Dessert- These are delicious sweet dishes that, as a rule, end the meal. It was this order of serving sweet dishes that was finally formed only in the nineteenth century. However, currently no one adheres to this sequence so strictly. At home, dessert appears on the table exactly at the moment when it is appropriate.

Until recently, dessert was considered a luxury and in most cases only wealthy people or people with modest incomes could afford it, but only on holidays and special occasions. Today the value of sweet dishes is not so high. People with any level of income can afford dessert. The difficulty is rather in choosing sweet dishes, because their variety is simply amazing. Moreover, difficulties arise not only when purchasing dessert, but also when choosing a recipe for preparing it at home. Even one specific confectionery product has dozens, if not hundreds, of preparation variations.

The question naturally arises, what kind of desserts are there? There are many types! So, for example, you can divide desserts depending on the products that underlie them. Thus, desserts can be fruit, berry, nut, chocolate, dairy, flour, etc. In addition, sweet dishes can be served cold, such as ice cream, or hot, such as hot chocolate. Desserts are also divided into types based on whether baking is required for their preparation or not. Also, sweet dishes are often divided into simple and complex. This feature concerns both the preparation procedure itself and the composition of the dessert (a one-component dessert, accordingly, is considered simple, and a multi-component dessert is considered complex). Desserts can also be quick to prepare, as they say, on a quick fix, or long-term. The list of types of desserts can be continued endlessly, so we’ll stop here, but we’ll look at desserts with and without baked goods, cold and hot, simple and complex, in a little more detail.

With or without baking

Dessert recipes that involve baking are usually flour products, for example, muffins, cookies, pies, pies, cakes, cakes, rolls. At the same time, you shouldn’t be afraid of the word “baking” itself. It seems to hide a long and tedious cooking process. But this idea is not entirely correct. Today, there are many devices that make the baking process easier and simpler. For example, using a microwave, you can bake delicious muffins in no more than five minutes.

As for desserts without baking, there are no less of them than desserts with baked goods. These include jellies, mousses, candies, ice cream, fruit salads and even sweet dessert soups. Of course, this list is far from complete. There are many more no-bake desserts. But their preparation time, despite the lack of heat treatment, can be much longer than that of sweet dishes that need to be baked.

Cold and hot

Based on the serving temperature, desserts can be divided into those served cold and those served hot. Sweet dishes served cold represent the overwhelming majority. These include not only ice cream and jellies, but also many types of baked goods, which are also usually served chilled. The most a prominent representative you can call it a cake. Even those versions of this dessert that are subjected to heat treatment are invariably served after many hours of aging in the refrigerator.

Hot desserts include some dessert drinks (cocoa, specially prepared coffee, as well as hot chocolate), baked fruits, and also some flour products, which are usually served warm.

Simple and complex

Desserts can be simple or complex to prepare. Even a person with no experience in cooking can handle creating simple sweet dishes, but to prepare complex desserts you will have to “arm yourself” with some tricks and secrets, as well as enough free time. However, having studied the recipes for preparing one and another type of dessert, you will understand that the indicator of complexity is conditional. Both one and the other type can be prepared without difficulty. In addition, desserts can be divided into simple and complex according to the number of components that are included in them. So a simple dessert is, as a rule, a sweet dish consisting of one or two components, and a complex dessert is a multi-component sweet dish.

In this section of the site you can find all the listed types of desserts. Choose a recipe for the sweet dish you like and start preparing it. This will not be difficult if you act in accordance with all the recommendations of the specific step by step recipe with photo. By the way, a text description of the cooking process is accompanied by step-by-step photos, which means not a single nuance of cooking will escape you!

All recipes for preparing desserts contain very specific instructions regarding a particular cooking process. However, if you really want to master the art of confectionery, then you need to know certain dogmas of working with this or that product. These are the tricks that should definitely be in your “arsenal”!

