Along with the belly, buttocks and thighs, the hands are no less problem area. They gain weight quite quickly, but it is quite difficult to make them slim again, especially for their rear part. The fat layer usually accumulates here, and when you lose weight, the skin sags. A few rules will help restore your hands to elegance and lightness; if you adhere to them, you will be able to see the first results in just a couple of weeks.

Review your diet, reduce the amount of animal fats and complex carbohydrates you consume. Your diet should include citrus fruits, fermented milk products, pineapple, kiwi, porridge, ginger, walnuts, olive oil, legumes, bran, seaweed, white poultry, sea ​​fish, vegetables, apples, broccoli. Try not to eat salt, sugar or flour. Drink more water, herbal teas, fresh juices, rosehip decoction. Dilute two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 250 ml of still water and drink two to three times a day. Getting your hands in order is simply not possible without regular exercise. If you don't want to go to Gym, you can do them at home too. It is advisable to do them with dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg, such weight will not contribute to muscle building. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your knees, spread your arms to the sides, palms up and bend them at the elbows. Then lower your arms along your body, palms facing you, raise them to shoulder level. Bend your elbows so that your fists point up, straighten your arms, raising them above your head. Next is the following exercise: arms along the body, move them back as you exhale, and back as you inhale. Raise your arms above your head, bending them at the elbows, behind your back and back up. Bend forward, spread your arms to the sides, lower them straight down and lift them up.

A few more exercises: bend forward, arms down, lift them, bending them, with your elbows up, as high as possible. Stand in a boxing stance, press your hands to your chest and sharply throw them in front of you, alternately. Do push-ups from the floor or sofa. In the first case, to make it easier, rest not on the toes of your feet, but on your bent knees, but try to touch the floor with your chest. Sit on a chair, bend your arm and rest your elbow on your leg, just above the knee. Bend and straighten your arm from the dumbbells, do it slowly. Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides and lift them up. Or stretch them out in front of you, lower them back and lift them back up. Sit on a sofa or chair, placing your palms on the edge. Lower your buttocks down, resting on your hands and feet, lift and lower your body. Do the exercises 15 times, 2-3 approaches. Gradually increase their number. Also exercise with an expander and a fitness ball.

Try to run in the morning, it also trains your arms well, sign up for a pool or Pilates class. Dance more, no matter - at a disco or at home, this process is very useful for forming beautiful hands. Take a contrast shower, do special scrubs. Olive oil or mix honey in equal proportions with one of the following ingredients: coffee grounds, table salt, oatmeal, ground in a coffee grinder. Rub problem areas with it daily during water procedures. Don't forget about anti-cellulite, warming creams and sprays, ylang-ylang oil. You can apply them to your hands before doing exercises. It is recommended to wrap the upper arms to achieve greater effect. cling film. Try a massage, including a hardware one, paying attention to individual problem areas, as well as thalassotherapy.

If even daily exercise and the use of various means do not help you, try taking a course of mesotherapy or resort to the most radical method - brachioplasty.

Hi all! I received an email request from one of the site visitors to write an article about how to make your arms thin and beautiful. Well, I have prepared material on this topic. So, who will find this article useful, read it.

The physique of each person is determined by lifestyle and heredity.

If you think your arms are too thick, you need to take care general weight loss and especially work on strengthening your arm muscles.

Light weight training, cardio and weight loss exercises will help you with this.

Part 1: Maintain training durations and intervals between them

1. Do cardio at least 4 times a week. Without a general reduction in body weight, you won’t be able to make your arms slimmer.

2. Get cardio in sets of at least 30 minutes. If the body weight is large enough, the duration of the approach can be increased to 60 minutes.

3. Create a workout schedule for yourself. Moderate-intensity workouts should be interrupted by short periods of more intense workouts.

  • If you find it difficult to change the intensity of exercise, you can insert a few minutes of exercise on an elliptical trainer, treadmill, or exercise bike between the main exercises. In addition, if possible, you can run or swim for a minute.

Part 2: Exercises to Lose Weight

1. The right approach toperforming weight loss exercises. Alternate dynamic exercises with rest breaks. After your body has worked actively for 1-2 minutes, it needs to rest for 30 seconds.

