A huge number of different myths are concentrated around human emotions and feelings. This is due to the fact that people have a poor understanding of their diversity and importance. To learn to understand each other correctly, you need to understand what types of emotions exist and find out their characteristics. In addition, you need to learn to distinguish genuine feelings from mere window dressing.

What are emotions and feelings?

The emotional sphere of a person is a complex intricacy of elements that together make it possible to experience everything that happens to him and around him. It consists of four main components:

  • Emotional tone is a response in the form of an experience that sets the state of the body. It is this that informs the body about how satisfied its current needs are and how comfortable it is now. If you listen to yourself, you can evaluate your emotional tone.
  • Emotions are subjective experiences relating to situations and events that are important to a person.
  • Feeling is sustainable emotional attitude person to some object. They are always subjective and appear in the process of interaction with others.
  • An emotional state differs from a feeling in its weak focus on an object, and from an emotion - longer duration and sustainability. It is always triggered by certain feelings and emotions, but at the same time as if on its own. A person may be in a state of euphoria, anger, depression, melancholy, etc.

Video: Psychology. Emotions and feelings

Functions and types of emotions

Emotions, to a greater or lesser extent, regulate the lives of each of us. Usually they have four main functions:

  • Motivational-regulatory, designed to encourage action, guide and regulate. Often emotions completely suppress thinking in regulating human behavior.
  • Communication is responsible for mutual understanding. It is emotions that tell us about a person’s mental and physical state and help us choose the right line of behavior when communicating with him. Thanks to emotions, we can understand each other even without knowing the language.
  • Signaling allows you to communicate your needs to others using emotionally expressive movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
  • Protective is expressed in the fact that a person’s instant emotional reaction can, in some cases, save him from danger.

Scientists have already proven that the more complex the organization Living being, the richer and more varied is the range of emotions that it is capable of experiencing.

Emotions and feelings

In addition, all emotions can be divided into several types. The nature of the experience (pleasant or unpleasant) determines the sign of the emotion - positive or negative. Emotions are also divided into types depending on the impact on human activity - sthenic and asthenic. The former encourage a person to act, while the latter, on the contrary, lead to stiffness and passivity. But the same emotion can affect people or the same person differently in different situations. For example, severe grief plunges one person into despondency and inaction, while the other person seeks solace in work.

Not only people have emotions, but also animals. For example, experiencing severe stress, they may change their behavior - become calmer or nervous, refuse food or stop responding to the world.

Also, the type of emotions determines their modality. According to modality, three basic emotions are distinguished: fear, anger and joy, and the rest are only their peculiar expression. For example, fear, worry, anxiety and horror are different manifestations of fear.

The main human emotions

As we have already said, emotions are usually associated with the current moment and are a person’s reaction to a change in his current state. Among them, several main ones stand out:

  • joy is an intense feeling of satisfaction with one’s condition and situation;
  • fear is the body’s defensive reaction in the event of a threat to its health and well-being;
  • excitement - increased excitability caused by both positive and negative experiences, takes part in the formation of a person’s readiness for important event and activates his nervous system;
  • interest is an innate emotion that spurs the cognitive aspect of the emotional sphere;
  • surprise is an experience reflecting the contradiction between existing experience and new one;
  • resentment is an experience associated with the manifestation of injustice towards a person;
  • anger, anger, rage are negatively colored affects directed against perceived injustice;
  • embarrassment - worry about the impression made on others;
  • pity is a surge of emotions that occurs when the suffering of another person is perceived as one’s own.

Most of us easily distinguish the emotions of another by external manifestations.

Types of human feelings

Human feelings are often confused with emotions, but they have many differences. Feelings take time to arise; they are more persistent and less likely to change. They are all divided into three categories:

  • Moral (moral or emotional) feelings arise in relation to the behavior of others or oneself. Their development occurs in the course of any activity and is usually associated with moral standards accepted in society. Depending on how much what is happening corresponds to a person’s internal attitudes, he develops a feeling of indignation or, conversely, satisfaction. This category also includes all attachments, likes and dislikes, love and hatred.
  • Intellectual feelings are experienced by a person in the course of mental activity. These include inspiration, joy from success and stress from failure.
  • A person experiences aesthetic feelings when creating or appreciating something beautiful. This can apply to both objects of art and natural phenomena.
  • Practical feelings give rise to human activity, its results, success or failure.

