In this topic, we will look at the rules for separating the phrases “in addition” and “in connection with” with commas.

The placement of punctuation marks regarding some expressions causes a lot of hesitation and questions. In this case, punctuation depends not only on the conjunction, but also on the place in the sentence, as well as on the assigned phrases. At the same time, a certain insidiousness of the Russian language is revealed in this issue, because sometimes punctuation marks can be unnecessary in seemingly similar situations. Therefore, in this topic we will consider such double constructions as “in addition” and “in connection with”.

Punctuation marks with the phrase "furthermore"

“In addition” can act as an introductory phrase, as well as an independent part of speech. Therefore, doubts often arise due to the placement of a comma in the proper place. But remember - when a combination of these words is subject to punctuation stress, it does not matter in which part of the sentence it is located. Let's look at each case separately.

If “in addition” acts as an introductory particle, then it is necessarily separated by punctuation marks

Important: Introductory phrases are always, without exception, separated by a comma.

Most often, the conjunction “in addition” is an introductory word

If the introductory combination is at the very beginning of the sentence, then you need to put one comma after the conjunction.

  • In addition, the aerosol should not be used without parental supervision.
  • Moreover, it is also dangerous!
  • In addition, running in the morning is also good for general health and figures.

If a phrase is located in the middle of the text, it means it is separated by two commas.

  • The hike turned out to be a wonderful pastime, and also extreme compared to home conditions.
  • We'll need to look at the store, and besides, we're out of bread.
  • We were classmates, in addition, we also sat at the same desk.
  • Grandfather, in addition, was also such a cheerful fellow.

A small exception to the rules - if an adversative or intensifying conjunction is attached to the introductory stem, then a comma is placed after the introductory phrase.

  • Well, besides, you could have remained silent!
  • And besides, life is wonderful!
  • Besides, we had a good time ourselves.

Important: The phrase “in addition” is sometimes replaced by the phase “except for this”. They can be called synonyms, if it is not lost semantic load offers.

Expressions with the words “except” that do not require a comma

If “in addition” is at the beginning of the construction, then the comma is placed only after the end of the entire turn. To check for yourself, you can ask the question: “except for what?” and “which one?” - “that one.”

  • In addition to the sandy shore that we saw every morning, the expanses of the azure flood also opened up to us.
  • Besides the carrot juice we were given every morning, the food in the canteen was excellent.
  • Apart from that note, the student did not have time to read anything.

A comma is placed before a particle if there is a preposition with a pronoun, explanation or clarification. But the closing punctuation is already there after the entire turn.

  • Marinka, in addition to the salad, also tasted the cake.
  • The boys, besides that hooligan, went to their grandmother for the weekend.
  • There was nothing left except the sad state that arose afterwards.

The conjunction “furthermore”, like other introductory clauses, also falls under this criterion.

How do punctuation marks and the particle “in connection with” fit together?

Before you start thinking about the punctuation of the words “in connection with,” you need to understand what part of speech such phrases belong to. And understand their syntactic role.

As a rule, a sentence that begins with such a list of words does not stand out in intonation. This means that a comma is not needed in this case. After all, “in connection with” often acts as a pretext, which in itself is an auxiliary part of speech. And it is this part that sets the case form of words with the subsequent pronoun or noun.

  • Due to the above advantages, it is worth giving it a second chance.
  • Due to the above reasons, the vacation is postponed.
  • In this regard, we will speed up our steps.

Important: You can double-check yourself by asking a clarifying question. For example, “with what?” or “for what reason?” Due to the sudden cold weather, we even took out warm clothes.“In connection with” can even be replaced by the expression “due to” without losing the meaning of the sentence. Due to the flood we did not go to work. As you can see, a comma is not needed in both cases.

When in a sentence a construction that begins with such a phrase is isolated by intonation, it is necessary to put a comma in this conjunction. That is, if the particle “in connection with” clarifies or emphasizes attention and is in the middle of a sentence, then punctuation marks are needed for an intensifying effect.

  • This means that in connection with what happened, this absurdity must be stopped.
  • Therefore, due to the possibilities, construction can be accelerated.
  • Perhaps due to events, the celebrations will be cancelled.

But if the turn is not distinguished by an intonation pause, there is no point in the comma. It should be said , if “in connection with” in the text denotes causal circumstances, it does not require punctuation. Namely the reason, justification, trick or first cause. But don't forget about the complex structures of the sentence itself, which is broken up by punctuation marks.

  • I didn’t want to go to the birthday party, but due to the events that happened, I changed my mind.
  • The path to reality is blocked, and connections with weather conditions I had to set up camp.
  • I did extra work, and therefore I will receive an additional bonus.

