For work accounting purposes commercial companies Our country uses the OKVED mechanism. It reflects the entire range of activities by economic sector. Moreover, if previously the previous edition of this document, put into effect in 2001, was in force in the Russian Federation, then since 2014 the accounting authorities switched to OKVED 2. The special assessment of working conditions in OKVED 2 refers to section M. It includes different kinds works in the field of providing professional services, including scientific and technical types.

Special assessment of working conditions: OKVED code

To determine the place of a specific type of activity in the OKVED classification, several substantive categories are used. In particular, OKVED for special assessment of working conditions is characterized by the following designations:

  • class - 71. This includes work on technical examinations, as well as design;
  • subclass - 71.2. This includes work on performing technical surveys, as well as conducting certification activities;
  • group - 71.20. The content of this group is similar to the subclass;
  • subgroup - 71.20.7. In this subgroup, it is the activities related to carrying out SOUT that are recorded.

At the employer's expense, every five years a comprehensive assessment of each workplace is carried out to determine its compliance with safety requirements. This the assessment is carried out by specialists from third-party specialized organizations, whose activities, according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, correspond to code 74.30 “Technical tests, research and certification” according to OKVED.

Assessment of workplaces carried out under an agreement with the organization, which should:

  • have accreditation by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and be included in the register of accredited organizations located on the official website of the Ministry of Health and Social Development;
  • be independent in relation to the legal entity at whose workplaces, according to the agreement, certification is carried out.

Main stages

Certification can be divided into three main periods:

  • stage planning and preparation of work, including the conclusion of a contract, formation certification commission and approval of its composition by order of the organization, drawing up a work schedule. During this period, the commission studies local organizational and administrative documents, establishes harmful and dangerous factors in the workplace and determines where instrumental measurements will be carried out;
  • the main stage is actual carrying out of the necessary instrument measurements with the preparation of appropriate protocols and drawing up certification cards based on them. The certification card must indicate the OKVED code of the organization whose workplaces were certified. If, as a result of the conducted research, it is revealed that the conditions at the workplace do not ensure the preservation of the health of workers, then the employer develops a number of measures to reduce negative influence harmful conditions for the health of workers;
  • preparation of final documents, the main of which are the final protocol of the certification commission and a certification report with attachments. By order, the employer completes the certification and approves the reporting materials.

Compensations, benefits, fines

Based on the results of employee certification determine the compensation and benefits they are entitled to: additional vacation time, cash supplement for harmful working conditions, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, etc.

Correctly and timely certification of workplaces minimizes the employer’s risks of applying penalties from government supervisory authorities, so it is important to choose the right certifying organization.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for violations of labor protection requirements, ranging from disciplinary to criminal liability. A frequently used penalty is the imposition of an administrative fine, its maximum size is:

  • for persons carrying out job responsibilities, up to five thousand rubles;
  • for organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities with education legal entity, up to fifty thousand rubles.

Additional tariffs in the Pension Fund and special assessment of working conditions.

Starting from January 1, 2014, employers are required to conduct a special assessment of working conditions in accordance with Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ. Based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, classes and subclasses of working conditions are established, on the basis of which an additional tariff for contributions to the Pension Fund is determined (Article 58.3 of Law No. 212-FZ). It should be borne in mind that contributions for additional tariffs are not always calculated.

To determine whether or not to accrue contributions to the Pension Fund at additional tariffs, you must be guided by Lists No. 1 and No. 2 (approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10). If an employee’s position is included in one of these lists, then contributions to the Pension Fund using additional tariffs are calculated on his payments. If the position is not included in any of the lists, then the obligation to subject payments to contributions to the Pension Fund at additional tariffs does not arise. The amount of the applied tariff depends on the type of work in which the employee (insured person) is employed, as well as on the results of a special assessment of working conditions.