  • Jump rope. Such jumps create a high impact load, which helps burn significant amount fat, and hand movements when turning the rope help train the arm muscles. Perform at least 3 sets of 20 seconds (over time, increase their duration to 1 minute) with short rest breaks.
  • Make an emphasis while crouching. I. p. - standing straight, arms raised up. Lower your arms in front of you and jump into a push-up position. With the next jump, squat down, then stand up and raise your arms. Perform this exercise 3 times, resting between sets. For greater effect, you can do push-ups in the middle of the exercise.
  • Jump in place, spreading your legs and arms wide. And keep in mind that the longer the breaks between exercises, the fewer calories will be burned.

2. U climber exercise. Get into a push-up position and move your legs toward your chest.

Part 3: Power loads

1. Such training is best done under the guidance of a trainer. Sign up for a fitness class or another that involves using weight machines or other heavy equipment.

2. FollowExercises with lifting weights with your arms for 30 minutes every day. Such exercises will help speed up your metabolism, burn fat and develop muscles.

3. Choose positions for performing exercises with weights based on your capabilities and desired results. Here are some examples of positions that are suitable for beginners and more experienced athletes.

  • A very good position is to lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. By doing biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest exercises in this position, you can adjust the strength load. In addition, this position “spares” the back and joints.
  • Sitting on a fitball. The torso works very well in this position.
  • Standing with your hips apart. Bend your knees slightly to reduce stress on your joints. In this position, the legs, torso and top part bodies. An even greater effect can be achieved in a squatting or lunge position.
  • You can stand straight with your feet together and toes apart. Then rise onto your toes, keeping your heels together. Try doing weight lifting exercises in this position, especially targeting your biceps.

Part 4: Train Your Muscles

  • Take dumbbells, for example, turn your hands palms up and spread your arms out to the sides 45 degrees. Try not to rest for a long time between approaches.
  • Perform 10 partial lifts of your arms up and 10 partial lowerings down. Do not hold your hands in any position, perform the actions continuously. This exercise helps improve muscle condition.
  • Do push-ups. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Slowly do 10 push-ups as low as possible and another 10 times quickly, but not too low.
  • Take dumbbells and place your hands on your shoulders. For a minute, push your arms up one at a time, while your torso should not move. Repeat this exercise, alternately pushing your arms forward.

2. We are working on the triceps. This is the triple arm muscle located at the back. Triceps exercises.

  • Perform push-ups with your arms folded. Place your hands slightly lower and narrower than your shoulders. Try also pressing the backs of your hands towards your chest. Slowly do 10 push-ups as low as possible and another 10 times quickly, but not too low.
  • Vertical push-ups. For them you will need a bench. Sit on it, put your hands on the bench, put your feet forward. Raise your pelvis, lower your body below the bench and lift it back, while the load should fall on the arm muscles. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 times. This exercise can be made more difficult by lifting one leg, while keeping the pelvis motionless.
  • French triceps press. Lunge. Stretch your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Raise your arms back a little. Do this 10 times, hold them from behind a little more (as much as you can stand) and bring your hands together. Then, keeping your elbows behind you as high as possible, bend your arms.

3. We work on the shoulders.

  • Extend your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Rotate your hands as if you were pressing a doorknob. Slowly repeat the exercise 10-20 times.
  • Swing your arms. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down. Bring your arms with dumbbells in front of you, move your arms back, try to bring your shoulder blades together. Repeat 10 times. After this, turn your hands away from each other 10 times. Perform 2 sets of each exercise.

4. Uchest exercises. Push-ups, especially on the elbows, do wonders for the chest and armpit area. You can use bench press machines.

  • A very good position is to lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. By doing biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest exercises in this position, you can adjust the strength load. In addition, this position “spares” the back and joints.
  • Sitting on a fitball. The torso works very well in this position.
  • Standing with your hips apart. Bend your knees slightly to reduce stress on your joints. In this position, the legs, torso and upper body actively work. An even greater effect can be achieved in a squatting or lunge position.
  • You can stand straight with your legs together and apart. Then rise onto your toes, keeping your heels together. Try doing weight lifting exercises in this position, especially targeting your biceps.

We hope you found in the article how to make your arms thin and beautiful suitable exercises and soon your hands will become perfect.

In conclusion, watch the video exercise on how to make your arms thin:

Today we will touch on a topic that is sore for many beginners, and not only beginners.

This theme of thin branches, that is, your skinny little hands. So, the topic is painful, but very important - very subtle and skinny arms in men.

If you don't have pumped up arms, then consider that you live in vain. I have not yet seen a single film where some handsome guy spectacularly climbed out of the pool, while his bicep the size of a starving mouse would be shown on the entire screen and a drop of water would flow down it in slow motion and all the girls around would faint at sight of this eighth wonder of the world.