  • A component of many desserts is chicken eggs. They must be fresh, otherwise you will not see a delicious dessert like your own ears. To determine the freshness of eggs, you can use a fairly simple method. It consists in dipping the eggs into a ten percent salt solution. The fresh product will immediately sink to the bottom. By the way, eggs that are not fresh are very difficult to beat.
  • If you only have to work with chicken yolks, then you should remember that it is best to grind them after preheating them. When warm they will be more pliable than when cold.
  • But it is better to beat the whites when chilled. However, you should not use aluminum cookware. Upon contact with it, the whites begin to darken.
  • If you need to whip cream for dessert, then it must, like the whites, be pre-cooled. In addition, only heavy cream is suitable for this purpose.
  • If you need to use gelatin to prepare a dessert, then it must be diluted in a ratio of one to ten, that is, one tablespoon of gelatin is poured with ten tablespoons of liquid. To dissolve the crystals of the above substance, it must be soaked for up to one hour. The liquid should be room temperature. Only after this manipulation is gelatin used for the further preparation process.
  • When choosing a biscuit as the base of a dessert, remember that you need to cut it only after it has completely cooled. A hot and even warm biscuit will wrinkle and break.
  • When baking something on a baking sheet, do not be too lazy to cover it with baking (parchment) paper. This will make it easier to separate the baked product, and you won’t have to wash the baking sheet.

Good luck in making desserts at home! And if you doubt your abilities, be sure to check what you are looking for step by step photos recipe.

Each of us loves to drink coffee or tea with something sweet. This not only lifts your mood, but can also be an alternative to snacking. But what to do if you really want something sweet, but don’t have time to prepare it? In such cases, quick desserts for tea will come to the rescue.

Banana cake with crackers

We would like to offer you a quick dessert for tea in 2 minutes. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Cookies (ideally you need to take crackers) - 350 g.
  2. Three bananas.
  3. A glass of sour cream.
  4. Any berries for decoration.
  5. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.

Take a flat dish and place a layer of crackers on it. We will use sour cream whipped with sugar as the cream. Grease the cookies with sour cream, and then place a banana slice on each cracker. You can then repeat the layers until you run out of ingredients. Upper layer You can decorate with any berries. So a quick dessert for tea is ready (in 2 minutes). If time allows, you can put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes to make it even tastier.

Sweet quick rolls

Quick and can be prepared for tea from Armenian lavash and (you can take regular or boiled). In addition, you will also need grated and melted chocolate and any fruit. The rolls are prepared very simply and quickly.

The pita bread must be unrolled and placed on parchment, greased with condensed milk or chocolate spread on top, then lay out a layer of chopped fruit, then chocolate. Then you need to very carefully roll the pita bread using parchment and put it in the refrigerator for a while. After about ten minutes, the dessert can be served, having previously been cut into separate rolls.

Quick fruit cakes

What could be better for tea than cakes? We invite you to master the recipe for a quick dessert for tea. To prepare, we need yogurt or cream (200 g), any fruit (300 g), sugar (to taste) and cocoa.

Add cocoa and sugar to the yogurt (add more sugar if you prefer). Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Next, take the fruits that you love and cut them into small slices. Mix them with the yogurt mixture. Now you can crumble the cookies and add them to the prepared mixture. Please note: the more cookies there are, the thicker the mixture will be. Therefore, its quantity will directly depend on your taste preferences. Mix the whole mass well and form it into balls if it is thick. If you like a more delicate and liquid consistency, then you can fill a tall glass with the mixture, you get a very beautiful dessert. To make the sweet look like a cake, it should be placed in a glass cling film and fill it with content. After this, turn the container over onto a plate and remove the packaging. You can decorate the top with cookie crumbs, crushed nuts, powdered sugar or cream.

Potato cake

The famous potato cake is an excellent quick dessert for tea without baking. This sweetness can also be prepared in the summer heat, when you don’t want to bother with baking and turn on the oven.


  1. Cookies - 120 g.
  2. Condensed milk - 2/3 cup.
  3. Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  4. Butter - 120 g.

The cookies must be crushed; for this you can use a meat grinder or blender. You should get a homogeneous crumb. In a separate bowl, mix soft butter, cocoa and condensed milk. Once the mixture turns into a homogeneous paste, you can add the crushed cookies. Mix the ingredients first with a spoon and then with your hands. Now you can shape the cakes; they can be round, oval or any other shape. Finished products should be rolled in cocoa or crumbs. Ideally, you should place the dessert in the refrigerator for a short time, but if guests are standing on your doorstep, then feel free to serve the treat on the table.

Chocolate pie

If you think that at home you cannot prepare a quick dessert for tea in the microwave in five minutes, then you are very mistaken. We invite you to replenish your supplies with a similar recipe.

Ingredients (amount of components is indicated in tablespoons):

  • 4 spoons of flour.
  • 2 spoons of sugar.
  • 2 spoons of cocoa.
  • 2 spoons of milk.
  • 2 tablespoons butter.
  • 1 egg.