An exception : A comma is placed after the conjunction “in connection with” if there is a cause and effect.

  • Due to the fact that it started to rain, we stayed at home.
  • I took some of my work home due to the lights being turned off in the office.

In some situations, it is easy to check the punctuation of a given phrase by removing “in connection with” from the sentence.

  • In cases where the logical structure of the text is lost, a comma is superfluous.
    • We need to recruit more workers. Due to this, increase your budget immediately.
  • If the sentences remain literate and complete after excluding a set of words, then commas are required.
    • We need to recruit more workers. Therefore, due to this, increase your budget immediately.

In connection with the material presented above, we can conclude that such simple rules will be very useful in the future. In addition, a correctly written text speaks about the awareness and literacy of any person.

Video: Punctuation marks in complex sentences

Difficulties in correctly writing the word “in connection” arise due to the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as a group of adverbs and, by analogy with the words in addition, in a draw, blindly, to the right, and casually they are written together. Which will be correct, in connection or in connection?

You should find out what part of speech it is in connection with and what role it plays in the sentence.

Most independent parts of speech in the Russian language are subject to the morphological principle of spelling, that is, they are used with certain prefixes, suffixes, and endings, the spelling of which depends on the spelling rules common to similar morphemes.

However, these rules do not apply to auxiliary parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions and particles. They are written in accordance with the established linguistic tradition, and spelling is checked using spelling dictionaries and reference books. The derivative preposition “in connection” has precisely this feature.

It is formed by combining the simple preposition “in” and the noun “connection” in the genitive case with the stress shifted to the second syllable. The combination “in connection” has lost its independent lexical meaning, and with it its function as a member of the sentence. IN syntactic construction it is used as a connecting fragment. The derivative preposition “in connection” cannot be posed with a question. It can be replaced by the synonymous preposition “because of” or the adverbial combination “for a reason.”

Due to the early onset of cold weather, the company introduced a strict heat saving regime. (Because of the early onset of cold weather; due to the early onset of cold weather.)

Ticket offices were opened half an hour earlier due to the fact that a full house was expected. (Due to the expected full house.)

The preposition “in connection” is part of a group of derived prepositions that are traditionally written separately:

in connection with the circumstances, in the form of a roll, in continuation of what has been said, for an hour, at the conclusion of the speech.

The derivative preposition “in connection” must be distinguished from the noun “connection” in the nominative case plural or genitive singular with the preposition “in”. In such combinations, the word “connections” is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable. It acts as a complement and can have an agreed upon definition.

Ivan Nikolaevich’s connections did not include random people. (For personal communications.)

He was seen in a relationship undesirable for the reputation of an honest man. (Spotted in unwanted communication.)

According to the rules of Russian spelling, both the derivative preposition “in connection” and the simple preposition “in” with the noun “connection” are written separately. Therefore, the continuous spelling of “in connection” is a mistake.

the site determined that the difference between “in connection” and “in connection” is as follows:

  1. Separate writing of the derivative preposition " due" is spelling correct. Continuous writing " due" counts mistake.
  2. The derivative preposition “in connection” refers to the auxiliary parts of speech. In context, it should be distinguished from combining the noun "connection" in the nominative plural or genitive singular with the simple preposition "in".

When writing the combination “in connection with”, authors wonder whether a comma is needed before and after it. In this article, we will find out what role the specified expression plays in a sentence and how to correctly separate it with commas.

Let's answer briefly

Derivative denominative preposition can be isolated together with the circumstantial phrase of which it is included.

Combination of nouns with prepositions There is no need to separate with commas.

Due to the increase in gasoline prices, our monthly expenses have increased.- derived preposition

From birth, a child needs connection with his mother.- noun with prepositions

Want to more detailed answer? Welcome to the article!

Derivative denominative preposition “in connection with”*

Signs of a derived denominative preposition

  • cannot be a member of a sentence, since it is service part speeches;
  • after it in the sentence there is a noun or pronoun in the instrumental case (they answer the questions “with what?”, “by whom?”);
  • together with the words following it, it forms an adverbial phrase with the meaning of the reason;
  • can be replaced with synonyms “due to”, “because of”, etc.

In connection with the upcoming holidays, it was decided to offer promotions and discounts on the salon’s services.

Due to the upcoming holidays, it was decided to offer promotions and discounts on the salon’s services.

*Denominated preposition is a preposition formed by transitioning a noun to another part of speech.

Other examples of such prepositions:

  • etc.