If you want to captivate the public, you need to have big hands. I’ll tell you below how to pump up thin arms.

In order to understand why you have thin arms, you need to answer a simple question for yourself: are it only your arms that are thin, or do you weigh no more than a sack of potatoes?

Only the hands lag behind

If you are the size of a wardrobe, but you have hands like a sixteen-year-old girl, then the reasons may be:

  • you are unlucky with genetics;
  • something went wrong with the training.

Genetics – this is a really scary thing. Sometimes it seems to me that genetics has something to do with karma. For example, in past life You destroyed anthills, took bread from pigeons. And now you can’t look at your hands without tears, despite the fact that you train them, knowing neither pain nor fatigue.

If in a past life you were a sweetheart and brought milk to kittens, but the size of your hands still makes people laugh, then something went wrong in your training. Or you chose for yourself wrong exercises in which you cannot feel the target muscle and you just move the weights back and forth, or the training principle just doesn’t suit you.

All skinny

If you, but the first thing you do is google how to pump up thin arms, and not, for example, your back, then I have bad news for you.

What you are doing is fundamentally wrong and you should reconsider your attitude towards life.

Very thin arms are an obvious sign that you are all thin. In this case, pumping up thin arms will not solve the problem. You need to develop your whole body proportionately.

Of course, you can pump up huge arms with biceps the size of Everest, which, in your humble opinion, a million beauties would want to climb. But the trouble is that, having body of a concentration camp prisoner, A hands of Hercules, you will attract even fewer females than your opponent with average body characteristics in general and hands in particular.

When you do hundreds of different lifts of dumbbells, barbells, benches, bottles, biceps curls in one workout, those around you look at you with glances that are far from admiring, as you might think at first glance. AND girls take pictures of you not at all for printing out and hanging your poster over the bed.

All this unsystematic fuss in the gym with hundreds of exercises leads to the fact that you are left alone with slightly more sinewy, but still skinny arms, and you continue to shake the Internet with the question of why your arms are thin.

So stop it hammer your hands from dusk to dawn and devote at least a drop of your precious time to other parts of the body. AND brain in this case is no exception.

How to pump up thin arms for a man?

To pump up thin arms, and especially biceps and triceps, you need:

  • exercise regularly;
  • eat correctly and enough;
  • take time to rest.


If your arms are too thin, you need to spend enough time exercising your arm muscles.

You can train your arms in different ways, for example, the most popular way is to include exercises for biceps into back training, and exercises for triceps to training pectoral muscles or deltas.

To do this, just add 2-3 exercises, mostly basic.

For example, for biceps, this is lifting a barbell or dumbbells for the biceps.

For triceps:

  • French press;
  • close grip barbell press;
  • arm extension with dumbbells overhead.

In this case, the biceps get tired during back exercises, and the triceps get tired during chest or delt exercises. Then we simply squeeze all the remaining juices out of it.

You can do it completely the other way around, that is, we do the biceps with the chest or deltoids, and the triceps with the back. In this case on back day our triceps, and on delta or chest day biceps remain faithful until the end of the workout to the exercises intended specifically for them.

You can also take out your hands on a separate day. This is actually my favorite topic. But it is only suitable for those who can train more than three times a week.

To carry out your arms on a separate day to the detriment of your back, legs or chest is simply blasphemy, and in the Middle Ages you would have been burned at the stake for this.

There are also quite a lot of training principles; you can do it in a multi-repetition mode with small scales, and in low reps with huge, inhuman weights. The main thing is to feel the muscles.

In the version with the removal of hands on a separate day, you can generally pervert as your heart desires. You can, for example, alternate exercises during the workout, first do 3 sets of biceps, then 3 sets of triceps, then go back to training the biceps.

Is it possible at all? do supersets, then your hands will swell up a lot, become huge, and you can safely take out your phone and take a selfie for your new avatar.

But I would advise you to start try the simplest option: biceps on back day and triceps on chest day. Do 8-12 repetitions and rest for about 1 minute. If this theme doesn't work, then experiment.


As I have said many times, to gain weight, need to eat a lot.

So much so that notices with your face for stealing buckwheat on an especially large scale will hang in all supermarkets in the city.

If you eat like a sparrow, then your biceps will be the size of a sparrow. This is a simple pattern.