In order for the dessert to be prepared really quickly, it is necessary to bake it in portioned cups. In a small volume, the cake bakes very quickly. But if you want to make a big pie, you can simply pour the prepared mixture into the mold.

Mix sugar and flour in a ceramic bowl, add cocoa. Separately, beat the egg (based on the fact that we will need one egg for each cup) and add it to the cup. Mix all ingredients. Then melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath, add it to the mixture along with the milk. After mixing the ingredients, serve the cups. The dessert is baked for just five minutes, after which it can be served.

Quick and pumpkin

When discussing quick desserts for tea, it’s impossible not to remember the delicious and healthy pie with pumpkin and raisins. It cooks very quickly and turns out incredibly tasty.


  1. Margarine - 270 g.
  2. Pumpkin (you can put apples or pears instead of pumpkin) - 120 g.
  3. Sour cream - 270 g.
  4. Cottage cheese - 230 g.
  5. Flour - 0.4 kg.
  6. Raisins - 120 g.
  7. Sugar to taste.
  8. Two eggs.
  9. Baking powder.

Mix one egg with margarine and cottage cheese and add the mixture to the flour with baking powder. Ready dough You can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, boil the pumpkin pieces a little in sweet water.

If you use pears and apples for cooking, you do not need to boil them. We take out the dough, roll it into a layer and put it into a mold, forming sides (the mold must first be greased with oil). On top we beautifully lay pieces of pumpkin (without syrup), steamed raisins and sprinkle with sugar. Now let's prepare the filling. To do this, mix sour cream and egg, add a spoonful of flour. Fill our cake with this cream and send it to bake. The finished dessert will have golden crust above. Cut the cake into portions and serve. A delicious and quick dessert for tea is ready.

Homemade sweets “korovka”

The best quick desserts for tea are sweets. We suggest making “Korovka” milk sweets at home.


  1. A glass of milk.
  2. Three tablespoons of honey.
  3. One and a half glasses of sugar.
  4. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.
  5. A tablespoon of butter.

To cook birches, use a thick-bottomed pan. Pour milk into it and bring it to a boil. Then add butter and sugar. Cook the mixture over very low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass thickens slightly and darkens, you need to add citric acid and honey and continue to boil (without ceasing to stir). After five minutes, turn off the gas, pour the caramel mass into molds and put it in the freezer. The candies thicken very quickly. For variety, you can add nuts or dried apricots to the molds, then the dessert will have a more interesting taste.

Sour cream cake with strawberries

A simple, quick dessert for tea without baking can be made from berries and sour cream.


  1. A can of condensed milk.
  2. A pack of cookies.
  3. Fat sour cream - 800 ml.
  4. A pack of gelatin (20 g).

We dilute gelatin according to the instructions. In a separate bowl, beat sour cream with sugar. Next, place the broken cookies on the bottom of the mold (preferably a springform pan). Fill it with a mixture of gelatin and sour cream on top. Decorate the cake with fresh strawberries, placing them so that only the tops with green tails peek out from the mass. Then we put the form in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the dessert will harden and can be served.


Among the readers there will probably be many admirers of the famous Bounty bar. However, such a simple and quick dessert for tea can be prepared at home.


  1. Cookies - 230 g.
  2. Half a glass of water.
  3. Cocoa - two spoons.
  4. Half a glass of sugar.
  5. A teaspoon of cognac.
  6. Butter - 90 g.
  7. Coconut flakes (several packs) - 90-100 g.
  8. Powdered sugar - 90 g.

To prepare dessert, you can take coconut cookies, then it will have an even more pronounced taste. It needs to be broken, and not too finely.

Pour water into a separate bowl, add sugar and cocoa and bring the mixture to a boil. The sugar should completely dissolve. Once the mixture has cooled a little, you can pour in the cognac. After this, pour the mixture into the broken cookies and knead the chocolate dough. Do not pour out all the liquid at once, do it gradually so that the dough does not turn out too liquid. Spread the resulting mass on parchment in an even layer. On top we apply a layer of white filling consisting of a mixture of powdered sugar, coconut and butter. Now the layer must be very carefully rolled into a roll and placed in the freezer for half an hour. Cut the finished dessert into pieces and serve.