Punctuation rules with the preposition “in connection with”

The phrases that are introduced into a sentence using such a preposition may or may not be separated by commas. Isolation is not mandatory; it is influenced by the prevalence of the phrase, the order of words in the sentence, and the author’s intention. But there are a number of conditions under which highlighting phrases with punctuation marks is appropriate and desirable.

Turnover is isolated

1 If the phrase is in the middle of a sentence. However, most often it costs between subject and predicate.

Reception of citizens on personal matters , due to the long leave of the director and the absence of his replacement, was temporarily discontinued.

The turnover separates the subject “reception” and the predicate “was terminated.”

Two weeks before the tax audit , in connection with the requirements of the inspectors tax authorities, were prepared All Required documents and a separate office was allocated.

A prepositional phrase is found in the middle of a sentence, but does not separate the subject and predicate.

2 If turnover has the meaning of causality in relation to the proposal and the author emphasizes it intonationally.

Due to the breakdown of the only company car, a decision was made to cancel the trip.

3 If necessary define the boundaries of turnover to avoid ambiguity in understanding.

Due to round-the-clock video surveillance of the suspect, the man attempted to change his appearance.

Due to 24/7 video surveillance of the male suspect, Attempts were made to change appearance.

4 If a phrase connects parts of a complex sentence.

Educator in kindergarten I asked all parents, in connection with the upcoming holidays, to take part in preparing New Year's toys with their children.

Important! Even if all the above conditions are present, it would not be a mistake not to isolate the turnover if this is the author’s intention.

Senior sales position due to the unexpected promotion of the employee who occupied it currently vacant.

Turnover is not separated

Turnover is not separated if it is part of the predicate or is firmly tied to it in meaning.

The chief accountant did not come to work due to illness.

In this sentence, the phrase with the preposition “in connection with” is part of the predicate - “did not go to work due to illness.”

Important! The common expression “in connection with this” is a combination of the preposition “in connection with” and the instrumental pronoun “this”. Together they form an adverbial phrase, which in a sentence is closely related in meaning to the predicate. Therefore, there is no need to highlight it with commas if the author does not want to emphasize it.


The teacher did not say anything to her son about his drawing, and he was very worried about this all evening.

The teacher didn’t say anything to her son about his drawing, and because of this, he was very worried the whole evening.

Noun with prepositions "in connection with"

Signs of a noun with prepositions

  • is much less common than a preposition;
  • the noun answers the case question “in what?” and in a sentence it is an object;
  • Between the preposition “in” and the noun “connection” you can insert another word.

The subordinate part is located(in what?) in connection with the main part of the sentence.

The subordinate clause is in a causal relationship with the main part of the sentence.

Punctuation rules with a combination of prepositions and nouns

If we have a combination of a noun with prepositions, then no commas required.

Historical science has always been in close connection with political events: Each ruler reshaped history at his own discretion.

“In connection with” or “in connection with”?

In Russian, there is only one correct spelling of the indicated combination - in three words: “ in connection with". All other options are incorrect.

The most common types of business letters are letters of request and letters of inquiry. Letters of request are drawn up in order to initiate certain actions by the addressee required by the author of the letter. Letters of request - to obtain any official information or documents. In what situations are they compiled? How to correctly state the essence of a request or request?

How and why to write a letter of request

Letters of request are drawn up in order to initiate certain actions by the addressee required by the author of the letter. In management activities, a huge number of situations give rise to the preparation of such letters. This may be a relatively simple situation in which there is no need to present complex information in relation to events, provide any argumentation, or convince the addressee. In such cases, it is better to start the request letter directly with the statement of the request itself, for example:

However, not all situations in management activities are so simple. Most situations require justification when composing letters of request, or, in other words, an explanation of why, why, and for what purpose the letter is being drawn up. As a rule, justification is necessary in order to influence the addressee, to convince him to act in a very specific way, as the author of the letter would like or need. If a request letter contains a justification, then most often it precedes the statement of the request, for example (the // sign indicates the boundary between parts of the letter text):

Download sample request letters:

The Russian language is one of the languages ​​with relatively free order words In any of the texts above, we can swap parts of the sentence without much damage to the meaning, for example:

Phrases in which the main idea of ​​the letter is first stated, and then the argument is given, have a special stylistic connotation: they are always perceived as more expressive than phrases built on the “justification - conclusion” principle. However business style any kind of expression is alien; preference is almost always given to stylistically neutral linguistic means Therefore, phrases that first provide an explanation, give a justification, and then state the essence of the matter are more correct.

When composing a request letter, try to ensure that the rationale and the final part (the request) are grammatically one sentence. Even in cases where the justification makes reference to regulations, facts, events, do not separate the rationale into a separate sentence, otherwise, to express your request, you will have to use phrases like: “In connection with the above, we ask...”, “Taking into account the above, we ask...”, “In connection with which we ask...”, etc. These constructions do not carry information and make the text more complex both from the point of view of structure and from the point of view of perception. Letters of request can be written in even more complex management situations.

