating the movements presented on the screen.

Update in memory the knowledge acquired earlier in reading lessons and extracurricular activities.

slide 7

slide 8

slide 9 (video recording)

slide 10

5. Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material.

Primary assimilation of new knowledge, testing of understanding, consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson.

Organizes work with the textbook text (selective reading).


1. Why did the Slavs need a squad?

2. What was the main occupation of the vigilantes?

3. What was the Slavic warrior armed with?

Organizes work with interactive whiteboard. Task “Eliminate the unnecessary”.

- The board depicts the weapons and armor of Slavic warriors. Your task is to eliminate the unnecessary, what, in your opinion, did not belong to them.

Invites students in pairs to complete a creative task “Dress a Warrior.” (preparation takes place to the music of M.P. Mussorgsky “The Bogatyr Gate - Anthem Great Rus'»)

- Here is a set with pictures, I suggest you create your own Slavic warrior.

Organizes a collective review of student projects.

They work with the textbook: find the answer to the question in the text. You are allowed to formulate your own answer.

Choose the correct answer. Explain their choice.

They work in pairs. Create a mini-project.

Each pair demonstrates the result of their work, explaining the course of their actions.

slide 11

slide 12

slide 13

(audio recording)

6. Monitoring the assimilation of acquired knowledge.

(reserve stage - at the discretion of the teacher)

Correction of knowledge.

Provides individual control in the form of independent work “Crossword”.

Organizes mutual verification.

Complete the task individually orally.

Carry out mutual verification.

slide 14


7. Lesson summary.

Summing up the lesson.

Leads students to a conclusion on the topic of the lesson.

- Today we talked about our ancestors - the Slavs, about the heroes - heroes, from whom the glory of Russian warriors came. These heroes fought to defend the Russian land and, of course, they deserve to still be admired and remembered.

Working with proverbs.

- There are proverbs on the board, I want each of you to choose one for yourself and write it down in a notebook, so that this proverb becomes a motto in life.

They express their opinion.

They independently choose a proverb and write it down in a notebook. Those who wish to read it aloud and explain their choice.

slide 15

slide 16

8. Homework.

Information about d/z, instructions on its implementation.

Distributes envelopes with differentiated homework to students. Gives instructions about its implementation.

- As homework I have prepared surprise envelopes for you. Everyone will receive an individual task today, and which one you will find out by opening it in self-study.

Get acquainted with homework.

9. Reflection.

Assessment and self-assessment of students' activities in the classroom.

Encourages students to make an evaluative and emotional reflection of their activities in the lesson.

- Guys, the moment has come when we need to evaluate the work in the lesson. I suggest you do this yourself using geometric shapes.

1. Reception " Geometric figure»

- Thank you for your work! You tried to be active today. So that you do not forget that our ancestors were brave and courageous, I want to give you talismanic amulets from enemies, let them remind you of our lesson today.

2. “Smile” technique

- Let's go back to emoticons. So, with what mood do we end our lesson?

- Thank you everyone, goodbye.

Formulate the final result of their work in class.

slide 17

"They started killing prisoners"... Starting to study the materials that have come down to us, you immediately encounter an obvious contradiction.

Thus, the Byzantine court chronicler Procopius of Caesarea, describing the new enemies of the empire, notes: “When entering battle, the majority go to the enemy on foot, having small shields and spears in their hands, but they never put on armor; some have neither a cloak nor chiton..."

The Byzantine commander Mauritius gives a similar assessment of the enemy: “Each man is armed with two small spears, and some with strong but difficult to carry shields. They also use wooden bows and small arrows smeared with poison.” So, the main striking force of the Slavs, according to the unanimous opinion of ancient authors, was infantry.

However, it is difficult to imagine how this poorly equipped, almost half-naked and, moreover, foot army could quickly and deeply penetrate the territory of the defending state and defeat the army of the empire, which then quite rightly claimed the role of a superpower. A contemporary of the shameful defeats complained in bewilderment: “And they learned to fight better than the Romans (Byzantines), they, simple people who did not dare to appear from the forests and did not know what weapons were, except for two or three lonchidia (throwing spears).” Sharing similar amazement, let's try to shed some light on this mystery.

Original taken from dmgusev

The main thing is that the Slavs perfectly mastered military tricks. This is noted by almost all ancient authors: “after all, these barbarians are the most skilled at fighting in difficult terrain,” and they like to stage attacks on the enemy “in wooded, narrow and steep places. They take advantage of ambushes, surprise attacks and tricks.. "

An excellent description of this tactic has come to us in the “History of the Longobards” by Paul the Deacon, which talks about the Slavic attack on the Duchy of Benevento, and this is no less than Italy. The deacon notes that the Slavs set up their camp on the shore, surrounding it with hidden pits. The local Duke of Ayo, who rushed with his squad to the attack, fell into such a hole along with his horse and was killed.

An even more tragic fate awaited the Duke of Liguria. In order to gain the glory of conquering the Slavs, he came up with nothing better than to bribe some of them in order to organize an attack... on his own country! The ambitious man's wish was fulfilled - a small detachment of Slavs, having crossed the line, set up camp at a commanding height. When the army of the ambitious duke attacked the Slavs “head-on” on the move, they, “fighting more with stones and axes than with weapons,” killed almost everyone.