Feelings and emotions are closely related to our inner qualities; they are simply a reflection of what is happening inside us. We are often afraid and deny our own emotions, confuse emotions with feelings, feelings with states.

After talking with people, attending many trainings and conducting more than one consultation, we became convinced that people are not at all aware of their emotions. Oh no, they are not insensitive idiots, they continue to experience the whole range of emotions, without any understanding of what emotion they are experiencing in this moment. The simplest and most common question in all trainings and psychological consultations is: “How do you feel now?” - confuses people.

It is absolutely impossible to deal with your problems if you cannot even determine how you feel about this or that person or situation, or about this or that event.

What causes feelings and emotions

Not only are our feelings and emotions not recognized in themselves, but their causes remain a mystery to many.

There are a huge number of emotions and feelings and there is no definitive list of them either in psychology or physiology. The reason for this is that many emotions and feelings are purely social phenomena. The emergence of new emotions or their acquisition of a different meaning is due to the development of society. We do not feel many emotions and feelings at birth, but we learn them from our parents, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even from the TV and film industry. All of them taken together from the very early childhood show and tell us what we should feel, how and in what situations. If you do not experience a certain range of feelings and sensations on some specific occasion, you are considered strange, not of this world, or even better - insensitive and selfish.

Innate human emotions

In addition to socially determined emotions, there are also innate ones. These are the emotions that a baby has from birth. Some experts classify as innate emotions those that appear in a baby shortly after birth, where the social factor and parental training apparently play a minimal role. The list of these emotions is very small and neither scientists nor psychologists have come to a consensus on which emotions should be included. Many agree that joy - contentment, interest - excitement, surprise - fear, anger - anger, disgust, fear - these are the emotions that are innate, the rest were taught to us.

We think it’s time to “take our head out of the sand” and figure out what we really feel, what caused this emotion in us and who “taught” us to feel this way and not otherwise.

Read and be surprised :-)


Excitement- an emotional state that is distinguished by a very strong interest in what is happening and a persistent desire to continue.

Types of excitement:

  • Resource passion - in this state the effectiveness of actions is very high.

The excitement of doing something you love; the passion of an entrepreneur; excitement in mastering new knowledge.

  • Gambling is destructive - in it, self-control, as a rule, is lost.

Gambler's excitement in a casino.

Apathy - a state of complete indifference, disinterest, lack of emotions and feelings. A person with apathetic manifestations experiences neither pleasure nor displeasure. Apathy is often seen as a result of severe and prolonged severe stress. It is a product of a defensive struggle against unbearable feelings of despair and loneliness or the threat of death. Outwardly, manifestations of apathy have the character of alienation - “refusal” from the objective world, but analysis often reveals preserved unconscious attachments, denied or disavowed by the defense.


Serenity - an imperturbably calm state.

Hopelessness - complete despair, lack of any hope.

Safety - This is a calm and confident state of mind in a person who considers himself protected from threat or danger.

Indifference - a state of complete indifference, disinterest.

Anxiety - an emotional state characterized by the experience of excitement, anxiety, discomfort, and an unpleasant premonition of evil. Arises under the influence of poorly understood and unknown factors external environment or the internal state of the person himself.

Helplessness - a negative state caused by unfavorable situations that cannot be prevented or overcome.

Powerlessness - confusion and severe annoyance at the realization of the impossibility of improving the difficult state of affairs, getting out of a dangerous or difficult situation.

Rabies - state of extreme irritation.

Gratitude - a feeling of obligation, respect and love for another person (in particular, expressed in appropriate actions) for a benefit done to him.

Bliss - a state of complete and undisturbed happiness, pleasure, a state of supreme satisfaction, supersensual unearthly happiness.

Cheerfulness - a state of high energy, excess strength and desire to do something.

Pain - a painful sensation reflecting the psychophysiological state of a person, which occurs under the influence of super-strong or destructive stimuli. Heartache- this is a specific mental experience not associated with organic or functional disorders. Often accompanied by depression and mental illness. More often long-lasting and associated with loss loved one.

Disgust - exactingness, fastidiousness regarding cleanliness, compliance with hygiene rules (regarding food, clothing, etc.).


Inspiration - a state of lightness, the ability to create, a feeling of “everything is possible, everything works out!”, doing with enthusiasm and pleasure. A state of spiritual renewal, new birth, the will to creativity, elation, inner insight and passion.