Schematically, this situation can be represented as follows:

A letter written in such a situation will be easier to perceive if the content is presented in a sequence that reflects the logic of the development of the situation itself. In this case, the structure of the letter can be divided into three parts: introduction (description of events, facts that directly affect or may affect the management situation), justification (explanation of the reasons why it is necessary to contact the addressee with a request), conclusion (request), for example ( The communicative and semantic parts of the letter are separated by the sign //):

According to the data we have, at the Kursk and Belgorod sugar processing plants, which are the main suppliers of sugar to Moscow and the Moscow region, scheduled preventive work should be carried out during March - April of this year, the schedules for which have not been agreed upon. // Due to the fact that during the period of preventive work the production of sugar and its supply to consumers will significantly decrease, // we ask you to hold a working meeting with the participation of representatives of the Moscow government on the issue of ensuring sugar supplies to the Moscow region for the period of partial shutdown of these factories.

Regardless of the structure of the text, the request in the letter is formulated using the verb “to ask.” In letters issued on organizational letterheads, it is used 1st person plural verb form:

We ask you to provide information about..., We ask you to provide information about..., We ask you to request about..., We ask you to conduct... etc.

In letters issued on letterhead officials, used 1st person singular verb form:

I ask you to consider the issue of..., I ask you to provide information about... etc.

One letter may contain several requests (preferably on one issue). In this case, the main request is formulated first, and then the rest, using the following linguistic expressions:

We also ask you to (consider, provide, carry out...), At the same time we ask you... etc.

For example:

Due to the insignificant gas consumption of boiler plant No. 4 (less than 3.5 million cubic meters per year), we ask you to exclude this enterprise from the group of gas consumers with mandatory reserve fuel (fuel oil) for the heating season 2005–2006. At the same time, we ask the software “ Mosgorkhleboprodukt” together with JSC “Mosenergo” to consider the possibility of connecting plant No. 4 to the centralized heat supply system in the 2006–2007 heating season.

How and why to write a letter of request

A letter of request is actually a type of letter of request. As a rule, requests are made in order to obtain any official information or documents. IN commercial activities request is an appeal from the buyer to the seller (importer to the exporter) with a request to give detailed information about goods (services) or send an offer for the supply of goods (provision of certain services). In general, request letters follow the same rules as request letters, for example:

In commercial activities, the text of the request usually indicates: name of goods (services); the conditions under which the author of the letter would like to receive them; quantity and/or quality; timing of delivery of goods or provision of services; price and other information. The following expressions are used in a commercial request:

We ask you to inform us about the possibility of supply... We ask you to make an offer for supply... We ask you to provide detailed information about... etc.

For example:

We ask you to inform us about the possibility of supplying air conditioners model AS-200 in the amount of 150 pcs. during February - March 2005, and also inform the terms of payment and delivery conditions.

Download sample request letters:

The response of the correspondent organization to a letter of request or request is a letter of response, which can be consent or refusal. In commercial activities, the response to a request is issued as a commercial letter, which confirms receipt of the request and provides information about the product of interest to the buyer. The answer to the request may be Commercial offer(offer). Letters of request and letters of inquiry are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

When drawing up and processing requests and requests, the following details are used:

  • destination;
  • title to the text (if the text of the letter is more than 4-5 lines);
  • text;
  • signature;
  • mark about the performer.
All business letters are drawn up on special forms.

In connection with what may a comma be placed or not placed in seemingly identical cases? Russian punctuation does not give an unambiguous answer to this question, and is rightfully considered one of the most difficult in the world. Many prepositions, conjunctions and particles may require highlighting or remain as they are. Why is this happening? As you know, there are no random phenomena in language. Let's try to find all possible explanations for the complex conjunction "in connection with which."

Briefly about unions

The function of the union is already clear from the name. This small auxiliary construction is designed to logically connect parts of a common sentence and show their relationship. The classification of unions is diverse; let us briefly dwell on the main points.

Connect equal parts of a sentence (I bought apples And pears), subordinates highlight the main and dependent elements (we went home, because it was cold).

Simple conjunctions consist of one word (and, or, but), and they can also be repeated. Compound conjunctions (since they contain two or more words.

Closely related to the previous one is the gradation of unions into derivatives and non-derivatives. The difference is that derived conjunctions can be easily confused with other parts of speech if you do not put them into context (thanks to, while). But non-derivatives are not capable of such transformations.