The Duke should have familiarized himself in advance with the treatise “Strate-gikon” of the same Mauritius, which warned: it is necessary to attack the Slavs not only from the front, but also from other sides, and if, “occupying a more fortified place and being protected from the rear, they allow the possibility of being surrounded or attacked from the flanks or rear, it is necessary for some to set up an ambush, and for others to pretend to flee in full view of them, so that, overwhelmed by the hope of pursuit, they leave the fortification.”

The treatise of the Byzantine commander indirectly confirms that our ancient ancestors had their own tactics and a certain battle formation, because a randomly fighting crowd of barbarians could have neither a front nor flanks. Apparently, they had a well-organized army, so fighting them was far from easy. Even the Byzantines, who had thoroughly studied Slavic military habits, were not always successful. Thus, near Adrianople, the large army of Emperor Justinian was unable to lure the Slavs out of their fortified camp on the mountain, and the assault turned into a complete defeat.

The Slavic army never acted in a stereotyped way. If the Slavs who devastated the imperial lands did not have the time or conditions to create permanent fortifications, they built their defense differently.

There is a description of how a thousand Byzantine soldiers encountered 600 Slavs returning from a raid with large booty. A huge number of carts carried trophies and prisoners. The source (Theophylact Simokatta) reports: “As soon as the barbarians saw the approaching Romans, they began to kill the prisoners. Of the male prisoners, all those capable of carrying weapons were killed.” The step is cruel, but justified from a military point of view. Then the Slavs made a fortification of carts, placing children and women in the middle. For a long time the Byzantines did not dare to go into hand-to-hand combat: they were afraid of the darts that the Slavs threw at their horses. When the Romans finally began to destroy the fortification, the Slavs massacred all the remaining prisoners - women and children.

"They prepared huge stone throwers."

But let's leave aside the shocking fact of cold-blooded massacre. What is important for us is that already in ancient times, Slavic warriors were fluent in the techniques of constructing fortifications from carts. It is enough to recall the “Wagenburgs” of the Czech Hussites or the Cossack kurens to understand: a valuable tactical technique has survived centuries. But the ancient Slavic siege technique, alas, was forgotten over time. Meanwhile, Roman legionnaires might once have envied her. Describing the siege of the city of Thessaloniki by several Slavic tribes, the Byzantine chronicler writes: “They prepared helepoles (siege towers on wheels), iron “rams” (rams), huge stone throwers and “turtles” (shelters for infantry), covered for protection from fire skins of freshly skinned bulls." Moreover, the fleet was actively involved in the siege - having linked their ships in pairs in some resemblance to atamarans, the Slavs managed to install throwing machines on them too!

The attacks began with a battle cry - “they unanimously uttered a cry that the earth shook.” After such psychological treatment of the enemy, the troops, divided by type of weapon: spear throwers, shield bearers and swordsmen, went on the attack, supported by the fire of archers, whose arrows the chronicler poetically compares with “winter blizzard” or “snow clouds”. It seems involuntarily that the coordinated actions of the Roman legions are being described, but we are talking about barbarians who emerged from their forest wilds almost yesterday!

“They took many fortresses by siege.” Thanks to their military skill, the Slavs in ancient times won numerous victories over the professional units of the Byzantines. What is interesting here is this: it is impossible to wage successful wars of conquest relying solely on the ability to defend and besiege. Someone had to attack first! Meanwhile, the author who described the siege of Thessalonica noted the presence of selected warriors among the Slavs, who, in fact, launched a “bestial attack” in “animal madness” without the support of the main forces.

The Scandinavians also had such warriors. They were called berserkers (warriors in bearskins), and they used to “howl angrily and bite their shield” before battle, thus falling into a combat trance, it is believed, not without the help of hallucinogenic mushrooms, which allowed them to mobilize into critical moment the psycho-physical reserves of the body. It looked pretty creepy. (By the way, similar transformations are described in the Celtic epic. This is how the hero of the Irish sagas Cuchulainn transforms before the fight: “All his joints, joints and ligaments began to tremble... His feet and knees turned out... All the bones shifted, and the muscles swelled, becoming the size of a fighter's fist. The tendons from the forehead were pulled to the back of the head and swelled, becoming the size of the head of a month-old baby... The mouth stretched to the ears..." One gets the impression that the saga describes in detail the transformation of a man into a beast.)

But let's return to the ancient Slavs. Procopius of Caesarea preserved vivid description abilities and habits of the bestial “guardsmen” - the Slavs, who fought not with numbers, but with skill. So: “An army of Sklavins numbering no more than three thousand crossed the Istrian (Danube) River; having immediately crossed the Gebr River (the modern Maritsa River in Bulgaria. Ed.), they split in two. The archons of the Roman army in Illyricum and Thrace entered into battle both were defeated, and when the commanders shamefully fled from both barbarian camps, although they were much inferior to them in numbers, one enemy unit grappled with Aswad.

This man was the bodyguard of Emperor Justinian and commanded numerous and selected detachments of cavalry. And their sklavins were overturned without any difficulty, but at that moment they took Asvad alive, and then burned him, throwing him into the flames of the fire, having first cut belts from the man’s back. Having done this, they besieged many fortresses, although they had not previously stormed the walls. Those who defeated Aswad reached the sea and stormed the city of Topir, although it had a military garrison."

Interestingly, these warriors did not require any siege technology to take the fortifications. The capture of the Ax clearly illustrates their tactical acumen and physical abilities: leaving the strike force in ambush, a small group of barbarians teased the garrison commander with the possibility of an easy victory. The soldiers who left the city were slaughtered, the townspeople, who did not have time to come to their senses, were swept from the walls by a cloud of arrows, the Slavs climbed onto the parapet on ropes and...