Cottage cheese and banana dessert

For those who love quick desserts for tea, the recipe for the following dish should certainly be of interest.


  1. Cottage cheese - 270 g.
  2. One banana.
  3. Two tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  4. Spoon of almonds.
  5. A spoon of grated chocolate.
  6. A teaspoon of instant coffee.

Preparation should begin by brewing instant coffee, which we will need chilled. Next, grind the cottage cheese with a blender until smooth so that there are no lumps left in it. Cut the banana into pieces and add it to the curd mixture along with powdered sugar. Mix everything and pour coffee in there. The dessert is sprinkled with grated chocolate and almonds on top and then served.

Rolls with chocolate and banana

Some quick desserts for tea are prepared very in an original way. We would like to present to your attention one of these recipes. You've probably never tried a dish like this before. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Banana.
  2. Toast bread - three pieces.
  3. Egg.
  4. One hundred grams of wine.
  5. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Two tablespoons of flour.
  7. Vegetable oil.

Cut the banana into pieces and place them in a saucepan, adding sugar. Pour some water and cook the mixture, stirring, over low heat. Then you can add wine and continue to simmer until the banana softens. Then the mixture can be ground in a blender into a homogeneous puree, or it can be left in its original form.

We cut off the crusts of each piece of bread; we only need the crumb. Next, press each slice with a rolling pin to increase its size and make it thinner. Then place a few spoons of banana mixture and a piece of chocolate on the slices. Wrap the bread in a roll and dip it in the egg, then roll it in flour or breadcrumbs. Next, fry the rolls on vegetable oil from all sides. The finished dessert should be placed on paper towel to remove excess fat. Once the rolls have cooled, you can decorate them with powdered sugar.

Curd soufflé

What’s good about quick desserts for tea (recipes with photos are given in the article) is that their preparation requires a minimum of time and ingredients, and the result is amazing. Curd soufflé cooked in the oven is exactly such a dish.


  1. Cottage cheese - 260 g.
  2. Flour - 40 g.
  3. Sugar - 70 g.
  4. Four eggs.
  5. Lemon zest.

You need to start cooking by preheating the oven. We will need heat-resistant molds, which must first be greased with oil.

Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl. Add a little zest, vanilla, three yolks and flour. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with powder until stiff, and then carefully transfer them into a container with cottage cheese. Mix the whole mass and place it in molds, which we put in the oven. In ten minutes the soufflé is ready.

Sweet nuts

Sweet nuts prepared at home are perfect for tea.


  1. A glass of walnuts.
  2. Two tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Butter - 50 g.

In a dry frying pan, fry the walnuts, remembering to stir them. As soon as they acquire a golden hue, they need to be removed from the heat and covered with a towel. After a couple of minutes, you can lightly peel the skins from the nuts. And then put them back into the frying pan with butter and sugar. The nuts must be stirred all the time until the caramel thickens. After this, the sweets can be served.

Chocolate mousse

As a dessert, you can serve chocolate mousse with tea. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  2. Ricotta - 320 g.
  3. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

All ingredients must be placed in one bowl and blended with a blender until smooth. You need to beat for about five minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place the finished dessert into portioned transparent containers and place in the refrigerator. The chilled mousse can be served, garnished with grated chocolate and a mint leaf on top.

Quick cake in a frying pan

Cake in a frying pan is a great dessert instant cooking. The recipe will appeal to those housewives who do not have an oven or have little time to prepare sweets.

The dessert has a special feature. To prepare it, cottage cheese is used, which is added not only to the dough, but also to the cream. That's why the cake turns out light airy and not very sweet.

Ingredients for the dough:

  1. Cottage cheese - 220 g.
  2. One egg.
  3. Flour - 320 g.
  4. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  5. Vinegar, soda.

Ingredients for cream:

  1. Cottage cheese - 210 g.
  2. One egg.
  3. Milk - 240 g.
  4. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  5. Butter - 120 g.
  6. Lemon zest.

Let's start cooking with custard. Combine the egg with sugar and flour. Gradually add milk and mix everything well. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, remembering to stir constantly.

Now you can move on to preparing the dough. The cottage cheese must be ground very well with sugar and egg. After that add slaked soda. But it’s better to add flour in small portions, since you don’t want to get batter, but at the same time dense. The finished dough should be divided into eight parts, roll out a cake from each, piercing with a fork. Each layer must be fried in a frying pan until golden brown on both sides. While the cakes are still hot, they need to be trimmed to the desired size.