Tariffs for payments to employees engaged in work contained in the specified lists are as follows (clauses 1, 2, article 33.2 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ, part 1, 2 of article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ):

Persons employed in underground works, at work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops (clause 1, clause 1, article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ)

2014 — 6.0% – joint part of the tariff

2015 — 9.0% – joint part of the tariff

Persons employed in work with difficult working conditions and other hazardous work (clauses 2 – 18, clause 1, article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ)

2014 — 4.0% – joint part of the tariff

2015 — 6.0% – joint part of the tariff

Depending on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, the following tariffs for additional contributions to the Pension Fund apply; they are applied instead of those listed above (clause 2.1, article 33.2 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ, part 2.1 of article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24. 2009 No. 212-FZ):

Payments subject to additional tariffs are subject to:

– payments in favor of persons entitled to early assignment of a labor pension;

– payments and rewards in favor of the employee from the moment of registration with him labor relations that involve working with special conditions labor. The length of time during which the employee is directly exposed to harmful factors (daily during the billing period or periodically, according to production needs), does not affect the procedure for calculating insurance premiums;

– payments in favor of an employee entitled to early retirement, regardless of working hours (for example, part-time or part-time work week);

– if the employee is already a pensioner (that is, already receiving early retirement), but continues to work under special working conditions, the calculation of pension contributions at additional rates for payments to such a person continues.

Calculation of insurance premiums at an additional rate for insured persons employed in workplaces not specified in the subparagraphs of paragraph.

Special assessment of working conditions - activity codes

1–18 tbsp. 1 of Law No. 173-FZ, legislation Russian Federation There is no provision for insurance premiums. Insurance premiums at additional tariffs for payments made in favor of employees in whose workplaces the working conditions according to the current results of workplace certification (or from 01/01/2014 according to the results of a special assessment of working conditions) are recognized as harmful and (or) dangerous, but not named in paragraphs. 1–8 p. 1 tbsp. 27 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ, are not accrued.

Reporting to the Pension Fund

From the 1st quarter of 2014, reporting to the Pension Fund has been clarified regarding the reflection of additional contributions:

section 2 has been supplemented with a new subsection 2.4, which reflects information on insurance premiums for an additional tariff depending on the class (subclass) of working conditions, which was established based on the results of a special assessment;

columns 3 and 13 have been added to section 4, which reflect additional accrued additional contributions paid based on the results of the special assessment (part 2.1 of article 58.3 of Law No. 212-FZ);

the column “Special labor assessment code” has been added to section 6 of subsection 6.7. The meaning of these codes can be found in Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure for filling out the calculation according to the RSV-1 Pension Fund form.

Reporting to the Social Insurance Fund

Table 10 “Information on the results of a special assessment of working conditions and mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers at the beginning of the year” of Section II of the calculation according to FSS Form-4, starting with reporting for the first quarter of 2014, is filled out and submitted to mandatory(Clause 2 of the Procedure for filling out Form 4-FSS). This table has been updated due to the introduction of a special assessment of working conditions.

Table 10 reflects data on a special assessment of working conditions, as well as on mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations performed at the beginning of the year (clauses 34–34.4 of the Procedure for filling out form 4-FSS, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 19, 2013 No. 107n). Moreover, if the policyholder’s workplace certification for working conditions has not yet expired, then the table must be filled out based on the results of such certification.

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Special assessment of working conditions

Report on a special assessment of working conditions

Title page of the report on the special

Assessments of working conditions


Chairman of the Commission on

conducting a special assessment

working conditions


(signature, surname, initials)

"__"__________ ____ G.

on conducting a special assessment of working conditions

V _______________________________________

(full name of employer)

(location and place of business of the employer)


(Employer Taxpayer Identification Number)


(OGRN of the employer)


(main view code economic activity according to OKVED)

Members of the commission for conducting

special assessment of working conditions: _________ ______________ __________

(signature) (full name) (date)

(signature) (full name) (date)

_________ ______________ ___________

(signature) (full name) (date)

Section I.