Here it is appropriate to return to the source again: “They immediately killed all the men, up to 15 thousand in number, and enslaved children and women. However, at first they did not spare any age, but killed everyone without exception. They did not kill with a sword or a spear and not in any other usual way, but by firmly driving stakes into the ground, with great force they impaled the unfortunates on them. In addition, they dug four thick pillars into the ground, tied the hands and feet of the prisoners to them, and then, continuously pounding them with clubs head, these barbarians killed people like dogs... And they, locking others in barns... burned them without any pity.”

But here's what's strange. On the one hand, we have before us “pros” who can easily deal with elite imperial units, on the other hand, we have a pack of blood-drunk thugs who practically do not care about their own profit (one could get a good ransom for Asvad alone). This strange contradiction disappears if you understand who exactly the imperial bodyguard was unlucky to encounter.
"They call to each other wolf howl".

Here we come to the most interesting point, since in numerous sources the best Slavic troops are called not just beasts, but are defined as “wolves”. And here it is worth remembering the mythology, primarily of the Indo-European peoples. From the unknown depths of primitiveness to today myths have come down about werewolves, directly associated among the Slavs with the mysterious cult of the wolf. Probably, the wolf was revered as a totemic ancestor - the ancestor of the tribe. The leader of the tribe had to have the ability to incarnate into his totem animal. (Similar religious ideas existed in ancient times among many Indo-European peoples, in particular the Balts, Germans, Celts, Indo-Iranians, etc.) It is curious that berserkers were also considered werewolves: during the battle they were psychologically reborn into a wolf).

Ethnographic data suggests that among the Slavs the “animal” cult was closely associated with initiation rites, that is, tests and secret initiation of young men entering into adult life. During the sacraments, the subject experienced a ritual death, was “reborn” into a wolf and became a warrior - a member of a secret male union, after which he had to live for some time away from the settlements of his relatives in a “wolf life”, that is, shedding blood, killing. It is not surprising that the Byzantines did not have the most flattering impression of our ancestors: “they live in obstinacy, willfulness, anarchy, killing all the time,” “calling to each other like wolves.” And their most delicious dish was supposedly women's breasts.

The “transformation” into a ferocious werewolf was accomplished when a person put on a wolf skin and a special belt with magical amulets. Apparently, in order to fall into a ritual frenzy, the warriors consumed hallucinogens - mushrooms or plants like henbane. The story that has come down to us about the interrogation of the Slavs by the Byzantine commander is extremely interesting: “Having arranged the interrogation, Alexander began to find out where the captives were from. But the barbarians, having fallen into a dying madness, seemed to rejoice in the torment, as if someone else’s body was suffering from scourges.”

It is not surprising that with such a brutal spirit and such a military organization, the Slavs captured vast territories, which would later be called the word “Rus”.

The Slavs usually went to war on foot, wearing chain mail, a helmet covering their heads, a heavy shield at their left hip, and a bow and quiver of arrows soaked in poison behind their backs; in addition, they were armed with a double-edged sword, an ax, a spear and a reed. Over time, the Slavs introduced cavalry into military practice. All Slavs had the prince's personal squad on horseback.

The Slavs did not have a standing army. In case of military necessity, all men capable of carrying weapons went on a campaign, and they hid their children and wives with their belongings in the forests.

Slavic tribes in the 6th century led a sedentary lifestyle, which is confirmed by the nature of their occupations and the structure of settlements, which were usually located in forests and swamps. These were fortifications consisting of dugouts with many exits, so that in case of an attack one could escape through one of the emergency passages. The Slavs also settled on rivers and lakes, where they built special houses - pile buildings. Thus, the settlements of the Slavic tribes were reliably sheltered and difficult to access, and therefore there was no need to build such fortress-type defensive buildings as, for example, were built in Ancient Egypt, in the Middle East, Greece and Rome.

The ancient Slavs knew how to make monoxyls - single-shaft boats, on which they went down the rivers to Pontus. Slavic warriors appeared on boats near Korsun in the Crimea, near Constantinople and even on Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to the Byzantine historian Procopius, the Sclavins and Antes were distinguished by their very tall stature and enormous strength, and here is how he described the appearance of the ancient Slavs: “The color of their skin and hair is not very white or golden and not quite black, but still they are dark. red." Since ancient times, chroniclers noted the dexterity, endurance, hospitality and love of freedom among the Sklavins and Antes.

From the stories of Mauritius, as well as from other sources, we can conclude that the Slavs had a blood feud, which resulted in armed conflicts between tribes.

A feature of the development of the Slavic tribes was their lack of debt slavery; Only prisoners of war were slaves, and even they had the opportunity to be redeemed or become equal members of the community. It was patriarchal slavery, which among the Slavs did not turn into a slave system.

The Slavs had a tribal community that had land ownership. There was no private ownership of land even when the family began to receive a certain arable field, since arable land was periodically subject to redistribution. Pastures, forests, meadows, hunting and fishing grounds continued to remain communal property.

According to Procopius, “these tribes, the Sklavins and the Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in the rule of people, and therefore happiness and misfortune in life are considered a common matter among them.” The veche (meeting of a clan or tribe) was the highest authority. The eldest in the clan (elder, hospodar) was in charge of affairs.