Sports supplements

If your willpower is not strong enough to absorb tons of food and it becomes hard for you (you are a princess and you can’t eat so much), then you can add carbohydrates, proteins and calories in general with the help of or.

This is an option for the lazy or busy. Drinking a delicious cocktail is much easier than eating a plate of buckwheat and chicken.


You can endlessly make excuses, say that it’s just cold now, that’s why your arms are so small, or say that the main thing is not the size of your biceps, but how much weight you can lift with them.

But the fact remains that girls like small hands much less than big ones. Therefore, finally squeeze all your will into your little childish fist and start changing your body.

There's something else for you:

How to gain muscle mass for a skinny guy: is it possible to get pumped up quickly?

Most of existing programs training is designed for people with a normal muscular physique - mesomorphs. Well, what about ectomorphs, distinguished by thin bones and thinness? Are they really not destined to be the owners of beautiful, sculpted muscles, first of all, their arms? But no! In this material we will tell you how to pump up the arms of an ectomorph. By following our tips, you will eventually turn into a handsome man with large, defined, hard muscles. But before we talk about pumping, let's figure out how thin people differ from people with a muscular physique.

Ectomorph is one of the most common somatotypes, which is characterized by natural thinness and problems with gaining mass (fat and muscle). People of this type have a very fast metabolism - metabolism.
When leading a sedentary lifestyle and constant poor nutrition, thin people gradually gain weight - they develop a small belly, but the rest of the body remains extremely thin.

How is an ectomorph different from a mesomorph?

As evidenced by recent Scientific research, during physical training, the body of a thin person produces very little myogenin - a special substance that promotes the conversion of all kinds of proteins contained in food into muscle tissue, and, as a result, to a subsequent increase in muscle mass.

With low levels of myogenin, the body is unable to produce the necessary energy reserves. muscle mass, which does not make it possible to carry out highly effective training sessions, and therefore does not create an incentive for muscle mass to increase in any way.

The most common training mistakes

First of all, you should forget about all kinds of cardio exercises and treadmills, since long training sessions are not suitable for thin people. They need to do no more strength exercises three times during the week for a maximum of 45 minutes. Exercising too often will not give the body time to grow muscles.

Features of the training program

When drawing up a training program, you need to rely on the following important points:

1. Start slowly. Excessively increasing the intensity level will work against you, so you should not immediately set the bar high and try to make each subsequent workout better than the previous one. There is no need to increase the volume, trying to do more approaches than you should. This way you will not increase muscle volume.

2. Start with the simplest exercises. Don't get hung up on difficult training programs from famous athletes. These special programs, as a rule, are aimed at a specific guy, and not at a mass audience. In addition, they are characterized by a rather high complexity, which is not suitable for you, because for an ectomorph, the simpler the better.

3. The training session should last no longer than one hour. Often thin guys, trying to pump up well for short term, train for 1.5 hours 3 or more times a week. There is no need to do this. The optimal time for warming up and exercising is from 45 minutes to 1 hour and no more. It is better to keep the training short but intense.

4. The main thing is technique. Thin people are physically weak. For this reason, they try to take as much as possible more weight and “heroically” pull it. And it doesn’t make sense how, the main thing is to pull. This approach does not lead to anything good except muscle stagnation and injury. So you should concentrate on technique and stick to the old good rule– less is better, but better than too much and pointless.

5. Consistency. One of the main tricks that can significantly increase your chances of gaining mass is strict adherence a certain schedule. For ectomorphs, the lack of training has a very bad effect. Even one missed lesson can set you back. For this reason, try to avoid significant breaks, otherwise your arms will remain thin.

6. Changing the training program/exercises. This is a fundamental point in enhancing hypertrophy. For beginners, the training program instantly sticks and, if during the initial month it brings good results, then the subsequent months will in no way contribute to changing the body. For this reason, you cannot study one program for more than three months. It is also permissible to make some changes to physical exercises, using different angles, bars, etc.

Now let's move on to the answer to main question– how you can pump up the arms of an ectomorph.

Training program

Initial month – no more than three training sessions per week:

  • 1st – squats with a barbell (6 sets of 10 times), torso twisting (maximum 6), hyperextension (6 times);
  • 2nd – bench press (6 sets of 10 times), hanging leg raises on the bar (6X);
  • 3rd – deadlift (6 12-time approaches).

During the initial month, the main focus should be on competent technique implementation of key physical exercises. Number of approaches and repetitions per given time does not matter, since physical exercises should be performed with a light barbell or an empty bar. However, immediately begin to implement large number It’s still not worth repeating, because it won’t lead to anything good.