Now it's time to return to the cream brewed at the beginning. You need to add butter, cottage cheese and beat the mass with a mixer. Then grease the cakes with cream, gradually assembling the cake. Place the finished dessert in the refrigerator.

Dessert It is not the main part of the meal, but it is necessary. It is the sweet dish served at the end of the meal that gives the lunch or dinner completeness and gives the feeling little holiday. Therefore, do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of a sweet surprise, especially since it is always awaited with great impatience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to prepare labor-intensive and high-calorie cakes. Light fruit desserts and all kinds of creams are an excellent alternative for every day.

Orange dessert

Try this beautiful, light and delicate dessert. It is perfect for both children's birthdays and New Year. Although... you shouldn't wait for the holidays to treat yourself to this light dessert...

This is a recipe from childhood. The pie is very tasty, beautiful and aromatic, quick and easy to prepare. An excellent treat for tea, you can give it to your kids at school or take it with you on the road...

If you need to quickly prepare a cake, and preferably without baking, then I recommend this very tasty dessert. For the cake, it is better to use biscuit cookies, but you can also use regular cookies....

The pie is quite simple to prepare, the ingredients are simple and affordable, but the beauty and deliciousness is extraordinary. Serve the pie warm with whipped cream...

This roll is prepared from without yeast dough, so to speak, from the simplest and most affordable products that are always available in the refrigerator. Delight your loved ones with a delicious apple roll...

Among the huge variety of apple pies, this one is perhaps the most delicious and tender. An amazing combination of crumbly dough, apples and the most delicate cream with a slight sourness...

I've been looking for this pie for a long time world fame. Brownie has an amazing chocolate taste and aroma, and it also has a very delicate texture. Preparing the dessert is not difficult, the only thing is that it is important not to dry it out in the oven...

Thanks to films, everyone has heard about the American apple pie, about this culinary symbol of America. You can try this pie at home by preparing it according to this recipe...

This casserole with pumpkin, cottage cheese and raisins turns out very tender, completely non-greasy, one might even say that this is an ideal breakfast or dinner - tasty and healthy...

Do you want something tasty, but it’s easy and quick to prepare, and not too high in calories? Then make this open-faced fruit pie. Tasty, beautiful, healthy!

Nutella... it's so delicious that you can't stop eating it. And what toasts, cookies or croissants you can make with Nutella! Let's see how to quickly make Nutella at home...

An amazing dessert, so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off it! The taste is most delicate, and the best part is that the pie is not very high in calories, so you can afford a piece or even two)))

These rolls are perfect for tea or coffee, the rolls are prepared very quickly on a curd dough base, we use any jam or thick jam as a filling...

The famous French Tatin is prepared from the simplest and cheapest ingredients, and is prepared quite quickly and with excellent results. That's why everyone loved him so much...

Try a real French cake with the romantic name “Crepeville”. This cake is made from pancakes and custard, it turns out so airy, tasty and aromatic...

Pudding is the English name; in Russia this dessert was called rice babka or baba. It was often prepared for children, and not only because the pudding turns out tasty and healthy...

Just imagine the taste of an airy sponge cake plus the taste of ripe aromatic strawberries plus whipped cream... It's really delicious. This dessert is prepared quite simply and quickly...

Usually a cake" Broken glass"made from colored gelatin. It turns out beautifully, but not healthy. Therefore, I suggest replacing gelatin with canned fruits. It turns out even tastier, and without dyes...

During strawberry season, I often spoil my family with strawberry pies and cakes. Of all the recipes, I prefer strawberry cake with custard: it is tender, tasty and beautiful, and has a low calorie content...

This cherry cake is so beautiful and fragrant that it’s simply impossible not to love it. Shortbread dough combined with cherries and sour cream create an unforgettable taste...

No store-bought cookies compare to homemade cakes, especially with cottage cheese cookies. These cookies are quick and easy to prepare. Ingredients: cottage cheese, flour, sugar, butter, egg...

Children simply adore this cake, it is tender, airy, with an unforgettable aroma of honey. It's very easy to prepare. Main ingredients: honey, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, sour cream...

Make this amazing chocolate dessert that will add sophistication and sophistication to a romantic dinner for two. This pudding is often called the dish of love...