Already at the end of the 5th century, more or less significant associations of Slavic tribes began to emerge to repel enemy attacks or organize campaigns within the Eastern Roman Empire. The wars contributed to the consolidation of the power of the military leader, who began to be called a prince and have his own squad.

The social structure of the Slavs in the 6th century was a military democracy, the bodies of which were the veche or assembly of tribes, the council of elders and the prince - the military leader. Some military leaders entered service in the army of the Eastern Roman Empire. But the Slavic tribes settled on the Balkan Peninsula not as mercenaries, but as conquerors.

Mauritius noted that the Slavs had inter-tribal strife. “Having no head over themselves,” he wrote, “they are at enmity with each other; since there is no unanimity between them, they do not get together, and even if they do get together, they do not come to a single decision, since no one wants to give in to the other.” To fight the Slavs, Mauritius recommended taking advantage of their intertribal strife, pitting some tribes against others and thereby weakening them.

Byzantine politicians were very afraid of large political associations of the Slavs.

When the Slavs were threatened by external danger, the tribes forgot all their feuds and united for a common struggle for independence. Speaking about the struggle between the Avars and the “Slavic people” at the end of the 6th century, Menander, a Byzantine, reported the answer of the Slavic elders to the leader of the Avars, who demanded that the Slavic tribes submit to him and pay tribute. “Was the man who would subjugate our power be born into the world,” asked the Sklavin elders, “and is he warmed by the rays of the sun?”

Eastern sources speak of the Slavs as a warlike people. Thus, the Arab writer Abu-Obeid-Al-Bekri noted in his writings that if the Slavs, this powerful and scary people, were not divided into many tribes and clans, no one in the world could resist them. Other eastern authors also wrote about this. Almost all Byzantine writers emphasized the belligerence of the Slavic tribes.

According to Mauritius, the Slavic tribes had squads that were staffed according to age - mainly with young, physically strong and dexterous warriors.

The number of those who fought was usually in the hundreds and thousands, much less often in the tens of thousands. The organization of the army was based on the division into clans and tribes. The warriors of the clan were led by an elder (elder); at the head of the tribe was a leader or prince.

Ancient sources noted the strength, endurance, cunning and courage of Slavic warriors, who also mastered the art of camouflage. Procopius wrote that the Slavic warriors “were accustomed to hiding even behind small stones or behind the first bush they encountered and catching enemies. They did this more than once near the Istr River.” During the siege of one of the Gothic cities, the Byzantine commander Belisarius summoned a Slavic warrior and ordered him to get the tongue. “And this Slav, early in the morning, made his way very close to the walls, covered himself with brushwood, and hid in the grass.” When the Goth approached this place, the Slav suddenly grabbed him and took him alive to the camp.

Mauritius reported on the art of the Slavs to hide in water: “They courageously withstand being in the water, so that often some of those remaining at home, being caught by a sudden attack, plunge into the abyss of the waters. At the same time, they hold in their mouths specially made, large reeds hollowed out inside, reaching the surface of the water, and themselves, lying supine at the bottom (of the river), breathe with their help; and they can do this for many hours, so that it is absolutely impossible to guess about their (presence).”

Regarding the weapons of the Slavic warriors, Mauritius wrote: “Each is armed with two small spears, some also have shields, strong, but difficult to carry. They also use wooden bows and small arrows soaked in a special poison, which is powerful if the wounded person does not first take the antidote or (use) other auxiliary means known experienced doctors, or will not immediately cut around the wound site so that the poison does not spread throughout the rest of the body.” In addition to the bow and darts for throwing, which Mauritius spoke about, the Slavic warrior had a spear for striking, an ax, a reed and a double-edged sword.

In addition to the large shield, the Slavs had chain mail, which reliably covered and at the same time did not restrict the warrior’s movements in battle. Chain mail was made by Slavic craftsmen. During this period, the Normans' armor was made of leather with metal strips attached to it; Byzantine warriors had forged armor, which greatly restricted movement. Thus, the armor of the Slavs compared favorably with the armor of their neighbors - the Normans and Byzantines.

The ancient Slavs had two types of troops - infantry and cavalry. In the Eastern Roman Empire, under the ruler Justinian (c. 670-711), Slavic cavalry units were in service; in particular, Belisarius had Slavs serving in the cavalry. The cavalry commander was Ant Dobrogost. Describing the campaign of 589, the ancient historian Theophylact Simokatt reported: “Having jumped off their horses, the Slavs decided to rest a little and also give their horses a rest.” Thus, these data confirm the presence of cavalry among the Slavs.

During battles, the Slavs widely used surprise attacks on the enemy. “They love to fight their enemies,” Mauritius wrote, “in places covered with dense forest, in gorges, on cliffs; They take advantage of (ambushes), surprise attacks, tricks, both day and night, inventing many (various) methods. Having great help in the forests, they head towards them, since among the gorges they know how to fight well. Often they abandon the prey they are carrying (as if) under the influence of confusion and flee into the forests, and then, when the attackers rush at the prey, they easily get up and harm the enemy. They are masters of doing all this in a variety of ways they come up with in order to lure the enemy.”

Mauritius said that the Slavs were superior to “all people” in the art of crossing rivers. While serving in the army of the Eastern Roman Empire, Slavic troops skillfully ensured the crossing of rivers. They quickly made boats and used them to transport large detachments of troops to the other side.