Fun - a carefree and joyful mood, characterized by a desire to laugh and have fun.

Guilt - an affective state characterized by the manifestation of fear, remorse and self-reproach, a feeling of one’s own insignificance, suffering and the need for repentance.

Falling in love - a strong, positively colored feeling (or complex of feelings), the object of which is another person, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, which may result in a distorted assessment of the object of love. Acute emotional experience, attraction to the object of sexual choice. V. can quickly fade away or turn into a stable feeling of love.

Lust - passionate desire, strong sensual attraction, sexual attraction.

Outrage - extreme dissatisfaction, indignation, anger.

Mental excitement - the same as physiological affect, a condition that reduces a person’s ability to understand the meaning of his actions or to direct them.

Inspiration- increased desire to do something. Inspiration is a precursor to inspiration, a slightly less emotionally vibrant state. Inspiration arises and develops from inspiration.

Delight - overflowing joy. What will this overflow of energy result in? The next question is...

Delight - a joyful state of admiration, radiance from beauty and gratitude for beauty.

Hostility - strong dislike for someone, including hatred, ill will.

Arrogance - to look at someone from the height of your greatness is contemptuous arrogance. A negative moral quality that characterizes a disrespectful, contemptuous, arrogant attitude towards other people (individuals, certain social strata or people in general), associated with an exaggeration of one’s own merits and selfishness.


Anger- targeted aggression through open direct pressure on a partner. The world is hostile. Anger is usually expressed by an energetic, powerful scream.

Pride- a feeling of strength, freedom and height of position. Respect for a person, oneself for one’s own or someone else’s achievements that seem significant.

Pride- this is crooked pride. A person’s confidence that he himself is the only reason for his success. “I know for everyone what’s best for everyone.”

Sadness- an emotional state when the world around us seems gray, alien, hard and uncomfortable, painted in beautiful transparent gray and minor tones. Often, when you feel sad, you want to cry, you want to be alone. In sadness, the world is not yet hostile, but it is no longer friendly: it is only ordinary, inconvenient and alien, caustic. Usually the cause of sadness is a difficult event in life: separation from a loved one, loss of a loved one. Sadness is not an innate emotion, but an acquired one.


Duality- a feeling of duality, as a result of opposing internal urges to do something.


Respect- the position of one person in relation to another, recognition of the merits of the individual. A position that prescribes not to harm another: neither physically - through violence, nor morally - through judgment.

Confidence- a person’s mental state in which he considers some information to be true. Confidence is psychological characteristics faith and belief of a person. Confidence can be a result own experience personality and as a result of external influence. For example, confidence can appear in a person in addition to (and sometimes against) his will and consciousness under the influence of suggestion. A person can also induce a feeling of confidence through self-hypnosis (for example, autogenic training).

Hobby (extra valuable)- a one-sided and intense hobby that occupies an inappropriate place in a person’s life, having a disproportionate impact on him great importance, special meaning. The ability to become very passionate about something or someone is associated with a system of personal values ​​and ideals. This, for example, is sports fanaticism, which may hide a feeling of inferiority, or too much attention paid to one's appearance, which may hide self-doubt.

Astonishment- this is a short-term, quickly passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event; a mental state when something seems strange, unusual, unexpected. Surprise occurs when there is dissonance between a person’s imaginary picture of the world and what is actually happening. The greater the dissonance, the greater the surprise.

Satisfaction- a feeling of contentment and joy about the fulfillment of one’s desires and needs, about successfully developed conditions, through one’s actions, etc. Satisfaction usually comes when a goal is achieved. For young children, satisfaction can still be brought by the work itself, the process, and not the results of its implementation. Due to socialization, it is becoming increasingly difficult for adults to receive satisfaction from the process.

Pleasure- a feeling, experience that accompanies the satisfaction of a need or interest (the same as pleasure). Pleasure accompanies a decrease in internal tension (physical and mental) and helps restore the vital functions of the body. Behind pleasure there is always a desire, which, ultimately, as an individual desire, society seeks to take control of. However, in the process of socialization, the natural attitude towards pleasure is limited. Expanding functional contacts with others require a person to control his desire for pleasure, delay receiving pleasure, tolerate displeasure, etc. The principle of pleasure manifests itself in opposition to social demands and rules and acts as the basis of personal independence: in pleasure a person belongs to himself, is freed from obligations and in this regard is sovereign.