The perfect dessert for a birthday, anniversary or wedding. Such a cake will not only delight the heroes of the occasion and invited guests with its amazing taste, but will also emphasize the exclusivity of the moment...

There is nothing tastier than strawberries, except maybe a cake with aromatic strawberry cream. Preparing the cream is quite simple. The main ingredient is fresh strawberries or strawberry jam...

In France, this delicacy is called petit choux; they are made with a sweet or savory filling. In our country they are better known as small custard pies with cream. Ingredients: water, flour, oil, salt, eggs...

This cake consists of two thin sponge cakes, the most delicate egg soufflé, and all this is covered with real chocolate icing. You can prepare this dessert at home...

Treat yourself and your family to this easy carrot cake. It is tasty, low-calorie, and you would never say that it contains regular carrots. Don't believe me? See for yourself...

Prepare a tender and aromatic cheese Easter for Easter. Unlike Easter cake it is not baked, but prepared cold. Ingredients: tender non-acidic cottage cheese, egg yolks, sugar, sour cream, raisins, dried apricots...

Baked Easter from cottage cheese is particularly tender and tasty. Try this original recipe. Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, flour, cream, raisins, candied fruits, butter...

These simple potato-shaped cakes have been known to everyone since Soviet times, but to this day they are loved among those with a sweet tooth. Their advantage is that they are prepared without baking, very quickly and cheaply...

Prepare this magical airy meringue. Just two ingredients and a little patience will allow you to create this culinary miracle. These bezeshki are a great dessert for a meeting of friends or a big holiday feast...

This beautiful and unusual pear dessert is ideal for a romantic dinner. The light aroma of wine mixed with the aromas of spices will create a unique holiday atmosphere...

In just a few minutes you can prepare an unusual, tasty and beautiful dessert. An excellent solution for buffets and parties. Cakes are prepared from whipped cream, cookies and...

Prepare a delicious and low-calorie dessert from fresh pineapple. Now you can enjoy sweets and not be afraid for your figure. In addition, the dessert is so beautiful that it can be placed on a holiday table...

This waffle cake will delight you not only with the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation, but also with its exquisite taste. An excellent cake, both for a regular tea party and for a festive table...

The traditional combination of chocolate, nuts and raisins is already a little boring, so throw away the standards and surprise yourself and your guests with this unusual and surprisingly delicate dessert. The recipe is extremely simple...

Since Soviet times, this tasty and practical dessert has found popular love. And this is no coincidence: it’s original and tasty, it takes fifteen minutes to prepare, and there’s no need to bake it in the oven. I'm sharing a good recipe...

The easiest way to decorate a cake is to cover it with chocolate icing. I am sharing a very simple and quick recipe glaze. To prepare you only need two ingredients and a few minutes of time...

There is nothing simpler and tastier than oven-baked apples. They can be prepared with honey, nuts, dried fruit or just sugar. Always and everywhere this is a desirable dish on any table...

This Italian dessert is famous for its amazing taste, which combines the tenderness of mascarpone cheese, coffee and cocoa. I also liked it because it can be prepared at home...

If you're thinking of making something delicious and original for Valentine's Day, try this sweet heart covered with strawberry frosting. The cake is prepared very quickly and without an oven....

Traditionally, raisins, nuts, spices and marzipan are added to Christmas baked goods, and sweet powdered sugar is sprinkled on top. Despite its apparent complexity, preparing Stollen is not that difficult...

Home distinctive feature All sweet flans are characterized by the presence of caramel. Therefore, it is not surprising that we will begin the preparation of this delicious dessert with the preparation of caramel...

On Maslenitsa it is necessary to prepare all kinds of pancake dishes. Treat yourself and your loved ones with this delicious and unusual cake made from pancakes and the most delicate curd filling...

A very simple recipe from, so to speak, basic ingredients, but the result is one hundred percent. By the way, you can decorate the cakes with any fresh or candied fruit. Strawberry and kiwi are ideal..

I offer several unusual recipe Anthill cake. It is made from sweet cookies, chocolate and nuts. It cooks very quickly, it turns out delicious, the kids are simply delighted with it and are ready to eat it with spoons...

Do you want something tasty and original? Then try these delicious chocolate banana brownies. It is no coincidence that this delicacy is popular with both adults and children...

Success sponge cake depends not only on how good the biscuit itself is. The cream itself plays an important role. It is the filling that will make your cake exquisite, delicate, unique, it will add an accent...