The Slavs usually set up a camp at a height to which there were no hidden approaches. If necessary, to fight in an open field, they built fortifications from carts. Theophylact Simokatt told about the campaign of one Slavic detachment, which fought with the Romans: “Since this clash was inevitable for the barbarians (Slavs) (and did not foretell success), they, having made up carts, built a fortification of the camp from them and into the middle of this camp they placed women and children." The Slavs tied the carts, and it turned out to be a closed fortification, from which they threw spears at the enemy. The fortification of carts was a very reliable defense against cavalry.

For a defensive battle, the Slavs chose a position that was difficult for the enemy to reach, or they built a rampart and set up abatis. When storming enemy fortifications, they used assault ladders, “turtles” and siege engines. In deep formation, with their shields on their backs, the Slavs launched an assault.

Although Mauritius said that the Slavs did not recognize the military order and during the offensive they moved forward all together, this, however, does not mean that they did not have a battle order. The same Mauritius recommended building a not very deep formation against the Slavs and attacking not only from the front, but on the flanks and from the rear. From this we can conclude that for the battle the Slavs were located in a certain order. “Sometimes,” wrote Mauritius, “they take a very strong position and, guarding their rear, do not give the opportunity to enter into hand-to-hand combat, equally surround yourself or attack from the flank, or go to their rear.”

If the Slavs repelled all attacks, then, according to Mauritius, there was only one remedy - to deliberately retreat in order to cause a disorganized pursuit, which would disrupt the battle formation of the Slavs and allow them to win a surprise attack from an ambush.

Beginning in the 1st century, Slavic tribes fought the armies of the Roman Empire. Ancient sources mention East Slavic tribes who fought the Roman conquerors. There is a message from the Gothic historian Jordan about the struggle of the Goths with the Antes in the 4th century. A detachment of Goths attacked the Antes, but were initially defeated. As a result of further clashes, the Goths managed to capture the leader of the Antes, Boz, with his sons and 70 elders and execute them.

More detailed information about the wars of the Slavic tribes dates back to the 6th-8th centuries, when the Slavs fought the Eastern Roman Empire.

By the beginning of the 6th century, the onslaught of Slavic tribes from across the Danube had intensified so much that the ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire, Anastasius, in 512 was forced to build a line of fortifications stretching 85 kilometers from Selimvria on the Sea of ​​Marmara to Derkos on the Pontus. This line of fortifications was called the “Long Wall” and was located 60 kilometers from the capital. One of his contemporaries called it “a banner of impotence, a monument to cowardice.”

In the second quarter of the 6th century, Emperor Justinian, preparing to fight the Slavs, strengthened his army and built defensive structures. He appointed, according to Procopius, the head of the guard on the Ister River, Khilbudiya, who for three years in a row successfully defended the Danube line from attacks by Slavic tribes. To do this, Khilbudiy annually crossed to the left bank of the Danube, penetrated into the territory of the Slavs and caused devastation there. In 534, Khilbudiy crossed the river with a small detachment. The Slavs came out “all against him. The battle was fierce, many Romans fell, including their commander Khilbudiy.” After this victory, the Slavs freely crossed the Danube to invade the interior of the Balkan Peninsula.

In 551, a detachment of Slavs numbering more than 3 thousand people, without encountering any opposition, crossed the Ister River. Then, after crossing the Gevre (Maritsa) River, the detachment split into two detachments. The Byzantine military leader, who had large forces, decided to take advantage of this advantage and destroy the scattered troops in open battle. But the Slavs were ahead of the Romans and defeated them with a surprise attack from two directions. This fact shows the ability of Slavic military leaders to organize the interaction of their troops and carry out a sudden simultaneous attack on an enemy who has superior forces and is acting offensively.

Following this, regular cavalry was thrown against the Slavs under the command of Asbad, who served in the detachment of bodyguards of Emperor Justinian. The cavalry detachment was stationed in the Thracian fortress of Tzurule and consisted of excellent horsemen. One of the Slavic detachments attacked the Byzantine cavalry and put it to flight. Many Byzantine horsemen were killed, and Asbad himself was captured. From this example we can conclude that the Slavs had cavalry that successfully fought with the Roman regular cavalry.

Having defeated the regular field troops, the Slavic detachments began to besiege the fortresses in Thrace and Illyria. Procopius reported very detailed information about the capture by the Slavs of the strong coastal fortress of Toper, located on the Thracian coast 12 days' journey from Byzantium. This fortress had a strong garrison and up to 15 thousand combat-ready men - residents of the city.

The Slavs decided first of all to lure the garrison out of the fortress and destroy it. To do this, most of their forces lay in ambush and took refuge in difficult places, and a small detachment approached the eastern gate and began to fire at the Roman soldiers: “The Roman soldiers who were in the garrison, imagining that there were no more enemies than how many they saw, took hold of weapons, everyone immediately came out against them. The barbarians began to retreat, pretending to the attackers that, frightened by them, they fled; The Romans, carried away by the pursuit, found themselves far ahead of the fortifications. Then those in ambush rose up and, finding themselves in the rear of the pursuers, cut off their opportunity to return back to the city. And those who pretended to retreat, turning their faces to the Romans, placed them between two fires. The barbarians destroyed them all and then rushed to the walls.” Thus the Topera garrison was defeated. After this, the Slavs moved to storm the fortress, which was defended by the population of the city. The first attack, insufficiently prepared, was repulsed. The defenders threw stones at the attackers and poured boiling oil and tar on them. But the success of the townspeople was temporary. Slavic archers began to fire at the wall and forced the defenders to leave it. Following this, the attackers placed ladders against the walls, entered the city and took possession of it. At the same time, archers and assault troops interacted well. The Slavs were sharp archers and therefore were able to force the defenders to leave the wall.