Dejection– a depressed, painful, languid state (from poverty, illness, other unfavorable circumstances, due to serious failures).

Horror– sudden and strong fear, internal trembling, the highest degree of fear, permeated with despair and hopelessness when confronted with something threatening, unknowable and alien; dizziness from the premonition of a total fiasco. Horror for a person is always forced, imposed from the outside - and in the case when we're talking about about psychic obsession.

Tenderness- a feeling of calm, sweet pity, humility, contrition, spiritual, welcoming participation, goodwill.

Pacification- a state of complete peace and satisfaction.

Humiliation– individual or group actions aimed at lowering a person’s status, usually in some way that embarrasses or offends the person. Some common actions, considered humiliating are offensive words, gestures, body movements, slaps, spitting in his direction, etc. Some experts believe that key point is that humiliation is determined by the consciousness of the humiliated himself. In order to be humiliated, a person must consider the action humiliating. For some people, humiliation is a pleasure and a source of arousal (for example, in sexual role playing games), but for the overwhelming majority – ordeal, which they do not want to be subjected to. Humiliation is accompanied by extremely painful emotional shock and affects the most sensitive parts of human self-esteem. If you hit it too hard, even a modest person can respond with aggression.

Dejection– hopeless sadness, loss of spirit, loss of hope for achieving what is desired or essential.

Rapture- a state of delight, pleasure, “admiration, delight, moral, spiritual intoxication.”

Fatigue- a physical and mental state of fatigue, characterized by weakened reactions, lethargy, drowsiness, and inattention. Fatigue arises from overload, from strong tension, from experiencing difficulties, grief, conflicts, from long periods of tedious, routine work. This condition is the result of either poor work organization or poor health, but the cause of fatigue is large quantities unresolved interpersonal and internal conflicts, which, as a rule, are not realized.


Frustration- a state that arises as a result of anxiety about the impossibility of achieving goals and satisfying drives, the collapse of plans and hopes.


Shock (emotional) - strong emotion accompanied by physiological shocks. Shock occurs as a result of the appearance of a new element in life to which the subject is not able to immediately adapt.

Psychologists distinguish:

  • weak and fleeting shock, at the level of pleasant and unpleasant;
  • shock causing more or less long-term maladjustment (strong emotion, loss of a dear being);
  • shock, causing long-term maladjustment and thereby even leading to madness.


Euphoria- a mental state of joyful excitement and enthusiasm, accompanied by high spirits, excitement, and jubilation.

Exaltation- an emotional state of elevated liveliness with a tinge of unnatural enthusiasm, which seems to have no reason. It manifests itself either in the form of a dreamy mood or inexplicable inspiration.

Ecstasy- the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy.

Enthusiasm- an emotional state characterized by pronounced self-motivation. A very resourceful state that can quickly fade away.


Fury- strong, violently manifested anger, frenzy, a rush of strong passion with aggressive behavior, an extreme form of manifestation of anger. Active opposition to what we consider evil, a desire to fight, to fight for our idea, rights, freedom, independence or other values. A person in a state of Rage has virtually no control over his actions in a conflict.

It's no secret that emotions play an important role in our lives. When communicating with people, you can probably notice that people show emotions in different ways and share their feelings.

Emotions are an adaptive mechanism that is inherent in us by nature to assess the situation. After all, a person does not always have time when he can correctly and accurately assess what is happening to him. Let’s say in a situation of danger... And then once - I felt something and there is a feeling that I either “like” or “don’t like”.

Moreover, the emotional assessment is the most accurate - nature cannot deceive. Emotional assessment occurs very quickly and reason and logic are not “mixed” here. After all, you can logically explain anything and give a bunch of rational arguments.

Watching people (including myself), I notice that there are situations in which people either ignore their emotions, or try not to notice them, or simply are not aware of them. I will not now make assumptions about the reasons for this, I will only say that without listening to oneself, to one’s emotional life, a person cannot adequately and most fully perceive the situation, and thereby make the most effective decision.

In ordinary life, this can manifest itself in the fact that by ignoring or repressing his emotions, a person can create an incorrect belief for himself. For example, if a wife ignores/does not recognize or does not want to admit her anger towards her husband, she may take out her irritation on another person or children, in a completely different situation.

Or, I had a client who had the following belief: “I cannot offend a person, upset him.” As it turned out, if a person gets angry, she will experience a feeling of guilt that she did not want to face.