As you master the technique, increase the weight, but do not chase “records”. From the second month, you can establish a permanent training program if you want to change it.

  • Barbell squats (6 x 12 sets).
  • Barbell deadlift (6 sets of 12 reps).
  • Calf raises on the machine (6X).
  • Bench press with a barbell (6X12).
  • Half-over with dumbbells (4X12).
  • The crossover is half-verted (4X12).
  • S-bar curls for biceps (6X12).
  • French press with S bar (6X12).
  • Hanging twist (6X).
  • Barbell presses in a standing position (6X10).
  • Bent-over swings with dumbbells (4X).
  • Pulling the barbell up to the chin (4 x 15 sets).
  • T-bar row (4 sets of 20 reps).
  • Pull-ups to the waist in the lower block (4 x 15 sets).
  • Upper block pull (4X15).
  • Pull-ups without and with weights with a wide grip (4 sets).

This program should always be followed, but if you wish, you can diversify it by adding exercises that you think will be useful. Just don't overdo it.

Transforming a skinny man into a beefy macho man is not an easy task. There are no small details here. For successful effective training, not only a properly selected training program is important, but also good dream, And proper nutrition. If you sleep less than 7 hours, and the diet is not chosen correctly, then you will still have long, unpumped arms.

As you already know, I usually write in common topics about losing weight, but today let's focus on a specific problem area that bothers many women - their arms.

Personally, this problem arose for me when I became pregnant. And this continued until the day when I saw a gorgeous sleeveless dress in a store, but could not buy it only because the fat made my arms look terrible in it. And then I decided that I had enough.

I can proudly say that today I have gotten rid of this problem and now I have the opportunity to wear revealing clothes again.

And if you want this too, I'm sure I'll be able to help you with this challenge.

So, to make your hands beautiful, you need:

1. Count calories

You need to cut back daily norm calories consumed. Every day you should keep a count of the food you eat. However, I personally think that you should be more focused on the quality of the foods you eat rather than the quantity.

2. Drink water

Did you know that 75% of the mass of your hands is water? And the rest is made up of muscles. If you want to make your hands beautiful, you need to focus on the proper level of consumption. clean water. You should drink eight to twelve glasses of purified water every day. When you drink water, it also helps you flush out accumulated toxins from your body.

Did you know that receiving physical activity Very important point in order to quickly get rid of extra pounds and make your hands beautiful. You can find on our resource many different types that you will have to do. The only thing is, make sure you choose ones that are designed for your gender.

4. Proper nutrition

To get thin arms, you need to make sure that your diet is healthy and nutritious. You should consume plenty of proteins (fish, lean meats) and good carbohydrates (vegetables and fruits). The carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins you eat every day should be balanced.

5. Cosmetic surgery

This should be yours last option to make your hands beautiful, since this procedure is painful and costs big money, but the choice is yours. However, if you have lost a lot of excess weight and stretch marks appear on your arms, perhaps turning to surgeons would be a fair decision.

6. Biologically active additives

Herbal supplements can be a good idea as long as you get them after consulting a good homeopath who can tell you which ones will actually benefit you. There are many supplements () that will help you lose excess weight and make your hands beautiful. But if you start combining supplements and physical exercise, you will see results even faster.

7. Gymnastics for arms

Many people sit at a desk or computer for long periods of time. If you want to use this method, you need to do arm exercises every hour. By doing this, you will help to quickly eliminate arm fat, as well as improve blood circulation in the vessels.

8. Dancing

Would you believe me if I told you that dancing for 30 minutes every day will help you get beautiful hands? When you dance, you actively move your arms without even realizing it.

More details in the article: “ “.

9. Walking

Try to set aside time every day for. Yes, the walking itself does not directly target the arm area, but you need to work every part of your body in order to get rid of fat. Cardiovascular exercises like walking are your best choice.

10. Weights

When you are walking or running, you could use weights to improve efficiency, which can also be used as an additional load during active arm movements to make them more beautiful.

More details in the article: “ “.

11. Children's toy “yo-yo”

In my opinion "yo-yo" is one of the best ways getting rid of extra pounds in your arms and making them beautiful. I understand that this may not sound serious to you, but it really works. In fact, it will also help you develop your arm muscles.

12. Confidence

To quickly build elegant and beautiful hands, first of all, you must really want it badly. And once you make that decision, rest assured, you will win. And this inner confidence will not let you down.