Of interest is the campaign in 589 by Peter, the military leader of the Byzantine Emperor of Mauritius, against the strong Slavic tribe under the leadership of Piragast.

The Emperor demanded quick and decisive action from Peter. Peter's army left the fortified camp and, in four marches, reached the area in which the Slavs were located; he had to cross the river. A group of 20 soldiers was sent to scout the enemy, moving at night and resting during the day. Having made a difficult night march and crossed the river, the group settled down in the thickets to rest, but did not set up any guards. The warriors fell asleep and were discovered by a mounted detachment of Slavs. The Romans were captured. The captured scouts spoke about the plan of the Byzantine command.

Piragast, having learned about the enemy’s plan, moved with large forces to the place where the Romans crossed the river and there secretly settled down in the forest. The Byzantine army approached the crossing. Peter, not suggesting that there might be an enemy in this place, ordered separate detachments to cross the river. When the first thousand people crossed to the other side, the Slavs surrounded them and destroyed them. Having learned about this, Peter ordered the entire army to cross, without dividing into detachments. On the opposite bank, rows of Slavs were waiting for the Byzantines, who, however, scattered under a hail of arrows and spears thrown from ships. Taking advantage of this, the Romans landed their large forces. Piragast was mortally wounded, and the Slavic army retreated in disarray. Peter, due to the lack of cavalry, could not organize the pursuit.

The next day, the guides who led the army got lost. The Romans had no water for three days and quenched their thirst with wine. The army could have died if not for the prisoner, who pointed out that the Helicabia River was nearby. The next morning the Romans approached the river and rushed to the water. The Slavs, who were in ambush on the opposite high bank, began to hit the Romans with arrows. “And so the Romans,” reports the Byzantine chronicler, “having built ships, crossed the river to grapple with the enemies in open battle. When the army was on the opposite bank, the barbarians immediately attacked the Romans in their entirety and defeated them. The defeated Romans began to flee. Since Peter was completely defeated by the barbarians, Priscus was appointed commander-in-chief, and Peter, removed from command, returned to Byzantium.”

Friends! We present for you an article from Evgeny Tarasov!

“The Slavs are the grandchildren of the Gods, not the servants of God!”

Vedic Orthodoxy.

Nowadays, there is a widespread opinion that the Russian Orthodox Church represents Orthodoxy, sometimes even the term Christianity itself is omitted, implying that it is identical, naturally, without taking into account the Slavism itself. According to the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Slavs have nothing to do with it at all.

In September 2010, answering questions from a correspondent of the Rossiya TV channel, Patriarch Kirill clearly became carried away and revealed his true face- face of a cosmopolitan:

“...Who were the Slavs? These are barbarians, people speaking an incomprehensible language, these are second-class people, they are almost animals. And so enlightened men (who came from the enlightened Greco-Roman world, Cyril and Methodius) came to them, brought them the light of Christ’s truth and did something very important - they began to speak with these barbarians in their language, they created Slavic alphabet, Slavic grammar and translated the Word of God into this language...”

But is this really so?

Of course not - this is actually a blatant lie! And to think that way is either extreme ignorance or definitely a malicious distortion of the truth.

The Slavs have a great and glorious history! The version about the emergence of the Slavic state about a thousand years ago has long been called into question. Here is the opinion of the most famous scientist, the greatest Russian archaeologist and historian of the twentieth century, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy Sciences B.A. Rybakova: “Speaking about the true Slavic gods, we clearly imagine the dates of the birth of the cult of this or that god. God Ra - about 50 thousand years ago. God Veles - about 40 thousand years ago. The Slavic Goddess Makosh occupies the same ancient place in this series - about 40 thousand years ago.”

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Rus - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify the Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog, which governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Glorifying the Rule is Orthodoxy. As we see, this was the name of the Faith of our Ancestors already in that distant time. Slavism gave the basis to all currently existing world religions.

The Russian Orthodox Church is just one of many sectual varieties of Christianity, along with others that have the right to exist, as do other confessions and faiths.

But since at present our past has become densely filled with vicious myths, like the ones above, it is important to learn in more detail about the concept of “Orthodoxy,” which is truly an integral component of the national characteristic of the Slavic peoples.

Let us find out the true content of the ancient words “Rule” and “Glory”, which form the basis of the above concept, consisting of two roots.

The original Slavic word “Rule” formed the basis of such sacred concepts as: TRUTH, RULE, just, RIGHTEOUS, RULER and others. We associate all these words with Light - Good. The reason for this is that in ancient times the World where the High Gods lived was called nothing less than Prav.

Therefore, words that have the root “Right” are associated with God, the divine, and therefore have a positive meaning. In the Rule there are Native Gods and Souls of Light Ancestors. Thus, Rule is not only the world of the Gods, it is the Laws by which people and Gods live.

The Faith of the Ancestors in the Rule has never disappeared; it cannot be overcome, because it is the living Soul of the People. Neither coercion, nor torture by the authorities, nor burning at the stake forced our People to accept someone else's faith.