In my consultations, I very often encounter emotional sphere. I once noticed that sometimes it is very difficult for people to say what they really feel or what emotion they are experiencing right now. Even if a person realizes that he has some kind of feeling now, sometimes it is very difficult to say it in words, to name it.

One of my clients told me this: “I feel a GOOD feeling, but I don’t know what it’s called...”.

And I decided to fill this gap on the pages of my site. Below is a list of emotions and feelings that I managed to find, I hope that by reading it you can significantly increase your awareness of what may be happening to you.

And, by the way, you can test yourself: before you look at the list, I suggest you compose it yourself, and then compare how complete your list is...

Have a close relationship with inner world of people. Every person is very often timid and denies own feelings, confusing them with emotions or own fortune. To confuse any person, simply ask him how he feels now. This question can baffle every member of society. Many psychotherapists confirm the difficulty this issue, because it is very difficult to talk about a momentary sensation that changes instantly. People differ from machines in that they experience a wide variety of emotional sensations every second. Just as it is difficult to understand feelings and emotions, their reason remains a mystery to many.

Feelings have a stable emotional coloring of the relationship to a situation, object or subject. Feeling and thoughts are completely connected with each other.

Not only are our feelings and emotions not understood in themselves, but their causes remain a mystery to many.

Means of cognition of sensations

A person receives all information about the world through the senses. These include: eyes, skin, nose, tongue, ears. With the help of these organs, people have an idea of ​​the world around them, see them, hear them, can feel them, and distinguish taste. There are other organs, but they are not the main ones.

Classification of feelings

There is no clear classification of feelings. But there are certain sets of feelings programmed by the film industry, by the interaction of society with an individual. Thus, an established set of all the feelings that everyone should feel was developed. Without experiencing what society feels, you can very quickly fall into the category of “strange” people.

It is enough to correctly determine what feelings a person has - it will absolutely not work. Some sensations haunt a person since the maternity hospital, while others he learns in the process of life, from his family, friends, and acquaintances. The baby experiences innate feelings from birth. Many scientists argue that innate emotions include manifestations in a child immediately after birth, before the social factor and the role of parents play their role. Psychologists have not yet come to a single list of these feelings. But still, the majority claims that these include: pleasure, joy, excitability, interest, surprise, fear, anger, irritability, fear, disgust. Other emotions come with age.

Higher feelings can also be called moral; they indicate how a person relates to the society in which he is, to the people around him, to himself. However, they are subjective, because the individual learns to understand the interpretation of good and bad actions in his own society, in which the norm of behavior may be completely opposite to other societies.

Higher or moral feelings express a person’s attitude towards society, the people around him and himself. Higher feelings are always subjective, because we learn what is right and what is wrong from our society, and the norms of behavior can be completely opposite in different societies.

Basic feelings, human emotions, can be divided into 3 groups: positive, negative, neutral.

The positive ones include:

  • joyful emotions
  • pleasure
  • enthusiasm
  • confidence
  • satisfaction
  • tenderness
  • joy
  • pride
  • Delight
  • confidence
  • hardness
  • rapture
  • favor
  • attachment
  • respect
  • appreciation
  • moved
  • complacency
  • weasel
  • malignancy
  • complacency
  • relief
  • harmlessness.

To the negative:

  • grief
  • despondency
  • bitterness
  • insult
  • despair
  • fear
  • dissatisfaction
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • compassion
  • remorse
  • resentment
  • enmity
  • envy
  • indecisiveness
  • jealousy
  • anger
  • sadness
  • yearning
  • disgust
  • neglect
  • chagrin
  • regret
  • remorse


  • curiosity
  • astonishment
  • amazement
  • calmness
  • indifference

Every person has experienced one or another feeling at least once in their life. Positive feelings have a beneficial effect on human body, consolidate the desired form of behavior in memory. Negative ones, despite the fact that they are ignored and people try to forget them quickly, do not pass without a trace. It’s not for nothing that all doctors constantly say that you need to think only about the good, rejecting bad thoughts. If you cannot avoid negative emotions, then it is better to develop the habit of reacting neutrally. Let it be better to be indifferent if you can’t think positively. As a result, if a person constantly analyzes his behavior and attitude towards what is happening, then things can be either better or worse.