Our today's hero - the conjunction "in connection with which" - is subordinating, compound and derivative. The last definition will be of greatest interest to us. After all, it depends on the derivation whether a comma is placed before “in connection with which” or not.

Complex sentences

It would be logical to assume that they are used in complex sentences. What are their features?

Like compound sentences, such sentences consist of several grammatical stems. But then continuous differences begin. A complex sentence will necessarily have a main and controlled basis.

I have to do a lot of extra work, so I take some of the assignments home.

In this example, a comma is placed before "in connection with". And there is no doubt about its necessity, because we clearly distinguish between two bases, where the first is the cause, and the second (main) is the effect. In this case, the conjunction indicates a consequence (the person takes work home) that occurs for a specific reason (the person has a lot of extra work).

But is there a comma after “in connection with which”? The answer is negative. The union must be closely related to the base to which it relates.

Unusual transformation

However, there is one case when a comma is also placed after the conjunction we are considering. This is a "due to the fact" construction. Let's try to change the example above and monitor the changes. The meaning of the sentence remains the same. But now the conjunction “in connection” already indicates the reason:

Due to the fact that I have to do a lot of extra work, I take some of the assignments home.

I take some of the assignments home due to the fact thatyou don't have to do a lot of extra work.

As can be seen from the examples, cause and effect can change places. Now the relative construction “that” has also been added to the conjunction - it always contains a comma. However, in this case, near the conjunction “in connection” a comma is placed on only one side.

Simple sentences

The conjunction “in connection” is not always used in complex sentences. Let's prove this with the following example:

Lighting fires is strictly prohibited inconnection with increased fire hazard.

“Increased fire hazard” is not an independent basis, but only a circumstance of the reason indicated by the conjunction “in connection.” Is a comma necessary in this case? Need not.

It is worth noting that it is quite possible to start a sentence with such a circumstance if our goal is to emphasize the reason.

Due to the increased fire dangerlighting fires is strictly prohibited.

Office turnover

Derivative unions are firmly entrenched in colloquial speech, journalism and official documents, adopting their specific vocabulary and phrase construction. This is how the purely clerical phrase “in connection with the above” appeared. A more sophisticated option is also possible - “in connection with the above.”

In connection with the above, I ask you to accept for consideration the candidacy of A. E. Novoseltsev for the post of head of the light industry department.

It is clear that before this, the document listed the employee’s merits and justified his competence. All this “above” was the reason for filing the application, but we do not see it in this proposal. Therefore, after “in connection with the above” there is also no comma.

Interrogative sentences

Let's return to the first sentence of the article. This time it will become an example.

In connection with what may a comma be placed or not placed in seemingly identical cases?

This sentence also has only one grammatical basis, which means it does not require additional commas. We can easily replace "in connection with which" with a simple "why" or a more complex "for what reason." These phrases are also not separated by commas, since they cannot exist by themselves.

When a union is not a union

In the first chapter of the article, we pointed out the derivative nature of the conjunction “in connection.” The preposition "in" and the noun "connections" were used together so often that they became a single semantic whole - a conjunction. However, there are also infrequent cases when each of these elements is used in its direct, original meaning.

On this moment in connection with the central command post there is some interference.

The emphasis in the word “connections” immediately attracts attention - now it falls on the first syllable. This is a sure indicator that the word is used in direct meaning, perhaps referring to radio communications or telegraph. The proposal is simple in composition, with one grammatical basis, but are not needed here.

It is worth noting that such cases of use are extremely rare and are limited to specific areas of application. Most often, “in connection” is used in speech precisely as a complex conjunction indicating a consequence or cause.

Once again about unions

So, when is a comma placed - before or after the conjunction "in connection"? Or maybe on both sides?

  • If the sentence is complex, a comma should be placed before this conjunction, unless, of course, it is at the very beginning.
  • If we are dealing with the construction “due to the fact that”, a comma is placed only after the conjunction.
  • In simple and interrogative sentences, the conjunction is not separated by commas.
  • If this is not a conjunction, but a noun with a preposition, they are also not marked on the letter with any punctuation marks.

In general, it can be noted that the conjunction “in connection” is never separated by commas on both sides, since it, being a subordinating one, is always closely connected with one of the grammatical bases.

Arranging punctuation marks in the Russian language seems like a difficult task only at first glance. If you think at least a little about the reasons why there is a comma in a sentence (or not), everything can be sorted out into grammatical categories without much difficulty. Repeated repetition will certainly develop a sense of intuition in the most confusing cases.

Correct and memorable examples for each point of the rule also help to overcome difficulties. Come up with your own short and funny examples - with them the grammar of the great and mighty will not be scary at all!