Therefore, foreigners, having replaced the concepts and appropriated traditional names and rituals, thereby began to adjust them to their own slaveholding creed, which is still in effect today.

So, our God Svarog became Sabaoth, the Great Mother Lada was called exclusively the Mother of God, from many of the names of Veles only Vlasiy and Vasily remained, Perun was renamed Ilya, but remained the Thunderer, from Dazhdbog only the epithet Son of God remained, Svetovit was turned into Saint Vitay and the like ...

This, ultimately, led to the gradual loss of the meaning of Native rituals and names, distortion and simplification of the Vedic Faith of our Ancestors. But no matter how hard it was, the Clans of the Magi preserved the Faith unchanged, knowing that the time of the Great Revival would come.

Today, many Slavs have realized the beginning of a new Ecumenical upsurge and the flowering of Vedic spirituality. Tradition says that the sacred concept of “Rule” is a set of Divine Laws that Rule the Universe.

The second component of the phrase “Orthodoxy” is “Glory” - this is the name of the Goddess of Glory-Slavuni - the wife of Bogumir.

Bogumir continued the work of his grandfather and father Perun and Tarkh Perunovich Dazhdbog. He united the Rus into a Great Power that stretched over almost the entire Eurasia and lasted for a millennium.

Bogumir married Slava - the daughter of the god Man, the granddaughter of the god of prayers Barma, the great-granddaughter of the God of Rod himself. A great role was destined for him. Indeed, in ancient times, many thousands of years before the onset of the Dark Times (Night of Svarog), a great battle and civil strife took place in the earthly race. Souls rebelled, fell into falsehood and wished to throw the White Light under their feet. That civil strife brought great misfortune to the Earth; traces of terrible upheavals remained everywhere.

At that time there was no power either for the Glorious clans or for Krivda, but a great misfortune arose: the ancestors of the generations died in the battle (the first ancestors, the Magi - who gave rise to the new Aryan Clans, such were, for example, Arius and others), the chain of Radeniya was broken, the clan was lost earthly Pokon of the Most High Family. Then the elders began to speak to SVA so that the gods would descend into Reality to reveal their wisdom.

And the gods descended to Earth, and the Great Relatives saw on the lands of present-day Rus' good and honest people who had bred their Family from the Falcon-Rod. And this Rod was brave and courageous, striving for work.

The people were bright in mind, they lived in peace and harmony, obeying the elders, emulating the gods of their relatives in their deeds.

It is because the elders listened to their native gods and glorified them faithfully, fulfilling their covenants, and the gods gave the people the eldest in the family - Father Bogumir. He became the Savior - being a man in reality, always associated with the gods and keeping within himself the consciousness and powers of God.

Svarog and Lada gave Bogumir and his wife Slava faithful covenants, the Wisdom of the Orthodox Faith and Veda, which had been cut short since the time of the Old Father of the World.

It turns out that the revivalists of the Slavic Family were Bogumir and Slava. According to legend, it was Svarog and Lada who came to earth to restore knowledge and recreate the Slavic Family. Then there were other Spas who brought knowledge and passed it on to the people.

The goal of spiritual development in the Russian Native Orthodox Faith is a clear awareness of the laws of the Universe (laws of Rule, Pokon), which allows the soul to create its own world, and this helps it achieve its highest manifestation.

Bogumir dedicated his life to teaching family harmony to the Glorious Family. She and Mother Slava laid the foundation for a science called Rodolad. Yes, it couldn’t be otherwise, because they were souls that carried within them great power Svarog and Lada, Light-bearing Heavenly Spouses.

The genus is the beginning, progenitor and creator of all things, Explicit and Implicit, living and inanimate, the Supreme Almighty, the All-One God. His name lives in such words as Parent, Native, Birth, Motherland, people, nature, breed, harvest, Spring and many others. But first of all, Rod is a creative, calling to life, producing force in general, it is the basis of everything!

It turns out that Rodolad is a system of views on creating a family, the purpose of a man and a woman, a husband and a wife. She talks about the responsibilities of parents and children, about arranging a space of love and how to maintain the Fire in the family hearth, about duty to the family and society.

Rodolad is the understanding and holding of ancestral holidays, rituals, the preservation of traditions that support the culture of the family, the ability to communicate and live in harmony with the energies and elements of the World - the gods. The science of Rodolad wisely and methodically helped a girl to become a girl, a woman, a mother, and a boy to become a youth, a man, a father...

According to the sacred Slavic-Aryan scriptures, each person has his own purpose. So Father Svarog - the Supreme God of the physical world - created the Universe, and his wife - the Mother of the gods Lada - filled it with love and harmony. Each man creates the world of his family, creates and obtains benefits, and the woman - Bereginya, puts things in order - gives order to everything that her husband has created. Such families are carriers of the spiritual strength of the people. A happy family- the basis of the Family, and prosperous Family ensures the prosperity of the Motherland!

Having restored the Pokon of the Family of the Most High and passing it on to their descendants, Spas Bogumir together with Slava recreated the sacred community of the Aryan peoples. All Rus-Slavs are united not only by blood, but also by highly spiritual origin. All together the descendants of the Slavic-Aryans constitute the Family of Souls, Spiritual Family Glorious, who honors the one and many-manifested God of Gods - the Race of the Most High!

And since then, every descendant of Bogumir and Slava, all the Slavs, carries within themselves that Primordial Divine Spark!