All types of feelings and emotions can be divided into negative (sadness, fear, hostility, disappointment, anger, despair, guilt, jealousy), positive (happiness, mood, joy, love, gratitude, hope) and neutral (compassion, surprise).

Human feelings in psychology consider subjective experiences of emotions. Experiences and mental states of the body that arise when the brain perceives emotions that appear in external stimuli are considered.

Example: You see a tiger in the distance, you feel a sense of fear and you feel terrified.

Feelings and reactions to emotions occur in an area of ​​the brain. In addition, they are subjective in nature, being influenced personal experience, memories and beliefs.

The fundamental difference between emotions and feelings, according to neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, is that emotions are involuntary responses, a more complex version of a reflex. For example, when you are in danger and your momentum accelerates. Feeling is awareness of that emotion.

Feelings are part of the human being from birth. We are sensory beings, and we can perceive the world through various senses.

Feelings are part of a person from the moment of birth. We are sensory beings and we can perceive the world through various senses.

Many stimuli awaken our senses: we sense what we think, what we observe, what we hear, what we feel, what we touch, or what we eat.

Human emotions and feelings

There are 6 basic emotions in humans: disgust, anger, fear, surprise, joy and sadness.

First, we must distinguish feelings from emotions.

Although these two terms are used in a vague manner in many cases, we will see a definition of each:

Emotions- these are impulses that are associated with automatic reactions and represent an innate set of adaptation systems to environment individual.

Emotions typically have a shorter duration than feelings and are those that motivate and encourage people to act. They are shorter but also more intense.

Feelings are blocks of integrated information, a synthesis of data from previous experiences that a person has lived, desires, projects and his own value system.

You can understand feelings as a subjective state of a person that arises as a result of the emotions that something or someone evokes.

They are emotional mood and are generally durable. They are the inner guide to how a person manages his life and confronts the environment.

Feelings: their types and functions

Research agrees, pointing to four main functions of the senses:

Subjective and specific point of view of the subject

They serve to establish their connection with the world. People, as well as the knowledge and environment perceived by the individual, pass through the filter of the senses earlier.

These are those who interpret if something is known, wanted, desired, or, on the contrary, rejected.

Feelings are meant to represent people

Subjectively and differently for each individual, they indicate the state in which we find ourselves at all levels (biological, mental, social, economic, etc.).

The meanings according to which a person acts

Through feelings a person leads his behavior in one direction or another. They set the guidelines, the way forward. They make it easier to appreciate the reality in which we act in a certain way.

Feelings are the basis of the connection that unites us with other people

They help us express ourselves, communicate and understand each other.

First, feelings influence where we are and therefore how we act.

Additionally, this expression is perceived by the person we are interacting with, indicating what state we are in and acting as the basis of our communication.

Secondly, feelings allow us to develop empathy, help us understand the state that another is in, and makes it easier for us to put ourselves in their shoes so that we can understand and help them.

Types of human feelings

We can divide types of feelings into three types depending on the reactions they provoke in the person experiencing them: negative, positive and neutral.

Negative feelings

Negative feelings manifest as discomfort in a person and serve to indicate that something is wrong. Although the common tendency is to dismiss this type of feeling, it is necessary to live with it, analyze it and learn from it.

This, among other things, helps us develop as humans. Although from time to time they can become more serious generators of conditions and lead to diseases such as anxiety.

This occurs when negative feelings are stronger than positive, repetitive and habitual ones.

Exists long list feelings that can be categorized as negative. We will only name and define some of the most common ones:

Feelings of sadness appear as a response to events that are considered unpleasant or undesirable. A person feels despondent, wants to cry and has low self-esteem.

The main triggers of sadness are separation of a physical or psychological state, loss or failure, disappointment and situations of helplessness.

Anger is defined as a response to irritability or anger that occurs when a person feels that his rights have been violated.

The main triggers of anger are in situations where a person feels wounded, deceived or betrayed. These are situations that block a person and prevent him from achieving his goal.

The feeling of fear arises due to the appearance of danger, or their possible appearance in the near future. Serves as an alarm warning of the proximity of danger.

The fear that a person feels will be related to resources and real opportunities to fight him.

That is, in cases where a person believes that he does not have enough resources to cope with the situation there will be a feeling of fear.

Hostility is defined as feelings of resentment, bitterness, and resentment that are accompanied by verbal responses and/or motor reactions.