Information about the organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions

1. _______________________________________________________________

(full name of organization)

2. ______________________________________________________________

(location and activities of the organization, contact telephone number, address Email)

3. Number in the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions (providing services in the field of labor protection) ____________________

4. Date of entry into the register of organizations conducting a special assessment of working conditions (providing services in the field of labor protection) ___________

5. TIN of the organization_______________________________________________

6. OGRN of the organization_______________________________________________

7. Information about the testing laboratory (center) of the organization:

Registration number of the organization's accreditation certificate Date of issue of the organization's accreditation certificate Expiration date of the organization's accreditation certificate

8. Information about experts and other employees of the organization who participated in the special assessment of working conditions:

9. Information about the measuring instruments of the testing laboratory (center) of the organization used during the special assessment of working conditions:

No. Date of measurements Name of the harmful and (or) dangerous factor in the working environment and labor process Name of measuring instrument Registration number in the State Register of Measuring Instruments Serial number of the measuring instrument Expiration date for verification of measuring instruments

Head of the organization conducting

special assessment of working conditions _________ ___________ _____________

(signature) (full name) (date)

Section II. List of workplaces where a special assessment of working conditions was carried out

Individual workplace number Name of the workplace and sources of harmful and (or) dangerous factors in the working environment and labor process Number of employees employed at this workplace (persons) Availability of a similar workplace(s) Name of harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process and the duration of their impact on the employee during the working day (shift) (hours)
chemical factor biological factor Physical factors
aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action noise infrasound air ultrasound general vibration local vibration electromagnetic fields factor Non-ionizing fields and radiation ultraviolet radiation factor Non-ionizing fields and radiation laser radiation factor Non-ionizing fields and radiation ionizing radiation microclimate light environment severity of the labor process tension of the labor process

Section III.

OKVED code 71.20.7 - Activities for assessing working conditions

Form of a special assessment card for workers' working conditions

CARD No.________

special assessment of working conditions


(name of profession (position) of the employee)

Name of structural unit ______________________________

Number and numbers of similar jobs __________________________

Line 010. Issue of ETKS, EKS _____________________________________________

(issue, section, date of approval)

Line 020. Number of employees:

Line 021. SNILS of employees:

Line 022. Equipment used: _________________________________


Materials and raw materials used: ____________________________

__________________________________________________________________ __

Line 030. Assessment of working conditions based on harmful (hazardous) factors:

Name of factors of the production environment and labor process Class (subclass) of working conditions Effectiveness of PPE *, +/-/not assessed Class (subclass) of working conditions under effective use PPE
Aerosols with predominantly fibrogenic action
Ultrasound air
General vibration
Local vibration
Non-ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation
Microclimate parameters
Light environment parameters
The severity of the labor process
The tension of the labor process
Final class (subclass) of working conditions not filled in

* Individual protection means

Line 040.

Guarantees and compensations provided to the employee(s) employed at this workplace:

No. Types of guarantees and compensation Actual availability Based on the results of the assessment of working conditions
need to establish (yes, no) base
1. Increased wages for the employee(s)
2. Annual additional paid leave
3. Reduced working hours
4. Milk or other equivalent food products
5. Therapeutic and preventive nutrition
6. The right to early assignment of a labor pension
7. Conducting medical examinations




Date of preparation: ___________________

Chairman of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions

Members of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions:

Expert(s) of the organization that conducted the special assessment of working conditions:

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________
(No. in the register of experts) (signature) (FULL NAME) (date of)
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________
(No. in the register of experts) (signature) (FULL NAME) (date of)

I am familiar with the results of the special assessment of working conditions:

All rights belong to their authors.

OKVED certification of workplaces

searching results

Search OKPD special assessment of working conditions

OKPD Decoding Frequency
Other technical testing and research services 449
Services provided by professional organizations 102
Services in the field of technical regulation and standardization 60
Services related to entrepreneurial activity, other, not included in other groups 26
Other services not included in other groups 18
Services for the analysis of the chemical and biological properties of various substances (for example, air, water, household and industrial waste, fuels, metals, soil, minerals, chemicals) 15
Other security services 14
Other engineering and technical services, not included in other groups 11
Valuation services on a fee or contract basis 10

Graphical representation

Showing OKPD search results by product/service name.
They should be understood as follows: (the transcript for the first result is given)
Among all the State contracts known to us, the product (service) “special assessment of working conditions” was assigned the OKPD code Other security services Other engineering and technical services, not included in other groups Valuation services on a fee or contract basis