No store-bought sponge cake can compare in taste and tenderness to homemade sponge cake. Therefore, we learn to bake sponge cakes, and then using different fillings We are preparing real masterpieces...

What's a birthday, what's a holiday without a cake?! A win-win- this is to prepare a delicious and tender Napoleon cake. This recipe is easy to prepare and...

Recipe for unexpected guests. In just half an hour you will prepare an amazing cake. Try it and you will see for yourself that you can cook from a standard set a delicious cake fast...

Custard is a real lifesaver for both beginners and advanced experienced housewives. It is simple and quick to prepare, its calorie content is much lower than the calorie content of butter and butter creams...

This one is incredibly tasty and healthy dessert better known to us as fruit salad, although his real name is Macedonia, and he came from far, far away, hot, hot Spain...

This dessert is sometimes called pudding, and sometimes flan, but this does not change the essence. This dessert is prepared from eggs and milk, and it turns out unusually tender and tasty. Coconut flakes give the pudding a special taste...

Once you master making chocolate sponge cakes, you will never want a store-bought sponge cake again. After all, baking cakes is not at all difficult, but how much creativity goes into filling and decorating the cake...

Prepare this incredibly tender and tasty curd dessert. Unlike classic recipe it is prepared without baking. Try it and you will see for yourself that this cake is worthy of the highest praise...

The real name of this cream is Natillas and is translated from Spanish as whipped cream. In fact, this dessert is more like a delicate cream rather than cream. Not only children, but also adults simply adore him...

If you are planning to bake a cake for dessert, then prepare for it this light and tasty sour cream, thanks to which the cakes will become especially tender and tasty...

Tasty doesn't mean expensive. It's hard to disagree with this simple truth. After all, from the most ordinary, accessible and inexpensive products, you can prepare such culinary masterpieces that you can swallow your tongue. This also applies to desserts. Those with a sweet tooth will agree that homemade sweets are much tastier than store-bought ones.

We offer you budget recipes for delicious and economical desserts.

In order to prepare this expensive Italian dessert, you do not need to spend a lot of money on purchasing its components. We will provide a recipe for its tasty and budget-friendly analogue.

For cooking, take 5 eggs. Separate the whites and yolks.

Proteins should be mixed with:

  • cottage cheese (300 g),
  • sugar (50 g),
  • vanilla to taste.

The mixer will help you quickly mix the mixture.

  1. Mix the yolks with sugar (50 g) and also use a mixer for whipping.
  2. Brew 3 small spoons of coffee in 15 ml of water.
  3. Take a regular cookie and dip it in coffee. Place in the mold.
  4. Add the mixture with cottage cheese, then with the egg whites.
  5. Repeat the procedure.

There should be at least three or four layers.

Sprinkle cocoa on top of all this splendor.

Refrigerate the almost finished tiramisu for a couple of hours. This delicious treat Recommended to be served with coffee.

Cake "Minute"

It’s no wonder that this dessert ranks first on the list of recipes. Just by the name itself you can guess that its preparation will only take a few minutes.

  1. Beat 2 eggs.
  2. Gradually add a glass of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate container, mix a glass of flour and two large spoons of cocoa. Quench the soda with vinegar or lemon juice and also add to the resulting mixture. Pour the egg-sugar mixture into it.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold and place in the microwave at full power for 4 minutes.

You can use condensed milk as a cream, or you can add butter and bananas to it.

This recipe is extremely easy to follow. Children will be especially delighted with this dessert.

  1. Melt 150 g white chocolate.
  2. Grind 50 g of corn flakes.
  3. Mix them with 50 g of raisins.
  4. Pour melted chocolate over everything and stir.
  5. Form the mixture into balls and place them on a plate lined with foil.
  6. Leave the dessert in the cold for 10 minutes, and the delicious sweetness is ready.

Pan cake recipe

First prepare the cream.

  1. Mix milk (100 g), eggs (2 pcs.), flour (2 tbsp. spoons). Add sugar (1 tbsp.) and vanillin.
  2. Whisk thoroughly and place on low heat.
  3. When the cream becomes thick, you can turn off the heat.
  4. Add butter (200 g) and mix the mixture a little using a mixer.
  5. Give it time to cool down.

Now start preparing the cakes.