The main triggers are physical violence and indirect tolerance of hostility. When a person feels that another is pointing at him, or at some close person in his environment, an attitude of irritability, dissatisfaction or apprehension manifests itself.

Feelings of hopelessness are characterized by the subjective belief of a person who has little or no alternative to change an unpleasant situation. Or you feel unable to mobilize your energy and use it to your advantage.

This feeling is taken into account in the cases of people with depression because, as numerous studies have shown, it correlates with autolytic ideas and attempts.

The main triggers are usually decreased or worsening physical and/or psychological well-being, social isolation and long-term stress.

The feeling of disappointment occurs when a person's expectations are not met, unable to achieve what is intended.

The more expectations or desires there are to achieve it, the greater the disappointment if it is not achieved. The main trigger is the failure of a desire or hope to achieve something.

The feeling of hatred is defined as antipathy or disgust towards something or someone. There is also a feeling of wanting evil for the hated object or object.

Primary factors are people or events that cause or threaten a person's existence.

Guilt arises from a belief or a sense of violation of social or social ethical standards, especially if someone is harmed.

The main trigger is an omission (or belief in commission) that a person commits that leads to remorse and a bad conscience.

Jealousy is defined as the feeling experienced by a person when she suspects that a loved one feels love or affection for another, or when she feels that another person prefers a third party over her.

Various situations that are real or perceived as threatening by a person can cause such feelings.

Positive feelings

Positive feelings are those that generate in a person a subjective state of well-being in which a situation is assessed as beneficial and implies pleasant and desirable sensations.

In addition, numerous studies have shown the benefits of having positive emotions, highlighting among others:

  • Greater flexibility of thought
  • This promotes creativity and a broader perspective.

They function as a buffer of negative feelings because the two are incompatible. They protect the physical and mental health person, for example, acting against stress and preventing harmful effects on a person. And they support social connections, not only producing well-being in us, but also those around us.

Below we will name and define the most common positive feelings:

The feeling of happiness has a great influence on a person. It is a way in which life is valued positively in all its different aspects, like family, couple or work.

A number of benefits derived from happiness have been demonstrated, such as increased empathy, creativity, learning or altruistic behavior.

The main triggers are the person's achievement of the goals or objectives he or she wants and the fit between what he or she wants and what he or she has.

Humor refers to the perception of a stimulus as pleasure and can be accompanied by physical expressions such as smiling or laughing. It also gives the person a good predisposition to perform the task.

Triggers can be very varied and varied in nature, usually the situation or social environment.

The feeling of joy is characterized by the creation Have a good mood and personal well-being, in addition, a person in this state has a constructive and optimistic mood.

A trigger is usually an event that a person perceives as favorable. It may also be accompanied by some kind of physical sign, similar to a smile.

It may be a transitional state as a result of a specific fact (passing an exam or getting a job) or a life tendency or habitual attitude by which a person guides his life.

Love is defined as the affection we feel for a person, animal, object or idea. Triggers are perceptions or subjective judgments we make about another person.

Other factors, such as loneliness or insecurity, can lead to feeling love as a necessity.


This feeling is felt when a person appreciates the benefit or benefit that someone has provided. This is accompanied by a desire to correspond with the same message.

Primary triggers may be actions performed by another person or a sense of general well-being that the person values.


This feeling is defined as a belief on the part of a person that he can achieve the goals or objectives that he has proposed. The person believes that he has the potential or resources necessary to solve a given situation.

In addition, this feeling can act as a stimulus, providing motivation and energy that is aimed specifically at achieving what is proposed.

Triggers can be very diverse. On the one hand, the confidence that a person is on his own. And, on the other hand, an unfavorable situation may predispose a person to feel hope of overcoming it.

Neutral feelings

Neutral feelings are those that, when they occur, do not cause pleasant or unpleasant reactions, but they will facilitate the occurrence of later ones emotional states. Some of the basic neutral feelings are:


This is a feeling in which a person can feel pity for another who is suffering or in an unpleasant situation, and also wants to accompany him in this process.

Triggers can vary, but usually it involves an unpleasant situation that happens to someone in the environment, although it does not have to be a loved one or a famous person.


Surprise is defined as a reaction caused by something new, strange or unexpected. A person’s attention is directed to processing and analyzing the stimulus that provoked the reaction.

Triggers are those stimuli that are not expected and appear suddenly or occur in a context that is not normal.