Thus, the very content of the concept “Orthodoxy” is literally understood as “Rule Glorification,” and the deep ideological content is understood as “Rule the World of the Highest Gods.” It is in this understanding that the word “Orthodoxy” is used in the Native Vedic Faith of the Rus.

Use of name Slavic goddess Glories and names of the World Slavic Gods Correcting the name of someone else's religion is the height of cunning and substitution of a concept.

Orthodoxy is the spiritual path of the Slavic peoples; even now this word exists only in the languages ​​of our fraternal peoples.

And the Anglo-Saxons, with their artificial, clumsy language, introduced during the reformatting of Europe using the Latin alphabet, like Esperanto, generally distorted this concept, lowering it to the concept of slaves.

So, for example, the word Slav, Slavs is translated from English into Russian as Slav, Slavs, at the same time already Slave, Slaves is a slave, slaves, and is pronounced almost the same. It seems that this was not done by chance by our sworn “friends”, or as the current power “elite” calls them - their partners...

When we call ourselves confessors of the Slavic Faith, we define our path in the Explicit World, aimed at the Unity of the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. Called confessors of Vedic Orthodoxy, we determine the direction of our spiritual development - towards Unity with the Highest Gods of Rule.

However, if we turn to the history of the Christian Church and calmly, thoroughly, without any bias, get acquainted with it, we will easily get an answer to the question: where did the so-called “ Orthodox Christianity»?

Chronicles of the 10th-14th centuries convincingly indicate that Christianity came to Rus' from Greece under the name “faith of Christ”, “new faith”, “true faith”, “Greek faith”, and most often - “orthodox Christian faith”.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that for the first time the word “Orthodoxy” appears in the “Epistle of Metropolitan Photius of Pskov” of 1410-1417, that is, 422 years after the introduction of Christianity in Rus'. And the phrase “Orthodox Christianity” even later - in the Pskov First Chronicle of 1450, 462 years after the baptism of Rus'. This naturally says a lot and causes serious surprise.

If the word “Orthodoxy” really has something to do with Christianity, as current clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church claim, then why haven’t Christians themselves used it for half a millennium?

Therefore, we can note, based on the facts confirmed by documents written in chronicles by monks: Christians became “Orthodox” only 597 years ago. And for 422 years they called themselves only “faithful.” And this is also confirmed by the fact that the Greek word “orthodoxy” translated into Russian means “orthodoxy.” For the Greeks, “orthos” means correct, “direct,” and “doxos” means “thought,” “belief,” “faith.” That is why in the Western world Christians of the Eastern rite are called nothing less than “Orthodox.”

The church translation of the word “orthodoxy” - “orthodoxy” looks strange, because the word “glory” in Greek is pronounced “kydos”, hence the name ancient city Kydonia in Crete, which translates to "Glorious". Therefore, if Eastern Christians are truly “Orthodox”, the religion itself should be called at least “Orthokydos”.

We know the outcome of this contradiction. Greco-Orthodoxy (orthodox Christianity) in the 16th century, after the capture of the Rusyn lands by Poland, found itself in a tough struggle with Roman Catholicism. Therefore, looking for support for itself, the church came to the only saving solution - to partially adopt the Vedic spiritual customs of the Rus.

First of all, they turned the “orthodox Christian faith” into “ holy orthodoxy" And then they stopped fighting Vedic customs and accepted as their scripture: the cult of the Ancestors, Green Christmastide, Kupala Christmastide, Intercession, Kalita, Kolyada, Strecha (Candlemas) and others.

For us, the present-day Rus, in order to renew Harmony and Unity with the Native Gods, we must begin with the comprehension of the spiritual wealth that our Ancestors preserved for us - the essence of True Orthodoxy - the Native Vedic Orthodox Faith- Slavs.

From time immemorial, our faith has been and will remain forever Orthodox, because it always shows us the path to the Native Gods of Rule. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were Orthodox from eternity, and we should be the same!

We do not fight with anyone and do not oppose ourselves to anyone. Different cults use terms and even symbols of our Ancestors, so let them use them. Only educated and cultured people always have primary sources with them - this is the Heritage of our Great Ancestors.

Understanding and perception of all this wealth will make us stronger, for True Faith is the Veda of Rule - knowledge about the World, the Universe and the Laws of the Russian Gods. This is exactly what is needed now - for the Unity and Strength of the Slavic Family!

Now, unfortunately, not everything is all right with us yet...

I look around and it hurts me, what have we turned the Russian State into?! We live in our Holy Land, which our Ancestors gave to us; they loved it like life and sprinkled it with their blood to protect it. Its rivers were spilled during the time of that old and new battle, when both the city dweller and the peasant stood as one. Well, now what have we turned our Family into?! A pack of jackals were allowed to come to power. They are only lining their pockets with us, selling what was created with great difficulty, selling our lives, spitting on everyone, on their People, which Rus' put in place, which was always undefeated. I am Russian, Slavic and proud of it! I am proud of the Earth on which I was born! There is a free Russian Spirit in her and that Spirit will never be oppressed! And I know that through the years, Mother Russia will raise her sons from her knees and the Russian Spirit, having gathered everyone into a glorious holy army, will throw off this jackal burden and our Russian Family will live, as it lived in those millennia of creation, and it will glorify its Slavic Heritage with its life! ..

Evgeny Tarasov.

P.S. from the Administration: we hope that we did not hurt anyone’s feelings, remember, friends, everyone has their own opinion!