  1. Mix condensed milk (1 can) with egg.
  2. Add flour (half a kilogram), slaked soda.
  3. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands.
  4. Form something like a sausage and divide it into 7-8 parts.
  5. Form them into cakes, give them round shape using a plate.
  6. Fry the cakes in a frying pan until golden brown.
  7. Grease them with cream and serve the cake to the table.

Cookie cake

It would seem that cookies themselves are an independent dessert. But you can make a dessert from it, somewhat reminiscent of the legendary “Potato”. The main advantage of this recipe is that the cake is made without baking.

  1. Finely break 250 g of cookies (sugar, Yubileinoye, For Coffee) and then grind using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Mix a glass of sugar and 3 large spoons of cocoa.
  3. Add half a glass of warm milk to them and stir.
  4. Mix this mass with 100 g of butter cut into pieces.
  5. Now you can combine everything with cookies and add nuts or seeds.

You can lay out the cake in the form of a snake.

Don't be scared unusual name dessert. In fact, the recipe is very easy and simple.

  1. Prepare 4 apples, remove the core and cut into several parts (preferably in half).
  2. Bake them in the oven (microwave). Then peel off the skin.
  3. Mash the apples with a fork and add honey (3 large spoons). Stir.
  4. Beat 1 egg into this mixture.
  5. Dissolve another large spoonful of honey (preferably in a water bath).
  6. Pour honey into the baking molds and place the apple mixture on top.
  7. Place on a baking sheet with water. It will be better if it reaches the middle of the molds.
  8. Leave for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Serve also in ramekins with delicious jam or jam.

  1. Cut three bananas lengthwise and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Separately mix 300 g of cottage cheese, 5 large spoons of honey, 150 g of yogurt and 2 eggs.
  3. Pour the mixture over the bananas.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Making economical and simple desserts is easy. After all, the most delicious food usually consists of the most ordinary ingredients.

Cake composition: eggs - 3 pcs., butter. - 200 g, sugar - 100 g (a little more than 0.5 cup), flour - 200 g (2 cups), baking powder - 1 teaspoon, ma..

Baking, Cupcakes

Cake composition: butter (drained) or margarine - 200 g, cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1.5 cups, milk - 0.5 cups, flour - 2 cups, eggs - 4 pcs., baking powder..

Chocolate cake with walnuts. Ingredients: eggs - 4 pcs., sugar - 0.5 cups., butter. - 50 g, baking powder - 1 teaspoon, flour - 3/4..

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cupcakes

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Simple but very delicious cookies homemade. Ingredients: chicken eggs - 3 pieces, butter (cream) - 150 g, sugar - 200 g, vanilla...

Baked goods, Sweet pastries, Cookies

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Delicious buns with sugar filling made from lean yeast dough. Baking ingredients: flour - 6 cups, water - 500 ml, sugar - 0.5 cup. + for stuffing buns,..

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A sweet dish of Tatar cuisine made from honey, butter and flour, it is very simple to prepare. Ingredients: butter - 200 g, honey - 200 g, flour - 200 g, Recipe..

For dessert

A confectionery product that is easy to prepare and very loved by children and adults. Ingredients: chicken eggs - 4 pcs., butter (butter) or..

Baking, Sweet pastries

Beautiful wreath made of delicate choux pastry with cream filling and berries will decorate any holiday. Ingredients: Dough composition: butter...

Recipe pear jam for a long time winter storage. Ingredients of the jam: pears - 1 kg, sugar (sand) - 4.5 cups, water - 3 cups. Cooking..

Preparations, Jam

When making confectionery and fruit dishes and preparations for the winter, sometimes you need sugar syrups. Also flavored syrups..

Baking, Sweet pastries

Sweet jam from watermelon rinds is prepared as follows: Ingredients: watermelon rinds - 1 kg, water - 9 glasses, sugar - 1.2 kg,...

Preparations, Jam

To prepare 6 servings of brownies with mascapone cheese and chocolate ganache, you will need a 20 cm mold and the following products. Ingredients:..

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cakes

Delicious cake with strawberry souffle from biscuit dough. Ingredients: Dough composition chicken eggs - 2 pcs, sugar - 0.5 cup, flour - 1/3 cup...

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This egg white frosting is suitable for coating Easter cakes, gingerbread cookies, cakes or cupcakes. Glaze composition: egg white - 1 piece, sugar...

Baking, Sweet pastries, Cream

Light and airy meringue cakes are also called meringues (in different countries they are called differently) and meringues are no different from meringues, the difference is...